1# vi:ft=python
2from nevow import tags as T, rend, loaders, athena, url
3from formless import annotate, webform
4from twisted.python import util
6animals = {u'elf' : u'Pointy ears.  Bad attitude regarding trees.',
7           u'chipmunk': u'Cute.  Fuzzy.  Sings horribly.',
8           u'chupacabra': u'It sucks goats.',
9           u'ninja': u'Stealthy and invisible, and technically an animal.',
10           }
13class TypeAheadPage(athena.LivePage):
14    _tmpl = util.sibpath(__file__, "typeahead.html")
15    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(_tmpl)
16    def render_typehereField(self, ctx, data):
17        frag = TypeAheadFieldFragment()
18        frag.page = self
19        return frag
21class TypeAheadFieldFragment(athena.LiveFragment):
22    docFactory = loaders.stan(
23            T.span(render=T.directive('liveFragment'))[ '\n',
24                T.input(type="text", _class="typehere"), '\n',
25                T.h3(_class="description"),
26                ])
28    def loadDescription(self, typed):
29        if typed == u'':
30            return None, u'--'
31        matches = []
32        for key in animals:
33            if key.startswith(typed):
34                 matches.append(key)
35        if len(matches) == 1:
36            return matches[0], animals[matches[0]]
37        elif len(matches) > 1:
38            return None, u"(Multiple found)"
39        else:
40            return None, u'--'
41    athena.expose(loadDescription)
43class DataEntry(rend.Page):
44    """Add Animal"""
45    addSlash = 1
47    docFactory = loaders.stan(
48            T.html[T.body[T.h1[
49                "First, a Setup Form."],
50                T.h2["Enter some animals as data.  Click 'Done' to test looking up these animals."],
51                T.h3["The neat stuff happens when you hit 'Done'."],
52                webform.renderForms(),
53                T.ol(data=T.directive("animals"), render=rend.sequence)[
54                        T.li(pattern="item", render=T.directive("string")),
55                                                                        ],
56                T.h1[T.a(href=url.here.child('typeahead'))["Done"]],
57                          ]
58                    ]
59                              )
60    def bind_animals(self, ctx, ):
61        """Add Animal"""
62        return annotate.MethodBinding(
63                'animals',
64                annotate.Method(arguments=
65                    [annotate.Argument('animal', annotate.String()),
66                     annotate.Argument('description', annotate.Text())]),
67                action="Add Animal",
68                                      )
70    def animals(self, animal, description):
71        """Add Animal"""
72        if not (animal and description):
73            return
74        animals[animal.decode('utf-8')] = description.decode('utf-8')
75        return url.here
77    def data_animals(self, ctx, data):
78        return animals.keys()
80    def child_typeahead(self, ctx):
81        return TypeAheadPage(None, None)