3namespace Vector;
5use Config;
6use HTMLForm;
7use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
8use OutputPage;
9use ResourceLoaderContext;
10use Skin;
11use SkinTemplate;
12use SkinVector;
13use Title;
14use User;
15use Vector\HTMLForm\Fields\HTMLLegacySkinVersionField;
18 * Presentation hook handlers for Vector skin.
19 *
20 * Hook handler method names should be in the form of:
21 *	on<HookName>()
22 * @package Vector
23 * @internal
24 */
25class Hooks {
26	/**
27	 * Passes config variables to Vector (modern) ResourceLoader module.
28	 * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
29	 * @param Config $config
30	 * @return array
31	 */
32	public static function getVectorResourceLoaderConfig(
33		ResourceLoaderContext $context,
34		Config $config
35	) {
36		return [
37			'wgVectorSearchHost' => $config->get( 'VectorSearchHost' ),
38		];
39	}
41	/**
42	 * Passes config variables to skins.vector.search ResourceLoader module.
43	 * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
44	 * @param Config $config
45	 * @return array
46	 */
47	public static function getVectorWvuiSearchResourceLoaderConfig(
48		ResourceLoaderContext $context,
49		Config $config
50	) {
51		return $config->get( 'VectorWvuiSearchOptions' );
52	}
54	/**
55	 * SkinPageReadyConfig hook handler
56	 *
57	 * Replace searchModule provided by skin.
58	 *
59	 * @since 1.35
60	 * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
61	 * @param mixed[] &$config Associative array of configurable options
62	 * @return void This hook must not abort, it must return no value
63	 */
64	public static function onSkinPageReadyConfig(
65		ResourceLoaderContext $context,
66		array &$config
67	) {
68		// It's better to exit before any additional check
69		if ( $context->getSkin() !== 'vector' ) {
70			return;
71		}
73		// Tell the `mediawiki.page.ready` module not to wire up search.
74		// This allows us to use $wgVectorUseWvuiSearch to decide to load
75		// the historic jquery autocomplete search or the new Vue implementation.
76		// ResourceLoaderContext has no knowledge of legacy / modern Vector
77		// and from its point of view they are the same thing.
78		// Please see the modules `skins.vector.js` and `skins.vector.legacy.js`
79		// for the wire up of search.
80		// The related method self::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig handles which
81		// search to load.
82		$config['search'] = false;
83	}
85	/**
86	 * Add icon class to an existing navigation item inside a menu hook.
87	 * See self::onSkinTemplateNavigation.
88	 * @param array $item
89	 * @return array
90	 */
91	private static function navigationLinkToIcon( array $item ) {
92		if ( !isset( $item['class'] ) ) {
93			$item['class'] = '';
94		}
95		$item['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
96		return $item;
97	}
99	/**
100	 * Upgrades Vector's watch action to a watchstar.
101	 *
102	 * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation
103	 * @param SkinTemplate $sk
104	 * @param array &$content_navigation
105	 */
106	public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $sk, &$content_navigation ) {
107		$title = $sk->getRelevantTitle();
108		if (
109			$sk->getConfig()->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' ) &&
110			$sk->getSkinName() === 'vector' &&
111			$title && $title->canExist()
112		) {
113			$key = null;
114			if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['watch'] ) ) {
115				$key = 'watch';
116			}
117			if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['unwatch'] ) ) {
118				$key = 'unwatch';
119			}
121			// Promote watch link from actions to views and add an icon
122			if ( $key !== null ) {
123				$content_navigation['views'][$key] = self::navigationLinkToIcon(
124					$content_navigation['actions'][$key]
125				);
126				unset( $content_navigation['actions'][$key] );
127			}
128		}
129	}
131	/**
132	 * Add Vector preferences to the user's Special:Preferences page directly underneath skins.
133	 *
134	 * @param User $user User whose preferences are being modified.
135	 * @param array[] &$prefs Preferences description array, to be fed to a HTMLForm object.
136	 */
137	public static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$prefs ) {
138		if ( !self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_SHOW_SKIN_PREFERENCES ) ) {
139			// Do not add Vector skin specific preferences.
140			return;
141		}
143		// Preferences to add.
144		$vectorPrefs = [
145			Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION => [
146				'class' => HTMLLegacySkinVersionField::class,
147				// The checkbox title.
148				'label-message' => 'prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label',
149				// Show a little informational snippet underneath the checkbox.
150				'help-message' => 'prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-help',
151				// The tab location and title of the section to insert the checkbox. The bit after the slash
152				// indicates that a prefs-skin-prefs string will be provided.
153				'section' => 'rendering/skin/skin-prefs',
154				'default' => self::isSkinVersionLegacy(),
155				// Only show this section when the Vector skin is checked. The JavaScript client also uses
156				// this state to determine whether to show or hide the whole section.
157				'hide-if' => [ '!==', 'wpskin', Constants::SKIN_NAME ],
158			],
159			Constants::PREF_KEY_SIDEBAR_VISIBLE => [
160				'type' => 'api',
161				'default' => self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_VISIBLE_FOR_AUTHORISED_USER )
162			],
163		];
165		// Seek the skin preference section to add Vector preferences just below it.
166		$skinSectionIndex = array_search( 'skin', array_keys( $prefs ) );
167		if ( $skinSectionIndex !== false ) {
168			// Skin preference section found. Inject Vector skin-specific preferences just below it.
169			// This pattern can be found in Popups too. See T246162.
170			$vectorSectionIndex = $skinSectionIndex + 1;
171			$prefs = array_slice( $prefs, 0, $vectorSectionIndex, true )
172				+ $vectorPrefs
173				+ array_slice( $prefs, $vectorSectionIndex, null, true );
174		} else {
175			// Skin preference section not found. Just append Vector skin-specific preferences.
176			$prefs += $vectorPrefs;
177		}
178	}
180	/**
181	 * Hook executed on user's Special:Preferences form save. This is used to convert the boolean
182	 * presentation of skin version to a version string. That is, a single preference change by the
183	 * user may trigger two writes: a boolean followed by a string.
184	 *
185	 * @param array $formData Form data submitted by user
186	 * @param HTMLForm $form A preferences form
187	 * @param User $user Logged-in user
188	 * @param bool &$result Variable defining is form save successful
189	 * @param array $oldPreferences
190	 */
191	public static function onPreferencesFormPreSave(
192		array $formData,
193		HTMLForm $form,
194		User $user,
195		&$result,
196		$oldPreferences
197	) {
198		$isVectorEnabled = ( $formData[ 'skin' ] ?? '' ) === Constants::SKIN_NAME;
200		if ( !$isVectorEnabled && array_key_exists( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $oldPreferences ) ) {
201			// The setting was cleared. However, this is likely because a different skin was chosen and
202			// the skin version preference was hidden.
203			$user->setOption(
204				Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION,
205				$oldPreferences[ Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION ]
206			);
207		}
208	}
210	/**
211	 * Called one time when initializing a users preferences for a newly created account.
212	 *
213	 * @param User $user Newly created user object.
214	 * @param bool $isAutoCreated
215	 */
216	public static function onLocalUserCreated( User $user, $isAutoCreated ) {
217		$default = self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_SKIN_VERSION_FOR_NEW_ACCOUNTS );
218		// Permanently set the default preference. The user can later change this preference, however,
219		// self::onLocalUserCreated() will not be executed for that account again.
220		$user->setOption( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $default );
221	}
223	/**
224	 * Called when OutputPage::headElement is creating the body tag to allow skins
225	 * and extensions to add attributes they might need to the body of the page.
226	 *
227	 * @param OutputPage $out
228	 * @param Skin $sk
229	 * @param string[] &$bodyAttrs
230	 */
231	public static function onOutputPageBodyAttributes( OutputPage $out, Skin $sk, &$bodyAttrs ) {
232		if ( !$sk instanceof SkinVector ) {
233			return;
234		}
236		// As of 2020/08/13, this CSS class is referred to by the following deployed extensions:
237		//
238		// - VisualEditor
239		// - CodeMirror
240		// - WikimediaEvents
241		//
242		// See https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/deployed/?q=skin-vector-legacy for an up-to-date
243		// list.
244		if ( self::isSkinVersionLegacy() ) {
245			$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-legacy';
246		}
248		// Determine the search widget treatment to send to the user
249		if ( VectorServices::getFeatureManager()->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_USE_WVUI_SEARCH ) ) {
250			$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-search-vue';
251		}
253		$config = $sk->getConfig();
254		// Should we disable the max-width styling?
255		if ( !self::isSkinVersionLegacy() && $sk->getTitle() && self::shouldDisableMaxWidth(
256			$config->get( 'VectorMaxWidthOptions' ),
257			$sk->getTitle(),
258			$out->getRequest()->getValues()
259		) ) {
260			$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-disable-max-width';
261		}
262	}
264	/**
265	 * Per the $options configuration (for use with $wgVectorMaxWidthOptions)
266	 * determine whether max-width should be disabled on the page.
267	 * For the main page: Check the value of $options['exclude']['mainpage']
268	 * For all other pages, the following will happen:
269	 * - the array $options['include'] of canonical page names will be checked
270	 *   against the current page. If a page has been listed there, function will return false
271	 *   (max-width will not be  disabled)
272	 * Max width is disabled if:
273	 *  1) The current namespace is listed in array $options['exclude']['namespaces']
274	 *  OR
275	 *  2) The query string matches one of the name and value pairs $exclusions['querystring'].
276	 *     Note the wildcard "*" for a value, will match all query string values for the given
277	 *     query string parameter.
278	 *
279	 * @internal only for use inside tests.
280	 * @param array $options
281	 * @param Title $title
282	 * @param array $requestValues
283	 * @return bool
284	 */
285	public static function shouldDisableMaxWidth( array $options, Title $title, array $requestValues ) {
286		$canonicalTitle = $title->getRootTitle();
288		$inclusions = $options['include'] ?? [];
289		$exclusions = $options['exclude'] ?? [];
291		if ( $title->isMainPage() ) {
292			// only one check to make
293			return $exclusions['mainpage'] ?? false;
294		} elseif ( $canonicalTitle->isSpecialPage() ) {
295			$canonicalTitle->fixSpecialName();
296		}
298		//
299		// Check the inclusions based on the canonical title
300		// The inclusions are checked first as these trump any exclusions.
301		//
302		// Now we have the canonical title and the inclusions link we look for any matches.
303		foreach ( $inclusions as $titleText ) {
304			$includedTitle = Title::newFromText( $titleText );
306			if ( $canonicalTitle->equals( $includedTitle ) ) {
307				return false;
308			}
309		}
311		//
312		// Check the exclusions
313		// If nothing matches the exclusions to determine what should happen
314		//
315		$excludeNamespaces = $exclusions['namespaces'] ?? [];
316		// Max width is disabled on certain namespaces
317		if ( $title->inNamespaces( $excludeNamespaces ) ) {
318			return true;
319		}
320		$excludeQueryString = $exclusions['querystring'] ?? [];
322		foreach ( $excludeQueryString as $param => $excludedParamValue ) {
323			$paramValue = $requestValues[$param] ?? false;
324			if ( $paramValue ) {
325				if ( $excludedParamValue === '*' ) {
326					// check wildcard
327					return true;
328				} elseif ( $paramValue === $excludedParamValue ) {
329					// Check if the excluded param value matches
330					return true;
331				}
332			}
333		}
335		return false;
336	}
338	/**
339	 * NOTE: Please use ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars hook instead if possible
340	 * for adding config to the page.
341	 * Adds config variables to JS that depend on current page/request.
342	 *
343	 * Adds a config flag that can disable saving the VectorSidebarVisible
344	 * user preference when the sidebar menu icon is clicked.
345	 *
346	 * @param array &$vars Array of variables to be added into the output.
347	 * @param OutputPage $out OutputPage instance calling the hook
348	 */
349	public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $out ) {
350		if ( !$out->getSkin() instanceof SkinVector ) {
351			return;
352		}
354		$user = $out->getUser();
356		if ( $user->isRegistered() && self::isSkinVersionLegacy() ) {
357			$vars[ 'wgVectorDisableSidebarPersistence' ] =
358				self::getConfig(
360				);
361		}
362	}
364	/**
365	 * Get a configuration variable such as `Constants::CONFIG_KEY_SHOW_SKIN_PREFERENCES`.
366	 *
367	 * @param string $name Name of configuration option.
368	 * @return mixed Value configured.
369	 * @throws \ConfigException
370	 */
371	private static function getConfig( $name ) {
372		return self::getServiceConfig()->get( $name );
373	}
375	/**
376	 * @return \Config
377	 */
378	private static function getServiceConfig() {
379		return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( Constants::SERVICE_CONFIG );
380	}
382	/**
383	 * Gets whether the current skin version is the legacy version.
384	 *
385	 * @see VectorServices::getFeatureManager
386	 *
387	 * @return bool
388	 */
389	private static function isSkinVersionLegacy(): bool {
390		return !VectorServices::getFeatureManager()->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LATEST_SKIN );
391	}