2// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
4// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7// (at your option) any later version.
9// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12// GNU General Public License for more details.
14// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 * Api customfield package
19 *
20 * @package   core_customfield
21 * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros <davidmc@moodle.com>
22 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
23 */
25namespace core_customfield;
27use core\output\inplace_editable;
28use core_customfield\event\category_created;
29use core_customfield\event\category_deleted;
30use core_customfield\event\category_updated;
31use core_customfield\event\field_created;
32use core_customfield\event\field_deleted;
33use core_customfield\event\field_updated;
35defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
38 * Class api
39 *
40 * @package core_customfield
41 * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros <davidmc@moodle.com>
42 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
43 */
44class api {
46    /**
47     * For the given instance and list of fields fields retrieves data associated with them
48     *
49     * @param field_controller[] $fields list of fields indexed by field id
50     * @param int $instanceid
51     * @param bool $adddefaults
52     * @return data_controller[] array of data_controller objects indexed by fieldid. All fields are present,
53     *    some data_controller objects may have 'id', some not
54     *     If ($adddefaults): All fieldids are present, some data_controller objects may have 'id', some not.
55     *     If (!$adddefaults): Only fieldids with data are present, all data_controller objects have 'id'.
56     */
57    public static function get_instance_fields_data(array $fields, int $instanceid, bool $adddefaults = true) : array {
58        return self::get_instances_fields_data($fields, [$instanceid], $adddefaults)[$instanceid];
59    }
61    /**
62     * For given list of instances and fields retrieves data associated with them
63     *
64     * @param field_controller[] $fields list of fields indexed by field id
65     * @param int[] $instanceids
66     * @param bool $adddefaults
67     * @return data_controller[][] 2-dimension array, first index is instanceid, second index is fieldid.
68     *     If ($adddefaults): All instanceids and all fieldids are present, some data_controller objects may have 'id', some not.
69     *     If (!$adddefaults): All instanceids are present but only fieldids with data are present, all
70     *         data_controller objects have 'id'.
71     */
72    public static function get_instances_fields_data(array $fields, array $instanceids, bool $adddefaults = true) : array {
73        global $DB;
75        // Create the results array where instances and fields order is the same as in the input arrays.
76        $result = array_fill_keys($instanceids, array_fill_keys(array_keys($fields), null));
78        if (empty($instanceids) || empty($fields)) {
79            return $result;
80        }
82        // Retrieve all existing data.
83        list($sqlfields, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($fields), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'fld');
84        list($sqlinstances, $iparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($instanceids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'ins');
85        $sql = "SELECT d.*
86                  FROM {customfield_field} f
87                  JOIN {customfield_data} d ON (f.id = d.fieldid AND d.instanceid {$sqlinstances})
88                 WHERE f.id {$sqlfields}";
89        $fieldsdata = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params + $iparams);
90        foreach ($fieldsdata as $data) {
91            $result[$data->instanceid][$data->fieldid] = data_controller::create(0, $data, $fields[$data->fieldid]);
92        }
93        $fieldsdata->close();
95        if ($adddefaults) {
96            // Add default data where it was not retrieved.
97            foreach ($instanceids as $instanceid) {
98                foreach ($fields as $fieldid => $field) {
99                    if ($result[$instanceid][$fieldid] === null) {
100                        $result[$instanceid][$fieldid] =
101                            data_controller::create(0, (object)['instanceid' => $instanceid], $field);
102                    }
103                }
104            }
105        } else {
106            // Remove null-placeholders for data that was not retrieved.
107            foreach ($instanceids as $instanceid) {
108                $result[$instanceid] = array_filter($result[$instanceid]);
109            }
110        }
112        return $result;
113    }
115    /**
116     * Retrieve a list of all available custom field types
117     *
118     * @return   array   a list of the fieldtypes suitable to use in a select statement
119     */
120    public static function get_available_field_types() {
121        $fieldtypes = array();
123        $plugins = \core\plugininfo\customfield::get_enabled_plugins();
124        foreach ($plugins as $type => $unused) {
125            $fieldtypes[$type] = get_string('pluginname', 'customfield_' . $type);
126        }
127        asort($fieldtypes);
129        return $fieldtypes;
130    }
132    /**
133     * Updates or creates a field with data that came from a form
134     *
135     * @param field_controller $field
136     * @param \stdClass $formdata
137     */
138    public static function save_field_configuration(field_controller $field, \stdClass $formdata) {
139        foreach ($formdata as $key => $value) {
140            if ($key === 'configdata' && is_array($formdata->configdata)) {
141                $field->set($key, json_encode($value));
142            } else if ($key === 'id' || ($key === 'type' && $field->get('id'))) {
143                continue;
144            } else if (field::has_property($key)) {
145                $field->set($key, $value);
146            }
147        }
149        $isnewfield = empty($field->get('id'));
151        // Process files in description.
152        if (isset($formdata->description_editor)) {
153            if (!$field->get('id')) {
154                // We need 'id' field to store files used in description.
155                $field->save();
156            }
158            $data = (object) ['description_editor' => $formdata->description_editor];
159            $textoptions = $field->get_handler()->get_description_text_options();
160            $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'description', $textoptions, $textoptions['context'],
161                'core_customfield', 'description', $field->get('id'));
162            $field->set('description', $data->description);
163            $field->set('descriptionformat', $data->descriptionformat);
164        }
166        // Save the field.
167        $field->save();
169        if ($isnewfield) {
170            // Move to the end of the category.
171            self::move_field($field, $field->get('categoryid'));
172        }
174        if ($isnewfield) {
175            field_created::create_from_object($field)->trigger();
176        } else {
177            field_updated::create_from_object($field)->trigger();
178        }
179    }
181    /**
182     * Change fields sort order, move field to another category
183     *
184     * @param field_controller $field field that needs to be moved
185     * @param int $categoryid category that needs to be moved
186     * @param int $beforeid id of the category this category needs to be moved before, 0 to move to the end
187     */
188    public static function move_field(field_controller $field, int $categoryid, int $beforeid = 0) {
189        global $DB;
191        if ($field->get('categoryid') != $categoryid) {
192            // Move field to another category. Validate that this category exists and belongs to the same component/area/itemid.
193            $category = $field->get_category();
194            $DB->get_record(category::TABLE, [
195                'component' => $category->get('component'),
196                'area' => $category->get('area'),
197                'itemid' => $category->get('itemid'),
198                'id' => $categoryid], 'id', MUST_EXIST);
199            $field->set('categoryid', $categoryid);
200            $field->save();
201            field_updated::create_from_object($field)->trigger();
202        }
204        // Reorder fields in the target category.
205        $records = $DB->get_records(field::TABLE, ['categoryid' => $categoryid], 'sortorder, id', '*');
207        $id = $field->get('id');
208        $fieldsids = array_values(array_diff(array_keys($records), [$id]));
209        $idx = $beforeid ? array_search($beforeid, $fieldsids) : false;
210        if ($idx === false) {
211            // Set as the last field.
212            $fieldsids = array_merge($fieldsids, [$id]);
213        } else {
214            // Set before field with id $beforeid.
215            $fieldsids = array_merge(array_slice($fieldsids, 0, $idx), [$id], array_slice($fieldsids, $idx));
216        }
218        foreach (array_values($fieldsids) as $idx => $fieldid) {
219            // Use persistent class to update the sortorder for each field that needs updating.
220            if ($records[$fieldid]->sortorder != $idx) {
221                $f = ($fieldid == $id) ? $field : new field(0, $records[$fieldid]);
222                $f->set('sortorder', $idx);
223                $f->save();
224            }
225        }
226    }
228    /**
229     * Delete a field
230     *
231     * @param field_controller $field
232     */
233    public static function delete_field_configuration(field_controller $field) : bool {
234        $event = field_deleted::create_from_object($field);
235        get_file_storage()->delete_area_files($field->get_handler()->get_configuration_context()->id, 'core_customfield',
236            'description', $field->get('id'));
237        $result = $field->delete();
238        $event->trigger();
239        return $result;
240    }
242    /**
243     * Returns an object for inplace editable
244     *
245     * @param category_controller $category category that needs to be moved
246     * @param bool $editable
247     * @return inplace_editable
248     */
249    public static function get_category_inplace_editable(category_controller $category, bool $editable = true) : inplace_editable {
250        return new inplace_editable('core_customfield',
251                                    'category',
252                                    $category->get('id'),
253                                    $editable,
254                                    $category->get_formatted_name(),
255                                    $category->get('name'),
256                                    get_string('editcategoryname', 'core_customfield'),
257                                    get_string('newvaluefor', 'core_form', format_string($category->get('name')))
258        );
259    }
261    /**
262     * Reorder categories, move given category before another category
263     *
264     * @param category_controller $category category that needs to be moved
265     * @param int $beforeid id of the category this category needs to be moved before, 0 to move to the end
266     */
267    public static function move_category(category_controller $category, int $beforeid = 0) {
268        global $DB;
269        $records = $DB->get_records(category::TABLE, [
270            'component' => $category->get('component'),
271            'area' => $category->get('area'),
272            'itemid' => $category->get('itemid')
273        ], 'sortorder, id', '*');
275        $id = $category->get('id');
276        $categoriesids = array_values(array_diff(array_keys($records), [$id]));
277        $idx = $beforeid ? array_search($beforeid, $categoriesids) : false;
278        if ($idx === false) {
279            // Set as the last category.
280            $categoriesids = array_merge($categoriesids, [$id]);
281        } else {
282            // Set before category with id $beforeid.
283            $categoriesids = array_merge(array_slice($categoriesids, 0, $idx), [$id], array_slice($categoriesids, $idx));
284        }
286        foreach (array_values($categoriesids) as $idx => $categoryid) {
287            // Use persistent class to update the sortorder for each category that needs updating.
288            if ($records[$categoryid]->sortorder != $idx) {
289                $c = ($categoryid == $id) ? $category : category_controller::create(0, $records[$categoryid]);
290                $c->set('sortorder', $idx);
291                $c->save();
292            }
293        }
294    }
296    /**
297     * Insert or update custom field category
298     *
299     * @param category_controller $category
300     */
301    public static function save_category(category_controller $category) {
302        $isnewcategory = empty($category->get('id'));
304        $category->save();
306        if ($isnewcategory) {
307            // Move to the end.
308            self::move_category($category);
309            category_created::create_from_object($category)->trigger();
310        } else {
311            category_updated::create_from_object($category)->trigger();
312        }
313    }
315    /**
316     * Delete a custom field category
317     *
318     * @param category_controller $category
319     * @return bool
320     */
321    public static function delete_category(category_controller $category) : bool {
322        $event = category_deleted::create_from_object($category);
324        // Delete all fields.
325        foreach ($category->get_fields() as $field) {
326            self::delete_field_configuration($field);
327        }
329        $result = $category->delete();
330        $event->trigger();
331        return $result;
332    }
334    /**
335     * Returns a list of categories with their related fields.
336     *
337     * @param string $component
338     * @param string $area
339     * @param int $itemid
340     * @return category_controller[]
341     */
342    public static function get_categories_with_fields(string $component, string $area, int $itemid) : array {
343        global $DB;
345        $categories = [];
347        $options = [
348                'component' => $component,
349                'area'      => $area,
350                'itemid'    => $itemid
351        ];
353        $plugins = \core\plugininfo\customfield::get_enabled_plugins();
354        list($sqlfields, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($plugins), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', true, null);
356        $fields = 'f.*, ' . join(', ', array_map(function($field) {
357                return "c.$field AS category_$field";
358        }, array_diff(array_keys(category::properties_definition()), ['usermodified', 'timemodified'])));
359        $sql = "SELECT $fields
360                  FROM {customfield_category} c
361             LEFT JOIN {customfield_field} f ON c.id = f.categoryid AND f.type $sqlfields
362                 WHERE c.component = :component AND c.area = :area AND c.itemid = :itemid
363              ORDER BY c.sortorder, f.sortorder";
364        $fieldsdata = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $options + $params);
366        foreach ($fieldsdata as $data) {
367            if (!array_key_exists($data->category_id, $categories)) {
368                $categoryobj = new \stdClass();
369                foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
370                    if (preg_match('/^category_(.*)$/', $key, $matches)) {
371                        $categoryobj->{$matches[1]} = $value;
372                    }
373                }
374                $category = category_controller::create(0, $categoryobj);
375                $categories[$categoryobj->id] = $category;
376            } else {
377                $category = $categories[$data->categoryid];
378            }
379            if ($data->id) {
380                $fieldobj = new \stdClass();
381                foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
382                    if (!preg_match('/^category_/', $key)) {
383                        $fieldobj->{$key} = $value;
384                    }
385                }
386                $field = field_controller::create(0, $fieldobj, $category);
387            }
388        }
389        $fieldsdata->close();
391        return $categories;
392    }
394    /**
395     * Prepares the object to pass to field configuration form set_data() method
396     *
397     * @param field_controller $field
398     * @return \stdClass
399     */
400    public static function prepare_field_for_config_form(field_controller $field) : \stdClass {
401        if ($field->get('id')) {
402            $formdata = $field->to_record();
403            $formdata->configdata = $field->get('configdata');
404            // Preprocess the description.
405            $textoptions = $field->get_handler()->get_description_text_options();
406            file_prepare_standard_editor($formdata, 'description', $textoptions, $textoptions['context'], 'core_customfield',
407                'description', $formdata->id);
408        } else {
409            $formdata = (object)['categoryid' => $field->get('categoryid'), 'type' => $field->get('type'), 'configdata' => []];
410        }
411        // Allow field to do more preprocessing (usually for editor or filemanager elements).
412        $field->prepare_for_config_form($formdata);
413        return $formdata;
414    }
416    /**
417     * Get a list of the course custom fields that support course grouping in
418     * block_myoverview
419     * @return array $shortname => $name
420     */
421    public static function get_fields_supporting_course_grouping() {
422        global $DB;
423        $sql = "
424            SELECT f.*
425              FROM {customfield_field} f
426              JOIN {customfield_category} cat ON cat.id = f.categoryid
427             WHERE cat.component = 'core_course' AND cat.area = 'course'
428             ORDER BY f.name
429        ";
430        $ret = [];
431        $fields = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
432        foreach ($fields as $field) {
433            $inst = field_controller::create(0, $field);
434            $isvisible = $inst->get_configdata_property('visibility') == \core_course\customfield\course_handler::VISIBLETOALL;
435            // Only visible fields to everybody supporting course grouping will be displayed.
436            if ($inst->supports_course_grouping() && $isvisible) {
437                $ret[$inst->get('shortname')] = $inst->get('name');
438            }
439        }
440        return $ret;
441    }