1 //! Parallel iterator types for `IndexMap` with [rayon](https://docs.rs/rayon/1.0/rayon).
2 //!
3 //! You will rarely need to interact with this module directly unless you need to name one of the
4 //! iterator types.
5 //!
6 //! Requires crate feature `"rayon"`
8 use super::collect;
9 use rayon::iter::plumbing::{Consumer, ProducerCallback, UnindexedConsumer};
10 use rayon::prelude::*;
12 use crate::vec::Vec;
13 use core::cmp::Ordering;
14 use core::fmt;
15 use core::hash::{BuildHasher, Hash};
17 use crate::Bucket;
18 use crate::Entries;
19 use crate::IndexMap;
21 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
22 impl<K, V, S> IntoParallelIterator for IndexMap<K, V, S>
23 where
24     K: Send,
25     V: Send,
26 {
27     type Item = (K, V);
28     type Iter = IntoParIter<K, V>;
into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter30     fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter {
31         IntoParIter {
32             entries: self.into_entries(),
33         }
34     }
35 }
37 /// A parallel owning iterator over the entries of a `IndexMap`.
38 ///
39 /// This `struct` is created by the [`into_par_iter`] method on [`IndexMap`]
40 /// (provided by rayon's `IntoParallelIterator` trait). See its documentation for more.
41 ///
42 /// [`into_par_iter`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.into_par_iter
43 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
44 pub struct IntoParIter<K, V> {
45     entries: Vec<Bucket<K, V>>,
46 }
48 impl<K: fmt::Debug, V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for IntoParIter<K, V> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result49     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
50         let iter = self.entries.iter().map(Bucket::refs);
51         f.debug_list().entries(iter).finish()
52     }
53 }
55 impl<K: Send, V: Send> ParallelIterator for IntoParIter<K, V> {
56     type Item = (K, V);
58     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::key_value);
59 }
61 impl<K: Send, V: Send> IndexedParallelIterator for IntoParIter<K, V> {
62     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::key_value);
63 }
65 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
66 impl<'a, K, V, S> IntoParallelIterator for &'a IndexMap<K, V, S>
67 where
68     K: Sync,
69     V: Sync,
70 {
71     type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);
72     type Iter = ParIter<'a, K, V>;
into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter74     fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter {
75         ParIter {
76             entries: self.as_entries(),
77         }
78     }
79 }
81 /// A parallel iterator over the entries of a `IndexMap`.
82 ///
83 /// This `struct` is created by the [`par_iter`] method on [`IndexMap`]
84 /// (provided by rayon's `IntoParallelRefIterator` trait). See its documentation for more.
85 ///
86 /// [`par_iter`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.par_iter
87 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
88 pub struct ParIter<'a, K, V> {
89     entries: &'a [Bucket<K, V>],
90 }
92 impl<K, V> Clone for ParIter<'_, K, V> {
clone(&self) -> Self93     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
94         ParIter { ..*self }
95     }
96 }
98 impl<K: fmt::Debug, V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for ParIter<'_, K, V> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result99     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
100         let iter = self.entries.iter().map(Bucket::refs);
101         f.debug_list().entries(iter).finish()
102     }
103 }
105 impl<'a, K: Sync, V: Sync> ParallelIterator for ParIter<'a, K, V> {
106     type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);
108     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::refs);
109 }
111 impl<K: Sync, V: Sync> IndexedParallelIterator for ParIter<'_, K, V> {
112     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::refs);
113 }
115 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
116 impl<'a, K, V, S> IntoParallelIterator for &'a mut IndexMap<K, V, S>
117 where
118     K: Sync + Send,
119     V: Send,
120 {
121     type Item = (&'a K, &'a mut V);
122     type Iter = ParIterMut<'a, K, V>;
into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter124     fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter {
125         ParIterMut {
126             entries: self.as_entries_mut(),
127         }
128     }
129 }
131 /// A parallel mutable iterator over the entries of a `IndexMap`.
132 ///
133 /// This `struct` is created by the [`par_iter_mut`] method on [`IndexMap`]
134 /// (provided by rayon's `IntoParallelRefMutIterator` trait). See its documentation for more.
135 ///
136 /// [`par_iter_mut`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.par_iter_mut
137 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
138 pub struct ParIterMut<'a, K, V> {
139     entries: &'a mut [Bucket<K, V>],
140 }
142 impl<'a, K: Sync + Send, V: Send> ParallelIterator for ParIterMut<'a, K, V> {
143     type Item = (&'a K, &'a mut V);
145     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::ref_mut);
146 }
148 impl<K: Sync + Send, V: Send> IndexedParallelIterator for ParIterMut<'_, K, V> {
149     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::ref_mut);
150 }
152 /// Parallel iterator methods and other parallel methods.
153 ///
154 /// The following methods **require crate feature `"rayon"`**.
155 ///
156 /// See also the `IntoParallelIterator` implementations.
157 impl<K, V, S> IndexMap<K, V, S>
158 where
159     K: Sync,
160     V: Sync,
161 {
162     /// Return a parallel iterator over the keys of the map.
163     ///
164     /// While parallel iterators can process items in any order, their relative order
165     /// in the map is still preserved for operations like `reduce` and `collect`.
par_keys(&self) -> ParKeys<'_, K, V>166     pub fn par_keys(&self) -> ParKeys<'_, K, V> {
167         ParKeys {
168             entries: self.as_entries(),
169         }
170     }
172     /// Return a parallel iterator over the values of the map.
173     ///
174     /// While parallel iterators can process items in any order, their relative order
175     /// in the map is still preserved for operations like `reduce` and `collect`.
par_values(&self) -> ParValues<'_, K, V>176     pub fn par_values(&self) -> ParValues<'_, K, V> {
177         ParValues {
178             entries: self.as_entries(),
179         }
180     }
181 }
183 impl<K, V, S> IndexMap<K, V, S>
184 where
185     K: Hash + Eq + Sync,
186     V: Sync,
187     S: BuildHasher,
188 {
189     /// Returns `true` if `self` contains all of the same key-value pairs as `other`,
190     /// regardless of each map's indexed order, determined in parallel.
par_eq<V2, S2>(&self, other: &IndexMap<K, V2, S2>) -> bool where V: PartialEq<V2>, V2: Sync, S2: BuildHasher + Sync,191     pub fn par_eq<V2, S2>(&self, other: &IndexMap<K, V2, S2>) -> bool
192     where
193         V: PartialEq<V2>,
194         V2: Sync,
195         S2: BuildHasher + Sync,
196     {
197         self.len() == other.len()
198             && self
199                 .par_iter()
200                 .all(move |(key, value)| other.get(key).map_or(false, |v| *value == *v))
201     }
202 }
204 /// A parallel iterator over the keys of a `IndexMap`.
205 ///
206 /// This `struct` is created by the [`par_keys`] method on [`IndexMap`]. See its
207 /// documentation for more.
208 ///
209 /// [`par_keys`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.par_keys
210 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
211 pub struct ParKeys<'a, K, V> {
212     entries: &'a [Bucket<K, V>],
213 }
215 impl<K, V> Clone for ParKeys<'_, K, V> {
clone(&self) -> Self216     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
217         ParKeys { ..*self }
218     }
219 }
221 impl<K: fmt::Debug, V> fmt::Debug for ParKeys<'_, K, V> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result222     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
223         let iter = self.entries.iter().map(Bucket::key_ref);
224         f.debug_list().entries(iter).finish()
225     }
226 }
228 impl<'a, K: Sync, V: Sync> ParallelIterator for ParKeys<'a, K, V> {
229     type Item = &'a K;
231     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::key_ref);
232 }
234 impl<K: Sync, V: Sync> IndexedParallelIterator for ParKeys<'_, K, V> {
235     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::key_ref);
236 }
238 /// A parallel iterator over the values of a `IndexMap`.
239 ///
240 /// This `struct` is created by the [`par_values`] method on [`IndexMap`]. See its
241 /// documentation for more.
242 ///
243 /// [`par_values`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.par_values
244 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
245 pub struct ParValues<'a, K, V> {
246     entries: &'a [Bucket<K, V>],
247 }
249 impl<K, V> Clone for ParValues<'_, K, V> {
clone(&self) -> Self250     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
251         ParValues { ..*self }
252     }
253 }
255 impl<K, V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for ParValues<'_, K, V> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result256     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
257         let iter = self.entries.iter().map(Bucket::value_ref);
258         f.debug_list().entries(iter).finish()
259     }
260 }
262 impl<'a, K: Sync, V: Sync> ParallelIterator for ParValues<'a, K, V> {
263     type Item = &'a V;
265     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::value_ref);
266 }
268 impl<K: Sync, V: Sync> IndexedParallelIterator for ParValues<'_, K, V> {
269     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::value_ref);
270 }
272 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
273 impl<K, V, S> IndexMap<K, V, S>
274 where
275     K: Send,
276     V: Send,
277 {
278     /// Return a parallel iterator over mutable references to the the values of the map
279     ///
280     /// While parallel iterators can process items in any order, their relative order
281     /// in the map is still preserved for operations like `reduce` and `collect`.
par_values_mut(&mut self) -> ParValuesMut<'_, K, V>282     pub fn par_values_mut(&mut self) -> ParValuesMut<'_, K, V> {
283         ParValuesMut {
284             entries: self.as_entries_mut(),
285         }
286     }
287 }
289 impl<K, V, S> IndexMap<K, V, S>
290 where
291     K: Hash + Eq + Send,
292     V: Send,
293     S: BuildHasher,
294 {
295     /// Sort the map’s key-value pairs in parallel, by the default ordering of the keys.
par_sort_keys(&mut self) where K: Ord,296     pub fn par_sort_keys(&mut self)
297     where
298         K: Ord,
299     {
300         self.with_entries(|entries| {
301             entries.par_sort_by(|a, b| K::cmp(&a.key, &b.key));
302         });
303     }
305     /// Sort the map’s key-value pairs in place and in parallel, using the comparison
306     /// function `compare`.
307     ///
308     /// The comparison function receives two key and value pairs to compare (you
309     /// can sort by keys or values or their combination as needed).
par_sort_by<F>(&mut self, cmp: F) where F: Fn(&K, &V, &K, &V) -> Ordering + Sync,310     pub fn par_sort_by<F>(&mut self, cmp: F)
311     where
312         F: Fn(&K, &V, &K, &V) -> Ordering + Sync,
313     {
314         self.with_entries(|entries| {
315             entries.par_sort_by(move |a, b| cmp(&a.key, &a.value, &b.key, &b.value));
316         });
317     }
319     /// Sort the key-value pairs of the map in parallel and return a by value parallel
320     /// iterator of the key-value pairs with the result.
par_sorted_by<F>(self, cmp: F) -> IntoParIter<K, V> where F: Fn(&K, &V, &K, &V) -> Ordering + Sync,321     pub fn par_sorted_by<F>(self, cmp: F) -> IntoParIter<K, V>
322     where
323         F: Fn(&K, &V, &K, &V) -> Ordering + Sync,
324     {
325         let mut entries = self.into_entries();
326         entries.par_sort_by(move |a, b| cmp(&a.key, &a.value, &b.key, &b.value));
327         IntoParIter { entries }
328     }
329 }
331 /// A parallel mutable iterator over the values of a `IndexMap`.
332 ///
333 /// This `struct` is created by the [`par_values_mut`] method on [`IndexMap`]. See its
334 /// documentation for more.
335 ///
336 /// [`par_values_mut`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html#method.par_values_mut
337 /// [`IndexMap`]: ../struct.IndexMap.html
338 pub struct ParValuesMut<'a, K, V> {
339     entries: &'a mut [Bucket<K, V>],
340 }
342 impl<'a, K: Send, V: Send> ParallelIterator for ParValuesMut<'a, K, V> {
343     type Item = &'a mut V;
345     parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::value_mut);
346 }
348 impl<K: Send, V: Send> IndexedParallelIterator for ParValuesMut<'_, K, V> {
349     indexed_parallel_iterator_methods!(Bucket::value_mut);
350 }
352 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
353 impl<K, V, S> FromParallelIterator<(K, V)> for IndexMap<K, V, S>
354 where
355     K: Eq + Hash + Send,
356     V: Send,
357     S: BuildHasher + Default + Send,
358 {
from_par_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Self where I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (K, V)>,359     fn from_par_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Self
360     where
361         I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (K, V)>,
362     {
363         let list = collect(iter);
364         let len = list.iter().map(Vec::len).sum();
365         let mut map = Self::with_capacity_and_hasher(len, S::default());
366         for vec in list {
367             map.extend(vec);
368         }
369         map
370     }
371 }
373 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
374 impl<K, V, S> ParallelExtend<(K, V)> for IndexMap<K, V, S>
375 where
376     K: Eq + Hash + Send,
377     V: Send,
378     S: BuildHasher + Send,
379 {
par_extend<I>(&mut self, iter: I) where I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (K, V)>,380     fn par_extend<I>(&mut self, iter: I)
381     where
382         I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (K, V)>,
383     {
384         for vec in collect(iter) {
385             self.extend(vec);
386         }
387     }
388 }
390 /// Requires crate feature `"rayon"`.
391 impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a, S> ParallelExtend<(&'a K, &'a V)> for IndexMap<K, V, S>
392 where
393     K: Copy + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync,
394     V: Copy + Send + Sync,
395     S: BuildHasher + Send,
396 {
par_extend<I>(&mut self, iter: I) where I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a V)>,397     fn par_extend<I>(&mut self, iter: I)
398     where
399         I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a V)>,
400     {
401         for vec in collect(iter) {
402             self.extend(vec);
403         }
404     }
405 }
407 #[cfg(test)]
408 mod tests {
409     use super::*;
410     use std::string::String;
412     #[test]
insert_order()413     fn insert_order() {
414         let insert = [0, 4, 2, 12, 8, 7, 11, 5, 3, 17, 19, 22, 23];
415         let mut map = IndexMap::new();
417         for &elt in &insert {
418             map.insert(elt, ());
419         }
421         assert_eq!(map.par_keys().count(), map.len());
422         assert_eq!(map.par_keys().count(), insert.len());
423         insert.par_iter().zip(map.par_keys()).for_each(|(a, b)| {
424             assert_eq!(a, b);
425         });
426         (0..insert.len())
427             .into_par_iter()
428             .zip(map.par_keys())
429             .for_each(|(i, k)| {
430                 assert_eq!(map.get_index(i).unwrap().0, k);
431             });
432     }
434     #[test]
partial_eq_and_eq()435     fn partial_eq_and_eq() {
436         let mut map_a = IndexMap::new();
437         map_a.insert(1, "1");
438         map_a.insert(2, "2");
439         let mut map_b = map_a.clone();
440         assert!(map_a.par_eq(&map_b));
441         map_b.swap_remove(&1);
442         assert!(!map_a.par_eq(&map_b));
443         map_b.insert(3, "3");
444         assert!(!map_a.par_eq(&map_b));
446         let map_c: IndexMap<_, String> =
447             map_b.into_par_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.into())).collect();
448         assert!(!map_a.par_eq(&map_c));
449         assert!(!map_c.par_eq(&map_a));
450     }
452     #[test]
extend()453     fn extend() {
454         let mut map = IndexMap::new();
455         map.par_extend(vec![(&1, &2), (&3, &4)]);
456         map.par_extend(vec![(5, 6)]);
457         assert_eq!(
458             map.into_par_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
459             vec![(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
460         );
461     }
463     #[test]
keys()464     fn keys() {
465         let vec = vec![(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')];
466         let map: IndexMap<_, _> = vec.into_par_iter().collect();
467         let keys: Vec<_> = map.par_keys().cloned().collect();
468         assert_eq!(keys.len(), 3);
469         assert!(keys.contains(&1));
470         assert!(keys.contains(&2));
471         assert!(keys.contains(&3));
472     }
474     #[test]
values()475     fn values() {
476         let vec = vec![(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')];
477         let map: IndexMap<_, _> = vec.into_par_iter().collect();
478         let values: Vec<_> = map.par_values().cloned().collect();
479         assert_eq!(values.len(), 3);
480         assert!(values.contains(&'a'));
481         assert!(values.contains(&'b'));
482         assert!(values.contains(&'c'));
483     }
485     #[test]
values_mut()486     fn values_mut() {
487         let vec = vec![(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)];
488         let mut map: IndexMap<_, _> = vec.into_par_iter().collect();
489         map.par_values_mut().for_each(|value| *value *= 2);
490         let values: Vec<_> = map.par_values().cloned().collect();
491         assert_eq!(values.len(), 3);
492         assert!(values.contains(&2));
493         assert!(values.contains(&4));
494         assert!(values.contains(&6));
495     }
496 }