1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Ismael Asensio <isma.af@gmail.com>
4     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
5 */
7 #include "optionsmodel.h"
9 #include <KLocalizedString>
12 namespace KWin
13 {
roleNames() const15 QHash<int, QByteArray> OptionsModel::roleNames() const
16 {
17     return {
18         {Qt::DisplayRole,    QByteArrayLiteral("display")},
19         {Qt::DecorationRole, QByteArrayLiteral("decoration")},
20         {Qt::ToolTipRole,    QByteArrayLiteral("tooltip")},
21         {Qt::UserRole,       QByteArrayLiteral("value")},
22         {Qt::UserRole + 1,   QByteArrayLiteral("iconName")},
23     };
24 }
rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const26 int OptionsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
27 {
28     if (parent.isValid()) {
29         return 0;
30     }
31     return m_data.size();
32 }
data(const QModelIndex & index,int role) const34 QVariant OptionsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
35 {
36     if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid | CheckIndexOption::ParentIsInvalid)) {
37         return QVariant();
38     }
40     const Data data = m_data.at(index.row());
42     switch (role) {
43         case Qt::DisplayRole:
44             return data.text;
45         case Qt::UserRole:
46             return data.value;
47         case Qt::DecorationRole:
48             return data.icon;
49         case Qt::UserRole + 1:
50             return data.icon.name();
51         case Qt::ToolTipRole:
52             return data.description;
53     }
54     return QVariant();
55 }
selectedIndex() const57 int OptionsModel::selectedIndex() const
58 {
59     return m_index;
60 }
indexOf(const QVariant & value) const62 int OptionsModel::indexOf(const QVariant &value) const
63 {
64     for (int index = 0; index < m_data.count(); index++) {
65         if (m_data.at(index).value == value) {
66             return index;
67         }
68     }
69     return -1;
70 }
textOfValue(const QVariant & value) const72 QString OptionsModel::textOfValue(const QVariant &value) const
73 {
74     int index = indexOf(value);
75     if (index < 0 || index >= m_data.count()) {
76         return QString();
77     }
78     return m_data.at(index).text;
79 }
value() const81 QVariant OptionsModel::value() const
82 {
83     if (m_data.isEmpty()) {
84         return QVariant();
85     }
86     return m_data.at(m_index).value;
87 }
setValue(QVariant value)89 void OptionsModel::setValue(QVariant value)
90 {
91     if (this->value() == value) {
92         return;
93     }
94     int index = indexOf(value);
95     if (index >= 0 && index != m_index) {
96         m_index = index;
97         Q_EMIT selectedIndexChanged(index);
98     }
99 }
resetValue()101 void OptionsModel::resetValue()
102 {
103     m_index = 0;
104     Q_EMIT selectedIndexChanged(m_index);
105 }
updateModelData(const QList<Data> & data)107 void OptionsModel::updateModelData(const QList<Data> &data) {
108     beginResetModel();
109     m_data = data;
110     endResetModel();
111 }
type() const114 RulePolicy::Type RulePolicy::type() const
115 {
116     return m_type;
117 }
value() const119 int RulePolicy::value() const
120 {
121     if (m_type == RulePolicy::NoPolicy) {
122         return Rules::Apply;   // To simplify external checks when rule has no policy
123     }
124     return OptionsModel::value().toInt();
125 }
policyKey(const QString & key) const127 QString RulePolicy::policyKey(const QString &key) const
128 {
129     switch (m_type) {
130         case NoPolicy:
131             return QString();
132         case StringMatch:
133             return QStringLiteral("%1match").arg(key);
134         case SetRule:
135         case ForceRule:
136             return QStringLiteral("%1rule").arg(key);
137     }
139     return QString();
140 }
policyOptions(RulePolicy::Type type)142 QList<RulePolicy::Data> RulePolicy::policyOptions(RulePolicy::Type type)
143 {
144     static const auto stringMatchOptions = QList<RulePolicy::Data> {
145         {Rules::UnimportantMatch, i18n("Unimportant")},
146         {Rules::ExactMatch,       i18n("Exact Match")},
147         {Rules::SubstringMatch,   i18n("Substring Match")},
148         {Rules::RegExpMatch,      i18n("Regular Expression")}
149     };
151     static const auto setRuleOptions = QList<RulePolicy::Data> {
152         {Rules::Apply,
153             i18n("Apply Initially"),
154             i18n("The window property will be only set to the given value after the window is created."
155                  "\nNo further changes will be affected.")},
156         {Rules::ApplyNow,
157             i18n("Apply Now"),
158             i18n("The window property will be set to the given value immediately and will not be affected later"
159                  "\n(this action will be deleted afterwards).")},
160         {Rules::Remember,
161             i18n("Remember"),
162             i18n("The value of the window property will be remembered and, every time the window"
163                  " is created, the last remembered value will be applied.")},
164         {Rules::DontAffect,
165             i18n("Do Not Affect"),
166             i18n("The window property will not be affected and therefore the default handling for it will be used."
167                  "\nSpecifying this will block more generic window settings from taking effect.")},
168         {Rules::Force,
169             i18n("Force"),
170             i18n("The window property will be always forced to the given value.")},
171         {Rules::ForceTemporarily,
172             i18n("Force Temporarily"),
173             i18n("The window property will be forced to the given value until it is hidden"
174                  "\n(this action will be deleted after the window is hidden).")}
175     };
177     static auto forceRuleOptions = QList<RulePolicy::Data> {
178         setRuleOptions.at(4),  // Rules::Force
179         setRuleOptions.at(5),  // Rules::ForceTemporarily
180         setRuleOptions.at(3),  // Rules::DontAffect
181     };
183     switch (type) {
184     case NoPolicy:
185         return {};
186     case StringMatch:
187         return stringMatchOptions;
188     case SetRule:
189         return setRuleOptions;
190     case ForceRule:
191         return forceRuleOptions;
192     }
193     return {};
194 }
196 }   //namespace