2	/**************************************************************************\
3	* phpGroupWare Application - phonelog                                      *
4	* http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
5	* Written by Mathieu van Loon <mathieu@playcollective.com>                 *
6	* --------------------------------------------                             *
7	*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
8	*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
9	*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
10	*  option) any later version.                                              *
11	\**************************************************************************/
13	/* $Id: editentry.php 21081 2010-03-25 22:55:17Z Caeies $ */
15	if(empty($querytype) || !$querytype)
16	{
17		$querytype = "NEW";
18	}
19	if(($querytype=="SELECT" || $querytype=="UPDATE") && !$callid)
20	{
21		die("No callid supplied while require for this type of query : $querytype. Session halted.");
22	}
23	if ($querytype=="INSERT" || $querytype=="UPDATE")
24	{
25		$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["flags"] = array("noheader" => True, "nonavbar" => True);
26	}
28	$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["flags"]["currentapp"] = "phonelog";
29	include("../header.inc.php");
32	if(is_array($phonelog["entry_status"]))
33	{
34		for($i=1;$i<=max(array_keys($phonelog["entry_status"]));$i++)
35		{
36			$callstatus_list[] = array($i, $phonelog["entry_status"][$i]);
37		}
38	}
40	$calldate_month_list[] = array(1, lang("january"));
41	$calldate_month_list[] = array(2, lang("february"));
42	$calldate_month_list[] = array(3, lang("march"));
43	$calldate_month_list[] = array(4, lang("may"));
44	$calldate_month_list[] = array(5, lang("april"));
45	$calldate_month_list[] = array(6, lang("june"));
46	$calldate_month_list[] = array(7, lang("july"));
47	$calldate_month_list[] = array(8, lang("august"));
48	$calldate_month_list[] = array(9, lang("september"));
49	$calldate_month_list[] = array(10, lang("october"));
50	$calldate_month_list[] = array(11, lang("november"));
51	$calldate_month_list[] = array(12, lang("december"));
53	$users = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_list("accounts");
54	for($i=0;$i<sizeof($users);$i++)
55	{
56		$callfor_list[$i] = array($users[$i]["account_id"], $users[$i]["account_firstname"] . " " . $users[$i]["account_lastname"]);
57	}
59	$callfrom_company_all_list[] = array(0 , "------------------");
60	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT org_name FROM phpgw_addressbook ORDER BY org_name",__LINE__,__FILE__);
61	while($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record())
62	{
63		list($company_name) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
64		$callfrom_company_all_list[] = array($company_name, $company_name);
65	}
66	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->free();
67	$callfrom_person_one_list[] = array(0, "---------------------");
69	$callfrom_person_all_list[] = array(0, "---------------------");
70	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT id, n_given, n_middle, n_family FROM phpgw_addressbook ORDER BY n_family",__LINE__,__FILE__);
71	while($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record())
72	{
73		list($ab_id, $ab_firstname, $ab_middle, $ab_lastname) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
74		$callfrom_person_all_list[] = array($ab_id, $ab_firstname . " " . $ab_middle ." ".$ab_lastname);
75	}
76	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->free();
80	function prepForDb()
81	{
82		global $callfrom_type, $callfrom_person_all, $callfrom_person_one;
83		global $calldate_year, $calldate_month, $calldate_day, $calldate_hour, $calldate_minute;
84		global $callfrom_txt, $calldesc_short, $calldesc_long;
85		global $tmp_callfrom_id, $tmp_calldate;
86		// Handle caller id
87		if($callfrom_type==0)
88		$tmp_callfrom_id = $callfrom_person_all;
89		elseif($callfrom_type==1)
90		$tmp_callfrom_id = $callfrom_person_one;
91		else
92		$tmp_callfrom_id = 0;
94		// Format time
95		$tmp_calldate = mktime($calldate_hour,$calldate_minute,$calldate_second,$calldate_month,$calldate_day,$calldate_year);
96	}
98	if ($querytype == "INSERT")
99	{
100		prepForDb();
101		$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_phonelog_entry (pl_callfrom_id, pl_callfrom_txt, pl_callfor, "
102		. "pl_calldate, pl_status, pl_desc_short, pl_desc_long) VALUES ($tmp_callfrom_id,"
103		. "'$callfrom_txt', '$callfor', '$tmp_calldate', $callstatus, '$calldesc_short',"
104		. "'$calldesc_long')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
105		Header("Location: " . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link("/phonelog/index.php"));
106	}
107	if ($querytype == "UPDATE")
108	{
109		prepForDb();
110		$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_phonelog_entry SET pl_callfrom_id=$tmp_callfrom_id, pl_callfrom_txt='$callfrom_txt', pl_callfor='$callfor', pl_calldate='$tmp_calldate', pl_status=$callstatus, pl_desc_short='$calldesc_short', pl_desc_long='$calldesc_long' WHERE pl_id=$callid",__LINE__,__FILE__);
111		Header("Location: " . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link("/phonelog/"));
112	}
114	if ($querytype == "NEW")
115	{
116		$calldate_month = date("n");
117		$calldate_day = date("j");
118		$calldate_year = date("Y");
119		$calldate_hour = date("G");
120		$calldate_minute = date("i");
121		$callstatus = 3; // Default to status 3 ('call back') at this moment
122		$callfor = 0;
123		$callfrom_type = 0;
124		$callfrom_txt = "";
125		$callfrom_person_all = 0;
126		$callfrom_company_one = "";
127		$callfrom_company_all = 0;
128		$callfrom_person_one = 0;
129		$calldesc_short =  "";
130		$calldesc_long = "";
132		$querytype_new = "INSERT";
133	}
134	if ($querytype == "CALLFROMSELECTED")
135	{
136		if($callfrom_type == 0)
137		{
138			$callfrom_company_all = 0;
139			$callfrom_person_one = 0;
140			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT org_name FROM phpgw_addressbook WHERE id=".$callfrom_person_all,__LINE__,__FILE__);
141			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record();
142			list($callfrom_company_one) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
143			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->free();
144		}
145		elseif($callfrom_type == 1)
146		{
147			$callfrom_person_all = 0;
148			$callfrom_company_one = "";
149			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT id, fn FROM phpgw_addressbook WHERE "
150			. "org_name='".$callfrom_company_all."' ORDER BY n_family",__LINE__,__FILE__);
151			while($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record())
152			{
153				list($ab_id, $ab_fullname) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
154				$callfrom_person_one_list[] = array($ab_id, $ab_fullname);
155			}
156		}
157		else
158		{
159			$callfrom_person_all = 0;
160			$callfrom_company_one = "";
161			$callfrom_company_all = 0;
162			$callfrom_person_one = 0;
163		}
165		if($callid)
166		{
167			$querytype_new = "UPDATE";
168		}
169		else
170		{
171			$querytype_new = "INSERT";
172		}
173	}
174	if($querytype=="SELECT")
175	{
176		$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT pl_callfrom_id, pl_callfrom_txt, pl_callfor, YEAR(pl_calldate), "
177		. "MONTH(pl_calldate), DAYOFMONTH(pl_calldate), HOUR(pl_calldate), "
178		. "MINUTE(pl_calldate), pl_status, pl_desc_short, pl_desc_long FROM "
179		. "phpgw_phonelog_entry WHERE pl_id=$callid",__LINE__,__FILE__);
180		$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record();
181		list($callfrom_person_all, $callfrom_txt, $callfor, $calldate_year, $calldate_month, $calldate_day, $calldate_hour, $calldate_minute, $callstatus, $calldesc_short, $calldesc_long) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
182		$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->free();
183		// Set callfrom
184		$callfrom_person_one = 1;
185		$callfrom_company_all = 0;
186		if($callfrom_person_all)
187		{
188			$callfrom_type = 0;
189			if($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["apps"]["timetrack"]["enabled"])
190			{
191				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT company_name FROM addressbook, customers WHERE company_id=ab_company_id AND ab_id=".$callfrom_person_all,__LINE__,__FILE__);
192			}
193			else
194			{
195				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT ab_company FROM addressbook WHERE ab_id=".$callfrom_person_all,__LINE__,__FILE__);
196			}
197			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record();
198			list($callfrom_company_one) = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Record;
199			$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->free();
200		}
201		else
202		{
203			$callfrom_type = 2;
204			$callfrom_company_one = "";
205			$callfrom_person_all = 0;
206		}
207		$querytype_new="UPDATE";
208	}
210	$lang_phonelog_action = lang("phone log - add");
211	$lang_callstatus = lang("status");
212	$lang_calldate = lang("call came in at");
213	$lang_callfrom = lang("call from");
214	$lang_by_person = lang("by person");
215	$lang_by_company = lang("by company");
216	$lang_by_txt = lang("as free text");
217	$lang_callfor = lang("call for");
218	$lang_desclong = lang("description");
219	$lang_descshort = lang("summary");
220	$lang_addsubmitb = lang("Add");
221	$lang_addresetb = lang("Clear Form");
224<p>&nbsp; <?php echo $lang_phonelog_action ?><br>
225	<hr noshade width="98%" align="center" size="1">
227	<script>
228	function doShowCustomerDetails(inForm) {
229		inForm.querytype.value = "CALLFROMSELECTED";
230		inForm.submit();
231	}
232	</script>
233	<center>
234<form name="editform" action="<?php echo $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link("/phonelog/editentry.php"); ?>" method="POST">
235<input type="hidden" name="callid" value="<?php echo $callid ?>">
236<input type="hidden" name="querytype" value="<?php echo $querytype_new ?>">
237	<table width="75%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
238	<tr>
239<td rowspan="3" valign=top><?php echo $lang_callfrom ?>:</td>
240	<td>
241<?php echo $lang_by_person ?> :
242	</td>
243	<td>
244<input type=radio name="callfrom_type" value="0" <?php if(!$callfrom_type) echo "CHECKED" ?>>
245	<select name="callfrom_person_all" size="1" onFocus="this.form.callfrom_type[0].checked = true;" onChange="doShowCustomerDetails(this.form);">
246<?php echo printSelectList($callfrom_person_all, $callfrom_person_all_list) ?>
247	</select>
248	</td>
249	<td>
250<input type=text name="callfrom_company_one" READONLY value="<?php echo $callfrom_company_one ?>">
251	</td>
252	</tr>
253	<tr>
254	<td>
255<?php echo $lang_by_company ?>
256	</td>
257	<td>
258<input type=radio name="callfrom_type" value="1" <?php if($callfrom_type==1) echo "CHECKED" ?>>
259	<select name="callfrom_company_all" size="1" onFocus="this.form.callfrom_type[1].checked = true;" onChange="doShowCustomerDetails(this.form);">
260<?php echo printSelectList($callfrom_company_all, $callfrom_company_all_list) ?>
261	</select>
262	</td>
263	<td width="50%">
264	<select name="callfrom_person_one">
265<?php echo printSelectList($callfrom_person_one, $callfrom_person_one_list) ?>
266	</select>
267	</td>
268	</tr>
269	<tr>
270	<td>
271<?php echo $lang_by_txt ?>
272	</td>
273	<td colspan="2">
274<input type=radio name="callfrom_type" value="2" <?php if($callfrom_type==2) echo "CHECKED" ?>>
275<input type="text" value="<?php echo $callfrom_txt ?>" onFocus="this.form.callfrom_type[2].checked = true;" name="callfrom_txt" size="20" maxlength="255">
276	</td>
277	</tr>
278	<tr>
279<td><?php echo $lang_callstatus ?>:</td>
280	<td colspan="3">
281	<select name="callstatus">
282<?php echo printSelectList($callstatus, $callstatus_list) ?>
283	</select>
284	</td>
285	</tr>
286	<tr>
287<td><?php echo $lang_callfor ?>:</td>
288	<td colspan="3">
289	<select name="callfor">
290<?php echo printSelectList($callfor, $callfor_list) ?>
291	</select>
292	</td>
293	</tr>
294	<tr>
295<td><?php echo $lang_calldate ?>:</td>
296	<td colspan="3">
297	<?php
298		$day   = '<input type="text" name="calldate_day" value="' . $calldate_day . '" size="2" maxlength="2">';
299		$month = '<SELECT name="calldate_month" size="1">'
300		.  printSelectList($calldate_month, $calldate_month_list)
301		. '</SELECT>';
302		$year  ='<input type="text" name="calldate_year" value="' . $calldate_year . '" size="4" maxlength="4">';
304		echo $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->dateformatorder($year,$month,$day,True);
305	?>
306	-
307<input type="text" name="calldate_hour" value="<?php echo $calldate_hour ?>" size="2" maxlength="2">:
308<input type="text" name="calldate_minute" value="<?php echo $calldate_minute ?>" size="2" maxlength="2">
309	</td>
310	</tr>
311	<tr>
312	<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
313	</tr>
314	<tr>
315<td><?php echo $lang_descshort ?>:</td>
316<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="calldesc_short" size="60" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $calldesc_short ?>"></td>
317	</tr>
318	<tr>
319<td><?php echo $lang_desclong ?>:</td>
320<td colspan="3"><textarea name="calldesc_long" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $calldesc_long ?></textarea></td>
321	</tr>
322	</table>
323<?php if($querytype_new=="INSERT") : ?>
324	<input type="submit" value="Add">
325<?php elseif($querytype_new=="UPDATE") : ?>
326	<input type="submit" value="Update">
327<?php endif ?>
328	</form>
329	</center>
332	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_footer();