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562                                            <option value="U">Financial Learning Programmes</option>
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631                            <p class="head">
632                                <b><a href="https://www.icicidirect.com/idirectcontent/ProductService/ProductService.aspx?Equity">
633                                    Equity</a></b></p>
634                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
635                                Trade and invest in stocks online, seamlessly. Some of our products include Cash
636                                Trading, Margin Product, CallNTrade, etc.
637                            </p>
638                        </div>
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643                            <p class="head">
644                                <b><a href="https://www.icicidirect.com/idirectcontent/ProductService/ProductService.aspx?Derivatives">
645                                    Derivatives</a></b></p>
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648                                and hassle-free trading.
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658                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
659                                Investing in mutual fund schemes is easy and convenient. Track investments with
660                                a detailed report.
661                            </p>
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669                                    ETF</a></b></p>
670                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
671                                Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are securities that are traded like individual stocks
672                                on an exchange. You can buy and sell Gold, Index, Banking and International ETFs
673                                here.
674                            </p>
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718                                    IPO</a></b></p>
719                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
720                                Invest in initial public offer (IPO), follow-on public offer (FPO) and offer for
721                                sale (OFS) of shares, conveniently, without any paper work.
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732                                Hedge your foreign exchange (forex) risk, with trading in currency. We offer transparent
733                                online trading platform, which ensures uniform real-time price access.
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742                                    Fixed Deposits</a></b></p>
743                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
744                                Invest online seamlessly in fixed-income instruments such as corporate fixed deposits
745                                (FDs), bonds (tax-free bonds, capital gain bonds, GOI bonds, etc.) and non-convertible
746                                debentures (NCDs).
747                            </p>
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755                                    National Pension System</a></b></p>
756                            <p style="margin-top: 10px;">
757                                Under National Pension System (NPS), you can accumulate a pension corpus during
758                                your work life to meet financial needs post retirement.
759                            </p>
760                        </div>
761                    </span></li>
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770                                home, we can build a comprehensive financial plan specially customized for you.
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781                                Be it a Beginner in stock markets or an evolved trader, we have programs for each
782                                of you, which are designed/delivered by market experts in Classroom/Self Learn/Virtual
783                                mode in areas of stocks, technical analysis, derivatives etc.
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