1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4 * Copyright (c) [2016-2019] Payara Foundation. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
7 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
8 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
9 * obtain a copy of the License at
10 * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
11 * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
12 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
13 *
14 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
15 * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
16 -->
18<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="3.1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd">
20  <!-- ======================== Introduction ============================== -->
23  <!-- The default deployment descriptor.                                   -->
24  <!--                                                                      -->
25  <!-- The default deployment descriptor specifies default deployment       -->
26  <!-- descriptor values inherited by any web applications deployed to      -->
27  <!-- the application server.                                              -->
30  <!-- ============ Built In Context Init Parameter Definitions =========== -->
34  <!-- Init parameter will cause the JSF implementation to bypass      -->
35  <!-- processing the web.xml to determine if we should continue       -->
36  <!-- bootstrapping JSF for the web application.                      -->
38  <context-param>
39      <param-name>com.sun.faces.forceLoadConfiguration</param-name>
40      <param-value>true</param-value>
41  </context-param>
44  <!-- ================== Built In Servlet Definitions ==================== -->
47  <!-- The DefaultDervlet, which is responsible for serving static          -->
48  <!-- resources.                                                           -->
49  <!-- This servlet processes any requests that are not mapped to other     -->
50  <!-- servlets with servlet mappings (defined either here or in your own   -->
51  <!-- web.xml file.  This servlet supports the following initialization    -->
52  <!-- parameters (default values have been placed in square brackets):     -->
53  <!--                                                                      -->
54  <!--   debug               Debugging detail level for messages logged     -->
55  <!--                       by this servlet.  [0]                          -->
56  <!--                                                                      -->
57  <!--   fileEncoding        Encoding to be used to read static resources   -->
58  <!--                       [platform default]                             -->
59  <!--                                                                      -->
60  <!--   input               Input buffer size (in bytes) when reading      -->
61  <!--                       resources to be served.  [2048]                -->
62  <!--                                                                      -->
63  <!--   listings            Should directory listings be produced if there -->
64  <!--                       is no welcome file in this directory?  [false] -->
65  <!--                       WARNING: Listings for directories with many    -->
66  <!--                       entries can be slow and may consume            -->
67  <!--                       significant proportions of server resources.   -->
68  <!--                                                                      -->
69  <!--   sortedBy            Specifies the criteria that will be used for   -->
70  <!--                       sorting directory entries. Legal values are    -->
71  <!--                       NAME, SIZE, and LAST_MODIFIED.  [NAME]         -->
72  <!--                                                                      -->
73  <!--   output              Output buffer size (in bytes) when writing     -->
74  <!--                       resources to be served.  [2048]                -->
75  <!--                                                                      -->
76  <!--   readonly            Is this context "read only", so HTTP           -->
77  <!--                       commands like PUT and DELETE are               -->
78  <!--                       rejected?  [true]                              -->
79  <!--                                                                      -->
80  <!--   readmeFile          File name to display with the directory        -->
81  <!--                       contents. [null]                               -->
82  <!--                                                                      -->
83  <!--   sendfileSize        If the connector used supports sendfile, this  -->
84  <!--                       represents the minimal file size in KB for     -->
85  <!--                       which sendfile will be used. Use a negative    -->
86  <!--                       value to always disable sendfile.  [48]        -->
87  <!--                                                                      -->
88  <!--   useAcceptRanges     Should the Accept-Ranges header be included    -->
89  <!--                       in responses where appropriate? [true]         -->
90  <!--                                                                      -->
91  <!--   maxHeaderRangeItems The max number of items in Range header.       -->
92  <!--                       -1 means unbounded.  [10]                      -->
93  <!--                                                                      -->
94  <!--  For directory listing customization. Checks localXsltFile, then     -->
95  <!--  globalXsltFile, then defaults to original behavior.                 -->
96  <!--                                                                      -->
97  <!--   localXsltFile       Make directory listings an XML doc and         -->
98  <!--                       pass the result to this style sheet residing   -->
99  <!--                       in that directory. This overrides              -->
100  <!--                        globalXsltFile[null]                          -->
101  <!--                                                                      -->
102  <!--   globalXsltFile      Site wide configuration version of             -->
103  <!--                       localXsltFile This argument is expected        -->
104  <!--                       to be a physical file. [null]                  -->
106  <servlet>
107    <servlet-name>default</servlet-name>
108    <servlet-class>org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet</servlet-class>
109    <init-param>
110      <param-name>debug</param-name>
111      <param-value>0</param-value>
112    </init-param>
113    <init-param>
114      <param-name>listings</param-name>
115      <param-value>false</param-value>
116    </init-param>
117    <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
118  </servlet>
121  <!-- The JSP page compiler and execution servlet, which is the mechanism  -->
122  <!-- used by the application server to support JSP pages.  Traditionally, -->
123  <!-- this servlet is mapped to the URL pattern "*.jsp".                   -->
124  <!-- This servlet supports the following initialization parameters        -->
125  <!-- (default values have been placed in square brackets):                -->
126  <!--                                                                      -->
127  <!--   checkInterval       If development is false and checkInterval is   -->
128  <!--                       greater than zero, background compilations are -->
129  <!--                       enabled. checkInterval is the time in seconds  -->
130  <!--                       between checks to see if a JSP page needs to   -->
131  <!--                       be recompiled. [0]                             -->
132  <!--                                                                      -->
133  <!--   modificationTestInterval                                           -->
134  <!--                       Causes a JSP (and its dependent files) to not  -->
135  <!--                       be checked for modification during the         -->
136  <!--                       specified time interval (in seconds) from the  -->
137  <!--                       last time the JSP was checked for              -->
138  <!--                       modification. A value of 0 will cause the JSP  -->
139  <!--                       to be checked on every access.                 -->
140  <!--                       Used in development mode only. [0]             -->
141  <!--                                                                      -->
142  <!--   compiler            Which compiler Ant should use to compile JSP   -->
143  <!--                       pages.  See the Ant documentation for more     -->
144  <!--                       information. [javac]                           -->
145  <!--                                                                      -->
146  <!--   classdebuginfo      Should the class file be compiled with         -->
147  <!--                       debugging information?  [true]                 -->
148  <!--                                                                      -->
149  <!--   classpath           What class path should I use while compiling   -->
150  <!--                       generated servlets?  [Created dynamically      -->
151  <!--                       based on the current web application]          -->
152  <!--                       [Ignored in Glassfish]                         -->
153  <!--                                                                      -->
154  <!--   development         Is Jasper used in development mode? If true,   -->
155  <!--                       the frequency at which JSPs are checked for    -->
156  <!--                       modification may be specified via the          -->
157  <!--                       modificationTestInterval parameter. [true]     -->
158  <!--                                                                      -->
159  <!--   enablePooling       Determines whether tag handler pooling is      -->
160  <!--                       enabled  [true]                                -->
161  <!--                                                                      -->
162  <!--   fork                Tell Ant to fork compiles of JSP pages so that -->
163  <!--                       JSP pages are compiled in their own JVM        -->
164  <!--                       (separate from the JVM that the application    -->
165  <!--                       server is running in). [true]                  -->
166  <!--                                                                      -->
167  <!--   ieClassId           The class-id value to be sent to Internet      -->
168  <!--                       Explorer when using <jsp:plugin> tags.         -->
169  <!--                       [clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93]   -->
170  <!--                                                                      -->
171  <!--   javaEncoding        Java file encoding to use for generating java  -->
172  <!--                       source files. [UTF8]                           -->
173  <!--                                                                      -->
174  <!--   keepgenerated       Should we keep the generated Java source code  -->
175  <!--                       for each page instead of deleting it?          -->
176  <!--                       [true with JDK 5 and before, or for jspc]      -->
177  <!--                       [false otherwise]                              -->
178  <!--                                                                      -->
179  <!--   saveBytecode        Should the generated byte code be saved to     -->
180  <!--                       .class files?  This option is meaningful only  -->
181  <!--                       when Java compiler API, JSR199 (available with -->
182  <!--                       JDK 6) is used for javac compilations.         -->
183  <!--                       [false] [true for jspc]                        -->
184  <!--                                                                      -->
185  <!--   mappedfile          Should we generate static content with one     -->
186  <!--                       print statement per input line, to ease        -->
187  <!--                       debugging?  [true]                             -->
188  <!--                                                                      -->
189  <!--   trimSpaces          Should white spaces in template text between   -->
190  <!--                       actions or directives be trimmed?  [false]     -->
191  <!--                                                                      -->
192  <!--   suppressSmap        Should the generation of SMAP info for JSR45   -->
193  <!--                       debugging be suppressed?  [false]              -->
194  <!--                                                                      -->
195  <!--   dumpSmap            Should the SMAP info for JSR45 debugging be    -->
196  <!--                       dumped to a file? [false]                      -->
197  <!--                       False if suppressSmap is true                  -->
198  <!--                                                                      -->
199  <!--   genStrAsCharArray   Should text strings be generated as char       -->
200  <!--                       arrays, to improve performance in some cases?  -->
201  <!--                       [false]                                        -->
202  <!--                                                                      -->
203  <!--   genStrAsByteArray   Should text strings be generated as bytes      -->
204  <!--                       (encoded with the page encoding), if the page  -->
205  <!--                       is not buffered?                               -->
206  <!--                       [true]                                         -->
207  <!--                                                                      -->
208  <!--   defaultBufferNone   Should the default for the buffer attribute of -->
209  <!--                       the page directive be "none"?  [false]         -->
210  <!--                                                                      -->
211  <!--   errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute                                -->
212  <!--                       Should Jasper issue an error when the value of -->
213  <!--                       the class attribute in an useBean action is    -->
214  <!--                       not a valid bean class?  [false]               -->
215  <!--                                                                      -->
216  <!--   scratchdir          What scratch directory should we use when      -->
217  <!--                       compiling JSP pages?  [default work directory  -->
218  <!--                       for the current web application]               -->
219  <!--                                                                      -->
220  <!--   xpoweredBy          Determines whether X-Powered-By response       -->
221  <!--                       header is added by generated servlet  [true]   -->
222  <!--                                                                      -->
223  <!--   usePrecompiled      If true, it is assumed that JSPs have been     -->
224  <!--                       precompiled, and their corresponding servlet   -->
225  <!--                       classes have been bundled in the web           -->
226  <!--                       application's WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes,  -->
227  <!--                       so that when a JSP is accessed, it is not      -->
228  <!--                       compiled, and instead, its precompiled servlet -->
229  <!--                       class is used. [false]                         -->
230  <!--                                                                      -->
231  <!--   use-precompiled     Same as usePrecompiled. If both are specified, -->
232  <!--                       usePrecompiled takes precedence                -->
233  <!--                                                                      -->
234  <!--   initialCapacity     Initial capacity of HashMap mapping JSPs to    -->
235  <!--                       their corresponding servlets [32]              -->
236  <!--                                                                      -->
237  <!--   initial-capacity    Same as initialCapacity. If both are specified,-->
238  <!--                       initialCapacity takes precedence               -->
239  <!--                                                                      -->
240  <!--   httpMethods         Comma separated list of HTTP methods supported -->
241  <!--                       by the JspServlet. Wildcard ("*") denotes      -->
242  <!--                       "ALL METHODS". [ALL METHODS]                   -->
243  <!--                                                                      -->
244  <!--   reload-interval     Specifies the frequency (in seconds) at which  -->
245  <!--                       JSP files are checked for modifications.       -->
246  <!--                       Setting this value to 0 checks JSPs for        -->
247  <!--                       modifications on every request. Setting this   -->
248  <!--                       value to -1 disables checks for JSP            -->
249  <!--                       modifications and JSP recompilation.           -->
250  <!--                                                                      -->
251  <!--   compilerSourceVM    Provides source compatibility with the         -->
252  <!--                       specified JDK release (same as -source         -->
253  <!--                       javac command-line switch)                     -->
254  <!--                                                                      -->
255  <!--   compilerTargetVM    Generates class files for specified VM version -->
256  <!--                       (same as -target javac command-line switch)    -->
257  <!--                                                                      -->
258  <!--   system-jar-includes Specify a list (of jars, or fragments of jar   -->
259  <!--                       paths) that is used to determine if a system   -->
260  <!--                       jar (obtained from the system classloader)     -->
261  <!--                       should be included in the javac classpath      -->
262  <!--                       [Include all system jars]                      -->
263  <!--                                                                      -->
264  <!-- If you wish to use Jikes to compile JSP pages:                       -->
265  <!-- * Set the "classpath" initialization parameter appropriately         -->
266  <!--   for this web application.                                          -->
267  <!-- * Set the "jspCompilerPlugin" initialization parameter to            -->
268  <!--   "org.apache.jasper.compiler.JikesJavaCompiler".                    -->
270  <servlet>
271    <servlet-name>jsp</servlet-name>
272    <servlet-class>org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet</servlet-class>
273    <init-param>
274      <param-name>xpoweredBy</param-name>
275      <param-value>false</param-value>
276    </init-param>
277    <init-param>
278        <param-name>reload-interval</param-name>
279        <param-value>-1</param-value>
280    </init-param>
281    <init-param>
282        <param-name>development</param-name>
283        <param-value>false</param-value>
284    </init-param>
285    <init-param>
286      <param-name>httpMethods</param-name>
287      <param-value>GET,POST,HEAD</param-value>
288    </init-param>
289    <init-param>
290      <param-name>compilerSourceVM</param-name>
291      <param-value>1.8</param-value>
292    </init-param>
293    <init-param>
294      <param-name>compilerTargetVM</param-name>
295      <param-value>1.8</param-value>
296    </init-param>
297    <init-param>
298      <param-name>system-jar-includes</param-name>
299      <param-value>
300        /lib/
301        \lib\
302        jakarta.el.jar
303        jakarta.servlet-api.jar
304        jakarta.servlet.jsp-api.jar
305        jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api.jar
306        javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.jar
307        jakarta.jms-api.jar
308        jakarta.faces.jar
309        javax.servlet.jsp.jar
310        jspcaching-connector.jar
311        web-glue.jar
312        hibernate-validator.jar
313        jakarta.ejb-api.jar
314        jakarta.enterprise.deploy-api.jar
315        jakarta.mail.jar
316        jakarta.management.j2ee-api.jar
317        jakarta.persistence.jar
318        jakarta.resource-api.jar
319        jakarta.security.auth.message-api.jar
320        jakarta.security.jacc-api.jar
321        jakarta.transaction-api.jar
322        jakarta.xml.rpc-api.jar
323        webservices-osgi.jar
324        weld-osgi-bundle.jar
325        jersey-mvc-jsp.jar
326      </param-value>
327    </init-param>
328    <load-on-startup>3</load-on-startup>
329  </servlet>
332  <!-- NOTE: An SSI Filter is also available as an alternative SSI          -->
333  <!-- implementation. Use either the Servlet or the Filter but NOT both.   -->
334  <!--                                                                      -->
335  <!-- Server Side Includes processing servlet, which processes SSI         -->
336  <!-- directives in HTML pages consistent with similar support in web      -->
337  <!-- servers like Apache.  Traditionally, this servlet is mapped to the   -->
338  <!-- URL pattern "*.shtml".  This servlet supports the following          -->
339  <!-- initialization parameters (default values are in square brackets):   -->
340  <!--                                                                      -->
341  <!--   buffered            Should output from this servlet be buffered?   -->
342  <!--                       (0=false, 1=true)  [0]                         -->
343  <!--                                                                      -->
344  <!--   debug               Debugging detail level for messages logged     -->
345  <!--                       by this servlet.  [0]                          -->
346  <!--                                                                      -->
347  <!--   expires             The number of seconds before a page with SSI   -->
348  <!--                       directives will expire.  [No default]          -->
349  <!--                                                                      -->
350  <!--   isVirtualWebappRelative                                            -->
351  <!--                       Should "virtual" paths be interpreted as       -->
352  <!--                       relative to the context root, instead of       -->
353  <!--                       the server root?  (0=false, 1=true) [0]        -->
354  <!--                                                                      -->
355  <!--   inputEncoding       The encoding to assume for SSI resources if    -->
356  <!--                       one is not available from the resource.        -->
357  <!--                       [Platform default]                             -->
358  <!--                                                                      -->
359  <!--   outputEncoding      The encoding to use for the page that results  -->
360  <!--                       from the SSI processing. [UTF-8]               -->
363  <servlet>
364    <servlet-name>ssi</servlet-name>
365    <servlet-class>org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIServlet</servlet-class>
366    <init-param>
367      <param-name>buffered</param-name>
368      <param-value>1</param-value>
369    </init-param>
370    <init-param>
371      <param-name>debug</param-name>
372      <param-value>0</param-value>
373    </init-param>
374    <init-param>
375      <param-name>expires</param-name>
376      <param-value>666</param-value>
377    </init-param>
378    <init-param>
379      <param-name>isVirtualWebappRelative</param-name>
380      <param-value>0</param-value>
381    </init-param>
382    <load-on-startup>4</load-on-startup>
383  </servlet>
387  <!-- Common Gateway Includes (CGI) processing servlet, which supports     -->
388  <!-- execution of external applications that conform to the CGI spec      -->
389  <!-- requirements.  Typically, this servlet is mapped to the URL pattern  -->
390  <!-- "/cgi-bin/*", which means that any CGI applications that are         -->
391  <!-- executed must be present within the web application.  This servlet   -->
392  <!-- supports the following initialization parameters (default values     -->
393  <!-- are in square brackets):                                             -->
394  <!--                                                                      -->
395  <!--   cgiPathPrefix        The CGI search path will start at             -->
396  <!--                        webAppRootDir + File.separator + this prefix. -->
397  <!--                        [WEB-INF/cgi]                                 -->
398  <!--                                                                      -->
399  <!--   debug                Debugging detail level for messages logged    -->
400  <!--                        by this servlet.  [0]                         -->
401  <!--                                                                      -->
402  <!--   executable           Name of the executable used to run the        -->
403  <!--                        script. [perl]                                -->
404  <!--                                                                      -->
405  <!--   parameterEncoding    Name of parameter encoding to be used with    -->
406  <!--                        CGI servlet.                                  -->
407  <!--                        [System.getProperty("file.encoding","UTF-8")] -->
408  <!--                                                                      -->
409  <!--   passShellEnvironment Should the shell environment variables (if    -->
410  <!--                        any) be passed to the CGI script? [false]     -->
411  <!--                                                                      -->
412  <!--   stderrTimeout        The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the    -->
413  <!--                        reading of stderr to complete before          -->
414  <!--                        terminating the CGI process. [2000]           -->
418  <servlet>
419    <servlet-name>cgi</servlet-name>
420    <servlet-class>org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet</servlet-class>
421    <init-param>
422      <param-name>debug</param-name>
423      <param-value>0</param-value>
424    </init-param>
425    <init-param>
426      <param-name>cgiPathPrefix</param-name>
427      <param-value>WEB-INF/cgi</param-value>
428    </init-param>
429    <load-on-startup>5</load-on-startup>
430  </servlet>
434  <!-- ================ Built In Servlet Mappings ========================= -->
436  <!-- The mapping for the default servlet -->
437  <servlet-mapping>
438    <servlet-name>default</servlet-name>
439    <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
440  </servlet-mapping>
442  <!-- The mapping for the JSP servlet -->
443  <servlet-mapping>
444    <servlet-name>jsp</servlet-name>
445    <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
446    <url-pattern>*.jspx</url-pattern>
447  </servlet-mapping>
449  <!-- The mapping for the SSI servlet -->
451  <servlet-mapping>
452    <servlet-name>ssi</servlet-name>
453    <url-pattern>*.shtml</url-pattern>
454  </servlet-mapping>
457  <!-- The mapping for the CGI Gateway servlet -->
459  <servlet-mapping>
460    <servlet-name>cgi</servlet-name>
461    <url-pattern>/cgi-bin/*</url-pattern>
462  </servlet-mapping>
466  <!-- ================== Built In Filter Definitions ===================== -->
468  <!-- NOTE: An SSI Servlet is also available as an alternative SSI         -->
469  <!-- implementation. Use either the Servlet or the Filter but NOT both.   -->
470  <!--                                                                      -->
471  <!-- Server Side Includes processing filter, which processes SSI          -->
472  <!-- directives in HTML pages consistent with similar support in web      -->
473  <!-- servers like Apache.  Traditionally, this filter is mapped to the    -->
474  <!-- URL pattern "*.shtml", though it can be mapped to "*" as it will     -->
475  <!-- selectively enable/disable SSI processing based on mime types. For   -->
476  <!-- this to work you will need to uncomment the .shtml mime type         -->
477  <!-- definition towards the bottom of this file.                          -->
478  <!-- The contentType init param allows you to apply SSI processing to JSP -->
479  <!-- pages, javascript, or any other content you wish.  This filter       -->
480  <!-- supports the following initialization parameters (default values are -->
481  <!-- in square brackets):                                                 -->
482  <!--                                                                      -->
483  <!--   contentType         A regex pattern that must be matched before    -->
484  <!--                       SSI processing is applied.                     -->
485  <!--                       [text/x-server-parsed-html(;.*)?]              -->
486  <!--                                                                      -->
487  <!--   debug               Debugging detail level for messages logged     -->
488  <!--                       by this servlet.  [0]                          -->
489  <!--                                                                      -->
490  <!--   expires             The number of seconds before a page with SSI   -->
491  <!--                       directives will expire.  [No default]          -->
492  <!--                                                                      -->
493  <!--   isVirtualWebappRelative                                            -->
494  <!--                       Should "virtual" paths be interpreted as       -->
495  <!--                       relative to the context root, instead of       -->
496  <!--                       the server root?  (0=false, 1=true) [0]        -->
499  <filter>
500    <filter-name>ssi</filter-name>
501    <filter-class>
502      org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIFilter
503    </filter-class>
504    <init-param>
505      <param-name>contentType</param-name>
506      <param-value>text/x-server-parsed-html(;.*)?</param-value>
507    </init-param>
508    <init-param>
509      <param-name>debug</param-name>
510      <param-value>0</param-value>
511    </init-param>
512    <init-param>
513      <param-name>expires</param-name>
514      <param-value>666</param-value>
515    </init-param>
516    <init-param>
517      <param-name>isVirtualWebappRelative</param-name>
518      <param-value>0</param-value>
519    </init-param>
520  </filter>
524  <!-- ==================== Built In Filter Mappings ====================== -->
526  <!-- The mapping for the SSI Filter -->
528  <filter-mapping>
529    <filter-name>ssi</filter-name>
530    <url-pattern>*.shtml</url-pattern>
531  </filter-mapping>
535  <!-- ==================== Default Session Configuration ================= -->
537  <!-- You can set the default session timeout (in minutes) for all newly   -->
538  <!-- created sessions by modifying the value below.                       -->
540  <session-config>
541    <session-timeout>30</session-timeout>
542  </session-config>
545  <!-- ===================== Default MIME Type Mappings =================== -->
547  <!-- When serving static resources, the application server will           -->
548  <!-- automatically generate a "Content-Type" response header from the     -->
549  <!-- filename extension of the resource, based on these mappings.         -->
550  <!-- Additional mappings may be specified here (to be shared by all       -->
551  <!-- web applications) or in a web application's web.xml deployment       -->
552  <!-- descriptor (for that web application's individual use).              -->
554  <mime-mapping>
555    <extension>abs</extension>
556    <mime-type>audio/x-mpeg</mime-type>
557  </mime-mapping>
558  <mime-mapping>
559    <extension>ai</extension>
560    <mime-type>application/postscript</mime-type>
561  </mime-mapping>
562  <mime-mapping>
563    <extension>aif</extension>
564    <mime-type>audio/x-aiff</mime-type>
565  </mime-mapping>
566  <mime-mapping>
567    <extension>aifc</extension>
568    <mime-type>audio/x-aiff</mime-type>
569  </mime-mapping>
570  <mime-mapping>
571    <extension>aiff</extension>
572    <mime-type>audio/x-aiff</mime-type>
573  </mime-mapping>
574  <mime-mapping>
575    <extension>aim</extension>
576    <mime-type>application/x-aim</mime-type>
577  </mime-mapping>
578  <mime-mapping>
579    <extension>art</extension>
580    <mime-type>image/x-jg</mime-type>
581  </mime-mapping>
582  <mime-mapping>
583    <extension>asf</extension>
584    <mime-type>video/x-ms-asf</mime-type>
585  </mime-mapping>
586  <mime-mapping>
587    <extension>asx</extension>
588    <mime-type>video/x-ms-asf</mime-type>
589  </mime-mapping>
590  <mime-mapping>
591    <extension>au</extension>
592    <mime-type>audio/basic</mime-type>
593  </mime-mapping>
594  <mime-mapping>
595    <extension>avi</extension>
596    <mime-type>video/x-msvideo</mime-type>
597  </mime-mapping>
598  <mime-mapping>
599    <extension>avx</extension>
600    <mime-type>video/x-rad-screenplay</mime-type>
601  </mime-mapping>
602  <mime-mapping>
603    <extension>bcpio</extension>
604    <mime-type>application/x-bcpio</mime-type>
605  </mime-mapping>
606  <mime-mapping>
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1158  <!-- ==================== Default Welcome File List ===================== -->
1160  <!-- When a request URI refers to a directory, the default servlet looks  -->
1161  <!-- for a "welcome file" within that directory and, if present,          -->
1162  <!-- to the corresponding resource URI for display.  If no welcome file   -->
1163  <!-- is present, the default servlet either serves a directory listing,   -->
1164  <!-- or returns a 404 status, depending on how it is configured.          -->
1165  <!--                                                                      -->
1166  <!-- If you define welcome files in your own application's web.xml        -->
1167  <!-- deployment descriptor, that list *replaces* the list configured      -->
1168  <!-- here, so be sure that you include any of the default values that     -->
1169  <!-- you wish to include.                                                 -->
1172  <welcome-file-list>
1173    <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
1174    <welcome-file>index.htm</welcome-file>
1175    <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
1176  </welcome-file-list>
1178  <login-config>
1179    <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
1180  </login-config>