1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediarecorder/audio_track_opus_encoder.h"
7 #include "base/stl_util.h"
8 #include "media/base/audio_sample_types.h"
9 #include "media/base/audio_timestamp_helper.h"
11 namespace {
13 enum : int {
14   // Recommended value for opus_encode_float(), according to documentation in
15   // third_party/opus/src/include/opus.h, so that the Opus encoder does not
16   // degrade the audio due to memory constraints, and is independent of the
17   // duration of the encoded buffer.
18   kOpusMaxDataBytes = 4000,
20   // Opus preferred sampling rate for encoding. This is also the one WebM likes
21   // to have: https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus.
22   kOpusPreferredSamplingRate = 48000,
24   // For Opus, we try to encode 60ms, the maximum Opus buffer, for quality
25   // reasons.
26   kOpusPreferredBufferDurationMs = 60,
28   // Maximum buffer multiplier for the AudioEncoders' AudioFifo. Recording is
29   // not real time, hence a certain buffering is allowed.
30   kMaxNumberOfFifoBuffers = 3,
31 };
33 // The amount of Frames in a 60 ms buffer @ 48000 samples/second.
34 const int kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer = kOpusPreferredSamplingRate *
35                                           kOpusPreferredBufferDurationMs /
36                                           base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond;
38 // Tries to encode |data_in|'s |num_samples| into |data_out|.
DoEncode(OpusEncoder * opus_encoder,float * data_in,int num_samples,std::string * data_out)39 bool DoEncode(OpusEncoder* opus_encoder,
40               float* data_in,
41               int num_samples,
42               std::string* data_out) {
43   DCHECK_EQ(kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer, num_samples);
45   data_out->resize(kOpusMaxDataBytes);
46   const opus_int32 result = opus_encode_float(
47       opus_encoder, data_in, num_samples,
48       reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(base::data(*data_out)), kOpusMaxDataBytes);
50   if (result > 1) {
51     // TODO(ajose): Investigate improving this. http://crbug.com/547918
52     data_out->resize(result);
53     return true;
54   }
55   // If |result| in {0,1}, do nothing; the documentation says that a return
56   // value of zero or one means the packet does not need to be transmitted.
57   // Otherwise, we have an error.
58   DLOG_IF(ERROR, result < 0) << " encode failed: " << opus_strerror(result);
59   return false;
60 }
62 }  // anonymous namespace
64 namespace blink {
AudioTrackOpusEncoder(OnEncodedAudioCB on_encoded_audio_cb,int32_t bits_per_second)66 AudioTrackOpusEncoder::AudioTrackOpusEncoder(
67     OnEncodedAudioCB on_encoded_audio_cb,
68     int32_t bits_per_second)
69     : AudioTrackEncoder(std::move(on_encoded_audio_cb)),
70       bits_per_second_(bits_per_second),
71       opus_encoder_(nullptr) {}
~AudioTrackOpusEncoder()73 AudioTrackOpusEncoder::~AudioTrackOpusEncoder() {
74   // We don't DCHECK that we're on the encoder thread here, as it should have
75   // already been deleted at this point.
76   DestroyExistingOpusEncoder();
77 }
ProvideInput(media::AudioBus * audio_bus,uint32_t frames_delayed)79 double AudioTrackOpusEncoder::ProvideInput(media::AudioBus* audio_bus,
80                                            uint32_t frames_delayed) {
81   fifo_->Consume(audio_bus, 0, audio_bus->frames());
82   return 1.0;
83 }
OnSetFormat(const media::AudioParameters & input_params)85 void AudioTrackOpusEncoder::OnSetFormat(
86     const media::AudioParameters& input_params) {
87   DVLOG(1) << __func__;
88   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(encoder_thread_checker_);
89   if (input_params_.Equals(input_params))
90     return;
92   DestroyExistingOpusEncoder();
94   if (!input_params.IsValid()) {
95     DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid params: " << input_params.AsHumanReadableString();
96     return;
97   }
98   input_params_ = input_params;
99   input_params_.set_frames_per_buffer(input_params_.sample_rate() *
100                                       kOpusPreferredBufferDurationMs /
101                                       base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond);
103   // third_party/libopus supports up to 2 channels (see implementation of
104   // opus_encoder_create()): force |converted_params_| to at most those.
105   converted_params_ = media::AudioParameters(
106       media::AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY,
107       media::GuessChannelLayout(std::min(input_params_.channels(), 2)),
108       kOpusPreferredSamplingRate, kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer);
109   DVLOG(1) << "|input_params_|:" << input_params_.AsHumanReadableString()
110            << " -->|converted_params_|:"
111            << converted_params_.AsHumanReadableString();
113   converter_.reset(new media::AudioConverter(input_params_, converted_params_,
114                                              false /* disable_fifo */));
115   converter_->AddInput(this);
116   converter_->PrimeWithSilence();
118   fifo_.reset(new media::AudioFifo(
119       input_params_.channels(),
120       kMaxNumberOfFifoBuffers * input_params_.frames_per_buffer()));
122   buffer_.reset(new float[converted_params_.channels() *
123                           converted_params_.frames_per_buffer()]);
125   // Initialize OpusEncoder.
126   int opus_result;
127   opus_encoder_ = opus_encoder_create(converted_params_.sample_rate(),
128                                       converted_params_.channels(),
129                                       OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, &opus_result);
130   if (opus_result < 0) {
131     DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't init Opus encoder: " << opus_strerror(opus_result)
132                 << ", sample rate: " << converted_params_.sample_rate()
133                 << ", channels: " << converted_params_.channels();
134     return;
135   }
137   // Note: As of 2013-10-31, the encoder in "auto bitrate" mode would use a
138   // variable bitrate up to 102kbps for 2-channel, 48 kHz audio and a 10 ms
139   // buffer duration. The Opus library authors may, of course, adjust this in
140   // later versions.
141   const opus_int32 bitrate =
142       (bits_per_second_ > 0) ? bits_per_second_ : OPUS_AUTO;
143   if (opus_encoder_ctl(opus_encoder_, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate)) != OPUS_OK) {
144     DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set Opus bitrate: " << bitrate;
145     return;
146   }
147 }
EncodeAudio(std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> input_bus,base::TimeTicks capture_time)149 void AudioTrackOpusEncoder::EncodeAudio(
150     std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> input_bus,
151     base::TimeTicks capture_time) {
152   DVLOG(3) << __func__ << ", #frames " << input_bus->frames();
153   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(encoder_thread_checker_);
154   DCHECK_EQ(input_bus->channels(), input_params_.channels());
155   DCHECK(!capture_time.is_null());
156   DCHECK(converter_);
158   if (!is_initialized() || paused_)
159     return;
161   // TODO(mcasas): Consider using a
162   // base::circular_deque<std::unique_ptr<AudioBus>> instead of an AudioFifo,
163   // to avoid copying data needlessly since we know the sizes of both input and
164   // output and they are multiples.
165   fifo_->Push(input_bus.get());
167   // Wait to have enough |input_bus|s to guarantee a satisfactory conversion,
168   // accounting for multiple calls to ProvideInput().
169   while (fifo_->frames() >= converter_->GetMaxInputFramesRequested(
170                                 kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer)) {
171     std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_bus = media::AudioBus::Create(
172         converted_params_.channels(), kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer);
173     converter_->Convert(audio_bus.get());
174     audio_bus->ToInterleaved<media::Float32SampleTypeTraits>(
175         audio_bus->frames(), buffer_.get());
177     std::string encoded_data;
178     if (DoEncode(opus_encoder_, buffer_.get(), kOpusPreferredFramesPerBuffer,
179                  &encoded_data)) {
180       const base::TimeTicks capture_time_of_first_sample =
181           capture_time - media::AudioTimestampHelper::FramesToTime(
182                              input_bus->frames(), input_params_.sample_rate());
183       on_encoded_audio_cb_.Run(converted_params_, std::move(encoded_data),
184                                capture_time_of_first_sample);
185     }
186   }
187 }
DestroyExistingOpusEncoder()189 void AudioTrackOpusEncoder::DestroyExistingOpusEncoder() {
190   // We don't DCHECK that we're on the encoder thread here, as this could be
191   // called from the dtor (main thread) or from OnSetFormat() (encoder thread).
192   if (opus_encoder_) {
193     opus_encoder_destroy(opus_encoder_);
194     opus_encoder_ = nullptr;
195   }
196 }
198 }  // namespace blink