1 // Scintilla source code edit control
2 /** @file LexCPP.cxx
3  ** Lexer for C++, C, Java, and JavaScript.
4  ** Further folding features and configuration properties added by "Udo Lechner" <dlchnr(at)gmx(dot)net>
5  **/
6 // Copyright 1998-2005 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
7 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include <ctype.h>
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <stdarg.h>
14 #include <assert.h>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <vector>
18 #include <map>
19 #include <algorithm>
21 #include "ILexer.h"
22 #include "Scintilla.h"
23 #include "SciLexer.h"
25 #include "WordList.h"
26 #include "LexAccessor.h"
27 #include "Accessor.h"
28 #include "StyleContext.h"
29 #include "CharacterSet.h"
30 #include "LexerModule.h"
31 #include "OptionSet.h"
32 #include "SparseState.h"
35 using namespace Scintilla;
36 #endif
IsSpaceEquiv(int state)38 static bool IsSpaceEquiv(int state) {
39 	return (state <= SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) ||
43 }
45 // Preconditions: sc.currentPos points to a character after '+' or '-'.
46 // The test for pos reaching 0 should be redundant,
47 // and is in only for safety measures.
48 // Limitation: this code will give the incorrect answer for code like
49 // a = b+++/ptn/...
50 // Putting a space between the '++' post-inc operator and the '+' binary op
51 // fixes this, and is highly recommended for readability anyway.
FollowsPostfixOperator(StyleContext & sc,LexAccessor & styler)52 static bool FollowsPostfixOperator(StyleContext &sc, LexAccessor &styler) {
53 	int pos = (int) sc.currentPos;
54 	while (--pos > 0) {
55 		char ch = styler[pos];
56 		if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
57 			return styler[pos - 1] == ch;
58 		}
59 	}
60 	return false;
61 }
followsReturnKeyword(StyleContext & sc,LexAccessor & styler)63 static bool followsReturnKeyword(StyleContext &sc, LexAccessor &styler) {
64 	// Don't look at styles, so no need to flush.
65 	int pos = (int) sc.currentPos;
66 	int currentLine = styler.GetLine(pos);
67 	int lineStartPos = styler.LineStart(currentLine);
68 	char ch;
69 	while (--pos > lineStartPos) {
70 		ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos);
71 		if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') {
72 			break;
73 		}
74 	}
75 	const char *retBack = "nruter";
76 	const char *s = retBack;
77 	while (*s
78 		&& pos >= lineStartPos
79 		&& styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos) == *s) {
80 		s++;
81 		pos--;
82 	}
83 	return !*s;
84 }
GetRestOfLine(LexAccessor & styler,int start,bool allowSpace)86 static std::string GetRestOfLine(LexAccessor &styler, int start, bool allowSpace) {
87 	std::string restOfLine;
88 	int i =0;
89 	char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(start, '\n');
90 	while ((ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n')) {
91 		if (allowSpace || (ch != ' '))
92 			restOfLine += ch;
93 		i++;
94 		ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(start + i, '\n');
95 	}
96 	return restOfLine;
97 }
IsStreamCommentStyle(int style)99 static bool IsStreamCommentStyle(int style) {
100 	return style == SCE_C_COMMENT ||
101 		style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC ||
104 }
Tokenize(const std::string & s)106 static std::vector<std::string> Tokenize(const std::string &s) {
107 	// Break into space separated tokens
108 	std::string word;
109 	std::vector<std::string> tokens;
110 	for (const char *cp = s.c_str(); *cp; cp++) {
111 		if ((*cp == ' ') || (*cp == '\t')) {
112 			if (!word.empty()) {
113 				tokens.push_back(word);
114 				word = "";
115 			}
116 		} else {
117 			word += *cp;
118 		}
119 	}
120 	if (!word.empty()) {
121 		tokens.push_back(word);
122 	}
123 	return tokens;
124 }
126 struct PPDefinition {
127 	int line;
128 	std::string key;
129 	std::string value;
PPDefinitionPPDefinition130 	PPDefinition(int line_, const std::string &key_, const std::string &value_) :
131 		line(line_), key(key_), value(value_) {
132 	}
133 };
135 class LinePPState {
136 	int state;
137 	int ifTaken;
138 	int level;
ValidLevel() const139 	bool ValidLevel() const {
140 		return level >= 0 && level < 32;
141 	}
maskLevel() const142 	int maskLevel() const {
143 		return 1 << level;
144 	}
145 public:
LinePPState()146 	LinePPState() : state(0), ifTaken(0), level(-1) {
147 	}
IsInactive() const148 	bool IsInactive() const {
149 		return state != 0;
150 	}
CurrentIfTaken()151 	bool CurrentIfTaken() {
152 		return (ifTaken & maskLevel()) != 0;
153 	}
StartSection(bool on)154 	void StartSection(bool on) {
155 		level++;
156 		if (ValidLevel()) {
157 			if (on) {
158 				state &= ~maskLevel();
159 				ifTaken |= maskLevel();
160 			} else {
161 				state |= maskLevel();
162 				ifTaken &= ~maskLevel();
163 			}
164 		}
165 	}
EndSection()166 	void EndSection() {
167 		if (ValidLevel()) {
168 			state &= ~maskLevel();
169 			ifTaken &= ~maskLevel();
170 		}
171 		level--;
172 	}
InvertCurrentLevel()173 	void InvertCurrentLevel() {
174 		if (ValidLevel()) {
175 			state ^= maskLevel();
176 			ifTaken |= maskLevel();
177 		}
178 	}
179 };
181 // Hold the preprocessor state for each line seen.
182 // Currently one entry per line but could become sparse with just one entry per preprocessor line.
183 class PPStates {
184 	std::vector<LinePPState> vlls;
185 public:
ForLine(int line)186 	LinePPState ForLine(int line) {
187 		if ((line > 0) && (vlls.size() > static_cast<size_t>(line))) {
188 			return vlls[line];
189 		} else {
190 			return LinePPState();
191 		}
192 	}
Add(int line,LinePPState lls)193 	void Add(int line, LinePPState lls) {
194 		vlls.resize(line+1);
195 		vlls[line] = lls;
196 	}
197 };
199 // An individual named option for use in an OptionSet
201 // Options used for LexerCPP
202 struct OptionsCPP {
203 	bool stylingWithinPreprocessor;
204 	bool identifiersAllowDollars;
205 	bool trackPreprocessor;
206 	bool updatePreprocessor;
207 	bool triplequotedStrings;
208 	bool hashquotedStrings;
209 	bool fold;
210 	bool foldSyntaxBased;
211 	bool foldComment;
212 	bool foldCommentMultiline;
213 	bool foldCommentExplicit;
214 	std::string foldExplicitStart;
215 	std::string foldExplicitEnd;
216 	bool foldExplicitAnywhere;
217 	bool foldPreprocessor;
218 	bool foldCompact;
219 	bool foldAtElse;
OptionsCPPOptionsCPP220 	OptionsCPP() {
221 		stylingWithinPreprocessor = false;
222 		identifiersAllowDollars = true;
223 		trackPreprocessor = true;
224 		updatePreprocessor = true;
225 		triplequotedStrings = false;
226 		hashquotedStrings = false;
227 		fold = false;
228 		foldSyntaxBased = true;
229 		foldComment = false;
230 		foldCommentMultiline = true;
231 		foldCommentExplicit = true;
232 		foldExplicitStart = "";
233 		foldExplicitEnd = "";
234 		foldExplicitAnywhere = false;
235 		foldPreprocessor = false;
236 		foldCompact = false;
237 		foldAtElse = false;
238 	}
239 };
241 static const char *const cppWordLists[] = {
242             "Primary keywords and identifiers",
243             "Secondary keywords and identifiers",
244             "Documentation comment keywords",
245             "Global classes and typedefs",
246             "Preprocessor definitions",
247             0,
248 };
250 struct OptionSetCPP : public OptionSet<OptionsCPP> {
OptionSetCPPOptionSetCPP251 	OptionSetCPP() {
252 		DefineProperty("styling.within.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::stylingWithinPreprocessor,
253 			"For C++ code, determines whether all preprocessor code is styled in the "
254 			"preprocessor style (0, the default) or only from the initial # to the end "
255 			"of the command word(1).");
257 		DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.allow.dollars", &OptionsCPP::identifiersAllowDollars,
258 			"Set to 0 to disallow the '$' character in identifiers with the cpp lexer.");
260 		DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.track.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::trackPreprocessor,
261 			"Set to 1 to interpret #if/#else/#endif to grey out code that is not active.");
263 		DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.update.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::updatePreprocessor,
264 			"Set to 1 to update preprocessor definitions when #define found.");
266 		DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.triplequoted.strings", &OptionsCPP::triplequotedStrings,
267 			"Set to 1 to enable highlighting of triple-quoted strings.");
269 		DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.hashquoted.strings", &OptionsCPP::hashquotedStrings,
270 			"Set to 1 to enable highlighting of hash-quoted strings.");
272 		DefineProperty("fold", &OptionsCPP::fold);
274 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.syntax.based", &OptionsCPP::foldSyntaxBased,
275 			"Set this property to 0 to disable syntax based folding.");
277 		DefineProperty("fold.comment", &OptionsCPP::foldComment,
278 			"This option enables folding multi-line comments and explicit fold points when using the C++ lexer. "
279 			"Explicit fold points allows adding extra folding by placing a //{ comment at the start and a //} "
280 			"at the end of a section that should fold.");
282 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.comment.multiline", &OptionsCPP::foldCommentMultiline,
283 			"Set this property to 0 to disable folding multi-line comments when fold.comment=1.");
285 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.comment.explicit", &OptionsCPP::foldCommentExplicit,
286 			"Set this property to 0 to disable folding explicit fold points when fold.comment=1.");
288 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.start", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitStart,
289 			"The string to use for explicit fold start points, replacing the standard //{.");
291 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.end", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitEnd,
292 			"The string to use for explicit fold end points, replacing the standard //}.");
294 		DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.anywhere", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitAnywhere,
295 			"Set this property to 1 to enable explicit fold points anywhere, not just in line comments.");
297 		DefineProperty("fold.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::foldPreprocessor,
298 			"This option enables folding preprocessor directives when using the C++ lexer. "
299 			"Includes C#'s explicit #region and #endregion folding directives.");
301 		DefineProperty("fold.compact", &OptionsCPP::foldCompact);
303 		DefineProperty("fold.at.else", &OptionsCPP::foldAtElse,
304 			"This option enables C++ folding on a \"} else {\" line of an if statement.");
306 		DefineWordListSets(cppWordLists);
307 	}
308 };
310 class LexerCPP : public ILexer {
311 	bool caseSensitive;
312 	CharacterSet setWord;
313 	CharacterSet setNegationOp;
314 	CharacterSet setArithmethicOp;
315 	CharacterSet setRelOp;
316 	CharacterSet setLogicalOp;
317 	PPStates vlls;
318 	std::vector<PPDefinition> ppDefineHistory;
319 	WordList keywords;
320 	WordList keywords2;
321 	WordList keywords3;
322 	WordList keywords4;
323 	WordList ppDefinitions;
324 	std::map<std::string, std::string> preprocessorDefinitionsStart;
325 	OptionsCPP options;
326 	OptionSetCPP osCPP;
327 	SparseState<std::string> rawStringTerminators;
328 	enum { activeFlag = 0x40 };
329 public:
LexerCPP(bool caseSensitive_)330 	LexerCPP(bool caseSensitive_) :
331 		caseSensitive(caseSensitive_),
332 		setWord(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "._", 0x80, true),
333 		setNegationOp(CharacterSet::setNone, "!"),
334 		setArithmethicOp(CharacterSet::setNone, "+-/*%"),
335 		setRelOp(CharacterSet::setNone, "=!<>"),
336 		setLogicalOp(CharacterSet::setNone, "|&") {
337 	}
~LexerCPP()338 	virtual ~LexerCPP() {
339 	}
Release()340 	void SCI_METHOD Release() {
341 		delete this;
342 	}
Version() const343 	int SCI_METHOD Version() const {
344 		return lvOriginal;
345 	}
PropertyNames()346 	const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyNames() {
347 		return osCPP.PropertyNames();
348 	}
PropertyType(const char * name)349 	int SCI_METHOD PropertyType(const char *name) {
350 		return osCPP.PropertyType(name);
351 	}
DescribeProperty(const char * name)352 	const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeProperty(const char *name) {
353 		return osCPP.DescribeProperty(name);
354 	}
355 	int SCI_METHOD PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val);
DescribeWordListSets()356 	const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeWordListSets() {
357 		return osCPP.DescribeWordListSets();
358 	}
359 	int SCI_METHOD WordListSet(int n, const char *wl);
360 	void SCI_METHOD Lex(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess);
361 	void SCI_METHOD Fold(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess);
PrivateCall(int,void *)363 	void * SCI_METHOD PrivateCall(int, void *) {
364 		return 0;
365 	}
LexerFactoryCPP()367 	static ILexer *LexerFactoryCPP() {
368 		return new LexerCPP(true);
369 	}
LexerFactoryCPPInsensitive()370 	static ILexer *LexerFactoryCPPInsensitive() {
371 		return new LexerCPP(false);
372 	}
MaskActive(int style)373 	static int MaskActive(int style) {
374 		return style & ~activeFlag;
375 	}
376 	void EvaluateTokens(std::vector<std::string> &tokens);
377 	bool EvaluateExpression(const std::string &expr, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &preprocessorDefinitions);
378 };
PropertySet(const char * key,const char * val)380 int SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) {
381 	if (osCPP.PropertySet(&options, key, val)) {
382 		if (strcmp(key, "lexer.cpp.allow.dollars") == 0) {
383 			setWord = CharacterSet(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "._", 0x80, true);
384 			if (options.identifiersAllowDollars) {
385 				setWord.Add('$');
386 			}
387 		}
388 		return 0;
389 	}
390 	return -1;
391 }
WordListSet(int n,const char * wl)393 int SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) {
394 	WordList *wordListN = 0;
395 	switch (n) {
396 	case 0:
397 		wordListN = &keywords;
398 		break;
399 	case 1:
400 		wordListN = &keywords2;
401 		break;
402 	case 2:
403 		wordListN = &keywords3;
404 		break;
405 	case 3:
406 		wordListN = &keywords4;
407 		break;
408 	case 4:
409 		wordListN = &ppDefinitions;
410 		break;
411 	}
412 	int firstModification = -1;
413 	if (wordListN) {
414 		WordList wlNew;
415 		wlNew.Set(wl);
416 		if (*wordListN != wlNew) {
417 			wordListN->Set(wl);
418 			firstModification = 0;
419 			if (n == 4) {
420 				// Rebuild preprocessorDefinitions
421 				preprocessorDefinitionsStart.clear();
422 				for (int nDefinition = 0; nDefinition < ppDefinitions.len; nDefinition++) {
423 					char *cpDefinition = ppDefinitions.words[nDefinition];
424 					char *cpEquals = strchr(cpDefinition, '=');
425 					if (cpEquals) {
426 						std::string name(cpDefinition, cpEquals - cpDefinition);
427 						std::string val(cpEquals+1);
428 						preprocessorDefinitionsStart[name] = val;
429 					} else {
430 						std::string name(cpDefinition);
431 						std::string val("1");
432 						preprocessorDefinitionsStart[name] = val;
433 					}
434 				}
435 			}
436 		}
437 	}
438 	return firstModification;
439 }
441 // Functor used to truncate history
442 struct After {
443 	int line;
AfterAfter444 	After(int line_) : line(line_) {}
operator ()After445 	bool operator()(PPDefinition &p) const {
446 		return p.line > line;
447 	}
448 };
Lex(unsigned int startPos,int length,int initStyle,IDocument * pAccess)450 void SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::Lex(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) {
451 	LexAccessor styler(pAccess);
453 	CharacterSet setOKBeforeRE(CharacterSet::setNone, "([{=,:;!%^&*|?~+-");
454 	CharacterSet setCouldBePostOp(CharacterSet::setNone, "+-");
456 	CharacterSet setDoxygen(CharacterSet::setAlpha, "$@\\&<>#{}[]");
458 	CharacterSet setWordStart(CharacterSet::setAlpha, "_", 0x80, true);
460 	if (options.identifiersAllowDollars) {
461 		setWordStart.Add('$');
462 	}
464 	int chPrevNonWhite = ' ';
465 	int visibleChars = 0;
466 	bool lastWordWasUUID = false;
467 	int styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
468 	bool continuationLine = false;
469 	bool isIncludePreprocessor = false;
471 	int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
472 	if ((MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) ||
473       (MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) ||
474       (MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC)) {
475 		// Set continuationLine if last character of previous line is '\'
476 		if (lineCurrent > 0) {
477 			int chBack = styler.SafeGetCharAt(startPos-1, 0);
478 			int chBack2 = styler.SafeGetCharAt(startPos-2, 0);
479 			int lineEndChar = '!';
480 			if (chBack2 == '\r' && chBack == '\n') {
481 				lineEndChar = styler.SafeGetCharAt(startPos-3, 0);
482 			} else if (chBack == '\n' || chBack == '\r') {
483 				lineEndChar = chBack2;
484 			}
485 			continuationLine = lineEndChar == '\\';
486 		}
487 	}
489 	// look back to set chPrevNonWhite properly for better regex colouring
490 	if (startPos > 0) {
491 		int back = startPos;
492 		while (--back && IsSpaceEquiv(MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(back))))
493 			;
494 		if (MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(back)) == SCE_C_OPERATOR) {
495 			chPrevNonWhite = styler.SafeGetCharAt(back);
496 		}
497 	}
499 	StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler, 0x7f);
500 	LinePPState preproc = vlls.ForLine(lineCurrent);
502 	bool definitionsChanged = false;
504 	// Truncate ppDefineHistory before current line
506 	if (!options.updatePreprocessor)
507 		ppDefineHistory.clear();
509 	std::vector<PPDefinition>::iterator itInvalid = std::find_if(ppDefineHistory.begin(), ppDefineHistory.end(), After(lineCurrent-1));
510 	if (itInvalid != ppDefineHistory.end()) {
511 		ppDefineHistory.erase(itInvalid, ppDefineHistory.end());
512 		definitionsChanged = true;
513 	}
515 	std::map<std::string, std::string> preprocessorDefinitions = preprocessorDefinitionsStart;
516 	for (std::vector<PPDefinition>::iterator itDef = ppDefineHistory.begin(); itDef != ppDefineHistory.end(); ++itDef) {
517 		preprocessorDefinitions[itDef->key] = itDef->value;
518 	}
520 	std::string rawStringTerminator = rawStringTerminators.ValueAt(lineCurrent-1);
521 	SparseState<std::string> rawSTNew(lineCurrent);
523 	int activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
525 	for (; sc.More();) {
527 		if (sc.atLineStart) {
528 			// Using MaskActive() is not needed in the following statement.
529 			// Inside inactive preprocessor declaration, state will be reset anyway at the end of this block.
530 			if ((sc.state == SCE_C_STRING) || (sc.state == SCE_C_CHARACTER)) {
531 				// Prevent SCE_C_STRINGEOL from leaking back to previous line which
532 				// ends with a line continuation by locking in the state upto this position.
533 				sc.SetState(sc.state);
534 			}
535 			if ((MaskActive(sc.state) == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) && (!continuationLine)) {
536 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
537 			}
538 			// Reset states to begining of colourise so no surprises
539 			// if different sets of lines lexed.
540 			visibleChars = 0;
541 			lastWordWasUUID = false;
542 			isIncludePreprocessor = false;
543 			if (preproc.IsInactive()) {
544 				activitySet = activeFlag;
545 				sc.SetState(sc.state | activitySet);
546 			}
547 		}
549 		if (sc.atLineEnd) {
550 			lineCurrent++;
551 			vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc);
552 			if (rawStringTerminator != "") {
553 				rawSTNew.Set(lineCurrent-1, rawStringTerminator);
554 			}
555 		}
557 		// Handle line continuation generically.
558 		if (sc.ch == '\\') {
559 			if (sc.chNext == '\n' || sc.chNext == '\r') {
560 				lineCurrent++;
561 				vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc);
562 				sc.Forward();
563 				if (sc.ch == '\r' && sc.chNext == '\n') {
564 					sc.Forward();
565 				}
566 				continuationLine = true;
567 				sc.Forward();
568 				continue;
569 			}
570 		}
572 		const bool atLineEndBeforeSwitch = sc.atLineEnd;
574 		// Determine if the current state should terminate.
575 		switch (MaskActive(sc.state)) {
576 			case SCE_C_OPERATOR:
577 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
578 				break;
579 			case SCE_C_NUMBER:
580 				// We accept almost anything because of hex. and number suffixes
581 				if (!(setWord.Contains(sc.ch) || ((sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E')))) {
582 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
583 				}
584 				break;
585 			case SCE_C_IDENTIFIER:
586 				if (!setWord.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.')) {
587 					char s[1000];
588 					if (caseSensitive) {
589 						sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s));
590 					} else {
591 						sc.GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s));
592 					}
593 					if (keywords.InList(s)) {
594 						lastWordWasUUID = strcmp(s, "uuid") == 0;
595 						sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_WORD|activitySet);
596 					} else if (keywords2.InList(s)) {
597 						sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_WORD2|activitySet);
598 					} else if (keywords4.InList(s)) {
599 						sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_GLOBALCLASS|activitySet);
600 					}
601 					const bool literalString = sc.ch == '\"';
602 					if (literalString || sc.ch == '\'') {
603 						size_t lenS = strlen(s);
604 						const bool raw = literalString && sc.chPrev == 'R';
605 						if (raw)
606 							s[lenS--] = '\0';
607 						bool valid =
608 							(lenS == 0) ||
609 							((lenS == 1) && ((s[0] == 'L') || (s[0] == 'u') || (s[0] == 'U'))) ||
610 							((lenS == 2) && literalString && (s[0] == 'u') && (s[1] == '8'));
611 						if (valid) {
612 							if (literalString)
613 								sc.ChangeState((raw ? SCE_C_STRINGRAW : SCE_C_STRING)|activitySet);
614 							else
615 								sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_CHARACTER|activitySet);
616 						}
617 					}
618 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
619 				}
620 				break;
622 				if (options.stylingWithinPreprocessor) {
623 					if (IsASpace(sc.ch)) {
624 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
625 					}
626 				} else {
627 					if (sc.Match('/', '*')) {
628 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT|activitySet);
629 						sc.Forward();	// Eat the *
630 					} else if (sc.Match('/', '/')) {
631 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
632 					}
633 				}
634 				break;
636 				if (sc.Match('*', '/')) {
637 					sc.Forward();
638 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
639 					continue;	// Without advancing in case of '\'.
640 				}
641 				break;
642 			case SCE_C_COMMENT:
643 				if (sc.Match('*', '/')) {
644 					sc.Forward();
645 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
646 				}
647 				break;
648 			case SCE_C_COMMENTDOC:
649 				if (sc.Match('*', '/')) {
650 					sc.Forward();
651 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
652 				} else if (sc.ch == '@' || sc.ch == '\\') { // JavaDoc and Doxygen support
653 					// Verify that we have the conditions to mark a comment-doc-keyword
654 					if ((IsASpace(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '*') && (!IsASpace(sc.chNext))) {
655 						styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC;
656 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD|activitySet);
657 					}
658 				}
659 				break;
660 			case SCE_C_COMMENTLINE:
661 				if (sc.atLineStart && !continuationLine) {
662 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
663 				}
664 				break;
666 				if (sc.atLineStart && !continuationLine) {
667 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
668 				} else if (sc.ch == '@' || sc.ch == '\\') { // JavaDoc and Doxygen support
669 					// Verify that we have the conditions to mark a comment-doc-keyword
670 					if ((IsASpace(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '/' || sc.chPrev == '!') && (!IsASpace(sc.chNext))) {
671 						styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC;
672 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD|activitySet);
673 					}
674 				}
675 				break;
677 				if ((styleBeforeDCKeyword == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) && sc.Match('*', '/')) {
679 					sc.Forward();
680 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
681 				} else if (!setDoxygen.Contains(sc.ch)) {
682 					char s[100];
683 					if (caseSensitive) {
684 						sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s));
685 					} else {
686 						sc.GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s));
687 					}
688 					if (!IsASpace(sc.ch) || !keywords3.InList(s + 1)) {
689 						sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR|activitySet);
690 					}
691 					sc.SetState(styleBeforeDCKeyword|activitySet);
692 				}
693 				break;
694 			case SCE_C_STRING:
695 				if (sc.atLineEnd) {
696 					sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGEOL|activitySet);
697 				} else if (isIncludePreprocessor) {
698 					if (sc.ch == '>') {
699 						sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
700 						isIncludePreprocessor = false;
701 					}
702 				} else if (sc.ch == '\\') {
703 					if (sc.chNext == '\"' || sc.chNext == '\'' || sc.chNext == '\\') {
704 						sc.Forward();
705 					}
706 				} else if (sc.ch == '\"') {
707 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
708 				}
709 				break;
711 				if (sc.ch == '\\') {
712 					if (sc.chNext == '\"' || sc.chNext == '\'' || sc.chNext == '\\') {
713 						sc.Forward();
714 					}
715 				} else if (sc.ch == '\"') {
716 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
717 				}
718 				break;
719 			case SCE_C_STRINGRAW:
720 				if (sc.Match(rawStringTerminator.c_str())) {
721 					for (size_t termPos=rawStringTerminator.size(); termPos; termPos--)
722 						sc.Forward();
723 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
724 					rawStringTerminator = "";
725 				}
726 				break;
727 			case SCE_C_CHARACTER:
728 				if (sc.atLineEnd) {
729 					sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGEOL|activitySet);
730 				} else if (sc.ch == '\\') {
731 					if (sc.chNext == '\"' || sc.chNext == '\'' || sc.chNext == '\\') {
732 						sc.Forward();
733 					}
734 				} else if (sc.ch == '\'') {
735 					sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
736 				}
737 				break;
738 			case SCE_C_REGEX:
739 				if (sc.atLineStart) {
740 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
741 				} else if (sc.ch == '/') {
742 					sc.Forward();
743 					while ((sc.ch < 0x80) && islower(sc.ch))
744 						sc.Forward();    // gobble regex flags
745 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
746 				} else if (sc.ch == '\\') {
747 					// Gobble up the quoted character
748 					if (sc.chNext == '\\' || sc.chNext == '/') {
749 						sc.Forward();
750 					}
751 				}
752 				break;
753 			case SCE_C_STRINGEOL:
754 				if (sc.atLineStart) {
755 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
756 				}
757 				break;
758 			case SCE_C_VERBATIM:
759 				if (sc.ch == '\"') {
760 					if (sc.chNext == '\"') {
761 						sc.Forward();
762 					} else {
763 						sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
764 					}
765 				}
766 				break;
768 				if (sc.Match("\"\"\"")) {
769 					while (sc.Match('"')) {
770 						sc.Forward();
771 					}
772 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
773 				}
774 				break;
775 			case SCE_C_UUID:
776 				if (sc.ch == '\r' || sc.ch == '\n' || sc.ch == ')') {
777 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
778 				}
779 		}
781 		if (sc.atLineEnd && !atLineEndBeforeSwitch) {
782 			// State exit processing consumed characters up to end of line.
783 			lineCurrent++;
784 			vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc);
785 		}
787 		// Determine if a new state should be entered.
788 		if (MaskActive(sc.state) == SCE_C_DEFAULT) {
789 			if (sc.Match('@', '\"')) {
790 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_VERBATIM|activitySet);
791 				sc.Forward();
792 			} else if (options.triplequotedStrings && sc.Match("\"\"\"")) {
793 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM|activitySet);
794 				sc.Forward(2);
795 			} else if (options.hashquotedStrings && sc.Match('#', '\"')) {
796 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING|activitySet);
797 				sc.Forward();
798 			} else if (IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext))) {
799 				if (lastWordWasUUID) {
800 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_UUID|activitySet);
801 					lastWordWasUUID = false;
802 				} else {
803 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_NUMBER|activitySet);
804 				}
805 			} else if (setWordStart.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '@')) {
806 				if (lastWordWasUUID) {
807 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_UUID|activitySet);
808 					lastWordWasUUID = false;
809 				} else {
810 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_IDENTIFIER|activitySet);
811 				}
812 			} else if (sc.Match('/', '*')) {
813 				if (sc.Match("/**") || sc.Match("/*!")) {	// Support of Qt/Doxygen doc. style
814 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOC|activitySet);
815 				} else {
816 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENT|activitySet);
817 				}
818 				sc.Forward();	// Eat the * so it isn't used for the end of the comment
819 			} else if (sc.Match('/', '/')) {
820 				if ((sc.Match("///") && !sc.Match("////")) || sc.Match("//!"))
821 					// Support of Qt/Doxygen doc. style
822 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC|activitySet);
823 				else
824 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTLINE|activitySet);
825 			} else if (sc.ch == '/'
826 				   && (setOKBeforeRE.Contains(chPrevNonWhite)
827 				       || followsReturnKeyword(sc, styler))
828 				   && (!setCouldBePostOp.Contains(chPrevNonWhite)
829 				       || !FollowsPostfixOperator(sc, styler))) {
830 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_REGEX|activitySet);	// JavaScript's RegEx
831 			} else if (sc.ch == '\"') {
832 				if (sc.chPrev == 'R') {
833 					styler.Flush();
834 					if (MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(sc.currentPos - 1)) == SCE_C_STRINGRAW) {
835 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRINGRAW|activitySet);
836 						rawStringTerminator = ")";
837 						for (int termPos = sc.currentPos + 1;; termPos++) {
838 							char chTerminator = styler.SafeGetCharAt(termPos, '(');
839 							if (chTerminator == '(')
840 								break;
841 							rawStringTerminator += chTerminator;
842 						}
843 						rawStringTerminator += '\"';
844 					} else {
845 						sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet);
846 					}
847 				} else {
848 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet);
849 				}
850 				isIncludePreprocessor = false;	// ensure that '>' won't end the string
851 			} else if (isIncludePreprocessor && sc.ch == '<') {
852 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet);
853 			} else if (sc.ch == '\'') {
854 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_CHARACTER|activitySet);
855 			} else if (sc.ch == '#' && visibleChars == 0) {
856 				// Preprocessor commands are alone on their line
857 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
858 				// Skip whitespace between # and preprocessor word
859 				do {
860 					sc.Forward();
861 				} while ((sc.ch == ' ' || sc.ch == '\t') && sc.More());
862 				if (sc.atLineEnd) {
863 					sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet);
864 				} else if (sc.Match("include")) {
865 					isIncludePreprocessor = true;
866 				} else {
867 					if (options.trackPreprocessor) {
868 						if (sc.Match("ifdef") || sc.Match("ifndef")) {
869 							bool isIfDef = sc.Match("ifdef");
870 							int i = isIfDef ? 5 : 6;
871 							std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + i + 1, false);
872 							bool foundDef = preprocessorDefinitions.find(restOfLine) != preprocessorDefinitions.end();
873 							preproc.StartSection(isIfDef == foundDef);
874 						} else if (sc.Match("if")) {
875 							std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 2, true);
876 							bool ifGood = EvaluateExpression(restOfLine, preprocessorDefinitions);
877 							preproc.StartSection(ifGood);
878 						} else if (sc.Match("else")) {
879 							if (!preproc.CurrentIfTaken()) {
880 								preproc.InvertCurrentLevel();
881 								activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
882 								if (!activitySet)
883 									sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
884 							} else if (!preproc.IsInactive()) {
885 								preproc.InvertCurrentLevel();
886 								activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
887 								if (!activitySet)
888 									sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
889 							}
890 						} else if (sc.Match("elif")) {
891 							// Ensure only one chosen out of #if .. #elif .. #elif .. #else .. #endif
892 							if (!preproc.CurrentIfTaken()) {
893 								// Similar to #if
894 								std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 2, true);
895 								bool ifGood = EvaluateExpression(restOfLine, preprocessorDefinitions);
896 								if (ifGood) {
897 									preproc.InvertCurrentLevel();
898 									activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
899 									if (!activitySet)
900 										sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
901 								}
902 							} else if (!preproc.IsInactive()) {
903 								preproc.InvertCurrentLevel();
904 								activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
905 								if (!activitySet)
906 									sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
907 							}
908 						} else if (sc.Match("endif")) {
909 							preproc.EndSection();
910 							activitySet = preproc.IsInactive() ? activeFlag : 0;
911 							sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet);
912 						} else if (sc.Match("define")) {
913 							if (options.updatePreprocessor && !preproc.IsInactive()) {
914 								std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 6, true);
915 								if (restOfLine.find(")") == std::string::npos) {	// Don't handle macros with arguments
916 									std::vector<std::string> tokens = Tokenize(restOfLine);
917 									std::string key;
918 									std::string value("1");
919 									if (tokens.size() >= 1) {
920 										key = tokens[0];
921 										if (tokens.size() >= 2) {
922 											value = tokens[1];
923 										}
924 										preprocessorDefinitions[key] = value;
925 										ppDefineHistory.push_back(PPDefinition(lineCurrent, key, value));
926 										definitionsChanged = true;
927 									}
928 								}
929 							}
930 						}
931 					}
932 				}
933 			} else if (isoperator(static_cast<char>(sc.ch))) {
934 				sc.SetState(SCE_C_OPERATOR|activitySet);
935 			}
936 		}
938 		if (!IsASpace(sc.ch) && !IsSpaceEquiv(MaskActive(sc.state))) {
939 			chPrevNonWhite = sc.ch;
940 			visibleChars++;
941 		}
942 		continuationLine = false;
943 		sc.Forward();
944 	}
945 	const bool rawStringsChanged = rawStringTerminators.Merge(rawSTNew, lineCurrent);
946 	if (definitionsChanged || rawStringsChanged)
947 		styler.ChangeLexerState(startPos, startPos + length);
948 	sc.Complete();
949 }
951 // Store both the current line's fold level and the next lines in the
952 // level store to make it easy to pick up with each increment
953 // and to make it possible to fiddle the current level for "} else {".
Fold(unsigned int startPos,int length,int initStyle,IDocument * pAccess)955 void SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::Fold(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) {
957 	if (!options.fold)
958 		return;
960 	LexAccessor styler(pAccess);
962 	unsigned int endPos = startPos + length;
963 	int visibleChars = 0;
964 	int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
965 	int levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
966 	if (lineCurrent > 0)
967 		levelCurrent = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent-1) >> 16;
968 	int levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent;
969 	int levelNext = levelCurrent;
970 	char chNext = styler[startPos];
971 	int styleNext = MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(startPos));
972 	int style = MaskActive(initStyle);
973 	const bool userDefinedFoldMarkers = !options.foldExplicitStart.empty() && !options.foldExplicitEnd.empty();
974 	for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {
975 		char ch = chNext;
976 		chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
977 		int stylePrev = style;
978 		style = styleNext;
979 		styleNext = MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(i + 1));
980 		bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n');
981 		if (options.foldComment && options.foldCommentMultiline && IsStreamCommentStyle(style)) {
982 			if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(stylePrev) && (stylePrev != SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC)) {
983 				levelNext++;
984 			} else if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(styleNext) && (styleNext != SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC) && !atEOL) {
985 				// Comments don't end at end of line and the next character may be unstyled.
986 				levelNext--;
987 			}
988 		}
989 		if (options.foldComment && options.foldCommentExplicit && ((style == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) || options.foldExplicitAnywhere)) {
990 			if (userDefinedFoldMarkers) {
991 				if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitStart.c_str())) {
992 					levelNext++;
993 				} else if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitEnd.c_str())) {
994 					levelNext--;
995 				}
996 			} else {
997 				if ((ch == '/') && (chNext == '/')) {
998 					char chNext2 = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);
999 					if (chNext2 == '{') {
1000 						levelNext++;
1001 					} else if (chNext2 == '}') {
1002 						levelNext--;
1003 					}
1004 				}
1005 			}
1006 		}
1007 		if (options.foldPreprocessor && (style == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR)) {
1008 			if (ch == '#') {
1009 				unsigned int j = i + 1;
1010 				while ((j < endPos) && IsASpaceOrTab(styler.SafeGetCharAt(j))) {
1011 					j++;
1012 				}
1013 				if (styler.Match(j, "region") || styler.Match(j, "if")) {
1014 					levelNext++;
1015 				} else if (styler.Match(j, "end")) {
1016 					levelNext--;
1017 				}
1018 			}
1019 		}
1020 		if (options.foldSyntaxBased && (style == SCE_C_OPERATOR)) {
1021 			if (ch == '{') {
1022 				// Measure the minimum before a '{' to allow
1023 				// folding on "} else {"
1024 				if (levelMinCurrent > levelNext) {
1025 					levelMinCurrent = levelNext;
1026 				}
1027 				levelNext++;
1028 			} else if (ch == '}') {
1029 				levelNext--;
1030 			}
1031 		}
1032 		if (!IsASpace(ch))
1033 			visibleChars++;
1034 		if (atEOL || (i == endPos-1)) {
1035 			int levelUse = levelCurrent;
1036 			if (options.foldSyntaxBased && options.foldAtElse) {
1037 				levelUse = levelMinCurrent;
1038 			}
1039 			int lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16;
1040 			if (visibleChars == 0 && options.foldCompact)
1042 			if (levelUse < levelNext)
1044 			if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) {
1045 				styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
1046 			}
1047 			lineCurrent++;
1048 			levelCurrent = levelNext;
1049 			levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent;
1050 			if (atEOL && (i == static_cast<unsigned int>(styler.Length()-1))) {
1051 				// There is an empty line at end of file so give it same level and empty
1052 				styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, (levelCurrent | levelCurrent << 16) | SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG);
1053 			}
1054 			visibleChars = 0;
1055 		}
1056 	}
1057 }
EvaluateTokens(std::vector<std::string> & tokens)1059 void LexerCPP::EvaluateTokens(std::vector<std::string> &tokens) {
1061 	// Evaluate defined() statements to either 0 or 1
1062 	for (size_t i=0; (i+2)<tokens.size();) {
1063 		if ((tokens[i] == "defined") && (tokens[i+1] == "(")) {
1064 			const char *val = "0";
1065 			if (tokens[i+2] == ")") {
1066 				// defined()
1067 				tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i + 1, tokens.begin() + i + 3);
1068 			} else if (((i+3)<tokens.size()) && (tokens[i+3] == ")")) {
1069 				// defined(<int>)
1070 				tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i + 1, tokens.begin() + i + 4);
1071 				val = "1";
1072 			}
1073 			tokens[i] = val;
1074 		} else {
1075 			i++;
1076 		}
1077 	}
1079 	// Find bracketed subexpressions and recurse on them
1080 	std::vector<std::string>::iterator itBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), "(");
1081 	std::vector<std::string>::iterator itEndBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ")");
1082 	while ((itBracket != tokens.end()) && (itEndBracket != tokens.end()) && (itEndBracket > itBracket)) {
1083 		std::vector<std::string> inBracket(itBracket + 1, itEndBracket);
1084 		EvaluateTokens(inBracket);
1086 		// The insertion is done before the removal because there were failures with the opposite approach
1087 		tokens.insert(itBracket, inBracket.begin(), inBracket.end());
1088 		itBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), "(");
1089 		itEndBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ")");
1090 		tokens.erase(itBracket, itEndBracket + 1);
1092 		itBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), "(");
1093 		itEndBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ")");
1094 	}
1096 	// Evaluate logical negations
1097 	for (size_t j=0; (j+1)<tokens.size();) {
1098 		if (setNegationOp.Contains(tokens[j][0])) {
1099 			int isTrue = atoi(tokens[j+1].c_str());
1100 			if (tokens[j] == "!")
1101 				isTrue = !isTrue;
1102 			std::vector<std::string>::iterator itInsert =
1103 				tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + j, tokens.begin() + j + 2);
1104 			tokens.insert(itInsert, isTrue ? "1" : "0");
1105 		} else {
1106 			j++;
1107 		}
1108 	}
1110 	// Evaluate expressions in precedence order
1111 	enum precedence { precArithmetic, precRelative, precLogical };
1112 	for (int prec=precArithmetic; prec <= precLogical; prec++) {
1113 		// Looking at 3 tokens at a time so end at 2 before end
1114 		for (size_t k=0; (k+2)<tokens.size();) {
1115 			char chOp = tokens[k+1][0];
1116 			if (
1117 				((prec==precArithmetic) && setArithmethicOp.Contains(chOp)) ||
1118 				((prec==precRelative) && setRelOp.Contains(chOp)) ||
1119 				((prec==precLogical) && setLogicalOp.Contains(chOp))
1120 				) {
1121 				int valA = atoi(tokens[k].c_str());
1122 				int valB = atoi(tokens[k+2].c_str());
1123 				int result = 0;
1124 				if (tokens[k+1] == "+")
1125 					result = valA + valB;
1126 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "-")
1127 					result = valA - valB;
1128 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "*")
1129 					result = valA * valB;
1130 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "/")
1131 					result = valA / (valB ? valB : 1);
1132 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "%")
1133 					result = valA % (valB ? valB : 1);
1134 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "<")
1135 					result = valA < valB;
1136 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "<=")
1137 					result = valA <= valB;
1138 				else if (tokens[k+1] == ">")
1139 					result = valA > valB;
1140 				else if (tokens[k+1] == ">=")
1141 					result = valA >= valB;
1142 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "==")
1143 					result = valA == valB;
1144 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "!=")
1145 					result = valA != valB;
1146 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "||")
1147 					result = valA || valB;
1148 				else if (tokens[k+1] == "&&")
1149 					result = valA && valB;
1150 				char sResult[30];
1151 				sprintf(sResult, "%d", result);
1152 				std::vector<std::string>::iterator itInsert =
1153 					tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + k, tokens.begin() + k + 3);
1154 				tokens.insert(itInsert, sResult);
1155 			} else {
1156 				k++;
1157 			}
1158 		}
1159 	}
1160 }
EvaluateExpression(const std::string & expr,const std::map<std::string,std::string> & preprocessorDefinitions)1162 bool LexerCPP::EvaluateExpression(const std::string &expr, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &preprocessorDefinitions) {
1163 	// Break into tokens, replacing with definitions
1164 	std::string word;
1165 	std::vector<std::string> tokens;
1166 	const char *cp = expr.c_str();
1167 	for (;;) {
1168 		if (setWord.Contains(*cp)) {
1169 			word += *cp;
1170 		} else {
1171 			std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = preprocessorDefinitions.find(word);
1172 			if (it != preprocessorDefinitions.end()) {
1173 				tokens.push_back(it->second);
1174 			} else if (!word.empty() && ((word[0] >= '0' && word[0] <= '9') || (word == "defined"))) {
1175 				tokens.push_back(word);
1176 			}
1177 			word = "";
1178 			if (!*cp) {
1179 				break;
1180 			}
1181 			if ((*cp != ' ') && (*cp != '\t')) {
1182 				std::string op(cp, 1);
1183 				if (setRelOp.Contains(*cp)) {
1184 					if (setRelOp.Contains(cp[1])) {
1185 						op += cp[1];
1186 						cp++;
1187 					}
1188 				} else if (setLogicalOp.Contains(*cp)) {
1189 					if (setLogicalOp.Contains(cp[1])) {
1190 						op += cp[1];
1191 						cp++;
1192 					}
1193 				}
1194 				tokens.push_back(op);
1195 			}
1196 		}
1197 		cp++;
1198 	}
1200 	EvaluateTokens(tokens);
1202 	// "0" or "" -> false else true
1203 	bool isFalse = tokens.empty() ||
1204 		((tokens.size() == 1) && ((tokens[0] == "") || tokens[0] == "0"));
1205 	return !isFalse;
1206 }
1208 LexerModule lmCPP(SCLEX_CPP, LexerCPP::LexerFactoryCPP, "cpp", cppWordLists);
1209 LexerModule lmCPPNoCase(SCLEX_CPPNOCASE, LexerCPP::LexerFactoryCPPInsensitive, "cppnocase", cppWordLists);