1.. index::
2   single: unit testing
3   single: integration testing
4   single: functional testing
6.. _testing_chapter:
8Unit, Integration, and Functional Testing
11*Unit testing* is, not surprisingly, the act of testing a "unit" in your
12application.  In this context, a "unit" is often a function or a method of a
13class instance.  The unit is also referred to as a "unit under test".
15The goal of a single unit test is to test **only** some permutation of the
16"unit under test".  If you write a unit test that aims to verify the result of
17a particular codepath through a Python function, you need only be concerned
18about testing the code that *lives in the function body itself*. If the
19function accepts a parameter that represents a complex application "domain
20object" (such as a resource, a database connection, or an SMTP server), the
21argument provided to this function during a unit test *need not be* and likely
22*should not be* a "real" implementation object.  For example, although a
23particular function implementation may accept an argument that represents an
24SMTP server object, and the function may call a method of this object when the
25system is operating normally that would result in an email being sent, a unit
26test of this codepath of the function does *not* need to test that an email is
27actually sent.  It just needs to make sure that the function calls the method
28of the object provided as an argument that *would* send an email if the
29argument happened to be the "real" implementation of an SMTP server object.
31An *integration test*, on the other hand, is a different form of testing in
32which the interaction between two or more "units" is explicitly tested.
33Integration tests verify that the components of your application work together.
34You *might* make sure that an email was actually sent in an integration test.
36A *functional test* is a form of integration test in which the application is
37run "literally".  You would *have to* make sure that an email was actually sent
38in a functional test, because it tests your code end to end.
40It is often considered best practice to write each type of tests for any given
41codebase.  Unit testing often provides the opportunity to obtain better
42"coverage": it's usually possible to supply a unit under test with arguments
43and/or an environment which causes *all* of its potential codepaths to be
44executed.  This is usually not as easy to do with a set of integration or
45functional tests, but integration and functional testing provides a measure of
46assurance that your "units" work together, as they will be expected to when
47your application is run in production.
49The suggested mechanism for unit and integration testing of a :app:`Pyramid`
50application is the Python :mod:`unittest` module.  Although this module is
51named :mod:`unittest`, it is actually capable of driving both unit and
52integration tests.  A good :mod:`unittest` tutorial is available within `Dive
53Into Python <http://www.diveintopython.net/unit_testing/index.html>`_ by Mark
56:app:`Pyramid` provides a number of facilities that make unit, integration, and
57functional tests easier to write.  The facilities become particularly useful
58when your code calls into :app:`Pyramid`-related framework functions.
60.. index::
61   single: test setup
62   single: test tear down
63   single: unittest
65.. _test_setup_and_teardown:
67Test Set Up and Tear Down
70:app:`Pyramid` uses a "global" (actually :term:`thread local`) data structure
71to hold two items: the current :term:`request` and the current
72:term:`application registry`.  These data structures are available via the
73:func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` and
74:func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` functions, respectively. See
75:ref:`threadlocals_chapter` for information about these functions and the data
76structures they return.
78If your code uses these ``get_current_*`` functions or calls :app:`Pyramid`
79code which uses ``get_current_*`` functions, you will need to call
80:func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` in your test setup and you will need to call
81:func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` in your test teardown.
82:func:`~pyramid.testing.setUp` pushes a registry onto the :term:`thread local`
83stack, which makes the ``get_current_*`` functions work.  It returns a
84:term:`Configurator` object which can be used to perform extra configuration
85required by the code under test.  :func:`~pyramid.testing.tearDown` pops the
86thread local stack.
88Normally when a Configurator is used directly with the ``main`` block of a
89Pyramid application, it defers performing any "real work" until its ``.commit``
90method is called (often implicitly by the
91:meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_wsgi_app` method).  The Configurator
92returned by :func:`~pyramid.testing.setUp` is an *autocommitting* Configurator,
93however, which performs all actions implied by methods called on it
94immediately.  This is more convenient for unit testing purposes than needing to
95call :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` in each test after adding extra
96configuration statements.
98The use of the :func:`~pyramid.testing.setUp` and
99:func:`~pyramid.testing.tearDown` functions allows you to supply each unit test
100method in a test case with an environment that has an isolated registry and an
101isolated request for the duration of a single test.  Here's an example of using
102this feature:
104.. code-block:: python
105   :linenos:
107   import unittest
108   from pyramid import testing
110   class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
111       def setUp(self):
112           self.config = testing.setUp()
114       def tearDown(self):
115           testing.tearDown()
117The above will make sure that :func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry`
118called within a test case method of ``MyTest`` will return the
119:term:`application registry` associated with the ``config`` Configurator
120instance.  Each test case method attached to ``MyTest`` will use an isolated
123The :func:`~pyramid.testing.setUp` and :func:`~pyramid.testing.tearDown`
124functions accept various arguments that influence the environment of the test.
125See the :ref:`testing_module` API for information about the extra arguments
126supported by these functions.
128If you also want to make :func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request`
129return something other than ``None`` during the course of a single test, you
130can pass a :term:`request` object into the :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` within
131the ``setUp`` method of your test:
133.. code-block:: python
134   :linenos:
136   import unittest
137   from pyramid import testing
139   class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
140       def setUp(self):
141           request = testing.DummyRequest()
142           self.config = testing.setUp(request=request)
144       def tearDown(self):
145           testing.tearDown()
147If you pass a :term:`request` object into :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` within
148your test case's ``setUp``, any test method attached to the ``MyTest`` test
149case that directly or indirectly calls
150:func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` will receive the request
151object.  Otherwise, during testing,
152:func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` will return ``None``. We use a
153"dummy" request implementation supplied by
154:class:`pyramid.testing.DummyRequest` because it's easier to construct than a
155"real" :app:`Pyramid` request object.
157Test setup using a context manager
160An alternative style of setting up a test configuration is to use the ``with``
161statement and :func:`pyramid.testing.testConfig` to create a context manager.
162The context manager will call :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` before the code
163under test and :func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` afterwards.
165This style is useful for small self-contained tests. For example:
167.. code-block:: python
168   :linenos:
170   import unittest
172   class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
174       def test_my_function(self):
175           from pyramid import testing
176           with testing.testConfig() as config:
177               config.add_route('bar', '/bar/{id}')
178               my_function_which_needs_route_bar()
183Thread local data structures are always a bit confusing, especially when
184they're used by frameworks.  Sorry.  So here's a rule of thumb: if you don't
185*know* whether you're calling code that uses the
186:func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` or
187:func:`~pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` functions, or you don't care
188about any of this, but you still want to write test code, just always call
189:func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` in your test's ``setUp`` method and
190:func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` in your tests' ``tearDown`` method.  This
191won't really hurt anything if the application you're testing does not call any
192``get_current*`` function.
194.. index::
195   single: pyramid.testing
196   single: Configurator testing API
198Using the ``Configurator`` and ``pyramid.testing`` APIs in Unit Tests
201The ``Configurator`` API and the :mod:`pyramid.testing` module provide a number
202of functions which can be used during unit testing.  These functions make
203:term:`configuration declaration` calls to the current :term:`application
204registry`, but typically register a "stub" or "dummy" feature in place of the
205"real" feature that the code would call if it was being run normally.
207For example, let's imagine you want to unit test a :app:`Pyramid` view
210.. code-block:: python
211   :linenos:
213   from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
215   def view_fn(request):
216       if request.has_permission('edit'):
217           raise HTTPForbidden
218       return {'greeting':'hello'}
220.. note::
222   This code implies that you have defined a renderer imperatively in a
223   relevant :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` instance, otherwise it would
224   fail when run normally.
226Without doing anything special during a unit test, the call to
227:meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.has_permission` in this view function will
228always return a ``True`` value.  When a :app:`Pyramid` application starts
229normally, it will populate an :term:`application registry` using
230:term:`configuration declaration` calls made against a :term:`Configurator`.
231But if this application registry is not created and populated (e.g., by
232initializing the configurator with an authorization policy), like when you
233invoke application code via a unit test, :app:`Pyramid` API functions will tend
234to either fail or return default results.  So how do you test the branch of the
235code in this view function that raises
238The testing API provided by :app:`Pyramid` allows you to simulate various
239application registry registrations for use under a unit testing framework
240without needing to invoke the actual application configuration implied by its
241``main`` function.  For example, if you wanted to test the above ``view_fn``
242(assuming it lived in the package named ``my.package``), you could write a
243:class:`unittest.TestCase` that used the testing API.
245.. code-block:: python
246   :linenos:
248   import unittest
249   from pyramid import testing
251   class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
252       def setUp(self):
253           self.config = testing.setUp()
255       def tearDown(self):
256           testing.tearDown()
258       def test_view_fn_forbidden(self):
259           from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
260           from my.package import view_fn
261           self.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid='hank',
262                                              permissive=False)
263           request = testing.DummyRequest()
264           request.context = testing.DummyResource()
265           self.assertRaises(HTTPForbidden, view_fn, request)
267       def test_view_fn_allowed(self):
268           from my.package import view_fn
269           self.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid='hank',
270                                              permissive=True)
271           request = testing.DummyRequest()
272           request.context = testing.DummyResource()
273           response = view_fn(request)
274           self.assertEqual(response, {'greeting':'hello'})
276In the above example, we create a ``MyTest`` test case that inherits from
277:class:`unittest.TestCase`.  If it's in our :app:`Pyramid` application, it will
278be found when ``py.test`` is run.  It has two test methods.
280The first test method, ``test_view_fn_forbidden`` tests the ``view_fn`` when
281the authentication policy forbids the current user the ``edit`` permission. Its
282third line registers a "dummy" "non-permissive" authorization policy using the
283:meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_securitypolicy` method, which is a
284special helper method for unit testing.
286We then create a :class:`pyramid.testing.DummyRequest` object which simulates a
287WebOb request object API.  A :class:`pyramid.testing.DummyRequest` is a request
288object that requires less setup than a "real" :app:`Pyramid` request.  We call
289the function being tested with the manufactured request.  When the function is
290called, :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.has_permission` will call the "dummy"
291authentication policy we've registered through
292:meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_securitypolicy`, which denies
293access.  We check that the view function raises a
294:exc:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden` error.
296The second test method, named ``test_view_fn_allowed``, tests the alternate
297case, where the authentication policy allows access.  Notice that we pass
298different values to :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_securitypolicy`
299to obtain this result.  We assert at the end of this that the view function
300returns a value.
302Note that the test calls the :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` function in its
303``setUp`` method and the :func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` function in its
304``tearDown`` method.  We assign the result of :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` as
305``config`` on the unittest class.  This is a :term:`Configurator` object and
306all methods of the configurator can be called as necessary within tests. If you
307use any of the :class:`~pyramid.config.Configurator` APIs during testing, be
308sure to use this pattern in your test case's ``setUp`` and ``tearDown``; these
309methods make sure you're using a "fresh" :term:`application registry` per test
312See the :ref:`testing_module` chapter for the entire :app:`Pyramid`-specific
313testing API.  This chapter describes APIs for registering a security policy,
314registering resources at paths, registering event listeners, registering views
315and view permissions, and classes representing "dummy" implementations of a
316request and a resource.
318.. seealso::
320    See also the various methods of the :term:`Configurator` documented in
321    :ref:`configuration_module` that begin with the ``testing_`` prefix.
323.. index::
324   single: integration tests
326.. _integration_tests:
328Creating Integration Tests
331In :app:`Pyramid`, a *unit test* typically relies on "mock" or "dummy"
332implementations to give the code under test enough context to run.
334"Integration testing" implies another sort of testing.  In the context of a
335:app:`Pyramid` integration test, the test logic exercises the functionality of
336the code under test *and* its integration with the rest of the :app:`Pyramid`
339Creating an integration test for a :app:`Pyramid` application usually means
340invoking the application's ``includeme`` function via
341:meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` within the test's setup code.  This
342causes the entire :app:`Pyramid` environment to be set up, simulating what
343happens when your application is run "for real".  This is a heavy-hammer way of
344making sure that your tests have enough context to run properly, and tests your
345code's integration with the rest of :app:`Pyramid`.
347.. seealso::
349   See also :ref:`including_configuration`
351Writing unit tests that use the :class:`~pyramid.config.Configurator` API to
352set up the right "mock" registrations is often preferred to creating
353integration tests.  Unit tests will run faster (because they do less for each
354test) and are usually easier to reason about.
356.. index::
357   single: functional tests
359.. _functional_tests:
361Creating Functional Tests
364Functional tests test your literal application.
366In Pyramid, functional tests are typically written using the :term:`WebTest`
367package, which provides APIs for invoking HTTP(S) requests to your application.
368We also like ``py.test`` and ``pytest-cov`` to provide simple testing and
369coverage reports.
371Regardless of which testing :term:`package` you use, be sure to add a
372``tests_require`` dependency on that package to your application's ``setup.py``
373file. Using the project ``MyProject`` generated by the starter scaffold as
374described in :doc:`project`, we would insert the following code immediately
375following the ``requires`` block in the file ``MyProject/setup.py``.
377.. literalinclude:: MyProject/setup.py
378    :language: python
379    :linenos:
380    :lines: 11-22
381    :lineno-start: 11
382    :emphasize-lines: 8-
384Remember to change the dependency.
386.. literalinclude:: MyProject/setup.py
387    :language: python
388    :linenos:
389    :lines: 40-44
390    :lineno-start: 40
391    :emphasize-lines: 2-4
393As always, whenever you change your dependencies, make sure to run the correct
394``pip install -e`` command.
396.. code-block:: bash
398    $VENV/bin/pip install -e ".[testing]"
400In your ``MyPackage`` project, your :term:`package` is named ``myproject``
401which contains a ``views`` module, which in turn contains a :term:`view`
402function ``my_view`` that returns an HTML body when the root URL is invoked:
404   .. literalinclude:: MyProject/myproject/views.py
405      :linenos:
406      :language: python
408The following example functional test demonstrates invoking the above
411   .. literalinclude:: MyProject/myproject/tests.py
412      :linenos:
413      :pyobject: FunctionalTests
414      :language: python
416When this test is run, each test method creates a "real" :term:`WSGI`
417application using the ``main`` function in your ``myproject.__init__`` module,
418using :term:`WebTest` to wrap that WSGI application.  It assigns the result to
419``self.testapp``.  In the test named ``test_root``, the ``TestApp``'s ``GET``
420method is used to invoke the root URL.  Finally, an assertion is made that the
421returned HTML contains the text ``Pyramid``.
423See the :term:`WebTest` documentation for further information about the methods
424available to a :class:`webtest.app.TestApp` instance.