1 /*
2  * Motif Tools Library, Version 3.1
3  * $Id: LayoutGadget.c,v 1.2 2001/09/19 02:57:18 grmcdorman Exp $
4  *
5  * Written by David Flanagan.
6  * Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by David Flanagan.
7  * All Rights Reserved.  See the file COPYRIGHT for details.
8  * This is open source software.  See the file LICENSE for details.
9  * There is no warranty for this software.  See NO_WARRANTY for details.
10  *
11  * $Log: LayoutGadget.c,v $
12  * Revision 1.2  2001/09/19 02:57:18  grmcdorman
13  * This change makes the following modifications:
14  *   A new program, printConfig, is provided. This is built by a
15  *   simple rule in the Makefile and not installed. It prints
16  *   significant defines from Xmt.tmpl.
17  *
18  *   XmtP.h is now generated from XmtP.h.in using printConfig. As
19  *   a result, code compiled outside of the Xmt Imakefiles will
20  *   have all of the Xmt.tmpl defines.
21  *
22  *   Source files are modified to use XmtP.h instead of Xmt.h.
23  *
24  *   WorkingBox.c is modified to use the new Progress widget.
25  *   It can be compiled in the old style if WORKINGBOX_USE_SCALE is
26  *   defined at compile time.
27  *
28  *   Because XmtP.h is generated dynamically, it is removed from CVS
29  *   with this check-in.
30  *
31  * Revision  2001/02/10 13:46:15  motiftools
32  * Initial import of Xmt310 to CVS
33  *
34  *
35  */
37 #include <Xmt/XmtP.h>
38 #include <Xmt/LayoutGP.h>
40 /* $XConsortium: RectObj.c,v 1.14 91/06/11 20:11:45 converse Exp $ */
42 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
43 static void CopyAncestorSensitive(Widget widget, int offset, XrmValue *value);
44 #else
45 static void CopyAncestorSensitive();
46 #endif
48 static XtResource resources[] = {
49     {XtNancestorSensitive, XtCSensitive, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
50       XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.ancestor_sensitive),XtRCallProc,
51       (XtPointer)CopyAncestorSensitive},
52     {XtNx, XtCPosition, XtRPosition, sizeof(Position),
53          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.x),
54 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
55     {XtNy, XtCPosition, XtRPosition, sizeof(Position),
56          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.y),
57 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
58     {XtNwidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
59          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.width),
60 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
61     {XtNheight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
62          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.height),
63 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
64     {XtNborderWidth, XtCBorderWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
65          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.border_width),
66 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)1},
67     {XtNsensitive, XtCSensitive, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
68          XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutGadgetRec,rectangle.sensitive),
69 	 XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True}
70     };
72 #if XmVersion >= 1002
73 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
74 static void ClassInitialize(void);
75 #else
76 static void ClassInitialize();
77 #endif
78 #endif
79 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
80 static void Initialize(Widget requested_widget, register Widget new_widget,
81 		       ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args);
82 static void ClassPartInitialize(register WidgetClass wc);
83 static void SetValuesAlmost(Widget old, Widget new,
84 			    XtWidgetGeometry *request,XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
85 #else
86 static void Initialize();
87 static void ClassPartInitialize();
88 static void SetValuesAlmost();
89 #endif
91 #if XmVersion >= 1002
92 XmBaseClassExtRec baseClassExt = {
93     NULL,
95     XmBaseClassExtVersion,
96     sizeof(XmBaseClassExtRec),
97     NULL,	/* InitializePrehook	*/
98     NULL,	/* SetValuesPrehook	*/
99     NULL,	/* InitializePosthook	*/
100     NULL,	/* SetValuesPosthook	*/
101     NULL,	/* secondaryObjectClass	*/
102     NULL,	/* secondaryCreate	*/
103     NULL,	/* getSecRes data	*/
104     { 0 },	/* fastSubclass flags	*/
105     NULL,	/* get_values_prehook	*/
106     NULL,	/* get_values_posthook	*/
107     NULL,       /* classPartInitPrehook */
108     NULL,       /* classPartInitPosthook*/
109     NULL,       /* ext_resources        */
110     NULL,       /* compiled_ext_resources*/
111     0,          /* num_ext_resources    */
112     FALSE,      /* use_sub_resources    */
113     NULL,       /* widgetNavigable      */
114     NULL,       /* focusChange          */
115 };
116 #endif
118 externaldef(xmtlayoutgadgetclassrec)
119 XmtLayoutGadgetClassRec xmtLayoutGadgetClassRec = {
120   {
121     /* superclass	  */	(WidgetClass)&objectClassRec,
122     /* class_name	  */	"XmtLayoutGadget",
123     /* widget_size	  */	sizeof(XmtLayoutGadgetRec),
124 #if XmVersion <= 1001
125     /* class_initialize   */    NULL,
126 #else
127     /* class_initialize   */    ClassInitialize,
128 #endif
129     /* class_part_initialize*/	ClassPartInitialize,
130     /* class_inited       */	FALSE,
131     /* initialize	  */	Initialize,
132     /* initialize_hook    */	NULL,
133     /* realize		  */	NULL,
134     /* actions		  */	NULL,
135     /* num_actions	  */	0,
136     /* resources	  */	resources,
137     /* num_resources	  */	XtNumber(resources),
138     /* xrm_class	  */	NULLQUARK,
139     /* compress_motion	  */	FALSE,
140     /* compress_exposure  */	TRUE,
141     /* compress_enterleave*/ 	FALSE,
142     /* visible_interest	  */	FALSE,
143     /* destroy		  */	NULL,
144     /* resize		  */	NULL,
145     /* expose		  */	NULL,
146     /* set_values	  */	NULL,
147     /* set_values_hook    */	NULL,
148     /* set_values_almost  */	SetValuesAlmost,
149     /* get_values_hook    */	NULL,
150     /* accept_focus	  */	NULL,
151     /* version		  */	XtVersion,
152     /* callback_offsets   */    NULL,
153     /* tm_table           */    NULL,
154     /* query_geometry	    */  NULL,
155     /* display_accelerator  */	NULL,
156 #if XmVersion <= 1001
157     /* extension	    */  NULL,
158 #else
159     /* extension	    */  (XtPointer)&baseClassExt,
160 #endif
161   }
162 };
164 externaldef(xmtlayoutgadgetclass)
165 WidgetClass xmtLayoutGadgetClass = (WidgetClass)&xmtLayoutGadgetClassRec;
167 /*ARGSUSED*/
168 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
CopyAncestorSensitive(Widget widget,int offset,XrmValue * value)169 static void CopyAncestorSensitive(Widget widget, int offset, XrmValue *value)
170 #else
171 static void CopyAncestorSensitive(widget, offset, value)
172 Widget widget;
173 int offset;
174 XrmValue *value;
175 #endif
176 {
177     static Boolean  sensitive;
178     Widget parent = widget->core.parent;
180     sensitive = (parent->core.ancestor_sensitive & parent->core.sensitive);
181     value->addr = (XPointer)(&sensitive);
182 }
184 #if XmVersion >= 1002
185 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
ClassInitialize(void)186 static void ClassInitialize(void)
187 #else
188 static void ClassInitialize()
189 #endif
190 {
191     baseClassExt.record_type = XmQmotif;
192 }
193 #endif
195 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
ClassPartInitialize(register WidgetClass wc)196 static void ClassPartInitialize(register WidgetClass wc)
197 #else
198 static void ClassPartInitialize(wc)
199 register WidgetClass wc;
200 #endif
201 {
202     register XmtLayoutGadgetClass roc = (XmtLayoutGadgetClass)wc;
203     register XmtLayoutGadgetClass super =
204 	((XmtLayoutGadgetClass)roc->rect_class.superclass);
206     if (roc->rect_class.resize == XtInheritResize) {
207 	roc->rect_class.resize = super->rect_class.resize;
208     }
210     if (roc->rect_class.expose == XtInheritExpose) {
211 	roc->rect_class.expose = super->rect_class.expose;
212     }
214     if (roc->rect_class.set_values_almost == XtInheritSetValuesAlmost) {
215        roc->rect_class.set_values_almost = super->rect_class.set_values_almost;
216     }
218     if (roc->rect_class.query_geometry == XtInheritQueryGeometry) {
219 	roc->rect_class.query_geometry = super->rect_class.query_geometry;
220     }
222 #if XmVersion >= 1002
223     /* always inherit the base class extension.
224      * We assume that there aren't any other extension records.
225      */
226     roc->rect_class.extension = (XtPointer)&baseClassExt;
227 #endif
228 }
230 /* ARGSUSED */
231 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
Initialize(Widget requested_widget,register Widget new_widget,ArgList args,Cardinal * num_args)232 static void Initialize(Widget requested_widget, register Widget new_widget,
233 		       ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
234 #else
235 static void Initialize(requested_widget, new_widget, args, num_args)
236 Widget requested_widget;
237 register Widget new_widget;
238 ArgList args;
239 Cardinal *num_args;
240 #endif
241 {
242     ((XmtLayoutGadget)new_widget)->rectangle.managed = FALSE;
243 }
245 /*ARGSUSED*/
246 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
SetValuesAlmost(Widget old,Widget new,XtWidgetGeometry * request,XtWidgetGeometry * reply)247 static void SetValuesAlmost(Widget old, Widget new,
248 			    XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply)
249 #else
250 static void SetValuesAlmost(old, new, request, reply)
251 Widget old;
252 Widget new;
253 XtWidgetGeometry *request;
254 XtWidgetGeometry *reply;
255 #endif
256 {
257     *request = *reply;
258 }