2    "message": "Hello world",
3    "props": {
4        "attachments": [
5            {
6                "color": "#7CD197",
7                "fields": [
8                    {
9                        "short": false,
10                        "title": "Area",
11                        "value": "Testing with a very long piece of text that will take up the whole width of the table. This is one more sentence to really make it a long field."
12                    },
13                    {
14                        "short": true,
15                        "title": "Iteration",
16                        "value": "Testing"
17                    },
18                    {
19                        "short": true,
20                        "title": "State",
21                        "value": "New"
22                    },
23                    {
24                        "short": false,
25                        "title": "Reason",
26                        "value": "New defect reported"
27                    },
28                    {
29                        "short": false,
30                        "title": "Random field",
31                        "value": "This is a field which is not marked as short so it should be rendered on a separate row"
32                    },
33                    {
34                        "short": true,
35                        "title": "Short 1",
36                        "value": "Short field"
37                    },
38                    {
39                        "short": true,
40                        "title": "Short 2",
41                        "value": "Another one"
42                    },
43                    {
44                        "short": true,
45                        "title": "Field with link",
46                        "value": "<http://example.com|Link>"
47                    }
48                ],
49                "mrkdwn_in": [
50                    "pretext"
51                ],
52                "pretext": "Some text here",
53                "text": "This is the text of the attachment. It should appear just above the image",
54                "thumb_url": "https://slack.global.ssl.fastly.net/7bf4/img/services/jenkins-ci_128.png",
55                "title": "A slack attachment",
56                "title_link": "https://www.google.com"
57            }
58        ]
59    },
60    "type": "slack_attachment"