1 use crate::std_alloc::Vec;
2 use core::mem;
3 use core::ops::Shl;
4 use num_traits::{One, Zero};
6 use crate::big_digit::{self, BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit, SignedDoubleBigDigit};
7 use crate::biguint::BigUint;
9 struct MontyReducer {
10     n0inv: BigDigit,
11 }
13 // k0 = -m**-1 mod 2**BITS. Algorithm from: Dumas, J.G. "On Newton–Raphson
14 // Iteration for Multiplicative Inverses Modulo Prime Powers".
inv_mod_alt(b: BigDigit) -> BigDigit15 fn inv_mod_alt(b: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
16     assert_ne!(b & 1, 0);
18     let mut k0 = 2 - b as SignedDoubleBigDigit;
19     let mut t = (b - 1) as SignedDoubleBigDigit;
20     let mut i = 1;
21     while i < big_digit::BITS {
22         t = t.wrapping_mul(t);
23         k0 = k0.wrapping_mul(t + 1);
25         i <<= 1;
26     }
27     -k0 as BigDigit
28 }
30 impl MontyReducer {
new(n: &BigUint) -> Self31     fn new(n: &BigUint) -> Self {
32         let n0inv = inv_mod_alt(n.data[0]);
33         MontyReducer { n0inv }
34     }
35 }
37 /// Computes z mod m = x * y * 2 ** (-n*_W) mod m
38 /// assuming k = -1/m mod 2**_W
39 /// See Gueron, "Efficient Software Implementations of Modular Exponentiation".
40 /// https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/239.pdf
41 /// In the terminology of that paper, this is an "Almost Montgomery Multiplication":
42 /// x and y are required to satisfy 0 <= z < 2**(n*_W) and then the result
43 /// z is guaranteed to satisfy 0 <= z < 2**(n*_W), but it may not be < m.
44 #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]
montgomery(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint, k: BigDigit, n: usize) -> BigUint45 fn montgomery(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint, k: BigDigit, n: usize) -> BigUint {
46     // This code assumes x, y, m are all the same length, n.
47     // (required by addMulVVW and the for loop).
48     // It also assumes that x, y are already reduced mod m,
49     // or else the result will not be properly reduced.
50     assert!(
51         x.data.len() == n && y.data.len() == n && m.data.len() == n,
52         "{:?} {:?} {:?} {}",
53         x,
54         y,
55         m,
56         n
57     );
59     let mut z = BigUint::zero();
60     z.data.resize(n * 2, 0);
62     let mut c: BigDigit = 0;
63     for i in 0..n {
64         let c2 = add_mul_vvw(&mut z.data[i..n + i], &x.data, y.data[i]);
65         let t = z.data[i].wrapping_mul(k);
66         let c3 = add_mul_vvw(&mut z.data[i..n + i], &m.data, t);
67         let cx = c.wrapping_add(c2);
68         let cy = cx.wrapping_add(c3);
69         z.data[n + i] = cy;
70         if cx < c2 || cy < c3 {
71             c = 1;
72         } else {
73             c = 0;
74         }
75     }
77     if c == 0 {
78         z.data = z.data[n..].to_vec();
79     } else {
80         {
81             let (mut first, second) = z.data.split_at_mut(n);
82             sub_vv(&mut first, &second, &m.data);
83         }
84         z.data = z.data[..n].to_vec();
85     }
87     z
88 }
90 #[inline(always)]
add_mul_vvw(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: BigDigit) -> BigDigit91 fn add_mul_vvw(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
92     let mut c = 0;
93     for (zi, xi) in z.iter_mut().zip(x.iter()) {
94         let (z1, z0) = mul_add_www(*xi, y, *zi);
95         let (c_, zi_) = add_ww(z0, c, 0);
96         *zi = zi_;
97         c = c_ + z1;
98     }
100     c
101 }
103 /// The resulting carry c is either 0 or 1.
104 #[inline(always)]
sub_vv(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit105 fn sub_vv(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
106     let mut c = 0;
107     for (i, (xi, yi)) in x.iter().zip(y.iter()).enumerate().take(z.len()) {
108         let zi = xi.wrapping_sub(*yi).wrapping_sub(c);
109         z[i] = zi;
110         // see "Hacker's Delight", section 2-12 (overflow detection)
111         c = ((yi & !xi) | ((yi | !xi) & zi)) >> (big_digit::BITS - 1)
112     }
114     c
115 }
117 /// z1<<_W + z0 = x+y+c, with c == 0 or 1
118 #[inline(always)]
add_ww(x: BigDigit, y: BigDigit, c: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit)119 fn add_ww(x: BigDigit, y: BigDigit, c: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
120     let yc = y.wrapping_add(c);
121     let z0 = x.wrapping_add(yc);
122     let z1 = if z0 < x || yc < y { 1 } else { 0 };
124     (z1, z0)
125 }
127 /// z1 << _W + z0 = x * y + c
128 #[inline(always)]
mul_add_www(x: BigDigit, y: BigDigit, c: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit)129 fn mul_add_www(x: BigDigit, y: BigDigit, c: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
130     let z = x as DoubleBigDigit * y as DoubleBigDigit + c as DoubleBigDigit;
131     ((z >> big_digit::BITS) as BigDigit, z as BigDigit)
132 }
134 /// Calculates x ** y mod m using a fixed, 4-bit window.
135 #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]
monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint136 pub(super) fn monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
137     assert!(m.data[0] & 1 == 1);
138     let mr = MontyReducer::new(m);
139     let num_words = m.data.len();
141     let mut x = x.clone();
143     // We want the lengths of x and m to be equal.
144     // It is OK if x >= m as long as len(x) == len(m).
145     if x.data.len() > num_words {
146         x %= m;
147         // Note: now len(x) <= numWords, not guaranteed ==.
148     }
149     if x.data.len() < num_words {
150         x.data.resize(num_words, 0);
151     }
153     // rr = 2**(2*_W*len(m)) mod m
154     let mut rr = BigUint::one();
155     rr = (rr.shl(2 * num_words as u64 * u64::from(big_digit::BITS))) % m;
156     if rr.data.len() < num_words {
157         rr.data.resize(num_words, 0);
158     }
159     // one = 1, with equal length to that of m
160     let mut one = BigUint::one();
161     one.data.resize(num_words, 0);
163     let n = 4;
164     // powers[i] contains x^i
165     let mut powers = Vec::with_capacity(1 << n);
166     powers.push(montgomery(&one, &rr, m, mr.n0inv, num_words));
167     powers.push(montgomery(&x, &rr, m, mr.n0inv, num_words));
168     for i in 2..1 << n {
169         let r = montgomery(&powers[i - 1], &powers[1], m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
170         powers.push(r);
171     }
173     // initialize z = 1 (Montgomery 1)
174     let mut z = powers[0].clone();
175     z.data.resize(num_words, 0);
176     let mut zz = BigUint::zero();
177     zz.data.resize(num_words, 0);
179     // same windowed exponent, but with Montgomery multiplications
180     for i in (0..y.data.len()).rev() {
181         let mut yi = y.data[i];
182         let mut j = 0;
183         while j < big_digit::BITS {
184             if i != y.data.len() - 1 || j != 0 {
185                 zz = montgomery(&z, &z, m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
186                 z = montgomery(&zz, &zz, m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
187                 zz = montgomery(&z, &z, m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
188                 z = montgomery(&zz, &zz, m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
189             }
190             zz = montgomery(
191                 &z,
192                 &powers[(yi >> (big_digit::BITS - n)) as usize],
193                 m,
194                 mr.n0inv,
195                 num_words,
196             );
197             mem::swap(&mut z, &mut zz);
198             yi <<= n;
199             j += n;
200         }
201     }
203     // convert to regular number
204     zz = montgomery(&z, &one, m, mr.n0inv, num_words);
206     zz.normalize();
207     // One last reduction, just in case.
208     // See golang.org/issue/13907.
209     if zz >= *m {
210         // Common case is m has high bit set; in that case,
211         // since zz is the same length as m, there can be just
212         // one multiple of m to remove. Just subtract.
213         // We think that the subtract should be sufficient in general,
214         // so do that unconditionally, but double-check,
215         // in case our beliefs are wrong.
216         // The div is not expected to be reached.
217         zz -= m;
218         if zz >= *m {
219             zz %= m;
220         }
221     }
223     zz.normalize();
224     zz
225 }