1 /*
2 ** 2014 May 31
3 **
4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
6 **
7 **    May you do good and not evil.
8 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
10 **
11 ******************************************************************************
12 **
13 */
17 #include "fts5Int.h"
18 #include "fts5parse.h"
20 /*
21 ** All token types in the generated fts5parse.h file are greater than 0.
22 */
23 #define FTS5_EOF 0
25 #define FTS5_LARGEST_INT64  (0xffffffff|(((i64)0x7fffffff)<<32))
27 typedef struct Fts5ExprTerm Fts5ExprTerm;
29 /*
30 ** Functions generated by lemon from fts5parse.y.
31 */
32 void *sqlite3Fts5ParserAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(u64));
33 void sqlite3Fts5ParserFree(void*, void (*freeProc)(void*));
34 void sqlite3Fts5Parser(void*, int, Fts5Token, Fts5Parse*);
35 #ifndef NDEBUG
36 #include <stdio.h>
37 void sqlite3Fts5ParserTrace(FILE*, char*);
38 #endif
39 int sqlite3Fts5ParserFallback(int);
42 struct Fts5Expr {
43   Fts5Index *pIndex;
44   Fts5Config *pConfig;
45   Fts5ExprNode *pRoot;
46   int bDesc;                      /* Iterate in descending rowid order */
47   int nPhrase;                    /* Number of phrases in expression */
48   Fts5ExprPhrase **apExprPhrase;  /* Pointers to phrase objects */
49 };
51 /*
52 ** eType:
53 **   Expression node type. Always one of:
54 **
55 **       FTS5_AND                 (nChild, apChild valid)
56 **       FTS5_OR                  (nChild, apChild valid)
57 **       FTS5_NOT                 (nChild, apChild valid)
58 **       FTS5_STRING              (pNear valid)
59 **       FTS5_TERM                (pNear valid)
60 */
61 struct Fts5ExprNode {
62   int eType;                      /* Node type */
63   int bEof;                       /* True at EOF */
64   int bNomatch;                   /* True if entry is not a match */
66   /* Next method for this node. */
67   int (*xNext)(Fts5Expr*, Fts5ExprNode*, int, i64);
69   i64 iRowid;                     /* Current rowid */
70   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear;         /* For FTS5_STRING - cluster of phrases */
72   /* Child nodes. For a NOT node, this array always contains 2 entries. For
73   ** AND or OR nodes, it contains 2 or more entries.  */
74   int nChild;                     /* Number of child nodes */
75   Fts5ExprNode *apChild[1];       /* Array of child nodes */
76 };
78 #define Fts5NodeIsString(p) ((p)->eType==FTS5_TERM || (p)->eType==FTS5_STRING)
80 /*
81 ** Invoke the xNext method of an Fts5ExprNode object. This macro should be
82 ** used as if it has the same signature as the xNext() methods themselves.
83 */
84 #define fts5ExprNodeNext(a,b,c,d) (b)->xNext((a), (b), (c), (d))
86 /*
87 ** An instance of the following structure represents a single search term
88 ** or term prefix.
89 */
90 struct Fts5ExprTerm {
91   u8 bPrefix;                     /* True for a prefix term */
92   u8 bFirst;                      /* True if token must be first in column */
93   char *zTerm;                    /* nul-terminated term */
94   Fts5IndexIter *pIter;           /* Iterator for this term */
95   Fts5ExprTerm *pSynonym;         /* Pointer to first in list of synonyms */
96 };
98 /*
99 ** A phrase. One or more terms that must appear in a contiguous sequence
100 ** within a document for it to match.
101 */
102 struct Fts5ExprPhrase {
103   Fts5ExprNode *pNode;            /* FTS5_STRING node this phrase is part of */
104   Fts5Buffer poslist;             /* Current position list */
105   int nTerm;                      /* Number of entries in aTerm[] */
106   Fts5ExprTerm aTerm[1];          /* Terms that make up this phrase */
107 };
109 /*
110 ** One or more phrases that must appear within a certain token distance of
111 ** each other within each matching document.
112 */
113 struct Fts5ExprNearset {
114   int nNear;                      /* NEAR parameter */
115   Fts5Colset *pColset;            /* Columns to search (NULL -> all columns) */
116   int nPhrase;                    /* Number of entries in aPhrase[] array */
117   Fts5ExprPhrase *apPhrase[1];    /* Array of phrase pointers */
118 };
121 /*
122 ** Parse context.
123 */
124 struct Fts5Parse {
125   Fts5Config *pConfig;
126   char *zErr;
127   int rc;
128   int nPhrase;                    /* Size of apPhrase array */
129   Fts5ExprPhrase **apPhrase;      /* Array of all phrases */
130   Fts5ExprNode *pExpr;            /* Result of a successful parse */
131 };
sqlite3Fts5ParseError(Fts5Parse * pParse,const char * zFmt,...)133 void sqlite3Fts5ParseError(Fts5Parse *pParse, const char *zFmt, ...){
134   va_list ap;
135   va_start(ap, zFmt);
136   if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
137     pParse->zErr = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
138     pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
139   }
140   va_end(ap);
141 }
fts5ExprIsspace(char t)143 static int fts5ExprIsspace(char t){
144   return t==' ' || t=='\t' || t=='\n' || t=='\r';
145 }
147 /*
148 ** Read the first token from the nul-terminated string at *pz.
149 */
fts5ExprGetToken(Fts5Parse * pParse,const char ** pz,Fts5Token * pToken)150 static int fts5ExprGetToken(
151   Fts5Parse *pParse,
152   const char **pz,                /* IN/OUT: Pointer into buffer */
153   Fts5Token *pToken
154 ){
155   const char *z = *pz;
156   int tok;
158   /* Skip past any whitespace */
159   while( fts5ExprIsspace(*z) ) z++;
161   pToken->p = z;
162   pToken->n = 1;
163   switch( *z ){
164     case '(':  tok = FTS5_LP;    break;
165     case ')':  tok = FTS5_RP;    break;
166     case '{':  tok = FTS5_LCP;   break;
167     case '}':  tok = FTS5_RCP;   break;
168     case ':':  tok = FTS5_COLON; break;
169     case ',':  tok = FTS5_COMMA; break;
170     case '+':  tok = FTS5_PLUS;  break;
171     case '*':  tok = FTS5_STAR;  break;
172     case '-':  tok = FTS5_MINUS; break;
173     case '^':  tok = FTS5_CARET; break;
174     case '\0': tok = FTS5_EOF;   break;
176     case '"': {
177       const char *z2;
178       tok = FTS5_STRING;
180       for(z2=&z[1]; 1; z2++){
181         if( z2[0]=='"' ){
182           z2++;
183           if( z2[0]!='"' ) break;
184         }
185         if( z2[0]=='\0' ){
186           sqlite3Fts5ParseError(pParse, "unterminated string");
187           return FTS5_EOF;
188         }
189       }
190       pToken->n = (z2 - z);
191       break;
192     }
194     default: {
195       const char *z2;
196       if( sqlite3Fts5IsBareword(z[0])==0 ){
197         sqlite3Fts5ParseError(pParse, "fts5: syntax error near \"%.1s\"", z);
198         return FTS5_EOF;
199       }
200       tok = FTS5_STRING;
201       for(z2=&z[1]; sqlite3Fts5IsBareword(*z2); z2++);
202       pToken->n = (z2 - z);
203       if( pToken->n==2 && memcmp(pToken->p, "OR", 2)==0 )  tok = FTS5_OR;
204       if( pToken->n==3 && memcmp(pToken->p, "NOT", 3)==0 ) tok = FTS5_NOT;
205       if( pToken->n==3 && memcmp(pToken->p, "AND", 3)==0 ) tok = FTS5_AND;
206       break;
207     }
208   }
210   *pz = &pToken->p[pToken->n];
211   return tok;
212 }
fts5ParseAlloc(u64 t)214 static void *fts5ParseAlloc(u64 t){ return sqlite3_malloc64((sqlite3_int64)t);}
fts5ParseFree(void * p)215 static void fts5ParseFree(void *p){ sqlite3_free(p); }
sqlite3Fts5ExprNew(Fts5Config * pConfig,int iCol,const char * zExpr,Fts5Expr ** ppNew,char ** pzErr)217 int sqlite3Fts5ExprNew(
218   Fts5Config *pConfig,            /* FTS5 Configuration */
219   int iCol,
220   const char *zExpr,              /* Expression text */
221   Fts5Expr **ppNew,
222   char **pzErr
223 ){
224   Fts5Parse sParse;
225   Fts5Token token;
226   const char *z = zExpr;
227   int t;                          /* Next token type */
228   void *pEngine;
229   Fts5Expr *pNew;
231   *ppNew = 0;
232   *pzErr = 0;
233   memset(&sParse, 0, sizeof(sParse));
234   pEngine = sqlite3Fts5ParserAlloc(fts5ParseAlloc);
235   if( pEngine==0 ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; }
236   sParse.pConfig = pConfig;
238   do {
239     t = fts5ExprGetToken(&sParse, &z, &token);
240     sqlite3Fts5Parser(pEngine, t, token, &sParse);
241   }while( sParse.rc==SQLITE_OK && t!=FTS5_EOF );
242   sqlite3Fts5ParserFree(pEngine, fts5ParseFree);
244   /* If the LHS of the MATCH expression was a user column, apply the
245   ** implicit column-filter.  */
246   if( iCol<pConfig->nCol && sParse.pExpr && sParse.rc==SQLITE_OK ){
247     int n = sizeof(Fts5Colset);
248     Fts5Colset *pColset = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&sParse.rc, n);
249     if( pColset ){
250       pColset->nCol = 1;
251       pColset->aiCol[0] = iCol;
252       sqlite3Fts5ParseSetColset(&sParse, sParse.pExpr, pColset);
253     }
254   }
256   assert( sParse.rc!=SQLITE_OK || sParse.zErr==0 );
257   if( sParse.rc==SQLITE_OK ){
258     *ppNew = pNew = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts5Expr));
259     if( pNew==0 ){
260       sParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
261       sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(sParse.pExpr);
262     }else{
263       if( !sParse.pExpr ){
264         const int nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprNode);
265         pNew->pRoot = (Fts5ExprNode*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&sParse.rc, nByte);
266         if( pNew->pRoot ){
267           pNew->pRoot->bEof = 1;
268         }
269       }else{
270         pNew->pRoot = sParse.pExpr;
271       }
272       pNew->pIndex = 0;
273       pNew->pConfig = pConfig;
274       pNew->apExprPhrase = sParse.apPhrase;
275       pNew->nPhrase = sParse.nPhrase;
276       sParse.apPhrase = 0;
277     }
278   }else{
279     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(sParse.pExpr);
280   }
282   sqlite3_free(sParse.apPhrase);
283   *pzErr = sParse.zErr;
284   return sParse.rc;
285 }
287 /*
288 ** Free the expression node object passed as the only argument.
289 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(Fts5ExprNode * p)290 void sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(Fts5ExprNode *p){
291   if( p ){
292     int i;
293     for(i=0; i<p->nChild; i++){
294       sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(p->apChild[i]);
295     }
296     sqlite3Fts5ParseNearsetFree(p->pNear);
297     sqlite3_free(p);
298   }
299 }
301 /*
302 ** Free the expression object passed as the only argument.
303 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprFree(Fts5Expr * p)304 void sqlite3Fts5ExprFree(Fts5Expr *p){
305   if( p ){
306     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(p->pRoot);
307     sqlite3_free(p->apExprPhrase);
308     sqlite3_free(p);
309   }
310 }
sqlite3Fts5ExprAnd(Fts5Expr ** pp1,Fts5Expr * p2)312 int sqlite3Fts5ExprAnd(Fts5Expr **pp1, Fts5Expr *p2){
313   Fts5Parse sParse;
314   memset(&sParse, 0, sizeof(sParse));
316   if( *pp1 ){
317     Fts5Expr *p1 = *pp1;
318     int nPhrase = p1->nPhrase + p2->nPhrase;
320     p1->pRoot = sqlite3Fts5ParseNode(&sParse, FTS5_AND, p1->pRoot, p2->pRoot,0);
321     p2->pRoot = 0;
323     if( sParse.rc==SQLITE_OK ){
324       Fts5ExprPhrase **ap = (Fts5ExprPhrase**)sqlite3_realloc(
325           p1->apExprPhrase, nPhrase * sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*)
326       );
327       if( ap==0 ){
328         sParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
329       }else{
330         int i;
331         memmove(&ap[p2->nPhrase], ap, p1->nPhrase*sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*));
332         for(i=0; i<p2->nPhrase; i++){
333           ap[i] = p2->apExprPhrase[i];
334         }
335         p1->nPhrase = nPhrase;
336         p1->apExprPhrase = ap;
337       }
338     }
339     sqlite3_free(p2->apExprPhrase);
340     sqlite3_free(p2);
341   }else{
342     *pp1 = p2;
343   }
345   return sParse.rc;
346 }
348 /*
349 ** Argument pTerm must be a synonym iterator. Return the current rowid
350 ** that it points to.
351 */
fts5ExprSynonymRowid(Fts5ExprTerm * pTerm,int bDesc,int * pbEof)352 static i64 fts5ExprSynonymRowid(Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm, int bDesc, int *pbEof){
353   i64 iRet = 0;
354   int bRetValid = 0;
355   Fts5ExprTerm *p;
357   assert( pTerm->pSynonym );
358   assert( bDesc==0 || bDesc==1 );
359   for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
360     if( 0==sqlite3Fts5IterEof(p->pIter) ){
361       i64 iRowid = p->pIter->iRowid;
362       if( bRetValid==0 || (bDesc!=(iRowid<iRet)) ){
363         iRet = iRowid;
364         bRetValid = 1;
365       }
366     }
367   }
369   if( pbEof && bRetValid==0 ) *pbEof = 1;
370   return iRet;
371 }
373 /*
374 ** Argument pTerm must be a synonym iterator.
375 */
fts5ExprSynonymList(Fts5ExprTerm * pTerm,i64 iRowid,Fts5Buffer * pBuf,u8 ** pa,int * pn)376 static int fts5ExprSynonymList(
377   Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm,
378   i64 iRowid,
379   Fts5Buffer *pBuf,               /* Use this buffer for space if required */
380   u8 **pa, int *pn
381 ){
382   Fts5PoslistReader aStatic[4];
383   Fts5PoslistReader *aIter = aStatic;
384   int nIter = 0;
385   int nAlloc = 4;
386   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
387   Fts5ExprTerm *p;
389   assert( pTerm->pSynonym );
390   for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
391     Fts5IndexIter *pIter = p->pIter;
392     if( sqlite3Fts5IterEof(pIter)==0 && pIter->iRowid==iRowid ){
393       if( pIter->nData==0 ) continue;
394       if( nIter==nAlloc ){
395         sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5PoslistReader) * nAlloc * 2;
396         Fts5PoslistReader *aNew = (Fts5PoslistReader*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
397         if( aNew==0 ){
398           rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
399           goto synonym_poslist_out;
400         }
401         memcpy(aNew, aIter, sizeof(Fts5PoslistReader) * nIter);
402         nAlloc = nAlloc*2;
403         if( aIter!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(aIter);
404         aIter = aNew;
405       }
406       sqlite3Fts5PoslistReaderInit(pIter->pData, pIter->nData, &aIter[nIter]);
407       assert( aIter[nIter].bEof==0 );
408       nIter++;
409     }
410   }
412   if( nIter==1 ){
413     *pa = (u8*)aIter[0].a;
414     *pn = aIter[0].n;
415   }else{
416     Fts5PoslistWriter writer = {0};
417     i64 iPrev = -1;
418     fts5BufferZero(pBuf);
419     while( 1 ){
420       int i;
421       i64 iMin = FTS5_LARGEST_INT64;
422       for(i=0; i<nIter; i++){
423         if( aIter[i].bEof==0 ){
424           if( aIter[i].iPos==iPrev ){
425             if( sqlite3Fts5PoslistReaderNext(&aIter[i]) ) continue;
426           }
427           if( aIter[i].iPos<iMin ){
428             iMin = aIter[i].iPos;
429           }
430         }
431       }
432       if( iMin==FTS5_LARGEST_INT64 || rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
433       rc = sqlite3Fts5PoslistWriterAppend(pBuf, &writer, iMin);
434       iPrev = iMin;
435     }
436     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
437       *pa = pBuf->p;
438       *pn = pBuf->n;
439     }
440   }
442  synonym_poslist_out:
443   if( aIter!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(aIter);
444   return rc;
445 }
448 /*
449 ** All individual term iterators in pPhrase are guaranteed to be valid and
450 ** pointing to the same rowid when this function is called. This function
451 ** checks if the current rowid really is a match, and if so populates
452 ** the pPhrase->poslist buffer accordingly. Output parameter *pbMatch
453 ** is set to true if this is really a match, or false otherwise.
454 **
455 ** SQLITE_OK is returned if an error occurs, or an SQLite error code
456 ** otherwise. It is not considered an error code if the current rowid is
457 ** not a match.
458 */
fts5ExprPhraseIsMatch(Fts5ExprNode * pNode,Fts5ExprPhrase * pPhrase,int * pbMatch)459 static int fts5ExprPhraseIsMatch(
460   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,            /* Node pPhrase belongs to */
461   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase,        /* Phrase object to initialize */
462   int *pbMatch                    /* OUT: Set to true if really a match */
463 ){
464   Fts5PoslistWriter writer = {0};
465   Fts5PoslistReader aStatic[4];
466   Fts5PoslistReader *aIter = aStatic;
467   int i;
468   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
469   int bFirst = pPhrase->aTerm[0].bFirst;
471   fts5BufferZero(&pPhrase->poslist);
473   /* If the aStatic[] array is not large enough, allocate a large array
474   ** using sqlite3_malloc(). This approach could be improved upon. */
475   if( pPhrase->nTerm>ArraySize(aStatic) ){
476     sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5PoslistReader) * pPhrase->nTerm;
477     aIter = (Fts5PoslistReader*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
478     if( !aIter ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
479   }
480   memset(aIter, 0, sizeof(Fts5PoslistReader) * pPhrase->nTerm);
482   /* Initialize a term iterator for each term in the phrase */
483   for(i=0; i<pPhrase->nTerm; i++){
484     Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[i];
485     int n = 0;
486     int bFlag = 0;
487     u8 *a = 0;
488     if( pTerm->pSynonym ){
489       Fts5Buffer buf = {0, 0, 0};
490       rc = fts5ExprSynonymList(pTerm, pNode->iRowid, &buf, &a, &n);
491       if( rc ){
492         sqlite3_free(a);
493         goto ismatch_out;
494       }
495       if( a==buf.p ) bFlag = 1;
496     }else{
497       a = (u8*)pTerm->pIter->pData;
498       n = pTerm->pIter->nData;
499     }
500     sqlite3Fts5PoslistReaderInit(a, n, &aIter[i]);
501     aIter[i].bFlag = (u8)bFlag;
502     if( aIter[i].bEof ) goto ismatch_out;
503   }
505   while( 1 ){
506     int bMatch;
507     i64 iPos = aIter[0].iPos;
508     do {
509       bMatch = 1;
510       for(i=0; i<pPhrase->nTerm; i++){
511         Fts5PoslistReader *pPos = &aIter[i];
512         i64 iAdj = iPos + i;
513         if( pPos->iPos!=iAdj ){
514           bMatch = 0;
515           while( pPos->iPos<iAdj ){
516             if( sqlite3Fts5PoslistReaderNext(pPos) ) goto ismatch_out;
517           }
518           if( pPos->iPos>iAdj ) iPos = pPos->iPos-i;
519         }
520       }
521     }while( bMatch==0 );
523     /* Append position iPos to the output */
524     if( bFirst==0 || FTS5_POS2OFFSET(iPos)==0 ){
525       rc = sqlite3Fts5PoslistWriterAppend(&pPhrase->poslist, &writer, iPos);
526       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto ismatch_out;
527     }
529     for(i=0; i<pPhrase->nTerm; i++){
530       if( sqlite3Fts5PoslistReaderNext(&aIter[i]) ) goto ismatch_out;
531     }
532   }
534  ismatch_out:
535   *pbMatch = (pPhrase->poslist.n>0);
536   for(i=0; i<pPhrase->nTerm; i++){
537     if( aIter[i].bFlag ) sqlite3_free((u8*)aIter[i].a);
538   }
539   if( aIter!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(aIter);
540   return rc;
541 }
543 typedef struct Fts5LookaheadReader Fts5LookaheadReader;
544 struct Fts5LookaheadReader {
545   const u8 *a;                    /* Buffer containing position list */
546   int n;                          /* Size of buffer a[] in bytes */
547   int i;                          /* Current offset in position list */
548   i64 iPos;                       /* Current position */
549   i64 iLookahead;                 /* Next position */
550 };
552 #define FTS5_LOOKAHEAD_EOF (((i64)1) << 62)
fts5LookaheadReaderNext(Fts5LookaheadReader * p)554 static int fts5LookaheadReaderNext(Fts5LookaheadReader *p){
555   p->iPos = p->iLookahead;
556   if( sqlite3Fts5PoslistNext64(p->a, p->n, &p->i, &p->iLookahead) ){
557     p->iLookahead = FTS5_LOOKAHEAD_EOF;
558   }
559   return (p->iPos==FTS5_LOOKAHEAD_EOF);
560 }
fts5LookaheadReaderInit(const u8 * a,int n,Fts5LookaheadReader * p)562 static int fts5LookaheadReaderInit(
563   const u8 *a, int n,             /* Buffer to read position list from */
564   Fts5LookaheadReader *p          /* Iterator object to initialize */
565 ){
566   memset(p, 0, sizeof(Fts5LookaheadReader));
567   p->a = a;
568   p->n = n;
569   fts5LookaheadReaderNext(p);
570   return fts5LookaheadReaderNext(p);
571 }
573 typedef struct Fts5NearTrimmer Fts5NearTrimmer;
574 struct Fts5NearTrimmer {
575   Fts5LookaheadReader reader;     /* Input iterator */
576   Fts5PoslistWriter writer;       /* Writer context */
577   Fts5Buffer *pOut;               /* Output poslist */
578 };
580 /*
581 ** The near-set object passed as the first argument contains more than
582 ** one phrase. All phrases currently point to the same row. The
583 ** Fts5ExprPhrase.poslist buffers are populated accordingly. This function
584 ** tests if the current row contains instances of each phrase sufficiently
585 ** close together to meet the NEAR constraint. Non-zero is returned if it
586 ** does, or zero otherwise.
587 **
588 ** If in/out parameter (*pRc) is set to other than SQLITE_OK when this
589 ** function is called, it is a no-op. Or, if an error (e.g. SQLITE_NOMEM)
590 ** occurs within this function (*pRc) is set accordingly before returning.
591 ** The return value is undefined in both these cases.
592 **
593 ** If no error occurs and non-zero (a match) is returned, the position-list
594 ** of each phrase object is edited to contain only those entries that
595 ** meet the constraint before returning.
596 */
fts5ExprNearIsMatch(int * pRc,Fts5ExprNearset * pNear)597 static int fts5ExprNearIsMatch(int *pRc, Fts5ExprNearset *pNear){
598   Fts5NearTrimmer aStatic[4];
599   Fts5NearTrimmer *a = aStatic;
600   Fts5ExprPhrase **apPhrase = pNear->apPhrase;
602   int i;
603   int rc = *pRc;
604   int bMatch;
606   assert( pNear->nPhrase>1 );
608   /* If the aStatic[] array is not large enough, allocate a large array
609   ** using sqlite3_malloc(). This approach could be improved upon. */
610   if( pNear->nPhrase>ArraySize(aStatic) ){
611     sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5NearTrimmer) * pNear->nPhrase;
612     a = (Fts5NearTrimmer*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, nByte);
613   }else{
614     memset(aStatic, 0, sizeof(aStatic));
615   }
616   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
617     *pRc = rc;
618     return 0;
619   }
621   /* Initialize a lookahead iterator for each phrase. After passing the
622   ** buffer and buffer size to the lookaside-reader init function, zero
623   ** the phrase poslist buffer. The new poslist for the phrase (containing
624   ** the same entries as the original with some entries removed on account
625   ** of the NEAR constraint) is written over the original even as it is
626   ** being read. This is safe as the entries for the new poslist are a
627   ** subset of the old, so it is not possible for data yet to be read to
628   ** be overwritten.  */
629   for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
630     Fts5Buffer *pPoslist = &apPhrase[i]->poslist;
631     fts5LookaheadReaderInit(pPoslist->p, pPoslist->n, &a[i].reader);
632     pPoslist->n = 0;
633     a[i].pOut = pPoslist;
634   }
636   while( 1 ){
637     int iAdv;
638     i64 iMin;
639     i64 iMax;
641     /* This block advances the phrase iterators until they point to a set of
642     ** entries that together comprise a match.  */
643     iMax = a[0].reader.iPos;
644     do {
645       bMatch = 1;
646       for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
647         Fts5LookaheadReader *pPos = &a[i].reader;
648         iMin = iMax - pNear->apPhrase[i]->nTerm - pNear->nNear;
649         if( pPos->iPos<iMin || pPos->iPos>iMax ){
650           bMatch = 0;
651           while( pPos->iPos<iMin ){
652             if( fts5LookaheadReaderNext(pPos) ) goto ismatch_out;
653           }
654           if( pPos->iPos>iMax ) iMax = pPos->iPos;
655         }
656       }
657     }while( bMatch==0 );
659     /* Add an entry to each output position list */
660     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
661       i64 iPos = a[i].reader.iPos;
662       Fts5PoslistWriter *pWriter = &a[i].writer;
663       if( a[i].pOut->n==0 || iPos!=pWriter->iPrev ){
664         sqlite3Fts5PoslistWriterAppend(a[i].pOut, pWriter, iPos);
665       }
666     }
668     iAdv = 0;
669     iMin = a[0].reader.iLookahead;
670     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
671       if( a[i].reader.iLookahead < iMin ){
672         iMin = a[i].reader.iLookahead;
673         iAdv = i;
674       }
675     }
676     if( fts5LookaheadReaderNext(&a[iAdv].reader) ) goto ismatch_out;
677   }
679   ismatch_out: {
680     int bRet = a[0].pOut->n>0;
681     *pRc = rc;
682     if( a!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(a);
683     return bRet;
684   }
685 }
687 /*
688 ** Advance iterator pIter until it points to a value equal to or laster
689 ** than the initial value of *piLast. If this means the iterator points
690 ** to a value laster than *piLast, update *piLast to the new lastest value.
691 **
692 ** If the iterator reaches EOF, set *pbEof to true before returning. If
693 ** an error occurs, set *pRc to an error code. If either *pbEof or *pRc
694 ** are set, return a non-zero value. Otherwise, return zero.
695 */
fts5ExprAdvanceto(Fts5IndexIter * pIter,int bDesc,i64 * piLast,int * pRc,int * pbEof)696 static int fts5ExprAdvanceto(
697   Fts5IndexIter *pIter,           /* Iterator to advance */
698   int bDesc,                      /* True if iterator is "rowid DESC" */
699   i64 *piLast,                    /* IN/OUT: Lastest rowid seen so far */
700   int *pRc,                       /* OUT: Error code */
701   int *pbEof                      /* OUT: Set to true if EOF */
702 ){
703   i64 iLast = *piLast;
704   i64 iRowid;
706   iRowid = pIter->iRowid;
707   if( (bDesc==0 && iLast>iRowid) || (bDesc && iLast<iRowid) ){
708     int rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNextFrom(pIter, iLast);
709     if( rc || sqlite3Fts5IterEof(pIter) ){
710       *pRc = rc;
711       *pbEof = 1;
712       return 1;
713     }
714     iRowid = pIter->iRowid;
715     assert( (bDesc==0 && iRowid>=iLast) || (bDesc==1 && iRowid<=iLast) );
716   }
717   *piLast = iRowid;
719   return 0;
720 }
fts5ExprSynonymAdvanceto(Fts5ExprTerm * pTerm,int bDesc,i64 * piLast,int * pRc)722 static int fts5ExprSynonymAdvanceto(
723   Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm,            /* Term iterator to advance */
724   int bDesc,                      /* True if iterator is "rowid DESC" */
725   i64 *piLast,                    /* IN/OUT: Lastest rowid seen so far */
726   int *pRc                        /* OUT: Error code */
727 ){
728   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
729   i64 iLast = *piLast;
730   Fts5ExprTerm *p;
731   int bEof = 0;
733   for(p=pTerm; rc==SQLITE_OK && p; p=p->pSynonym){
734     if( sqlite3Fts5IterEof(p->pIter)==0 ){
735       i64 iRowid = p->pIter->iRowid;
736       if( (bDesc==0 && iLast>iRowid) || (bDesc && iLast<iRowid) ){
737         rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNextFrom(p->pIter, iLast);
738       }
739     }
740   }
742   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
743     *pRc = rc;
744     bEof = 1;
745   }else{
746     *piLast = fts5ExprSynonymRowid(pTerm, bDesc, &bEof);
747   }
748   return bEof;
749 }
fts5ExprNearTest(int * pRc,Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)752 static int fts5ExprNearTest(
753   int *pRc,
754   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression that pNear is a part of */
755   Fts5ExprNode *pNode             /* The "NEAR" node (FTS5_STRING) */
756 ){
757   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
758   int rc = *pRc;
760   if( pExpr->pConfig->eDetail!=FTS5_DETAIL_FULL ){
761     Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm;
762     Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[0];
763     pPhrase->poslist.n = 0;
764     for(pTerm=&pPhrase->aTerm[0]; pTerm; pTerm=pTerm->pSynonym){
765       Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pTerm->pIter;
766       if( sqlite3Fts5IterEof(pIter)==0 ){
767         if( pIter->iRowid==pNode->iRowid && pIter->nData>0 ){
768           pPhrase->poslist.n = 1;
769         }
770       }
771     }
772     return pPhrase->poslist.n;
773   }else{
774     int i;
776     /* Check that each phrase in the nearset matches the current row.
777     ** Populate the pPhrase->poslist buffers at the same time. If any
778     ** phrase is not a match, break out of the loop early.  */
779     for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
780       Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
781       if( pPhrase->nTerm>1 || pPhrase->aTerm[0].pSynonym
782        || pNear->pColset || pPhrase->aTerm[0].bFirst
783       ){
784         int bMatch = 0;
785         rc = fts5ExprPhraseIsMatch(pNode, pPhrase, &bMatch);
786         if( bMatch==0 ) break;
787       }else{
788         Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pPhrase->aTerm[0].pIter;
789         fts5BufferSet(&rc, &pPhrase->poslist, pIter->nData, pIter->pData);
790       }
791     }
793     *pRc = rc;
794     if( i==pNear->nPhrase && (i==1 || fts5ExprNearIsMatch(pRc, pNear)) ){
795       return 1;
796     }
797     return 0;
798   }
799 }
802 /*
803 ** Initialize all term iterators in the pNear object. If any term is found
804 ** to match no documents at all, return immediately without initializing any
805 ** further iterators.
806 **
807 ** If an error occurs, return an SQLite error code. Otherwise, return
808 ** SQLITE_OK. It is not considered an error if some term matches zero
809 ** documents.
810 */
fts5ExprNearInitAll(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)811 static int fts5ExprNearInitAll(
812   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
813   Fts5ExprNode *pNode
814 ){
815   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
816   int i;
818   assert( pNode->bNomatch==0 );
819   for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
820     Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
821     if( pPhrase->nTerm==0 ){
822       pNode->bEof = 1;
823       return SQLITE_OK;
824     }else{
825       int j;
826       for(j=0; j<pPhrase->nTerm; j++){
827         Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[j];
828         Fts5ExprTerm *p;
829         int bHit = 0;
831         for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
832           int rc;
833           if( p->pIter ){
834             sqlite3Fts5IterClose(p->pIter);
835             p->pIter = 0;
836           }
837           rc = sqlite3Fts5IndexQuery(
838               pExpr->pIndex, p->zTerm, (int)strlen(p->zTerm),
839               (pTerm->bPrefix ? FTS5INDEX_QUERY_PREFIX : 0) |
840               (pExpr->bDesc ? FTS5INDEX_QUERY_DESC : 0),
841               pNear->pColset,
842               &p->pIter
843           );
844           assert( (rc==SQLITE_OK)==(p->pIter!=0) );
845           if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
846           if( 0==sqlite3Fts5IterEof(p->pIter) ){
847             bHit = 1;
848           }
849         }
851         if( bHit==0 ){
852           pNode->bEof = 1;
853           return SQLITE_OK;
854         }
855       }
856     }
857   }
859   pNode->bEof = 0;
860   return SQLITE_OK;
861 }
863 /*
864 ** If pExpr is an ASC iterator, this function returns a value with the
865 ** same sign as:
866 **
867 **   (iLhs - iRhs)
868 **
869 ** Otherwise, if this is a DESC iterator, the opposite is returned:
870 **
871 **   (iRhs - iLhs)
872 */
fts5RowidCmp(Fts5Expr * pExpr,i64 iLhs,i64 iRhs)873 static int fts5RowidCmp(
874   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
875   i64 iLhs,
876   i64 iRhs
877 ){
878   assert( pExpr->bDesc==0 || pExpr->bDesc==1 );
879   if( pExpr->bDesc==0 ){
880     if( iLhs<iRhs ) return -1;
881     return (iLhs > iRhs);
882   }else{
883     if( iLhs>iRhs ) return -1;
884     return (iLhs < iRhs);
885   }
886 }
fts5ExprSetEof(Fts5ExprNode * pNode)888 static void fts5ExprSetEof(Fts5ExprNode *pNode){
889   int i;
890   pNode->bEof = 1;
891   pNode->bNomatch = 0;
892   for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
893     fts5ExprSetEof(pNode->apChild[i]);
894   }
895 }
fts5ExprNodeZeroPoslist(Fts5ExprNode * pNode)897 static void fts5ExprNodeZeroPoslist(Fts5ExprNode *pNode){
898   if( pNode->eType==FTS5_STRING || pNode->eType==FTS5_TERM ){
899     Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
900     int i;
901     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
902       Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
903       pPhrase->poslist.n = 0;
904     }
905   }else{
906     int i;
907     for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
908       fts5ExprNodeZeroPoslist(pNode->apChild[i]);
909     }
910   }
911 }
915 /*
916 ** Compare the values currently indicated by the two nodes as follows:
917 **
918 **    res = (*p1) - (*p2)
919 **
920 ** Nodes that point to values that come later in the iteration order are
921 ** considered to be larger. Nodes at EOF are the largest of all.
922 **
923 ** This means that if the iteration order is ASC, then numerically larger
924 ** rowids are considered larger. Or if it is the default DESC, numerically
925 ** smaller rowids are larger.
926 */
fts5NodeCompare(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * p1,Fts5ExprNode * p2)927 static int fts5NodeCompare(
928   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
929   Fts5ExprNode *p1,
930   Fts5ExprNode *p2
931 ){
932   if( p2->bEof ) return -1;
933   if( p1->bEof ) return +1;
934   return fts5RowidCmp(pExpr, p1->iRowid, p2->iRowid);
935 }
937 /*
938 ** All individual term iterators in pNear are guaranteed to be valid when
939 ** this function is called. This function checks if all term iterators
940 ** point to the same rowid, and if not, advances them until they do.
941 ** If an EOF is reached before this happens, *pbEof is set to true before
942 ** returning.
943 **
944 ** SQLITE_OK is returned if an error occurs, or an SQLite error code
945 ** otherwise. It is not considered an error code if an iterator reaches
946 ** EOF.
947 */
fts5ExprNodeTest_STRING(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)948 static int fts5ExprNodeTest_STRING(
949   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression pPhrase belongs to */
950   Fts5ExprNode *pNode
951 ){
952   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
953   Fts5ExprPhrase *pLeft = pNear->apPhrase[0];
954   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
955   i64 iLast;                      /* Lastest rowid any iterator points to */
956   int i, j;                       /* Phrase and token index, respectively */
957   int bMatch;                     /* True if all terms are at the same rowid */
958   const int bDesc = pExpr->bDesc;
960   /* Check that this node should not be FTS5_TERM */
961   assert( pNear->nPhrase>1
962        || pNear->apPhrase[0]->nTerm>1
963        || pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0].pSynonym
964        || pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0].bFirst
965   );
967   /* Initialize iLast, the "lastest" rowid any iterator points to. If the
968   ** iterator skips through rowids in the default ascending order, this means
969   ** the maximum rowid. Or, if the iterator is "ORDER BY rowid DESC", then it
970   ** means the minimum rowid.  */
971   if( pLeft->aTerm[0].pSynonym ){
972     iLast = fts5ExprSynonymRowid(&pLeft->aTerm[0], bDesc, 0);
973   }else{
974     iLast = pLeft->aTerm[0].pIter->iRowid;
975   }
977   do {
978     bMatch = 1;
979     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
980       Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
981       for(j=0; j<pPhrase->nTerm; j++){
982         Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[j];
983         if( pTerm->pSynonym ){
984           i64 iRowid = fts5ExprSynonymRowid(pTerm, bDesc, 0);
985           if( iRowid==iLast ) continue;
986           bMatch = 0;
987           if( fts5ExprSynonymAdvanceto(pTerm, bDesc, &iLast, &rc) ){
988             pNode->bNomatch = 0;
989             pNode->bEof = 1;
990             return rc;
991           }
992         }else{
993           Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pPhrase->aTerm[j].pIter;
994           if( pIter->iRowid==iLast || pIter->bEof ) continue;
995           bMatch = 0;
996           if( fts5ExprAdvanceto(pIter, bDesc, &iLast, &rc, &pNode->bEof) ){
997             return rc;
998           }
999         }
1000       }
1001     }
1002   }while( bMatch==0 );
1004   pNode->iRowid = iLast;
1005   pNode->bNomatch = ((0==fts5ExprNearTest(&rc, pExpr, pNode)) && rc==SQLITE_OK);
1006   assert( pNode->bEof==0 || pNode->bNomatch==0 );
1008   return rc;
1009 }
1011 /*
1012 ** Advance the first term iterator in the first phrase of pNear. Set output
1013 ** variable *pbEof to true if it reaches EOF or if an error occurs.
1014 **
1015 ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if an error
1016 ** occurs.
1017 */
fts5ExprNodeNext_STRING(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,int bFromValid,i64 iFrom)1018 static int fts5ExprNodeNext_STRING(
1019   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression pPhrase belongs to */
1020   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,            /* FTS5_STRING or FTS5_TERM node */
1021   int bFromValid,
1022   i64 iFrom
1023 ){
1024   Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pNode->pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0];
1025   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1027   pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1028   if( pTerm->pSynonym ){
1029     int bEof = 1;
1030     Fts5ExprTerm *p;
1032     /* Find the firstest rowid any synonym points to. */
1033     i64 iRowid = fts5ExprSynonymRowid(pTerm, pExpr->bDesc, 0);
1035     /* Advance each iterator that currently points to iRowid. Or, if iFrom
1036     ** is valid - each iterator that points to a rowid before iFrom.  */
1037     for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
1038       if( sqlite3Fts5IterEof(p->pIter)==0 ){
1039         i64 ii = p->pIter->iRowid;
1040         if( ii==iRowid
1041          || (bFromValid && ii!=iFrom && (ii>iFrom)==pExpr->bDesc)
1042         ){
1043           if( bFromValid ){
1044             rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNextFrom(p->pIter, iFrom);
1045           }else{
1046             rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNext(p->pIter);
1047           }
1048           if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
1049           if( sqlite3Fts5IterEof(p->pIter)==0 ){
1050             bEof = 0;
1051           }
1052         }else{
1053           bEof = 0;
1054         }
1055       }
1056     }
1058     /* Set the EOF flag if either all synonym iterators are at EOF or an
1059     ** error has occurred.  */
1060     pNode->bEof = (rc || bEof);
1061   }else{
1062     Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pTerm->pIter;
1064     assert( Fts5NodeIsString(pNode) );
1065     if( bFromValid ){
1066       rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNextFrom(pIter, iFrom);
1067     }else{
1068       rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNext(pIter);
1069     }
1071     pNode->bEof = (rc || sqlite3Fts5IterEof(pIter));
1072   }
1074   if( pNode->bEof==0 ){
1075     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1076     rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_STRING(pExpr, pNode);
1077   }
1079   return rc;
1080 }
fts5ExprNodeTest_TERM(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)1083 static int fts5ExprNodeTest_TERM(
1084   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression that pNear is a part of */
1085   Fts5ExprNode *pNode             /* The "NEAR" node (FTS5_TERM) */
1086 ){
1087   /* As this "NEAR" object is actually a single phrase that consists
1088   ** of a single term only, grab pointers into the poslist managed by the
1089   ** fts5_index.c iterator object. This is much faster than synthesizing
1090   ** a new poslist the way we have to for more complicated phrase or NEAR
1091   ** expressions.  */
1092   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNode->pNear->apPhrase[0];
1093   Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pPhrase->aTerm[0].pIter;
1095   assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_TERM );
1096   assert( pNode->pNear->nPhrase==1 && pPhrase->nTerm==1 );
1097   assert( pPhrase->aTerm[0].pSynonym==0 );
1099   pPhrase->poslist.n = pIter->nData;
1100   if( pExpr->pConfig->eDetail==FTS5_DETAIL_FULL ){
1101     pPhrase->poslist.p = (u8*)pIter->pData;
1102   }
1103   pNode->iRowid = pIter->iRowid;
1104   pNode->bNomatch = (pPhrase->poslist.n==0);
1105   return SQLITE_OK;
1106 }
1108 /*
1109 ** xNext() method for a node of type FTS5_TERM.
1110 */
fts5ExprNodeNext_TERM(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,int bFromValid,i64 iFrom)1111 static int fts5ExprNodeNext_TERM(
1112   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
1113   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,
1114   int bFromValid,
1115   i64 iFrom
1116 ){
1117   int rc;
1118   Fts5IndexIter *pIter = pNode->pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0].pIter;
1120   assert( pNode->bEof==0 );
1121   if( bFromValid ){
1122     rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNextFrom(pIter, iFrom);
1123   }else{
1124     rc = sqlite3Fts5IterNext(pIter);
1125   }
1126   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3Fts5IterEof(pIter)==0 ){
1127     rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_TERM(pExpr, pNode);
1128   }else{
1129     pNode->bEof = 1;
1130     pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1131   }
1132   return rc;
1133 }
fts5ExprNodeTest_OR(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)1135 static void fts5ExprNodeTest_OR(
1136   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression of which pNode is a part */
1137   Fts5ExprNode *pNode             /* Expression node to test */
1138 ){
1139   Fts5ExprNode *pNext = pNode->apChild[0];
1140   int i;
1142   for(i=1; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
1143     Fts5ExprNode *pChild = pNode->apChild[i];
1144     int cmp = fts5NodeCompare(pExpr, pNext, pChild);
1145     if( cmp>0 || (cmp==0 && pChild->bNomatch==0) ){
1146       pNext = pChild;
1147     }
1148   }
1149   pNode->iRowid = pNext->iRowid;
1150   pNode->bEof = pNext->bEof;
1151   pNode->bNomatch = pNext->bNomatch;
1152 }
fts5ExprNodeNext_OR(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,int bFromValid,i64 iFrom)1154 static int fts5ExprNodeNext_OR(
1155   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
1156   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,
1157   int bFromValid,
1158   i64 iFrom
1159 ){
1160   int i;
1161   i64 iLast = pNode->iRowid;
1163   for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
1164     Fts5ExprNode *p1 = pNode->apChild[i];
1165     assert( p1->bEof || fts5RowidCmp(pExpr, p1->iRowid, iLast)>=0 );
1166     if( p1->bEof==0 ){
1167       if( (p1->iRowid==iLast)
1168        || (bFromValid && fts5RowidCmp(pExpr, p1->iRowid, iFrom)<0)
1169       ){
1170         int rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, p1, bFromValid, iFrom);
1171         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1172           pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1173           return rc;
1174         }
1175       }
1176     }
1177   }
1179   fts5ExprNodeTest_OR(pExpr, pNode);
1180   return SQLITE_OK;
1181 }
1183 /*
1184 ** Argument pNode is an FTS5_AND node.
1185 */
fts5ExprNodeTest_AND(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pAnd)1186 static int fts5ExprNodeTest_AND(
1187   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression pPhrase belongs to */
1188   Fts5ExprNode *pAnd              /* FTS5_AND node to advance */
1189 ){
1190   int iChild;
1191   i64 iLast = pAnd->iRowid;
1192   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1193   int bMatch;
1195   assert( pAnd->bEof==0 );
1196   do {
1197     pAnd->bNomatch = 0;
1198     bMatch = 1;
1199     for(iChild=0; iChild<pAnd->nChild; iChild++){
1200       Fts5ExprNode *pChild = pAnd->apChild[iChild];
1201       int cmp = fts5RowidCmp(pExpr, iLast, pChild->iRowid);
1202       if( cmp>0 ){
1203         /* Advance pChild until it points to iLast or laster */
1204         rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, pChild, 1, iLast);
1205         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1206           pAnd->bNomatch = 0;
1207           return rc;
1208         }
1209       }
1211       /* If the child node is now at EOF, so is the parent AND node. Otherwise,
1212       ** the child node is guaranteed to have advanced at least as far as
1213       ** rowid iLast. So if it is not at exactly iLast, pChild->iRowid is the
1214       ** new lastest rowid seen so far.  */
1215       assert( pChild->bEof || fts5RowidCmp(pExpr, iLast, pChild->iRowid)<=0 );
1216       if( pChild->bEof ){
1217         fts5ExprSetEof(pAnd);
1218         bMatch = 1;
1219         break;
1220       }else if( iLast!=pChild->iRowid ){
1221         bMatch = 0;
1222         iLast = pChild->iRowid;
1223       }
1225       if( pChild->bNomatch ){
1226         pAnd->bNomatch = 1;
1227       }
1228     }
1229   }while( bMatch==0 );
1231   if( pAnd->bNomatch && pAnd!=pExpr->pRoot ){
1232     fts5ExprNodeZeroPoslist(pAnd);
1233   }
1234   pAnd->iRowid = iLast;
1235   return SQLITE_OK;
1236 }
fts5ExprNodeNext_AND(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,int bFromValid,i64 iFrom)1238 static int fts5ExprNodeNext_AND(
1239   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
1240   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,
1241   int bFromValid,
1242   i64 iFrom
1243 ){
1244   int rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, pNode->apChild[0], bFromValid, iFrom);
1245   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1246     rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_AND(pExpr, pNode);
1247   }else{
1248     pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1249   }
1250   return rc;
1251 }
fts5ExprNodeTest_NOT(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)1253 static int fts5ExprNodeTest_NOT(
1254   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression pPhrase belongs to */
1255   Fts5ExprNode *pNode             /* FTS5_NOT node to advance */
1256 ){
1257   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1258   Fts5ExprNode *p1 = pNode->apChild[0];
1259   Fts5ExprNode *p2 = pNode->apChild[1];
1260   assert( pNode->nChild==2 );
1262   while( rc==SQLITE_OK && p1->bEof==0 ){
1263     int cmp = fts5NodeCompare(pExpr, p1, p2);
1264     if( cmp>0 ){
1265       rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, p2, 1, p1->iRowid);
1266       cmp = fts5NodeCompare(pExpr, p1, p2);
1267     }
1268     assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || cmp<=0 );
1269     if( cmp || p2->bNomatch ) break;
1270     rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, p1, 0, 0);
1271   }
1272   pNode->bEof = p1->bEof;
1273   pNode->bNomatch = p1->bNomatch;
1274   pNode->iRowid = p1->iRowid;
1275   if( p1->bEof ){
1276     fts5ExprNodeZeroPoslist(p2);
1277   }
1278   return rc;
1279 }
fts5ExprNodeNext_NOT(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,int bFromValid,i64 iFrom)1281 static int fts5ExprNodeNext_NOT(
1282   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
1283   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,
1284   int bFromValid,
1285   i64 iFrom
1286 ){
1287   int rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(pExpr, pNode->apChild[0], bFromValid, iFrom);
1288   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1289     rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_NOT(pExpr, pNode);
1290   }
1291   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1292     pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1293   }
1294   return rc;
1295 }
1297 /*
1298 ** If pNode currently points to a match, this function returns SQLITE_OK
1299 ** without modifying it. Otherwise, pNode is advanced until it does point
1300 ** to a match or EOF is reached.
1301 */
fts5ExprNodeTest(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)1302 static int fts5ExprNodeTest(
1303   Fts5Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression of which pNode is a part */
1304   Fts5ExprNode *pNode             /* Expression node to test */
1305 ){
1306   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1307   if( pNode->bEof==0 ){
1308     switch( pNode->eType ){
1310       case FTS5_STRING: {
1311         rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_STRING(pExpr, pNode);
1312         break;
1313       }
1315       case FTS5_TERM: {
1316         rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_TERM(pExpr, pNode);
1317         break;
1318       }
1320       case FTS5_AND: {
1321         rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_AND(pExpr, pNode);
1322         break;
1323       }
1325       case FTS5_OR: {
1326         fts5ExprNodeTest_OR(pExpr, pNode);
1327         break;
1328       }
1330       default: assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_NOT ); {
1331         rc = fts5ExprNodeTest_NOT(pExpr, pNode);
1332         break;
1333       }
1334     }
1335   }
1336   return rc;
1337 }
1340 /*
1341 ** Set node pNode, which is part of expression pExpr, to point to the first
1342 ** match. If there are no matches, set the Node.bEof flag to indicate EOF.
1343 **
1344 ** Return an SQLite error code if an error occurs, or SQLITE_OK otherwise.
1345 ** It is not an error if there are no matches.
1346 */
fts5ExprNodeFirst(Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5ExprNode * pNode)1347 static int fts5ExprNodeFirst(Fts5Expr *pExpr, Fts5ExprNode *pNode){
1348   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1349   pNode->bEof = 0;
1350   pNode->bNomatch = 0;
1352   if( Fts5NodeIsString(pNode) ){
1353     /* Initialize all term iterators in the NEAR object. */
1354     rc = fts5ExprNearInitAll(pExpr, pNode);
1355   }else if( pNode->xNext==0 ){
1356     pNode->bEof = 1;
1357   }else{
1358     int i;
1359     int nEof = 0;
1360     for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
1361       Fts5ExprNode *pChild = pNode->apChild[i];
1362       rc = fts5ExprNodeFirst(pExpr, pNode->apChild[i]);
1363       assert( pChild->bEof==0 || pChild->bEof==1 );
1364       nEof += pChild->bEof;
1365     }
1366     pNode->iRowid = pNode->apChild[0]->iRowid;
1368     switch( pNode->eType ){
1369       case FTS5_AND:
1370         if( nEof>0 ) fts5ExprSetEof(pNode);
1371         break;
1373       case FTS5_OR:
1374         if( pNode->nChild==nEof ) fts5ExprSetEof(pNode);
1375         break;
1377       default:
1378         assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_NOT );
1379         pNode->bEof = pNode->apChild[0]->bEof;
1380         break;
1381     }
1382   }
1384   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1385     rc = fts5ExprNodeTest(pExpr, pNode);
1386   }
1387   return rc;
1388 }
1391 /*
1392 ** Begin iterating through the set of documents in index pIdx matched by
1393 ** the MATCH expression passed as the first argument. If the "bDesc"
1394 ** parameter is passed a non-zero value, iteration is in descending rowid
1395 ** order. Or, if it is zero, in ascending order.
1396 **
1397 ** If iterating in ascending rowid order (bDesc==0), the first document
1398 ** visited is that with the smallest rowid that is larger than or equal
1399 ** to parameter iFirst. Or, if iterating in ascending order (bDesc==1),
1400 ** then the first document visited must have a rowid smaller than or
1401 ** equal to iFirst.
1402 **
1403 ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise. It
1404 ** is not considered an error if the query does not match any documents.
1405 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprFirst(Fts5Expr * p,Fts5Index * pIdx,i64 iFirst,int bDesc)1406 int sqlite3Fts5ExprFirst(Fts5Expr *p, Fts5Index *pIdx, i64 iFirst, int bDesc){
1407   Fts5ExprNode *pRoot = p->pRoot;
1408   int rc;                         /* Return code */
1410   p->pIndex = pIdx;
1411   p->bDesc = bDesc;
1412   rc = fts5ExprNodeFirst(p, pRoot);
1414   /* If not at EOF but the current rowid occurs earlier than iFirst in
1415   ** the iteration order, move to document iFirst or later. */
1416   if( rc==SQLITE_OK
1417    && 0==pRoot->bEof
1418    && fts5RowidCmp(p, pRoot->iRowid, iFirst)<0
1419   ){
1420     rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(p, pRoot, 1, iFirst);
1421   }
1423   /* If the iterator is not at a real match, skip forward until it is. */
1424   while( pRoot->bNomatch ){
1425     assert( pRoot->bEof==0 && rc==SQLITE_OK );
1426     rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(p, pRoot, 0, 0);
1427   }
1428   return rc;
1429 }
1431 /*
1432 ** Move to the next document
1433 **
1434 ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise. It
1435 ** is not considered an error if the query does not match any documents.
1436 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprNext(Fts5Expr * p,i64 iLast)1437 int sqlite3Fts5ExprNext(Fts5Expr *p, i64 iLast){
1438   int rc;
1439   Fts5ExprNode *pRoot = p->pRoot;
1440   assert( pRoot->bEof==0 && pRoot->bNomatch==0 );
1441   do {
1442     rc = fts5ExprNodeNext(p, pRoot, 0, 0);
1443     assert( pRoot->bNomatch==0 || (rc==SQLITE_OK && pRoot->bEof==0) );
1444   }while( pRoot->bNomatch );
1445   if( fts5RowidCmp(p, pRoot->iRowid, iLast)>0 ){
1446     pRoot->bEof = 1;
1447   }
1448   return rc;
1449 }
sqlite3Fts5ExprEof(Fts5Expr * p)1451 int sqlite3Fts5ExprEof(Fts5Expr *p){
1452   return p->pRoot->bEof;
1453 }
sqlite3Fts5ExprRowid(Fts5Expr * p)1455 i64 sqlite3Fts5ExprRowid(Fts5Expr *p){
1456   return p->pRoot->iRowid;
1457 }
fts5ParseStringFromToken(Fts5Token * pToken,char ** pz)1459 static int fts5ParseStringFromToken(Fts5Token *pToken, char **pz){
1460   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1461   *pz = sqlite3Fts5Strndup(&rc, pToken->p, pToken->n);
1462   return rc;
1463 }
1465 /*
1466 ** Free the phrase object passed as the only argument.
1467 */
fts5ExprPhraseFree(Fts5ExprPhrase * pPhrase)1468 static void fts5ExprPhraseFree(Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase){
1469   if( pPhrase ){
1470     int i;
1471     for(i=0; i<pPhrase->nTerm; i++){
1472       Fts5ExprTerm *pSyn;
1473       Fts5ExprTerm *pNext;
1474       Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[i];
1475       sqlite3_free(pTerm->zTerm);
1476       sqlite3Fts5IterClose(pTerm->pIter);
1477       for(pSyn=pTerm->pSynonym; pSyn; pSyn=pNext){
1478         pNext = pSyn->pSynonym;
1479         sqlite3Fts5IterClose(pSyn->pIter);
1480         fts5BufferFree((Fts5Buffer*)&pSyn[1]);
1481         sqlite3_free(pSyn);
1482       }
1483     }
1484     if( pPhrase->poslist.nSpace>0 ) fts5BufferFree(&pPhrase->poslist);
1485     sqlite3_free(pPhrase);
1486   }
1487 }
1489 /*
1490 ** Set the "bFirst" flag on the first token of the phrase passed as the
1491 ** only argument.
1492 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseSetCaret(Fts5ExprPhrase * pPhrase)1493 void sqlite3Fts5ParseSetCaret(Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase){
1494   if( pPhrase && pPhrase->nTerm ){
1495     pPhrase->aTerm[0].bFirst = 1;
1496   }
1497 }
1499 /*
1500 ** If argument pNear is NULL, then a new Fts5ExprNearset object is allocated
1501 ** and populated with pPhrase. Or, if pNear is not NULL, phrase pPhrase is
1502 ** appended to it and the results returned.
1503 **
1504 ** If an OOM error occurs, both the pNear and pPhrase objects are freed and
1505 ** NULL returned.
1506 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseNearset(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNearset * pNear,Fts5ExprPhrase * pPhrase)1507 Fts5ExprNearset *sqlite3Fts5ParseNearset(
1508   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Parse context */
1509   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear,         /* Existing nearset, or NULL */
1510   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase         /* Recently parsed phrase */
1511 ){
1512   const int SZALLOC = 8;
1513   Fts5ExprNearset *pRet = 0;
1515   if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1516     if( pPhrase==0 ){
1517       return pNear;
1518     }
1519     if( pNear==0 ){
1520       sqlite3_int64 nByte;
1521       nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprNearset) + SZALLOC * sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*);
1522       pRet = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
1523       if( pRet==0 ){
1524         pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1525       }else{
1526         memset(pRet, 0, (size_t)nByte);
1527       }
1528     }else if( (pNear->nPhrase % SZALLOC)==0 ){
1529       int nNew = pNear->nPhrase + SZALLOC;
1530       sqlite3_int64 nByte;
1532       nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprNearset) + nNew * sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*);
1533       pRet = (Fts5ExprNearset*)sqlite3_realloc64(pNear, nByte);
1534       if( pRet==0 ){
1535         pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1536       }
1537     }else{
1538       pRet = pNear;
1539     }
1540   }
1542   if( pRet==0 ){
1543     assert( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
1544     sqlite3Fts5ParseNearsetFree(pNear);
1545     sqlite3Fts5ParsePhraseFree(pPhrase);
1546   }else{
1547     if( pRet->nPhrase>0 ){
1548       Fts5ExprPhrase *pLast = pRet->apPhrase[pRet->nPhrase-1];
1549       assert( pLast==pParse->apPhrase[pParse->nPhrase-2] );
1550       if( pPhrase->nTerm==0 ){
1551         fts5ExprPhraseFree(pPhrase);
1552         pRet->nPhrase--;
1553         pParse->nPhrase--;
1554         pPhrase = pLast;
1555       }else if( pLast->nTerm==0 ){
1556         fts5ExprPhraseFree(pLast);
1557         pParse->apPhrase[pParse->nPhrase-2] = pPhrase;
1558         pParse->nPhrase--;
1559         pRet->nPhrase--;
1560       }
1561     }
1562     pRet->apPhrase[pRet->nPhrase++] = pPhrase;
1563   }
1564   return pRet;
1565 }
1567 typedef struct TokenCtx TokenCtx;
1568 struct TokenCtx {
1569   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase;
1570   int rc;
1571 };
1573 /*
1574 ** Callback for tokenizing terms used by ParseTerm().
1575 */
fts5ParseTokenize(void * pContext,int tflags,const char * pToken,int nToken,int iUnused1,int iUnused2)1576 static int fts5ParseTokenize(
1577   void *pContext,                 /* Pointer to Fts5InsertCtx object */
1578   int tflags,                     /* Mask of FTS5_TOKEN_* flags */
1579   const char *pToken,             /* Buffer containing token */
1580   int nToken,                     /* Size of token in bytes */
1581   int iUnused1,                   /* Start offset of token */
1582   int iUnused2                    /* End offset of token */
1583 ){
1584   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1585   const int SZALLOC = 8;
1586   TokenCtx *pCtx = (TokenCtx*)pContext;
1587   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pCtx->pPhrase;
1589   UNUSED_PARAM2(iUnused1, iUnused2);
1591   /* If an error has already occurred, this is a no-op */
1592   if( pCtx->rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return pCtx->rc;
1593   if( nToken>FTS5_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE ) nToken = FTS5_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE;
1595   if( pPhrase && pPhrase->nTerm>0 && (tflags & FTS5_TOKEN_COLOCATED) ){
1596     Fts5ExprTerm *pSyn;
1597     sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprTerm) + sizeof(Fts5Buffer) + nToken+1;
1598     pSyn = (Fts5ExprTerm*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
1599     if( pSyn==0 ){
1600       rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1601     }else{
1602       memset(pSyn, 0, (size_t)nByte);
1603       pSyn->zTerm = ((char*)pSyn) + sizeof(Fts5ExprTerm) + sizeof(Fts5Buffer);
1604       memcpy(pSyn->zTerm, pToken, nToken);
1605       pSyn->pSynonym = pPhrase->aTerm[pPhrase->nTerm-1].pSynonym;
1606       pPhrase->aTerm[pPhrase->nTerm-1].pSynonym = pSyn;
1607     }
1608   }else{
1609     Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm;
1610     if( pPhrase==0 || (pPhrase->nTerm % SZALLOC)==0 ){
1611       Fts5ExprPhrase *pNew;
1612       int nNew = SZALLOC + (pPhrase ? pPhrase->nTerm : 0);
1614       pNew = (Fts5ExprPhrase*)sqlite3_realloc64(pPhrase,
1615           sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase) + sizeof(Fts5ExprTerm) * nNew
1616       );
1617       if( pNew==0 ){
1618         rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1619       }else{
1620         if( pPhrase==0 ) memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase));
1621         pCtx->pPhrase = pPhrase = pNew;
1622         pNew->nTerm = nNew - SZALLOC;
1623       }
1624     }
1626     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1627       pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[pPhrase->nTerm++];
1628       memset(pTerm, 0, sizeof(Fts5ExprTerm));
1629       pTerm->zTerm = sqlite3Fts5Strndup(&rc, pToken, nToken);
1630     }
1631   }
1633   pCtx->rc = rc;
1634   return rc;
1635 }
1638 /*
1639 ** Free the phrase object passed as the only argument.
1640 */
sqlite3Fts5ParsePhraseFree(Fts5ExprPhrase * pPhrase)1641 void sqlite3Fts5ParsePhraseFree(Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase){
1642   fts5ExprPhraseFree(pPhrase);
1643 }
1645 /*
1646 ** Free the phrase object passed as the second argument.
1647 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseNearsetFree(Fts5ExprNearset * pNear)1648 void sqlite3Fts5ParseNearsetFree(Fts5ExprNearset *pNear){
1649   if( pNear ){
1650     int i;
1651     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
1652       fts5ExprPhraseFree(pNear->apPhrase[i]);
1653     }
1654     sqlite3_free(pNear->pColset);
1655     sqlite3_free(pNear);
1656   }
1657 }
sqlite3Fts5ParseFinished(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNode * p)1659 void sqlite3Fts5ParseFinished(Fts5Parse *pParse, Fts5ExprNode *p){
1660   assert( pParse->pExpr==0 );
1661   pParse->pExpr = p;
1662 }
1664 /*
1665 ** This function is called by the parser to process a string token. The
1666 ** string may or may not be quoted. In any case it is tokenized and a
1667 ** phrase object consisting of all tokens returned.
1668 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseTerm(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprPhrase * pAppend,Fts5Token * pToken,int bPrefix)1669 Fts5ExprPhrase *sqlite3Fts5ParseTerm(
1670   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Parse context */
1671   Fts5ExprPhrase *pAppend,        /* Phrase to append to */
1672   Fts5Token *pToken,              /* String to tokenize */
1673   int bPrefix                     /* True if there is a trailing "*" */
1674 ){
1675   Fts5Config *pConfig = pParse->pConfig;
1676   TokenCtx sCtx;                  /* Context object passed to callback */
1677   int rc;                         /* Tokenize return code */
1678   char *z = 0;
1680   memset(&sCtx, 0, sizeof(TokenCtx));
1681   sCtx.pPhrase = pAppend;
1683   rc = fts5ParseStringFromToken(pToken, &z);
1684   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1685     int flags = FTS5_TOKENIZE_QUERY | (bPrefix ? FTS5_TOKENIZE_PREFIX : 0);
1686     int n;
1687     sqlite3Fts5Dequote(z);
1688     n = (int)strlen(z);
1689     rc = sqlite3Fts5Tokenize(pConfig, flags, z, n, &sCtx, fts5ParseTokenize);
1690   }
1691   sqlite3_free(z);
1692   if( rc || (rc = sCtx.rc) ){
1693     pParse->rc = rc;
1694     fts5ExprPhraseFree(sCtx.pPhrase);
1695     sCtx.pPhrase = 0;
1696   }else{
1698     if( pAppend==0 ){
1699       if( (pParse->nPhrase % 8)==0 ){
1700         sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*) * (pParse->nPhrase + 8);
1701         Fts5ExprPhrase **apNew;
1702         apNew = (Fts5ExprPhrase**)sqlite3_realloc64(pParse->apPhrase, nByte);
1703         if( apNew==0 ){
1704           pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1705           fts5ExprPhraseFree(sCtx.pPhrase);
1706           return 0;
1707         }
1708         pParse->apPhrase = apNew;
1709       }
1710       pParse->nPhrase++;
1711     }
1713     if( sCtx.pPhrase==0 ){
1714       /* This happens when parsing a token or quoted phrase that contains
1715       ** no token characters at all. (e.g ... MATCH '""'). */
1716       sCtx.pPhrase = sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&pParse->rc, sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase));
1717     }else if( sCtx.pPhrase->nTerm ){
1718       sCtx.pPhrase->aTerm[sCtx.pPhrase->nTerm-1].bPrefix = (u8)bPrefix;
1719     }
1720     pParse->apPhrase[pParse->nPhrase-1] = sCtx.pPhrase;
1721   }
1723   return sCtx.pPhrase;
1724 }
1726 /*
1727 ** Create a new FTS5 expression by cloning phrase iPhrase of the
1728 ** expression passed as the second argument.
1729 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprClonePhrase(Fts5Expr * pExpr,int iPhrase,Fts5Expr ** ppNew)1730 int sqlite3Fts5ExprClonePhrase(
1731   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
1732   int iPhrase,
1733   Fts5Expr **ppNew
1734 ){
1735   int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
1736   Fts5ExprPhrase *pOrig;          /* The phrase extracted from pExpr */
1737   Fts5Expr *pNew = 0;             /* Expression to return via *ppNew */
1738   TokenCtx sCtx = {0,0};          /* Context object for fts5ParseTokenize */
1740   pOrig = pExpr->apExprPhrase[iPhrase];
1741   pNew = (Fts5Expr*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, sizeof(Fts5Expr));
1742   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1743     pNew->apExprPhrase = (Fts5ExprPhrase**)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc,
1744         sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*));
1745   }
1746   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1747     pNew->pRoot = (Fts5ExprNode*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc,
1748         sizeof(Fts5ExprNode));
1749   }
1750   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1751     pNew->pRoot->pNear = (Fts5ExprNearset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc,
1752         sizeof(Fts5ExprNearset) + sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*));
1753   }
1754   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1755     Fts5Colset *pColsetOrig = pOrig->pNode->pNear->pColset;
1756     if( pColsetOrig ){
1757       sqlite3_int64 nByte;
1758       Fts5Colset *pColset;
1759       nByte = sizeof(Fts5Colset) + (pColsetOrig->nCol-1) * sizeof(int);
1760       pColset = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, nByte);
1761       if( pColset ){
1762         memcpy(pColset, pColsetOrig, (size_t)nByte);
1763       }
1764       pNew->pRoot->pNear->pColset = pColset;
1765     }
1766   }
1768   if( pOrig->nTerm ){
1769     int i;                          /* Used to iterate through phrase terms */
1770     for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<pOrig->nTerm; i++){
1771       int tflags = 0;
1772       Fts5ExprTerm *p;
1773       for(p=&pOrig->aTerm[i]; p && rc==SQLITE_OK; p=p->pSynonym){
1774         const char *zTerm = p->zTerm;
1775         rc = fts5ParseTokenize((void*)&sCtx, tflags, zTerm, (int)strlen(zTerm),
1776             0, 0);
1777         tflags = FTS5_TOKEN_COLOCATED;
1778       }
1779       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1780         sCtx.pPhrase->aTerm[i].bPrefix = pOrig->aTerm[i].bPrefix;
1781         sCtx.pPhrase->aTerm[i].bFirst = pOrig->aTerm[i].bFirst;
1782       }
1783     }
1784   }else{
1785     /* This happens when parsing a token or quoted phrase that contains
1786     ** no token characters at all. (e.g ... MATCH '""'). */
1787     sCtx.pPhrase = sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase));
1788   }
1790   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1791     /* All the allocations succeeded. Put the expression object together. */
1792     pNew->pIndex = pExpr->pIndex;
1793     pNew->pConfig = pExpr->pConfig;
1794     pNew->nPhrase = 1;
1795     pNew->apExprPhrase[0] = sCtx.pPhrase;
1796     pNew->pRoot->pNear->apPhrase[0] = sCtx.pPhrase;
1797     pNew->pRoot->pNear->nPhrase = 1;
1798     sCtx.pPhrase->pNode = pNew->pRoot;
1800     if( pOrig->nTerm==1
1801      && pOrig->aTerm[0].pSynonym==0
1802      && pOrig->aTerm[0].bFirst==0
1803     ){
1804       pNew->pRoot->eType = FTS5_TERM;
1805       pNew->pRoot->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_TERM;
1806     }else{
1807       pNew->pRoot->eType = FTS5_STRING;
1808       pNew->pRoot->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_STRING;
1809     }
1810   }else{
1811     sqlite3Fts5ExprFree(pNew);
1812     fts5ExprPhraseFree(sCtx.pPhrase);
1813     pNew = 0;
1814   }
1816   *ppNew = pNew;
1817   return rc;
1818 }
1821 /*
1822 ** Token pTok has appeared in a MATCH expression where the NEAR operator
1823 ** is expected. If token pTok does not contain "NEAR", store an error
1824 ** in the pParse object.
1825 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseNear(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5Token * pTok)1826 void sqlite3Fts5ParseNear(Fts5Parse *pParse, Fts5Token *pTok){
1827   if( pTok->n!=4 || memcmp("NEAR", pTok->p, 4) ){
1828     sqlite3Fts5ParseError(
1829         pParse, "fts5: syntax error near \"%.*s\"", pTok->n, pTok->p
1830     );
1831   }
1832 }
sqlite3Fts5ParseSetDistance(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNearset * pNear,Fts5Token * p)1834 void sqlite3Fts5ParseSetDistance(
1835   Fts5Parse *pParse,
1836   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear,
1837   Fts5Token *p
1838 ){
1839   if( pNear ){
1840     int nNear = 0;
1841     int i;
1842     if( p->n ){
1843       for(i=0; i<p->n; i++){
1844         char c = (char)p->p[i];
1845         if( c<'0' || c>'9' ){
1846           sqlite3Fts5ParseError(
1847               pParse, "expected integer, got \"%.*s\"", p->n, p->p
1848               );
1849           return;
1850         }
1851         nNear = nNear * 10 + (p->p[i] - '0');
1852       }
1853     }else{
1854       nNear = FTS5_DEFAULT_NEARDIST;
1855     }
1856     pNear->nNear = nNear;
1857   }
1858 }
1860 /*
1861 ** The second argument passed to this function may be NULL, or it may be
1862 ** an existing Fts5Colset object. This function returns a pointer to
1863 ** a new colset object containing the contents of (p) with new value column
1864 ** number iCol appended.
1865 **
1866 ** If an OOM error occurs, store an error code in pParse and return NULL.
1867 ** The old colset object (if any) is not freed in this case.
1868 */
fts5ParseColset(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5Colset * p,int iCol)1869 static Fts5Colset *fts5ParseColset(
1870   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Store SQLITE_NOMEM here if required */
1871   Fts5Colset *p,                  /* Existing colset object */
1872   int iCol                        /* New column to add to colset object */
1873 ){
1874   int nCol = p ? p->nCol : 0;     /* Num. columns already in colset object */
1875   Fts5Colset *pNew;               /* New colset object to return */
1877   assert( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK );
1878   assert( iCol>=0 && iCol<pParse->pConfig->nCol );
1880   pNew = sqlite3_realloc64(p, sizeof(Fts5Colset) + sizeof(int)*nCol);
1881   if( pNew==0 ){
1882     pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
1883   }else{
1884     int *aiCol = pNew->aiCol;
1885     int i, j;
1886     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1887       if( aiCol[i]==iCol ) return pNew;
1888       if( aiCol[i]>iCol ) break;
1889     }
1890     for(j=nCol; j>i; j--){
1891       aiCol[j] = aiCol[j-1];
1892     }
1893     aiCol[i] = iCol;
1894     pNew->nCol = nCol+1;
1896 #ifndef NDEBUG
1897     /* Check that the array is in order and contains no duplicate entries. */
1898     for(i=1; i<pNew->nCol; i++) assert( pNew->aiCol[i]>pNew->aiCol[i-1] );
1899 #endif
1900   }
1902   return pNew;
1903 }
1905 /*
1906 ** Allocate and return an Fts5Colset object specifying the inverse of
1907 ** the colset passed as the second argument. Free the colset passed
1908 ** as the second argument before returning.
1909 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseColsetInvert(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5Colset * p)1910 Fts5Colset *sqlite3Fts5ParseColsetInvert(Fts5Parse *pParse, Fts5Colset *p){
1911   Fts5Colset *pRet;
1912   int nCol = pParse->pConfig->nCol;
1914   pRet = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&pParse->rc,
1915       sizeof(Fts5Colset) + sizeof(int)*nCol
1916   );
1917   if( pRet ){
1918     int i;
1919     int iOld = 0;
1920     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1921       if( iOld>=p->nCol || p->aiCol[iOld]!=i ){
1922         pRet->aiCol[pRet->nCol++] = i;
1923       }else{
1924         iOld++;
1925       }
1926     }
1927   }
1929   sqlite3_free(p);
1930   return pRet;
1931 }
sqlite3Fts5ParseColset(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5Colset * pColset,Fts5Token * p)1933 Fts5Colset *sqlite3Fts5ParseColset(
1934   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Store SQLITE_NOMEM here if required */
1935   Fts5Colset *pColset,            /* Existing colset object */
1936   Fts5Token *p
1937 ){
1938   Fts5Colset *pRet = 0;
1939   int iCol;
1940   char *z;                        /* Dequoted copy of token p */
1942   z = sqlite3Fts5Strndup(&pParse->rc, p->p, p->n);
1943   if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1944     Fts5Config *pConfig = pParse->pConfig;
1945     sqlite3Fts5Dequote(z);
1946     for(iCol=0; iCol<pConfig->nCol; iCol++){
1947       if( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(pConfig->azCol[iCol], z) ) break;
1948     }
1949     if( iCol==pConfig->nCol ){
1950       sqlite3Fts5ParseError(pParse, "no such column: %s", z);
1951     }else{
1952       pRet = fts5ParseColset(pParse, pColset, iCol);
1953     }
1954     sqlite3_free(z);
1955   }
1957   if( pRet==0 ){
1958     assert( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
1959     sqlite3_free(pColset);
1960   }
1962   return pRet;
1963 }
1965 /*
1966 ** If argument pOrig is NULL, or if (*pRc) is set to anything other than
1967 ** SQLITE_OK when this function is called, NULL is returned.
1968 **
1969 ** Otherwise, a copy of (*pOrig) is made into memory obtained from
1970 ** sqlite3Fts5MallocZero() and a pointer to it returned. If the allocation
1971 ** fails, (*pRc) is set to SQLITE_NOMEM and NULL is returned.
1972 */
fts5CloneColset(int * pRc,Fts5Colset * pOrig)1973 static Fts5Colset *fts5CloneColset(int *pRc, Fts5Colset *pOrig){
1974   Fts5Colset *pRet;
1975   if( pOrig ){
1976     sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5Colset) + (pOrig->nCol-1) * sizeof(int);
1977     pRet = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(pRc, nByte);
1978     if( pRet ){
1979       memcpy(pRet, pOrig, (size_t)nByte);
1980     }
1981   }else{
1982     pRet = 0;
1983   }
1984   return pRet;
1985 }
1987 /*
1988 ** Remove from colset pColset any columns that are not also in colset pMerge.
1989 */
fts5MergeColset(Fts5Colset * pColset,Fts5Colset * pMerge)1990 static void fts5MergeColset(Fts5Colset *pColset, Fts5Colset *pMerge){
1991   int iIn = 0;          /* Next input in pColset */
1992   int iMerge = 0;       /* Next input in pMerge */
1993   int iOut = 0;         /* Next output slot in pColset */
1995   while( iIn<pColset->nCol && iMerge<pMerge->nCol ){
1996     int iDiff = pColset->aiCol[iIn] - pMerge->aiCol[iMerge];
1997     if( iDiff==0 ){
1998       pColset->aiCol[iOut++] = pMerge->aiCol[iMerge];
1999       iMerge++;
2000       iIn++;
2001     }else if( iDiff>0 ){
2002       iMerge++;
2003     }else{
2004       iIn++;
2005     }
2006   }
2007   pColset->nCol = iOut;
2008 }
2010 /*
2011 ** Recursively apply colset pColset to expression node pNode and all of
2012 ** its decendents. If (*ppFree) is not NULL, it contains a spare copy
2013 ** of pColset. This function may use the spare copy and set (*ppFree) to
2014 ** zero, or it may create copies of pColset using fts5CloneColset().
2015 */
fts5ParseSetColset(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNode * pNode,Fts5Colset * pColset,Fts5Colset ** ppFree)2016 static void fts5ParseSetColset(
2017   Fts5Parse *pParse,
2018   Fts5ExprNode *pNode,
2019   Fts5Colset *pColset,
2020   Fts5Colset **ppFree
2021 ){
2022   if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2023     assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_TERM || pNode->eType==FTS5_STRING
2024          || pNode->eType==FTS5_AND  || pNode->eType==FTS5_OR
2025          || pNode->eType==FTS5_NOT  || pNode->eType==FTS5_EOF
2026     );
2027     if( pNode->eType==FTS5_STRING || pNode->eType==FTS5_TERM ){
2028       Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
2029       if( pNear->pColset ){
2030         fts5MergeColset(pNear->pColset, pColset);
2031         if( pNear->pColset->nCol==0 ){
2032           pNode->eType = FTS5_EOF;
2033           pNode->xNext = 0;
2034         }
2035       }else if( *ppFree ){
2036         pNear->pColset = pColset;
2037         *ppFree = 0;
2038       }else{
2039         pNear->pColset = fts5CloneColset(&pParse->rc, pColset);
2040       }
2041     }else{
2042       int i;
2043       assert( pNode->eType!=FTS5_EOF || pNode->nChild==0 );
2044       for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
2045         fts5ParseSetColset(pParse, pNode->apChild[i], pColset, ppFree);
2046       }
2047     }
2048   }
2049 }
2051 /*
2052 ** Apply colset pColset to expression node pExpr and all of its descendents.
2053 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseSetColset(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNode * pExpr,Fts5Colset * pColset)2054 void sqlite3Fts5ParseSetColset(
2055   Fts5Parse *pParse,
2056   Fts5ExprNode *pExpr,
2057   Fts5Colset *pColset
2058 ){
2059   Fts5Colset *pFree = pColset;
2060   if( pParse->pConfig->eDetail==FTS5_DETAIL_NONE ){
2061     pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
2062     pParse->zErr = sqlite3_mprintf(
2063       "fts5: column queries are not supported (detail=none)"
2064     );
2065   }else{
2066     fts5ParseSetColset(pParse, pExpr, pColset, &pFree);
2067   }
2068   sqlite3_free(pFree);
2069 }
fts5ExprAssignXNext(Fts5ExprNode * pNode)2071 static void fts5ExprAssignXNext(Fts5ExprNode *pNode){
2072   switch( pNode->eType ){
2073     case FTS5_STRING: {
2074       Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pNode->pNear;
2075       if( pNear->nPhrase==1 && pNear->apPhrase[0]->nTerm==1
2076        && pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0].pSynonym==0
2077        && pNear->apPhrase[0]->aTerm[0].bFirst==0
2078       ){
2079         pNode->eType = FTS5_TERM;
2080         pNode->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_TERM;
2081       }else{
2082         pNode->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_STRING;
2083       }
2084       break;
2085     };
2087     case FTS5_OR: {
2088       pNode->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_OR;
2089       break;
2090     };
2092     case FTS5_AND: {
2093       pNode->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_AND;
2094       break;
2095     };
2097     default: assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_NOT ); {
2098       pNode->xNext = fts5ExprNodeNext_NOT;
2099       break;
2100     };
2101   }
2102 }
fts5ExprAddChildren(Fts5ExprNode * p,Fts5ExprNode * pSub)2104 static void fts5ExprAddChildren(Fts5ExprNode *p, Fts5ExprNode *pSub){
2105   if( p->eType!=FTS5_NOT && pSub->eType==p->eType ){
2106     int nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprNode*) * pSub->nChild;
2107     memcpy(&p->apChild[p->nChild], pSub->apChild, nByte);
2108     p->nChild += pSub->nChild;
2109     sqlite3_free(pSub);
2110   }else{
2111     p->apChild[p->nChild++] = pSub;
2112   }
2113 }
2115 /*
2116 ** Allocate and return a new expression object. If anything goes wrong (i.e.
2117 ** OOM error), leave an error code in pParse and return NULL.
2118 */
sqlite3Fts5ParseNode(Fts5Parse * pParse,int eType,Fts5ExprNode * pLeft,Fts5ExprNode * pRight,Fts5ExprNearset * pNear)2119 Fts5ExprNode *sqlite3Fts5ParseNode(
2120   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Parse context */
2121   int eType,                      /* FTS5_STRING, AND, OR or NOT */
2122   Fts5ExprNode *pLeft,            /* Left hand child expression */
2123   Fts5ExprNode *pRight,           /* Right hand child expression */
2124   Fts5ExprNearset *pNear          /* For STRING expressions, the near cluster */
2125 ){
2126   Fts5ExprNode *pRet = 0;
2128   if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2129     int nChild = 0;               /* Number of children of returned node */
2130     sqlite3_int64 nByte;          /* Bytes of space to allocate for this node */
2132     assert( (eType!=FTS5_STRING && !pNear)
2133          || (eType==FTS5_STRING && !pLeft && !pRight)
2134     );
2135     if( eType==FTS5_STRING && pNear==0 ) return 0;
2136     if( eType!=FTS5_STRING && pLeft==0 ) return pRight;
2137     if( eType!=FTS5_STRING && pRight==0 ) return pLeft;
2139     if( eType==FTS5_NOT ){
2140       nChild = 2;
2141     }else if( eType==FTS5_AND || eType==FTS5_OR ){
2142       nChild = 2;
2143       if( pLeft->eType==eType ) nChild += pLeft->nChild-1;
2144       if( pRight->eType==eType ) nChild += pRight->nChild-1;
2145     }
2147     nByte = sizeof(Fts5ExprNode) + sizeof(Fts5ExprNode*)*(nChild-1);
2148     pRet = (Fts5ExprNode*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&pParse->rc, nByte);
2150     if( pRet ){
2151       pRet->eType = eType;
2152       pRet->pNear = pNear;
2153       fts5ExprAssignXNext(pRet);
2154       if( eType==FTS5_STRING ){
2155         int iPhrase;
2156         for(iPhrase=0; iPhrase<pNear->nPhrase; iPhrase++){
2157           pNear->apPhrase[iPhrase]->pNode = pRet;
2158           if( pNear->apPhrase[iPhrase]->nTerm==0 ){
2159             pRet->xNext = 0;
2160             pRet->eType = FTS5_EOF;
2161           }
2162         }
2164         if( pParse->pConfig->eDetail!=FTS5_DETAIL_FULL ){
2165           Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[0];
2166           if( pNear->nPhrase!=1
2167            || pPhrase->nTerm>1
2168            || (pPhrase->nTerm>0 && pPhrase->aTerm[0].bFirst)
2169           ){
2170             assert( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK );
2171             pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
2172             assert( pParse->zErr==0 );
2173             pParse->zErr = sqlite3_mprintf(
2174                 "fts5: %s queries are not supported (detail!=full)",
2175                 pNear->nPhrase==1 ? "phrase": "NEAR"
2176                 );
2177             sqlite3_free(pRet);
2178             pRet = 0;
2179           }
2180         }
2181       }else{
2182         fts5ExprAddChildren(pRet, pLeft);
2183         fts5ExprAddChildren(pRet, pRight);
2184       }
2185     }
2186   }
2188   if( pRet==0 ){
2189     assert( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
2190     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pLeft);
2191     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pRight);
2192     sqlite3Fts5ParseNearsetFree(pNear);
2193   }
2194   return pRet;
2195 }
sqlite3Fts5ParseImplicitAnd(Fts5Parse * pParse,Fts5ExprNode * pLeft,Fts5ExprNode * pRight)2197 Fts5ExprNode *sqlite3Fts5ParseImplicitAnd(
2198   Fts5Parse *pParse,              /* Parse context */
2199   Fts5ExprNode *pLeft,            /* Left hand child expression */
2200   Fts5ExprNode *pRight            /* Right hand child expression */
2201 ){
2202   Fts5ExprNode *pRet = 0;
2203   Fts5ExprNode *pPrev;
2205   if( pParse->rc ){
2206     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pLeft);
2207     sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pRight);
2208   }else{
2210     assert( pLeft->eType==FTS5_STRING
2211         || pLeft->eType==FTS5_TERM
2212         || pLeft->eType==FTS5_EOF
2213         || pLeft->eType==FTS5_AND
2214     );
2215     assert( pRight->eType==FTS5_STRING
2216         || pRight->eType==FTS5_TERM
2217         || pRight->eType==FTS5_EOF
2218     );
2220     if( pLeft->eType==FTS5_AND ){
2221       pPrev = pLeft->apChild[pLeft->nChild-1];
2222     }else{
2223       pPrev = pLeft;
2224     }
2225     assert( pPrev->eType==FTS5_STRING
2226         || pPrev->eType==FTS5_TERM
2227         || pPrev->eType==FTS5_EOF
2228         );
2230     if( pRight->eType==FTS5_EOF ){
2231       assert( pParse->apPhrase[pParse->nPhrase-1]==pRight->pNear->apPhrase[0] );
2232       sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pRight);
2233       pRet = pLeft;
2234       pParse->nPhrase--;
2235     }
2236     else if( pPrev->eType==FTS5_EOF ){
2237       Fts5ExprPhrase **ap;
2239       if( pPrev==pLeft ){
2240         pRet = pRight;
2241       }else{
2242         pLeft->apChild[pLeft->nChild-1] = pRight;
2243         pRet = pLeft;
2244       }
2246       ap = &pParse->apPhrase[pParse->nPhrase-1-pRight->pNear->nPhrase];
2247       assert( ap[0]==pPrev->pNear->apPhrase[0] );
2248       memmove(ap, &ap[1], sizeof(Fts5ExprPhrase*)*pRight->pNear->nPhrase);
2249       pParse->nPhrase--;
2251       sqlite3Fts5ParseNodeFree(pPrev);
2252     }
2253     else{
2254       pRet = sqlite3Fts5ParseNode(pParse, FTS5_AND, pLeft, pRight, 0);
2255     }
2256   }
2258   return pRet;
2259 }
fts5ExprTermPrint(Fts5ExprTerm * pTerm)2261 static char *fts5ExprTermPrint(Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm){
2262   sqlite3_int64 nByte = 0;
2263   Fts5ExprTerm *p;
2264   char *zQuoted;
2266   /* Determine the maximum amount of space required. */
2267   for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
2268     nByte += (int)strlen(pTerm->zTerm) * 2 + 3 + 2;
2269   }
2270   zQuoted = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
2272   if( zQuoted ){
2273     int i = 0;
2274     for(p=pTerm; p; p=p->pSynonym){
2275       char *zIn = p->zTerm;
2276       zQuoted[i++] = '"';
2277       while( *zIn ){
2278         if( *zIn=='"' ) zQuoted[i++] = '"';
2279         zQuoted[i++] = *zIn++;
2280       }
2281       zQuoted[i++] = '"';
2282       if( p->pSynonym ) zQuoted[i++] = '|';
2283     }
2284     if( pTerm->bPrefix ){
2285       zQuoted[i++] = ' ';
2286       zQuoted[i++] = '*';
2287     }
2288     zQuoted[i++] = '\0';
2289   }
2290   return zQuoted;
2291 }
fts5PrintfAppend(char * zApp,const char * zFmt,...)2293 static char *fts5PrintfAppend(char *zApp, const char *zFmt, ...){
2294   char *zNew;
2295   va_list ap;
2296   va_start(ap, zFmt);
2297   zNew = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
2298   va_end(ap);
2299   if( zApp && zNew ){
2300     char *zNew2 = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%s", zApp, zNew);
2301     sqlite3_free(zNew);
2302     zNew = zNew2;
2303   }
2304   sqlite3_free(zApp);
2305   return zNew;
2306 }
2308 /*
2309 ** Compose a tcl-readable representation of expression pExpr. Return a
2310 ** pointer to a buffer containing that representation. It is the
2311 ** responsibility of the caller to at some point free the buffer using
2312 ** sqlite3_free().
2313 */
fts5ExprPrintTcl(Fts5Config * pConfig,const char * zNearsetCmd,Fts5ExprNode * pExpr)2314 static char *fts5ExprPrintTcl(
2315   Fts5Config *pConfig,
2316   const char *zNearsetCmd,
2317   Fts5ExprNode *pExpr
2318 ){
2319   char *zRet = 0;
2320   if( pExpr->eType==FTS5_STRING || pExpr->eType==FTS5_TERM ){
2321     Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pExpr->pNear;
2322     int i;
2323     int iTerm;
2325     zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "%s ", zNearsetCmd);
2326     if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2327     if( pNear->pColset ){
2328       int *aiCol = pNear->pColset->aiCol;
2329       int nCol = pNear->pColset->nCol;
2330       if( nCol==1 ){
2331         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "-col %d ", aiCol[0]);
2332       }else{
2333         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "-col {%d", aiCol[0]);
2334         for(i=1; i<pNear->pColset->nCol; i++){
2335           zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, " %d", aiCol[i]);
2336         }
2337         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "} ");
2338       }
2339       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2340     }
2342     if( pNear->nPhrase>1 ){
2343       zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "-near %d ", pNear->nNear);
2344       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2345     }
2347     zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "--");
2348     if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2350     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
2351       Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
2353       zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, " {");
2354       for(iTerm=0; zRet && iTerm<pPhrase->nTerm; iTerm++){
2355         char *zTerm = pPhrase->aTerm[iTerm].zTerm;
2356         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "%s%s", iTerm==0?"":" ", zTerm);
2357         if( pPhrase->aTerm[iTerm].bPrefix ){
2358           zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "*");
2359         }
2360       }
2362       if( zRet ) zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "}");
2363       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2364     }
2366   }else{
2367     char const *zOp = 0;
2368     int i;
2369     switch( pExpr->eType ){
2370       case FTS5_AND: zOp = "AND"; break;
2371       case FTS5_NOT: zOp = "NOT"; break;
2372       default:
2373         assert( pExpr->eType==FTS5_OR );
2374         zOp = "OR";
2375         break;
2376     }
2378     zRet = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zOp);
2379     for(i=0; zRet && i<pExpr->nChild; i++){
2380       char *z = fts5ExprPrintTcl(pConfig, zNearsetCmd, pExpr->apChild[i]);
2381       if( !z ){
2382         sqlite3_free(zRet);
2383         zRet = 0;
2384       }else{
2385         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, " [%z]", z);
2386       }
2387     }
2388   }
2390   return zRet;
2391 }
fts5ExprPrint(Fts5Config * pConfig,Fts5ExprNode * pExpr)2393 static char *fts5ExprPrint(Fts5Config *pConfig, Fts5ExprNode *pExpr){
2394   char *zRet = 0;
2395   if( pExpr->eType==0 ){
2396     return sqlite3_mprintf("\"\"");
2397   }else
2398   if( pExpr->eType==FTS5_STRING || pExpr->eType==FTS5_TERM ){
2399     Fts5ExprNearset *pNear = pExpr->pNear;
2400     int i;
2401     int iTerm;
2403     if( pNear->pColset ){
2404       int iCol = pNear->pColset->aiCol[0];
2405       zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "%s : ", pConfig->azCol[iCol]);
2406       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2407     }
2409     if( pNear->nPhrase>1 ){
2410       zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "NEAR(");
2411       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2412     }
2414     for(i=0; i<pNear->nPhrase; i++){
2415       Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pNear->apPhrase[i];
2416       if( i!=0 ){
2417         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, " ");
2418         if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2419       }
2420       for(iTerm=0; iTerm<pPhrase->nTerm; iTerm++){
2421         char *zTerm = fts5ExprTermPrint(&pPhrase->aTerm[iTerm]);
2422         if( zTerm ){
2423           zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "%s%s", iTerm==0?"":" + ", zTerm);
2424           sqlite3_free(zTerm);
2425         }
2426         if( zTerm==0 || zRet==0 ){
2427           sqlite3_free(zRet);
2428           return 0;
2429         }
2430       }
2431     }
2433     if( pNear->nPhrase>1 ){
2434       zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, ", %d)", pNear->nNear);
2435       if( zRet==0 ) return 0;
2436     }
2438   }else{
2439     char const *zOp = 0;
2440     int i;
2442     switch( pExpr->eType ){
2443       case FTS5_AND: zOp = " AND "; break;
2444       case FTS5_NOT: zOp = " NOT "; break;
2445       default:
2446         assert( pExpr->eType==FTS5_OR );
2447         zOp = " OR ";
2448         break;
2449     }
2451     for(i=0; i<pExpr->nChild; i++){
2452       char *z = fts5ExprPrint(pConfig, pExpr->apChild[i]);
2453       if( z==0 ){
2454         sqlite3_free(zRet);
2455         zRet = 0;
2456       }else{
2457         int e = pExpr->apChild[i]->eType;
2458         int b = (e!=FTS5_STRING && e!=FTS5_TERM && e!=FTS5_EOF);
2459         zRet = fts5PrintfAppend(zRet, "%s%s%z%s",
2460             (i==0 ? "" : zOp),
2461             (b?"(":""), z, (b?")":"")
2462         );
2463       }
2464       if( zRet==0 ) break;
2465     }
2466   }
2468   return zRet;
2469 }
2471 /*
2472 ** The implementation of user-defined scalar functions fts5_expr() (bTcl==0)
2473 ** and fts5_expr_tcl() (bTcl!=0).
2474 */
fts5ExprFunction(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nArg,sqlite3_value ** apVal,int bTcl)2475 static void fts5ExprFunction(
2476   sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Function call context */
2477   int nArg,                       /* Number of args */
2478   sqlite3_value **apVal,          /* Function arguments */
2479   int bTcl
2480 ){
2481   Fts5Global *pGlobal = (Fts5Global*)sqlite3_user_data(pCtx);
2482   sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(pCtx);
2483   const char *zExpr = 0;
2484   char *zErr = 0;
2485   Fts5Expr *pExpr = 0;
2486   int rc;
2487   int i;
2489   const char **azConfig;          /* Array of arguments for Fts5Config */
2490   const char *zNearsetCmd = "nearset";
2491   int nConfig;                    /* Size of azConfig[] */
2492   Fts5Config *pConfig = 0;
2493   int iArg = 1;
2495   if( nArg<1 ){
2496     zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("wrong number of arguments to function %s",
2497         bTcl ? "fts5_expr_tcl" : "fts5_expr"
2498     );
2499     sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, zErr, -1);
2500     sqlite3_free(zErr);
2501     return;
2502   }
2504   if( bTcl && nArg>1 ){
2505     zNearsetCmd = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
2506     iArg = 2;
2507   }
2509   nConfig = 3 + (nArg-iArg);
2510   azConfig = (const char**)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(char*) * nConfig);
2511   if( azConfig==0 ){
2512     sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pCtx);
2513     return;
2514   }
2515   azConfig[0] = 0;
2516   azConfig[1] = "main";
2517   azConfig[2] = "tbl";
2518   for(i=3; iArg<nArg; iArg++){
2519     const char *z = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[iArg]);
2520     azConfig[i++] = (z ? z : "");
2521   }
2523   zExpr = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
2524   if( zExpr==0 ) zExpr = "";
2526   rc = sqlite3Fts5ConfigParse(pGlobal, db, nConfig, azConfig, &pConfig, &zErr);
2527   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2528     rc = sqlite3Fts5ExprNew(pConfig, pConfig->nCol, zExpr, &pExpr, &zErr);
2529   }
2530   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2531     char *zText;
2532     if( pExpr->pRoot->xNext==0 ){
2533       zText = sqlite3_mprintf("");
2534     }else if( bTcl ){
2535       zText = fts5ExprPrintTcl(pConfig, zNearsetCmd, pExpr->pRoot);
2536     }else{
2537       zText = fts5ExprPrint(pConfig, pExpr->pRoot);
2538     }
2539     if( zText==0 ){
2540       rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
2541     }else{
2542       sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, zText, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
2543       sqlite3_free(zText);
2544     }
2545   }
2547   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2548     if( zErr ){
2549       sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, zErr, -1);
2550       sqlite3_free(zErr);
2551     }else{
2552       sqlite3_result_error_code(pCtx, rc);
2553     }
2554   }
2555   sqlite3_free((void *)azConfig);
2556   sqlite3Fts5ConfigFree(pConfig);
2557   sqlite3Fts5ExprFree(pExpr);
2558 }
fts5ExprFunctionHr(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nArg,sqlite3_value ** apVal)2560 static void fts5ExprFunctionHr(
2561   sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Function call context */
2562   int nArg,                       /* Number of args */
2563   sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Function arguments */
2564 ){
2565   fts5ExprFunction(pCtx, nArg, apVal, 0);
2566 }
fts5ExprFunctionTcl(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nArg,sqlite3_value ** apVal)2567 static void fts5ExprFunctionTcl(
2568   sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Function call context */
2569   int nArg,                       /* Number of args */
2570   sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Function arguments */
2571 ){
2572   fts5ExprFunction(pCtx, nArg, apVal, 1);
2573 }
2575 /*
2576 ** The implementation of an SQLite user-defined-function that accepts a
2577 ** single integer as an argument. If the integer is an alpha-numeric
2578 ** unicode code point, 1 is returned. Otherwise 0.
2579 */
fts5ExprIsAlnum(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nArg,sqlite3_value ** apVal)2580 static void fts5ExprIsAlnum(
2581   sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Function call context */
2582   int nArg,                       /* Number of args */
2583   sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Function arguments */
2584 ){
2585   int iCode;
2586   u8 aArr[32];
2587   if( nArg!=1 ){
2588     sqlite3_result_error(pCtx,
2589         "wrong number of arguments to function fts5_isalnum", -1
2590     );
2591     return;
2592   }
2593   memset(aArr, 0, sizeof(aArr));
2594   sqlite3Fts5UnicodeCatParse("L*", aArr);
2595   sqlite3Fts5UnicodeCatParse("N*", aArr);
2596   sqlite3Fts5UnicodeCatParse("Co", aArr);
2597   iCode = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[0]);
2598   sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, aArr[sqlite3Fts5UnicodeCategory((u32)iCode)]);
2599 }
fts5ExprFold(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nArg,sqlite3_value ** apVal)2601 static void fts5ExprFold(
2602   sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Function call context */
2603   int nArg,                       /* Number of args */
2604   sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Function arguments */
2605 ){
2606   if( nArg!=1 && nArg!=2 ){
2607     sqlite3_result_error(pCtx,
2608         "wrong number of arguments to function fts5_fold", -1
2609     );
2610   }else{
2611     int iCode;
2612     int bRemoveDiacritics = 0;
2613     iCode = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[0]);
2614     if( nArg==2 ) bRemoveDiacritics = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[1]);
2615     sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, sqlite3Fts5UnicodeFold(iCode, bRemoveDiacritics));
2616   }
2617 }
2619 /*
2620 ** This is called during initialization to register the fts5_expr() scalar
2621 ** UDF with the SQLite handle passed as the only argument.
2622 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprInit(Fts5Global * pGlobal,sqlite3 * db)2623 int sqlite3Fts5ExprInit(Fts5Global *pGlobal, sqlite3 *db){
2624   struct Fts5ExprFunc {
2625     const char *z;
2626     void (*x)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
2627   } aFunc[] = {
2628     { "fts5_expr",     fts5ExprFunctionHr },
2629     { "fts5_expr_tcl", fts5ExprFunctionTcl },
2630     { "fts5_isalnum",  fts5ExprIsAlnum },
2631     { "fts5_fold",     fts5ExprFold },
2632   };
2633   int i;
2634   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
2635   void *pCtx = (void*)pGlobal;
2637   for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<ArraySize(aFunc); i++){
2638     struct Fts5ExprFunc *p = &aFunc[i];
2639     rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, p->z, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, pCtx, p->x, 0, 0);
2640   }
2642   /* Avoid warnings indicating that sqlite3Fts5ParserTrace() and
2643   ** sqlite3Fts5ParserFallback() are unused */
2644 #ifndef NDEBUG
2645   (void)sqlite3Fts5ParserTrace;
2646 #endif
2647   (void)sqlite3Fts5ParserFallback;
2649   return rc;
2650 }
2652 /*
2653 ** Return the number of phrases in expression pExpr.
2654 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseCount(Fts5Expr * pExpr)2655 int sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseCount(Fts5Expr *pExpr){
2656   return (pExpr ? pExpr->nPhrase : 0);
2657 }
2659 /*
2660 ** Return the number of terms in the iPhrase'th phrase in pExpr.
2661 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseSize(Fts5Expr * pExpr,int iPhrase)2662 int sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseSize(Fts5Expr *pExpr, int iPhrase){
2663   if( iPhrase<0 || iPhrase>=pExpr->nPhrase ) return 0;
2664   return pExpr->apExprPhrase[iPhrase]->nTerm;
2665 }
2667 /*
2668 ** This function is used to access the current position list for phrase
2669 ** iPhrase.
2670 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprPoslist(Fts5Expr * pExpr,int iPhrase,const u8 ** pa)2671 int sqlite3Fts5ExprPoslist(Fts5Expr *pExpr, int iPhrase, const u8 **pa){
2672   int nRet;
2673   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pExpr->apExprPhrase[iPhrase];
2674   Fts5ExprNode *pNode = pPhrase->pNode;
2675   if( pNode->bEof==0 && pNode->iRowid==pExpr->pRoot->iRowid ){
2676     *pa = pPhrase->poslist.p;
2677     nRet = pPhrase->poslist.n;
2678   }else{
2679     *pa = 0;
2680     nRet = 0;
2681   }
2682   return nRet;
2683 }
2685 struct Fts5PoslistPopulator {
2686   Fts5PoslistWriter writer;
2687   int bOk;                        /* True if ok to populate */
2688   int bMiss;
2689 };
sqlite3Fts5ExprClearPoslists(Fts5Expr * pExpr,int bLive)2691 Fts5PoslistPopulator *sqlite3Fts5ExprClearPoslists(Fts5Expr *pExpr, int bLive){
2692   Fts5PoslistPopulator *pRet;
2693   pRet = sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(Fts5PoslistPopulator)*pExpr->nPhrase);
2694   if( pRet ){
2695     int i;
2696     memset(pRet, 0, sizeof(Fts5PoslistPopulator)*pExpr->nPhrase);
2697     for(i=0; i<pExpr->nPhrase; i++){
2698       Fts5Buffer *pBuf = &pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->poslist;
2699       Fts5ExprNode *pNode = pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->pNode;
2700       assert( pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->nTerm==1 );
2701       if( bLive &&
2702           (pBuf->n==0 || pNode->iRowid!=pExpr->pRoot->iRowid || pNode->bEof)
2703       ){
2704         pRet[i].bMiss = 1;
2705       }else{
2706         pBuf->n = 0;
2707       }
2708     }
2709   }
2710   return pRet;
2711 }
2713 struct Fts5ExprCtx {
2714   Fts5Expr *pExpr;
2715   Fts5PoslistPopulator *aPopulator;
2716   i64 iOff;
2717 };
2718 typedef struct Fts5ExprCtx Fts5ExprCtx;
2720 /*
2721 ** TODO: Make this more efficient!
2722 */
fts5ExprColsetTest(Fts5Colset * pColset,int iCol)2723 static int fts5ExprColsetTest(Fts5Colset *pColset, int iCol){
2724   int i;
2725   for(i=0; i<pColset->nCol; i++){
2726     if( pColset->aiCol[i]==iCol ) return 1;
2727   }
2728   return 0;
2729 }
fts5ExprPopulatePoslistsCb(void * pCtx,int tflags,const char * pToken,int nToken,int iUnused1,int iUnused2)2731 static int fts5ExprPopulatePoslistsCb(
2732   void *pCtx,                /* Copy of 2nd argument to xTokenize() */
2733   int tflags,                /* Mask of FTS5_TOKEN_* flags */
2734   const char *pToken,        /* Pointer to buffer containing token */
2735   int nToken,                /* Size of token in bytes */
2736   int iUnused1,              /* Byte offset of token within input text */
2737   int iUnused2               /* Byte offset of end of token within input text */
2738 ){
2739   Fts5ExprCtx *p = (Fts5ExprCtx*)pCtx;
2740   Fts5Expr *pExpr = p->pExpr;
2741   int i;
2743   UNUSED_PARAM2(iUnused1, iUnused2);
2745   if( nToken>FTS5_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE ) nToken = FTS5_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE;
2746   if( (tflags & FTS5_TOKEN_COLOCATED)==0 ) p->iOff++;
2747   for(i=0; i<pExpr->nPhrase; i++){
2748     Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm;
2749     if( p->aPopulator[i].bOk==0 ) continue;
2750     for(pTerm=&pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->aTerm[0]; pTerm; pTerm=pTerm->pSynonym){
2751       int nTerm = (int)strlen(pTerm->zTerm);
2752       if( (nTerm==nToken || (nTerm<nToken && pTerm->bPrefix))
2753        && memcmp(pTerm->zTerm, pToken, nTerm)==0
2754       ){
2755         int rc = sqlite3Fts5PoslistWriterAppend(
2756             &pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->poslist, &p->aPopulator[i].writer, p->iOff
2757         );
2758         if( rc ) return rc;
2759         break;
2760       }
2761     }
2762   }
2763   return SQLITE_OK;
2764 }
sqlite3Fts5ExprPopulatePoslists(Fts5Config * pConfig,Fts5Expr * pExpr,Fts5PoslistPopulator * aPopulator,int iCol,const char * z,int n)2766 int sqlite3Fts5ExprPopulatePoslists(
2767   Fts5Config *pConfig,
2768   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
2769   Fts5PoslistPopulator *aPopulator,
2770   int iCol,
2771   const char *z, int n
2772 ){
2773   int i;
2774   Fts5ExprCtx sCtx;
2775   sCtx.pExpr = pExpr;
2776   sCtx.aPopulator = aPopulator;
2777   sCtx.iOff = (((i64)iCol) << 32) - 1;
2779   for(i=0; i<pExpr->nPhrase; i++){
2780     Fts5ExprNode *pNode = pExpr->apExprPhrase[i]->pNode;
2781     Fts5Colset *pColset = pNode->pNear->pColset;
2782     if( (pColset && 0==fts5ExprColsetTest(pColset, iCol))
2783      || aPopulator[i].bMiss
2784     ){
2785       aPopulator[i].bOk = 0;
2786     }else{
2787       aPopulator[i].bOk = 1;
2788     }
2789   }
2791   return sqlite3Fts5Tokenize(pConfig,
2792       FTS5_TOKENIZE_DOCUMENT, z, n, (void*)&sCtx, fts5ExprPopulatePoslistsCb
2793   );
2794 }
fts5ExprClearPoslists(Fts5ExprNode * pNode)2796 static void fts5ExprClearPoslists(Fts5ExprNode *pNode){
2797   if( pNode->eType==FTS5_TERM || pNode->eType==FTS5_STRING ){
2798     pNode->pNear->apPhrase[0]->poslist.n = 0;
2799   }else{
2800     int i;
2801     for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
2802       fts5ExprClearPoslists(pNode->apChild[i]);
2803     }
2804   }
2805 }
fts5ExprCheckPoslists(Fts5ExprNode * pNode,i64 iRowid)2807 static int fts5ExprCheckPoslists(Fts5ExprNode *pNode, i64 iRowid){
2808   pNode->iRowid = iRowid;
2809   pNode->bEof = 0;
2810   switch( pNode->eType ){
2811     case FTS5_TERM:
2812     case FTS5_STRING:
2813       return (pNode->pNear->apPhrase[0]->poslist.n>0);
2815     case FTS5_AND: {
2816       int i;
2817       for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
2818         if( fts5ExprCheckPoslists(pNode->apChild[i], iRowid)==0 ){
2819           fts5ExprClearPoslists(pNode);
2820           return 0;
2821         }
2822       }
2823       break;
2824     }
2826     case FTS5_OR: {
2827       int i;
2828       int bRet = 0;
2829       for(i=0; i<pNode->nChild; i++){
2830         if( fts5ExprCheckPoslists(pNode->apChild[i], iRowid) ){
2831           bRet = 1;
2832         }
2833       }
2834       return bRet;
2835     }
2837     default: {
2838       assert( pNode->eType==FTS5_NOT );
2839       if( 0==fts5ExprCheckPoslists(pNode->apChild[0], iRowid)
2840           || 0!=fts5ExprCheckPoslists(pNode->apChild[1], iRowid)
2841         ){
2842         fts5ExprClearPoslists(pNode);
2843         return 0;
2844       }
2845       break;
2846     }
2847   }
2848   return 1;
2849 }
sqlite3Fts5ExprCheckPoslists(Fts5Expr * pExpr,i64 iRowid)2851 void sqlite3Fts5ExprCheckPoslists(Fts5Expr *pExpr, i64 iRowid){
2852   fts5ExprCheckPoslists(pExpr->pRoot, iRowid);
2853 }
2855 /*
2856 ** This function is only called for detail=columns tables.
2857 */
sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseCollist(Fts5Expr * pExpr,int iPhrase,const u8 ** ppCollist,int * pnCollist)2858 int sqlite3Fts5ExprPhraseCollist(
2859   Fts5Expr *pExpr,
2860   int iPhrase,
2861   const u8 **ppCollist,
2862   int *pnCollist
2863 ){
2864   Fts5ExprPhrase *pPhrase = pExpr->apExprPhrase[iPhrase];
2865   Fts5ExprNode *pNode = pPhrase->pNode;
2866   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
2868   assert( iPhrase>=0 && iPhrase<pExpr->nPhrase );
2869   assert( pExpr->pConfig->eDetail==FTS5_DETAIL_COLUMNS );
2871   if( pNode->bEof==0
2872    && pNode->iRowid==pExpr->pRoot->iRowid
2873    && pPhrase->poslist.n>0
2874   ){
2875     Fts5ExprTerm *pTerm = &pPhrase->aTerm[0];
2876     if( pTerm->pSynonym ){
2877       Fts5Buffer *pBuf = (Fts5Buffer*)&pTerm->pSynonym[1];
2878       rc = fts5ExprSynonymList(
2879           pTerm, pNode->iRowid, pBuf, (u8**)ppCollist, pnCollist
2880       );
2881     }else{
2882       *ppCollist = pPhrase->aTerm[0].pIter->pData;
2883       *pnCollist = pPhrase->aTerm[0].pIter->nData;
2884     }
2885   }else{
2886     *ppCollist = 0;
2887     *pnCollist = 0;
2888   }
2890   return rc;
2891 }