1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef BASE_BIND_H_
6 #define BASE_BIND_H_
8 #include <utility>
10 #include "base/bind_internal.h"
12 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 // Usage documentation
14 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 //
16 // Overview:
17 // base::BindOnce() and base::BindRepeating() are helpers for creating
18 // base::OnceCallback and base::RepeatingCallback objects respectively.
19 //
20 // For a runnable object of n-arity, the base::Bind*() family allows partial
21 // application of the first m arguments. The remaining n - m arguments must be
22 // passed when invoking the callback with Run().
23 //
24 //   // The first argument is bound at callback creation; the remaining
25 //   // two must be passed when calling Run() on the callback object.
26 //   base::OnceCallback<void(int, long)> cb = base::BindOnce(
27 //       [](short x, int y, long z) { return x * y * z; }, 42);
28 //
29 // When binding to a method, the receiver object must also be specified at
30 // callback creation time. When Run() is invoked, the method will be invoked on
31 // the specified receiver object.
32 //
33 //   class C : public base::RefCounted<C> { void F(); };
34 //   auto instance = base::MakeRefCounted<C>();
35 //   auto cb = base::BindOnce(&C::F, instance);
36 //   cb.Run();  // Identical to instance->F()
37 //
38 // base::Bind is currently a type alias for base::BindRepeating(). In the
39 // future, we expect to flip this to default to base::BindOnce().
40 //
41 // See //docs/callback.md for the full documentation.
42 //
43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 // Implementation notes
45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 //
47 // If you're reading the implementation, before proceeding further, you should
48 // read the top comment of base/bind_internal.h for a definition of common
49 // terms and concepts.
51 namespace base {
53 namespace internal {
55 // IsOnceCallback<T> is a std::true_type if |T| is a OnceCallback.
56 template <typename T>
57 struct IsOnceCallback : std::false_type {};
59 template <typename Signature>
60 struct IsOnceCallback<OnceCallback<Signature>> : std::true_type {};
62 // Helper to assert that parameter |i| of type |Arg| can be bound, which means:
63 // - |Arg| can be retained internally as |Storage|.
64 // - |Arg| can be forwarded as |Unwrapped| to |Param|.
65 template <size_t i,
66           typename Arg,
67           typename Storage,
68           typename Unwrapped,
69           typename Param>
70 struct AssertConstructible {
71  private:
72   static constexpr bool param_is_forwardable =
73       std::is_constructible<Param, Unwrapped>::value;
74   // Unlike the check for binding into storage below, the check for
75   // forwardability drops the const qualifier for repeating callbacks. This is
76   // to try to catch instances where std::move()--which forwards as a const
77   // reference with repeating callbacks--is used instead of base::Passed().
78   static_assert(
79       param_is_forwardable ||
80           !std::is_constructible<Param, std::decay_t<Unwrapped>&&>::value,
81       "Bound argument |i| is move-only but will be forwarded by copy. "
82       "Ensure |Arg| is bound using base::Passed(), not std::move().");
83   static_assert(
84       param_is_forwardable,
85       "Bound argument |i| of type |Arg| cannot be forwarded as "
86       "|Unwrapped| to the bound functor, which declares it as |Param|.");
88   static constexpr bool arg_is_storable =
89       std::is_constructible<Storage, Arg>::value;
90   static_assert(arg_is_storable ||
91                     !std::is_constructible<Storage, std::decay_t<Arg>&&>::value,
92                 "Bound argument |i| is move-only but will be bound by copy. "
93                 "Ensure |Arg| is mutable and bound using std::move().");
94   static_assert(arg_is_storable,
95                 "Bound argument |i| of type |Arg| cannot be converted and "
96                 "bound as |Storage|.");
97 };
99 // Takes three same-length TypeLists, and applies AssertConstructible for each
100 // triples.
101 template <typename Index,
102           typename Args,
103           typename UnwrappedTypeList,
104           typename ParamsList>
105 struct AssertBindArgsValidity;
107 template <size_t... Ns,
108           typename... Args,
109           typename... Unwrapped,
110           typename... Params>
111 struct AssertBindArgsValidity<std::index_sequence<Ns...>,
112                               TypeList<Args...>,
113                               TypeList<Unwrapped...>,
114                               TypeList<Params...>>
115     : AssertConstructible<Ns, Args, std::decay_t<Args>, Unwrapped, Params>... {
116   static constexpr bool ok = true;
117 };
119 // The implementation of TransformToUnwrappedType below.
120 template <bool is_once, typename T>
121 struct TransformToUnwrappedTypeImpl;
123 template <typename T>
124 struct TransformToUnwrappedTypeImpl<true, T> {
125   using StoredType = std::decay_t<T>;
126   using ForwardType = StoredType&&;
127   using Unwrapped = decltype(Unwrap(std::declval<ForwardType>()));
128 };
130 template <typename T>
131 struct TransformToUnwrappedTypeImpl<false, T> {
132   using StoredType = std::decay_t<T>;
133   using ForwardType = const StoredType&;
134   using Unwrapped = decltype(Unwrap(std::declval<ForwardType>()));
135 };
137 // Transform |T| into `Unwrapped` type, which is passed to the target function.
138 // Example:
139 //   In is_once == true case,
140 //     `int&&` -> `int&&`,
141 //     `const int&` -> `int&&`,
142 //     `OwnedWrapper<int>&` -> `int*&&`.
143 //   In is_once == false case,
144 //     `int&&` -> `const int&`,
145 //     `const int&` -> `const int&`,
146 //     `OwnedWrapper<int>&` -> `int* const &`.
147 template <bool is_once, typename T>
148 using TransformToUnwrappedType =
149     typename TransformToUnwrappedTypeImpl<is_once, T>::Unwrapped;
151 // Transforms |Args| into `Unwrapped` types, and packs them into a TypeList.
152 // If |is_method| is true, tries to dereference the first argument to support
153 // smart pointers.
154 template <bool is_once, bool is_method, typename... Args>
155 struct MakeUnwrappedTypeListImpl {
156   using Type = TypeList<TransformToUnwrappedType<is_once, Args>...>;
157 };
159 // Performs special handling for this pointers.
160 // Example:
161 //   int* -> int*,
162 //   std::unique_ptr<int> -> int*.
163 template <bool is_once, typename Receiver, typename... Args>
164 struct MakeUnwrappedTypeListImpl<is_once, true, Receiver, Args...> {
165   using UnwrappedReceiver = TransformToUnwrappedType<is_once, Receiver>;
166   using Type = TypeList<decltype(&*std::declval<UnwrappedReceiver>()),
167                         TransformToUnwrappedType<is_once, Args>...>;
168 };
170 template <bool is_once, bool is_method, typename... Args>
171 using MakeUnwrappedTypeList =
172     typename MakeUnwrappedTypeListImpl<is_once, is_method, Args...>::Type;
174 }  // namespace internal
176 // Bind as OnceCallback.
177 template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
178 inline OnceCallback<MakeUnboundRunType<Functor, Args...>> BindOnce(
179     Functor&& functor,
180     Args&&... args) {
181   static_assert(!internal::IsOnceCallback<std::decay_t<Functor>>() ||
182                     (std::is_rvalue_reference<Functor&&>() &&
183                      !std::is_const<std::remove_reference_t<Functor>>()),
184                 "BindOnce requires non-const rvalue for OnceCallback binding."
185                 " I.e.: base::BindOnce(std::move(callback)).");
187   // This block checks if each |args| matches to the corresponding params of the
188   // target function. This check does not affect the behavior of Bind, but its
189   // error message should be more readable.
190   using Helper = internal::BindTypeHelper<Functor, Args...>;
191   using FunctorTraits = typename Helper::FunctorTraits;
192   using BoundArgsList = typename Helper::BoundArgsList;
193   using UnwrappedArgsList =
194       internal::MakeUnwrappedTypeList<true, FunctorTraits::is_method,
195                                       Args&&...>;
196   using BoundParamsList = typename Helper::BoundParamsList;
197   static_assert(internal::AssertBindArgsValidity<
198                     std::make_index_sequence<Helper::num_bounds>, BoundArgsList,
199                     UnwrappedArgsList, BoundParamsList>::ok,
200                 "The bound args need to be convertible to the target params.");
202   using BindState = internal::MakeBindStateType<Functor, Args...>;
203   using UnboundRunType = MakeUnboundRunType<Functor, Args...>;
204   using Invoker = internal::Invoker<BindState, UnboundRunType>;
205   using CallbackType = OnceCallback<UnboundRunType>;
207   // Store the invoke func into PolymorphicInvoke before casting it to
208   // InvokeFuncStorage, so that we can ensure its type matches to
209   // PolymorphicInvoke, to which CallbackType will cast back.
210   using PolymorphicInvoke = typename CallbackType::PolymorphicInvoke;
211   PolymorphicInvoke invoke_func = &Invoker::RunOnce;
213   using InvokeFuncStorage = internal::BindStateBase::InvokeFuncStorage;
214   return CallbackType(new BindState(
215       reinterpret_cast<InvokeFuncStorage>(invoke_func),
216       std::forward<Functor>(functor), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
217 }
219 // Bind as RepeatingCallback.
220 template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
221 inline RepeatingCallback<MakeUnboundRunType<Functor, Args...>> BindRepeating(
222     Functor&& functor,
223     Args&&... args) {
224   static_assert(
225       !internal::IsOnceCallback<std::decay_t<Functor>>(),
226       "BindRepeating cannot bind OnceCallback. Use BindOnce with std::move().");
228   // This block checks if each |args| matches to the corresponding params of the
229   // target function. This check does not affect the behavior of Bind, but its
230   // error message should be more readable.
231   using Helper = internal::BindTypeHelper<Functor, Args...>;
232   using FunctorTraits = typename Helper::FunctorTraits;
233   using BoundArgsList = typename Helper::BoundArgsList;
234   using UnwrappedArgsList =
235       internal::MakeUnwrappedTypeList<false, FunctorTraits::is_method,
236                                       Args&&...>;
237   using BoundParamsList = typename Helper::BoundParamsList;
238   static_assert(internal::AssertBindArgsValidity<
239                     std::make_index_sequence<Helper::num_bounds>, BoundArgsList,
240                     UnwrappedArgsList, BoundParamsList>::ok,
241                 "The bound args need to be convertible to the target params.");
243   using BindState = internal::MakeBindStateType<Functor, Args...>;
244   using UnboundRunType = MakeUnboundRunType<Functor, Args...>;
245   using Invoker = internal::Invoker<BindState, UnboundRunType>;
246   using CallbackType = RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>;
248   // Store the invoke func into PolymorphicInvoke before casting it to
249   // InvokeFuncStorage, so that we can ensure its type matches to
250   // PolymorphicInvoke, to which CallbackType will cast back.
251   using PolymorphicInvoke = typename CallbackType::PolymorphicInvoke;
252   PolymorphicInvoke invoke_func = &Invoker::Run;
254   using InvokeFuncStorage = internal::BindStateBase::InvokeFuncStorage;
255   return CallbackType(new BindState(
256       reinterpret_cast<InvokeFuncStorage>(invoke_func),
257       std::forward<Functor>(functor), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
258 }
260 // Unannotated Bind.
261 // TODO(tzik): Deprecate this and migrate to OnceCallback and
262 // RepeatingCallback, once they get ready.
263 template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
264 inline Callback<MakeUnboundRunType<Functor, Args...>> Bind(Functor&& functor,
265                                                            Args&&... args) {
266   return base::BindRepeating(std::forward<Functor>(functor),
267                              std::forward<Args>(args)...);
268 }
270 // Special cases for binding to a base::Callback without extra bound arguments.
271 template <typename Signature>
272 OnceCallback<Signature> BindOnce(OnceCallback<Signature> closure) {
273   return closure;
274 }
276 template <typename Signature>
277 RepeatingCallback<Signature> BindRepeating(
278     RepeatingCallback<Signature> closure) {
279   return closure;
280 }
282 template <typename Signature>
283 Callback<Signature> Bind(Callback<Signature> closure) {
284   return closure;
285 }
287 // Unretained() allows Bind() to bind a non-refcounted class, and to disable
288 // refcounting on arguments that are refcounted objects.
289 //
290 // EXAMPLE OF Unretained():
291 //
292 //   class Foo {
293 //    public:
294 //     void func() { cout << "Foo:f" << endl; }
295 //   };
296 //
297 //   // In some function somewhere.
298 //   Foo foo;
299 //   Closure foo_callback =
300 //       Bind(&Foo::func, Unretained(&foo));
301 //   foo_callback.Run();  // Prints "Foo:f".
302 //
303 // Without the Unretained() wrapper on |&foo|, the above call would fail
304 // to compile because Foo does not support the AddRef() and Release() methods.
305 template <typename T>
306 static inline internal::UnretainedWrapper<T> Unretained(T* o) {
307   return internal::UnretainedWrapper<T>(o);
308 }
310 // RetainedRef() accepts a ref counted object and retains a reference to it.
311 // When the callback is called, the object is passed as a raw pointer.
312 //
313 // EXAMPLE OF RetainedRef():
314 //
315 //    void foo(RefCountedBytes* bytes) {}
316 //
317 //    scoped_refptr<RefCountedBytes> bytes = ...;
318 //    Closure callback = Bind(&foo, base::RetainedRef(bytes));
319 //    callback.Run();
320 //
321 // Without RetainedRef, the scoped_refptr would try to implicitly convert to
322 // a raw pointer and fail compilation:
323 //
324 //    Closure callback = Bind(&foo, bytes); // ERROR!
325 template <typename T>
326 static inline internal::RetainedRefWrapper<T> RetainedRef(T* o) {
327   return internal::RetainedRefWrapper<T>(o);
328 }
329 template <typename T>
330 static inline internal::RetainedRefWrapper<T> RetainedRef(scoped_refptr<T> o) {
331   return internal::RetainedRefWrapper<T>(std::move(o));
332 }
334 // ConstRef() allows binding a constant reference to an argument rather
335 // than a copy.
336 //
337 // EXAMPLE OF ConstRef():
338 //
339 //   void foo(int arg) { cout << arg << endl }
340 //
341 //   int n = 1;
342 //   Closure no_ref = Bind(&foo, n);
343 //   Closure has_ref = Bind(&foo, ConstRef(n));
344 //
345 //   no_ref.Run();  // Prints "1"
346 //   has_ref.Run();  // Prints "1"
347 //
348 //   n = 2;
349 //   no_ref.Run();  // Prints "1"
350 //   has_ref.Run();  // Prints "2"
351 //
352 // Note that because ConstRef() takes a reference on |n|, |n| must outlive all
353 // its bound callbacks.
354 template <typename T>
355 static inline internal::ConstRefWrapper<T> ConstRef(const T& o) {
356   return internal::ConstRefWrapper<T>(o);
357 }
359 // Owned() transfers ownership of an object to the Callback resulting from
360 // bind; the object will be deleted when the Callback is deleted.
361 //
362 // EXAMPLE OF Owned():
363 //
364 //   void foo(int* arg) { cout << *arg << endl }
365 //
366 //   int* pn = new int(1);
367 //   Closure foo_callback = Bind(&foo, Owned(pn));
368 //
369 //   foo_callback.Run();  // Prints "1"
370 //   foo_callback.Run();  // Prints "1"
371 //   *n = 2;
372 //   foo_callback.Run();  // Prints "2"
373 //
374 //   foo_callback.Reset();  // |pn| is deleted.  Also will happen when
375 //                          // |foo_callback| goes out of scope.
376 //
377 // Without Owned(), someone would have to know to delete |pn| when the last
378 // reference to the Callback is deleted.
379 template <typename T>
380 static inline internal::OwnedWrapper<T> Owned(T* o) {
381   return internal::OwnedWrapper<T>(o);
382 }
384 // Passed() is for transferring movable-but-not-copyable types (eg. unique_ptr)
385 // through a Callback. Logically, this signifies a destructive transfer of
386 // the state of the argument into the target function.  Invoking
387 // Callback::Run() twice on a Callback that was created with a Passed()
388 // argument will CHECK() because the first invocation would have already
389 // transferred ownership to the target function.
390 //
391 // Note that Passed() is not necessary with BindOnce(), as std::move() does the
392 // same thing. Avoid Passed() in favor of std::move() with BindOnce().
393 //
394 // EXAMPLE OF Passed():
395 //
396 //   void TakesOwnership(std::unique_ptr<Foo> arg) { }
397 //   std::unique_ptr<Foo> CreateFoo() { return std::make_unique<Foo>();
398 //   }
399 //
400 //   auto f = std::make_unique<Foo>();
401 //
402 //   // |cb| is given ownership of Foo(). |f| is now NULL.
403 //   // You can use std::move(f) in place of &f, but it's more verbose.
404 //   Closure cb = Bind(&TakesOwnership, Passed(&f));
405 //
406 //   // Run was never called so |cb| still owns Foo() and deletes
407 //   // it on Reset().
408 //   cb.Reset();
409 //
410 //   // |cb| is given a new Foo created by CreateFoo().
411 //   cb = Bind(&TakesOwnership, Passed(CreateFoo()));
412 //
413 //   // |arg| in TakesOwnership() is given ownership of Foo(). |cb|
414 //   // no longer owns Foo() and, if reset, would not delete Foo().
415 //   cb.Run();  // Foo() is now transferred to |arg| and deleted.
416 //   cb.Run();  // This CHECK()s since Foo() already been used once.
417 //
418 // We offer 2 syntaxes for calling Passed().  The first takes an rvalue and
419 // is best suited for use with the return value of a function or other temporary
420 // rvalues. The second takes a pointer to the scoper and is just syntactic sugar
421 // to avoid having to write Passed(std::move(scoper)).
422 //
423 // Both versions of Passed() prevent T from being an lvalue reference. The first
424 // via use of enable_if, and the second takes a T* which will not bind to T&.
425 template <typename T,
426           std::enable_if_t<!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value>* = nullptr>
427 static inline internal::PassedWrapper<T> Passed(T&& scoper) {
428   return internal::PassedWrapper<T>(std::move(scoper));
429 }
430 template <typename T>
431 static inline internal::PassedWrapper<T> Passed(T* scoper) {
432   return internal::PassedWrapper<T>(std::move(*scoper));
433 }
435 // IgnoreResult() is used to adapt a function or Callback with a return type to
436 // one with a void return. This is most useful if you have a function with,
437 // say, a pesky ignorable bool return that you want to use with PostTask or
438 // something else that expect a Callback with a void return.
439 //
440 // EXAMPLE OF IgnoreResult():
441 //
442 //   int DoSomething(int arg) { cout << arg << endl; }
443 //
444 //   // Assign to a Callback with a void return type.
445 //   Callback<void(int)> cb = Bind(IgnoreResult(&DoSomething));
446 //   cb->Run(1);  // Prints "1".
447 //
448 //   // Prints "1" on |ml|.
449 //   ml->PostTask(FROM_HERE, Bind(IgnoreResult(&DoSomething), 1);
450 template <typename T>
451 static inline internal::IgnoreResultHelper<T> IgnoreResult(T data) {
452   return internal::IgnoreResultHelper<T>(std::move(data));
453 }
455 }  // namespace base
457 #endif  // BASE_BIND_H_