3 * Matomo - free/libre analytics platform
4 *
5 * @link https://matomo.org
6 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
7 *
8 */
9namespace Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager;
11use DateTimeZone;
12use Exception;
13use Piwik\Access;
14use Piwik\CacheId;
15use Piwik\Common;
16use Piwik\Container\StaticContainer;
17use Piwik\Date;
18use Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\CurrencyDataProvider;
19use Matomo\Network\IPUtils;
20use Piwik\Option;
21use Piwik\Piwik;
22use Piwik\Plugin\SettingsProvider;
23use Piwik\Plugins\CorePluginsAdmin\SettingsMetadata;
24use Piwik\Plugins\WebsiteMeasurable\Settings\Urls;
25use Piwik\Settings\Measurable\MeasurableProperty;
26use Piwik\Settings\Measurable\MeasurableSettings;
27use Piwik\ProxyHttp;
28use Piwik\Scheduler\Scheduler;
29use Piwik\SettingsPiwik;
30use Piwik\SettingsServer;
31use Piwik\Site;
32use Piwik\Tracker;
33use Piwik\Tracker\Cache;
34use Piwik\Tracker\TrackerCodeGenerator;
35use Piwik\Measurable\Type;
36use Piwik\Translation\Translator;
37use Piwik\Url;
38use Piwik\UrlHelper;
39use Piwik\DataAccess\Model as CoreModel;
42 * The SitesManager API gives you full control on Websites in Matomo (create, update and delete), and many methods to retrieve websites based on various attributes.
43 *
44 * This API lets you create websites via "addSite", update existing websites via "updateSite" and delete websites via "deleteSite".
45 * When creating websites, it can be useful to access internal codes used by Matomo for currencies via "getCurrencyList", or timezones via "getTimezonesList".
46 *
47 * There are also many ways to request a list of websites: from the website ID via "getSiteFromId" or the site URL via "getSitesIdFromSiteUrl".
48 * Often, the most useful technique is to list all websites that are known to a current user, based on the token_auth, via
49 * "getSitesWithAdminAccess", "getSitesWithViewAccess" or "getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess" (which returns both).
50 *
51 * Some methods will affect all websites globally: "setGlobalExcludedIps" will set the list of IPs to be excluded on all websites,
52 * "setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters" will set the list of URL parameters to remove from URLs for all websites.
53 * The existing values can be fetched via "getExcludedIpsGlobal" and "getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal".
54 * See also the documentation about <a href='http://matomo.org/docs/manage-websites/' rel='noreferrer' target='_blank'>Managing Websites</a> in Matomo.
55 * @method static \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API getInstance()
56 */
57class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API
59    const DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS = 'q,query,s,search,searchword,k,keyword';
60    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedIpsGlobal';
61    const OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'SitesManager_DefaultTimezone';
62    const OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'SitesManager_DefaultCurrency';
63    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedQueryParameters';
64    const OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchKeywordParameters';
65    const OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchCategoryParameters';
66    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgentsGlobal';
67    const OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsGlobal';
69    /**
70     * @var SettingsProvider
71     */
72    private $settingsProvider;
74    /**
75     * @var SettingsMetadata
76     */
77    private $settingsMetadata;
79    /**
80     * @var Translator
81     */
82    private $translator;
84    private $timezoneNameCache = [];
86    public function __construct(SettingsProvider $provider, SettingsMetadata $settingsMetadata, Translator $translator)
87    {
88        $this->settingsProvider = $provider;
89        $this->settingsMetadata = $settingsMetadata;
90        $this->translator = $translator;
91    }
93    /**
94     * Returns the javascript tag for the given idSite.
95     * This tag must be included on every page to be tracked by Matomo
96     *
97     * @param int    $idSite
98     * @param string $piwikUrl
99     * @param bool   $mergeSubdomains
100     * @param bool   $groupPageTitlesByDomain
101     * @param bool   $mergeAliasUrls
102     * @param bool   $visitorCustomVariables
103     * @param bool   $pageCustomVariables
104     * @param bool   $customCampaignNameQueryParam
105     * @param bool   $customCampaignKeywordParam
106     * @param bool   $doNotTrack
107     * @param bool   $disableCookies
108     * @param bool   $trackNoScript
109     * @param bool   $crossDomain
110     * @param bool   $forceMatomoEndpoint Whether the Matomo endpoint should be forced if Matomo was installed prior 3.7.0.
111     * @param bool   $excludedQueryParams
112     *
113     * @return string The Javascript tag ready to be included on the HTML pages
114     * @throws Exception
115     */
116    public function getJavascriptTag($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $mergeSubdomains = false, $groupPageTitlesByDomain = false,
117                                     $mergeAliasUrls = false, $visitorCustomVariables = false, $pageCustomVariables = false,
118                                     $customCampaignNameQueryParam = false, $customCampaignKeywordParam = false,
119                                     $doNotTrack = false, $disableCookies = false, $trackNoScript = false,
120                                     $crossDomain = false, $forceMatomoEndpoint = false, $excludedQueryParams = false)
121    {
122        Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite);
124        if (empty($piwikUrl)) {
125            $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl();
126        }
128        // Revert the automatic encoding
129        // TODO remove that when https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/4231 is fixed
130        $piwikUrl = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($piwikUrl);
131        $visitorCustomVariables = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($visitorCustomVariables);
132        $pageCustomVariables = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($pageCustomVariables);
133        $customCampaignNameQueryParam = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($customCampaignNameQueryParam);
134        $customCampaignKeywordParam = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($customCampaignKeywordParam);
136        if (is_array($excludedQueryParams)) {
137            $excludedQueryParams = implode(',', $excludedQueryParams);
138        }
139        $excludedQueryParams = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($excludedQueryParams);
141        $generator = new TrackerCodeGenerator();
142        if ($forceMatomoEndpoint) {
143            $generator->forceMatomoEndpoint();
144        }
146        $code = $generator->generate($idSite, $piwikUrl, $mergeSubdomains, $groupPageTitlesByDomain,
147                                     $mergeAliasUrls, $visitorCustomVariables, $pageCustomVariables,
148                                     $customCampaignNameQueryParam, $customCampaignKeywordParam,
149                                     $doNotTrack, $disableCookies, $trackNoScript, $crossDomain,
150                                     $excludedQueryParams);
151        $code = str_replace(array('<br>', '<br />', '<br/>'), '', $code);
152        return $code;
153    }
155    /**
156     * Returns image link tracking code for a given site with specified options.
157     *
158     * @param int $idSite The ID to generate tracking code for.
159     * @param string $piwikUrl The domain and URL path to the Matomo installation.
160     * @param int $idGoal An ID for a goal to trigger a conversion for.
161     * @param int $revenue The revenue of the goal conversion. Only used if $idGoal is supplied.
162     * @param bool $forceMatomoEndpoint Whether the Matomo endpoint should be forced if Matomo was installed prior 3.7.0.
163     * @return string The HTML tracking code.
164     */
165    public function getImageTrackingCode($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $actionName = false, $idGoal = false, $revenue = false, $forceMatomoEndpoint = false)
166    {
167        $urlParams = array('idsite' => $idSite, 'rec' => 1);
169        if ($actionName !== false) {
170            $urlParams['action_name'] = urlencode(Common::unsanitizeInputValue($actionName));
171        }
173        if ($idGoal !== false) {
174            $urlParams['idgoal'] = $idGoal;
175            if ($revenue !== false) {
176                $urlParams['revenue'] = $revenue;
177            }
178        }
180        /**
181         * Triggered when generating image link tracking code server side. Plugins can use
182         * this event to customise the image tracking code that is displayed to the
183         * user.
184         *
185         * @param string &$piwikHost The domain and URL path to the Matomo installation, eg,
186         *                           `'examplepiwik.com/path/to/piwik'`.
187         * @param array &$urlParams The query parameters used in the <img> element's src
188         *                          URL. See Matomo's image tracking docs for more info.
189         */
190        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.getImageTrackingCode', array(&$piwikUrl, &$urlParams));
192        $trackerCodeGenerator = new TrackerCodeGenerator();
193        if ($forceMatomoEndpoint) {
194            $trackerCodeGenerator->forceMatomoEndpoint();
195        }
196        $matomoPhp = $trackerCodeGenerator->getPhpTrackerEndpoint();
198        $url = (ProxyHttp::isHttps() ? "https://" : "http://") . rtrim($piwikUrl, '/') . '/'.$matomoPhp.'?' . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($urlParams);
199        $html = "<!-- Matomo Image Tracker-->
200<img referrerpolicy=\"no-referrer-when-downgrade\" src=\"" . htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "\" style=\"border:0\" alt=\"\" />
201<!-- End Matomo -->";
202        return htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
203    }
205    /**
206     * Returns all websites belonging to the specified group
207     * @param string $group Group name
208     * @return array of sites
209     */
210    public function getSitesFromGroup($group = '')
211    {
212        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
214        $group = trim($group);
215        $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromGroup($group);
217        foreach ($sites as &$site) {
218            $this->enrichSite($site);
219        }
221        $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites);
222        return $sites;
223    }
225    /**
226     * Returns the list of website groups, including the empty group
227     * if no group were specified for some websites
228     *
229     * @return array of group names strings
230     */
231    public function getSitesGroups()
232    {
233        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
235        $groups = $this->getModel()->getSitesGroups();
236        $cleanedGroups = array_map('trim', $groups);
238        return $cleanedGroups;
239    }
241    /**
242     * Returns the website information : name, main_url
243     *
244     * @throws Exception if the site ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it
245     * @param int $idSite
246     * @return array
247     */
248    public function getSiteFromId($idSite)
249    {
250        Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite);
252        $site = $this->getModel()->getSiteFromId($idSite);
254        if ($site) {
255            $this->enrichSite($site);
256        }
258        Site::setSiteFromArray($idSite, $site);
260        return $site;
261    }
263    private function getModel()
264    {
265        return new Model();
266    }
268    /**
269     * Returns the list of all URLs registered for the given idSite (main_url + alias URLs).
270     *
271     * @throws Exception if the website ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it
272     * @param int $idSite
273     * @return array list of URLs
274     */
275    public function getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite)
276    {
277        Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite);
278        return $this->getModel()->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite);
279    }
281    private function getSitesId()
282    {
283        return $this->getModel()->getSitesId();
284    }
286    /**
287     * Returns all websites, requires Super User access
288     *
289     * @return array The list of websites, indexed by idsite
290     */
291    public function getAllSites()
292    {
293        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
295        $sites  = $this->getModel()->getAllSites();
296        $return = array();
297        foreach ($sites as $site) {
298            $this->enrichSite($site);
299            $return[$site['idsite']] = $site;
300        }
302        $return = Site::setSitesFromArray($return);
304        return $return;
305    }
307    /**
308     * Returns the list of all the website IDs registered.
309     * Requires Super User access.
310     *
311     * @return array The list of website IDs
312     */
313    public function getAllSitesId()
314    {
315        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
316        try {
317            return $this->getSitesId();
318        } catch (Exception $e) {
319            // can be called before Matomo tables are created so return empty
320            return array();
321        }
322    }
324    /**
325     * Returns the list of websites with the 'admin' access for the current user.
326     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
327     *
328     * @param bool $fetchAliasUrls
329     * @param false|string $pattern
330     * @param false|int    $limit
331     * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
332     */
333    public function getSitesWithAdminAccess($fetchAliasUrls = false, $pattern = false, $limit = false)
334    {
335        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess();
337        if ($pattern === false) {
338            $sites = $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId, $limit);
339        } else {
340            $sites = $this->getModel()->getPatternMatchSites($sitesId, $pattern, $limit);
342            foreach ($sites as &$site) {
343                $this->enrichSite($site);
344            }
346            $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites);
347        }
349        if ($fetchAliasUrls) {
350            foreach ($sites as &$site) {
351                $site['alias_urls'] = $this->getSiteUrlsFromId($site['idsite']);
352            }
353        }
355        return $sites;
356    }
358    /**
359     * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' access for the current user.
360     * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead).
361     *
362     * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
363     */
364    public function getSitesWithViewAccess()
365    {
366        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithViewAccess();
367        return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId);
368    }
370    /**
371     * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user.
372     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
373     *
374     * @param bool|int $limit Specify max number of sites to return
375     * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin Hack necessary when running scheduled tasks, where "Super User" is forced, but sometimes not desired, see #3017
376     * @return array array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
377     */
378    public function getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess($limit = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false)
379    {
380        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin);
381        return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId, $limit);
382    }
384    /**
385     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'admin' access for the current user.
386     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
387     *
388     * @return array list of websites ID
389     */
390    public function getSitesIdWithAdminAccess()
391    {
392        $sitesId = Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess();
393        return $sitesId;
394    }
396    /**
397     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' access for the current user.
398     * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead).
399     *
400     * @return array list of websites ID
401     */
402    public function getSitesIdWithViewAccess()
403    {
404        return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithViewAccess();
405    }
407    /**
408     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'write' access for the current user.
409     * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has write access on all the websites (use getSitesIdWithAtLeastWriteAccess() instead).
410     *
411     * @return array list of websites ID
412     */
413    public function getSitesIdWithWriteAccess()
414    {
415        return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithWriteAccess();
416    }
418    /**
419     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user.
420     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
421     *
422     * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin
423     * @return array list of websites ID
424     */
425    public function getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin = false)
426    {
427        /** @var Scheduler $scheduler */
428        $scheduler = StaticContainer::getContainer()->get('Piwik\Scheduler\Scheduler');
430        if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() && !$scheduler->isRunningTask()) {
431            return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
432        }
434        if (!empty($_restrictSitesToLogin)
435            // Only Super User or logged in user can see viewable sites for a specific login,
436            // but during scheduled task execution, we sometimes want to restrict sites to
437            // a different login than the superuser.
438            && (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($_restrictSitesToLogin)
439                || $scheduler->isRunningTask())
440        ) {
442            if (Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin)) {
443                return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
444            }
446            $accessRaw = Access::getInstance()->getRawSitesWithSomeViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin);
447            $sitesId   = array();
449            foreach ($accessRaw as $access) {
450                $sitesId[] = $access['idsite'];
451            }
453            return $sitesId;
454        } else {
455            return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
456        }
457    }
459    /**
460     * Returns the list of websites from the ID array in parameters.
461     * The user access is not checked in this method so the ID have to be accessible by the user!
462     *
463     * @param array $idSites list of website ID
464     * @param bool $limit
465     * @return array
466     */
467    private function getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit = false)
468    {
469        $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit);
471        foreach ($sites as &$site) {
472            $this->enrichSite($site);
473        }
475        $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites);
477        return $sites;
478    }
480    protected function getNormalizedUrls($url)
481    {
482        // if found, remove scheme and www. from URL
483        $hostname = str_replace('www.', '', $url);
484        $hostname = str_replace('http://', '', $hostname);
485        $hostname = str_replace('https://', '', $hostname);
487        // return all variations of the URL
488        return array(
489            $url,
490            "http://" . $hostname,
491            "http://www." . $hostname,
492            "https://" . $hostname,
493            "https://www." . $hostname
494        );
495    }
497    /**
498     * Returns the list of websites ID associated with a URL.
499     *
500     * @param string $url
501     * @return array list of websites ID
502     */
503    public function getSitesIdFromSiteUrl($url)
504    {
505        $url = $this->removeTrailingSlash($url);
506        $normalisedUrls = $this->getNormalizedUrls($url);
508        if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
509            $ids   = $this->getModel()->getAllSitesIdFromSiteUrl($normalisedUrls);
510        } else {
511            $login = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
512            $ids   = $this->getModel()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrlHavingAccess($login, $normalisedUrls);
513        }
515        return $ids;
516    }
518    /**
519     * Returns all websites with a timezone matching one the specified timezones
520     *
521     * @param array $timezones
522     * @return array
523     * @ignore
524     */
525    public function getSitesIdFromTimezones($timezones)
526    {
527        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
529        $timezones = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($timezones);
530        $timezones = array_unique($timezones);
532        $ids = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromTimezones($timezones);
534        $return = array();
535        foreach ($ids as $id) {
536            $return[] = $id['idsite'];
537        }
539        return $return;
540    }
542    private function enrichSite(&$site)
543    {
544        $cacheKey = $site['timezone'] . $this->translator->getCurrentLanguage();
545        if (!isset($this->timezoneNameCache[$cacheKey])) {
546            //cached as this can be called VERY often and getTimezoneName is quite slow
547            $this->timezoneNameCache[$cacheKey] = $this->getTimezoneName($site['timezone']);
548        }
549        $site['timezone_name'] = $this->timezoneNameCache[$cacheKey];
551        $key = 'Intl_Currency_' . $site['currency'];
552        $name = $this->translator->translate($key);
554        $site['currency_name'] = ($key === $name) ? $site['currency'] : $name;
556        // don't want to expose other user logins here
557        if (!Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
558            unset($site['creator_login']);
559        }
560    }
562    /**
563     * Add a website.
564     * Requires Super User access.
565     *
566     * The website is defined by a name and an array of URLs.
567     * @param string $siteName Site name
568     * @param array|string $urls The URLs array must contain at least one URL called the 'main_url' ;
569     *                        if several URLs are provided in the array, they will be recorded
570     *                        as Alias URLs for this website.
571     *                        When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`.
572     * @param int $ecommerce Is Ecommerce Reporting enabled for this website?
573     * @param null $siteSearch
574     * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names
575     * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names
576     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from the reports (allows wildcards)
577     * @param null $excludedQueryParameters
578     * @param string $timezone Timezone string, eg. 'Europe/London'
579     * @param string $currency Currency, eg. 'EUR'
580     * @param string $group Website group identifier
581     * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
582     * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents
583     * @param int $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they
584     *                              will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used.
585     * @param array|null $settingValues JSON serialized settings eg {settingName: settingValue, ...}
586     * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal.
587     * @param string $type The website type, defaults to "website" if not set.
588     * @param bool|null $excludeUnknownUrls Track only URL matching one of website URLs
589     *
590     * @return int the website ID created
591     */
592    public function addSite($siteName,
593                            $urls = null,
594                            $ecommerce = null,
595                            $siteSearch = null,
596                            $searchKeywordParameters = null,
597                            $searchCategoryParameters = null,
598                            $excludedIps = null,
599                            $excludedQueryParameters = null,
600                            $timezone = null,
601                            $currency = null,
602                            $group = null,
603                            $startDate = null,
604                            $excludedUserAgents = null,
605                            $keepURLFragments = null,
606                            $type = null,
607                            $settingValues = null,
608                            $excludeUnknownUrls = null)
609    {
610        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
611        SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled();
613        $this->checkName($siteName);
615        if (!isset($settingValues)) {
616            $settingValues = array();
617        }
619        $coreProperties = array();
620        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('urls', $urls, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
621        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('ecommerce', $ecommerce, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
622        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('group', $group, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
623        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch', $siteSearch, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
624        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_keyword_parameters', explode(',', $searchKeywordParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
625        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_category_parameters', explode(',', $searchCategoryParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
626        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('keep_url_fragment', $keepURLFragments, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
627        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('exclude_unknown_urls', $excludeUnknownUrls, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
628        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_ips', explode(',', $excludedIps ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
629        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_parameters', explode(',', $excludedQueryParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
630        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_user_agents', explode(',', $excludedUserAgents ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
632        $timezone = trim($timezone ?? '');
633        if (empty($timezone)) {
634            $timezone = $this->getDefaultTimezone();
635        }
636        $this->checkValidTimezone($timezone);
638        if (empty($currency)) {
639            $currency = $this->getDefaultCurrency();
640        }
641        $this->checkValidCurrency($currency);
643        $bind = array('name' => $siteName);
644        $bind['timezone']   = $timezone;
645        $bind['currency']   = $currency;
646        $bind['main_url']   = '';
648        if (is_null($startDate)) {
649            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::now()->getDatetime();
650        } else {
651            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime();
652        }
654        $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type);
656        if (!empty($group) && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
657            $bind['group'] = trim($group);
658        } else {
659            $bind['group'] = "";
660        }
662        $bind['creator_login'] = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
664        $allSettings = $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings(0, 'website', $coreProperties);
666        // any setting specified in setting values will overwrite other setting
667        if (!empty($settingValues)) {
668            $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings(0, $bind['type'], $settingValues);
669        }
671        foreach ($allSettings as $settings) {
672            foreach ($settings->getSettingsWritableByCurrentUser() as $setting) {
673                $name = $setting->getName();
674                if ($setting instanceof MeasurableProperty && $name !== 'urls') {
675                    $default = $setting->getDefaultValue();
676                    if (is_bool($default)) {
677                        $default = (int) $default;
678                    } elseif (is_array($default)) {
679                        $default = implode(',', $default);
680                    }
682                    $bind[$name] = $default;
683                }
684            }
685        }
687        $idSite = $this->getModel()->createSite($bind);
689        if (!empty($coreProperties)) {
690            $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, 'website', $coreProperties);
691        }
692        if (!empty($settingValues)) {
693            $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $bind['type'], $settingValues);
694        }
696        // we reload the access list which doesn't yet take in consideration this new website
697        Access::getInstance()->reloadAccess();
699        $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite);
701        /**
702         * Triggered after a site has been added.
703         *
704         * @param int $idSite The ID of the site that was added.
705         */
706        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.addSite.end', array($idSite));
708        return (int) $idSite;
709    }
711    private function setSettingValue($fieldName, $value, $coreProperties, $settingValues)
712    {
713        $pluginName = 'WebsiteMeasurable';
715        if (isset($value)) {
717            if (empty($coreProperties[$pluginName])) {
718                $coreProperties[$pluginName] = array();
719            }
721            $coreProperties[$pluginName][] = array('name' => $fieldName, 'value' => $value);
723        } elseif (!empty($settingValues[$pluginName])) {
724            // we check if the value is defined in the setting values instead
725            foreach ($settingValues[$pluginName] as $key => $setting) {
726                if ($setting['name'] === $fieldName) {
728                    if (empty($coreProperties[$pluginName])) {
729                        $coreProperties[$pluginName] = array();
730                    }
732                    $coreProperties[$pluginName][] = array('name' => $fieldName, 'value' => $setting['value']);
733                    return $coreProperties;
734                }
735            }
736        }
738        return $coreProperties;
739    }
741    public function getSiteSettings($idSite)
742    {
743        Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite);
745        $measurableSettings = $this->settingsProvider->getAllMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idMeasurableType = false);
747        return $this->settingsMetadata->formatSettings($measurableSettings);
748    }
750    private function setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues)
751    {
752        $measurableSettings = $this->settingsProvider->getAllMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType);
754        $this->settingsMetadata->setPluginSettings($measurableSettings, $settingValues);
756        return $measurableSettings;
757    }
759    /**
760     * @param MeasurableSettings[] $measurableSettings
761     */
762    private function saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues)
763    {
764        $measurableSettings = $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues);
766        foreach ($measurableSettings as $measurableSetting) {
767            $measurableSetting->save();
768        }
769    }
771    private function postUpdateWebsite($idSite)
772    {
773        Site::clearCache();
774        Cache::regenerateCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite);
775        Cache::clearCacheGeneral();
776        SiteUrls::clearSitesCache();
777    }
779    /**
780     * Delete a website from the database, given its Id. The method deletes the actual site as well as some associated
781     * data. However, it does not delete any logs or archives that belong to this website. You can delete logs and
782     * archives for a site manually as described in this FAQ: http://matomo.org/faq/how-to/faq_73/ .
783     *
784     * Requires Super User access.
785     *
786     * @param int $idSite
787     * @throws Exception
788     */
789    public function deleteSite($idSite)
790    {
791        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
792        SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled();
794        $idSites = $this->getSitesId();
795        if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) {
796            throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found");
797        }
798        $nbSites = count($idSites);
799        if ($nbSites == 1) {
800            throw new Exception($this->translator->translate("SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite"));
801        }
803        $this->getModel()->deleteSite($idSite);
805        $coreModel = new CoreModel();
806        $coreModel->deleteInvalidationsForSites([$idSite]);
808        /**
809         * Triggered after a site has been deleted.
810         *
811         * Plugins can use this event to remove site specific values or settings, such as removing all
812         * goals that belong to a specific website. If you store any data related to a website you
813         * should clean up that information here.
814         *
815         * @param int $idSite The ID of the site being deleted.
816         */
817        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.deleteSite.end', array($idSite));
818    }
820    private function checkValidTimezone($timezone)
821    {
822        $timezones = $this->getTimezonesList();
823        foreach (array_values($timezones) as $cities) {
824            foreach ($cities as $timezoneId => $city) {
825                if ($timezoneId == $timezone) {
826                    return true;
827                }
828            }
829        }
830        throw new Exception($this->translator->translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidTimezone', array($timezone)));
831    }
833    private function checkValidCurrency($currency)
834    {
835        if (!in_array($currency, array_keys($this->getCurrencyList()))) {
836            throw new Exception($this->translator->translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidCurrency', array($currency, "USD, EUR, etc.")));
837        }
838    }
840    private function checkAndReturnType($type)
841    {
842        if (empty($type)) {
843            $type = Site::DEFAULT_SITE_TYPE;
844        }
846        if (!is_string($type)) {
847            throw new Exception("Invalid website type $type");
848        }
850        return $type;
851    }
853    /**
854     * Checks that the submitted IPs (comma separated list) are valid
855     * Returns the cleaned up IPs
856     *
857     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IP addresses
858     * @throws Exception
859     * @return array of IPs
860     */
861    private function checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps)
862    {
863        if (empty($excludedIps)) {
864            return '';
865        }
867        $ips = explode(',', $excludedIps);
868        $ips = array_map('trim', $ips);
869        $ips = array_filter($ips, 'strlen');
871        foreach ($ips as $ip) {
872            if (!$this->isValidIp($ip)) {
873                throw new Exception($this->translator->translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidIPFormat', array($ip, ", 1.2.3.*, or")));
874            }
875        }
877        $ips = implode(',', $ips);
878        return $ips;
879    }
881    /**
882     * Add a list of alias Urls to the given idSite
883     *
884     * If some URLs given in parameter are already recorded as alias URLs for this website,
885     * they won't be duplicated. The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method.
886     *
887     * @param int $idSite
888     * @param array|string $urls When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`.
889     * @return int the number of inserted URLs
890     */
891    public function addSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls)
892    {
893        Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite);
895        if (empty($urls)) {
896            return 0;
897        }
899        if (!is_array($urls)) {
900            $urls = array($urls);
901        }
903        $urlsInit = $this->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite);
904        $toInsert = array_merge($urlsInit, $urls);
906        $urlsProperty = new Urls($idSite);
907        $urlsProperty->setValue($toInsert);
908        $urlsProperty->save();
910        $inserted = array_diff($urlsProperty->getValue(), $urlsInit);
912        $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite);
914        return count($inserted);
915    }
917    /**
918     * Set the list of alias Urls for the given idSite
919     *
920     * Completely overwrites the current list of URLs with the provided list.
921     * The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method.
922     *
923     * @return int the number of inserted URLs
924     */
925    public function setSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls = array())
926    {
927        Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite);
929        $mainUrl = Site::getMainUrlFor($idSite);
930        array_unshift($urls, $mainUrl);
932        $urlsProperty = new Urls($idSite);
933        $urlsProperty->setValue($urls);
934        $urlsProperty->save();
936        $inserted = array_diff($urlsProperty->getValue(), $urls);
938        $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite);
940        return count($inserted);
941    }
943    /**
944     * Get the start and end IP addresses for an IP address range
945     *
946     * @param string $ipRange IP address range in presentation format
947     * @return array|false Array( low, high ) IP addresses in presentation format; or false if error
948     */
949    public function getIpsForRange($ipRange)
950    {
951        $range = IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ipRange);
952        if ($range === null) {
953            return false;
954        }
956        return array(IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[0]), IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[1]));
957    }
959    /**
960     * Sets IPs to be excluded from all websites. IPs can contain wildcards.
961     * Will also apply to websites created in the future.
962     *
963     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards)
964     * @return bool
965     */
966    public function setGlobalExcludedIps($excludedIps)
967    {
968        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
969        $excludedIps = $this->checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps);
970        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL, $excludedIps);
971        Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
972        return true;
973    }
975    /**
976     * Sets Site Search keyword/category parameter names, to be used on websites which have not specified these values
977     * Expects Comma separated list of query params names
978     *
979     * @param string
980     * @param string
981     * @return bool
982     */
983    public function setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters)
984    {
985        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
986        Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchKeywordParameters);
987        Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchCategoryParameters);
988        Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
989        return true;
990    }
992    /**
993     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
994     */
995    public function getSearchKeywordParametersGlobal()
996    {
997        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
998        $names = Option::get(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL);
999        if ($names === false) {
1000            $names = self::DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS;
1001        }
1002        if (empty($names)) {
1003            $names = '';
1004        }
1005        return $names;
1006    }
1008    /**
1009     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
1010     */
1011    public function getSearchCategoryParametersGlobal()
1012    {
1013        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
1014        return Option::get(self::OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL);
1015    }
1017    /**
1018     * Returns the list of URL query parameters that are excluded from all websites
1019     *
1020     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
1021     */
1022    public function getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal()
1023    {
1024        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess();
1025        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL);
1026    }
1028    /**
1029     * Returns the list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits for
1030     * all websites. If a visitor's user agent string contains one of these substrings,
1031     * their visits will not be included.
1032     *
1033     * @return string Comma separated list of strings.
1034     */
1035    public function getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal()
1036    {
1037        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
1038        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL);
1039    }
1041    /**
1042     * Sets list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits. For more info,
1043     * @see getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal.
1044     *
1045     * @param string $excludedUserAgents Comma separated list of strings. Each element is trimmed,
1046     *                                   and empty strings are removed.
1047     */
1048    public function setGlobalExcludedUserAgents($excludedUserAgents)
1049    {
1050        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1052        // update option
1053        $excludedUserAgents = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedUserAgents);
1054        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL, $excludedUserAgents);
1056        // make sure tracker cache will reflect change
1057        Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
1058    }
1060    /**
1061     * Returns true if the default behavior is to keep URL fragments when tracking,
1062     * false if otherwise.
1063     *
1064     * @return bool
1065     */
1066    public function getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal()
1067    {
1068        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess();
1069        return (bool)Option::get(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL);
1070    }
1072    /**
1073     * Sets whether the default behavior should be to keep URL fragments when
1074     * tracking or not.
1075     *
1076     * @param $enabled bool If true, the default behavior will be to keep URL
1077     *                      fragments when tracking. If false, the default
1078     *                      behavior will be to remove them.
1079     */
1080    public function setKeepURLFragmentsGlobal($enabled)
1081    {
1082        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1084        // update option
1085        Option::set(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL, $enabled);
1087        // make sure tracker cache will reflect change
1088        Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
1089    }
1091    /**
1092     * Sets list of URL query parameters to be excluded on all websites.
1093     * Will also apply to websites created in the future.
1094     *
1095     * @param string $excludedQueryParameters Comma separated list of URL query parameters to exclude from URLs
1096     * @return bool
1097     */
1098    public function setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters($excludedQueryParameters)
1099    {
1100        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1101        $excludedQueryParameters = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedQueryParameters);
1102        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $excludedQueryParameters);
1103        Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
1104        return true;
1105    }
1107    /**
1108     * Returns the list of IPs that are excluded from all websites
1109     *
1110     * @return string Comma separated list of IPs
1111     */
1112    public function getExcludedIpsGlobal()
1113    {
1114        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
1115        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL);
1116    }
1118    /**
1119     * Returns the default currency that will be set when creating a website through the API.
1120     *
1121     * @return string Currency ID eg. 'USD'
1122     */
1123    public function getDefaultCurrency()
1124    {
1125        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
1126        $defaultCurrency = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY);
1127        if ($defaultCurrency) {
1128            return $defaultCurrency;
1129        }
1130        return 'USD';
1131    }
1133    /**
1134     * Sets the default currency that will be used when creating websites
1135     *
1136     * @param string $defaultCurrency Currency code, eg. 'USD'
1137     * @return bool
1138     */
1139    public function setDefaultCurrency($defaultCurrency)
1140    {
1141        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1142        $this->checkValidCurrency($defaultCurrency);
1143        Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $defaultCurrency);
1144        return true;
1145    }
1147    /**
1148     * Returns the default timezone that will be set when creating a website through the API.
1149     * Via the UI, if the default timezone is not UTC, it will be pre-selected in the drop down
1150     *
1151     * @return string Timezone eg. UTC+7 or Europe/Paris
1152     */
1153    public function getDefaultTimezone()
1154    {
1155        $defaultTimezone = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
1156        if ($defaultTimezone) {
1157            return $defaultTimezone;
1158        }
1159        return 'UTC';
1160    }
1162    /**
1163     * Sets the default timezone that will be used when creating websites
1164     *
1165     * @param string $defaultTimezone Timezone string eg. Europe/Paris or UTC+8
1166     * @return bool
1167     */
1168    public function setDefaultTimezone($defaultTimezone)
1169    {
1170        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1171        $this->checkValidTimezone($defaultTimezone);
1172        Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, $defaultTimezone);
1173        return true;
1174    }
1176    /**
1177     * Update an existing website.
1178     * If only one URL is specified then only the main url will be updated.
1179     * If several URLs are specified, both the main URL and the alias URLs will be updated.
1180     *
1181     * @param int $idSite website ID defining the website to edit
1182     * @param string $siteName website name
1183     * @param string|array $urls the website URLs
1184     *                           When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`.
1185     * @param int $ecommerce Whether Ecommerce is enabled, 0 or 1
1186     * @param null|int $siteSearch Whether site search is enabled, 0 or 1
1187     * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names
1188     * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names
1189     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards)
1190     * @param null|string $excludedQueryParameters
1191     * @param string $timezone Timezone
1192     * @param string $currency Currency code
1193     * @param string $group Group name where this website belongs
1194     * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
1195     * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents
1196     * @param int|null $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they
1197     *                                   will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used.
1198     * @param string $type The Website type, default value is "website"
1199     * @param array|null $settingValues JSON serialized settings eg {settingName: settingValue, ...}
1200     * @param bool|null $excludeUnknownUrls Track only URL matching one of website URLs
1201     * @throws Exception
1202     * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal. If null, the existing value will
1203     *                                   not be modified.
1204     *
1205     * @return bool true on success
1206     */
1207    public function updateSite($idSite,
1208                               $siteName = null,
1209                               $urls = null,
1210                               $ecommerce = null,
1211                               $siteSearch = null,
1212                               $searchKeywordParameters = null,
1213                               $searchCategoryParameters = null,
1214                               $excludedIps = null,
1215                               $excludedQueryParameters = null,
1216                               $timezone = null,
1217                               $currency = null,
1218                               $group = null,
1219                               $startDate = null,
1220                               $excludedUserAgents = null,
1221                               $keepURLFragments = null,
1222                               $type = null,
1223                               $settingValues = null,
1224                               $excludeUnknownUrls = null)
1225    {
1226        Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite);
1227        SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled();
1229        $idSites = $this->getSitesId();
1231        if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) {
1232            throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found");
1233        }
1235        // Build the SQL UPDATE based on specified updates to perform
1236        $bind = array();
1238        if (!is_null($siteName)) {
1239            $this->checkName($siteName);
1240            $bind['name'] = $siteName;
1241        }
1243        if (!isset($settingValues)) {
1244            $settingValues = array();
1245        }
1247        if (empty($coreProperties)) {
1248            $coreProperties = array();
1249        }
1251        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('urls', $urls, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1252        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('group', $group, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1253        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('ecommerce', $ecommerce, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1254        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch', $siteSearch, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1255        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_keyword_parameters', explode(',', $searchKeywordParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1256        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_category_parameters', explode(',', $searchCategoryParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1257        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('keep_url_fragment', $keepURLFragments, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1258        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('exclude_unknown_urls', $excludeUnknownUrls, $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1259        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_ips', explode(',', $excludedIps ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1260        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_parameters', explode(',', $excludedQueryParameters ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1261        $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_user_agents', explode(',', $excludedUserAgents ?? ''), $coreProperties, $settingValues);
1263        if (isset($currency)) {
1264            $currency = trim($currency);
1265            $this->checkValidCurrency($currency);
1266            $bind['currency'] = $currency;
1267        }
1268        if (isset($timezone)) {
1269            $timezone = trim($timezone);
1270            $this->checkValidTimezone($timezone);
1271            $bind['timezone'] = $timezone;
1272        }
1273        if (isset($group)
1274            && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()
1275        ) {
1276            $bind['group'] = trim($group);
1277        }
1278        if (isset($startDate)) {
1279            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime();
1280        }
1282        if (isset($type)) {
1283            $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type);
1284        }
1286        if (!empty($coreProperties)) {
1287            $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = 'website', $coreProperties);
1288        }
1290        if (!empty($settingValues)) {
1291            $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = null, $settingValues);
1292        }
1294        if (!empty($bind)) {
1295            $this->getModel()->updateSite($bind, $idSite);
1296        }
1298        if (!empty($coreProperties)) {
1299            $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = 'website', $coreProperties);
1300        }
1302        if (!empty($settingValues)) {
1303            $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = null, $settingValues);
1304        }
1306        $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite);
1307    }
1309    /**
1310     * Updates the field ts_created for the specified websites.
1311     *
1312     * @param $idSites int Id Site to update ts_created
1313     * @param $minDate Date to set as creation date. To play it safe it will subtract one more day.
1314     *
1315     * @ignore
1316     */
1317    public function updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, Date $minDate)
1318    {
1319        $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
1320        Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSites);
1322        $minDateSql = $minDate->subDay(1)->getDatetime();
1324        $this->getModel()->updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, $minDateSql);
1325    }
1327    private function checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($parameters)
1328    {
1329        $parameters = trim($parameters);
1330        if (empty($parameters)) {
1331            return '';
1332        }
1334        $parameters = explode(',', $parameters);
1335        $parameters = array_map('trim', $parameters);
1336        $parameters = array_filter($parameters, 'strlen');
1337        $parameters = array_unique($parameters);
1338        return implode(',', $parameters);
1339    }
1341    /**
1342     * Returns the list of supported currencies
1343     * @see getCurrencySymbols()
1344     * @return array ( currencyId => currencyName)
1345     */
1346    public function getCurrencyList()
1347    {
1348        /** @var CurrencyDataProvider $dataProvider */
1349        $dataProvider = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\CurrencyDataProvider');
1350        $currency = $dataProvider->getCurrencyList();
1352        $return = array();
1353        foreach (array_keys($currency) as $currencyCode) {
1354            $return[$currencyCode] = $this->translator->translate('Intl_Currency_' . $currencyCode) .
1355              ' (' . $this->translator->translate('Intl_CurrencySymbol_' . $currencyCode) . ')';
1356        }
1358        asort($return);
1360        return $return;
1361    }
1363    /**
1364     * Returns the list of currency symbols
1365     * @see getCurrencyList()
1366     * @return array( currencyId => currencySymbol )
1367     */
1368    public function getCurrencySymbols()
1369    {
1370        /** @var CurrencyDataProvider $dataProvider */
1371        $dataProvider = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\CurrencyDataProvider');
1372        $currencies =  $dataProvider->getCurrencyList();
1374        return array_map(function ($a) {
1375            return $a[0];
1376        }, $currencies);
1377    }
1379    /**
1380     * Return true if Timezone support is enabled on server
1381     *
1382     * @return bool
1383     */
1384    public function isTimezoneSupportEnabled()
1385    {
1386        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess();
1387        return SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled();
1388    }
1390    /**
1391     * Returns the list of timezones supported.
1392     * Used for addSite and updateSite
1393     *
1394     * @return array of timezone strings
1395     */
1396    public function getTimezonesList()
1397    {
1398        if (!SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled()) {
1399            return array('UTC' => $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets());
1400        }
1402        $countries = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\RegionDataProvider')->getCountryList();
1404        $return = array();
1405        $continents = array();
1406        foreach ($countries as $countryCode => $continentCode) {
1407            $countryCode = strtoupper($countryCode);
1408            $timezones = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countryCode);
1409            foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
1410                if (!isset($continents[$continentCode])) {
1411                    $continents[$continentCode] = $this->translator->translate('Intl_Continent_' . $continentCode);
1412                }
1413                $continent = $continents[$continentCode];
1415                $return[$continent][$timezone] = $this->getTimezoneName($timezone, $countryCode, count($timezones) > 1);
1416            }
1417        }
1419        // Sort by continent name and then by country name.
1420        ksort($return);
1421        foreach ($return as $continent => $countries) {
1422            asort($return[$continent]);
1423        }
1425        $return['UTC'] = $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets();
1426        return $return;
1427    }
1429    /**
1430     * Returns a user-friendly label for a timezone.
1431     * This is usually the country name of the timezone. For countries spanning multiple timezones,
1432     * a city/location name is added to avoid ambiguity.
1433     *
1434     * @param string $timezone a timezone, e.g. "Asia/Tokyo" or "America/Los_Angeles"
1435     * @param string $countryCode an upper-case country code (if not supplied, it will be looked up)
1436     * @param bool $multipleTimezonesInCountry whether there are multiple timezones in the country (if not supplied, it will be looked up)
1437     * @return string a timezone label, e.g. "Japan" or "United States - Los Angeles"
1438     */
1439    public function getTimezoneName($timezone, $countryCode = null, $multipleTimezonesInCountry = null)
1440    {
1441        if (substr($timezone, 0, 3) === 'UTC') {
1442            return $this->translator->translate('SitesManager_Format_Utc', str_replace(array('.25', '.5', '.75'), array(':15', ':30', ':45'), substr($timezone, 3)));
1443        }
1445        if (!isset($countryCode)) {
1446            try {
1447                $zone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
1448                $location = $zone->getLocation();
1449                if (isset($location['country_code']) && $location['country_code'] !== '??') {
1450                    $countryCode = $location['country_code'];
1451                }
1452            } catch (Exception $e) {
1453            }
1454        }
1456        if (!$countryCode) {
1457            $timezoneExploded = explode('/', $timezone);
1458            return str_replace('_', ' ', end($timezoneExploded));
1459        }
1461        if (!isset($multipleTimezonesInCountry)) {
1462            $timezonesInCountry = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countryCode);
1463            $multipleTimezonesInCountry = (count($timezonesInCountry) > 1);
1464        }
1466        $return = $this->translator->translate('Intl_Country_' . $countryCode);
1468        if ($multipleTimezonesInCountry) {
1469            $translationId = 'Intl_Timezone_' . str_replace(array('_', '/'), array('', '_'), $timezone);
1470            $city = $this->translator->translate($translationId);
1472            // Fall back to English identifier, if translation is missing due to differences in tzdata in different PHP versions.
1473            if ($city === $translationId) {
1474                $timezoneExploded = explode('/', $timezone);
1475                $city = str_replace('_', ' ', end($timezoneExploded));
1476            }
1478            $return .= ' - ' . $city;
1479        }
1481        return $return;
1482    }
1484    private function getTimezonesListUTCOffsets()
1485    {
1486        // manually add the UTC offsets
1487        $GmtOffsets = array(-12, -11.5, -11, -10.5, -10, -9.5, -9, -8.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -6, -5.5, -5, -4.5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5,
1488                            0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.75, 13, 13.75, 14);
1490        $return = array();
1491        foreach ($GmtOffsets as $offset) {
1492            $offset = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($offset);
1494            if ($offset > 0) {
1495                $offset = '+' . $offset;
1496            } elseif ($offset == 0) {
1497                $offset = '';
1498            }
1499            $timezone = 'UTC' . $offset;
1500            $return[$timezone] = $this->getTimezoneName($timezone);
1501        }
1502        return $return;
1503    }
1505    /**
1506     * Returns the list of unique timezones from all configured sites.
1507     *
1508     * @return array ( string )
1509     */
1510    public function getUniqueSiteTimezones()
1511    {
1512        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1514        return $this->getModel()->getUniqueSiteTimezones();
1515    }
1517    /**
1518     * Remove the final slash in the URLs if found
1519     *
1520     * @param string $url
1521     * @return string the URL without the trailing slash
1522     */
1523    private function removeTrailingSlash($url)
1524    {
1525        // if there is a final slash, we take the URL without this slash (expected URL format)
1526        if (strlen($url) > 5
1527            && $url[strlen($url) - 1] == '/'
1528        ) {
1529            $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
1530        }
1532        return $url;
1533    }
1535    /**
1536     * Tests if the URL is a valid URL
1537     *
1538     * @param string $url
1539     * @return bool
1540     */
1541    private function isValidUrl($url)
1542    {
1543        return UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($url);
1544    }
1546    /**
1547     * Tests if the IP is a valid IP, allowing wildcards, except in the first octet.
1548     * Wildcards can only be used from right to left, ie. 1.1.*.* is allowed, but 1.1.*.1 is not.
1549     *
1550     * @param string $ip IP address
1551     * @return bool
1552     */
1553    private function isValidIp($ip)
1554    {
1555        return IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ip) !== null;
1556    }
1558    /**
1559     * Check that the website name has a correct format.
1560     *
1561     * @param $siteName
1562     * @throws Exception
1563     */
1564    private function checkName($siteName)
1565    {
1566        if (empty($siteName)) {
1567            throw new Exception($this->translator->translate("SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName"));
1568        }
1569    }
1571    public function renameGroup($oldGroupName, $newGroupName)
1572    {
1573        Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess();
1575        if ($oldGroupName == $newGroupName) {
1576            return true;
1577        }
1579        $sitesHavingOldGroup = $this->getSitesFromGroup($oldGroupName);
1581        foreach ($sitesHavingOldGroup as $site) {
1582            $this->updateSite($site['idsite'],
1583                              $siteName = null,
1584                              $urls = null,
1585                              $ecommerce = null,
1586                              $siteSearch = null,
1587                              $searchKeywordParameters = null,
1588                              $searchCategoryParameters = null,
1589                              $excludedIps = null,
1590                              $excludedQueryParameters = null,
1591                              $timezone = null,
1592                              $currency = null,
1593                              $newGroupName);
1594        }
1596        return true;
1597    }
1599    /**
1600     * Find websites matching the given pattern.
1601     *
1602     * Any website will be returned that matches the pattern in the name, URL or group.
1603     * To limit the number of returned sites you can either specify `filter_limit` as usual or `limit` which is
1604     * faster.
1605     *
1606     * @param string $pattern
1607     * @param int|false $limit
1608     * @return array
1609     */
1610    public function getPatternMatchSites($pattern, $limit = false)
1611    {
1612        $ids = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
1613        if (empty($ids)) {
1614            return array();
1615        }
1617        $sites = $this->getModel()->getPatternMatchSites($ids, $pattern, $limit);
1619        foreach ($sites as &$site) {
1620            $this->enrichSite($site);
1621        }
1623        $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites);
1625        return $sites;
1626    }
1628    /**
1629     * Returns the number of websites to display per page.
1630     *
1631     * For example this is used in the All Websites Dashboard, in the Website Selector etc. If multiple websites are
1632     * shown somewhere, one should request this method to detect how many websites should be shown per page when
1633     * using paging. To use paging is always recommended since some installations have thousands of websites.
1634     *
1635     * @return int
1636     */
1637    public function getNumWebsitesToDisplayPerPage()
1638    {
1639        Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess();
1641        return SettingsPiwik::getWebsitesCountToDisplay();
1642    }