3 * Provides a means to close access to your site for upgrading and testing.
4 *
5 * A button is placed in the <i>Utility functions</i> section of the Admin overview page to allow you
6 * to manage the state of your site. This button changes function depending on the state of the site. You may
7 * <i>close</i> a site, move a closed site to <i>test mode</i>, and then <i>open</i> the site.
8 *
9 * <i>Closing</i> the site will cause links to the site <i>front end</i> to be redirected to a script in
10 * the folder <var>plugins/site_upgrade</var>. Access to the admin pages remains available.
11 * You should close the site while
12 * you are uploading a new Zenphoto release so that users will not catch the site in an unstable state.
13 *
14 * After you have uploaded the new release and run Setup you place the site in <i>test mode</i>. In this mode
15 * only logged in <i>Administrators</i> can access the <i>front end</i>. You can then, as the administrator, view the
16 * site to be sure that all your changes are as you wish them to be.
17 *
18 * Once your testing is completed you <i>open</i> your site to all visitors.
19 *
20 * Change the files in <var>plugins/site_upgrade</var> to meet your needs. (<b>Note</b> these files will
21 * be copied to that folder during setup the first time you do an install. Setup will not overrite any existing
22 * versions of these files, so if a change is made to the Zenphoto versions of the files you will have to update
23 * your copies either by removing them before running setup or by manually applying the Zenphoto changes to your
24 * files.)
25 *
26 *
27 * The plugin works best if <var>mod_rewrite</var> is active and the <var>.htaccess</var> file exists. If this is not the case
28 * the plugin will still work in most cases. However if the release you are upgrading to has significant changes involving
29 * plugin loading of the front-end site there may be PHP failures due if the site is accessed while the files
30 * being uploaded are in a mixed release state.
31 *
32 * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
33 * @package plugins
34 * @subpackage site-upgrade
35 */
36$plugin_is_filter = 1000 | ADMIN_PLUGIN | FEATURE_PLUGIN;
37$plugin_description = gettext('Utility to divert access to the gallery to a screen saying the site is upgrading.');
38$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
39$plugin_notice = (MOD_REWRITE) ? false : gettext('<em>mod_rewrite</em> is not enabled. This plugin may not work without rewrite redirection if the upgrade is significantly different than the running release.');
40$plugin_category = gettext('Admin');
41switch (OFFSET_PATH) {
42	case 0:
43		$state = @$_zp_conf_vars['site_upgrade_state'];
44		if ((!zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS) && $state == 'closed_for_test') || $state == 'closed') {
45			if (isset($_zp_conf_vars['special_pages']['page']['rewrite'])) {
46				$page = $_zp_conf_vars['special_pages']['page']['rewrite'];
47			} else {
48				$page = 'page';
49			}
50			if (!preg_match('~' . preg_quote($page) . '/setup_set-mod_rewrite\?z=setup$~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
51				redirectURL(WEBPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.php', '302');
52			}
53		}
54		break;
55	default:
56		zp_register_filter('admin_utilities_buttons', 'site_upgrade_button');
57		zp_register_filter('installation_information', 'site_upgrade_status');
59		function site_upgrade_status() {
60			global $_zp_conf_vars;
61			switch (@$_zp_conf_vars['site_upgrade_state']) {
62				case 'closed':
63					?>
64					<li>
65						<?php echo gettext('Site status:'); ?> <span style="color:RED"><strong><?php echo gettext('The site is closed!'); ?></strong></span>
66					</li>
67					<?php
68					break;
69				case 'closed_for_test';
70					?>
71					<li>
72						<?php echo gettext('Site status:'); ?> <span style="color:RED"><strong><?php echo gettext('The site is in test mode!'); ?></strong></span>
73					</li>
74					<?php
75					break;
76				default:
77					?>
78					<li>
79						<?php echo gettext('Site status:'); ?> <strong><?php echo gettext('The site is opened'); ?></strong>
80					</li>
81					<?php
82					break;
83			}
84		}
86		function site_upgrade_button($buttons) {
87			global $_zp_conf_vars;
88			$ht = @file_get_contents(SERVERPATH . '/.htaccess');
89			preg_match('|[# ][ ]*RewriteRule(.*)plugins/site_upgrade/closed|', $ht, $matches);
90			if (!$matches || strpos($matches[0], '#') === 0) {
91				$state = @$_zp_conf_vars['site_upgrade_state'];
92			} else {
93				$state = 'closed';
94			}
95			$buttons[] = array(
96							'XSRFTag'			 => 'site_upgrade_refresh',
97							'category'		 => gettext('Admin'),
98							'enable'			 => true,
99							'button_text'	 => gettext('Restore site_upgrade files'),
100							'formname'		 => 'refreshHTML',
101							'action'			 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin.php',
102							'icon'				 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/refresh.png',
103							'title'				 => gettext('Restores the files in the "plugins/site_upgrade" folder to their default state. Note: this will overwrite any custom edits you may have made.'),
104							'alt'					 => '',
105							'hidden'			 => '<input type="hidden" name="refreshHTML" value="1" />',
106							'rights'			 => ADMIN_RIGHTS
107			);
108			switch ($state) {
109				case 'closed':
110					$buttons[] = array(
111									'XSRFTag'			 => 'site_upgrade',
112									'category'		 => gettext('Admin'),
113									'enable'			 => true,
114									'button_text'	 => gettext('Site » test mode'),
115									'formname'		 => 'site_upgrade.php',
116									'action'			 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/site_upgrade.php',
117									'icon'				 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/lock_open.png',
118									'title'				 => gettext('Make the site available for viewing administrators only.'),
119									'alt'					 => '',
120									'hidden'			 => '<input type="hidden" name="siteState" value="closed_for_test" />',
121									'rights'			 => ADMIN_RIGHTS
122					);
123					break;
124				case 'closed_for_test':
125					$buttons[] = array(
126									'XSRFTag'			 => 'site_upgrade',
127									'category'		 => gettext('Admin'),
128									'enable'			 => true,
129									'button_text'	 => gettext('Site » open'),
130									'formname'		 => 'site_upgrade.php',
131									'action'			 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/site_upgrade.php',
132									'icon'				 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/lock.png',
133									'title'				 => gettext('Make site available for viewing.'),
134									'alt'					 => '',
135									'hidden'			 => '<input type="hidden" name="siteState" value="open" />',
136									'rights'			 => ADMIN_RIGHTS
137					);
138					break;
139				default:
140					$buttons[] = array(
141									'XSRFTag'			 => 'site_upgrade',
142									'category'		 => gettext('Admin'),
143									'enable'			 => true,
144									'button_text'	 => gettext('Site » close'),
145									'formname'		 => 'site_upgrade.php',
146									'action'			 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/site_upgrade.php',
147									'icon'				 => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/lock.png',
148									'title'				 => gettext('Make site unavailable for viewing by redirecting to the "closed.html" page.'),
149									'alt'					 => '',
150									'hidden'			 => '<input type="hidden" name="siteState" value="closed" />',
151									'rights'			 => ADMIN_RIGHTS
152					);
153					break;
154			}
156			return $buttons;
157		}
159		if (isset($_REQUEST['refreshHTML'])) {
160			XSRFdefender('site_upgrade_refresh');
161			$_GET['report'] = gettext('site_upgrade files Restored to original.');
162		} else {
163			break;
164		}
165	case 2:
166		mkdir_recursive(SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/', FOLDER_MOD);
167		copy(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.php', SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.php');
168		if (isset($_REQUEST['refreshHTML']) || !file_exists(SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.htm')) {
169			$html = file_get_contents(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.htm');
170			$html = sprintf($html, sprintf(gettext('%s upgrade'), $_zp_gallery->getTitle()), FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER .  '/images/zen-logo.png', sprintf(gettext('<strong><em>%s</em></strong> is undergoing an upgrade'), $_zp_gallery->getTitle()), '<a href="' . FULLWEBPATH . '/index.php">' . gettext('Please return later') . '</a>', FULLWEBPATH . '/index.php');
171			file_put_contents(SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/closed.htm', $html);
172		}
173		if (isset($_REQUEST['refreshHTML']) || !file_exists(SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/rss_closed.xml')) {
174			require_once(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/rss.php');
176			class setupRSS extends RSS {
178				public function getitems() {
179					$this->feedtype = 'setup';
180					$items = array();
181					$items[] = array('title'						 => gettext('RSS suspended'),
182									'link'						 => '',
183									'enclosure'				 => '',
184									'category'				 => '',
185									'media_content'		 => '',
186									'media_thumbnail'	 => '',
187									'pubdate'					 => date("r", time()),
188									'desc'						 => gettext('The RSS feed is currently not available.'));
189					return $items;
190				}
192				protected function startCache() {
194				}
196				protected function endCache() {
198				}
200			}
202			$obj = new setupRSS(array('rss' => 'site_closed'));
203			ob_start();
204			$obj->printFeed();
205			$xml = ob_get_contents();
206			ob_end_clean();
207			file_put_contents(SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/site_upgrade/rss-closed.xml', $xml);
208		}
209		setOptionDefault('zp_plugin_site_upgrade', $plugin_is_filter);
210		break;