2# Initial Service-Level-Agreements (SLA) defined for the system
4# Fields:
5# id - (int:optional) id number in the database
6# flags - (int:bitmask)
7#   isactive - (flag:1) true of false if the SLA should initially be active
8#   enable_priority_escalation - (flag:2) true or false if the SLA should
9#       cause the ticket priority to be escalated when it is marked overdue
10#   disable_overdue_alerts - (flag:4) - true or false if the overdue alert
11#       emails should _not_ go out for tickets assigned to this SLA
12#   transient - (flag:8) - true if the SLA should change when changing
13#       department or help topic.
14# grace_period - (int) number or hours after the ticket is opened before it
15#       is marked overdue
16# name - (string) descriptive name of the SLA
17# notes - (string) administrative notes (viewable internally only)
19- id: 1
20  flags: 3
21  grace_period: 18
22  name: Default SLA
23  notes: |