1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/cast/sender/external_video_encoder.h"
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <utility>
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "base/command_line.h"
12 #include "base/logging.h"
13 #include "base/memory/shared_memory_mapping.h"
14 #include "base/memory/unsafe_shared_memory_region.h"
15 #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
16 #include "base/stl_util.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
18 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
19 #include "build/build_config.h"
20 #include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h"
21 #include "media/base/media_switches.h"
22 #include "media/base/video_frame.h"
23 #include "media/base/video_types.h"
24 #include "media/base/video_util.h"
25 #include "media/cast/cast_config.h"
26 #include "media/cast/common/rtp_time.h"
27 #include "media/cast/logging/logging_defines.h"
28 #include "media/cast/net/cast_transport_config.h"
29 #include "media/cast/sender/vp8_quantizer_parser.h"
30 #include "media/video/h264_parser.h"
32 namespace {
34 enum { MAX_H264_QUANTIZER = 51 };
36 // Number of buffers for encoded bit stream.
37 constexpr size_t kOutputBufferCount = 3;
39 // Maximum number of extra input buffers for encoder. The input buffers are only
40 // used when copy is needed to match the required coded size.
41 constexpr size_t kExtraInputBufferCount = 2;
43 // This value is used to calculate the encoder utilization. The encoder is
44 // assumed to be in full usage when the number of frames in progress reaches it.
45 constexpr int kBacklogRedlineThreshold = 4;
47 }  // namespace
49 namespace media {
50 namespace cast {
52 // Container for the associated data of a video frame being processed.
53 struct InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode {
54   // The source content to encode.
55   const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> video_frame;
57   // The reference time for this frame.
58   const base::TimeTicks reference_time;
60   // The callback to run when the result is ready.
61   VideoEncoder::FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback;
63   // The target encode bit rate.
64   const int target_bit_rate;
66   // The real-world encode start time.  This is used to compute the encoded
67   // frame's |encoder_utilization| and so it uses the real-world clock instead
68   // of the CastEnvironment clock, the latter of which might be simulated.
69   const base::TimeTicks start_time;
InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncodemedia::cast::InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode71   InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode(
72       scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> v_frame,
73       base::TimeTicks r_time,
74       VideoEncoder::FrameEncodedCallback callback,
75       int bit_rate)
76       : video_frame(std::move(v_frame)),
77         reference_time(r_time),
78         frame_encoded_callback(std::move(callback)),
79         target_bit_rate(bit_rate),
80         start_time(base::TimeTicks::Now()) {}
81 };
83 // Owns a VideoEncoderAccelerator instance and provides the necessary adapters
84 // to encode media::VideoFrames and emit media::cast::EncodedFrames.  All
85 // methods must be called on the thread associated with the given
86 // SingleThreadTaskRunner, except for the task_runner() accessor.
87 class ExternalVideoEncoder::VEAClientImpl
88     : public VideoEncodeAccelerator::Client,
89       public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VEAClientImpl> {
90  public:
VEAClientImpl(const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> & cast_environment,const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> & encoder_task_runner,std::unique_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> vea,double max_frame_rate,StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback & create_video_encode_memory_cb)91   VEAClientImpl(
92       const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
93       const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& encoder_task_runner,
94       std::unique_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> vea,
95       double max_frame_rate,
96       StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,
97       const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback& create_video_encode_memory_cb)
98       : cast_environment_(cast_environment),
99         task_runner_(encoder_task_runner),
100         max_frame_rate_(max_frame_rate),
101         status_change_cb_(std::move(status_change_cb)),
102         create_video_encode_memory_cb_(create_video_encode_memory_cb),
103         video_encode_accelerator_(std::move(vea)),
104         encoder_active_(false),
105         next_frame_id_(FrameId::first()),
106         key_frame_encountered_(false),
107         codec_profile_(media::VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE_UNKNOWN),
108         key_frame_quantizer_parsable_(false),
109         requested_bit_rate_(-1),
110         max_allowed_input_buffers_(0),
111         allocate_input_buffer_in_progress_(false) {}
task_runner() const113   base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* task_runner() const {
114     return task_runner_.get();
115   }
Initialize(const gfx::Size & frame_size,VideoCodecProfile codec_profile,int start_bit_rate,FrameId first_frame_id)117   void Initialize(const gfx::Size& frame_size,
118                   VideoCodecProfile codec_profile,
119                   int start_bit_rate,
120                   FrameId first_frame_id) {
121     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
123     requested_bit_rate_ = start_bit_rate;
124     const media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config config(
125         media::PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, frame_size, codec_profile, start_bit_rate);
126     encoder_active_ = video_encode_accelerator_->Initialize(config, this);
127     next_frame_id_ = first_frame_id;
128     codec_profile_ = codec_profile;
130     UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Cast.Sender.VideoEncodeAcceleratorInitializeSuccess",
131                           encoder_active_);
133     cast_environment_->PostTask(
134         CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
135         base::BindOnce(status_change_cb_, encoder_active_
136                                               ? STATUS_INITIALIZED
137                                               : STATUS_CODEC_INIT_FAILED));
138   }
SetBitRate(int bit_rate)140   void SetBitRate(int bit_rate) {
141     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
143     requested_bit_rate_ = bit_rate;
144     if (encoder_active_) {
145       video_encode_accelerator_->RequestEncodingParametersChange(
146           bit_rate, static_cast<uint32_t>(max_frame_rate_ + 0.5));
147     }
148   }
150   // The destruction call back of the copied video frame to free its use of
151   // the input buffer.
ReturnInputBufferToPool(int index)152   void ReturnInputBufferToPool(int index) {
153     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
154     DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
155     DCHECK_LT(index, static_cast<int>(input_buffers_.size()));
156     free_input_buffer_index_.push_back(index);
157   }
EncodeVideoFrame(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,base::TimeTicks reference_time,bool key_frame_requested,VideoEncoder::FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback)159   void EncodeVideoFrame(
160       scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,
161       base::TimeTicks reference_time,
162       bool key_frame_requested,
163       VideoEncoder::FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback) {
164     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
166     in_progress_frame_encodes_.push_back(InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode(
167         video_frame, reference_time, std::move(frame_encoded_callback),
168         requested_bit_rate_));
170     if (!encoder_active_) {
171       AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors();
172       return;
173     }
175     // If there are no free input buffers in the pool, request allocation of
176     // another one. Since that's an asynchronous process, simply abort encoding
177     // this frame and hope that the input buffer is ready for the next frame(s).
178     if (free_input_buffer_index_.empty()) {
179       if (!allocate_input_buffer_in_progress_ &&
180           input_buffers_.size() < max_allowed_input_buffers_) {
181         allocate_input_buffer_in_progress_ = true;
182         create_video_encode_memory_cb_.Run(
183             media::VideoFrame::AllocationSize(media::PIXEL_FORMAT_I420,
184                                               frame_coded_size_),
185             base::Bind(&VEAClientImpl::OnCreateInputSharedMemory, this));
186       }
187       AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors();
188       return;
189     }
191     // Copy the |video_frame| into the input buffer provided by the VEA
192     // implementation, and with the exact row stride required. Note that, even
193     // if |video_frame|'s stride matches VEA's requirement, |video_frame|'s
194     // memory backing (heap, base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion, etc.) could be
195     // something VEA can't handle (as of this writing, it expects an unsafe
196     // region).
197     //
198     // TODO(crbug.com/888829): Revisit whether we can remove this memcpy, if VEA
199     // can accept other "memory backing" methods.
200     scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame = video_frame;
201     if (video_frame->coded_size() != frame_coded_size_ ||
202         video_frame->storage_type() !=
203             media::VideoFrame::StorageType::STORAGE_SHMEM) {
204       const int index = free_input_buffer_index_.back();
205       std::pair<base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion,
206                 base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping>* input_buffer =
207           input_buffers_[index].get();
208       DCHECK(input_buffer->first.IsValid());
209       DCHECK(input_buffer->second.IsValid());
210       frame = VideoFrame::WrapExternalData(
211           video_frame->format(), frame_coded_size_, video_frame->visible_rect(),
212           video_frame->visible_rect().size(),
213           input_buffer->second.GetMemoryAsSpan<uint8_t>().data(),
214           input_buffer->second.size(), video_frame->timestamp());
215       if (!frame || !media::I420CopyWithPadding(*video_frame, frame.get())) {
216         LOG(DFATAL) << "Error: ExternalVideoEncoder: copy failed.";
217         AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors();
218         return;
219       }
220       frame->BackWithSharedMemory(&input_buffer->first);
222       frame->AddDestructionObserver(media::BindToCurrentLoop(base::Bind(
223           &ExternalVideoEncoder::VEAClientImpl::ReturnInputBufferToPool, this,
224           index)));
225       free_input_buffer_index_.pop_back();
226     }
227     // BitstreamBufferReady will be called once the encoder is done.
228     video_encode_accelerator_->Encode(std::move(frame), key_frame_requested);
229   }
231  protected:
NotifyError(VideoEncodeAccelerator::Error error)232   void NotifyError(VideoEncodeAccelerator::Error error) final {
233     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
235     DCHECK(error != VideoEncodeAccelerator::kInvalidArgumentError &&
236            error != VideoEncodeAccelerator::kIllegalStateError);
238     encoder_active_ = false;
240     cast_environment_->PostTask(
241         CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
242         base::BindOnce(status_change_cb_, STATUS_CODEC_RUNTIME_ERROR));
244     // TODO(miu): Force-flush all |in_progress_frame_encodes_| immediately so
245     // pending frames do not become stuck, freezing VideoSender.
246   }
248   // Called to allocate the input and output buffers.
RequireBitstreamBuffers(unsigned int input_count,const gfx::Size & input_coded_size,size_t output_buffer_size)249   void RequireBitstreamBuffers(unsigned int input_count,
250                                const gfx::Size& input_coded_size,
251                                size_t output_buffer_size) final {
252     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
254     frame_coded_size_ = input_coded_size;
256     max_allowed_input_buffers_ = input_count + kExtraInputBufferCount;
258     for (size_t j = 0; j < kOutputBufferCount; ++j) {
259       create_video_encode_memory_cb_.Run(
260           output_buffer_size,
261           base::Bind(&VEAClientImpl::OnCreateSharedMemory, this));
262     }
263   }
265   // Encoder has encoded a frame and it's available in one of the output
266   // buffers.  Package the result in a media::cast::EncodedFrame and post it
267   // to the Cast MAIN thread via the supplied callback.
BitstreamBufferReady(int32_t bitstream_buffer_id,const BitstreamBufferMetadata & metadata)268   void BitstreamBufferReady(int32_t bitstream_buffer_id,
269                             const BitstreamBufferMetadata& metadata) final {
270     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
271     if (bitstream_buffer_id < 0 ||
272         bitstream_buffer_id >= static_cast<int32_t>(output_buffers_.size())) {
273       NOTREACHED();
274       VLOG(1) << "BitstreamBufferReady(): invalid bitstream_buffer_id="
275               << bitstream_buffer_id;
276       NotifyError(media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::kPlatformFailureError);
277       return;
278     }
279     const char* output_buffer_memory = output_buffers_[bitstream_buffer_id]
280                                            .second.GetMemoryAsSpan<char>()
281                                            .data();
282     if (metadata.payload_size_bytes >
283         output_buffers_[bitstream_buffer_id].second.size()) {
284       NOTREACHED();
285       VLOG(1) << "BitstreamBufferReady(): invalid payload_size = "
286               << metadata.payload_size_bytes;
287       NotifyError(media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::kPlatformFailureError);
288       return;
289     }
290     if (metadata.key_frame) {
291       key_frame_encountered_ = true;
292     }
293     if (!key_frame_encountered_) {
294       // Do not send video until we have encountered the first key frame.
295       // Save the bitstream buffer in |stream_header_| to be sent later along
296       // with the first key frame.
297       //
298       // TODO(miu): Should |stream_header_| be an std::ostringstream for
299       // performance reasons?
300       stream_header_.append(output_buffer_memory, metadata.payload_size_bytes);
301     } else if (!in_progress_frame_encodes_.empty()) {
302       InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode& request =
303           in_progress_frame_encodes_.front();
305       std::unique_ptr<SenderEncodedFrame> encoded_frame(
306           new SenderEncodedFrame());
307       encoded_frame->dependency =
308           metadata.key_frame ? EncodedFrame::KEY : EncodedFrame::DEPENDENT;
309       encoded_frame->frame_id = next_frame_id_++;
310       if (metadata.key_frame) {
311         encoded_frame->referenced_frame_id = encoded_frame->frame_id;
312       } else {
313         encoded_frame->referenced_frame_id = encoded_frame->frame_id - 1;
314       }
315       encoded_frame->rtp_timestamp = RtpTimeTicks::FromTimeDelta(
316           request.video_frame->timestamp(), kVideoFrequency);
317       encoded_frame->reference_time = request.reference_time;
318       if (!stream_header_.empty()) {
319         encoded_frame->data = stream_header_;
320         stream_header_.clear();
321       }
322       encoded_frame->data.append(output_buffer_memory,
323                                  metadata.payload_size_bytes);
324       DCHECK(!encoded_frame->data.empty()) << "BUG: Encoder must provide data.";
326       // If FRAME_DURATION metadata was provided in the source VideoFrame,
327       // compute the utilization metrics.
328       base::TimeDelta frame_duration;
329       if (request.video_frame->metadata()->GetTimeDelta(
330               media::VideoFrameMetadata::FRAME_DURATION, &frame_duration) &&
331           frame_duration > base::TimeDelta()) {
332         // Compute encoder utilization in terms of the number of frames in
333         // backlog, including the current frame encode that is finishing
334         // here. This "backlog" model works as follows: First, assume that all
335         // frames utilize the encoder by the same amount. This is actually a
336         // false assumption, but it still works well because any frame that
337         // takes longer to encode will naturally cause the backlog to
338         // increase, and this will result in a higher computed utilization for
339         // the offending frame. If the backlog continues to increase, because
340         // the following frames are also taking too long to encode, the
341         // computed utilization for each successive frame will be higher. At
342         // some point, upstream control logic will decide that the data volume
343         // must be reduced.
344         encoded_frame->encoder_utilization =
345             static_cast<double>(in_progress_frame_encodes_.size()) /
346             kBacklogRedlineThreshold;
348         const double actual_bit_rate =
349             encoded_frame->data.size() * 8.0 / frame_duration.InSecondsF();
350         DCHECK_GT(request.target_bit_rate, 0);
351         const double bitrate_utilization =
352             actual_bit_rate / request.target_bit_rate;
353         double quantizer = QuantizerEstimator::NO_RESULT;
354         // If the quantizer can be parsed from the key frame, try to parse
355         // the following delta frames as well.
356         // Otherwise, switch back to entropy estimation for the key frame
357         // and all the following delta frames.
358         if (metadata.key_frame || key_frame_quantizer_parsable_) {
359           if (codec_profile_ == media::VP8PROFILE_ANY) {
360             quantizer = ParseVp8HeaderQuantizer(
361                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(encoded_frame->data.data()),
362                 encoded_frame->data.size());
363           } else if (codec_profile_ == media::H264PROFILE_MAIN) {
364             quantizer = GetH264FrameQuantizer(
365                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(encoded_frame->data.data()),
366                 encoded_frame->data.size());
367           } else {
368             NOTIMPLEMENTED();
369           }
370           if (quantizer < 0) {
371             LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse quantizer from encoded "
372                        << (metadata.key_frame ? "key" : "delta")
373                        << " frame, id=" << encoded_frame->frame_id;
374             if (metadata.key_frame) {
375               key_frame_quantizer_parsable_ = false;
376               quantizer = quantizer_estimator_.EstimateForKeyFrame(
377                   *request.video_frame);
378             }
379           } else {
380             if (metadata.key_frame) {
381               key_frame_quantizer_parsable_ = true;
382             }
383           }
384         } else {
385           quantizer =
386               quantizer_estimator_.EstimateForDeltaFrame(*request.video_frame);
387         }
388         if (quantizer >= 0) {
389           const double max_quantizer =
390               codec_profile_ == media::VP8PROFILE_ANY
391                   ? static_cast<int>(QuantizerEstimator::MAX_VP8_QUANTIZER)
392                   : static_cast<int>(MAX_H264_QUANTIZER);
393           encoded_frame->lossy_utilization =
394               bitrate_utilization * (quantizer / max_quantizer);
395         }
396       } else {
397         quantizer_estimator_.Reset();
398       }
400       encoded_frame->encode_completion_time =
401           cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
402       cast_environment_->PostTask(
403           CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
404           base::BindOnce(std::move(request.frame_encoded_callback),
405                          std::move(encoded_frame)));
407       in_progress_frame_encodes_.pop_front();
408     } else {
409       VLOG(1) << "BitstreamBufferReady(): no encoded frame data available";
410     }
412     // We need to re-add the output buffer to the encoder after we are done
413     // with it.
414     if (encoder_active_) {
415       video_encode_accelerator_->UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(
416           media::BitstreamBuffer(
417               bitstream_buffer_id,
418               output_buffers_[bitstream_buffer_id].first.Duplicate(),
419               output_buffers_[bitstream_buffer_id].first.GetSize()));
420     }
421   }
423  private:
424   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VEAClientImpl>;
~VEAClientImpl()426   ~VEAClientImpl() final {
427     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
429     while (!in_progress_frame_encodes_.empty())
430       AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors();
432     // According to the media::VideoEncodeAccelerator interface, Destroy()
433     // should be called instead of invoking its private destructor.
434     if (video_encode_accelerator_) {
435       video_encode_accelerator_.release()->Destroy();
436     }
437   }
439   // Note: This method can be called on any thread.
OnCreateSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory)440   void OnCreateSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory) {
441     task_runner_->PostTask(
442         FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&VEAClientImpl::OnReceivedSharedMemory, this,
443                                   std::move(memory)));
444   }
OnCreateInputSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory)446   void OnCreateInputSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory) {
447     task_runner_->PostTask(
448         FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&VEAClientImpl::OnReceivedInputSharedMemory,
449                                   this, std::move(memory)));
450   }
OnReceivedSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory)452   void OnReceivedSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion memory) {
453     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
455     base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping mapping = memory.Map();
456     DCHECK(mapping.IsValid());
457     output_buffers_.push_back(
458         std::make_pair(std::move(memory), std::move(mapping)));
460     // Wait until all requested buffers are received.
461     if (output_buffers_.size() < kOutputBufferCount)
462       return;
464     // Immediately provide all output buffers to the VEA.
465     for (size_t i = 0; i < output_buffers_.size(); ++i) {
466       video_encode_accelerator_->UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(
467           media::BitstreamBuffer(static_cast<int32_t>(i),
468                                  output_buffers_[i].first.Duplicate(),
469                                  output_buffers_[i].first.GetSize()));
470     }
471   }
OnReceivedInputSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion region)473   void OnReceivedInputSharedMemory(base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion region) {
474     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
476     if (region.IsValid()) {
477       base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping mapping = region.Map();
478       DCHECK(mapping.IsValid());
479       input_buffers_.push_back(
480           std::make_unique<std::pair<base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion,
481                                      base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping>>(
482               std::move(region), std::move(mapping)));
483       free_input_buffer_index_.push_back(input_buffers_.size() - 1);
484     }
485     allocate_input_buffer_in_progress_ = false;
486   }
488   // This is called when an error occurs while preparing a VideoFrame for
489   // encode, or to abort a frame encode when shutting down.
AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors()490   void AbortLatestEncodeAttemptDueToErrors() {
491     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
493     std::unique_ptr<SenderEncodedFrame> no_result(nullptr);
494     cast_environment_->PostTask(
495         CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
496         base::BindOnce(
497             std::move(in_progress_frame_encodes_.back().frame_encoded_callback),
498             std::move(no_result)));
499     in_progress_frame_encodes_.pop_back();
500   }
502   // Parse H264 SPS, PPS, and Slice header, and return the averaged frame
503   // quantizer in the range of [0, 51], or -1 on parse error.
GetH264FrameQuantizer(const uint8_t * encoded_data,off_t size)504   double GetH264FrameQuantizer(const uint8_t* encoded_data, off_t size) {
505     DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence());
506     DCHECK(encoded_data);
508     if (!size) {
509       return -1;
510     }
511     h264_parser_.SetStream(encoded_data, size);
512     double total_quantizer = 0;
513     int num_slices = 0;
515     while (true) {
516       H264NALU nalu;
517       H264Parser::Result res = h264_parser_.AdvanceToNextNALU(&nalu);
518       if (res == H264Parser::kEOStream) {
519         break;
520       }
521       if (res != H264Parser::kOk) {
522         return -1;
523       }
524       switch (nalu.nal_unit_type) {
525         case H264NALU::kIDRSlice:
526         case H264NALU::kNonIDRSlice: {
527           H264SliceHeader slice_header;
528           if (h264_parser_.ParseSliceHeader(nalu, &slice_header) !=
529               H264Parser::kOk)
530             return -1;
531           const H264PPS* pps =
532               h264_parser_.GetPPS(slice_header.pic_parameter_set_id);
533           if (!pps) {
534             return -1;
535           }
536           ++num_slices;
537           int slice_quantizer =
538               26 +
539               ((slice_header.IsSPSlice() || slice_header.IsSISlice())
540                    ? pps->pic_init_qs_minus26 + slice_header.slice_qs_delta
541                    : pps->pic_init_qp_minus26 + slice_header.slice_qp_delta);
542           DCHECK_GE(slice_quantizer, 0);
543           DCHECK_LE(slice_quantizer, MAX_H264_QUANTIZER);
544           total_quantizer += slice_quantizer;
545           break;
546         }
547         case H264NALU::kSPS: {
548           int id;
549           if (h264_parser_.ParseSPS(&id) != H264Parser::kOk) {
550             return -1;
551           }
552           break;
553         }
554         case H264NALU::kPPS: {
555           int id;
556           if (h264_parser_.ParsePPS(&id) != H264Parser::kOk) {
557             return -1;
558           }
559           break;
560         }
561         default:
562           // Skip other NALUs.
563           break;
564       }
565     }
566     return (num_slices == 0) ? -1 : (total_quantizer / num_slices);
567   }
569   const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> cast_environment_;
570   const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
571   const double max_frame_rate_;
572   const StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb_;  // Must be run on MAIN thread.
573   const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback create_video_encode_memory_cb_;
574   std::unique_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> video_encode_accelerator_;
575   bool encoder_active_;
576   FrameId next_frame_id_;
577   bool key_frame_encountered_;
578   std::string stream_header_;
579   VideoCodecProfile codec_profile_;
580   bool key_frame_quantizer_parsable_;
581   H264Parser h264_parser_;
583   // Shared memory buffers for output with the VideoAccelerator.
584   std::vector<std::pair<base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion,
585                         base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping>>
586       output_buffers_;
588   // Shared memory buffers for input video frames with the VideoAccelerator.
589   // These buffers will be allocated only when copy is needed to match the
590   // required coded size for encoder. They are allocated on-demand, up to
591   // |max_allowed_input_buffers_|. A VideoFrame wrapping the region will point
592   // to it, so std::unique_ptr is used to ensure the region has a stable address
593   // even if the vector grows or shrinks.
594   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::pair<base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion,
595                                         base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping>>>
596       input_buffers_;
598   // Available input buffer index. These buffers are used in FILO order.
599   std::vector<int> free_input_buffer_index_;
601   // FIFO list.
602   std::list<InProgressExternalVideoFrameEncode> in_progress_frame_encodes_;
604   // The requested encode bit rate for the next frame.
605   int requested_bit_rate_;
607   // Used to compute utilization metrics for each frame.
608   QuantizerEstimator quantizer_estimator_;
610   // The coded size of the video frame required by Encoder. This size is
611   // obtained from VEA through |RequireBitstreamBuffers()|.
612   gfx::Size frame_coded_size_;
614   // The maximum number of input buffers. These buffers are used to copy
615   // VideoFrames in order to match the required coded size for encoder.
616   size_t max_allowed_input_buffers_;
618   // Set to true when the allocation of an input buffer is in progress, and
619   // reset to false after the allocated buffer is received.
620   bool allocate_input_buffer_in_progress_;
623 };
625 // static
IsSupported(const FrameSenderConfig & video_config)626 bool ExternalVideoEncoder::IsSupported(const FrameSenderConfig& video_config) {
627   if (video_config.codec != CODEC_VIDEO_VP8 &&
628       video_config.codec != CODEC_VIDEO_H264)
629     return false;
631   // TODO(miu): "Layering hooks" are needed to be able to query outside of
632   // libmedia, to determine whether the system provides a hardware encoder.  For
633   // now, assume that this was already checked by this point.
634   // http://crbug.com/454029
635   return video_config.use_external_encoder;
636 }
ExternalVideoEncoder(const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> & cast_environment,const FrameSenderConfig & video_config,const gfx::Size & frame_size,FrameId first_frame_id,StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,const CreateVideoEncodeAcceleratorCallback & create_vea_cb,const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback & create_video_encode_memory_cb)638 ExternalVideoEncoder::ExternalVideoEncoder(
639     const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
640     const FrameSenderConfig& video_config,
641     const gfx::Size& frame_size,
642     FrameId first_frame_id,
643     StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,
644     const CreateVideoEncodeAcceleratorCallback& create_vea_cb,
645     const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback& create_video_encode_memory_cb)
646     : cast_environment_(cast_environment),
647       create_video_encode_memory_cb_(create_video_encode_memory_cb),
648       frame_size_(frame_size),
649       bit_rate_(video_config.start_bitrate),
650       key_frame_requested_(false) {
651   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
652   DCHECK_GT(video_config.max_frame_rate, 0);
653   DCHECK(!frame_size_.IsEmpty());
654   DCHECK(status_change_cb);
655   DCHECK(create_vea_cb);
656   DCHECK(create_video_encode_memory_cb_);
657   DCHECK_GT(bit_rate_, 0);
659   create_vea_cb.Run(
660       base::Bind(&ExternalVideoEncoder::OnCreateVideoEncodeAccelerator,
661                  weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), video_config, first_frame_id,
662                  std::move(status_change_cb)));
663 }
~ExternalVideoEncoder()665 ExternalVideoEncoder::~ExternalVideoEncoder() {
666   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
667   DestroyClientSoon();
668 }
DestroyClientSoon()670 void ExternalVideoEncoder::DestroyClientSoon() {
671   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
672   // Ensure |client_| is destroyed from the encoder task runner by dropping the
673   // reference to it within an encoder task.
674   if (client_) {
675     client_->task_runner()->PostTask(
676         FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce([](scoped_refptr<VEAClientImpl> client) {},
677                                   std::move(client_)));
678   }
679 }
EncodeVideoFrame(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,base::TimeTicks reference_time,FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback)681 bool ExternalVideoEncoder::EncodeVideoFrame(
682     scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,
683     base::TimeTicks reference_time,
684     FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback) {
685   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
686   DCHECK(!frame_encoded_callback.is_null());
688   if (!client_ || video_frame->visible_rect().size() != frame_size_) {
689     return false;
690   }
692   client_->task_runner()->PostTask(
693       FROM_HERE,
694       base::BindOnce(&VEAClientImpl::EncodeVideoFrame, client_,
695                      std::move(video_frame), reference_time,
696                      key_frame_requested_, std::move(frame_encoded_callback)));
697   key_frame_requested_ = false;
698   return true;
699 }
SetBitRate(int new_bit_rate)701 void ExternalVideoEncoder::SetBitRate(int new_bit_rate) {
702   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
703   DCHECK_GT(new_bit_rate, 0);
705   bit_rate_ = new_bit_rate;
706   if (!client_) {
707     return;
708   }
709   client_->task_runner()->PostTask(
710       FROM_HERE,
711       base::BindOnce(&VEAClientImpl::SetBitRate, client_, bit_rate_));
712 }
GenerateKeyFrame()714 void ExternalVideoEncoder::GenerateKeyFrame() {
715   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
716   key_frame_requested_ = true;
717 }
OnCreateVideoEncodeAccelerator(const FrameSenderConfig & video_config,FrameId first_frame_id,const StatusChangeCallback & status_change_cb,scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> encoder_task_runner,std::unique_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> vea)719 void ExternalVideoEncoder::OnCreateVideoEncodeAccelerator(
720     const FrameSenderConfig& video_config,
721     FrameId first_frame_id,
722     const StatusChangeCallback& status_change_cb,
723     scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> encoder_task_runner,
724     std::unique_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> vea) {
725   DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
727   // The callback will be invoked with null pointers in the case where the
728   // system does not support or lacks the resources to provide GPU-accelerated
729   // video encoding.
730   if (!encoder_task_runner || !vea) {
731     cast_environment_->PostTask(
732         CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
733         base::BindOnce(status_change_cb, STATUS_CODEC_INIT_FAILED));
734     return;
735   }
737   VideoCodecProfile codec_profile;
738   switch (video_config.codec) {
739     case CODEC_VIDEO_VP8:
740       codec_profile = media::VP8PROFILE_ANY;
741       break;
742     case CODEC_VIDEO_H264:
743       codec_profile = media::H264PROFILE_MAIN;
744       break;
745     case CODEC_VIDEO_FAKE:
746       NOTREACHED() << "Fake software video encoder cannot be external";
747       FALLTHROUGH;
748     default:
749       cast_environment_->PostTask(
750           CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
751           base::BindOnce(status_change_cb, STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CODEC));
752       return;
753   }
755   // Create a callback that wraps the StatusChangeCallback. It monitors when a
756   // fatal error occurs and schedules destruction of the VEAClientImpl.
757   StatusChangeCallback wrapped_status_change_cb = base::Bind(
758       [](base::WeakPtr<ExternalVideoEncoder> self,
759          const StatusChangeCallback& status_change_cb,
760          OperationalStatus status) {
761         if (self.get()) {
762           switch (status) {
763             case STATUS_UNINITIALIZED:
764             case STATUS_INITIALIZED:
765             case STATUS_CODEC_REINIT_PENDING:
766               break;
769             case STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CODEC:
770             case STATUS_CODEC_INIT_FAILED:
771             case STATUS_CODEC_RUNTIME_ERROR:
772               // Something bad happened. Destroy the client to: 1) fail-out any
773               // currently in-progress frame encodes; and 2) prevent future
774               // EncodeVideoFrame() calls from queuing frames indefinitely.
775               self->DestroyClientSoon();
776               break;
777           }
778         }
779         status_change_cb.Run(status);
780       },
781       weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), status_change_cb);
783   DCHECK(!client_);
784   client_ = new VEAClientImpl(cast_environment_, encoder_task_runner,
785                               std::move(vea), video_config.max_frame_rate,
786                               std::move(wrapped_status_change_cb),
787                               create_video_encode_memory_cb_);
788   client_->task_runner()->PostTask(
789       FROM_HERE,
790       base::BindOnce(&VEAClientImpl::Initialize, client_, frame_size_,
791                      codec_profile, bit_rate_, first_frame_id));
792 }
SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder(const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> & cast_environment,const FrameSenderConfig & video_config,StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,const CreateVideoEncodeAcceleratorCallback & create_vea_cb,const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback & create_video_encode_memory_cb)794 SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder::SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder(
795     const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
796     const FrameSenderConfig& video_config,
797     StatusChangeCallback status_change_cb,
798     const CreateVideoEncodeAcceleratorCallback& create_vea_cb,
799     const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback& create_video_encode_memory_cb)
800     : SizeAdaptableVideoEncoderBase(cast_environment,
801                                     video_config,
802                                     std::move(status_change_cb)),
803       create_vea_cb_(create_vea_cb),
804       create_video_encode_memory_cb_(create_video_encode_memory_cb) {}
806 SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder::~SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder() =
807     default;
809 std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder>
CreateEncoder()810 SizeAdaptableExternalVideoEncoder::CreateEncoder() {
811   return std::make_unique<ExternalVideoEncoder>(
812       cast_environment(), video_config(), frame_size(), next_frame_id(),
813       CreateEncoderStatusChangeCallback(), create_vea_cb_,
814       create_video_encode_memory_cb_);
815 }
817 QuantizerEstimator::QuantizerEstimator() = default;
819 QuantizerEstimator::~QuantizerEstimator() = default;
Reset()821 void QuantizerEstimator::Reset() {
822   last_frame_pixel_buffer_.reset();
823 }
EstimateForKeyFrame(const VideoFrame & frame)825 double QuantizerEstimator::EstimateForKeyFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) {
826   if (!CanExamineFrame(frame)) {
827     return NO_RESULT;
828   }
830   // If the size of the frame is different from the last frame, allocate a new
831   // buffer.  The buffer only needs to be a fraction of the size of the entire
832   // frame, since the entropy analysis only examines a subset of each frame.
833   const gfx::Size size = frame.visible_rect().size();
834   const int rows_in_subset =
835       std::max(1, size.height() * FRAME_SAMPLING_PERCENT / 100);
836   if (last_frame_size_ != size || !last_frame_pixel_buffer_) {
837     last_frame_pixel_buffer_.reset(new uint8_t[size.width() * rows_in_subset]);
838     last_frame_size_ = size;
839   }
841   // Compute a histogram where each bucket represents the number of times two
842   // neighboring pixels were different by a specific amount.  511 buckets are
843   // needed, one for each integer in the range [-255,255].
844   int histogram[511];
845   memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
846   const int row_skip = size.height() / rows_in_subset;
847   int y = 0;
848   for (int i = 0; i < rows_in_subset; ++i, y += row_skip) {
849     const uint8_t* const row_begin = frame.visible_data(VideoFrame::kYPlane) +
850                                      y * frame.stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
851     const uint8_t* const row_end = row_begin + size.width();
852     int left_hand_pixel_value = static_cast<int>(*row_begin);
853     for (const uint8_t* p = row_begin + 1; p < row_end; ++p) {
854       const int right_hand_pixel_value = static_cast<int>(*p);
855       const int difference = right_hand_pixel_value - left_hand_pixel_value;
856       const int histogram_index = difference + 255;
857       ++histogram[histogram_index];
858       left_hand_pixel_value = right_hand_pixel_value;  // For next iteration.
859     }
861     // Copy the row of pixels into the buffer.  This will be used when
862     // generating histograms for future delta frames.
863     memcpy(last_frame_pixel_buffer_.get() + i * size.width(),
864            row_begin,
865            size.width());
866   }
868   // Estimate a quantizer value depending on the difference data in the
869   // histogram and return it.
870   const int num_samples = (size.width() - 1) * rows_in_subset;
871   return ToQuantizerEstimate(ComputeEntropyFromHistogram(
872       histogram, base::size(histogram), num_samples));
873 }
EstimateForDeltaFrame(const VideoFrame & frame)875 double QuantizerEstimator::EstimateForDeltaFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) {
876   if (!CanExamineFrame(frame)) {
877     return NO_RESULT;
878   }
880   // If the size of the |frame| has changed, no difference can be examined.
881   // In this case, process this frame as if it were a key frame.
882   const gfx::Size size = frame.visible_rect().size();
883   if (last_frame_size_ != size || !last_frame_pixel_buffer_) {
884     return EstimateForKeyFrame(frame);
885   }
886   const int rows_in_subset =
887       std::max(1, size.height() * FRAME_SAMPLING_PERCENT / 100);
889   // Compute a histogram where each bucket represents the number of times the
890   // same pixel in this frame versus the last frame was different by a specific
891   // amount.  511 buckets are needed, one for each integer in the range
892   // [-255,255].
893   int histogram[511];
894   memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
895   const int row_skip = size.height() / rows_in_subset;
896   int y = 0;
897   for (int i = 0; i < rows_in_subset; ++i, y += row_skip) {
898     const uint8_t* const row_begin = frame.visible_data(VideoFrame::kYPlane) +
899                                      y * frame.stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
900     const uint8_t* const row_end = row_begin + size.width();
901     uint8_t* const last_frame_row_begin =
902         last_frame_pixel_buffer_.get() + i * size.width();
903     for (const uint8_t *p = row_begin, *q = last_frame_row_begin; p < row_end;
904          ++p, ++q) {
905       const int difference = static_cast<int>(*p) - static_cast<int>(*q);
906       const int histogram_index = difference + 255;
907       ++histogram[histogram_index];
908     }
910     // Copy the row of pixels into the buffer.  This will be used when
911     // generating histograms for future delta frames.
912     memcpy(last_frame_row_begin, row_begin, size.width());
913   }
915   // Estimate a quantizer value depending on the difference data in the
916   // histogram and return it.
917   const int num_samples = size.width() * rows_in_subset;
918   return ToQuantizerEstimate(ComputeEntropyFromHistogram(
919       histogram, base::size(histogram), num_samples));
920 }
922 // static
CanExamineFrame(const VideoFrame & frame)923 bool QuantizerEstimator::CanExamineFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) {
924   DCHECK_EQ(8, VideoFrame::PlaneHorizontalBitsPerPixel(frame.format(),
925                                                        VideoFrame::kYPlane));
926   return media::IsYuvPlanar(frame.format()) &&
927       !frame.visible_rect().IsEmpty();
928 }
930 // static
ComputeEntropyFromHistogram(const int * histogram,size_t num_buckets,int num_samples)931 double QuantizerEstimator::ComputeEntropyFromHistogram(const int* histogram,
932                                                        size_t num_buckets,
933                                                        int num_samples) {
934 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
935   // Android does not currently provide a log2() function in their C++ standard
936   // library.  This is a substitute.
937   const auto log2 = [](double num) -> double {
938     return log(num) / 0.69314718055994528622676398299518041312694549560546875;
939   };
940 #endif
942   DCHECK_LT(0, num_samples);
943   double entropy = 0.0;
944   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_buckets; ++i) {
945     const double probability = static_cast<double>(histogram[i]) / num_samples;
946     if (probability > 0.0) {
947       entropy = entropy - probability * log2(probability);
948     }
949   }
950   return entropy;
951 }
953 // static
ToQuantizerEstimate(double shannon_entropy)954 double QuantizerEstimator::ToQuantizerEstimate(double shannon_entropy) {
955   DCHECK_GE(shannon_entropy, 0.0);
957   // This math is based on an analysis of data produced by running a wide range
958   // of mirroring content in a Cast streaming session on a Chromebook Pixel
959   // (2013 edition).  The output from the Pixel's built-in hardware encoder was
960   // compared to an identically-configured software implementation (libvpx)
961   // running alongside.  Based on an analysis of the data, the following linear
962   // mapping seems to produce reasonable VP8 quantizer values from the
963   // |shannon_entropy| values.
964   //
965   // TODO(miu): Confirm whether this model and value work well on other
966   // platforms.
967   const double kEntropyAtMaxQuantizer = 7.5;
968   const double slope =
969       (MAX_VP8_QUANTIZER - MIN_VP8_QUANTIZER) / kEntropyAtMaxQuantizer;
970   const double quantizer = std::min<double>(
971       MAX_VP8_QUANTIZER, MIN_VP8_QUANTIZER + slope * shannon_entropy);
972   return quantizer;
973 }
975 }  //  namespace cast
976 }  //  namespace media