1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h"
7 #include <unordered_map>
8 #include <utility>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/callback.h"
12 #include "base/hash/hash.h"
13 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
14 #include "content/browser/bad_message.h"
15 #include "content/browser/blob_storage/chrome_blob_storage_context.h"
16 #include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
17 #include "content/browser/frame_host/cross_process_frame_connector.h"
18 #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h"
19 #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
20 #include "content/browser/frame_host/ipc_utils.h"
21 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h"
22 #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_delegate.h"
23 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
24 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
25 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_child_frame.h"
26 #include "content/browser/scoped_active_url.h"
27 #include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
28 #include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
29 #include "content/common/unfreezable_frame_messages.h"
30 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
31 #include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
32 #include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
33 #include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
34 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_receiver.h"
35 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/associated_interfaces/associated_interface_provider.h"
36 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom.h"
37 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom.h"
39 namespace content {
41 namespace {
GetProxyHostCreatedCallback()43 RenderFrameProxyHost::CreatedCallback& GetProxyHostCreatedCallback() {
44   static base::NoDestructor<RenderFrameProxyHost::CreatedCallback> s_callback;
45   return *s_callback;
46 }
48 // The (process id, routing id) pair that identifies one RenderFrameProxy.
49 typedef std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> RenderFrameProxyHostID;
50 typedef std::unordered_map<RenderFrameProxyHostID,
51                            RenderFrameProxyHost*,
52                            base::IntPairHash<RenderFrameProxyHostID>>
53     RoutingIDFrameProxyMap;
54 base::LazyInstance<RoutingIDFrameProxyMap>::DestructorAtExit
55     g_routing_id_frame_proxy_map = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
57 }  // namespace
59 // static
SetCreatedCallbackForTesting(const CreatedCallback & created_callback)60 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetCreatedCallbackForTesting(
61     const CreatedCallback& created_callback) {
62   GetProxyHostCreatedCallback() = created_callback;
63 }
65 // static
FromID(int process_id,int routing_id)66 RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameProxyHost::FromID(int process_id,
67                                                    int routing_id) {
68   DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI);
69   RoutingIDFrameProxyMap* frames = g_routing_id_frame_proxy_map.Pointer();
70   auto it = frames->find(RenderFrameProxyHostID(process_id, routing_id));
71   return it == frames->end() ? NULL : it->second;
72 }
RenderFrameProxyHost(SiteInstance * site_instance,scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host,FrameTreeNode * frame_tree_node)74 RenderFrameProxyHost::RenderFrameProxyHost(
75     SiteInstance* site_instance,
76     scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host,
77     FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node)
78     : routing_id_(site_instance->GetProcess()->GetNextRoutingID()),
79       site_instance_(site_instance),
80       process_(site_instance->GetProcess()),
81       frame_tree_node_(frame_tree_node),
82       render_frame_proxy_created_(false),
83       render_view_host_(std::move(render_view_host)) {
84   GetProcess()->AddRoute(routing_id_, this);
85   CHECK(
86       g_routing_id_frame_proxy_map.Get()
87           .insert(std::make_pair(
88               RenderFrameProxyHostID(GetProcess()->GetID(), routing_id_), this))
89           .second);
90   CHECK(render_view_host_ ||
91         frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate());
93   bool is_proxy_to_parent = !frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() &&
94                             frame_tree_node_->parent()
95                                     ->render_manager()
96                                     ->current_frame_host()
97                                     ->GetSiteInstance() == site_instance;
98   bool is_proxy_to_outer_delegate =
99       frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate();
101   // If this is a proxy to parent frame or this proxy is for the inner
102   // WebContents's FrameTreeNode in outer WebContents's SiteInstance, then we
103   // need a CrossProcessFrameConnector.
104   if (is_proxy_to_parent || is_proxy_to_outer_delegate) {
105     // The RenderFrameHost navigating cross-process is destroyed and a proxy for
106     // it is created in the parent's process. CrossProcessFrameConnector
107     // initialization only needs to happen on an initial cross-process
108     // navigation, when the RenderFrameHost leaves the same process as its
109     // parent. The same CrossProcessFrameConnector is used for subsequent cross-
110     // process navigations, but it will be destroyed if the frame is
111     // navigated back to the same SiteInstance as its parent.
112     cross_process_frame_connector_.reset(new CrossProcessFrameConnector(this));
113   }
115   if (!GetProxyHostCreatedCallback().is_null())
116     GetProxyHostCreatedCallback().Run(this);
117 }
~RenderFrameProxyHost()119 RenderFrameProxyHost::~RenderFrameProxyHost() {
120   if (GetProcess()->IsInitializedAndNotDead()) {
121     // TODO(nasko): For now, don't send this IPC for top-level frames, as
122     // the top-level RenderFrame will delete the RenderFrameProxy.
123     // This can be removed once we don't have a swapped out state on
124     // RenderFrame. See https://crbug.com/357747
125     if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
126       Send(new UnfreezableFrameMsg_DeleteProxy(routing_id_));
127   }
129   // TODO(arthursonzogni): There are no known reason for removing the
130   // RenderViewHostImpl here instead of automatically at the end of the
131   // destructor. This line can be removed.
132   render_view_host_.reset();
134   GetProcess()->RemoveRoute(routing_id_);
135   g_routing_id_frame_proxy_map.Get().erase(
136       RenderFrameProxyHostID(GetProcess()->GetID(), routing_id_));
137 }
SetChildRWHView(RenderWidgetHostView * view,const gfx::Size * initial_frame_size)139 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetChildRWHView(
140     RenderWidgetHostView* view,
141     const gfx::Size* initial_frame_size) {
142   cross_process_frame_connector_->SetView(
143       static_cast<RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame*>(view));
144   if (initial_frame_size)
145     cross_process_frame_connector_->SetLocalFrameSize(*initial_frame_size);
146 }
GetRenderViewHost()148 RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameProxyHost::GetRenderViewHost() {
149   return frame_tree_node_->frame_tree()
150       ->GetRenderViewHost(site_instance_.get())
151       .get();
152 }
GetRenderWidgetHostView()154 RenderWidgetHostView* RenderFrameProxyHost::GetRenderWidgetHostView() {
155   return frame_tree_node_->parent()
156       ->render_manager()
157       ->GetRenderWidgetHostView();
158 }
Send(IPC::Message * msg)160 bool RenderFrameProxyHost::Send(IPC::Message* msg) {
161   return GetProcess()->Send(msg);
162 }
OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message & msg)164 bool RenderFrameProxyHost::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) {
165   // Crash reports trigerred by IPC messages for this proxy should be associated
166   // with the URL of the current RenderFrameHost that is being proxied.
167   ScopedActiveURL scoped_active_url(this);
169   if (cross_process_frame_connector_.get() &&
170       cross_process_frame_connector_->OnMessageReceived(msg))
171     return true;
173   bool handled = true;
174   IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(RenderFrameProxyHost, msg)
175     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_Detach, OnDetach)
176     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_OpenURL, OnOpenURL)
177     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_RouteMessageEvent, OnRouteMessageEvent)
178     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_DidChangeOpener, OnDidChangeOpener)
179     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_AdvanceFocus, OnAdvanceFocus)
180     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(FrameHostMsg_PrintCrossProcessSubframe,
181                         OnPrintCrossProcessSubframe)
182     IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
184   return handled;
185 }
InitRenderFrameProxy()187 bool RenderFrameProxyHost::InitRenderFrameProxy() {
188   DCHECK(!render_frame_proxy_created_);
190   // If the current RenderFrameHost is pending deletion, no new proxies should
191   // be created for it, since this frame should no longer be visible from other
192   // processes. We can get here with postMessage while trying to recreate
193   // proxies for the sender.
194   if (!frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host()->is_active())
195     return false;
197   // It is possible to reach this when the process is dead (in particular, when
198   // creating proxies from CreateProxiesForChildFrame).  In that case, don't
199   // create the proxy.  The process shouldn't be resurrected just to create
200   // RenderFrameProxies; it should be restored only if it needs to host a
201   // RenderFrame.  When that happens, the process will be reinitialized, and
202   // all necessary proxies, including any of the ones we skipped here, will be
203   // created by CreateProxiesForSiteInstance. See https://crbug.com/476846
204   if (!GetProcess()->IsInitializedAndNotDead())
205     return false;
207   int parent_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
208   if (frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
209     // It is safe to use GetRenderFrameProxyHost to get the parent proxy, since
210     // new child frames always start out as local frames, so a new proxy should
211     // never have a RenderFrameHost as a parent.
212     RenderFrameProxyHost* parent_proxy =
213         frame_tree_node_->parent()->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
214             site_instance_.get());
215     CHECK(parent_proxy);
217     // Proxies that aren't live in the parent node should not be initialized
218     // here, since there is no valid parent RenderFrameProxy on the renderer
219     // side.  This can happen when adding a new child frame after an opener
220     // process crashed and was reloaded.  See https://crbug.com/501152.
221     if (!parent_proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
222       return false;
224     parent_routing_id = parent_proxy->GetRoutingID();
225     CHECK_NE(parent_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
226   }
228   int opener_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
229   if (frame_tree_node_->opener()) {
230     opener_routing_id = frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->GetOpenerRoutingID(
231         site_instance_.get());
232   }
234   int view_routing_id = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree()
235                             ->GetRenderViewHost(site_instance_.get())
236                             ->GetRoutingID();
237   GetProcess()->GetRendererInterface()->CreateFrameProxy(
238       routing_id_, view_routing_id, opener_routing_id, parent_routing_id,
239       frame_tree_node_->current_replication_state(),
240       frame_tree_node_->devtools_frame_token());
242   SetRenderFrameProxyCreated(true);
244   // If this proxy was created for a frame that hasn't yet finished loading,
245   // let the renderer know so it can also mark the proxy as loading. See
246   // https://crbug.com/916137.
247   if (frame_tree_node_->IsLoading())
248     GetAssociatedRemoteFrame()->DidStartLoading();
250   // For subframes, initialize the proxy's FrameOwnerProperties only if they
251   // differ from default values.
252   bool should_send_properties =
253       !frame_tree_node_->frame_owner_properties().Equals(
254           blink::mojom::FrameOwnerProperties());
255   if (frame_tree_node_->parent() && should_send_properties) {
256     auto frame_owner_properties =
257         frame_tree_node_->frame_owner_properties().Clone();
258     GetAssociatedRemoteFrame()->SetFrameOwnerProperties(
259         std::move(frame_owner_properties));
260   }
262   return true;
263 }
OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(const std::string & interface_name,mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle)265 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(
266     const std::string& interface_name,
267     mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) {
268   if (interface_name == mojom::RenderFrameProxyHost::Name_) {
269     frame_proxy_host_associated_receiver_.Bind(
270         mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::RenderFrameProxyHost>(
271             std::move(handle)));
272   } else if (interface_name == blink::mojom::RemoteFrameHost::Name_) {
273     remote_frame_host_receiver_.Bind(
274         mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::RemoteFrameHost>(
275             std::move(handle)));
276   }
277 }
279 blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider*
GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces()280 RenderFrameProxyHost::GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces() {
281   if (!remote_associated_interfaces_) {
282     mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::AssociatedInterfaceProvider>
283         remote_interfaces;
284     IPC::ChannelProxy* channel = GetProcess()->GetChannel();
285     if (channel) {
286       RenderProcessHostImpl* process =
287           static_cast<RenderProcessHostImpl*>(GetProcess());
288       process->GetRemoteRouteProvider()->GetRoute(
289           GetRoutingID(), remote_interfaces.BindNewEndpointAndPassReceiver());
290     } else {
291       // The channel may not be initialized in some tests environments. In this
292       // case we set up a dummy interface provider.
293       ignore_result(remote_interfaces
294                         .BindNewEndpointAndPassDedicatedReceiverForTesting());
295     }
296     remote_associated_interfaces_ =
297         std::make_unique<blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider>(
298             remote_interfaces.Unbind());
299   }
300   return remote_associated_interfaces_.get();
301 }
SetRenderFrameProxyCreated(bool created)303 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetRenderFrameProxyCreated(bool created) {
304   if (!created) {
305     // If the renderer process has gone away, created can be false. In that
306     // case, invalidate the mojo connection.
307     frame_proxy_host_associated_receiver_.reset();
308   }
309   render_frame_proxy_created_ = created;
310 }
312 const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::RemoteFrame>&
GetAssociatedRemoteFrame()313 RenderFrameProxyHost::GetAssociatedRemoteFrame() {
314   if (!remote_frame_)
315     GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces()->GetInterface(&remote_frame_);
316   return remote_frame_;
317 }
319 const mojo::AssociatedRemote<content::mojom::RenderFrameProxy>&
GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy()320 RenderFrameProxyHost::GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy() {
321   if (!render_frame_proxy_)
322     GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces()->GetInterface(&render_frame_proxy_);
323   return render_frame_proxy_;
324 }
SetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(cc::TouchAction touch_action)326 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(
327     cc::TouchAction touch_action) {
328   cross_process_frame_connector_->OnSetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(
329       touch_action);
330 }
UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(bool is_throttled,bool subtree_throttled)332 void RenderFrameProxyHost::UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(
333     bool is_throttled,
334     bool subtree_throttled) {
335   cross_process_frame_connector_->UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(
336       is_throttled, subtree_throttled);
337 }
VisibilityChanged(blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility)339 void RenderFrameProxyHost::VisibilityChanged(
340     blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility) {
341   cross_process_frame_connector_->OnVisibilityChanged(visibility);
342 }
UpdateOpener()344 void RenderFrameProxyHost::UpdateOpener() {
345   // Another frame in this proxy's SiteInstance may reach the new opener by
346   // first reaching this proxy and then referencing its window.opener.  Ensure
347   // the new opener's proxy exists in this case.
348   if (frame_tree_node_->opener()) {
349     frame_tree_node_->opener()->render_manager()->CreateOpenerProxies(
350         GetSiteInstance(), frame_tree_node_);
351   }
353   int opener_routing_id =
354       frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->GetOpenerRoutingID(GetSiteInstance());
355   Send(new FrameMsg_UpdateOpener(GetRoutingID(), opener_routing_id));
356 }
SetFocusedFrame()358 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetFocusedFrame() {
359   GetAssociatedRemoteFrame()->Focus();
360 }
ScrollRectToVisible(const gfx::Rect & rect_to_scroll,blink::mojom::ScrollIntoViewParamsPtr params)362 void RenderFrameProxyHost::ScrollRectToVisible(
363     const gfx::Rect& rect_to_scroll,
364     blink::mojom::ScrollIntoViewParamsPtr params) {
365   GetAssociatedRemoteFrame()->ScrollRectToVisible(rect_to_scroll,
366                                                   std::move(params));
367 }
OnDetach()369 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnDetach() {
370   if (frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate()) {
371     frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->RemoveOuterDelegateFrame();
372     return;
373   }
375   // For a main frame with no outer delegate, no further work is needed. In this
376   // case, detach can only be triggered by closing the entire RenderViewHost.
377   // Instead, this cleanup relies on the destructors of RenderFrameHost and
378   // RenderFrameProxyHost decrementing the refcounts of their associated
379   // RenderViewHost. When the refcount hits 0, the corresponding renderer object
380   // is cleaned up. Since WebContents destruction will also destroy
381   // RenderFrameHost/RenderFrameProxyHost objects in FrameTree, this eventually
382   // results in all the associated RenderViewHosts being closed.
383   if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
384     return;
386   // Otherwise, a remote child frame has been removed from the frame tree.
387   // Make sure that this action is mirrored to all the other renderers, so
388   // the frame tree remains consistent.
389   frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host()->DetachFromProxy();
390 }
OnOpenURL(const FrameHostMsg_OpenURL_Params & params)392 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnOpenURL(
393     const FrameHostMsg_OpenURL_Params& params) {
394   // Verify and unpack IPC payload.
395   GURL validated_url;
396   scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory;
397   if (!VerifyOpenURLParams(GetSiteInstance(), params, &validated_url,
398                            &blob_url_loader_factory)) {
399     return;
400   }
402   RenderFrameHostImpl* current_rfh = frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host();
404   // The current_rfh may be pending deletion. In this case, ignore the
405   // navigation, because the frame is going to disappear soon anyway.
406   if (!current_rfh->is_active())
407     return;
409   // Verify that we are in the same BrowsingInstance as the current
410   // RenderFrameHost.
411   if (!site_instance_->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_rfh->GetSiteInstance()))
412     return;
414   // Since this navigation targeted a specific RenderFrameProxy, it should stay
415   // in the current tab.
416   DCHECK_EQ(WindowOpenDisposition::CURRENT_TAB, params.disposition);
418   // Augment |download_policy| for situations that were not covered on the
419   // renderer side, e.g. status not available on remote frame, etc.
420   NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy = params.download_policy;
421   GetContentClient()->browser()->AugmentNavigationDownloadPolicy(
422       frame_tree_node_->navigator()->GetController()->GetWebContents(),
423       current_rfh, params.user_gesture, &download_policy);
425   if ((frame_tree_node_->pending_frame_policy().sandbox_flags &
426        blink::mojom::WebSandboxFlags::kDownloads) !=
427       blink::mojom::WebSandboxFlags::kNone) {
428     if (download_policy.blocking_downloads_in_sandbox_enabled) {
429       download_policy.SetDisallowed(content::NavigationDownloadType::kSandbox);
430     } else {
431       download_policy.SetAllowed(content::NavigationDownloadType::kSandbox);
432     }
433   }
435   // TODO(lfg, lukasza): Remove |extra_headers| parameter from
436   // RequestTransferURL method once both RenderFrameProxyHost and
437   // RenderFrameHostImpl call RequestOpenURL from their OnOpenURL handlers.
438   // See also https://crbug.com/647772.
439   // TODO(clamy): The transition should probably be changed for POST navigations
440   // to PAGE_TRANSITION_FORM_SUBMIT. See https://crbug.com/829827.
441   frame_tree_node_->navigator()->NavigateFromFrameProxy(
442       current_rfh, validated_url, params.initiator_origin, site_instance_.get(),
443       params.referrer, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
444       params.should_replace_current_entry, download_policy,
445       params.post_body ? "POST" : "GET", params.post_body, params.extra_headers,
446       std::move(blob_url_loader_factory), params.user_gesture);
447 }
CheckCompleted()449 void RenderFrameProxyHost::CheckCompleted() {
450   RenderFrameHostImpl* target_rfh = frame_tree_node()->current_frame_host();
451   target_rfh->GetAssociatedLocalFrame()->CheckCompleted();
452 }
EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size & min_size,const gfx::Size & max_size)454 void RenderFrameProxyHost::EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& min_size,
455                                             const gfx::Size& max_size) {
456   GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy()->EnableAutoResize(min_size, max_size);
457 }
DisableAutoResize()459 void RenderFrameProxyHost::DisableAutoResize() {
460   GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy()->DisableAutoResize();
461 }
DidUpdateVisualProperties(const cc::RenderFrameMetadata & metadata)463 void RenderFrameProxyHost::DidUpdateVisualProperties(
464     const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) {
465   GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy()->DidUpdateVisualProperties(metadata);
466 }
ChildProcessGone()468 void RenderFrameProxyHost::ChildProcessGone() {
469   GetAssociatedRenderFrameProxy()->ChildProcessGone();
470 }
OnRouteMessageEvent(const FrameMsg_PostMessage_Params & params)472 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnRouteMessageEvent(
473     const FrameMsg_PostMessage_Params& params) {
474   RenderFrameHostImpl* target_rfh = frame_tree_node()->current_frame_host();
475   if (!target_rfh->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
476     // Check if there is an inner delegate involved; if so target its main
477     // frame or otherwise return since there is no point in forwarding the
478     // message.
479     target_rfh = target_rfh->delegate()->GetMainFrameForInnerDelegate(
480         target_rfh->frame_tree_node());
481     if (!target_rfh || !target_rfh->IsRenderFrameLive())
482       return;
483   }
485   // |targetOrigin| argument of postMessage is already checked by
486   // blink::LocalDOMWindow::DispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck (needed for
487   // messages sent within the same process - e.g. same-site, cross-origin),
488   // but this check needs to be duplicated below in case the recipient renderer
489   // process got compromised (i.e. in case the renderer-side check may be
490   // bypassed).
491   if (!params.target_origin.empty()) {
492     url::Origin target_origin =
493         url::Origin::Create(GURL(base::UTF16ToUTF8(params.target_origin)));
495     // Renderer should send either an empty string (this is how "*" is expressed
496     // in the IPC) or a valid, non-opaque origin.  OTOH, there are no security
497     // implications here - the message payload needs to be protected from an
498     // unintended recipient, not from the sender.
499     DCHECK(!target_origin.opaque());
501     // While the postMessage was in flight, the target might have navigated away
502     // to another origin.  In this case, the postMessage should be silently
503     // dropped.
504     if (target_origin != target_rfh->GetLastCommittedOrigin())
505       return;
506   }
508   // TODO(lukasza): Move opaque-ness check into ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl.
509   auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
510   if (params.source_origin != base::UTF8ToUTF16("null") &&
511       !policy->CanAccessDataForOrigin(GetProcess()->GetID(),
512                                       GURL(params.source_origin))) {
513     bad_message::ReceivedBadMessage(
514         GetProcess(), bad_message::RFPH_POST_MESSAGE_INVALID_SOURCE_ORIGIN);
515     return;
516   }
518   // Only deliver the message if the request came from a RenderFrameHost in the
519   // same BrowsingInstance or if this WebContents is dedicated to a browser
520   // plugin guest.
521   //
522   // TODO(alexmos, lazyboy):  The check for browser plugin guest currently
523   // requires going through the delegate.  It should be refactored and
524   // performed here once OOPIF support in <webview> is further along.
525   SiteInstance* target_site_instance = target_rfh->GetSiteInstance();
526   if (!target_site_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(GetSiteInstance()) &&
527       !target_rfh->delegate()->ShouldRouteMessageEvent(target_rfh,
528                                                        GetSiteInstance()))
529     return;
531   int32_t source_routing_id = params.source_routing_id;
532   base::string16 source_origin = params.source_origin;
533   base::string16 target_origin = params.target_origin;
534   blink::TransferableMessage message = std::move(params.message->data);
536   // If there is a source_routing_id, translate it to the routing ID of the
537   // equivalent RenderFrameProxyHost in the target process.
538   if (source_routing_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) {
539     RenderFrameHostImpl* source_rfh =
540         RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(GetProcess()->GetID(), source_routing_id);
541     if (!source_rfh) {
542       source_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
543     } else {
544       // https://crbug.com/822958: If the postMessage is going to a descendant
545       // frame, ensure that any pending visual properties such as size are sent
546       // to the target frame before the postMessage, as sites might implicitly
547       // be relying on this ordering.
548       bool target_is_descendant_of_source = false;
549       for (FrameTreeNode* node = target_rfh->frame_tree_node(); node;
550            node = node->parent()) {
551         if (node == source_rfh->frame_tree_node()) {
552           target_is_descendant_of_source = true;
553           break;
554         }
555       }
556       if (target_is_descendant_of_source) {
557         target_rfh->GetRenderWidgetHost()
558             ->SynchronizeVisualPropertiesIgnoringPendingAck();
559       }
561       // Ensure that we have a swapped-out RVH and proxy for the source frame
562       // in the target SiteInstance. If it doesn't exist, create it on demand
563       // and also create its opener chain, since that will also be accessible
564       // to the target page.
565       target_rfh->delegate()->EnsureOpenerProxiesExist(source_rfh);
567       // Transfer user activation state in the frame tree in the browser and
568       // the non-source and non-target renderer processes when
569       // |transfer_user_activation| is true. We are making an expriment with
570       // dynamic delegation of "autoplay" capability using this post message
571       // approach to transfer user activation.
572       // TODO(lanwei): we should transfer user activation state only when
573       // |source_rfh| and |target_rfh| are in the same frame tree.
574       bool should_transfer_user_activation =
575           base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
576               features::kUserActivationPostMessageTransfer) &&
577           message.transfer_user_activation;
578       should_transfer_user_activation =
579           should_transfer_user_activation || message.allow_autoplay;
580       if (should_transfer_user_activation &&
581           source_rfh->frame_tree_node()->HasTransientUserActivation()) {
582         target_rfh->frame_tree_node()->TransferUserActivationFrom(source_rfh);
583       }
585       // If the message source is a cross-process subframe, its proxy will only
586       // be created in --site-per-process mode.  If the proxy wasn't created,
587       // set the source routing ID to MSG_ROUTING_NONE (see
588       // https://crbug.com/485520 for discussion on why this is ok).
589       RenderFrameProxyHost* source_proxy_in_target_site_instance =
590           source_rfh->frame_tree_node()
591               ->render_manager()
592               ->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(target_site_instance);
593       if (source_proxy_in_target_site_instance) {
594         source_routing_id =
595             source_proxy_in_target_site_instance->GetRoutingID();
596       } else {
597         source_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
598       }
599     }
600   }
602   target_rfh->PostMessageEvent(source_routing_id, source_origin, target_origin,
603                                std::move(message));
604 }
OnDidChangeOpener(int32_t opener_routing_id)606 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnDidChangeOpener(int32_t opener_routing_id) {
607   frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->DidChangeOpener(opener_routing_id,
608                                                       GetSiteInstance());
609 }
OnAdvanceFocus(blink::mojom::FocusType type,int32_t source_routing_id)611 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnAdvanceFocus(blink::mojom::FocusType type,
612                                           int32_t source_routing_id) {
613   RenderFrameHostImpl* target_rfh =
614       frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->current_frame_host();
615   if (target_rfh->InsidePortal()) {
616     bad_message::ReceivedBadMessage(
617         GetProcess(), bad_message::RFPH_ADVANCE_FOCUS_INTO_PORTAL);
618     return;
619   }
621   // Translate the source RenderFrameHost in this process to its equivalent
622   // RenderFrameProxyHost in the target process.  This is needed for continuing
623   // the focus traversal from correct place in a parent frame after one of its
624   // child frames finishes its traversal.
625   RenderFrameHostImpl* source_rfh =
626       RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(GetProcess()->GetID(), source_routing_id);
627   RenderFrameProxyHost* source_proxy =
628       source_rfh ? source_rfh->frame_tree_node()
629                        ->render_manager()
630                        ->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(target_rfh->GetSiteInstance())
631                  : nullptr;
633   target_rfh->AdvanceFocus(type, source_proxy);
634   frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host()->delegate()->OnAdvanceFocus(
635       source_rfh);
636 }
DidFocusFrame()638 void RenderFrameProxyHost::DidFocusFrame() {
639   RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host =
640       frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host();
642   // We need to handle this case due to a race, see documentation in
643   // RenderFrameHostImpl::DidFocusFrame for more details.
644   if (render_frame_host->InsidePortal())
645     return;
647   render_frame_host->delegate()->SetFocusedFrame(frame_tree_node_,
648                                                  GetSiteInstance());
649 }
CapturePaintPreviewOfCrossProcessSubframe(const gfx::Rect & clip_rect,const base::UnguessableToken & guid)651 void RenderFrameProxyHost::CapturePaintPreviewOfCrossProcessSubframe(
652     const gfx::Rect& clip_rect,
653     const base::UnguessableToken& guid) {
654   RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh = frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host();
655   if (!rfh->is_active())
656     return;
657   rfh->delegate()->CapturePaintPreviewOfCrossProcessSubframe(clip_rect, guid,
658                                                              rfh);
659 }
SetIsInert(bool inert)661 void RenderFrameProxyHost::SetIsInert(bool inert) {
662   cross_process_frame_connector_->SetIsInert(inert);
663 }
IsInertForTesting()665 bool RenderFrameProxyHost::IsInertForTesting() {
666   return cross_process_frame_connector_->IsInert();
667 }
OnPrintCrossProcessSubframe(const gfx::Rect & rect,int document_cookie)669 void RenderFrameProxyHost::OnPrintCrossProcessSubframe(const gfx::Rect& rect,
670                                                        int document_cookie) {
671   RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh = frame_tree_node_->current_frame_host();
672   rfh->delegate()->PrintCrossProcessSubframe(rect, document_cookie, rfh);
673 }
675 blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider*
GetRemoteAssociatedInterfacesTesting()676 RenderFrameProxyHost::GetRemoteAssociatedInterfacesTesting() {
677   return GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces();
678 }
680 }  // namespace content