1// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package storage
17import (
18	"bytes"
19	"crypto"
20	"crypto/rand"
21	"crypto/rsa"
22	"crypto/sha256"
23	"crypto/x509"
24	"encoding/base64"
25	"encoding/pem"
26	"errors"
27	"fmt"
28	"io"
29	"io/ioutil"
30	"net/http"
31	"net/url"
32	"reflect"
33	"strconv"
34	"strings"
35	"time"
36	"unicode/utf8"
38	"google.golang.org/api/option"
39	htransport "google.golang.org/api/transport/http"
41	"cloud.google.com/go/internal/optional"
42	"cloud.google.com/go/internal/version"
43	"golang.org/x/net/context"
44	"google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
45	raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
48var (
49	ErrBucketNotExist = errors.New("storage: bucket doesn't exist")
50	ErrObjectNotExist = errors.New("storage: object doesn't exist")
53const userAgent = "gcloud-golang-storage/20151204"
55const (
56	// ScopeFullControl grants permissions to manage your
57	// data and permissions in Google Cloud Storage.
58	ScopeFullControl = raw.DevstorageFullControlScope
60	// ScopeReadOnly grants permissions to
61	// view your data in Google Cloud Storage.
62	ScopeReadOnly = raw.DevstorageReadOnlyScope
64	// ScopeReadWrite grants permissions to manage your
65	// data in Google Cloud Storage.
66	ScopeReadWrite = raw.DevstorageReadWriteScope
69var xGoogHeader = fmt.Sprintf("gl-go/%s gccl/%s", version.Go(), version.Repo)
71func setClientHeader(headers http.Header) {
72	headers.Set("x-goog-api-client", xGoogHeader)
75// Client is a client for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.
77// Clients should be reused instead of created as needed.
78// The methods of Client are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
79type Client struct {
80	hc  *http.Client
81	raw *raw.Service
84// NewClient creates a new Google Cloud Storage client.
85// The default scope is ScopeFullControl. To use a different scope, like ScopeReadOnly, use option.WithScopes.
86func NewClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*Client, error) {
87	o := []option.ClientOption{
88		option.WithScopes(ScopeFullControl),
89		option.WithUserAgent(userAgent),
90	}
91	opts = append(o, opts...)
92	hc, ep, err := htransport.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
93	if err != nil {
94		return nil, fmt.Errorf("dialing: %v", err)
95	}
96	rawService, err := raw.New(hc)
97	if err != nil {
98		return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage client: %v", err)
99	}
100	if ep != "" {
101		rawService.BasePath = ep
102	}
103	return &Client{
104		hc:  hc,
105		raw: rawService,
106	}, nil
109// Close closes the Client.
111// Close need not be called at program exit.
112func (c *Client) Close() error {
113	// Set fields to nil so that subsequent uses
114	// will panic.
115	c.hc = nil
116	c.raw = nil
117	return nil
120// SignedURLOptions allows you to restrict the access to the signed URL.
121type SignedURLOptions struct {
122	// GoogleAccessID represents the authorizer of the signed URL generation.
123	// It is typically the Google service account client email address from
124	// the Google Developers Console in the form of "xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com".
125	// Required.
126	GoogleAccessID string
128	// PrivateKey is the Google service account private key. It is obtainable
129	// from the Google Developers Console.
130	// At https://console.developers.google.com/project/<your-project-id>/apiui/credential,
131	// create a service account client ID or reuse one of your existing service account
132	// credentials. Click on the "Generate new P12 key" to generate and download
133	// a new private key. Once you download the P12 file, use the following command
134	// to convert it into a PEM file.
135	//
136	//    $ openssl pkcs12 -in key.p12 -passin pass:notasecret -out key.pem -nodes
137	//
138	// Provide the contents of the PEM file as a byte slice.
139	// Exactly one of PrivateKey or SignBytes must be non-nil.
140	PrivateKey []byte
142	// SignBytes is a function for implementing custom signing.
143	// If your application is running on Google App Engine, you can use appengine's internal signing function:
144	//     ctx := appengine.NewContext(request)
145	//     acc, _ := appengine.ServiceAccount(ctx)
146	//     url, err := SignedURL("bucket", "object", &SignedURLOptions{
147	//     	GoogleAccessID: acc,
148	//     	SignBytes: func(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
149	//     		_, signedBytes, err := appengine.SignBytes(ctx, b)
150	//     		return signedBytes, err
151	//     	},
152	//     	// etc.
153	//     })
154	//
155	// Exactly one of PrivateKey or SignBytes must be non-nil.
156	SignBytes func([]byte) ([]byte, error)
158	// Method is the HTTP method to be used with the signed URL.
159	// Signed URLs can be used with GET, HEAD, PUT, and DELETE requests.
160	// Required.
161	Method string
163	// Expires is the expiration time on the signed URL. It must be
164	// a datetime in the future.
165	// Required.
166	Expires time.Time
168	// ContentType is the content type header the client must provide
169	// to use the generated signed URL.
170	// Optional.
171	ContentType string
173	// Headers is a list of extension headers the client must provide
174	// in order to use the generated signed URL.
175	// Optional.
176	Headers []string
178	// MD5 is the base64 encoded MD5 checksum of the file.
179	// If provided, the client should provide the exact value on the request
180	// header in order to use the signed URL.
181	// Optional.
182	MD5 string
185// SignedURL returns a URL for the specified object. Signed URLs allow
186// the users access to a restricted resource for a limited time without having a
187// Google account or signing in. For more information about the signed
188// URLs, see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/accesscontrol#Signed-URLs.
189func SignedURL(bucket, name string, opts *SignedURLOptions) (string, error) {
190	if opts == nil {
191		return "", errors.New("storage: missing required SignedURLOptions")
192	}
193	if opts.GoogleAccessID == "" {
194		return "", errors.New("storage: missing required GoogleAccessID")
195	}
196	if (opts.PrivateKey == nil) == (opts.SignBytes == nil) {
197		return "", errors.New("storage: exactly one of PrivateKey or SignedBytes must be set")
198	}
199	if opts.Method == "" {
200		return "", errors.New("storage: missing required method option")
201	}
202	if opts.Expires.IsZero() {
203		return "", errors.New("storage: missing required expires option")
204	}
205	if opts.MD5 != "" {
206		md5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(opts.MD5)
207		if err != nil || len(md5) != 16 {
208			return "", errors.New("storage: invalid MD5 checksum")
209		}
210	}
212	signBytes := opts.SignBytes
213	if opts.PrivateKey != nil {
214		key, err := parseKey(opts.PrivateKey)
215		if err != nil {
216			return "", err
217		}
218		signBytes = func(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
219			sum := sha256.Sum256(b)
220			return rsa.SignPKCS1v15(
221				rand.Reader,
222				key,
223				crypto.SHA256,
224				sum[:],
225			)
226		}
227	}
229	u := &url.URL{
230		Path: fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucket, name),
231	}
233	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
234	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\n", opts.Method)
235	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\n", opts.MD5)
236	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\n", opts.ContentType)
237	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d\n", opts.Expires.Unix())
238	if len(opts.Headers) > 0 {
239		fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\n", strings.Join(opts.Headers, "\n"))
240	}
241	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s", u.String())
243	b, err := signBytes(buf.Bytes())
244	if err != nil {
245		return "", err
246	}
247	encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b)
248	u.Scheme = "https"
249	u.Host = "storage.googleapis.com"
250	q := u.Query()
251	q.Set("GoogleAccessId", opts.GoogleAccessID)
252	q.Set("Expires", fmt.Sprintf("%d", opts.Expires.Unix()))
253	q.Set("Signature", string(encoded))
254	u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
255	return u.String(), nil
258// ObjectHandle provides operations on an object in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
259// Use BucketHandle.Object to get a handle.
260type ObjectHandle struct {
261	c              *Client
262	bucket         string
263	object         string
264	acl            ACLHandle
265	gen            int64 // a negative value indicates latest
266	conds          *Conditions
267	encryptionKey  []byte // AES-256 key
268	userProject    string // for requester-pays buckets
269	readCompressed bool   // Accept-Encoding: gzip
272// ACL provides access to the object's access control list.
273// This controls who can read and write this object.
274// This call does not perform any network operations.
275func (o *ObjectHandle) ACL() *ACLHandle {
276	return &o.acl
279// Generation returns a new ObjectHandle that operates on a specific generation
280// of the object.
281// By default, the handle operates on the latest generation. Not
282// all operations work when given a specific generation; check the API
283// endpoints at https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/ for details.
284func (o *ObjectHandle) Generation(gen int64) *ObjectHandle {
285	o2 := *o
286	o2.gen = gen
287	return &o2
290// If returns a new ObjectHandle that applies a set of preconditions.
291// Preconditions already set on the ObjectHandle are ignored.
292// Operations on the new handle will only occur if the preconditions are
293// satisfied. See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/generations-preconditions
294// for more details.
295func (o *ObjectHandle) If(conds Conditions) *ObjectHandle {
296	o2 := *o
297	o2.conds = &conds
298	return &o2
301// Key returns a new ObjectHandle that uses the supplied encryption
302// key to encrypt and decrypt the object's contents.
304// Encryption key must be a 32-byte AES-256 key.
305// See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/encryption for details.
306func (o *ObjectHandle) Key(encryptionKey []byte) *ObjectHandle {
307	o2 := *o
308	o2.encryptionKey = encryptionKey
309	return &o2
312// Attrs returns meta information about the object.
313// ErrObjectNotExist will be returned if the object is not found.
314func (o *ObjectHandle) Attrs(ctx context.Context) (*ObjectAttrs, error) {
315	if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
316		return nil, err
317	}
318	call := o.c.raw.Objects.Get(o.bucket, o.object).Projection("full").Context(ctx)
319	if err := applyConds("Attrs", o.gen, o.conds, call); err != nil {
320		return nil, err
321	}
322	if o.userProject != "" {
323		call.UserProject(o.userProject)
324	}
325	if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
326		return nil, err
327	}
328	var obj *raw.Object
329	var err error
330	setClientHeader(call.Header())
331	err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { obj, err = call.Do(); return err })
332	if e, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && e.Code == http.StatusNotFound {
333		return nil, ErrObjectNotExist
334	}
335	if err != nil {
336		return nil, err
337	}
338	return newObject(obj), nil
341// Update updates an object with the provided attributes.
342// All zero-value attributes are ignored.
343// ErrObjectNotExist will be returned if the object is not found.
344func (o *ObjectHandle) Update(ctx context.Context, uattrs ObjectAttrsToUpdate) (*ObjectAttrs, error) {
345	if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
346		return nil, err
347	}
348	var attrs ObjectAttrs
349	// Lists of fields to send, and set to null, in the JSON.
350	var forceSendFields, nullFields []string
351	if uattrs.ContentType != nil {
352		attrs.ContentType = optional.ToString(uattrs.ContentType)
353		// For ContentType, sending the empty string is a no-op.
354		// Instead we send a null.
355		if attrs.ContentType == "" {
356			nullFields = append(nullFields, "ContentType")
357		} else {
358			forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "ContentType")
359		}
360	}
361	if uattrs.ContentLanguage != nil {
362		attrs.ContentLanguage = optional.ToString(uattrs.ContentLanguage)
363		// For ContentLanguage it's an error to send the empty string.
364		// Instead we send a null.
365		if attrs.ContentLanguage == "" {
366			nullFields = append(nullFields, "ContentLanguage")
367		} else {
368			forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "ContentLanguage")
369		}
370	}
371	if uattrs.ContentEncoding != nil {
372		attrs.ContentEncoding = optional.ToString(uattrs.ContentEncoding)
373		forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "ContentEncoding")
374	}
375	if uattrs.ContentDisposition != nil {
376		attrs.ContentDisposition = optional.ToString(uattrs.ContentDisposition)
377		forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "ContentDisposition")
378	}
379	if uattrs.CacheControl != nil {
380		attrs.CacheControl = optional.ToString(uattrs.CacheControl)
381		forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "CacheControl")
382	}
383	if uattrs.Metadata != nil {
384		attrs.Metadata = uattrs.Metadata
385		if len(attrs.Metadata) == 0 {
386			// Sending the empty map is a no-op. We send null instead.
387			nullFields = append(nullFields, "Metadata")
388		} else {
389			forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "Metadata")
390		}
391	}
392	if uattrs.ACL != nil {
393		attrs.ACL = uattrs.ACL
394		// It's an error to attempt to delete the ACL, so
395		// we don't append to nullFields here.
396		forceSendFields = append(forceSendFields, "Acl")
397	}
398	rawObj := attrs.toRawObject(o.bucket)
399	rawObj.ForceSendFields = forceSendFields
400	rawObj.NullFields = nullFields
401	call := o.c.raw.Objects.Patch(o.bucket, o.object, rawObj).Projection("full").Context(ctx)
402	if err := applyConds("Update", o.gen, o.conds, call); err != nil {
403		return nil, err
404	}
405	if o.userProject != "" {
406		call.UserProject(o.userProject)
407	}
408	if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
409		return nil, err
410	}
411	var obj *raw.Object
412	var err error
413	setClientHeader(call.Header())
414	err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { obj, err = call.Do(); return err })
415	if e, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && e.Code == http.StatusNotFound {
416		return nil, ErrObjectNotExist
417	}
418	if err != nil {
419		return nil, err
420	}
421	return newObject(obj), nil
424// ObjectAttrsToUpdate is used to update the attributes of an object.
425// Only fields set to non-nil values will be updated.
426// Set a field to its zero value to delete it.
428// For example, to change ContentType and delete ContentEncoding and
429// Metadata, use
430//    ObjectAttrsToUpdate{
431//        ContentType: "text/html",
432//        ContentEncoding: "",
433//        Metadata: map[string]string{},
434//    }
435type ObjectAttrsToUpdate struct {
436	ContentType        optional.String
437	ContentLanguage    optional.String
438	ContentEncoding    optional.String
439	ContentDisposition optional.String
440	CacheControl       optional.String
441	Metadata           map[string]string // set to map[string]string{} to delete
442	ACL                []ACLRule
445// Delete deletes the single specified object.
446func (o *ObjectHandle) Delete(ctx context.Context) error {
447	if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
448		return err
449	}
450	call := o.c.raw.Objects.Delete(o.bucket, o.object).Context(ctx)
451	if err := applyConds("Delete", o.gen, o.conds, call); err != nil {
452		return err
453	}
454	if o.userProject != "" {
455		call.UserProject(o.userProject)
456	}
457	// Encryption doesn't apply to Delete.
458	setClientHeader(call.Header())
459	err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { return call.Do() })
460	switch e := err.(type) {
461	case nil:
462		return nil
463	case *googleapi.Error:
464		if e.Code == http.StatusNotFound {
465			return ErrObjectNotExist
466		}
467	}
468	return err
471// ReadCompressed when true causes the read to happen without decompressing.
472func (o *ObjectHandle) ReadCompressed(compressed bool) *ObjectHandle {
473	o2 := *o
474	o2.readCompressed = compressed
475	return &o2
478// NewReader creates a new Reader to read the contents of the
479// object.
480// ErrObjectNotExist will be returned if the object is not found.
482// The caller must call Close on the returned Reader when done reading.
483func (o *ObjectHandle) NewReader(ctx context.Context) (*Reader, error) {
484	return o.NewRangeReader(ctx, 0, -1)
487// NewRangeReader reads part of an object, reading at most length bytes
488// starting at the given offset. If length is negative, the object is read
489// until the end.
490func (o *ObjectHandle) NewRangeReader(ctx context.Context, offset, length int64) (*Reader, error) {
491	if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
492		return nil, err
493	}
494	if offset < 0 {
495		return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid offset %d < 0", offset)
496	}
497	if o.conds != nil {
498		if err := o.conds.validate("NewRangeReader"); err != nil {
499			return nil, err
500		}
501	}
502	u := &url.URL{
503		Scheme:   "https",
504		Host:     "storage.googleapis.com",
505		Path:     fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", o.bucket, o.object),
506		RawQuery: conditionsQuery(o.gen, o.conds),
507	}
508	verb := "GET"
509	if length == 0 {
510		verb = "HEAD"
511	}
512	req, err := http.NewRequest(verb, u.String(), nil)
513	if err != nil {
514		return nil, err
515	}
516	req = withContext(req, ctx)
517	if length < 0 && offset > 0 {
518		req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", offset))
519	} else if length > 0 {
520		req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset+length-1))
521	}
522	if o.userProject != "" {
523		req.Header.Set("X-Goog-User-Project", o.userProject)
524	}
525	if o.readCompressed {
526		req.Header.Set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
527	}
528	if err := setEncryptionHeaders(req.Header, o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
529		return nil, err
530	}
531	var res *http.Response
532	err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
533		res, err = o.c.hc.Do(req)
534		if err != nil {
535			return err
536		}
537		if res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
538			res.Body.Close()
539			return ErrObjectNotExist
540		}
541		if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode > 299 {
542			body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
543			res.Body.Close()
544			return &googleapi.Error{
545				Code:   res.StatusCode,
546				Header: res.Header,
547				Body:   string(body),
548			}
549		}
550		if offset > 0 && length != 0 && res.StatusCode != http.StatusPartialContent {
551			res.Body.Close()
552			return errors.New("storage: partial request not satisfied")
553		}
554		return nil
555	})
556	if err != nil {
557		return nil, err
558	}
560	var size int64 // total size of object, even if a range was requested.
561	if res.StatusCode == http.StatusPartialContent {
562		cr := strings.TrimSpace(res.Header.Get("Content-Range"))
563		if !strings.HasPrefix(cr, "bytes ") || !strings.Contains(cr, "/") {
564			return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
565		}
566		size, err = strconv.ParseInt(cr[strings.LastIndex(cr, "/")+1:], 10, 64)
567		if err != nil {
568			return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
569		}
570	} else {
571		size = res.ContentLength
572	}
574	remain := res.ContentLength
575	body := res.Body
576	if length == 0 {
577		remain = 0
578		body.Close()
579		body = emptyBody
580	}
581	var (
582		checkCRC bool
583		crc      uint32
584	)
585	// Even if there is a CRC header, we can't compute the hash on partial data.
586	if remain == size {
587		crc, checkCRC = parseCRC32c(res)
588	}
589	return &Reader{
590		body:            body,
591		size:            size,
592		remain:          remain,
593		contentType:     res.Header.Get("Content-Type"),
594		contentEncoding: res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"),
595		cacheControl:    res.Header.Get("Cache-Control"),
596		wantCRC:         crc,
597		checkCRC:        checkCRC,
598	}, nil
601func parseCRC32c(res *http.Response) (uint32, bool) {
602	const prefix = "crc32c="
603	for _, spec := range res.Header["X-Goog-Hash"] {
604		if strings.HasPrefix(spec, prefix) {
605			c, err := decodeUint32(spec[len(prefix):])
606			if err == nil {
607				return c, true
608			}
609		}
610	}
611	return 0, false
614var emptyBody = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(""))
616// NewWriter returns a storage Writer that writes to the GCS object
617// associated with this ObjectHandle.
619// A new object will be created unless an object with this name already exists.
620// Otherwise any previous object with the same name will be replaced.
621// The object will not be available (and any previous object will remain)
622// until Close has been called.
624// Attributes can be set on the object by modifying the returned Writer's
625// ObjectAttrs field before the first call to Write. If no ContentType
626// attribute is specified, the content type will be automatically sniffed
627// using net/http.DetectContentType.
629// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close when writing is done.
630func (o *ObjectHandle) NewWriter(ctx context.Context) *Writer {
631	return &Writer{
632		ctx:         ctx,
633		o:           o,
634		donec:       make(chan struct{}),
635		ObjectAttrs: ObjectAttrs{Name: o.object},
636		ChunkSize:   googleapi.DefaultUploadChunkSize,
637	}
640func (o *ObjectHandle) validate() error {
641	if o.bucket == "" {
642		return errors.New("storage: bucket name is empty")
643	}
644	if o.object == "" {
645		return errors.New("storage: object name is empty")
646	}
647	if !utf8.ValidString(o.object) {
648		return fmt.Errorf("storage: object name %q is not valid UTF-8", o.object)
649	}
650	return nil
653// parseKey converts the binary contents of a private key file to an
654// *rsa.PrivateKey. It detects whether the private key is in a PEM container or
655// not. If so, it extracts the private key from PEM container before
656// conversion. It only supports PEM containers with no passphrase.
657func parseKey(key []byte) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) {
658	if block, _ := pem.Decode(key); block != nil {
659		key = block.Bytes
660	}
661	parsedKey, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(key)
662	if err != nil {
663		parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(key)
664		if err != nil {
665			return nil, err
666		}
667	}
668	parsed, ok := parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
669	if !ok {
670		return nil, errors.New("oauth2: private key is invalid")
671	}
672	return parsed, nil
675func toRawObjectACL(oldACL []ACLRule) []*raw.ObjectAccessControl {
676	var acl []*raw.ObjectAccessControl
677	if len(oldACL) > 0 {
678		acl = make([]*raw.ObjectAccessControl, len(oldACL))
679		for i, rule := range oldACL {
680			acl[i] = &raw.ObjectAccessControl{
681				Entity: string(rule.Entity),
682				Role:   string(rule.Role),
683			}
684		}
685	}
686	return acl
689// toRawObject copies the editable attributes from o to the raw library's Object type.
690func (o *ObjectAttrs) toRawObject(bucket string) *raw.Object {
691	acl := toRawObjectACL(o.ACL)
692	return &raw.Object{
693		Bucket:             bucket,
694		Name:               o.Name,
695		ContentType:        o.ContentType,
696		ContentEncoding:    o.ContentEncoding,
697		ContentLanguage:    o.ContentLanguage,
698		CacheControl:       o.CacheControl,
699		ContentDisposition: o.ContentDisposition,
700		StorageClass:       o.StorageClass,
701		Acl:                acl,
702		Metadata:           o.Metadata,
703	}
706// ObjectAttrs represents the metadata for a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) object.
707type ObjectAttrs struct {
708	// Bucket is the name of the bucket containing this GCS object.
709	// This field is read-only.
710	Bucket string
712	// Name is the name of the object within the bucket.
713	// This field is read-only.
714	Name string
716	// ContentType is the MIME type of the object's content.
717	ContentType string
719	// ContentLanguage is the content language of the object's content.
720	ContentLanguage string
722	// CacheControl is the Cache-Control header to be sent in the response
723	// headers when serving the object data.
724	CacheControl string
726	// ACL is the list of access control rules for the object.
727	ACL []ACLRule
729	// Owner is the owner of the object. This field is read-only.
730	//
731	// If non-zero, it is in the form of "user-<userId>".
732	Owner string
734	// Size is the length of the object's content. This field is read-only.
735	Size int64
737	// ContentEncoding is the encoding of the object's content.
738	ContentEncoding string
740	// ContentDisposition is the optional Content-Disposition header of the object
741	// sent in the response headers.
742	ContentDisposition string
744	// MD5 is the MD5 hash of the object's content. This field is read-only,
745	// except when used from a Writer. If set on a Writer, the uploaded
746	// data is rejected if its MD5 hash does not match this field.
747	MD5 []byte
749	// CRC32C is the CRC32 checksum of the object's content using
750	// the Castagnoli93 polynomial. This field is read-only, except when
751	// used from a Writer. If set on a Writer and Writer.SendCRC32C
752	// is true, the uploaded data is rejected if its CRC32c hash does not
753	// match this field.
754	CRC32C uint32
756	// MediaLink is an URL to the object's content. This field is read-only.
757	MediaLink string
759	// Metadata represents user-provided metadata, in key/value pairs.
760	// It can be nil if no metadata is provided.
761	Metadata map[string]string
763	// Generation is the generation number of the object's content.
764	// This field is read-only.
765	Generation int64
767	// Metageneration is the version of the metadata for this
768	// object at this generation. This field is used for preconditions
769	// and for detecting changes in metadata. A metageneration number
770	// is only meaningful in the context of a particular generation
771	// of a particular object. This field is read-only.
772	Metageneration int64
774	// StorageClass is the storage class of the object.
775	// This value defines how objects in the bucket are stored and
776	// determines the SLA and the cost of storage. Typical values are
779	// It defaults to "STANDARD", which is equivalent to "MULTI_REGIONAL"
780	// or "REGIONAL" depending on the bucket's location settings.
781	StorageClass string
783	// Created is the time the object was created. This field is read-only.
784	Created time.Time
786	// Deleted is the time the object was deleted.
787	// If not deleted, it is the zero value. This field is read-only.
788	Deleted time.Time
790	// Updated is the creation or modification time of the object.
791	// For buckets with versioning enabled, changing an object's
792	// metadata does not change this property. This field is read-only.
793	Updated time.Time
795	// CustomerKeySHA256 is the base64-encoded SHA-256 hash of the
796	// customer-supplied encryption key for the object. It is empty if there is
797	// no customer-supplied encryption key.
798	// See // https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/encryption for more about
799	// encryption in Google Cloud Storage.
800	CustomerKeySHA256 string
802	// Prefix is set only for ObjectAttrs which represent synthetic "directory
803	// entries" when iterating over buckets using Query.Delimiter. See
804	// ObjectIterator.Next. When set, no other fields in ObjectAttrs will be
805	// populated.
806	Prefix string
809// convertTime converts a time in RFC3339 format to time.Time.
810// If any error occurs in parsing, the zero-value time.Time is silently returned.
811func convertTime(t string) time.Time {
812	var r time.Time
813	if t != "" {
814		r, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, t)
815	}
816	return r
819func newObject(o *raw.Object) *ObjectAttrs {
820	if o == nil {
821		return nil
822	}
823	acl := make([]ACLRule, len(o.Acl))
824	for i, rule := range o.Acl {
825		acl[i] = ACLRule{
826			Entity: ACLEntity(rule.Entity),
827			Role:   ACLRole(rule.Role),
828		}
829	}
830	owner := ""
831	if o.Owner != nil {
832		owner = o.Owner.Entity
833	}
834	md5, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(o.Md5Hash)
835	crc32c, _ := decodeUint32(o.Crc32c)
836	var sha256 string
837	if o.CustomerEncryption != nil {
838		sha256 = o.CustomerEncryption.KeySha256
839	}
840	return &ObjectAttrs{
841		Bucket:             o.Bucket,
842		Name:               o.Name,
843		ContentType:        o.ContentType,
844		ContentLanguage:    o.ContentLanguage,
845		CacheControl:       o.CacheControl,
846		ACL:                acl,
847		Owner:              owner,
848		ContentEncoding:    o.ContentEncoding,
849		ContentDisposition: o.ContentDisposition,
850		Size:               int64(o.Size),
851		MD5:                md5,
852		CRC32C:             crc32c,
853		MediaLink:          o.MediaLink,
854		Metadata:           o.Metadata,
855		Generation:         o.Generation,
856		Metageneration:     o.Metageneration,
857		StorageClass:       o.StorageClass,
858		CustomerKeySHA256:  sha256,
859		Created:            convertTime(o.TimeCreated),
860		Deleted:            convertTime(o.TimeDeleted),
861		Updated:            convertTime(o.Updated),
862	}
865// Decode a uint32 encoded in Base64 in big-endian byte order.
866func decodeUint32(b64 string) (uint32, error) {
867	d, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64)
868	if err != nil {
869		return 0, err
870	}
871	if len(d) != 4 {
872		return 0, fmt.Errorf("storage: %q does not encode a 32-bit value", d)
873	}
874	return uint32(d[0])<<24 + uint32(d[1])<<16 + uint32(d[2])<<8 + uint32(d[3]), nil
877// Encode a uint32 as Base64 in big-endian byte order.
878func encodeUint32(u uint32) string {
879	b := []byte{byte(u >> 24), byte(u >> 16), byte(u >> 8), byte(u)}
880	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b)
883// Query represents a query to filter objects from a bucket.
884type Query struct {
885	// Delimiter returns results in a directory-like fashion.
886	// Results will contain only objects whose names, aside from the
887	// prefix, do not contain delimiter. Objects whose names,
888	// aside from the prefix, contain delimiter will have their name,
889	// truncated after the delimiter, returned in prefixes.
890	// Duplicate prefixes are omitted.
891	// Optional.
892	Delimiter string
894	// Prefix is the prefix filter to query objects
895	// whose names begin with this prefix.
896	// Optional.
897	Prefix string
899	// Versions indicates whether multiple versions of the same
900	// object will be included in the results.
901	Versions bool
904// contentTyper implements ContentTyper to enable an
905// io.ReadCloser to specify its MIME type.
906type contentTyper struct {
907	io.Reader
908	t string
911func (c *contentTyper) ContentType() string {
912	return c.t
915// Conditions constrain methods to act on specific generations of
916// objects.
918// The zero value is an empty set of constraints. Not all conditions or
919// combinations of conditions are applicable to all methods.
920// See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/generations-preconditions
921// for details on how these operate.
922type Conditions struct {
923	// Generation constraints.
924	// At most one of the following can be set to a non-zero value.
926	// GenerationMatch specifies that the object must have the given generation
927	// for the operation to occur.
928	// If GenerationMatch is zero, it has no effect.
929	// Use DoesNotExist to specify that the object does not exist in the bucket.
930	GenerationMatch int64
932	// GenerationNotMatch specifies that the object must not have the given
933	// generation for the operation to occur.
934	// If GenerationNotMatch is zero, it has no effect.
935	GenerationNotMatch int64
937	// DoesNotExist specifies that the object must not exist in the bucket for
938	// the operation to occur.
939	// If DoesNotExist is false, it has no effect.
940	DoesNotExist bool
942	// Metadata generation constraints.
943	// At most one of the following can be set to a non-zero value.
945	// MetagenerationMatch specifies that the object must have the given
946	// metageneration for the operation to occur.
947	// If MetagenerationMatch is zero, it has no effect.
948	MetagenerationMatch int64
950	// MetagenerationNotMatch specifies that the object must not have the given
951	// metageneration for the operation to occur.
952	// If MetagenerationNotMatch is zero, it has no effect.
953	MetagenerationNotMatch int64
956func (c *Conditions) validate(method string) error {
957	if *c == (Conditions{}) {
958		return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: empty conditions", method)
959	}
960	if !c.isGenerationValid() {
961		return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: multiple conditions specified for generation", method)
962	}
963	if !c.isMetagenerationValid() {
964		return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: multiple conditions specified for metageneration", method)
965	}
966	return nil
969func (c *Conditions) isGenerationValid() bool {
970	n := 0
971	if c.GenerationMatch != 0 {
972		n++
973	}
974	if c.GenerationNotMatch != 0 {
975		n++
976	}
977	if c.DoesNotExist {
978		n++
979	}
980	return n <= 1
983func (c *Conditions) isMetagenerationValid() bool {
984	return c.MetagenerationMatch == 0 || c.MetagenerationNotMatch == 0
987// applyConds modifies the provided call using the conditions in conds.
988// call is something that quacks like a *raw.WhateverCall.
989func applyConds(method string, gen int64, conds *Conditions, call interface{}) error {
990	cval := reflect.ValueOf(call)
991	if gen >= 0 {
992		if !setConditionField(cval, "Generation", gen) {
993			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: generation not supported", method)
994		}
995	}
996	if conds == nil {
997		return nil
998	}
999	if err := conds.validate(method); err != nil {
1000		return err
1001	}
1002	switch {
1003	case conds.GenerationMatch != 0:
1004		if !setConditionField(cval, "IfGenerationMatch", conds.GenerationMatch) {
1005			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: ifGenerationMatch not supported", method)
1006		}
1007	case conds.GenerationNotMatch != 0:
1008		if !setConditionField(cval, "IfGenerationNotMatch", conds.GenerationNotMatch) {
1009			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: ifGenerationNotMatch not supported", method)
1010		}
1011	case conds.DoesNotExist:
1012		if !setConditionField(cval, "IfGenerationMatch", int64(0)) {
1013			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: DoesNotExist not supported", method)
1014		}
1015	}
1016	switch {
1017	case conds.MetagenerationMatch != 0:
1018		if !setConditionField(cval, "IfMetagenerationMatch", conds.MetagenerationMatch) {
1019			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: ifMetagenerationMatch not supported", method)
1020		}
1021	case conds.MetagenerationNotMatch != 0:
1022		if !setConditionField(cval, "IfMetagenerationNotMatch", conds.MetagenerationNotMatch) {
1023			return fmt.Errorf("storage: %s: ifMetagenerationNotMatch not supported", method)
1024		}
1025	}
1026	return nil
1029func applySourceConds(gen int64, conds *Conditions, call *raw.ObjectsRewriteCall) error {
1030	if gen >= 0 {
1031		call.SourceGeneration(gen)
1032	}
1033	if conds == nil {
1034		return nil
1035	}
1036	if err := conds.validate("CopyTo source"); err != nil {
1037		return err
1038	}
1039	switch {
1040	case conds.GenerationMatch != 0:
1041		call.IfSourceGenerationMatch(conds.GenerationMatch)
1042	case conds.GenerationNotMatch != 0:
1043		call.IfSourceGenerationNotMatch(conds.GenerationNotMatch)
1044	case conds.DoesNotExist:
1045		call.IfSourceGenerationMatch(0)
1046	}
1047	switch {
1048	case conds.MetagenerationMatch != 0:
1049		call.IfSourceMetagenerationMatch(conds.MetagenerationMatch)
1050	case conds.MetagenerationNotMatch != 0:
1051		call.IfSourceMetagenerationNotMatch(conds.MetagenerationNotMatch)
1052	}
1053	return nil
1056// setConditionField sets a field on a *raw.WhateverCall.
1057// We can't use anonymous interfaces because the return type is
1058// different, since the field setters are builders.
1059func setConditionField(call reflect.Value, name string, value interface{}) bool {
1060	m := call.MethodByName(name)
1061	if !m.IsValid() {
1062		return false
1063	}
1064	m.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(value)})
1065	return true
1068// conditionsQuery returns the generation and conditions as a URL query
1069// string suitable for URL.RawQuery.  It assumes that the conditions
1070// have been validated.
1071func conditionsQuery(gen int64, conds *Conditions) string {
1072	// URL escapes are elided because integer strings are URL-safe.
1073	var buf []byte
1075	appendParam := func(s string, n int64) {
1076		if len(buf) > 0 {
1077			buf = append(buf, '&')
1078		}
1079		buf = append(buf, s...)
1080		buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, n, 10)
1081	}
1083	if gen >= 0 {
1084		appendParam("generation=", gen)
1085	}
1086	if conds == nil {
1087		return string(buf)
1088	}
1089	switch {
1090	case conds.GenerationMatch != 0:
1091		appendParam("ifGenerationMatch=", conds.GenerationMatch)
1092	case conds.GenerationNotMatch != 0:
1093		appendParam("ifGenerationNotMatch=", conds.GenerationNotMatch)
1094	case conds.DoesNotExist:
1095		appendParam("ifGenerationMatch=", 0)
1096	}
1097	switch {
1098	case conds.MetagenerationMatch != 0:
1099		appendParam("ifMetagenerationMatch=", conds.MetagenerationMatch)
1100	case conds.MetagenerationNotMatch != 0:
1101		appendParam("ifMetagenerationNotMatch=", conds.MetagenerationNotMatch)
1102	}
1103	return string(buf)
1106// composeSourceObj wraps a *raw.ComposeRequestSourceObjects, but adds the methods
1107// that modifyCall searches for by name.
1108type composeSourceObj struct {
1109	src *raw.ComposeRequestSourceObjects
1112func (c composeSourceObj) Generation(gen int64) {
1113	c.src.Generation = gen
1116func (c composeSourceObj) IfGenerationMatch(gen int64) {
1117	// It's safe to overwrite ObjectPreconditions, since its only field is
1118	// IfGenerationMatch.
1119	c.src.ObjectPreconditions = &raw.ComposeRequestSourceObjectsObjectPreconditions{
1120		IfGenerationMatch: gen,
1121	}
1124func setEncryptionHeaders(headers http.Header, key []byte, copySource bool) error {
1125	if key == nil {
1126		return nil
1127	}
1128	// TODO(jbd): Ask the API team to return a more user-friendly error
1129	// and avoid doing this check at the client level.
1130	if len(key) != 32 {
1131		return errors.New("storage: not a 32-byte AES-256 key")
1132	}
1133	var cs string
1134	if copySource {
1135		cs = "copy-source-"
1136	}
1137	headers.Set("x-goog-"+cs+"encryption-algorithm", "AES256")
1138	headers.Set("x-goog-"+cs+"encryption-key", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key))
1139	keyHash := sha256.Sum256(key)
1140	headers.Set("x-goog-"+cs+"encryption-key-sha256", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(keyHash[:]))
1141	return nil
1144// TODO(jbd): Add storage.objects.watch.