1import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
3// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
4// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
6// This file was auto-generated by:
7// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable -defaultplatform QtDataVisualization 1.14'
9Module {
10    dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"]
11    Component {
12        name: "QAbstractItemModel"
13        prototype: "QObject"
14        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/AbstractItemModel 1.0"]
15        isCreatable: false
16        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
17        Enum {
18            name: "LayoutChangeHint"
19            values: {
20                "NoLayoutChangeHint": 0,
21                "VerticalSortHint": 1,
22                "HorizontalSortHint": 2
23            }
24        }
25        Enum {
26            name: "CheckIndexOption"
27            values: {
28                "NoOption": 0,
29                "IndexIsValid": 1,
30                "DoNotUseParent": 2,
31                "ParentIsInvalid": 4
32            }
33        }
34        Signal {
35            name: "dataChanged"
36            Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
37            Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
38            Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QVector<int>" }
39        }
40        Signal {
41            name: "dataChanged"
42            Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
43            Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
44        }
45        Signal {
46            name: "headerDataChanged"
47            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
48            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
49            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
50        }
51        Signal {
52            name: "layoutChanged"
53            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
54            Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
55        }
56        Signal {
57            name: "layoutChanged"
58            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
59        }
60        Signal { name: "layoutChanged" }
61        Signal {
62            name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
63            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
64            Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
65        }
66        Signal {
67            name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
68            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
69        }
70        Signal { name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged" }
71        Signal {
72            name: "rowsAboutToBeInserted"
73            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
74            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
75            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
76        }
77        Signal {
78            name: "rowsInserted"
79            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
80            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
81            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
82        }
83        Signal {
84            name: "rowsAboutToBeRemoved"
85            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
86            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
87            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
88        }
89        Signal {
90            name: "rowsRemoved"
91            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
92            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
93            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
94        }
95        Signal {
96            name: "columnsAboutToBeInserted"
97            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
98            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
99            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
100        }
101        Signal {
102            name: "columnsInserted"
103            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
104            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
105            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
106        }
107        Signal {
108            name: "columnsAboutToBeRemoved"
109            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
110            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
111            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
112        }
113        Signal {
114            name: "columnsRemoved"
115            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
116            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
117            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
118        }
119        Signal { name: "modelAboutToBeReset" }
120        Signal { name: "modelReset" }
121        Signal {
122            name: "rowsAboutToBeMoved"
123            Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
124            Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
125            Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
126            Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
127            Parameter { name: "destinationRow"; type: "int" }
128        }
129        Signal {
130            name: "rowsMoved"
131            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
132            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
133            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
134            Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
135            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
136        }
137        Signal {
138            name: "columnsAboutToBeMoved"
139            Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
140            Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
141            Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
142            Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
143            Parameter { name: "destinationColumn"; type: "int" }
144        }
145        Signal {
146            name: "columnsMoved"
147            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
148            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
149            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
150            Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
151            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
152        }
153        Method { name: "submit"; type: "bool" }
154        Method { name: "revert" }
155        Method {
156            name: "hasIndex"
157            type: "bool"
158            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
159            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
160            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
161        }
162        Method {
163            name: "hasIndex"
164            type: "bool"
165            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
166            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
167        }
168        Method {
169            name: "index"
170            type: "QModelIndex"
171            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
172            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
173            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
174        }
175        Method {
176            name: "index"
177            type: "QModelIndex"
178            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
179            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
180        }
181        Method {
182            name: "parent"
183            type: "QModelIndex"
184            Parameter { name: "child"; type: "QModelIndex" }
185        }
186        Method {
187            name: "sibling"
188            type: "QModelIndex"
189            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
190            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
191            Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "QModelIndex" }
192        }
193        Method {
194            name: "rowCount"
195            type: "int"
196            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
197        }
198        Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" }
199        Method {
200            name: "columnCount"
201            type: "int"
202            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
203        }
204        Method { name: "columnCount"; type: "int" }
205        Method {
206            name: "hasChildren"
207            type: "bool"
208            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
209        }
210        Method { name: "hasChildren"; type: "bool" }
211        Method {
212            name: "data"
213            type: "QVariant"
214            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
215            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
216        }
217        Method {
218            name: "data"
219            type: "QVariant"
220            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
221        }
222        Method {
223            name: "setData"
224            type: "bool"
225            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
226            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
227            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
228        }
229        Method {
230            name: "setData"
231            type: "bool"
232            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
233            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
234        }
235        Method {
236            name: "headerData"
237            type: "QVariant"
238            Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
239            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
240            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
241        }
242        Method {
243            name: "headerData"
244            type: "QVariant"
245            Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
246            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
247        }
248        Method {
249            name: "fetchMore"
250            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
251        }
252        Method {
253            name: "canFetchMore"
254            type: "bool"
255            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
256        }
257        Method {
258            name: "flags"
259            type: "Qt::ItemFlags"
260            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
261        }
262        Method {
263            name: "match"
264            type: "QModelIndexList"
265            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
266            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
267            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
268            Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
269            Parameter { name: "flags"; type: "Qt::MatchFlags" }
270        }
271        Method {
272            name: "match"
273            type: "QModelIndexList"
274            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
275            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
276            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
277            Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
278        }
279        Method {
280            name: "match"
281            type: "QModelIndexList"
282            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
283            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
284            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
285        }
286    }
287    Component {
288        name: "QtDataVisualization::AbstractDeclarative"
289        defaultProperty: "data"
290        prototype: "QQuickItem"
291        exports: [
292            "QtDataVisualization/AbstractGraph3D 1.0",
293            "QtDataVisualization/AbstractGraph3D 1.1",
294            "QtDataVisualization/AbstractGraph3D 1.2"
295        ]
296        isCreatable: false
297        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1, 2]
298        Enum {
299            name: "SelectionFlag"
300            values: {
301                "SelectionNone": 0,
302                "SelectionItem": 1,
303                "SelectionRow": 2,
304                "SelectionItemAndRow": 3,
305                "SelectionColumn": 4,
306                "SelectionItemAndColumn": 5,
307                "SelectionRowAndColumn": 6,
308                "SelectionItemRowAndColumn": 7,
309                "SelectionSlice": 8,
310                "SelectionMultiSeries": 16
311            }
312        }
313        Enum {
314            name: "SelectionFlags"
315            values: {
316                "SelectionNone": 0,
317                "SelectionItem": 1,
318                "SelectionRow": 2,
319                "SelectionItemAndRow": 3,
320                "SelectionColumn": 4,
321                "SelectionItemAndColumn": 5,
322                "SelectionRowAndColumn": 6,
323                "SelectionItemRowAndColumn": 7,
324                "SelectionSlice": 8,
325                "SelectionMultiSeries": 16
326            }
327        }
328        Enum {
329            name: "ShadowQuality"
330            values: {
331                "ShadowQualityNone": 0,
332                "ShadowQualityLow": 1,
333                "ShadowQualityMedium": 2,
334                "ShadowQualityHigh": 3,
335                "ShadowQualitySoftLow": 4,
336                "ShadowQualitySoftMedium": 5,
337                "ShadowQualitySoftHigh": 6
338            }
339        }
340        Enum {
341            name: "ElementType"
342            values: {
343                "ElementNone": 0,
344                "ElementSeries": 1,
345                "ElementAxisXLabel": 2,
346                "ElementAxisYLabel": 3,
347                "ElementAxisZLabel": 4,
348                "ElementCustomItem": 5
349            }
350        }
351        Enum {
352            name: "RenderingMode"
353            values: {
354                "RenderDirectToBackground": 0,
355                "RenderDirectToBackground_NoClear": 1,
356                "RenderIndirect": 2
357            }
358        }
359        Enum {
360            name: "OptimizationHint"
361            values: {
362                "OptimizationDefault": 0,
363                "OptimizationStatic": 1
364            }
365        }
366        Enum {
367            name: "OptimizationHints"
368            values: {
369                "OptimizationDefault": 0,
370                "OptimizationStatic": 1
371            }
372        }
373        Property { name: "selectionMode"; type: "SelectionFlags" }
374        Property { name: "shadowQuality"; type: "ShadowQuality" }
375        Property { name: "shadowsSupported"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
376        Property { name: "msaaSamples"; type: "int" }
377        Property { name: "scene"; type: "Declarative3DScene"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
378        Property { name: "inputHandler"; type: "QAbstract3DInputHandler"; isPointer: true }
379        Property { name: "theme"; type: "Q3DTheme"; isPointer: true }
380        Property { name: "renderingMode"; type: "RenderingMode" }
381        Property { name: "measureFps"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
382        Property { name: "currentFps"; revision: 1; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
383        Property {
384            name: "customItemList"
385            revision: 1
386            type: "QCustom3DItem"
387            isList: true
388            isReadonly: true
389        }
390        Property { name: "orthoProjection"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
391        Property { name: "selectedElement"; revision: 1; type: "ElementType"; isReadonly: true }
392        Property { name: "aspectRatio"; revision: 1; type: "double" }
393        Property { name: "optimizationHints"; revision: 1; type: "OptimizationHints" }
394        Property { name: "polar"; revision: 2; type: "bool" }
395        Property { name: "radialLabelOffset"; revision: 2; type: "float" }
396        Property { name: "horizontalAspectRatio"; revision: 2; type: "double" }
397        Property { name: "reflection"; revision: 2; type: "bool" }
398        Property { name: "reflectivity"; revision: 2; type: "double" }
399        Property { name: "locale"; revision: 2; type: "QLocale" }
400        Property { name: "queriedGraphPosition"; revision: 2; type: "QVector3D"; isReadonly: true }
401        Property { name: "margin"; revision: 2; type: "double" }
402        Signal {
403            name: "selectionModeChanged"
404            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "AbstractDeclarative::SelectionFlags" }
405        }
406        Signal {
407            name: "shadowQualityChanged"
408            Parameter { name: "quality"; type: "AbstractDeclarative::ShadowQuality" }
409        }
410        Signal {
411            name: "shadowsSupportedChanged"
412            Parameter { name: "supported"; type: "bool" }
413        }
414        Signal {
415            name: "msaaSamplesChanged"
416            Parameter { name: "samples"; type: "int" }
417        }
418        Signal {
419            name: "sceneChanged"
420            Parameter { name: "scene"; type: "Q3DScene"; isPointer: true }
421        }
422        Signal {
423            name: "inputHandlerChanged"
424            Parameter { name: "inputHandler"; type: "QAbstract3DInputHandler"; isPointer: true }
425        }
426        Signal {
427            name: "themeChanged"
428            Parameter { name: "theme"; type: "Q3DTheme"; isPointer: true }
429        }
430        Signal {
431            name: "renderingModeChanged"
432            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "AbstractDeclarative::RenderingMode" }
433        }
434        Signal {
435            name: "measureFpsChanged"
436            revision: 1
437            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
438        }
439        Signal {
440            name: "currentFpsChanged"
441            revision: 1
442            Parameter { name: "fps"; type: "double" }
443        }
444        Signal {
445            name: "selectedElementChanged"
446            revision: 1
447            Parameter { name: "type"; type: "AbstractDeclarative::ElementType" }
448        }
449        Signal {
450            name: "orthoProjectionChanged"
451            revision: 1
452            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
453        }
454        Signal {
455            name: "aspectRatioChanged"
456            revision: 1
457            Parameter { name: "ratio"; type: "double" }
458        }
459        Signal {
460            name: "optimizationHintsChanged"
461            revision: 1
462            Parameter { name: "hints"; type: "AbstractDeclarative::OptimizationHints" }
463        }
464        Signal {
465            name: "polarChanged"
466            revision: 2
467            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
468        }
469        Signal {
470            name: "radialLabelOffsetChanged"
471            revision: 2
472            Parameter { name: "offset"; type: "float" }
473        }
474        Signal {
475            name: "horizontalAspectRatioChanged"
476            revision: 2
477            Parameter { name: "ratio"; type: "double" }
478        }
479        Signal {
480            name: "reflectionChanged"
481            revision: 2
482            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
483        }
484        Signal {
485            name: "reflectivityChanged"
486            revision: 2
487            Parameter { name: "reflectivity"; type: "double" }
488        }
489        Signal {
490            name: "localeChanged"
491            revision: 2
492            Parameter { name: "locale"; type: "QLocale" }
493        }
494        Signal {
495            name: "queriedGraphPositionChanged"
496            revision: 2
497            Parameter { name: "data"; type: "QVector3D" }
498        }
499        Signal {
500            name: "marginChanged"
501            revision: 2
502            Parameter { name: "margin"; type: "double" }
503        }
504        Method {
505            name: "handleAxisXChanged"
506            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
507        }
508        Method {
509            name: "handleAxisYChanged"
510            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
511        }
512        Method {
513            name: "handleAxisZChanged"
514            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
515        }
516        Method {
517            name: "windowDestroyed"
518            Parameter { name: "obj"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
519        }
520        Method { name: "destroyContext" }
521        Method { name: "clearSelection" }
522        Method {
523            name: "addCustomItem"
524            revision: 1
525            type: "int"
526            Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QCustom3DItem"; isPointer: true }
527        }
528        Method { name: "removeCustomItems"; revision: 1 }
529        Method {
530            name: "removeCustomItem"
531            revision: 1
532            Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QCustom3DItem"; isPointer: true }
533        }
534        Method {
535            name: "removeCustomItemAt"
536            revision: 1
537            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QVector3D" }
538        }
539        Method {
540            name: "releaseCustomItem"
541            revision: 1
542            Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QCustom3DItem"; isPointer: true }
543        }
544        Method { name: "selectedLabelIndex"; revision: 1; type: "int" }
545        Method { name: "selectedAxis"; revision: 1; type: "QAbstract3DAxis*" }
546        Method { name: "selectedCustomItemIndex"; revision: 1; type: "int" }
547        Method { name: "selectedCustomItem"; revision: 1; type: "QCustom3DItem*" }
548    }
549    Component {
550        name: "QtDataVisualization::ColorGradient"
551        defaultProperty: "stops"
552        prototype: "QObject"
553        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/ColorGradient 1.0"]
554        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
555        Property { name: "stops"; type: "ColorGradientStop"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
556        Signal { name: "updated" }
557    }
558    Component {
559        name: "QtDataVisualization::ColorGradientStop"
560        prototype: "QObject"
561        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/ColorGradientStop 1.0"]
562        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
563        Property { name: "position"; type: "double" }
564        Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
565        Signal {
566            name: "positionChanged"
567            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "double" }
568        }
569        Signal {
570            name: "colorChanged"
571            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
572        }
573    }
574    Component {
575        name: "QtDataVisualization::Declarative3DScene"
576        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DScene"
577        exports: [
578            "QtDataVisualization/Scene3D 1.0",
579            "QtDataVisualization/Scene3D 1.2"
580        ]
581        isCreatable: false
582        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
583        Property { name: "selectionQueryPosition"; type: "QPointF" }
584        Property { name: "invalidSelectionPoint"; type: "QPoint"; isReadonly: true }
585        Signal {
586            name: "selectionQueryPositionChanged"
587            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPointF" }
588        }
589    }
590    Component {
591        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeBar3DSeries"
592        defaultProperty: "seriesChildren"
593        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QBar3DSeries"
594        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Bar3DSeries 1.0"]
595        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
596        Property { name: "seriesChildren"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
597        Property { name: "selectedBar"; type: "QPointF" }
598        Property { name: "invalidSelectionPosition"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
599        Property { name: "baseGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
600        Property { name: "singleHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
601        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
602        Signal {
603            name: "selectedBarChanged"
604            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPointF" }
605        }
606        Signal {
607            name: "baseGradientChanged"
608            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
609        }
610        Signal {
611            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
612            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
613        }
614        Signal {
615            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
616            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
617        }
618        Method { name: "handleBaseGradientUpdate" }
619        Method { name: "handleSingleHighlightGradientUpdate" }
620        Method { name: "handleMultiHighlightGradientUpdate" }
621    }
622    Component {
623        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeBars"
624        defaultProperty: "seriesList"
625        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::AbstractDeclarative"
626        exports: [
627            "QtDataVisualization/Bars3D 1.0",
628            "QtDataVisualization/Bars3D 1.2"
629        ]
630        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
631        Property { name: "rowAxis"; type: "QCategory3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
632        Property { name: "valueAxis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
633        Property { name: "columnAxis"; type: "QCategory3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
634        Property { name: "multiSeriesUniform"; type: "bool" }
635        Property { name: "barThickness"; type: "float" }
636        Property { name: "barSpacing"; type: "QSizeF" }
637        Property { name: "barSpacingRelative"; type: "bool" }
638        Property { name: "seriesList"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
639        Property { name: "selectedSeries"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
640        Property { name: "primarySeries"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
641        Property { name: "floorLevel"; revision: 1; type: "float" }
642        Signal {
643            name: "rowAxisChanged"
644            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QCategory3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
645        }
646        Signal {
647            name: "valueAxisChanged"
648            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
649        }
650        Signal {
651            name: "columnAxisChanged"
652            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QCategory3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
653        }
654        Signal {
655            name: "multiSeriesUniformChanged"
656            Parameter { name: "uniform"; type: "bool" }
657        }
658        Signal {
659            name: "barThicknessChanged"
660            Parameter { name: "thicknessRatio"; type: "float" }
661        }
662        Signal {
663            name: "barSpacingChanged"
664            Parameter { name: "spacing"; type: "QSizeF" }
665        }
666        Signal {
667            name: "barSpacingRelativeChanged"
668            Parameter { name: "relative"; type: "bool" }
669        }
670        Signal {
671            name: "meshFileNameChanged"
672            Parameter { name: "filename"; type: "string" }
673        }
674        Signal {
675            name: "primarySeriesChanged"
676            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
677        }
678        Signal {
679            name: "selectedSeriesChanged"
680            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
681        }
682        Signal {
683            name: "floorLevelChanged"
684            revision: 1
685            Parameter { name: "level"; type: "float" }
686        }
687        Method {
688            name: "handleAxisXChanged"
689            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
690        }
691        Method {
692            name: "handleAxisYChanged"
693            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
694        }
695        Method {
696            name: "handleAxisZChanged"
697            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
698        }
699        Method {
700            name: "addSeries"
701            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
702        }
703        Method {
704            name: "removeSeries"
705            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
706        }
707        Method {
708            name: "insertSeries"
709            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
710            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
711        }
712    }
713    Component {
714        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeColor"
715        prototype: "QObject"
716        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/ThemeColor 1.0"]
717        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
718        Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
719        Signal {
720            name: "colorChanged"
721            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
722        }
723    }
724    Component {
725        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeScatter"
726        defaultProperty: "seriesList"
727        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::AbstractDeclarative"
728        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Scatter3D 1.0"]
729        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
730        Property { name: "axisX"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
731        Property { name: "axisY"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
732        Property { name: "axisZ"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
733        Property { name: "selectedSeries"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
734        Property { name: "seriesList"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
735        Signal {
736            name: "axisXChanged"
737            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
738        }
739        Signal {
740            name: "axisYChanged"
741            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
742        }
743        Signal {
744            name: "axisZChanged"
745            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
746        }
747        Signal {
748            name: "selectedSeriesChanged"
749            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
750        }
751        Method {
752            name: "handleAxisXChanged"
753            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
754        }
755        Method {
756            name: "handleAxisYChanged"
757            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
758        }
759        Method {
760            name: "handleAxisZChanged"
761            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
762        }
763        Method {
764            name: "addSeries"
765            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
766        }
767        Method {
768            name: "removeSeries"
769            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
770        }
771    }
772    Component {
773        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeScatter3DSeries"
774        defaultProperty: "seriesChildren"
775        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QScatter3DSeries"
776        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Scatter3DSeries 1.0"]
777        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
778        Property { name: "seriesChildren"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
779        Property { name: "baseGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
780        Property { name: "singleHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
781        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
782        Property { name: "invalidSelectionIndex"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
783        Signal {
784            name: "baseGradientChanged"
785            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
786        }
787        Signal {
788            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
789            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
790        }
791        Signal {
792            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
793            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
794        }
795        Method { name: "handleBaseGradientUpdate" }
796        Method { name: "handleSingleHighlightGradientUpdate" }
797        Method { name: "handleMultiHighlightGradientUpdate" }
798    }
799    Component {
800        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeSurface"
801        defaultProperty: "seriesList"
802        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::AbstractDeclarative"
803        exports: [
804            "QtDataVisualization/Surface3D 1.0",
805            "QtDataVisualization/Surface3D 1.2"
806        ]
807        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
808        Property { name: "axisX"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
809        Property { name: "axisY"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
810        Property { name: "axisZ"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
811        Property { name: "selectedSeries"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
812        Property { name: "seriesList"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
813        Property { name: "flipHorizontalGrid"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
814        Signal {
815            name: "axisXChanged"
816            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
817        }
818        Signal {
819            name: "axisYChanged"
820            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
821        }
822        Signal {
823            name: "axisZChanged"
824            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QValue3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
825        }
826        Signal {
827            name: "selectedSeriesChanged"
828            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
829        }
830        Signal {
831            name: "flipHorizontalGridChanged"
832            revision: 1
833            Parameter { name: "flip"; type: "bool" }
834        }
835        Method {
836            name: "handleAxisXChanged"
837            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
838        }
839        Method {
840            name: "handleAxisYChanged"
841            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
842        }
843        Method {
844            name: "handleAxisZChanged"
845            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis"; isPointer: true }
846        }
847        Method {
848            name: "addSeries"
849            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
850        }
851        Method {
852            name: "removeSeries"
853            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
854        }
855    }
856    Component {
857        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeSurface3DSeries"
858        defaultProperty: "seriesChildren"
859        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QSurface3DSeries"
860        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Surface3DSeries 1.0"]
861        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
862        Property { name: "seriesChildren"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
863        Property { name: "selectedPoint"; type: "QPointF" }
864        Property { name: "invalidSelectionPosition"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
865        Property { name: "baseGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
866        Property { name: "singleHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
867        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
868        Signal {
869            name: "selectedPointChanged"
870            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPointF" }
871        }
872        Signal {
873            name: "baseGradientChanged"
874            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
875        }
876        Signal {
877            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
878            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
879        }
880        Signal {
881            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
882            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
883        }
884        Method { name: "handleBaseGradientUpdate" }
885        Method { name: "handleSingleHighlightGradientUpdate" }
886        Method { name: "handleMultiHighlightGradientUpdate" }
887    }
888    Component {
889        name: "QtDataVisualization::DeclarativeTheme3D"
890        defaultProperty: "themeChildren"
891        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DTheme"
892        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Theme3D 1.0"]
893        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
894        Property { name: "themeChildren"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
895        Property { name: "baseColors"; type: "DeclarativeColor"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
896        Property { name: "baseGradients"; type: "ColorGradient"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
897        Property { name: "singleHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
898        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
899        Signal {
900            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
901            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
902        }
903        Signal {
904            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
905            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "ColorGradient"; isPointer: true }
906        }
907    }
908    Component {
909        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DCamera"
910        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DObject"
911        exports: [
912            "QtDataVisualization/Camera3D 1.0",
913            "QtDataVisualization/Camera3D 1.2"
914        ]
915        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
916        Enum {
917            name: "CameraPreset"
918            values: {
919                "CameraPresetNone": -1,
920                "CameraPresetFrontLow": 0,
921                "CameraPresetFront": 1,
922                "CameraPresetFrontHigh": 2,
923                "CameraPresetLeftLow": 3,
924                "CameraPresetLeft": 4,
925                "CameraPresetLeftHigh": 5,
926                "CameraPresetRightLow": 6,
927                "CameraPresetRight": 7,
928                "CameraPresetRightHigh": 8,
929                "CameraPresetBehindLow": 9,
930                "CameraPresetBehind": 10,
931                "CameraPresetBehindHigh": 11,
932                "CameraPresetIsometricLeft": 12,
933                "CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh": 13,
934                "CameraPresetIsometricRight": 14,
935                "CameraPresetIsometricRightHigh": 15,
936                "CameraPresetDirectlyAbove": 16,
937                "CameraPresetDirectlyAboveCW45": 17,
938                "CameraPresetDirectlyAboveCCW45": 18,
939                "CameraPresetFrontBelow": 19,
940                "CameraPresetLeftBelow": 20,
941                "CameraPresetRightBelow": 21,
942                "CameraPresetBehindBelow": 22,
943                "CameraPresetDirectlyBelow": 23
944            }
945        }
946        Property { name: "xRotation"; type: "float" }
947        Property { name: "yRotation"; type: "float" }
948        Property { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "float" }
949        Property { name: "cameraPreset"; type: "CameraPreset" }
950        Property { name: "wrapXRotation"; type: "bool" }
951        Property { name: "wrapYRotation"; type: "bool" }
952        Property { name: "target"; revision: 1; type: "QVector3D" }
953        Property { name: "minZoomLevel"; revision: 1; type: "float" }
954        Property { name: "maxZoomLevel"; revision: 1; type: "float" }
955        Signal {
956            name: "xRotationChanged"
957            Parameter { name: "rotation"; type: "float" }
958        }
959        Signal {
960            name: "yRotationChanged"
961            Parameter { name: "rotation"; type: "float" }
962        }
963        Signal {
964            name: "zoomLevelChanged"
965            Parameter { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "float" }
966        }
967        Signal {
968            name: "cameraPresetChanged"
969            Parameter { name: "preset"; type: "Q3DCamera::CameraPreset" }
970        }
971        Signal {
972            name: "wrapXRotationChanged"
973            Parameter { name: "isEnabled"; type: "bool" }
974        }
975        Signal {
976            name: "wrapYRotationChanged"
977            Parameter { name: "isEnabled"; type: "bool" }
978        }
979        Signal {
980            name: "targetChanged"
981            revision: 1
982            Parameter { name: "target"; type: "QVector3D" }
983        }
984        Signal {
985            name: "minZoomLevelChanged"
986            revision: 1
987            Parameter { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "float" }
988        }
989        Signal {
990            name: "maxZoomLevelChanged"
991            revision: 1
992            Parameter { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "float" }
993        }
994    }
995    Component {
996        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DInputHandler"
997        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DInputHandler"
998        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/InputHandler3D 1.2"]
999        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1000        Property { name: "rotationEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1001        Property { name: "zoomEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1002        Property { name: "selectionEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1003        Property { name: "zoomAtTargetEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1004        Signal {
1005            name: "rotationEnabledChanged"
1006            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1007        }
1008        Signal {
1009            name: "zoomEnabledChanged"
1010            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1011        }
1012        Signal {
1013            name: "selectionEnabledChanged"
1014            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1015        }
1016        Signal {
1017            name: "zoomAtTargetEnabledChanged"
1018            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1019        }
1020    }
1021    Component {
1022        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DLight"
1023        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DObject"
1024        exports: [
1025            "QtDataVisualization/Light3D 1.0",
1026            "QtDataVisualization/Light3D 1.3"
1027        ]
1028        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1029        Property { name: "autoPosition"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
1030        Signal {
1031            name: "autoPositionChanged"
1032            revision: 1
1033            Parameter { name: "autoPosition"; type: "bool" }
1034        }
1035    }
1036    Component {
1037        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DObject"
1038        prototype: "QObject"
1039        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Object3D 1.0"]
1040        isCreatable: false
1041        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1042        Property { name: "parentScene"; type: "Q3DScene"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
1043        Property { name: "position"; type: "QVector3D" }
1044        Signal {
1045            name: "positionChanged"
1046            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QVector3D" }
1047        }
1048    }
1049    Component {
1050        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DScene"
1051        prototype: "QObject"
1052        Property { name: "viewport"; type: "QRect"; isReadonly: true }
1053        Property { name: "primarySubViewport"; type: "QRect" }
1054        Property { name: "secondarySubViewport"; type: "QRect" }
1055        Property { name: "selectionQueryPosition"; type: "QPoint" }
1056        Property { name: "secondarySubviewOnTop"; type: "bool" }
1057        Property { name: "slicingActive"; type: "bool" }
1058        Property { name: "activeCamera"; type: "Q3DCamera"; isPointer: true }
1059        Property { name: "activeLight"; type: "Q3DLight"; isPointer: true }
1060        Property { name: "devicePixelRatio"; type: "float" }
1061        Property { name: "graphPositionQuery"; revision: 1; type: "QPoint" }
1062        Signal {
1063            name: "viewportChanged"
1064            Parameter { name: "viewport"; type: "QRect" }
1065        }
1066        Signal {
1067            name: "primarySubViewportChanged"
1068            Parameter { name: "subViewport"; type: "QRect" }
1069        }
1070        Signal {
1071            name: "secondarySubViewportChanged"
1072            Parameter { name: "subViewport"; type: "QRect" }
1073        }
1074        Signal {
1075            name: "secondarySubviewOnTopChanged"
1076            Parameter { name: "isSecondaryOnTop"; type: "bool" }
1077        }
1078        Signal {
1079            name: "slicingActiveChanged"
1080            Parameter { name: "isSlicingActive"; type: "bool" }
1081        }
1082        Signal {
1083            name: "activeCameraChanged"
1084            Parameter { name: "camera"; type: "Q3DCamera"; isPointer: true }
1085        }
1086        Signal {
1087            name: "activeLightChanged"
1088            Parameter { name: "light"; type: "Q3DLight"; isPointer: true }
1089        }
1090        Signal {
1091            name: "devicePixelRatioChanged"
1092            Parameter { name: "pixelRatio"; type: "float" }
1093        }
1094        Signal {
1095            name: "selectionQueryPositionChanged"
1096            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPoint" }
1097        }
1098        Signal {
1099            name: "graphPositionQueryChanged"
1100            revision: 1
1101            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPoint" }
1102        }
1103    }
1104    Component {
1105        name: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DTheme"
1106        prototype: "QObject"
1107        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Q3DTheme 1.0"]
1108        isCreatable: false
1109        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1110        Enum {
1111            name: "ColorStyle"
1112            values: {
1113                "ColorStyleUniform": 0,
1114                "ColorStyleObjectGradient": 1,
1115                "ColorStyleRangeGradient": 2
1116            }
1117        }
1118        Enum {
1119            name: "Theme"
1120            values: {
1121                "ThemeQt": 0,
1122                "ThemePrimaryColors": 1,
1123                "ThemeDigia": 2,
1124                "ThemeStoneMoss": 3,
1125                "ThemeArmyBlue": 4,
1126                "ThemeRetro": 5,
1127                "ThemeEbony": 6,
1128                "ThemeIsabelle": 7,
1129                "ThemeUserDefined": 8
1130            }
1131        }
1132        Property { name: "type"; type: "Theme" }
1133        Property { name: "baseColors"; type: "QList<QColor>" }
1134        Property { name: "backgroundColor"; type: "QColor" }
1135        Property { name: "windowColor"; type: "QColor" }
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1137        Property { name: "labelBackgroundColor"; type: "QColor" }
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1140        Property { name: "multiHighlightColor"; type: "QColor" }
1141        Property { name: "lightColor"; type: "QColor" }
1142        Property { name: "baseGradients"; type: "QList<QLinearGradient>" }
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1144        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1145        Property { name: "lightStrength"; type: "float" }
1146        Property { name: "ambientLightStrength"; type: "float" }
1147        Property { name: "highlightLightStrength"; type: "float" }
1148        Property { name: "labelBorderEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1149        Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
1150        Property { name: "backgroundEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1151        Property { name: "gridEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1152        Property { name: "labelBackgroundEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1153        Property { name: "colorStyle"; type: "ColorStyle" }
1154        Signal {
1155            name: "typeChanged"
1156            Parameter { name: "themeType"; type: "Q3DTheme::Theme" }
1157        }
1158        Signal {
1159            name: "baseColorsChanged"
1160            Parameter { name: "colors"; type: "QList<QColor>" }
1161        }
1162        Signal {
1163            name: "backgroundColorChanged"
1164            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1165        }
1166        Signal {
1167            name: "windowColorChanged"
1168            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1169        }
1170        Signal {
1171            name: "labelTextColorChanged"
1172            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1173        }
1174        Signal {
1175            name: "labelBackgroundColorChanged"
1176            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1177        }
1178        Signal {
1179            name: "gridLineColorChanged"
1180            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1181        }
1182        Signal {
1183            name: "singleHighlightColorChanged"
1184            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1185        }
1186        Signal {
1187            name: "multiHighlightColorChanged"
1188            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1189        }
1190        Signal {
1191            name: "lightColorChanged"
1192            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1193        }
1194        Signal {
1195            name: "baseGradientsChanged"
1196            Parameter { name: "gradients"; type: "QList<QLinearGradient>" }
1197        }
1198        Signal {
1199            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
1200            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1201        }
1202        Signal {
1203            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
1204            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1205        }
1206        Signal {
1207            name: "lightStrengthChanged"
1208            Parameter { name: "strength"; type: "float" }
1209        }
1210        Signal {
1211            name: "ambientLightStrengthChanged"
1212            Parameter { name: "strength"; type: "float" }
1213        }
1214        Signal {
1215            name: "highlightLightStrengthChanged"
1216            Parameter { name: "strength"; type: "float" }
1217        }
1218        Signal {
1219            name: "labelBorderEnabledChanged"
1220            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1221        }
1222        Signal {
1223            name: "fontChanged"
1224            Parameter { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
1225        }
1226        Signal {
1227            name: "backgroundEnabledChanged"
1228            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1229        }
1230        Signal {
1231            name: "gridEnabledChanged"
1232            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1233        }
1234        Signal {
1235            name: "labelBackgroundEnabledChanged"
1236            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1237        }
1238        Signal {
1239            name: "colorStyleChanged"
1240            Parameter { name: "style"; type: "Q3DTheme::ColorStyle" }
1241        }
1242    }
1243    Component {
1244        name: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DAxis"
1245        prototype: "QObject"
1246        exports: [
1247            "QtDataVisualization/AbstractAxis3D 1.0",
1248            "QtDataVisualization/AbstractAxis3D 1.1"
1249        ]
1250        isCreatable: false
1251        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1252        Enum {
1253            name: "AxisOrientation"
1254            values: {
1255                "AxisOrientationNone": 0,
1256                "AxisOrientationX": 1,
1257                "AxisOrientationY": 2,
1258                "AxisOrientationZ": 4
1259            }
1260        }
1261        Enum {
1262            name: "AxisType"
1263            values: {
1264                "AxisTypeNone": 0,
1265                "AxisTypeCategory": 1,
1266                "AxisTypeValue": 2
1267            }
1268        }
1269        Property { name: "title"; type: "string" }
1270        Property { name: "labels"; type: "QStringList" }
1271        Property { name: "orientation"; type: "AxisOrientation"; isReadonly: true }
1272        Property { name: "type"; type: "AxisType"; isReadonly: true }
1273        Property { name: "min"; type: "float" }
1274        Property { name: "max"; type: "float" }
1275        Property { name: "autoAdjustRange"; type: "bool" }
1276        Property { name: "labelAutoRotation"; revision: 1; type: "float" }
1277        Property { name: "titleVisible"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
1278        Property { name: "titleFixed"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
1279        Signal {
1280            name: "titleChanged"
1281            Parameter { name: "newTitle"; type: "string" }
1282        }
1283        Signal {
1284            name: "orientationChanged"
1285            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientation" }
1286        }
1287        Signal {
1288            name: "minChanged"
1289            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1290        }
1291        Signal {
1292            name: "maxChanged"
1293            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1294        }
1295        Signal {
1296            name: "rangeChanged"
1297            Parameter { name: "min"; type: "float" }
1298            Parameter { name: "max"; type: "float" }
1299        }
1300        Signal {
1301            name: "autoAdjustRangeChanged"
1302            Parameter { name: "autoAdjust"; type: "bool" }
1303        }
1304        Signal {
1305            name: "labelAutoRotationChanged"
1306            revision: 1
1307            Parameter { name: "angle"; type: "float" }
1308        }
1309        Signal {
1310            name: "titleVisibilityChanged"
1311            revision: 1
1312            Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1313        }
1314        Signal {
1315            name: "titleFixedChanged"
1316            revision: 1
1317            Parameter { name: "fixed"; type: "bool" }
1318        }
1319    }
1320    Component {
1321        name: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DInputHandler"
1322        prototype: "QObject"
1323        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/AbstractInputHandler3D 1.0"]
1324        isCreatable: false
1325        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1326        Enum {
1327            name: "InputView"
1328            values: {
1329                "InputViewNone": 0,
1330                "InputViewOnPrimary": 1,
1331                "InputViewOnSecondary": 2
1332            }
1333        }
1334        Property { name: "inputView"; type: "InputView" }
1335        Property { name: "inputPosition"; type: "QPoint" }
1336        Property { name: "scene"; type: "Q3DScene"; isPointer: true }
1337        Signal {
1338            name: "positionChanged"
1339            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPoint" }
1340        }
1341        Signal {
1342            name: "inputViewChanged"
1343            Parameter { name: "view"; type: "QAbstract3DInputHandler::InputView" }
1344        }
1345        Signal {
1346            name: "sceneChanged"
1347            Parameter { name: "scene"; type: "Q3DScene"; isPointer: true }
1348        }
1349    }
1350    Component {
1351        name: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries"
1352        prototype: "QObject"
1353        exports: [
1354            "QtDataVisualization/Abstract3DSeries 1.0",
1355            "QtDataVisualization/Abstract3DSeries 1.1"
1356        ]
1357        isCreatable: false
1358        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1359        Enum {
1360            name: "SeriesType"
1361            values: {
1362                "SeriesTypeNone": 0,
1363                "SeriesTypeBar": 1,
1364                "SeriesTypeScatter": 2,
1365                "SeriesTypeSurface": 4
1366            }
1367        }
1368        Enum {
1369            name: "Mesh"
1370            values: {
1371                "MeshUserDefined": 0,
1372                "MeshBar": 1,
1373                "MeshCube": 2,
1374                "MeshPyramid": 3,
1375                "MeshCone": 4,
1376                "MeshCylinder": 5,
1377                "MeshBevelBar": 6,
1378                "MeshBevelCube": 7,
1379                "MeshSphere": 8,
1380                "MeshMinimal": 9,
1381                "MeshArrow": 10,
1382                "MeshPoint": 11
1383            }
1384        }
1385        Property { name: "type"; type: "SeriesType"; isReadonly: true }
1386        Property { name: "itemLabelFormat"; type: "string" }
1387        Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1388        Property { name: "mesh"; type: "Mesh" }
1389        Property { name: "meshSmooth"; type: "bool" }
1390        Property { name: "meshRotation"; type: "QQuaternion" }
1391        Property { name: "userDefinedMesh"; type: "string" }
1392        Property { name: "colorStyle"; type: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DTheme::ColorStyle" }
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1394        Property { name: "baseGradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
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1396        Property { name: "singleHighlightGradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1397        Property { name: "multiHighlightColor"; type: "QColor" }
1398        Property { name: "multiHighlightGradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1399        Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
1400        Property { name: "itemLabel"; revision: 1; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1401        Property { name: "itemLabelVisible"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
1402        Signal {
1403            name: "itemLabelFormatChanged"
1404            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "string" }
1405        }
1406        Signal {
1407            name: "visibilityChanged"
1408            Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1409        }
1410        Signal {
1411            name: "meshChanged"
1412            Parameter { name: "mesh"; type: "QAbstract3DSeries::Mesh" }
1413        }
1414        Signal {
1415            name: "meshSmoothChanged"
1416            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1417        }
1418        Signal {
1419            name: "meshRotationChanged"
1420            Parameter { name: "rotation"; type: "QQuaternion" }
1421        }
1422        Signal {
1423            name: "userDefinedMeshChanged"
1424            Parameter { name: "fileName"; type: "string" }
1425        }
1426        Signal {
1427            name: "colorStyleChanged"
1428            Parameter { name: "style"; type: "Q3DTheme::ColorStyle" }
1429        }
1430        Signal {
1431            name: "baseColorChanged"
1432            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1433        }
1434        Signal {
1435            name: "baseGradientChanged"
1436            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1437        }
1438        Signal {
1439            name: "singleHighlightColorChanged"
1440            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1441        }
1442        Signal {
1443            name: "singleHighlightGradientChanged"
1444            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1445        }
1446        Signal {
1447            name: "multiHighlightColorChanged"
1448            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1449        }
1450        Signal {
1451            name: "multiHighlightGradientChanged"
1452            Parameter { name: "gradient"; type: "QLinearGradient" }
1453        }
1454        Signal {
1455            name: "nameChanged"
1456            Parameter { name: "name"; type: "string" }
1457        }
1458        Signal {
1459            name: "itemLabelChanged"
1460            revision: 1
1461            Parameter { name: "label"; type: "string" }
1462        }
1463        Signal {
1464            name: "itemLabelVisibilityChanged"
1465            revision: 1
1466            Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1467        }
1468        Method {
1469            name: "setMeshAxisAndAngle"
1470            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QVector3D" }
1471            Parameter { name: "angle"; type: "float" }
1472        }
1473    }
1474    Component {
1475        name: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstractDataProxy"
1476        prototype: "QObject"
1477        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/AbstractDataProxy 1.0"]
1478        isCreatable: false
1479        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1480        Enum {
1481            name: "DataType"
1482            values: {
1483                "DataTypeNone": 0,
1484                "DataTypeBar": 1,
1485                "DataTypeScatter": 2,
1486                "DataTypeSurface": 4
1487            }
1488        }
1489        Property { name: "type"; type: "DataType"; isReadonly: true }
1490    }
1491    Component {
1492        name: "QtDataVisualization::QBar3DSeries"
1493        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries"
1494        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/QBar3DSeries 1.0"]
1495        isCreatable: false
1496        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1497        Property { name: "dataProxy"; type: "QBarDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
1498        Property { name: "selectedBar"; type: "QPoint" }
1499        Property { name: "meshAngle"; type: "float" }
1500        Signal {
1501            name: "dataProxyChanged"
1502            Parameter { name: "proxy"; type: "QBarDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
1503        }
1504        Signal {
1505            name: "selectedBarChanged"
1506            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPoint" }
1507        }
1508        Signal {
1509            name: "meshAngleChanged"
1510            Parameter { name: "angle"; type: "float" }
1511        }
1512    }
1513    Component {
1514        name: "QtDataVisualization::QBarDataProxy"
1515        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstractDataProxy"
1516        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/BarDataProxy 1.0"]
1517        isCreatable: false
1518        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1519        Property { name: "rowCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1520        Property { name: "rowLabels"; type: "QStringList" }
1521        Property { name: "columnLabels"; type: "QStringList" }
1522        Property { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
1523        Signal { name: "arrayReset" }
1524        Signal {
1525            name: "rowsAdded"
1526            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
1527            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
1528        }
1529        Signal {
1530            name: "rowsChanged"
1531            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
1532            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
1533        }
1534        Signal {
1535            name: "rowsRemoved"
1536            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
1537            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
1538        }
1539        Signal {
1540            name: "rowsInserted"
1541            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
1542            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
1543        }
1544        Signal {
1545            name: "itemChanged"
1546            Parameter { name: "rowIndex"; type: "int" }
1547            Parameter { name: "columnIndex"; type: "int" }
1548        }
1549        Signal {
1550            name: "rowCountChanged"
1551            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
1552        }
1553        Signal {
1554            name: "seriesChanged"
1555            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QBar3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
1556        }
1557    }
1558    Component {
1559        name: "QtDataVisualization::QCategory3DAxis"
1560        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DAxis"
1561        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/CategoryAxis3D 1.0"]
1562        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1563        Property { name: "labels"; type: "QStringList" }
1564    }
1565    Component {
1566        name: "QtDataVisualization::QCustom3DItem"
1567        prototype: "QObject"
1568        exports: [
1569            "QtDataVisualization/Custom3DItem 1.1",
1570            "QtDataVisualization/Custom3DItem 1.2"
1571        ]
1572        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1573        Property { name: "meshFile"; type: "string" }
1574        Property { name: "textureFile"; type: "string" }
1575        Property { name: "position"; type: "QVector3D" }
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1579        Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1580        Property { name: "shadowCasting"; type: "bool" }
1581        Property { name: "scalingAbsolute"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
1582        Signal {
1583            name: "meshFileChanged"
1584            Parameter { name: "meshFile"; type: "string" }
1585        }
1586        Signal {
1587            name: "textureFileChanged"
1588            Parameter { name: "textureFile"; type: "string" }
1589        }
1590        Signal {
1591            name: "positionChanged"
1592            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QVector3D" }
1593        }
1594        Signal {
1595            name: "positionAbsoluteChanged"
1596            Parameter { name: "positionAbsolute"; type: "bool" }
1597        }
1598        Signal {
1599            name: "scalingChanged"
1600            Parameter { name: "scaling"; type: "QVector3D" }
1601        }
1602        Signal {
1603            name: "rotationChanged"
1604            Parameter { name: "rotation"; type: "QQuaternion" }
1605        }
1606        Signal {
1607            name: "visibleChanged"
1608            Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
1609        }
1610        Signal {
1611            name: "shadowCastingChanged"
1612            Parameter { name: "shadowCasting"; type: "bool" }
1613        }
1614        Signal {
1615            name: "scalingAbsoluteChanged"
1616            revision: 1
1617            Parameter { name: "scalingAbsolute"; type: "bool" }
1618        }
1619        Method {
1620            name: "setRotationAxisAndAngle"
1621            Parameter { name: "axis"; type: "QVector3D" }
1622            Parameter { name: "angle"; type: "float" }
1623        }
1624    }
1625    Component {
1626        name: "QtDataVisualization::QCustom3DLabel"
1627        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QCustom3DItem"
1628        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Custom3DLabel 1.1"]
1629        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1630        Property { name: "text"; type: "string" }
1631        Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
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1634        Property { name: "borderEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1635        Property { name: "backgroundEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1636        Property { name: "facingCamera"; type: "bool" }
1637        Signal {
1638            name: "textChanged"
1639            Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
1640        }
1641        Signal {
1642            name: "fontChanged"
1643            Parameter { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
1644        }
1645        Signal {
1646            name: "textColorChanged"
1647            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1648        }
1649        Signal {
1650            name: "backgroundColorChanged"
1651            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1652        }
1653        Signal {
1654            name: "borderEnabledChanged"
1655            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1656        }
1657        Signal {
1658            name: "backgroundEnabledChanged"
1659            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1660        }
1661        Signal {
1662            name: "facingCameraChanged"
1663            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1664        }
1665    }
1666    Component {
1667        name: "QtDataVisualization::QCustom3DVolume"
1668        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QCustom3DItem"
1669        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/Custom3DVolume 1.2"]
1670        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1671        Property { name: "textureWidth"; type: "int" }
1672        Property { name: "textureHeight"; type: "int" }
1673        Property { name: "textureDepth"; type: "int" }
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1678        Property { name: "textureData"; type: "QVector<uchar>"; isPointer: true }
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1686        Property { name: "sliceFrameGaps"; type: "QVector3D" }
1687        Property { name: "sliceFrameThicknesses"; type: "QVector3D" }
1688        Signal {
1689            name: "textureWidthChanged"
1690            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1691        }
1692        Signal {
1693            name: "textureHeightChanged"
1694            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1695        }
1696        Signal {
1697            name: "textureDepthChanged"
1698            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1699        }
1700        Signal {
1701            name: "sliceIndexXChanged"
1702            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1703        }
1704        Signal {
1705            name: "sliceIndexYChanged"
1706            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1707        }
1708        Signal {
1709            name: "sliceIndexZChanged"
1710            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
1711        }
1712        Signal {
1713            name: "textureDataChanged"
1714            Parameter { name: "data"; type: "QVector<uchar>"; isPointer: true }
1715        }
1716        Signal {
1717            name: "textureFormatChanged"
1718            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "QImage::Format" }
1719        }
1720        Signal {
1721            name: "alphaMultiplierChanged"
1722            Parameter { name: "mult"; type: "float" }
1723        }
1724        Signal {
1725            name: "preserveOpacityChanged"
1726            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1727        }
1728        Signal {
1729            name: "useHighDefShaderChanged"
1730            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1731        }
1732        Signal {
1733            name: "drawSlicesChanged"
1734            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1735        }
1736        Signal {
1737            name: "drawSliceFramesChanged"
1738            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
1739        }
1740        Signal {
1741            name: "sliceFrameColorChanged"
1742            Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
1743        }
1744        Signal {
1745            name: "sliceFrameWidthsChanged"
1746            Parameter { name: "values"; type: "QVector3D" }
1747        }
1748        Signal {
1749            name: "sliceFrameGapsChanged"
1750            Parameter { name: "values"; type: "QVector3D" }
1751        }
1752        Signal {
1753            name: "sliceFrameThicknessesChanged"
1754            Parameter { name: "values"; type: "QVector3D" }
1755        }
1756    }
1757    Component {
1758        name: "QtDataVisualization::QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy"
1759        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QSurfaceDataProxy"
1760        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/HeightMapSurfaceDataProxy 1.0"]
1761        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1762        Property { name: "heightMap"; type: "QImage" }
1763        Property { name: "heightMapFile"; type: "string" }
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1765        Property { name: "maxXValue"; type: "float" }
1766        Property { name: "minZValue"; type: "float" }
1767        Property { name: "maxZValue"; type: "float" }
1768        Signal {
1769            name: "heightMapChanged"
1770            Parameter { name: "image"; type: "QImage" }
1771        }
1772        Signal {
1773            name: "heightMapFileChanged"
1774            Parameter { name: "filename"; type: "string" }
1775        }
1776        Signal {
1777            name: "minXValueChanged"
1778            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1779        }
1780        Signal {
1781            name: "maxXValueChanged"
1782            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1783        }
1784        Signal {
1785            name: "minZValueChanged"
1786            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1787        }
1788        Signal {
1789            name: "maxZValueChanged"
1790            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "float" }
1791        }
1792    }
1793    Component {
1794        name: "QtDataVisualization::QItemModelBarDataProxy"
1795        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QBarDataProxy"
1796        exports: [
1797            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelBarDataProxy 1.0",
1798            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelBarDataProxy 1.1"
1799        ]
1800        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1801        Enum {
1802            name: "MultiMatchBehavior"
1803            values: {
1804                "MMBFirst": 0,
1805                "MMBLast": 1,
1806                "MMBAverage": 2,
1807                "MMBCumulative": 3
1808            }
1809        }
1810        Property { name: "itemModel"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
1811        Property { name: "rowRole"; type: "string" }
1812        Property { name: "columnRole"; type: "string" }
1813        Property { name: "valueRole"; type: "string" }
1814        Property { name: "rotationRole"; type: "string" }
1815        Property { name: "rowCategories"; type: "QStringList" }
1816        Property { name: "columnCategories"; type: "QStringList" }
1817        Property { name: "useModelCategories"; type: "bool" }
1818        Property { name: "autoRowCategories"; type: "bool" }
1819        Property { name: "autoColumnCategories"; type: "bool" }
1820        Property { name: "rowRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1821        Property { name: "columnRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1822        Property { name: "valueRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1823        Property { name: "rotationRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1824        Property { name: "rowRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1825        Property { name: "columnRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1826        Property { name: "valueRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1827        Property { name: "rotationRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1828        Property { name: "multiMatchBehavior"; revision: 1; type: "MultiMatchBehavior" }
1829        Signal {
1830            name: "itemModelChanged"
1831            Parameter { name: "itemModel"; type: "const QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
1832        }
1833        Signal {
1834            name: "rowRoleChanged"
1835            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1836        }
1837        Signal {
1838            name: "columnRoleChanged"
1839            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1840        }
1841        Signal {
1842            name: "valueRoleChanged"
1843            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1844        }
1845        Signal {
1846            name: "rotationRoleChanged"
1847            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1848        }
1849        Signal {
1850            name: "useModelCategoriesChanged"
1851            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1852        }
1853        Signal {
1854            name: "autoRowCategoriesChanged"
1855            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1856        }
1857        Signal {
1858            name: "autoColumnCategoriesChanged"
1859            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
1860        }
1861        Signal {
1862            name: "rowRolePatternChanged"
1863            revision: 1
1864            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1865        }
1866        Signal {
1867            name: "columnRolePatternChanged"
1868            revision: 1
1869            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1870        }
1871        Signal {
1872            name: "valueRolePatternChanged"
1873            revision: 1
1874            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1875        }
1876        Signal {
1877            name: "rotationRolePatternChanged"
1878            revision: 1
1879            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1880        }
1881        Signal {
1882            name: "rowRoleReplaceChanged"
1883            revision: 1
1884            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1885        }
1886        Signal {
1887            name: "columnRoleReplaceChanged"
1888            revision: 1
1889            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1890        }
1891        Signal {
1892            name: "valueRoleReplaceChanged"
1893            revision: 1
1894            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1895        }
1896        Signal {
1897            name: "rotationRoleReplaceChanged"
1898            revision: 1
1899            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1900        }
1901        Signal {
1902            name: "multiMatchBehaviorChanged"
1903            revision: 1
1904            Parameter { name: "behavior"; type: "MultiMatchBehavior" }
1905        }
1906        Method {
1907            name: "rowCategoryIndex"
1908            type: "int"
1909            Parameter { name: "category"; type: "string" }
1910        }
1911        Method {
1912            name: "columnCategoryIndex"
1913            type: "int"
1914            Parameter { name: "category"; type: "string" }
1915        }
1916    }
1917    Component {
1918        name: "QtDataVisualization::QItemModelScatterDataProxy"
1919        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QScatterDataProxy"
1920        exports: [
1921            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelScatterDataProxy 1.0",
1922            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelScatterDataProxy 1.1"
1923        ]
1924        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1925        Property { name: "itemModel"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
1926        Property { name: "xPosRole"; type: "string" }
1927        Property { name: "yPosRole"; type: "string" }
1928        Property { name: "zPosRole"; type: "string" }
1929        Property { name: "rotationRole"; type: "string" }
1930        Property { name: "xPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1931        Property { name: "yPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1932        Property { name: "zPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1933        Property { name: "rotationRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
1934        Property { name: "xPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1935        Property { name: "yPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1936        Property { name: "zPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1937        Property { name: "rotationRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
1938        Signal {
1939            name: "itemModelChanged"
1940            Parameter { name: "itemModel"; type: "const QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
1941        }
1942        Signal {
1943            name: "xPosRoleChanged"
1944            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1945        }
1946        Signal {
1947            name: "yPosRoleChanged"
1948            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1949        }
1950        Signal {
1951            name: "zPosRoleChanged"
1952            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1953        }
1954        Signal {
1955            name: "rotationRoleChanged"
1956            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
1957        }
1958        Signal {
1959            name: "xPosRolePatternChanged"
1960            revision: 1
1961            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1962        }
1963        Signal {
1964            name: "yPosRolePatternChanged"
1965            revision: 1
1966            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1967        }
1968        Signal {
1969            name: "zPosRolePatternChanged"
1970            revision: 1
1971            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1972        }
1973        Signal {
1974            name: "rotationRolePatternChanged"
1975            revision: 1
1976            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
1977        }
1978        Signal {
1979            name: "rotationRoleReplaceChanged"
1980            revision: 1
1981            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1982        }
1983        Signal {
1984            name: "xPosRoleReplaceChanged"
1985            revision: 1
1986            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1987        }
1988        Signal {
1989            name: "yPosRoleReplaceChanged"
1990            revision: 1
1991            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1992        }
1993        Signal {
1994            name: "zPosRoleReplaceChanged"
1995            revision: 1
1996            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
1997        }
1998    }
1999    Component {
2000        name: "QtDataVisualization::QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy"
2001        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QSurfaceDataProxy"
2002        exports: [
2003            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelSurfaceDataProxy 1.0",
2004            "QtDataVisualization/ItemModelSurfaceDataProxy 1.1"
2005        ]
2006        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
2007        Enum {
2008            name: "MultiMatchBehavior"
2009            values: {
2010                "MMBFirst": 0,
2011                "MMBLast": 1,
2012                "MMBAverage": 2,
2013                "MMBCumulativeY": 3
2014            }
2015        }
2016        Property { name: "itemModel"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
2017        Property { name: "rowRole"; type: "string" }
2018        Property { name: "columnRole"; type: "string" }
2019        Property { name: "xPosRole"; type: "string" }
2020        Property { name: "yPosRole"; type: "string" }
2021        Property { name: "zPosRole"; type: "string" }
2022        Property { name: "rowCategories"; type: "QStringList" }
2023        Property { name: "columnCategories"; type: "QStringList" }
2024        Property { name: "useModelCategories"; type: "bool" }
2025        Property { name: "autoRowCategories"; type: "bool" }
2026        Property { name: "autoColumnCategories"; type: "bool" }
2027        Property { name: "rowRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
2028        Property { name: "columnRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
2029        Property { name: "xPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
2030        Property { name: "yPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
2031        Property { name: "zPosRolePattern"; revision: 1; type: "QRegExp" }
2032        Property { name: "rowRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
2033        Property { name: "columnRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
2034        Property { name: "xPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
2035        Property { name: "yPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
2036        Property { name: "zPosRoleReplace"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
2037        Property { name: "multiMatchBehavior"; revision: 1; type: "MultiMatchBehavior" }
2038        Signal {
2039            name: "itemModelChanged"
2040            Parameter { name: "itemModel"; type: "const QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true }
2041        }
2042        Signal {
2043            name: "rowRoleChanged"
2044            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
2045        }
2046        Signal {
2047            name: "columnRoleChanged"
2048            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
2049        }
2050        Signal {
2051            name: "xPosRoleChanged"
2052            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
2053        }
2054        Signal {
2055            name: "yPosRoleChanged"
2056            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
2057        }
2058        Signal {
2059            name: "zPosRoleChanged"
2060            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "string" }
2061        }
2062        Signal {
2063            name: "useModelCategoriesChanged"
2064            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2065        }
2066        Signal {
2067            name: "autoRowCategoriesChanged"
2068            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2069        }
2070        Signal {
2071            name: "autoColumnCategoriesChanged"
2072            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2073        }
2074        Signal {
2075            name: "rowRolePatternChanged"
2076            revision: 1
2077            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
2078        }
2079        Signal {
2080            name: "columnRolePatternChanged"
2081            revision: 1
2082            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
2083        }
2084        Signal {
2085            name: "xPosRolePatternChanged"
2086            revision: 1
2087            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
2088        }
2089        Signal {
2090            name: "yPosRolePatternChanged"
2091            revision: 1
2092            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
2093        }
2094        Signal {
2095            name: "zPosRolePatternChanged"
2096            revision: 1
2097            Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "QRegExp" }
2098        }
2099        Signal {
2100            name: "rowRoleReplaceChanged"
2101            revision: 1
2102            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
2103        }
2104        Signal {
2105            name: "columnRoleReplaceChanged"
2106            revision: 1
2107            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
2108        }
2109        Signal {
2110            name: "xPosRoleReplaceChanged"
2111            revision: 1
2112            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
2113        }
2114        Signal {
2115            name: "yPosRoleReplaceChanged"
2116            revision: 1
2117            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
2118        }
2119        Signal {
2120            name: "zPosRoleReplaceChanged"
2121            revision: 1
2122            Parameter { name: "replace"; type: "string" }
2123        }
2124        Signal {
2125            name: "multiMatchBehaviorChanged"
2126            revision: 1
2127            Parameter { name: "behavior"; type: "MultiMatchBehavior" }
2128        }
2129        Method {
2130            name: "rowCategoryIndex"
2131            type: "int"
2132            Parameter { name: "category"; type: "string" }
2133        }
2134        Method {
2135            name: "columnCategoryIndex"
2136            type: "int"
2137            Parameter { name: "category"; type: "string" }
2138        }
2139    }
2140    Component {
2141        name: "QtDataVisualization::QLogValue3DAxisFormatter"
2142        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QValue3DAxisFormatter"
2143        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/LogValueAxis3DFormatter 1.1"]
2144        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2145        Property { name: "base"; type: "double" }
2146        Property { name: "autoSubGrid"; type: "bool" }
2147        Property { name: "showEdgeLabels"; type: "bool" }
2148        Signal {
2149            name: "baseChanged"
2150            Parameter { name: "base"; type: "double" }
2151        }
2152        Signal {
2153            name: "autoSubGridChanged"
2154            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
2155        }
2156        Signal {
2157            name: "showEdgeLabelsChanged"
2158            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
2159        }
2160    }
2161    Component {
2162        name: "QtDataVisualization::QScatter3DSeries"
2163        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries"
2164        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/QScatter3DSeries 1.0"]
2165        isCreatable: false
2166        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2167        Property { name: "dataProxy"; type: "QScatterDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
2168        Property { name: "selectedItem"; type: "int" }
2169        Property { name: "itemSize"; type: "float" }
2170        Signal {
2171            name: "dataProxyChanged"
2172            Parameter { name: "proxy"; type: "QScatterDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
2173        }
2174        Signal {
2175            name: "selectedItemChanged"
2176            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
2177        }
2178        Signal {
2179            name: "itemSizeChanged"
2180            Parameter { name: "size"; type: "float" }
2181        }
2182    }
2183    Component {
2184        name: "QtDataVisualization::QScatterDataProxy"
2185        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstractDataProxy"
2186        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/ScatterDataProxy 1.0"]
2187        isCreatable: false
2188        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2189        Property { name: "itemCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
2190        Property { name: "series"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
2191        Signal { name: "arrayReset" }
2192        Signal {
2193            name: "itemsAdded"
2194            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2195            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2196        }
2197        Signal {
2198            name: "itemsChanged"
2199            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2200            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2201        }
2202        Signal {
2203            name: "itemsRemoved"
2204            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2205            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2206        }
2207        Signal {
2208            name: "itemsInserted"
2209            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2210            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2211        }
2212        Signal {
2213            name: "itemCountChanged"
2214            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2215        }
2216        Signal {
2217            name: "seriesChanged"
2218            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QScatter3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
2219        }
2220    }
2221    Component {
2222        name: "QtDataVisualization::QSurface3DSeries"
2223        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries"
2224        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/QSurface3DSeries 1.0"]
2225        isCreatable: false
2226        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2227        Enum {
2228            name: "DrawFlag"
2229            values: {
2230                "DrawWireframe": 1,
2231                "DrawSurface": 2,
2232                "DrawSurfaceAndWireframe": 3
2233            }
2234        }
2235        Enum {
2236            name: "DrawFlags"
2237            values: {
2238                "DrawWireframe": 1,
2239                "DrawSurface": 2,
2240                "DrawSurfaceAndWireframe": 3
2241            }
2242        }
2243        Property { name: "dataProxy"; type: "QSurfaceDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
2244        Property { name: "selectedPoint"; type: "QPoint" }
2245        Property { name: "flatShadingEnabled"; type: "bool" }
2246        Property { name: "flatShadingSupported"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
2247        Property { name: "drawMode"; type: "DrawFlags" }
2248        Property { name: "texture"; type: "QImage" }
2249        Property { name: "textureFile"; type: "string" }
2250        Signal {
2251            name: "dataProxyChanged"
2252            Parameter { name: "proxy"; type: "QSurfaceDataProxy"; isPointer: true }
2253        }
2254        Signal {
2255            name: "selectedPointChanged"
2256            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPoint" }
2257        }
2258        Signal {
2259            name: "flatShadingEnabledChanged"
2260            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2261        }
2262        Signal {
2263            name: "flatShadingSupportedChanged"
2264            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2265        }
2266        Signal {
2267            name: "drawModeChanged"
2268            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags" }
2269        }
2270        Signal {
2271            name: "textureChanged"
2272            Parameter { name: "image"; type: "QImage" }
2273        }
2274        Signal {
2275            name: "textureFileChanged"
2276            Parameter { name: "filename"; type: "string" }
2277        }
2278    }
2279    Component {
2280        name: "QtDataVisualization::QSurfaceDataProxy"
2281        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstractDataProxy"
2282        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/SurfaceDataProxy 1.0"]
2283        isCreatable: false
2284        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2285        Property { name: "rowCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
2286        Property { name: "columnCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
2287        Property { name: "series"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
2288        Signal { name: "arrayReset" }
2289        Signal {
2290            name: "rowsAdded"
2291            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2292            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2293        }
2294        Signal {
2295            name: "rowsChanged"
2296            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2297            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2298        }
2299        Signal {
2300            name: "rowsRemoved"
2301            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2302            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2303        }
2304        Signal {
2305            name: "rowsInserted"
2306            Parameter { name: "startIndex"; type: "int" }
2307            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2308        }
2309        Signal {
2310            name: "itemChanged"
2311            Parameter { name: "rowIndex"; type: "int" }
2312            Parameter { name: "columnIndex"; type: "int" }
2313        }
2314        Signal {
2315            name: "rowCountChanged"
2316            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2317        }
2318        Signal {
2319            name: "columnCountChanged"
2320            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2321        }
2322        Signal {
2323            name: "seriesChanged"
2324            Parameter { name: "series"; type: "QSurface3DSeries"; isPointer: true }
2325        }
2326    }
2327    Component {
2328        name: "QtDataVisualization::QTouch3DInputHandler"
2329        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::Q3DInputHandler"
2330        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/TouchInputHandler3D 1.2"]
2331        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2332    }
2333    Component {
2334        name: "QtDataVisualization::QValue3DAxis"
2335        prototype: "QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DAxis"
2336        exports: [
2337            "QtDataVisualization/ValueAxis3D 1.0",
2338            "QtDataVisualization/ValueAxis3D 1.1"
2339        ]
2340        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
2341        Property { name: "segmentCount"; type: "int" }
2342        Property { name: "subSegmentCount"; type: "int" }
2343        Property { name: "labelFormat"; type: "string" }
2344        Property { name: "formatter"; revision: 1; type: "QValue3DAxisFormatter"; isPointer: true }
2345        Property { name: "reversed"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
2346        Signal {
2347            name: "segmentCountChanged"
2348            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2349        }
2350        Signal {
2351            name: "subSegmentCountChanged"
2352            Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
2353        }
2354        Signal {
2355            name: "labelFormatChanged"
2356            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "string" }
2357        }
2358        Signal {
2359            name: "formatterChanged"
2360            revision: 1
2361            Parameter { name: "formatter"; type: "QValue3DAxisFormatter"; isPointer: true }
2362        }
2363        Signal {
2364            name: "reversedChanged"
2365            revision: 1
2366            Parameter { name: "enable"; type: "bool" }
2367        }
2368    }
2369    Component {
2370        name: "QtDataVisualization::QValue3DAxisFormatter"
2371        prototype: "QObject"
2372        exports: ["QtDataVisualization/ValueAxis3DFormatter 1.1"]
2373        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2374    }