1# --
2# Copyright (C) 2001-2020 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
3# --
4# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
5# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
6# did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
7# --
9<div class="LayoutPopup ARIARoleMain">
10    <div class="Header">
11        <h1>[% Translate(Data.Title) | html %]</h1>
12[% RenderBlockStart("ClosePopup") %]
13        <p>
14            <a href="[% Env("Baselink") %]Action=[% Env("Action") %];Subaction=ClosePopup" class="ClosePopup">[% Translate("Cancel & close") | html %]</a>
15        </p>
16[% RenderBlockEnd("ClosePopup") %]
17[% RenderBlockStart("GoBack") %]
18        <p>
19            <a class="GoBack" href="[% Env("Baselink") %]Action=[% Data.Action | uri %];Subaction=[% Data.Subaction | uri %];ID=[% Data.ID | uri %];EntityID=[% Data.EntityID | uri %];StartActivityID=[% Data.StartActivityID | uri %]">[% Translate("Go Back") | html %]</a>
20        </p>
21[% RenderBlockEnd("GoBack") %]
22    </div>
23    <div class="Content">
24        <div class="ContentColumn">
25            <form id="TransitionForm" action="[% Env("CGIHandle") %]" method="post" class="Validate PreventMultipleSubmits">
26                <input type="hidden" name="Action" value="[% Env("Action") %]"/>
27                <input type="hidden" name="Subaction" value="TransitionAction[% Data.Action | html %]Action"/>
28                <input type="hidden" name="EntityID" value="[% Data.EntityID | html %]"/>
29                <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="[% Data.ID | html %]"/>
30                <input type="hidden" name="PopupRedirect" value="" id="PopupRedirect"/>
31                <input type="hidden" name="PopupRedirectID" value="" id="PopupRedirectID"/>
32                <input type="hidden" name="PopupRedirectEntityID" value="" id="PopupRedirectEntityID"/>
34[% RenderBlockStart("EditWarning") %]
35                <div class="WidgetSimple Expanded WidgetNotice">
36                    <div class="Content">[% Translate("Please note that changing this transition action will affect the following processes") | html %]: [% Data.ProcessList | html %]</div>
37                </div>
38[% RenderBlockEnd("EditWarning") %]
40                <div class="WidgetSimple Expanded">
41                    <div class="Header">
42                        <div class="WidgetAction Toggle">
43                            <a href="#" title="[% Translate("Show or hide the content") | html %]"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>
44                        </div>
45                        <h2>[% Translate("Transition Action") | html %]</h2>
46                    </div>
47                    <div class="Content">
48                        <fieldset class="TableLike">
49                            <label class="Mandatory" for="Name"><span class="Marker">*</span> [% Translate("Transition Action Name") | html %]:</label>
50                            <div class="Field">
51                                <input type="text" name="Name" id="Name" value="[% Data.Name | html %]" class="W90pc Validate_Required [% Data.NameServerError | html %]" maxlength="70"/>
52                                <div id="NameError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
53                                    <p>[% Translate("This field is required.") | html %]</p>
54                                </div>
55                                <div id="NameServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
56                                    <p>[% Translate("This field is required.") | html %]</p>
57                                </div>
58                            </div>
59                            <div class="Clear"></div>
60                            <label class="Mandatory" for="Module"><span class="Marker">*</span> [% Translate("Transition Action Module") | html %]:</label>
61                            <div class="Field">
62                                [% Data.ModuleStrg %]
63                                <div id="ModuleError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
64                                    <p>[% Translate("This field is required.") | html %]</p>
65                                </div>
66                                <div id="ModuleServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
67                                    <p>[% Translate("This field is required.") | html %]</p>
68                                </div>
69                            </div>
70                            <div class="Clear"></div>
71                        </fieldset>
73                        <div class="WidgetSimple">
74                            <div class="Header">
75                                <h2 for="Config">[% Translate("Config Parameters") | html %]</h2>
76                                <div class="AdditionalInformation">
77                                    <a class="AddButton" href="#" name="ConfigAdd" id="ConfigAdd" title="[% Translate("Add a new Parameter") | html %]">
78                                        <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
79                                        <span class="InvisibleText">[% Translate("Add a new Parameter") | html %]</span>
80                                    </a>
81                                </div>
82                            </div>
83                            <div class="Content" id="ConfigParams">
84[% RenderBlockStart("ConfigItemInitRow") %]
85                                <fieldset>
86                                    <label for="ConfigKey[1]">[% Translate("Key") | html %]:</label>
87                                    <input type="text" name="ConfigKey[1]" id="ConfigKey[1]" />
88                                    <label for="ConfigValue[1]">[% Translate("Value") | html %]:</label>
89                                    <input type="text" name="ConfigValue[1]" id="ConfigValue[1]" />
90                                </fieldset>
91[% RenderBlockEnd("ConfigItemInitRow") %]
92[% RenderBlockStart("ConfigItemEditRow") %]
93                                <fieldset>
94                                    <label for="ConfigKey[[% Data.Index | html %]]">[% Translate("Key") | html %]:</label>
95                                    <input type="text" value="[% Data.Key | html %]" name="ConfigKey[[% Data.Index | html %]]" id="ConfigKey[[% Data.Index | html %]]" />
96                                    <label for="ConfigValue[[% Data.Index | html %]]">[% Translate("Value") | html %]:</label>
97                                    <input type="text" value="[% Data.Value | html %]" name="ConfigValue[[% Data.Index | html %]]" id="ConfigValue[[% Data.Index | html %]]" />
98                                    <a class="RemoveButton" href="#" title="[% Translate("Remove this Parameter") | html %]">
99                                        <i class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></i>
100                                        <span class="InvisibleText">[% Translate("Remove this Parameter") | html %]</span>
101                                    </a>
102                                </fieldset>
103[% RenderBlockEnd("ConfigItemEditRow") %]
104                            </div>
105                        </fieldset>
106                    </div>
107                </div>
108<!-- Invisible submit button to allow form submit on pressing enter/return without javascript -->
109                <input type="image" width="0" height="0" style="display: none;" />
110            </form>
111            <div id="ConfigParamContainer" style="display:none;">
112                <fieldset>
113                    <label for="ConfigKey[_INDEX_]">[% Translate("Key") | html %]:</label>
114                    <input type="text" name="ConfigKey[_INDEX_]" id="ConfigKey[_INDEX_]" />
115                    <label for="ConfigValue[_INDEX_]">[% Translate("Value") | html %]:</label>
116                    <input type="text" name="ConfigValue[_INDEX_]" id="ConfigValue[_INDEX_]" />
117                    <a class="RemoveButton" href="#" title="[% Translate("Remove this Parameter") | html %]">
118                        <i class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></i>
119                        <span class="InvisibleText">[% Translate("Remove this Parameter") | html %]</span>
120                    </a>
121                </fieldset>
122            </div>
123        </div>
124    </div>
125    <div class="Footer">
126        <button class="Primary CallForAction" id="Submit" title="[% Translate("Save") | html %]" type="submit" value="[% Translate("Save") | html %]"><span>[% Translate("Save") | html %]</span></button>
127    </div>