1 // Generated by gmmproc 2.60.0 -- DO NOT MODIFY!
2 #ifndef _GTKMM_GESTURE_H
3 #define _GTKMM_GESTURE_H
6 #include <glibmm/ustring.h>
7 #include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
9 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The gtkmm Development Team
10  *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22  * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23  */
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <gtkmm/eventcontroller.h>
30 using GtkGesture = struct _GtkGesture;
31 using GtkGestureClass = struct _GtkGestureClass;
36 namespace Gtk
37 { class Gesture_Class; } // namespace Gtk
40 namespace Gtk
41 {
42 /** @addtogroup gtkmmEnums gtkmm Enums and Flags */
44 /**
45  *  @var EventSequenceState EVENT_SEQUENCE_NONE
46  * The sequence is handled, but not grabbed.
47  *
48  *  @var EventSequenceState EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED
49  * The sequence is handled and grabbed.
50  *
51  *  @var EventSequenceState EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED
52  * The sequence is denied.
53  *
54  *  @enum EventSequenceState
55  *
56  * Describes the state of a Gdk::EventSequence in a Gtk::Gesture.
57  *
58  * @newin{3,14}
59  *
60  * @ingroup gtkmmEnums
61  */
62 enum EventSequenceState
63 {
67 };
69 } // namespace Gtk
72 namespace Glib
73 {
75 template <>
76 class Value<Gtk::EventSequenceState> : public Glib::Value_Enum<Gtk::EventSequenceState>
77 {
78 public:
79   static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
80 };
82 } // namespace Glib
85 namespace Gtk
86 {
89 /** Abstract base class for gestures.
90  *
91  * This is the base object for gesture recognition. Although this
92  * object is quite generalized to serve as a base for multi-touch gestures,
93  * it is suitable to implement single-touch and pointer-based gestures (using
94  * the special GdkEventSequence value for these).
95  *
96  * The number of touches that a Gesture need to be recognized is controlled
97  * by the n-points property. If a gesture is keeping track of less
98  * or more than that number of sequences, it won't check whether the gesture
99  * is recognized.
100  *
101  * As soon as the gesture has the expected number of touches, the gesture will
102  * run check signal regularly on input events until the gesture
103  * is recognized. The criteria to consider a gesture as "recognized" is left to
104  * Gesture subclasses.
105  *
106  * A recognized gesture will then emit the following signals:
107  * - signal_begin() when the gesture is recognized.
108  * - A number of signal_update(), whenever an input event is processed.
109  * - signal_end() when the gesture is no longer recognized.
110  *
111  * <h2>Event propagation</h2>
112  *
113  * In order to receive events, a gesture needs to either set a propagation phase
114  * through EventController::set_propagation_phase(), or feed those manually
115  * through EventController::handle_event().
116  *
117  * In the capture phase, events are propagated from the toplevel down to the
118  * target widget, and gestures that are attached to containers above the widget
119  * get a chance to interact with the event before it reaches the target.
120  *
121  * After the capture phase, GTK+ emits the traditional Widget::signal_button_press_event(),
122  * Widget::signal_button_release_event(), Widget::signal_touch_event(), etc. Gestures
123  * with the Gtk::PHASE_TARGET phase are fed events from the default
124  * Widget::signal_event() handlers.
125  *
126  * In the bubble phase, events are propagated up from the target widget to the
127  * toplevel, and gestures that are attached to containers above the widget get
128  * a chance to interact with events that have not been handled yet.
129  *
130  * <h2>States of a sequence</h2>
131  *
132  * Whenever input interaction happens, a single event may trigger a cascade of
133  * Gesture%s, both across the parents of the widget receiving the
134  * event and parallelly within an individual widget. It is a responsibility of the
135  * widgets using those gestures to set the state of touch sequences accordingly
136  * in order to enable cooperation of gestures around the GdkEventSequence%s
137  * triggering those.
138  *
139  * Within a widget, gestures can be grouped through group().
140  * Grouped gestures synchronize the state of sequences, so calling
141  * set_sequence_state() on one will effectively propagate
142  * the state throughout the group.
143  *
144  * By default, all sequences start out in the Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_NONE state.
145  * Sequences in this state trigger the gesture event handler, but event
146  * propagation will continue unstopped by gestures.
147  *
148  * If a sequence enters into the Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED state, the gesture
149  * group will effectively ignore the sequence, letting events go unstopped
150  * through the gesture, but the "slot" will still remain occupied while
151  * the touch is active.
152  *
153  * If a sequence enters in the Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED state, the gesture
154  * group will grab all interaction on the sequence, by:
155  * - Setting the same sequence to Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED on every other gesture
156  *   group within the widget, and every gesture on parent widgets in the propagation
157  *   chain.
158  * - emitting signal_cancel() on every gesture in widgets underneath in the
159  *   propagation chain.
160  * - Stopping event propagation after the gesture group handles the event.
161  *
162  * @note If a sequence is set early to Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED on
163  * Gdk::TOUCH_BEGIN/Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS (so those events are captured before
164  * reaching the event widget, this implies Gtk::PHASE_CAPTURE), one similar
165  * event will be emulated if the sequence changes to Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED.
166  * This way event coherence is preserved before event propagation is unstopped
167  * again.
168  *
169  * Sequence states can't be changed freely, see set_sequence_state()
170  * to know about the possible lifetimes of a GdkEventSequence.
171  *
172  * @newin{3,14}
173  *
174  * @ingroup Gestures
175  */
177 class Gesture : public EventController
178 {
182 public:
183   using CppObjectType = Gesture;
184   using CppClassType = Gesture_Class;
185   using BaseObjectType = GtkGesture;
186   using BaseClassType = GtkGestureClass;
188   // noncopyable
189   Gesture(const Gesture&) = delete;
190   Gesture& operator=(const Gesture&) = delete;
192 private:  friend class Gesture_Class;
193   static CppClassType gesture_class_;
195 protected:
196   explicit Gesture(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
197   explicit Gesture(GtkGesture* castitem);
201 public:
203   Gesture(Gesture&& src) noexcept;
204   Gesture& operator=(Gesture&& src) noexcept;
206   ~Gesture() noexcept override;
208   /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
209    */
210   static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;
215   static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
216 #endif
218   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()219   GtkGesture*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GtkGesture*>(gobject_); }
221   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()222   const GtkGesture* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GtkGesture*>(gobject_); }
224   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
225   GtkGesture* gobj_copy();
227 private:
230 protected:
231   /** There is no create() method that corresponds to this constructor,
232    * because only derived classes shall be created.
233    */
234   Gesture();
236 public:
237   // No create() because only derived classes shall be instantiated.
240   /** Returns the master Gdk::Device that is currently operating
241    * on @a gesture, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if the gesture is not being interacted.
242    *
243    * @newin{3,14}
244    *
245    * @return A Gdk::Device, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
246    */
247   Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Device> get_device();
249   /** Returns the master Gdk::Device that is currently operating
250    * on @a gesture, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if the gesture is not being interacted.
251    *
252    * @newin{3,14}
253    *
254    * @return A Gdk::Device, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
255    */
256   Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::Device> get_device() const;
258   /** Sets the state of all sequences that @a gesture is currently
259    * interacting with. See set_sequence_state()
260    * for more details on sequence states.
261    *
262    * @newin{3,14}
263    *
264    * @param state The sequence state.
265    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the state of at least one sequence
266    * was changed successfully.
267    */
268   bool set_state(EventSequenceState state);
270   /** Returns the @a sequence state, as seen by @a gesture.
271    *
272    * @newin{3,14}
273    *
274    * @param sequence A Gdk::EventSequence.
275    * @return The sequence state in @a gesture.
276    */
277   EventSequenceState get_sequence_state(GdkEventSequence* sequence) const;
279   /** Sets the state of @a sequence in @a gesture. Sequences start
280    * in state Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_NONE, and whenever they change
281    * state, they can never go back to that state. Likewise,
282    * sequences in state Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED cannot turn
283    * back to a not denied state. With these rules, the lifetime
284    * of an event sequence is constrained to the next four:
285    *
286    * * None
287    * * None → Denied
288    * * None → Claimed
289    * * None → Claimed → Denied
290    *
291    * @note Due to event handling ordering, it may be unsafe to
292    * set the state on another gesture within a Gtk::Gesture::signal_begin()
293    * signal handler, as the callback might be executed before
294    * the other gesture knows about the sequence. A safe way to
295    * perform this could be:
296    *
297    *
298    * [C example ellipted]
299    *
300    * If both gestures are in the same group, just set the state on
301    * the gesture emitting the event, the sequence will be already
302    * be initialized to the group's global state when the second
303    * gesture processes the event.
304    *
305    * @newin{3,14}
306    *
307    * @param sequence A Gdk::EventSequence.
308    * @param state The sequence state.
309    * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a sequence is handled by @a gesture,
310    * and the state is changed successfully.
311    */
312   bool set_sequence_state(GdkEventSequence* sequence, EventSequenceState state);
314   /** Returns the list of GdkEventSequence%s currently being interpreted.
315    *
316    * @newin{3,14}
317    *
318    * @return A std::vector of GdkEventSequence pointers.
319    *         The GdkEventSequence%s are owned by GTK+ and must not be freed or modified.
320    */
321   std::vector<const GdkEventSequence*> get_sequences() const;
324   /** Returns the Gdk::EventSequence that was last updated on @a gesture.
325    *
326    * @newin{3,14}
327    *
328    * @return The last updated sequence.
329    */
330   GdkEventSequence* get_last_updated_sequence();
332   /** Returns the Gdk::EventSequence that was last updated on @a gesture.
333    *
334    * @newin{3,14}
335    *
336    * @return The last updated sequence.
337    */
338   const GdkEventSequence* get_last_updated_sequence() const;
340   /** Returns <tt>true</tt> if @a gesture is currently handling events corresponding to
341    *  @a sequence.
342    *
343    * @newin{3,14}
344    *
345    * @param sequence A Gdk::EventSequence or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
346    * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a gesture is handling @a sequence, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
347    */
348   bool handles_sequence(GdkEventSequence* sequence) const;
350   /** Returns the last event that was processed for @a sequence.
351    *
352    * Note that the returned pointer is only valid as long as the @a sequence
353    * is still interpreted by the @a gesture. If in doubt, you should make
354    * a copy of the event.
355    *
356    * @param sequence A Gdk::EventSequence.
357    * @return The last event from @a sequence.
358    */
359   const GdkEvent* get_last_event(GdkEventSequence* sequence) const;
361   /** If @a sequence is currently being interpreted by @a gesture, this
362    * function returns <tt>true</tt> and fills in @a x and @a y with the last coordinates
363    * stored for that event sequence. The coordinates are always relative to the
364    * widget allocation.
365    *
366    * @newin{3,14}
367    *
368    * @param sequence A Gdk::EventSequence, or <tt>nullptr</tt> for pointer events.
369    * @param x Return location for X axis of the sequence coordinates.
370    * @param y Return location for Y axis of the sequence coordinates.
371    * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a sequence is currently interpreted.
372    */
373   bool get_point(GdkEventSequence* sequence, double& x, double& y) const;
375   /** If there are touch sequences being currently handled by @a gesture,
376    * this function returns <tt>true</tt> and fills in @a rect with the bounding
377    * box containing all active touches. Otherwise, <tt>false</tt> will be
378    * returned.
379    *
380    * @note This function will yield unexpected results on touchpad
381    * gestures. Since there is no correlation between physical and
382    * pixel distances, these will look as if constrained in an
383    * infinitely small area, @a rect width and height will thus be 0
384    * regardless of the number of touchpoints.
385    *
386    * @newin{3,14}
387    *
388    * @param rect Bounding box containing all active touches.
389    * @return <tt>true</tt> if there are active touches, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
390    */
391   bool get_bounding_box(Gdk::Rectangle& rect) const;
393   /** If there are touch sequences being currently handled by @a gesture,
394    * this function returns <tt>true</tt> and fills in @a x and @a y with the center
395    * of the bounding box containing all active touches. Otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
396    * will be returned.
397    *
398    * @newin{3,14}
399    *
400    * @param x X coordinate for the bounding box center.
401    * @param y Y coordinate for the bounding box center.
402    * @return <tt>false</tt> if no active touches are present, <tt>true</tt> otherwise.
403    */
404   bool get_bounding_box_center(double& x, double& y) const;
406   /** Returns <tt>true</tt> if the gesture is currently active.
407    * A gesture is active meanwhile there are touch sequences
408    * interacting with it.
409    *
410    * @newin{3,14}
411    *
412    * @return <tt>true</tt> if gesture is active.
413    */
414   bool is_active() const;
416   /** Returns <tt>true</tt> if the gesture is currently recognized.
417    * A gesture is recognized if there are as many interacting
418    * touch sequences as required by @a gesture, and Gtk::Gesture::signal_check()
419    * returned <tt>true</tt> for the sequences being currently interpreted.
420    *
421    * @newin{3,14}
422    *
423    * @return <tt>true</tt> if gesture is recognized.
424    */
425   bool is_recognized() const;
427   /** Returns the user-defined window that receives the events
428    * handled by @a gesture. See set_window() for more
429    * information.
430    *
431    * @newin{3,14}
432    *
433    * @return The user defined window, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if none.
434    */
435   Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> get_window();
437   /** Returns the user-defined window that receives the events
438    * handled by @a gesture. See set_window() for more
439    * information.
440    *
441    * @newin{3,14}
442    *
443    * @return The user defined window, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if none.
444    */
445   Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::Window> get_window() const;
447   /** Sets a specific window to receive events about, so @a gesture
448    * will effectively handle only events targeting @a window, or
449    * a child of it. @a window must pertain to Gtk::EventController::get_widget().
450    *
451    * @newin{3,14}
452    *
453    * @param window A Gdk::Window, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
454    */
455   void set_window(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>& window);
457   /** Undoes the effect of previous calls to set_window(),
458    * so the gesture will handle events targeting any Gdk::Window that pertains
459    * to Gtk::EventController::get_widget().
460    *
461    * @newin{3,14}
462    */
463   void unset_window();
466   /** Adds @a gesture to the same group than @a group_gesture. Gestures
467    * are by default isolated in their own groups.
468    *
469    * When gestures are grouped, the state of Gdk::EventSequences
470    * is kept in sync for all of those, so calling set_sequence_state(),
471    * on one will transfer the same value to the others.
472    *
473    * Groups also perform an "implicit grabbing" of sequences, if a
474    * Gdk::EventSequence state is set to Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED on one group,
475    * every other gesture group attached to the same Gtk::Widget will switch the
476    * state for that sequence to Gtk::EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED.
477    *
478    * @newin{3,14}
479    *
480    * @param group_gesture Gtk::Gesture to group @a gesture with.
481    */
482   void group(const Glib::RefPtr<Gesture>& group_gesture);
484   /** Separates @a gesture into an isolated group.
485    *
486    * @newin{3,14}
487    */
488   void ungroup();
491   /** Returns all gestures in the group of @a gesture
492    *
493    * @newin{3,14}
494    *
495    * @return The list
496    * of Gtk::Gestures.
497    */
498   std::vector< Glib::RefPtr<Gesture> > get_group();
501   /** Returns all gestures in the group of @a gesture
502    *
503    * @newin{3,14}
504    *
505    * @return The list
506    * of Gtk::Gestures.
507    */
508   std::vector< Glib::RefPtr<const Gesture> > get_group() const;
511   /** Returns <tt>true</tt> if both gestures pertain to the same group.
512    *
513    * @newin{3,14}
514    *
515    * @param other Another Gtk::Gesture.
516    * @return Whether the gestures are grouped.
517    */
518   bool is_grouped_with(const Glib::RefPtr<Gesture>& other) const;
520   // no_default_handler because GtkGestureClass is private.
522   /**
523    * @par Slot Prototype:
524    * <tt>void on_my_%begin(GdkEventSequence* sequence)</tt>
525    *
526    * Flags: Run Last
527    *
528    * This signal is emitted when the gesture is recognized. This means the
529    * number of touch sequences matches Gtk::Gesture::property_n_points(), and the Gtk::Gesture::signal_check()
530    * handler(s) returned #<tt>true</tt>.
531    *
532    * @note These conditions may also happen when an extra touch (eg. a third touch
533    * on a 2-touches gesture) is lifted, in that situation @a sequence won't pertain
534    * to the current set of active touches, so don't rely on this being true.
535    *
536    * @newin{3,14}
537    *
538    * @param sequence The Gdk::EventSequence that made the gesture to be recognized.
539    */
541   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventSequence* > signal_begin();
544   /**
545    * @par Slot Prototype:
546    * <tt>void on_my_%end(GdkEventSequence* sequence)</tt>
547    *
548    * Flags: Run Last
549    *
550    * This signal is emitted when @a gesture either stopped recognizing the event
551    * sequences as something to be handled (the Gtk::Gesture::signal_check() handler returned
552    * <tt>false</tt>), or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than
553    * Gtk::Gesture::property_n_points().
554    *
555    * @note @a sequence might not pertain to the group of sequences that were
556    * previously triggering recognition on @a gesture (ie. a just pressed touch
557    * sequence that exceeds Gtk::Gesture::property_n_points()). This situation may be detected
558    * by checking through Gtk::Gesture::handles_sequence().
559    *
560    * @newin{3,14}
561    *
562    * @param sequence The Gdk::EventSequence that made gesture recognition to finish.
563    */
565   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventSequence* > signal_end();
568   /**
569    * @par Slot Prototype:
570    * <tt>void on_my_%update(GdkEventSequence* sequence)</tt>
571    *
572    * Flags: Run Last
573    *
574    * This signal is emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is
575    * recognized. @a sequence is guaranteed to pertain to the set of active touches.
576    *
577    * @newin{3,14}
578    *
579    * @param sequence The Gdk::EventSequence that was updated.
580    */
582   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventSequence* > signal_update();
585   /**
586    * @par Slot Prototype:
587    * <tt>void on_my_%cancel(GdkEventSequence* sequence)</tt>
588    *
589    * Flags: Run Last
590    *
591    * This signal is emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled. This usually
592    * happens on active touches when Gtk::EventController::reset() is called
593    * on @a gesture (manually, due to grabs...), or the individual @a sequence
594    * was claimed by parent widgets' controllers (see Gtk::Gesture::set_sequence_state()).
595    *
596    *  @a gesture must forget everything about @a sequence as a reaction to this signal.
597    *
598    * @newin{3,14}
599    *
600    * @param sequence The Gdk::EventSequence that was cancelled.
601    */
603   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventSequence* > signal_cancel();
606   /**
607    * @par Slot Prototype:
608    * <tt>void on_my_%sequence_state_changed(GdkEventSequence* sequence, EventSequenceState state)</tt>
609    *
610    * Flags: Run Last
611    *
612    * This signal is emitted whenever a sequence state changes. See
613    * Gtk::Gesture::set_sequence_state() to know more about the expectable
614    * sequence lifetimes.
615    *
616    * @newin{3,14}
617    *
618    * @param sequence The Gdk::EventSequence that was cancelled.
619    * @param state The new sequence state.
620    */
622   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventSequence*,EventSequenceState > signal_sequence_state_changed();
625   /** The number of touch points that trigger recognition on this gesture,
626    *
627    *
628    * @newin{3,14}
629    *
630    * Default value: 1
631    *
632    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
633    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
634    */
635   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< unsigned int > property_n_points() const;
638   /** If non-<tt>nullptr</tt>, the gesture will only listen for events that happen on
639    * this Gdk::Window, or a child of it.
640    *
641    * @newin{3,14}
642    *
643    * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
644    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
645    */
646   Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> > property_window() ;
648 /** If non-<tt>nullptr</tt>, the gesture will only listen for events that happen on
649    * this Gdk::Window, or a child of it.
650    *
651    * @newin{3,14}
652    *
653    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
654    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
655    */
656   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> > property_window() const;
659 public:
661 public:
662   //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
664 protected:
665   //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
667   //Default Signal Handlers::
670 };
672 } // namespace Gtk
675 namespace Glib
676 {
677   /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
678    *
679    * @param object The C instance.
680    * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
681    * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
682    *
683    * @relates Gtk::Gesture
684    */
685   Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Gesture> wrap(GtkGesture* object, bool take_copy = false);
686 }
689 #endif /* _GTKMM_GESTURE_H */