1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "src/tracing/core/shared_memory_arbiter_impl.h"
19 #include <bitset>
20 #include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
21 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
22 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/commit_data_request.h"
23 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/shared_memory_abi.h"
24 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_packet.h"
25 #include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_writer.h"
26 #include "src/base/test/gtest_test_suite.h"
27 #include "src/base/test/test_task_runner.h"
28 #include "src/tracing/core/patch_list.h"
29 #include "src/tracing/test/aligned_buffer_test.h"
30 #include "src/tracing/test/fake_producer_endpoint.h"
31 #include "test/gtest_and_gmock.h"
33 #include "protos/perfetto/trace/test_event.pbzero.h"
34 #include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h"
36 namespace perfetto {
38 using testing::Invoke;
39 using testing::_;
41 class MockProducerEndpoint : public TracingService::ProducerEndpoint {
42  public:
RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor &)43   void RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor&) override {}
UnregisterDataSource(const std::string &)44   void UnregisterDataSource(const std::string&) override {}
NotifyFlushComplete(FlushRequestID)45   void NotifyFlushComplete(FlushRequestID) override {}
NotifyDataSourceStarted(DataSourceInstanceID)46   void NotifyDataSourceStarted(DataSourceInstanceID) override {}
NotifyDataSourceStopped(DataSourceInstanceID)47   void NotifyDataSourceStopped(DataSourceInstanceID) override {}
ActivateTriggers(const std::vector<std::string> &)48   void ActivateTriggers(const std::vector<std::string>&) {}
shared_memory() const49   SharedMemory* shared_memory() const override { return nullptr; }
shared_buffer_page_size_kb() const50   size_t shared_buffer_page_size_kb() const override { return 0; }
CreateTraceWriter(BufferID,BufferExhaustedPolicy)51   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> CreateTraceWriter(
52       BufferID,
53       BufferExhaustedPolicy) override {
54     return nullptr;
55   }
MaybeSharedMemoryArbiter()56   SharedMemoryArbiter* MaybeSharedMemoryArbiter() override { return nullptr; }
IsShmemProvidedByProducer() const57   bool IsShmemProvidedByProducer() const override { return false; }
59   MOCK_METHOD2(CommitData, void(const CommitDataRequest&, CommitDataCallback));
60   MOCK_METHOD2(RegisterTraceWriter, void(uint32_t, uint32_t));
61   MOCK_METHOD1(UnregisterTraceWriter, void(uint32_t));
62 };
64 class SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest : public AlignedBufferTest {
65  public:
SetUp()66   void SetUp() override {
67     AlignedBufferTest::SetUp();
68     task_runner_.reset(new base::TestTaskRunner());
69     arbiter_.reset(new SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(buf(), buf_size(), page_size(),
70                                                &mock_producer_endpoint_,
71                                                task_runner_.get()));
72   }
IsArbiterFullyBound()74   bool IsArbiterFullyBound() { return arbiter_->fully_bound_; }
TearDown()76   void TearDown() override {
77     arbiter_.reset();
78     task_runner_.reset();
79   }
81   std::unique_ptr<base::TestTaskRunner> task_runner_;
82   std::unique_ptr<SharedMemoryArbiterImpl> arbiter_;
83   MockProducerEndpoint mock_producer_endpoint_;
84   std::function<void(const std::vector<uint32_t>&)> on_pages_complete_;
85 };
87 size_t const kPageSizes[] = {4096, 65536};
89                          SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,
90                          ::testing::ValuesIn(kPageSizes));
92 // The buffer has 14 pages (kNumPages), each will be partitioned in 14 chunks.
93 // The test requests 30 chunks (2 full pages + 2 chunks from a 3rd page) and
94 // releases them in different batches. It tests the consistency of the batches
95 // and the releasing order.
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,GetAndReturnChunks)96 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, GetAndReturnChunks) {
97   SharedMemoryArbiterImpl::set_default_layout_for_testing(
98       SharedMemoryABI::PageLayout::kPageDiv14);
99   static constexpr size_t kTotChunks = kNumPages * 14;
100   SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunks[kTotChunks];
101   for (size_t i = 0; i < 14 * 2 + 2; i++) {
102     chunks[i] = arbiter_->GetNewChunk({}, BufferExhaustedPolicy::kStall);
103     ASSERT_TRUE(chunks[i].is_valid());
104   }
106   // Finally return the first 28 chunks (full 2 pages) and only the 2nd chunk of
107   // the 2rd page. Chunks are release in interleaved order: 1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6.
108   // Check that the notification callback is posted and order is consistent.
109   auto on_commit_1 = task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("on_commit_1");
110   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
111       .WillOnce(Invoke([on_commit_1](const CommitDataRequest& req,
112                                      MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback) {
113         ASSERT_EQ(14 * 2 + 1, req.chunks_to_move_size());
114         for (size_t i = 0; i < 14 * 2; i++) {
115           ASSERT_EQ(i / 14, req.chunks_to_move()[i].page());
116           ASSERT_EQ((i % 14) ^ 1, req.chunks_to_move()[i].chunk());
117           ASSERT_EQ(i % 5 + 1, req.chunks_to_move()[i].target_buffer());
118         }
119         ASSERT_EQ(2u, req.chunks_to_move()[28].page());
120         ASSERT_EQ(1u, req.chunks_to_move()[28].chunk());
121         ASSERT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[28].target_buffer());
122         on_commit_1();
123       }));
124   PatchList ignored;
125   for (size_t i = 0; i < 14 * 2; i++) {
126     arbiter_->ReturnCompletedChunk(std::move(chunks[i ^ 1]), i % 5 + 1,
127                                    &ignored);
128   }
129   arbiter_->ReturnCompletedChunk(std::move(chunks[29]), 42, &ignored);
130   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("on_commit_1");
132   // Then release the 1st chunk of the 3rd page, and check that we get a
133   // notification for that as well.
134   auto on_commit_2 = task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("on_commit_2");
135   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
136       .WillOnce(Invoke([on_commit_2](const CommitDataRequest& req,
137                                      MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback) {
138         ASSERT_EQ(1, req.chunks_to_move_size());
139         ASSERT_EQ(2u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].page());
140         ASSERT_EQ(0u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].chunk());
141         ASSERT_EQ(43u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
142         on_commit_2();
143       }));
144   arbiter_->ReturnCompletedChunk(std::move(chunks[28]), 43, &ignored);
145   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("on_commit_2");
146 }
148 // Helper for verifying trace writer id allocations.
149 class TraceWriterIdChecker : public FakeProducerEndpoint {
150  public:
TraceWriterIdChecker(std::function<void ()> checkpoint)151   TraceWriterIdChecker(std::function<void()> checkpoint)
152       : checkpoint_(std::move(checkpoint)) {}
RegisterTraceWriter(uint32_t id,uint32_t)154   void RegisterTraceWriter(uint32_t id, uint32_t) override {
155     EXPECT_GT(id, 0u);
156     EXPECT_LE(id, kMaxWriterID);
157     if (id > 0 && id <= kMaxWriterID) {
158       registered_ids_.set(id - 1);
159     }
160   }
UnregisterTraceWriter(uint32_t id)162   void UnregisterTraceWriter(uint32_t id) override {
163     if (++unregister_calls_ == kMaxWriterID)
164       checkpoint_();
166     EXPECT_GT(id, 0u);
167     EXPECT_LE(id, kMaxWriterID);
168     if (id > 0 && id <= kMaxWriterID) {
169       unregistered_ids_.set(id - 1);
170     }
171   }
173   // bit N corresponds to id N+1
174   std::bitset<kMaxWriterID> registered_ids_;
175   std::bitset<kMaxWriterID> unregistered_ids_;
177   int unregister_calls_ = 0;
179  private:
180   std::function<void()> checkpoint_;
181 };
183 // Check that we can actually create up to kMaxWriterID TraceWriter(s).
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,WriterIDsAllocation)184 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, WriterIDsAllocation) {
185   auto checkpoint = task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("last_unregistered");
187   TraceWriterIdChecker id_checking_endpoint(checkpoint);
188   arbiter_.reset(new SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(buf(), buf_size(), page_size(),
189                                              &id_checking_endpoint,
190                                              task_runner_.get()));
191   {
192     std::map<WriterID, std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter>> writers;
194     for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxWriterID; i++) {
195       std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer = arbiter_->CreateTraceWriter(1);
196       ASSERT_TRUE(writer);
197       WriterID writer_id = writer->writer_id();
198       ASSERT_TRUE(writers.emplace(writer_id, std::move(writer)).second);
199     }
201     // A further call should return a null impl of trace writer as we exhausted
202     // writer IDs.
203     ASSERT_EQ(arbiter_->CreateTraceWriter(1)->writer_id(), 0);
204   }
206   // This should run the Register/UnregisterTraceWriter tasks enqueued by the
207   // memory arbiter.
208   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("last_unregistered", 15000);
210   EXPECT_TRUE(id_checking_endpoint.registered_ids_.all());
211   EXPECT_TRUE(id_checking_endpoint.unregistered_ids_.all());
212 }
214 // Verify that getting a new chunk doesn't stall when kDrop policy is chosen.
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,BufferExhaustedPolicyDrop)215 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, BufferExhaustedPolicyDrop) {
216   // Grab all chunks in the SMB.
217   SharedMemoryArbiterImpl::set_default_layout_for_testing(
218       SharedMemoryABI::PageLayout::kPageDiv1);
219   static constexpr size_t kTotChunks = kNumPages;
220   SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunks[kTotChunks];
221   for (size_t i = 0; i < kTotChunks; i++) {
222     chunks[i] = arbiter_->GetNewChunk({}, BufferExhaustedPolicy::kDrop);
223     ASSERT_TRUE(chunks[i].is_valid());
224   }
226   // SMB is exhausted, thus GetNewChunk() should return an invalid chunk. In
227   // kStall mode, this would stall.
228   SharedMemoryABI::Chunk invalid_chunk =
229       arbiter_->GetNewChunk({}, BufferExhaustedPolicy::kDrop);
230   ASSERT_FALSE(invalid_chunk.is_valid());
232   // Returning the chunk is not enough to be able to reacquire it.
233   PatchList ignored;
234   arbiter_->ReturnCompletedChunk(std::move(chunks[0]), 1, &ignored);
236   invalid_chunk = arbiter_->GetNewChunk({}, BufferExhaustedPolicy::kDrop);
237   ASSERT_FALSE(invalid_chunk.is_valid());
239   // After releasing the chunk as free, we can reacquire it.
240   chunks[0] =
241       arbiter_->shmem_abi_for_testing()->TryAcquireChunkForReading(0, 0);
242   ASSERT_TRUE(chunks[0].is_valid());
243   arbiter_->shmem_abi_for_testing()->ReleaseChunkAsFree(std::move(chunks[0]));
245   chunks[0] = arbiter_->GetNewChunk({}, BufferExhaustedPolicy::kDrop);
246   ASSERT_TRUE(chunks[0].is_valid());
247 }
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,CreateUnboundAndBind)249 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, CreateUnboundAndBind) {
250   auto checkpoint_writer = task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("writer_registered");
251   auto checkpoint_flush = task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("flush_completed");
253   // Create an unbound arbiter and bind immediately.
254   arbiter_.reset(new SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(buf(), buf_size(), page_size(),
255                                              nullptr, nullptr));
256   arbiter_->BindToProducerEndpoint(&mock_producer_endpoint_,
257                                    task_runner_.get());
258   EXPECT_TRUE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
260   // Trace writer should be registered in a non-delayed task.
261   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, 1))
262       .WillOnce(testing::InvokeWithoutArgs(checkpoint_writer));
263   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer = arbiter_->CreateTraceWriter(1);
264   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("writer_registered", 5000);
266   // Commits/flushes should be sent right away.
267   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
268       .WillOnce(testing::InvokeArgument<1>());
269   writer->Flush(checkpoint_flush);
270   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("flush_completed", 5000);
271 }
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,StartupTracing)273 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, StartupTracing) {
274   constexpr uint16_t kTargetBufferReservationId1 = 1;
275   constexpr uint16_t kTargetBufferReservationId2 = 2;
277   // Create an unbound arbiter and a startup writer.
278   arbiter_.reset(new SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(buf(), buf_size(), page_size(),
279                                              nullptr, nullptr));
280   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer =
281       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
283   // Write two packet while unbound and flush the chunk after each packet. The
284   // writer will return the chunk to the arbiter and grab a new chunk for the
285   // second packet. The flush should only add the chunk into the queued commit
286   // request.
287   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
288     {
289       auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
290       packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
291     }
292     writer->Flush();
293   }
295   // Bind to producer endpoint. This should not register the trace writer yet,
296   // because it's buffer reservation is still unbound.
297   arbiter_->BindToProducerEndpoint(&mock_producer_endpoint_,
298                                    task_runner_.get());
299   EXPECT_FALSE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
301   // Write another packet into another chunk and queue it.
302   {
303     auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
304     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
305   }
306   bool flush_completed = false;
307   writer->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
309   // Bind the buffer reservation to a buffer. Trace writer should be registered
310   // and queued commits flushed.
311   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, 42));
312   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
313       .WillOnce(Invoke([](const CommitDataRequest& req,
314                           MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
315         ASSERT_EQ(3, req.chunks_to_move_size());
316         EXPECT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
317         EXPECT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[1].target_buffer());
318         EXPECT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[2].target_buffer());
319         callback();
320       }));
322   arbiter_->BindStartupTargetBuffer(kTargetBufferReservationId1, 42);
323   EXPECT_TRUE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
325   testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_producer_endpoint_);
326   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
328   // Creating a new startup writer for the same buffer posts an immediate task
329   // to register it.
330   auto checkpoint_register1b =
331       task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("writer1b_registered");
332   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, 42))
333       .WillOnce(testing::InvokeWithoutArgs(checkpoint_register1b));
334   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer1b =
335       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
336   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("writer1b_registered", 5000);
338   // And a commit on this new writer should be flushed to the right buffer, too.
339   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
340       .WillOnce(Invoke([](const CommitDataRequest& req,
341                           MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
342         ASSERT_EQ(1, req.chunks_to_move_size());
343         EXPECT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
344         callback();
345       }));
346   {
347     auto packet = writer1b->NewTracePacket();
348     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
349   }
350   flush_completed = false;
351   writer1b->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
353   testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_producer_endpoint_);
354   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
356   // Create another startup writer for another target buffer, which puts the
357   // arbiter back into unbound state.
358   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer2 =
359       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId2);
360   EXPECT_FALSE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
362   // Write a chunk into both writers. Both should be queued up into the next
363   // commit request.
364   {
365     auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
366     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
367   }
368   writer->Flush();
369   {
370     auto packet = writer2->NewTracePacket();
371     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("bar");
372   }
373   flush_completed = false;
374   writer2->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
376   // Destroy the first trace writer, which should cause the arbiter to post a
377   // task to unregister it.
378   auto checkpoint_writer =
379       task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("writer_unregistered");
380   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_,
381               UnregisterTraceWriter(writer->writer_id()))
382       .WillOnce(testing::InvokeWithoutArgs(checkpoint_writer));
383   writer.reset();
384   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("writer_unregistered", 5000);
386   // Bind the second buffer reservation to a buffer. Second trace writer should
387   // be registered and queued commits flushed.
388   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, 23));
389   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
390       .WillOnce(Invoke([](const CommitDataRequest& req,
391                           MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
392         ASSERT_EQ(2, req.chunks_to_move_size());
393         EXPECT_EQ(42u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
394         EXPECT_EQ(23u, req.chunks_to_move()[1].target_buffer());
395         callback();
396       }));
398   arbiter_->BindStartupTargetBuffer(kTargetBufferReservationId2, 23);
399   EXPECT_TRUE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
401   testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_producer_endpoint_);
402   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
403 }
TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest,AbortStartupTracingForReservation)405 TEST_P(SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest, AbortStartupTracingForReservation) {
406   constexpr uint16_t kTargetBufferReservationId1 = 1;
407   constexpr uint16_t kTargetBufferReservationId2 = 2;
409   // Create an unbound arbiter and a startup writer.
410   arbiter_.reset(new SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(buf(), buf_size(), page_size(),
411                                              nullptr, nullptr));
412   SharedMemoryABI* shmem_abi = arbiter_->shmem_abi_for_testing();
413   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer =
414       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
415   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer2 =
416       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
418   // Write two packet while unbound and flush the chunk after each packet. The
419   // writer will return the chunk to the arbiter and grab a new chunk for the
420   // second packet. The flush should only add the chunk into the queued commit
421   // request.
422   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
423     {
424       auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
425       packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
426     }
427     writer->Flush();
428   }
430   // Abort the first session. This should clear resolve the two chunks committed
431   // up to this point to an invalid target buffer (ID 0). They will remain
432   // buffered until bound to an endpoint.
433   arbiter_->AbortStartupTracingForReservation(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
435   // Destroy a writer that was created before the abort. This should not cause
436   // crashes.
437   writer2.reset();
439   // Bind to producer endpoint. The trace writer should not be registered as its
440   // target buffer is invalid. Since no startup sessions are active anymore, the
441   // arbiter should be fully bound. The commit data request is flushed.
442   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, _)).Times(0);
443   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
444       .WillOnce(Invoke([shmem_abi](const CommitDataRequest& req,
445                                    MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback) {
446         ASSERT_EQ(2, req.chunks_to_move_size());
447         for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
448           EXPECT_EQ(0u, req.chunks_to_move()[i].target_buffer());
449           SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunk = shmem_abi->TryAcquireChunkForReading(
450               req.chunks_to_move()[i].page(), req.chunks_to_move()[i].chunk());
451           shmem_abi->ReleaseChunkAsFree(std::move(chunk));
452         }
453       }));
454   arbiter_->BindToProducerEndpoint(&mock_producer_endpoint_,
455                                    task_runner_.get());
456   EXPECT_TRUE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
458   // SMB should be free again, as no writer holds on to any chunk anymore.
459   for (size_t i = 0; i < shmem_abi->num_pages(); i++)
460     EXPECT_TRUE(shmem_abi->is_page_free(i));
462   // Write another packet into another chunk and commit it. It should be sent
463   // to the arbiter with invalid target buffer (ID 0).
464   {
465     auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
466     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
467   }
468   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
469       .WillOnce(Invoke([shmem_abi](
470                            const CommitDataRequest& req,
471                            MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
472         ASSERT_EQ(1, req.chunks_to_move_size());
473         EXPECT_EQ(0u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
474         SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunk = shmem_abi->TryAcquireChunkForReading(
475             req.chunks_to_move()[0].page(), req.chunks_to_move()[0].chunk());
476         shmem_abi->ReleaseChunkAsFree(std::move(chunk));
477         callback();
478       }));
479   bool flush_completed = false;
480   writer->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
481   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
483   // Creating a new startup writer for the same buffer does not cause it to
484   // register.
485   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, _)).Times(0);
486   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer1b =
487       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId1);
489   // And a commit on this new writer should again be flushed to the invalid
490   // target buffer.
491   {
492     auto packet = writer1b->NewTracePacket();
493     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
494   }
495   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
496       .WillOnce(Invoke([shmem_abi](
497                            const CommitDataRequest& req,
498                            MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
499         ASSERT_EQ(1, req.chunks_to_move_size());
500         EXPECT_EQ(0u, req.chunks_to_move()[0].target_buffer());
501         SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunk = shmem_abi->TryAcquireChunkForReading(
502             req.chunks_to_move()[0].page(), req.chunks_to_move()[0].chunk());
503         shmem_abi->ReleaseChunkAsFree(std::move(chunk));
504         callback();
505       }));
506   flush_completed = false;
507   writer1b->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
508   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
510   // Create another startup writer for another target buffer, which puts the
511   // arbiter back into unbound state.
512   std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer3 =
513       arbiter_->CreateStartupTraceWriter(kTargetBufferReservationId2);
514   EXPECT_FALSE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
516   // Write a chunk into both writers. Both should be queued up into the next
517   // commit request.
518   {
519     auto packet = writer->NewTracePacket();
520     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("foo");
521   }
522   writer->Flush();
523   {
524     auto packet = writer3->NewTracePacket();
525     packet->set_for_testing()->set_str("bar");
526   }
527   flush_completed = false;
528   writer3->Flush([&flush_completed] { flush_completed = true; });
530   // Destroy the first trace writer, which should cause the arbiter to post a
531   // task to unregister it.
532   auto checkpoint_writer =
533       task_runner_->CreateCheckpoint("writer_unregistered");
534   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_,
535               UnregisterTraceWriter(writer->writer_id()))
536       .WillOnce(testing::InvokeWithoutArgs(checkpoint_writer));
537   writer.reset();
538   task_runner_->RunUntilCheckpoint("writer_unregistered", 5000);
540   // Abort the second session. Its commits should now also be associated with
541   // target buffer 0, and both writers' commits flushed.
542   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, RegisterTraceWriter(_, _)).Times(0);
543   EXPECT_CALL(mock_producer_endpoint_, CommitData(_, _))
544       .WillOnce(Invoke([shmem_abi](
545                            const CommitDataRequest& req,
546                            MockProducerEndpoint::CommitDataCallback callback) {
547         ASSERT_EQ(2, req.chunks_to_move_size());
548         for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
549           EXPECT_EQ(0u, req.chunks_to_move()[i].target_buffer());
550           SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunk = shmem_abi->TryAcquireChunkForReading(
551               req.chunks_to_move()[i].page(), req.chunks_to_move()[i].chunk());
552           shmem_abi->ReleaseChunkAsFree(std::move(chunk));
553         }
554         callback();
555       }));
557   arbiter_->AbortStartupTracingForReservation(kTargetBufferReservationId2);
558   EXPECT_TRUE(IsArbiterFullyBound());
559   EXPECT_TRUE(flush_completed);
561   // SMB should be free again, as no writer holds on to any chunk anymore.
562   for (size_t i = 0; i < shmem_abi->num_pages(); i++)
563     EXPECT_TRUE(shmem_abi->is_page_free(i));
564 }
566 // TODO(primiano): add multi-threaded tests.
568 }  // namespace perfetto