5namespace OpenStack\ObjectStore\v1;
7use OpenStack\Common\Api\AbstractParams;
8use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
10class Params extends AbstractParams
12    public function endMarker(): array
13    {
14        return [
15            'location'    => self::QUERY,
16            'description' => <<<EOT
17Based on a string value, only containers with names that are less in value than the specified marker will be returned.
18"Less in value" refers to the sorting algorithm, which is based on the SQLite memcmp() collating function.'
20        ];
21    }
23    public function prefix(): array
24    {
25        return [
26            'location'    => self::QUERY,
27            'description' => <<<EOT
28Based on a string value, only containers with names that begin with this value will be returned. This is useful when
29you only want to return a set of containers that match a particular pattern.
31        ];
32    }
34    public function delimiter(): array
35    {
36        return [
37            'location'    => self::QUERY,
38            'description' => <<<EOT
39Delimiter value, which returns the object names that are nested in the container.
41        ];
42    }
44    public function newest(): array
45    {
46        return [
47            'location'    => self::HEADER,
48            'type'        => self::BOOL_TYPE,
49            'sentAs'      => 'X-Newest',
50            'description' => <<<EOT
51If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object
52Storage responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because setting this header to True is more expensive for the
53back end, use it only when it is absolutely needed.
55        ];
56    }
58    public function tempUrlKey($type)
59    {
60        return [
61            'location'    => self::HEADER,
62            'sentAs'      => sprintf('X-%s-Meta-Temp-URL-Key', ucfirst($type)),
63            'description' => 'The secret key value for temporary URLs.',
64        ];
65    }
67    public function tempUrlKey2($type)
68    {
69        return [
70            'location'    => self::HEADER,
71            'sentAs'      => sprintf('X-%s-Meta-Temp-URL-Key-2', ucfirst($type)),
72            'description' => <<<EOT
73A second secret key value for temporary URLs. The second key enables you to rotate keys by having an old and new key
74active at the same time.
76        ];
77    }
79    public function containerName(): array
80    {
81        return [
82            'location'    => self::URL,
83            'required'    => true,
84            'description' => <<<EOT
85The unique name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any
86character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character
87because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, /account/container/object.
89        ];
90    }
92    public function path(): array
93    {
94        return [
95            'location'    => 'query',
96            'description' => <<<EOT
97For a string value, returns the object names that are nested in the pseudo path. Equivalent to setting delimiter to /
98and prefix to the path with a / at the end.
100        ];
101    }
103    public function readAccess($type)
104    {
105        return [
106            'location'    => 'header',
107            'sentAs'      => sprintf('X-%s-Read', ucfirst($type)),
108            'description' => <<<EOT
109Sets a container access control list (ACL) that grants read access. Container ACLs are available on any Object Storage
110cluster, and are enabled by container rather than by cluster. Specify the ACL value as follows:
112".r:*" to allow access for all referrers.
114".r:example.com,swift.example.com" to allow access to a comma-separated list of referrers.
116".rlistings" to allow container listing.
118"AUTH_username" allows access to a specified user who authenticates through a legacy or non-OpenStack-Identity-based
119authentication system.
121"LDAP_" allows access to all users who authenticate through an LDAP-based legacy or non-OpenStack-Identity-based
122authentication system.
124        ];
125    }
127    public function syncTo(): array
128    {
129        return [
130            'location'    => self::HEADER,
131            'sentAs'      => 'X-Container-Sync-To',
132            'description' => <<<EOT
133Sets the destination for container synchronization. Used with the secret key indicated in the X-Container-Sync-Key
134header. If you want to stop a container from synchronizing, send a blank value for the X-Container-Sync-Key header.
136        ];
137    }
139    public function syncKey(): array
140    {
141        return [
142            'location'    => self::HEADER,
143            'sentAs'      => 'X-Container-Sync-Key',
144            'description' => <<<EOT
145Sets the secret key for container synchronization. If you remove the secret key, synchronization is halted.
147        ];
148    }
150    public function writeAccess($type)
151    {
152        return [
153            'location'    => self::HEADER,
154            'sentAs'      => sprintf('X-%s-Write', ucfirst($type)),
155            'description' => 'Like `readAccess` parameter, but for write access.',
156        ];
157    }
159    public function metadata($type, $remove = false)
160    {
161        if (true == $remove) {
162            $type = 'Remove-'.ucfirst($type);
163        }
165        return [
166            'location'   => self::HEADER,
167            'type'       => self::OBJECT_TYPE,
168            'prefix'     => sprintf('X-%s-Meta-', ucfirst($type)),
169            'properties' => [
170                'type' => self::STRING_TYPE,
171            ],
172            'description' => <<<EOT
173Human-readable key/value pairs that help describe and determine what type of resource it is. You can specify whichever
174key you like, but the values need to be in scalar form (since they will be translated to strings).
176        ];
177    }
179    public function versionsLocation(): array
180    {
181        return [
182            'location'    => self::HEADER,
183            'sentAs'      => 'X-Versions-Location',
184            'description' => <<<EOT
185Enables versioning on this container. The value is the name of another container. You must UTF-8-encode and then
186URL-encode the name before you include it in the header. To disable versioning, set the header to an empty string.
188        ];
189    }
191    public function bytesQuota(): array
192    {
193        return [
194            'location'    => self::HEADER,
195            'sentAs'      => 'X-Container-Meta-Quota-Bytes',
196            'description' => <<<EOT
197Sets maximum size of the container, in bytes. Typically these values are set by an administrator. Returns a 413
198response (request entity too large) when an object PUT operation exceeds this quota value.
200        ];
201    }
203    public function countQuota(): array
204    {
205        return [
206            'location'    => self::HEADER,
207            'sentAs'      => 'X-Container-Meta-Quota-Count',
208            'description' => <<<EOT
209Sets maximum object count of the container. Typically these values are set by an administrator. Returns a 413
210response (request entity too large) when an object PUT operation exceeds this quota value.
212        ];
213    }
215    public function webDirType(): array
216    {
217        return [
218            'location'    => self::HEADER,
219            'sentAs'      => 'X-Container-Meta-Web-Directory-Type',
220            'description' => <<<EOT
221Sets the content-type of directory marker objects. If the header is not set, default is application/directory.
222Directory marker objects are 0-byte objects that represent directories to create a simulated hierarchical structure.
223For example, if you set "X-Container-Meta-Web-Directory- Type: text/directory", Object Storage treats 0-byte objects
224with a content-type of text/directory as directories rather than objects.
226        ];
227    }
229    public function detectContentType(): array
230    {
231        return [
232            'location'    => self::HEADER,
233            'type'        => self::BOOL_TYPE,
234            'sentAs'      => 'X-Detect-Content-Type',
235            'description' => <<<EOT
236If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
237Content-Type header, if present.
239        ];
240    }
242    public function removeVersionsLocation(): array
243    {
244        return [
245            'location'    => self::HEADER,
246            'sentAs'      => 'X-Remove-Versions-Location',
247            'description' => 'Set to any value to disable versioning.',
248        ];
249    }
251    public function objectName(): array
252    {
253        return [
254            'location'    => self::URL,
255            'required'    => true,
256            'description' => 'The unique name for the object',
257        ];
258    }
260    public function range(): array
261    {
262        return [
263            'location'    => self::HEADER,
264            'description' => <<<EOT
265You can use the Range header to get portions of data by using one or more range specifications. To specify many ranges,
266separate the range specifications with a comma. The types of range specifications are:
268- Byte range specification. Use FIRST_BYTE_OFFSET to specify the start of the data range, and LAST_BYTE_OFFSET to
269specify the end. You can omit the LAST_BYTE_OFFSET and if you do, the value defaults to the offset of the last byte of
272- Suffix byte range specification . Use LENGTH bytes to specify the length of the data range.
274The following forms of the header specify the following ranges of data:
276Range: bytes=-5. The last five bytes.
278Range: bytes=10-15. The five bytes of data after a 10-byte offset.
280Range: bytes=10-15,-5. A multi-part response that contains the last five bytes and the five bytes of data after a
28110-byte offset. The Content-Type of the response is then multipart/byteranges.
283Range: bytes=4-6. Bytes 4 to 6 inclusive.
285Range: bytes=2-2. Byte 2, the third byte of the data.
287Range: bytes=6-. Byte 6 and after.
289Range: bytes=1-3,2-5. A multi-part response that contains bytes 1 to 3 inclusive, and bytes 2 to 5 inclusive. The
290Content-Type of the response is then multipart/byteranges.
292        ];
293    }
295    public function ifMatch(): array
296    {
297        return [
298            'location'    => self::HEADER,
299            'sentAs'      => 'If-Match',
300            'description' => <<<EOT
301In a nutshell, this provides for conditional requests. The value provided should be a MD5 checksum, and it will be
302checked by the server receiving the request. If any existing entity held on the server has the same MD5 checksum (or
303ETag), or if "*" is provided as the value, the request will be performed.
305Conversely, if none of the entity tags match, or if "*" is given and no current entity exists, the server MUST NOT
306perform the requested method, and MUST return a 412 (Precondition Failed) response.
308See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14 for more information.
310        ];
311    }
313    public function ifNoneMatch(): array
314    {
315        return [
316            'location'    => self::HEADER,
317            'sentAs'      => 'If-None-Match',
318            'description' => <<<EOT
319In a nutshell, this provides for conditional requests. The value provided should be a MD5 checksum, and it will be
320checked by the server receiving the request. If any existing entity held on the server has the same MD5 checksum (or
321ETag), or if "*" is provided as the value, the request MUST NOT perform the request, and MUST return a 412
322(Precondition Failed) response.
324Conversely, if none of the entity tags match, or if "*" is given and no current entity exists, the server may
325perform the requested method.
327See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14 for more information.
329        ];
330    }
332    public function ifModifiedSince(): array
333    {
334        return [
335            'location'    => self::HEADER,
336            'sentAs'      => 'If-Modified-Since',
337            'description' => <<<EOT
338The value should be a valid HTTP-date. This value makes the request conditional. If the requested resource HAS NOT
339been modified or changed since the specified date, it will not be returned. Instead a 304 (Not Modified) response will
340be returned without any message body. If the resource HAS been modified since the specified date, it will be returned
341as usual.
343        ];
344    }
346    public function ifUnmodifiedSince(): array
347    {
348        return [
349            'location'    => self::HEADER,
350            'sentAs'      => 'If-Unmodified-Since',
351            'description' => <<<EOT
352The value should be a valid HTTP-date. This value makes the request conditional. If the requested resource HAS
353been modified or changed since the specified date, it will not be returned. Instead a 412 (Precondition Failed)
354response will be returned without any message body. If the resource HAS NOT been modified since the specified date, it
355will be returned as usual.
357        ];
358    }
360    public function deleteAfter(): array
361    {
362        return [
363            'location'    => self::HEADER,
364            'sentAs'      => 'X-Delete-After',
365            'description' => <<<EOT
366Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
367value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
369        ];
370    }
372    public function deleteAt(): array
373    {
374        return [
375            'location'    => self::HEADER,
376            'sentAs'      => 'X-Delete-At',
377            'description' => 'The certain date, in UNIX Epoch timestamp format, when the object will be removed.',
378        ];
379    }
381    public function contentEncoding(): array
382    {
383        return [
384            'location'    => self::HEADER,
385            'sentAs'      => 'Content-Encoding',
386            'description' => <<<EOT
387The Content-Encoding entity-header field is used as a modifier to the media-type. When present, its value indicates
388what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied
389in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field
391        ];
392    }
394    public function contentDisposition(): array
395    {
396        return [
397            'location'    => self::HEADER,
398            'sentAs'      => 'Content-Disposition',
399            'description' => <<<EOT
400The Content-Disposition response-header field has been proposed as a means for the origin server to suggest a default
401filename if the user requests that the content is saved to a file.
403        ];
404    }
406    public function copyFrom(): array
407    {
408        return [
409            'location'    => self::HEADER,
410            'sentAs'      => 'X-Copy-From',
411            'description' => <<<EOT
412If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in
413form {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode the names of the container and object before you
414include them in the header. Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the COPY operation to copy an object.
416        ];
417    }
419    public function etag(): array
420    {
421        return [
422            'location'    => self::HEADER,
423            'sentAs'      => 'ETag',
424            'description' => <<<EOT
425The MD5 checksum value of the request body. For example, the MD5 checksum value of the object content. You are strongly
426recommended to compute the MD5 checksum value of object content and include it in the request. This enables the Object
427Storage API to check the integrity of the upload. The value is not quoted.
429        ];
430    }
432    public function contentType(): array
433    {
434        return [
435            'location'    => self::HEADER,
436            'sentAs'      => 'Content-Type',
437            'description' => 'The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body',
438        ];
439    }
441    public function destination(): array
442    {
443        return [
444            'location'    => self::HEADER,
445            'sentAs'      => 'Destination',
446            'description' => <<<EOT
447The container and object name of the destination object in the form of /container/object. You must UTF-8-encode and
448then URL-encode the names of the destination container and object before you include them in this header.
450        ];
451    }
453    public function freshMetadata(): array
454    {
455        return [
456            'location'    => self::HEADER,
457            'type'        => self::BOOL_TYPE,
458            'description' => <<<EOT
459Enables object creation that omits existing user metadata. If set to True, the COPY request creates an object without
460existing user metadata. Default value is False.
462        ];
463    }
465    public function content(): array
466    {
467        return [
468            'location'    => self::RAW,
469            'type'        => self::STRING_TYPE,
470            'description' => 'The content of the object in string form',
471        ];
472    }
474    public function stream(): array
475    {
476        return [
477            'location'    => self::RAW,
478            'type'        => StreamInterface::class,
479            'description' => 'The content of the object in string form',
480        ];
481    }
483    public function format(): array
484    {
485        return [
486            'location'    => self::QUERY,
487            'type'        => self::STRING_TYPE,
488            'description' => 'Defines the format of the collection. Will always default to `json`.',
489        ];
490    }
492    public function objectManifest(): array
493    {
494        return [
495            'location'    => self::HEADER,
496            'sentAs'      => 'X-Object-Manifest',
497            'type'        => self::STRING_TYPE,
498            'description' => <<<EOT
499The value of this header is {container}/{prefix}, where {container} is the name of the container where the segment
500objects are stored, and {prefix} is a string that all segment objects have in common
502        ];
503    }