3	class Content_UI
4	{
5		var $common_ui;
6		var $t;
7		var $bo;
8		var $modulebo;
9		var $acl;
10		var $viewable;
11		var $sitelanguages;
12		var $worklanguage;
13		var $errormsg;
14		var $langselect;
16		var $public_functions = array
17		(
18			'manage' => True,
19			'commit' => True,
20			'archive' => True
21		);
23		function Content_UI()
24		{
25			$this->common_ui = CreateObject('sitemgr.Common_UI',True);
26			$this->t = $GLOBALS["phpgw"]->template;
27			$this->bo = &$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->content;
28			$this->acl = &$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->acl;
29			$this->modulebo = &$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->modules;
30			$this->viewable = array(
31				SITEMGR_VIEWABLE_EVERBODY => lang('everybody'),
32				SITEMGR_VIEWABLE_USER => lang('phpgw users'),
33				SITEMGR_VIEWABLE_ADMIN => lang('administrators'),
34				SITEMGR_VIEWABLE_ANONYMOUS => lang('anonymous')
35			);
37			$this->sitelanguages = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->sites->current_site['sitelanguages'];
38			$savelanguage = $_POST['savelanguage'];
39			if ($savelanguage)
40			{
41				//we save the language the user chooses as session variable
42				$this->worklanguage = $savelanguage;
43				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('worklanguage','sitemgr',$savelanguage);
44			}
45			else
46			{
47				$sessionlang = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('worklanguage','sitemgr');
48				$this->worklanguage = $sessionlang ? $sessionlang : $this->sitelanguages[0];
49			}
50			$this->errormsg = array();
52			if (count($this->sitelanguages) > 1)
53			{
54				$this->langselect = lang('as') . ' <select name="savelanguage">';
55				foreach ($this->sitelanguages as $lang)
56				{
57					$selected= '';
58                                        if ($lang == $this->worklanguage)
59                                        {
60                                                $selected = 'selected="selected" ';
61                                        }
62                                        $this->langselect .= '<option ' . $selected .'value="' . $lang . '">'. $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->getlangname($lang) . '</option>';
63                                }
64                                $this->langselect .= '</select> ';
65                        }
66		}
68		function manage()
69		{
70			$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->globalize(array(
71				'inputblockid','inputblocktitle','inputblocksort','inputblockview',
72				'inputstate','btnSaveBlock','btnDeleteBlock','btnCreateVersion',
73				'btnDeleteVersion','inputmoduleid','inputarea','btnAddBlock','element'
74			));
75			global $inputblockid, $inputblocktitle, $inputblocksort,$inputblockview;
76			global $inputstate,$btnSaveBlock,$btnDeleteBlock,$btnCreateVersion;
77			global $inputmoduleid, $inputarea, $btnAddBlock, $btnDeleteVersion, $element;
79			global $page_id,$cat_id;
80			$page_id = $_GET['page_id'];
81			$cat_id = $_GET['cat_id'];
82			$block_id = $_GET['block_id'];
84			if ($block_id)
85			{}
86			elseif ($page_id)
87			{
88				$page = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getPage($page_id);
89				if (!$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->acl->can_write_category($page->cat_id))
90				{
91					$GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect($GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=sitemgr.Outline_UI.manage'));
92					return;
93				}
94				$page_or_cat_name = $page->name;
95				$cat_id = $page->cat_id;
96				$goto = lang('Page manager');
97				$scopename = lang('Page');
98			}
99			elseif ($cat_id != CURRENT_SITE_ID)
100			{
101				$cat = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getCategory($cat_id);
102				if (!$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->acl->can_write_category($cat_id))
103				{
104					$GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect($GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=sitemgr.Outline_UI.manage'));
105					return;
106				}
107				$page_or_cat_name = $cat->name;
108				$page_id = 0;
109				$goto = lang('Category manager');
110				$scopename = lang('Category');
111			}
112			else
113			{
114				$page_id = 0;
115				$scopename = lang('Site');
116			}
118			if ($btnAddBlock)
119			{
120				if ($inputmoduleid)
121				{
122					$block = CreateObject('sitemgr.Block_SO',True);
123					$block->module_id = $inputmoduleid;
124					$block->area = $inputarea;
125					$block->page_id = $page_id;
126					$block->cat_id = $cat_id;
128					$newblock = $this->bo->addblock($block);
129					if ($newblock)
130					{
131						$this->bo->createversion($newblock);
132					}
133					else
134					{
135						$this->errormsg[] = lang("You are not entitled to create module %1 on this scope",$inputmoduleid);
136					}
137				}
138				else
139				{
140					$this->errormsg[] = lang("You did not choose a module.");
141				}
142			}
143			elseif ($btnSaveBlock)
144			{
145				if ( !isset($GLOBALS['data_cleaner']) || !is_object($GLOVALS['data_cleaner']) )
146				{
147					$GLOBALS['data_cleaner'] = createObject('phpgwapi.data_cleaner', '');
148				}
150				//XXX Caeies : Ok we can consider than somebody who is "sitemgr admin" is able to play as he want with Style and other dangerous stuff
151				// We can perhaps add something global to configure it ...
152				if($GLOBALS['Common_BO']->acl->is_admin())
153				{
154					$element = $GLOBALS['RAW_REQUEST']['element'];
155				}
156				else
157				{
158					$element = clean_vars($GLOBALS['RAW_REQUEST']['element'], false);
159				}
161				$block = CreateObject('sitemgr.Block_SO',True);
162				$block->id = $inputblockid;
163				$block->title = $inputblocktitle;
164				$block->sort_order = $inputblocksort;
165				$block->view = $inputblockview;
166				$result = $this->bo->saveblockdata($block,$element,$inputstate,$this->worklanguage);
167				if ($result !== True)
168				{
169					//result should be an array of validationerrors
170					$this->errormsg = $result;
171				}
172			}
173			elseif ($btnDeleteBlock)
174			{
175				if (!$this->bo->removeblock($inputblockid))
176				{
177					$this->errormsg[] =  lang("You are not entitled to edit block %1",$inputblockid);
178				}
179				//if we delete a block we were editing, there is nothing left to do
180				if ($block_id)
181				{
182					echo '<html><head></head><body onload="opener.location.reload();self.close()"></body></html>';
183				}
184			}
185			elseif ($btnCreateVersion)
186			{
187				$this->bo->createversion($inputblockid);
188			}
189			elseif ($btnDeleteVersion)
190			{
191				$version_id = array_keys($btnDeleteVersion);
192				$this->bo->deleteversion($version_id[0]);
193			}
195			//if we are called with a block_id GET parameter, it is from sitemgr-site edit mode or from archiv/commit
196			//we are shown in a separate edit window, without navbar.
197			if ($block_id)
198			{
199				$block = $this->bo->getblock($block_id,$this->worklanguage);
200				if (!($block && $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->acl->can_write_category($block->cat_id)))
201				{
202					echo '<p><center><b>'.lang('Attempt to edit non-editable block').'</b></center>';
203					$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(True);
204				}
205				$this->t->set_file('Blocks', 'edit_block.tpl');
206				$this->t->set_block('Blocks','Block');
207				$this->t->set_block('Block','Moduleeditor','MeBlock');
208				$this->t->set_block('Block','Moduleview','MvBlock');
209				$this->t->set_block('Moduleeditor','Version','EvBlock');
210				$this->t->set_block('Blocks','EditorElement','EeBlock');
211				$this->t->set_block('Moduleview','ViewElement','VeBlock');
213				$this->t->set_var(array(
214					'savebutton' => lang('Save block'),
215					'deletebutton' => lang('Delete block'),
216					'contentarea' => lang('Contentarea'),
217					'createbutton' => lang('Create new version'),
218					'standalone' => "<html><head></head><body>",
219					'donebutton' => '<input type="reset" onclick="opener.location.reload();self.close()" value="' . lang('Done') . '"  />'
220				));
221				$this->showblock($block,True,True);
222				$this->t->pfp('out','Block');
223				return;
224			}
226			$this->common_ui->DisplayHeader();
228			$this->t->set_file('Managecontent', 'manage_content.tpl');
229			$this->t->set_file('Blocks','edit_block.tpl');
230			$this->t->set_block('Managecontent','Contentarea','CBlock');
231			$this->t->set_block('Blocks','Block');
232			$this->t->set_block('Block','Moduleeditor','MeBlock');
233			$this->t->set_block('Block','Moduleview','MvBlock');
234			$this->t->set_block('Moduleeditor','Version','EvBlock');
235			$this->t->set_block('Blocks','EditorElement','EeBlock');
236			$this->t->set_block('Moduleview','ViewElement','VeBlock');
237			$this->t->set_var(Array(
238				'content_manager' => lang('%1 content manager', $scopename),
239				'page_or_cat_name' => ($page_or_cat_name ? (' - ' . $page_or_cat_name) : '')
240				));
243			$contentareas = $this->bo->getContentAreas();
244			if (is_array($contentareas))
245			{
246				$this->t->set_var(array(
247					'help' => lang('You can override each content blocks default title. Be aware that not in all content areas the block title will be visible.'),
248					'savebutton' => lang('Save block'),
249					'deletebutton' => lang('Delete block'),
250					'contentarea' => lang('Contentarea'),
251					'createbutton' => lang('Create new version'),
252				));
254				foreach ($contentareas as $contentarea)
255				{
256					$permittedmodules = $this->modulebo->getcascadingmodulepermissions($contentarea,$cat_id);
258					$this->t->set_var(Array(
259						'area' => $contentarea,
260						'addblockform' =>
261							($permittedmodules ?
262								('<form method="POST"><input type="hidden" value="' . $contentarea . '" name="inputarea" />' .
263									'<select style="vertical-align:middle" size="10" name="inputmoduleid">' .
264									$this->inputmoduleselect($permittedmodules) .
265									'</select><input type="submit" name="btnAddBlock" value="' .
266									lang('Add block to content area %1',$contentarea) .
267									'" /></form>') :
268								lang('No modules permitted for this content area/category')
269							),
270						'error' => (($contentarea == $inputarea) && $this->errormsg) ? join('<br>',$this->errormsg) : '',
271					));
273					//we get all blocks for the page and its category, and site wide,
274					//but only the current scope is editable
275					//if we have just edited a block in a certain language, we request all blocks in this language
276					$blocks = $this->bo->getallblocksforarea($contentarea,$cat_id,$page_id,$this->worklanguage);
278					$this->t->set_var('blocks','');
280					if ($blocks)
281					{
282						while (list(,$block) = each($blocks))
283						{
284							//if the block is in our scope and we are entitled we edit it
285							$editable = ($block->page_id == $page_id && $block->cat_id == $cat_id);
286							$this->showblock($block,$editable);
287							$this->t->parse('blocks','Block', true);
288						}
289					}
290					$this->t->parse('CBlock','Contentarea', true);
291				}
292			}
293			else
294			{
295				$this->t->set_var('CBlock',$contentareas);
296			}
297			$this->t->pfp('out', 'Managecontent');
298			$this->common_ui->DisplayFooter();
299		}
301		function commit()
302		{
303			if ($_POST['btnCommit'])
304			{
305				while(list($cat_id,) = @each($_POST['cat']))
306				{
307					$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->commit($cat_id);
308				}
309				while(list($page_id,) = @each($_POST['page']))
310				{
311					$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->commit($page_id);
312				}
313				while(list($block_id,) = @each($_POST['block']))
314				{
315					$this->bo->commit($block_id);
316				}
317			}
318			$this->common_ui->DisplayHeader();
320			$this->t->set_file('Commit','commit.tpl');
321			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Category','Cblock');
322			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Page','Pblock');
323			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Block','Bblock');
324			$this->t->set_var(array(
325				'commit_manager'	=> lang('Commit changes'),
326				'lang_categories'	=> lang('Categories'),
327				'lang_pages'		=> lang('Pages'),
328				'lang_blocks'		=> lang('Content blocks'),
329				'lang_commit'		=> lang('Commit changes'),
330				'lang_select_all'	=> lang('select all')
331			));
333			//Categories
334			$cats = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getpermittedcatsCommitable();
335			while (list(,$cat_id) = @each($cats))
336			{
337				$cat = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getCategory($cat_id,$this->sitelanguages[0]);
338				$this->t->set_var(array(
339					'category' => $cat->name,
340					'catid' => $cat_id,
341					'addedorremoved' => ($cat->state == SITEMGR_STATE_PREPUBLISH) ? 'added' : 'removed',
342					'edit' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
343						'cat_id' => $cat_id,
344						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Categories_UI.edit'
345					))
346				));
347				$this->t->parse('Cblock','Category',True);
348			}
350			//Pages
351			$pages = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getpageIDListCommitable();
353			while (list(,$page_id) = @each($pages))
354			{
355				$page = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getPage($page_id);
356				$this->t->set_var(array(
357					'page' => $page->name,
358					'pageid' => $page_id,
359					'addedorremoved' => ($page->state == SITEMGR_STATE_PREPUBLISH) ? 'added' : 'removed',
360					'edit' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
361						'page_id' => $page_id,
362						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Pages_UI.edit'
363					))
364				));
365				$this->t->parse('Pblock','Page',True);
366			}
368			//Content Blocks
369			$blocks = $this->bo->getcommitableblocks();
370			while (list($block_id,$block) = @each($blocks))
371			{
372				$this->t->set_var(array(
373					'block' => $this->bo->getlangblocktitle($block_id,$this->sitelanguages[0]),
374					'blockid' => $block_id,
375					'scope' => $this->blockscope($block->cat_id,$block->page_id),
376					'addedorremovedorreplaced' => ($block->cnt == 2) ? 'replaced' :
377						(($block->state == SITEMGR_STATE_PREPUBLISH) ? 'added' : 'removed'),
378					'edit' =>  $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
379						'block_id' => $block_id,
380						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Content_UI.manage'
381					))
382				));
383				$this->t->parse('Bblock','Block',True);
384			}
386			$this->t->pfp('out', 'Commit');
387			$this->common_ui->DisplayFooter();
388		}
390		function archive()
391		{
392			if ($_POST['btnReactivate'])
393			{
394				while(list($cat_id,) = @each($_POST['cat']))
395				{
396					$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->reactivate($cat_id);
397				}
398				while(list($page_id,) = @each($_POST['page']))
399				{
400					$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->reactivate($page_id);
401				}
402				while(list($block_id,) = @each($_POST['block']))
403				{
404					$this->bo->reactivate($block_id);
405				}
406			}
408			$this->common_ui->DisplayHeader();
410			$this->t->set_file('Commit','archive.tpl');
411			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Category','Cblock');
412			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Page','Pblock');
413			$this->t->set_block('Commit','Block','Bblock');
414			$this->t->set_var(array(
415				'commit_manager' => lang('Archived content'),
416				'lang_categories' => lang('Categories'),
417				'lang_pages' => lang('Pages'),
418				'lang_blocks' => lang('Content blocks'),
419				'lang_reactivate' => lang('Reactivate content')
420			));
422			//Categories
423			$cats = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getpermittedcatsArchived();
424			//we have to append the archived cats to the currentcats, in order to be able to access them later
425			$GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->currentcats = array_merge($GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->currentcats,$cats);
426			while (list(,$cat_id) = @each($cats))
427			{
428				$cat = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getCategory($cat_id,$this->sitelanguages[0],True);
429				$this->t->set_var(array(
430					'category' => $cat->name,
431					'catid' => $cat_id,
432					'edit' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
433						'cat_id' => $cat_id,
434						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Categories_UI.edit'
435					))
436				));
437				$this->t->parse('Cblock','Category',True);
438			}
440			//Pages
441			$pages = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getpageIDListArchived();
443			while (list(,$page_id) = @each($pages))
444			{
445				$page = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getPage($page_id);
446				$this->t->set_var(array(
447					'page' => $page->name,
448					'pageid' => $page_id,
449					'edit' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
450						'page_id' => $page_id,
451						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Pages_UI.edit'
452					))
453				));
454				$this->t->parse('Pblock','Page',True);
455			}
457			//Content Blocks
458			$blocks = $this->bo->getarchivedblocks();
459			while (list($block_id,$block) = @each($blocks))
460			{
461				$this->t->set_var(array(
462					'block' => $this->bo->getlangblocktitle($block_id,$this->sitelanguages[0]),
463					'blockid' => $block_id,
464					'scope' => $this->blockscope($block->cat_id,$block->page_id),
465					'edit' =>  $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array(
466						'block_id' => $block_id,
467						'menuaction' => 'sitemgr.Content_UI.manage'
468					))
469				));
470				$this->t->parse('Bblock','Block',True);
471			}
473			$this->t->pfp('out', 'Commit');
474			$this->common_ui->DisplayFooter();
475		}
477		function inputmoduleselect($modules)
478		{
479			$returnValue = '';
480			while (list($id,$module) = each($modules))
481			{
482				$returnValue.='<option title="' . $module['description'] . '" value="'.$id.'">'.
483					$module['module_name'].'</option>'."\n";
484			}
485			return $returnValue;
486		}
488		function inputviewselect($default)
489		{
490			$returnValue = '';
491			foreach($this->viewable as $value => $display)
492			{
493				$selected = ($default == $value) ? $selected = 'selected="selected" ' : '';
494				$returnValue.='<option '.$selected.'value="'.$value.'">'.
495					$display.'</option>'."\n";
496			}
497			return $returnValue;
498		}
500		function blockscope($cat_id,$page_id)
501		{
502			if ($cat_id == CURRENT_SITE_ID)
503			{
504				$scope = lang('Site wide');
505			}
506			else
507			{
508				$cat = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getCategory($cat_id);
509				$scope = lang('Category') . ' ' . $cat->name;
510				if ($page_id)
511				{
512					$page = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->pages->getPage($page_id);
513					$scope .= ' - ' . lang('Page') . ' ' . $page->name;
514				}
515			}
516			return $scope;
517		}
519		//if the block is shown on its own ($standalone), we add information about its,scope
520		function showblock($block,$editable,$standalone=False)
521		{
522			global $page_id,$cat_id, $inputblockid;
523			//TODO: wrap a module storage around createmodule as in template3,
524			//TODO: so that we do not create the same module object twice
525			$moduleobject = $this->modulebo->createmodule($block->module_name);
527			$this->t->set_var(array(
528				'moduleinfo' => ($block->module_name),
529				'description' => $moduleobject->description,
530				'savelang' => $this->langselect
531			));
533			//if the block is in our scope and we are entitled we edit it
534			if ($editable)
535			{
536				$editorstandardelements = array(
537					array('label' => lang('Title'),
538						  'form' => ('<input type="text" name="inputblocktitle" value="' .
539							($block->title ? htmlspecialchars($block->title) : htmlspecialchars($moduleobject->title)) . '" />')
540					),
541					array('label' => lang('Seen by'),
542						  'form' => ('<select name="inputblockview">' .
543							$this->inputviewselect((int)$block->view) . '</select>')
544					),
545					array('label' => lang('Sort order'),
546						  'form' => ('<input type="text" name="inputblocksort" size="2" value="' .
547							(int)$block->sort_order . '" />')
548					)
549				);
550				if ($standalone)
551				{
552					$editorstandardelements[] = array(
553						'label' => lang('Scope'),
554						'form' => $this->blockscope($block->cat_id,$block->page_id)
555					);
556				}
558				$moduleobject->set_block($block);
560				$this->t->set_var(Array(
561					'blockid' => $block->id,
562					'validationerror' => (($block->id == $inputblockid) && $this->errormsg) ? join('<br>',$this->errormsg) : '',
563				));
564				$this->t->set_var('standardelements','');
565				while (list(,$element) = each($editorstandardelements))
566				{
567					$this->t->set_var(Array(
568						'label' => $element['label'],
569						'form' => $element['form']
570					));
571					$this->t->parse('standardelements','EditorElement', true);
572				}
574				$versions = $this->bo->getallversionsforblock($block->id,$this->worklanguage);
575				$this->t->set_var('EvBlock','');
576				while (list($version_id,$version) = each($versions))
577				{
578					//set the version of the block which is referenced by the moduleobject,
579					//so that we retrieve a interface with the current version's arguments
580					$block->set_version($version);
581					$editormoduleelements = $moduleobject->get_user_interface();
582					$this->t->set_var(array(
583						'version_id' => $version_id,
584						'state' => $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->inputstateselect($version['state']),
585						'deleteversion' => lang('Delete Version'),
586						'versionelements' => ''
587					));
588					while (list(,$element) = each($editormoduleelements))
589					{
590						$this->t->set_var(Array(
591							'label' => $element['label'],
592							'form' => $element['form']
593						));
594						$this->t->parse('versionelements','EditorElement', true);
595					}
596					$this->t->parse('EvBlock','Version', true);
597				}
599				$this->t->parse('MeBlock','Moduleeditor');
600				$this->t->set_var('MvBlock','');
601			}
602			//otherwise we only show it
603			else
604			{
605				if ($block->page_id)
606				{
607					$blockscope = lang('Page');
608				}
609				elseif ($block->cat_id != CURRENT_SITE_ID)
610				{
611					$cat = $GLOBALS['Common_BO']->cats->getCategory($block->cat_id);
612					$blockscope =  lang('Category') . ' - ' . $cat->name;
613				}
614				else
615				{
616					$blockscope =  lang('Site');
617				}
619				$viewstandardelements = array(
620					array('label' => lang('Scope'),
621						  'value' => $blockscope
622					),
623					array('label' => lang('Title'),
624						  'value' => ($block->title ? $block->title : $moduleobject->title)
625					),
626					array('label' => lang('Seen by'),
627						  'value' => $this->viewable[(int)$block->view]
628					),
629					array('label' => lang('Sort order'),
630						  'value' => (int)$block->sort_order
631					)
632				);
633// 								$viewmoduleelements = array();
634// 								while (list($argument,$argdef) = @each($moduleobject->arguments))
635// 								{
636// 									$value = $block->arguments[$argument];
637// 									$viewmoduleelements[] = array(
638// 										'label' => $argdef['label'],
639// 										'value' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($value)
640// 									);
641// 								}
642//								$interface = array_merge($viewstandardelements,$viewmoduleelements);
643$interface = $viewstandardelements;
644				$this->t->set_var('VeBlock','');
645				while (list(,$element) = each($interface))
646				{
647					$this->t->set_var(Array(
648						'label' => $element['label'],
649						'value' => $element['value'])
650					);
651					$this->t->parse('VeBlock','ViewElement', true);
652				}
653				$this->t->parse('MvBlock','Moduleview');
654				$this->t->set_var('MeBlock','');
655			}
656		}
657	}