1 /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
2  *  Copyright (C) 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>
3  *  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
4  *
5  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *  Library General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16  *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
17  *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
18  *  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19  */
21 #ifndef kurl_h
22 #define kurl_h
24 #include <kdelibs4support_export.h>
27 #warning "This file is deprecated."
28 #endif
30 #include <QVariant>
31 #include <QUrl>
32 #include <QMap>
34 class QStringList;
35 class QMimeData;
37 class KUrlPrivate;
39 /**
40  * \class KUrl kurl.h <KUrl>
41  *
42  * Represents and parses a URL.
43  *
44  * A prototypical URL looks like:
45  * \code
46  *   protocol://user:password\@hostname:port/path/to/file.ext#reference
47  * \endcode
48  *
49  * KUrl handles escaping of URLs. This means that the specification
50  * of a full URL will differ from the corresponding string that would specify a
51  * local file or directory in file-operations like fopen. This is because an URL
52  * doesn't allow certain characters and escapes them. (e.g. '#'->"%23", space->"%20")
53  * (In a URL the hash-character '#' is used to specify a "reference", i.e. the position
54  * within a document).
55  *
56  * The constructor KUrl(const QString&) expects a string properly escaped,
57  * or at least non-ambiguous.
58  * If you have the absolute path you should use KUrl::fromPath(const QString&).
59  * \code
60  *     KUrl kurl = KUrl::fromPath("/bar/#foo#");
61  *     QString url = kurl.url();    // -> "file:///bar/%23foo%23"
62  * \endcode
63  *
64  * If you have the URL of a local file or directory and need the absolute path,
65  * you would use toLocalFile().
66  * \code
67  *    KUrl url( "file:///bar/%23foo%23" );
68  *    ...
69  *    if ( url.isLocalFile() )
70  *       QString path = url.toLocalFile();       // -> "/bar/#foo#"
71  * \endcode
72  *
73  * This must also be considered when you have separated directory and file
74  * strings and need to put them together.
75  * While you can simply concatenate normal path strings, you must take care if
76  * the directory-part is already an escaped URL.
77  * (This might be needed if the user specifies a relative path, and your
78  * program supplies the rest from elsewhere.)
79  *
80  * Wrong:
81  * \code
82  *    QString dirUrl = "file:///bar/";
83  *    QString fileName = "#foo#";
84  *    QString invalidURL = dirUrl + fileName;   // -> "file:///bar/#foo#" won't behave like you would expect.
85  * \endcode
86  * Instead you should use addPath():
87  * Right:
88  * \code
89  *    KUrl url( "file:///bar/" );
90  *    QString fileName = "#foo#";
91  *    url.addPath( fileName );
92  *    QString validURL = url.url();    // -> "file:///bar/%23foo%23"
93  * \endcode
94  *
95  * Also consider that some URLs contain the password, but this shouldn't be
96  * visible. Your program should use prettyUrl() every time it displays a
97  * URL, whether in the GUI or in debug output or...
98  *
99  * \code
100  *    KUrl url( "ftp://name:password@ftp.faraway.org/bar/%23foo%23");
101  *    QString visibleURL = url.prettyUrl(); // -> "ftp://name@ftp.faraway.org/bar/%23foo%23"
102  * \endcode
103  * Note that prettyUrl() doesn't change the character escapes (like "%23").
104  * Otherwise the URL would be invalid and the user wouldn't be able to use it in another
105  * context.
106  *
107  * @deprecated since 5.0; use QUrl directly
108  */
109 class KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_EXPORT_NOISE KUrl : public QUrl // krazy:exclude=dpointer,qclasses (krazy can't deal with embedded classes)
110 {
111 public:
112     typedef QMap<QString, QString> MetaDataMap;
113     enum MimeDataFlags { DefaultMimeDataFlags = 0, NoTextExport = 1 };
115     /**
116      * Options to be used in adjustPath
117      */
118     enum AdjustPathOption {
119         /**
120          * strips a trailing '/', except when the path is already just "/".
121          */
122         RemoveTrailingSlash,
124         /**
125          * Do not change the path.
126          */
127         LeaveTrailingSlash,
129         /**
130          * adds a trailing '/' if there is none yet
131          */
132         AddTrailingSlash
133     };
135     /**
136      * \class List kurl.h <KUrl>
137      *
138      * KUrl::List is a QList that contains KUrls with a few
139      * convenience methods.
140      * @see KUrl
141      * @see QList
142      */
143     class KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_EXPORT_NOISE List : public QList<KUrl> //krazy:exclude=dpointer (just some convenience methods)
144     {
145     public:
146         /**
147          * Creates an empty List.
148          */
List()149         List() { }
150         /**
151          * Creates a list that contains the given URL as only
152          * item.
153          * @param url the url to add.
154          */
155         List(const KUrl &url);
156         /**
157          * Creates a list that contains the URLs from the given
158          * list of strings.
159          * @param list the list containing the URLs as strings
160          */
161         List(const QStringList &list);
162         /**
163          * Creates a list that contains the URLs from the given QList<KUrl>.
164          * @param list the list containing the URLs
165          */
166         List(const QList<KUrl> &list);
167         /**
168          * Creates a list that contains the URLs from the given QList<KUrl>.
169          * @param list the list containing the URLs
170          * @since 4.7
171          */
172         List(const QList<QUrl> &list);
173         /**
174          * Converts the URLs of this list to a list of strings.
175          * @return the list of strings
176          */
177         QStringList toStringList() const;
179         /**
180          * Converts the URLs of this list to a list of strings.
181          *
182          * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path.
183          *
184          * @return the list of strings
185          *
186          * @since 4.6
187          */
188         QStringList toStringList(KUrl::AdjustPathOption trailing) const;
190         /**
191          * Converts this KUrl::List to a QVariant, this allows to use KUrl::List
192          * in QVariant() constructor
193          */
194         operator QVariant() const;
196         /**
197          * Converts this KUrl::List into a list of QUrl instances.
198          * @since 4.7
199          */
200         operator QList<QUrl>() const;
202         /**
203          * Adds URLs data into the given QMimeData.
204          *
205          * By default, populateMimeData also exports the URLs as plain text, for e.g. dropping
206          * onto a text editor.
207          * But in some cases this might not be wanted, e.g. if adding other mime data
208          * which provides better plain text data.
209          *
210          * WARNING: do not call this method multiple times on the same mimedata object,
211          * you can add urls only once. But you can add other things, e.g. images, XML...
212          *
213          * @param mimeData the QMimeData instance used to drag or copy this URL
214          * @param metaData KIO metadata shipped in the mime data, which is used for instance to
215          * set a correct HTTP referrer (some websites require it for downloading e.g. an image)
216          * @param flags set NoTextExport to prevent setting plain/text data into @p mimeData
217          *
218          * @deprecated since 5.0, use QMimeData::setUrls, followed by KUrlMimeData::setMetaData if you have metadata.
219          */
221         KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void populateMimeData(QMimeData *mimeData,
222                 const KUrl::MetaDataMap &metaData = MetaDataMap(),
223                 MimeDataFlags flags = DefaultMimeDataFlags) const;
224 #endif
226         /**
227          * Adds URLs into the given QMimeData.
228          *
229          * This should add both the KDE-style URLs (eg: desktop:/foo) and
230          * the "most local" version of the URLs (eg:
231          * file:///home/jbloggs/Desktop/foo) to the mimedata.
232          *
233          * This method should be called on the KDE-style URLs.
234          *
235          * @code
236          * QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData();
237          *
238          * KUrl::List kdeUrls;
239          * kdeUrls << "desktop:/foo";
240          * kdeUrls << "desktop:/bar";
241          *
242          * KUrl::List normalUrls;
243          * normalUrls << "file:///home/jbloggs/Desktop/foo";
244          * normalUrls << "file:///home/jbloggs/Desktop/bar";
245          *
246          * kdeUrls.populateMimeData(normalUrls, mimeData);
247          * @endcode
248          *
249          * @param mostLocalUrls the "most local" urls
250          * @param mimeData      the mime data object to populate
251          * @param metaData      KIO metadata shipped in the mime data, which is
252          *                      used for instance to set a correct HTTP referrer
253          *                      (some websites require it for downloading e.g. an
254          *                      image)
255          * @param flags         set NoTextExport to prevent setting plain/text
256          *                      data into @p mimeData.
257          * @since 4.2
258          * @deprecated since 5.0, use KUrlMimeData::setUrls, followed by KUrlMimeData::setMetaData if you have metadata.
259          */
261         KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void populateMimeData(const KUrl::List &mostLocalUrls,
262                 QMimeData *mimeData,
263                 const KUrl::MetaDataMap &metaData = MetaDataMap(),
264                 MimeDataFlags flags = DefaultMimeDataFlags) const;
265 #endif
267         /**
268          * Return true if @p mimeData contains URI data
269          * @deprecated since 5.0, use QMimeData::hasUrls
270          */
272         KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED static bool canDecode(const QMimeData *mimeData);
273 #endif
275         /**
276          * Return the list of mimeTypes that can be decoded by fromMimeData
277          * @deprecated since 5.0, use KUrlMimeData::mimeDataTypes
278          */
280         KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED static QStringList mimeDataTypes();
281 #endif
283         /**
284          * Flags to be used in fromMimeData.
285          * @since 4.2.3
286          * @deprecated since 5.0, use KUrlMimeData
287          */
288         enum DecodeOptions {
289             /**
290              * When the mimedata contains both KDE-style URLs (eg: desktop:/foo) and
291              * the "most local" version of the URLs (eg: file:///home/dfaure/Desktop/foo),
292              * decode it as local urls. Useful in paste/drop operations that end up calling KIO,
293              * so that urls from other users work as well.
294              */
295             PreferLocalUrls,
296             /**
297              * When the mimedata contains both KDE-style URLs (eg: desktop:/foo) and
298              * the "most local" version of the URLs (eg: file:///home/dfaure/Desktop/foo),
299              * decode it as the KDE-style URL. Useful in DnD code e.g. when moving icons,
300              * and the kde-style url is used as identifier for the icons.
301              */
302             PreferKdeUrls
303         };
305         /**
306          * Extract a list of KUrls from the contents of @p mimeData.
307          * Decoding will fail if @p mimeData does not contain any URLs, or if at
308          * least one extracted URL is not valid.
309          * @param mimeData the mime data to extract from; cannot be 0
310          * @param decodeOptions options for decoding
311          * @param metaData optional pointer to a map holding the metadata
312          * @return the list of urls
313          * @since 4.2.3
314          * @deprecated since 5.0, use KUrlMimeData::urlsFromMimeData
315          */
317         KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED static KUrl::List fromMimeData(const QMimeData *mimeData,
318                 DecodeOptions decodeOptions = PreferKdeUrls,
319                 KUrl::MetaDataMap *metaData = nullptr);
320 #endif
321     };
322     /**
323      * Constructs an empty URL.
324      */
325     KUrl();
327     /**
328      * Destructs the KUrl object.
329      */
330     ~KUrl();
332     /**
333      * Usual constructor, to construct from a string.
334      * @param urlOrPath An encoded URL or a path.
335      *
336      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl(str) if it's a URL, QUrl::fromLocalFile(str) if it's a local path,
337      * and QUrl::fromUserInput() if it could be either.
338      */
339     KUrl(const QString &urlOrPath);
340     /**
341      * Constructor taking a char * @p urlOrPath, which is an _encoded_ representation
342      * of the URL, exactly like the usual constructor. This is useful when
343      * the URL, in its encoded form, is strictly ascii.
344      * @param urlOrPath An encoded URL, or a path.
345      *
346      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl(str) if it's a URL, QUrl::fromLocalFile(str) if it's a local path,
347      * and QUrl::fromUserInput() if it could be either.
348      */
349     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED explicit KUrl(const char *urlOrPath);
350     /**
351      * Constructor taking a QByteArray @p urlOrPath, which is an _encoded_ representation
352      * of the URL, exactly like the usual constructor. This is useful when
353      * the URL, in its encoded form, is strictly ascii.
354      * @param urlOrPath An encoded URL, or a path.
355      *
356      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl(str) if it's a URL, QUrl::fromLocalFile(str) if it's a local path,
357      * and QUrl::fromUserInput() if it could be either.
358      */
359     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED explicit KUrl(const QByteArray &urlOrPath);
361     /**
362      * Copy constructor.
363      * @param u the KUrl to copy
364      */
365     KUrl(const KUrl &u);
366     /**
367      * Converts from a QUrl.
368      * @param u the QUrl
369      */
370     KUrl(const QUrl &u);   //krazy:exclude=qclasses
371     /**
372      * Constructor allowing relative URLs.
373      *
374      * @param _baseurl The base url.
375      * @param _rel_url A relative or absolute URL.
376      * If this is an absolute URL then @p _baseurl will be ignored.
377      * If this is a relative URL it will be combined with @p _baseurl.
378      * Note that _rel_url should be encoded too, in any case.
379      * So do NOT pass a path here (use setPath or addPath instead).
380      *
381      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl(_baseurl).resolved(QUrl(_rel_url))
382      */
383     KUrl(const KUrl &_baseurl, const QString &_rel_url);
385     /**
386      * Returns the protocol for the URL (i.e., file, http, etc.), lowercased.
387      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::scheme() instead
388      */
389     QString protocol() const;
391     /**
392      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setScheme() instead
393      */
394     void setProtocol(const QString &proto);
396     /**
397      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::userName() instead
398      */
399     QString user() const;
401     /**
402      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setUserName() instead
403      */
404     void setUser(const QString &user);
406     /**
407      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::userName() and QString::isEmpty() instead
408      */
409     bool hasUser() const;
411     /**
412      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::password() instead
413      **/
414     QString pass() const;
416     /**
417      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setPassword() instead
418      **/
419     void setPass(const QString &pass);
421     /**
422      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::password() and QString::isEmpty() instead
423      **/
424     bool hasPass() const;
426     /**
427      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::host() and QString::isEmpty() instead
428      **/
429     bool hasHost() const;
431     /**
432      * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path. see adjustPath
434      * @return The current decoded path. This does not include the query. Can
435      *         be QString() if no path is set.
436      *
437      * @deprecated since 5.0, use OUrl::toLocalFile() for local file urls and
438      * QUrl::path() for all other cases. You may use QUrl::isLocalFile() to decide
439      * which method to choose. If RemoveTrailingSlash was used, use
440      * url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path().
441      */
442     QString path(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash) const;
444     /**
445      * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the local path. see adjustPath
446      *
447      * @return The current local path. Can
448      *   be QString() if no path is set.
449      *
450      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::toLocalFile() instead; if
451      * RemoveTrailingSlash was used, use
452      * url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).toLocalFile()
453      */
454     QString toLocalFile(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash) const;
456     /**
457      * KUrl's setPath on an empty url implies the "file" protocol.
458      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::fromLocalFile instead, for the case of local paths.
459      * Do not port to QUrl u; u.setPath(...); since that would lead to a URL without a scheme!
460      */
461     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void setPath(const QString &path);
463     /**
464      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::path() and QString::isEmpty()
465      **/
466     bool hasPath() const;
468     /**
469      * Options to be used in cleanPath
470      */
471     enum CleanPathOption {
472         /**
473          * if set, occurrences of consecutive directory separators
474          * (e.g. /foo//bar) are cleaned up as well.  (set by default)
475          */
476         SimplifyDirSeparators = 0x00,
478         /**
479          * The opposite of SimplifyDirSeparators.
480          */
481         KeepDirSeparators = 0x01
482     };
484     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(CleanPathOptions, CleanPathOption)
486     /**
487      * Resolves "." and ".." components in path.
488      * Some servers seem not to like the removal of extra '/'
489      * even though it is against the specification in RFC 2396.
490      *
491      * @param options use KeepDirSeparators if you don't want to remove consecutive
492      *                occurrences of directory separator
493      * @deprecated since 5.0, use url.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(url.path())) in file-management code.
494      * No replacement available yet for the old HTTP issue mentionned above.
495      */
496     void cleanPath(const CleanPathOption &options = SimplifyDirSeparators);
498     /**
499      * Add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path.
500      *
501      * If the URL has no path, then no '/' is added
502      * anyway. And on the other side: If the path is "/", then this
503      * character won't be stripped. Reason: "ftp://weis\@host" means something
504      * completely different than "ftp://weis\@host/". So adding or stripping
505      * the '/' would really alter the URL, while "ftp://host/path" and
506      * "ftp://host/path/" mean the same directory.
507      *
508      * @param trailing  RemoveTrailingSlash strips any trailing '/' and
509      *                  AddTrailingSlash adds  a trailing '/' if there is none yet
510      * @deprecated For RemoveTrailingSlash, use url = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) (remember
511      * to add the assignment!). For AppendTrailingSlash, use:
512      *  if (!url.path().endsWith('/')) url.setPath(url.path() + '/').
513      */
514     void adjustPath(AdjustPathOption trailing);
516     /**
517      * This is useful for HTTP. It looks first for '?' and decodes then.
518      * The encoded path is the concatenation of the current path and the query.
519      * @param _txt the new path and query.
520      *
521      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setPath() and
522      * QUrl::fromPercentEncoding() to set the encoded path; use QUrl::setQuery()
523      * with an appropriate QUrl::ParsingMode value to set the query.
524      */
525     void setEncodedPathAndQuery(const QString &_txt);
527     /**
528      * Option to be used in encodedPathAndQuery
529      **/
530     enum EncodedPathAndQueryOption {
531         /**
532          * Permit empty path (default)
533          */
534         PermitEmptyPath = 0x00,
535         /**
536          * If set to true then an empty path is substituted by "/"
537          * (this is the opposite of PermitEmptyPath)
538          */
539         AvoidEmptyPath = 0x01
540     };
541     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(EncodedPathAndQueryOptions, EncodedPathAndQueryOption)
543     /**
544      * Returns the encoded path and the query.
545      *
546      * @param trailing  add or remove a trailing '/', see adjustPath
547      * @param options a set of flags from EncodedPathAndQueryOption
548      * @return The concatenation of the encoded path , '?' and the encoded query.
549      *
550      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::path() and QUrl::query();
551      * QUrl::adjusted() can be used to remove a trailing slash if necessary.
552      */
553     QString encodedPathAndQuery(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash, const EncodedPathAndQueryOptions &options = PermitEmptyPath) const;
555     /**
556      * @param query This is considered to be encoded. This has a good reason:
557      * The query may contain the 0 character.
558      *
559      * The query should start with a '?'. If it doesn't '?' is prepended.
560      *
561      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setQuery(QString), but note that it
562      * doesn't start with '?' (it uses null vs empty, instead).
563      */
564     void setQuery(const QString &query);
566     /**
567      * Returns the query of the URL.
568      * The query may contain the 0 character.
569      * If a query is present it always starts with a '?'.
570      * A single '?' means an empty query.
571      * An empty string means no query.
572      * @return The encoded query, or QString() if there is none.
573      *
574      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QByteArray QUrl::query(), but note that it
575      * doesn't start with '?' (QUrl::hasQuery() can be used to distinguish
576      * between no query and an empty query).
577      */
578     QString query() const;
580     /**
581      * Returns the @em encoded reference (or "fragment") of the URL (everything after '#').
582      * @return the encoded reference, or QString("") if the reference part is empty,
583      *   or QString() if the URL has no reference.
584      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::fragment(QUrl::FullyEncoded)
585      */
586     QString ref() const;
588     /**
589      * Sets the reference/fragment part (everything after '#').
590      * If you have an encoded fragment already (as a QByteArray), you can call setFragment directly.
591      * @param fragment the @em encoded reference (or QString() to remove it).
592      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setFragment()
593      */
594     void setRef(const QString &fragment);
596     /**
597      * Checks whether the URL has a reference/fragment part.
598      * @return true if the URL has a reference part. In a URL like
599      *         http://www.kde.org/kdebase.tar#tar:/README it would
600      *         return true, too.
601      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::hasFragment()
602      */
603     bool hasRef() const;
605     /**
606      * Returns the @em unencoded reference (or "fragment") of the URL (everything after '#').
607      * @return the unencoded reference, or QString("") if the reference part is empty,
608      *   or QString() if the URL has no reference.
609      * @see split
610      * @see hasSubUrl
611      * @see encodedHtmlRef
612      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::fragment(QUrl::FullyDecoded)
613      */
614     QString htmlRef() const;
616     /**
617      * Returns the @em encoded reference (or "fragment") of the URL (everything after '#').
618      * @return the encoded reference, or QString("") if the reference part is empty,
619      *   or QString() if the URL has no reference.
620      * @see ref
621      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::fragment(QUrl::FullyEncoded)
622      */
623     QString encodedHtmlRef() const;
625     /**
626      * Sets the HTML-style reference.
627      *
628      * @param ref The new reference. This is considered to be @em not encoded in
629      *         contrast to setRef(). Use QString() to remove it.
630      * @see htmlRef()
631      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::setFragment(ref, QUrl::DecodedMode)
632      */
633     void setHTMLRef(const QString &ref);
635     /**
636      * Checks whether there is a HTML reference.
637      * @return true if the URL has an HTML-style reference.
638      * @see htmlRef()
639      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::hasFragment()
640      */
641     bool hasHTMLRef() const;
643     /**
644      * Checks whether the file is local.
645      * @return true if the file is a plain local file (i.e. uses the file protocol
646      *   and no hostname, or the local hostname).
647      *  When isLocalFile returns true, you can use toLocalFile to read the file contents.
648      *  Otherwise you need to use KIO (e.g. KIO::get).
649      */
650     bool isLocalFile() const;
652     /**
653      * Adds encoding information to url by adding a "charset" parameter. If there
654      * is already a charset parameter, it will be replaced.
655      * @param encoding the encoding to add or QString() to remove the
656      *                 encoding.
657      */
658     void setFileEncoding(const QString &encoding);
660     /**
661      * Returns encoding information from url, the content of the "charset"
662      * parameter.
663      * @return An encoding suitable for QTextCodec::codecForName()
664      *         or QString() if not encoding was specified.
665      */
666     QString fileEncoding() const;
668     /**
669      * Checks whether the URL has any sub URLs. See split()
670      * for examples for sub URLs.
671      * @return true if the file has at least one sub URL.
672      * @see split
673      */
674     bool hasSubUrl() const;
676     /**
677      * Adds to the current path.
678      * Assumes that the current path is a directory. @p txt is appended to the
679      * current path. The function adds '/' if needed while concatenating.
680      * This means it does not matter whether the current path has a trailing
681      * '/' or not. If there is none, it becomes appended. If @p txt
682      * has a leading '/' then this one is stripped.
683      *
684      * @param txt The text to add. It is considered to be decoded.
685      * @deprecated since 5.0, use u.setPath(u.path() + '/' + txt).
686      * If the path might already have a trailing slash, use u = u.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) first.
687      */
688     void addPath(const QString &txt);
690     /**
691      * Options for queryItems. Currently, only one option is
692      * defined:
693      *
694      * @param CaseInsensitiveKeys normalize query keys to lowercase.
695      **/
696     enum QueryItemsOption { CaseInsensitiveKeys = 1 };
697     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(QueryItemsOptions, QueryItemsOption)
699     /**
700      * Returns the list of query items as a map mapping keys to values.
701      *
702      * This does the same as QUrl::queryItems(), except that it
703      * decodes "+" into " " in the value, supports CaseInsensitiveKeys,
704      * and returns a different data type.
705      *
706      * @param options any of QueryItemsOption <em>or</em>ed together.
707      *
708      * @return the map of query items or the empty map if the url has no
709      * query items.
710      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrlQuery(url).queryItems()
711      */
712     QMap< QString, QString > queryItems(const QueryItemsOptions &options = {}) const;
714     /**
715      * Returns the value of a certain query item.
716      *
717      * This does the same as QUrl::queryItemValue(), except that it
718      * decodes "+" into " " in the value.
719      *
720      * @param item Item whose value we want
721      *
722      * @return the value of the given query item name or QString() if the
723      * specified item does not exist.
724      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue(item)
725      */
726     QString queryItem(const QString &item) const;
728     /**
729      * Add an additional query item.
730      * To replace an existing query item, the item should first be
731      * removed with removeQueryItem()
732      *
733      * @param _item Name of item to add
734      * @param _value Value of item to add
735      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrlQuery(url), then addQueryItem(), then QUrl::setQuery()
736      */
737     void addQueryItem(const QString &_item, const QString &_value);
739     /**
740      * Sets the filename of the path.
741      * In comparison to addPath() this function does not assume that the current
742      * path is a directory. This is only assumed if the current path ends with '/'.
743      *
744      * Any reference is reset.
745      *
746      * @param _txt The filename to be set. It is considered to be decoded. If the
747      *             current path ends with '/' then @p _txt int just appended, otherwise
748      *             all text behind the last '/' in the current path is erased and
749      *             @p _txt is appended then. It does not matter whether @p _txt starts
750      *             with '/' or not.
751      * @deprecated since 5.0, use u = u.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); followed by
752      * u.setPath(u.path() + txt);
753      */
754     void setFileName(const QString &_txt);
756     /**
757      * option to be used in fileName and directory
758      */
759     enum DirectoryOption {
760         /**
761          * This tells whether a trailing '/' should be ignored.
762          *
763          * If the flag is not set, for both <tt>file:///hallo/torben/</tt> and <tt>file:///hallo/torben</tt>
764          * the fileName is "torben" and the path is "hallo"
765          *
766          * If the flag is set, then everything behind the last '/'is considered to be the filename.
767          * So "hallo/torben" will be the path and the filename will be empty.
768          */
769         ObeyTrailingSlash = 0x02,
770         /**
771          * tells whether the returned result should end with '/' or not.
772          * If the flag is set, '/' is added to the end of the path
773          *
774          * If the path is empty or just "/" then this flag has no effect.
775          *
776          * This option should only be used in directory(), it has no effect in fileName()
777          */
778         AppendTrailingSlash = 0x04,
779         /**
780          * Opposite of ObeyTrailingSlash  (default)
781          * fileName("file:/foo/") and fileName("file:/foo") is "foo" in both cases.
782          */
783         IgnoreTrailingSlash = 0x01
785     };
786     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DirectoryOptions, DirectoryOption)
788     /**
789      * Returns the filename of the path.
790      * @param options a set of DirectoryOption flags.  (StripTrailingSlashFromResult has no effect)
791      * @return The filename of the current path. The returned string is decoded. Null
792      *         if there is no file (and thus no path).
793      * @deprecated since 5.0, use url.fileName(), which behaves like ObeyTrailingSlash though.
794      * To get rid of the trailing slash if there could be one, use adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) first.
795      */
796     QString fileName(const DirectoryOptions &options = IgnoreTrailingSlash) const;
798     /**
799      * Returns the directory of the path.
800      * @param options a set of DirectoryOption flags
801      * @return The directory part of the current path. Everything between the last and the second last '/'
802      *         is returned. For example <tt>file:///hallo/torben/</tt> would return "/hallo/torben/" while
803      *         <tt>file:///hallo/torben</tt> would return "hallo/". The returned string is decoded.
804      *         QString() is returned when there is no path.
805      * @deprecated since 5.0, use url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename).path(), which behaves like ObeyTrailingSlash though.
806      * To get rid of the trailing slash if there could be one, use adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) first.
807      * Do not combine the two calls! You want to remove the trailing slash first, and then remove the filename.
808      */
809     QString directory(const DirectoryOptions &options = IgnoreTrailingSlash) const;
811     /**
812      * Set the directory to @p dir, leaving the filename empty.
813      */
814     void setDirectory(const QString &dir);
816     /**
817      * Changes the directory by descending into the given directory.
818      * It is assumed the current URL represents a directory.
819      * If @p dir starts with a "/" the
820      * current URL will be "protocol://host/dir" otherwise @p _dir will
821      * be appended to the path. @p _dir can be ".."
822      * This function won't strip protocols. That means that when you are in
823      * file:///dir/dir2/my.tgz#tar:/ and you do cd("..") you will
824      * still be in file:///dir/dir2/my.tgz#tar:/
825      *
826      * @param _dir the directory to change to
827      * @return true if successful
828      */
829     bool cd(const QString &_dir);
831     /**
832      * Returns the URL as string, with all escape sequences intact,
833      * encoded in a given charset.
834      * This is used in particular for encoding URLs in UTF-8 before using them
835      * in a drag and drop operation.
836      * Please note that the string returned by url() will include
837      * the password of the URL. If you want to show the URL to the
838      * user, use prettyUrl().
839      *
840      * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path. See adjustPath
841      * @return The complete URL, with all escape sequences intact, encoded
842      * in a given charset.
843      * @see prettyUrl()
844      *
845      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::toString() instead.
846      * In case of RemoveTrailingSlash, call adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) first.
847      * AddTrailingSlash is not available directly, test if path ends with '/', and if not setPath(path() + '/').
848      */
849     QString url(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash) const;
851     /**
852      * Returns the URL as string in human-friendly format.
853      * Example:
854      * \code
855      * http://localhost:8080/test.cgi?test=hello world&name=fred
856      * \endcode
857      * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path. see adjustPath.
858      *
859      * @return A human readable URL, with no non-necessary encodings/escaped
860      * characters. Password will not be shown.
861      * @see url()
862      *
863      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::toDisplayString() instead.
864      */
865     QString prettyUrl(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash) const;
867     /**
868      * Return the URL as a string, which will be either the URL (as prettyUrl
869      * would return) or, when the URL is a local file without query or ref,
870      * the path.
871      * Use this method, to display URLs to the user.
872      * You can give the result of pathOrUrl back to the KUrl constructor, it accepts
873      * both paths and urls.
874      *
875      * @return the new KUrl
876      * @param trailing use to add or remove a trailing slash to/from the path. see adjustPath.
877      * @since 4.2
878      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile | ...) instead.
879      */
880     QString pathOrUrl(AdjustPathOption trailing = LeaveTrailingSlash) const;
882     /**
883      * Returns the URL as a string, using the standard conventions for mime data
884      * (drag-n-drop or copy-n-paste).
885      * Internally used by KUrl::List::fromMimeData, which is probably what you want to use instead.
886      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QMimeData::setUrls directly, or KUrlMimeData::setUrls
887      */
888     QString toMimeDataString() const;
890     /**
891      * This function is useful to implement the "Up" button in a file manager for example.
892      * cd() never strips a sub-protocol. That means that if you are in
893      * file:///home/x.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/ and hit the up button you expect to see
894      * file:///home. The algorithm tries to go up on the right-most URL. If that is not
895      * possible it strips the right most URL. It continues stripping URLs.
896      * @return a URL that is a level higher
897      * @deprecated since 5.0, use KIO::upUrl() instead, from kio/global.h
898      */
899     KUrl upUrl() const;
901     KUrl &operator=(const KUrl &_u);
903     // Define those, since the constructors are explicit
904     KUrl &operator=(const char *_url)
905     {
906         *this = KUrl(_url);
907         return *this;
908     }
909     KUrl &operator=(const QByteArray &_url)
910     {
911         *this = KUrl(_url);
912         return *this;
913     }
914     KUrl &operator=(const QString &_url)
915     {
916         *this = KUrl(_url);
917         return *this;
918     }
920     bool operator==(const KUrl &_u) const;
921     bool operator==(const QString &_u) const;
922     bool operator!=(const KUrl &_u) const
923     {
924         return !(*this == _u);
925     }
926     bool operator!=(const QString &_u) const
927     {
928         return !(*this == _u);
929     }
931     /**
932      * Converts this KUrl to a QVariant, this allows to use KUrl
933      * in QVariant() constructor
934      */
935     operator QVariant() const;
937     /**
938      * The same as equals(), just with a less obvious name.
939      * Compares this url with @p u.
940      * @param u the URL to compare this one with.
941      * @param ignore_trailing set to true to ignore trailing '/' characters.
942      * @return True if both urls are the same. If at least one of the urls is invalid,
943      * false is returned.
944      * @see operator==. This function should be used if you want to
945      * ignore trailing '/' characters.
946      * @deprecated since 4.0, use equals() instead.
947      */
949     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED bool cmp(const KUrl &u, bool ignore_trailing = false) const;
950 #endif
952     /**
953      * Flags to be used in URL comparison functions like equals, or urlcmp
954      */
955     enum EqualsOption {
956         /**
957          * ignore trailing '/' characters. The paths "dir" and "dir/" are treated the same.
958          * Note however, that by default, the paths "" and "/" are not the same
959          * (For instance ftp://user@host redirects to ftp://user@host/home/user (on a linux server),
960          * while ftp://user@host/ is the root dir).
961          * This is also why path(RemoveTrailingSlash) for "/" returns "/" and not "".
962          *
963          * When dealing with web pages however, you should also set AllowEmptyPath so that
964          * no path and "/" are considered equal.
965          */
966         CompareWithoutTrailingSlash = 0x01,
967         /**
968          * disables comparison of HTML-style references.
969          */
970         CompareWithoutFragment = 0x02,
971         /**
972          * Treat a URL with no path as equal to a URL with a path of "/",
973          * when CompareWithoutTrailingSlash is set.
974          * Example:
975          * KUrl::urlcmp("http://www.kde.org", "http://www.kde.org/", KUrl::CompareWithoutTrailingSlash | KUrl::AllowEmptyPath)
976          * returns true.
977          * This option is ignored if CompareWithoutTrailingSlash isn't set.
978          * @since 4.5
979          */
980         AllowEmptyPath = 0x04
981     };
982     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(EqualsOptions, EqualsOption)
984     /**
985      * Compares this url with @p u.
986      * @param u the URL to compare this one with.
987      * @param options a set of EqualsOption flags
988      * @return True if both urls are the same. If at least one of the urls is invalid,
989      * false is returned.
990      * @see operator==. This function should be used if you want to
991      * set additional options, like ignoring trailing '/' characters.
992      * @deprecated since 5.0, use matches(u, formattingOptions)
993      * equals(u, KUrl::CompareWithoutTrailingSlash) becomes matches(u, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)
994      * equals(u, KUrl::CompareWithoutFragment) becomes matches(u, QUrl::RemoveFragment)
995      * equals(u, KUrl::CompareWithoutTrailingSlash|KUrl::AllowEmptyPath) needs manual handling
996      * (it was mostly unused).
997      */
998     bool equals(const KUrl &u, const EqualsOptions &options = {}) const;
1000     /**
1001      * Checks whether the given URL is parent of this URL.
1002      * For instance, ftp://host/dir/ is a parent of ftp://host/dir/subdir/subsubdir/.
1003      * @return true if this url is a parent of @p u (or the same URL as @p u)
1004      * @deprecated since 5.0. url.isParentOf(child) is now
1005      *   url.isParentOf(child) || url.matches(child, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
1006      */
1007     bool isParentOf(const KUrl &child) const;
1009     /**
1010      * Splits nested URLs like file:///home/weis/kde.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/kdebase
1011      * A URL like http://www.kde.org#tar:/kde/README.hml#ref1 will be split in
1012      * http://www.kde.org and tar:/kde/README.html#ref1.
1013      * That means in turn that "#ref1" is an HTML-style reference and not a new sub URL.
1014      * Since HTML-style references mark
1015      * a certain position in a document this reference is appended to every URL.
1016      * The idea behind this is that browsers, for example, only look at the first URL while
1017      * the rest is not of interest to them.
1018      *
1019      *
1020      * @param _url The URL that has to be split.
1021      * @return An empty list on error or the list of split URLs.
1022      * @see hasSubUrl
1023      */
1024     static List split(const QString &_url);
1026     /**
1027      * Splits nested URLs like file:///home/weis/kde.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/kdebase
1028      * A URL like http://www.kde.org#tar:/kde/README.hml#ref1 will be split in
1029      * http://www.kde.org and tar:/kde/README.html#ref1.
1030      * That means in turn that "#ref1" is an HTML-style reference and not a new sub URL.
1031      * Since HTML-style references mark
1032      * a certain position in a document this reference is appended to every URL.
1033      * The idea behind this is that browsers, for example, only look at the first URL while
1034      * the rest is not of interest to them.
1035      *
1036      * @return An empty list on error or the list of split URLs.
1037      *
1038      * @param _url The URL that has to be split.
1039      * @see hasSubUrl
1040      */
1041     static List split(const KUrl &_url);
1043     /**
1044      * Reverses split(). Only the first URL may have a reference. This reference
1045      * is considered to be HTML-like and is appended at the end of the resulting
1046      * joined URL.
1047      * @param _list the list to join
1048      * @return the joined URL
1049      */
1050     static KUrl join(const List &_list);
1052     /**
1053      * Creates a KUrl object from a QString representing an absolute local path.
1054      * KUrl url( somePath ) is almost the same, but this method is more explicit,
1055      * avoids the path-or-url detection in the KUrl constructor, and parses
1056      * "abc:def" as a filename, not as URL.
1057      *
1058      * @param text the local path
1059      * @return the new KUrl
1060      *
1061      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl::fromLocalFile
1062      */
fromPath(const QString & text)1064     static KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED KUrl fromPath(const QString &text)
1065     {
1066         return fromLocalFile(text);
1067     }
1068 #endif
1070     /**
1071      * @deprecated since 4.0, use QUrl() instead
1072      */
1074     static KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED KUrl fromPathOrUrl(const QString &text);
1075 #endif
1077     /**
1078      * Adds URL data into the given QMimeData.
1079      *
1080      * By default, populateMimeData also exports the URL as plain text, for e.g. dropping
1081      * onto a text editor.
1082      * But in some cases this might not be wanted, e.g. if adding other mime data
1083      * which provides better plain text data.
1084      *
1085      * WARNING: do not call this method multiple times, use KUrl::List::populateMimeData instead.
1086      *
1087      * @param mimeData the QMimeData instance used to drag or copy this URL
1088      * @param metaData KIO metadata shipped in the mime data, which is used for instance to
1089      * set a correct HTTP referrer (some websites require it for downloading e.g. an image)
1090      * @param flags set NoTextExport to prevent setting plain/text data into @p mimeData
1091      *
1092      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QMimeData::setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << url),
1093      *      followed by KUrlMimeData::setMetaData if you have metadata.
1094      */
1096     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void populateMimeData(QMimeData *mimeData,
1097             const MetaDataMap &metaData = MetaDataMap(),
1098             MimeDataFlags flags = DefaultMimeDataFlags) const;
1099 #endif
1101     /**
1102      * Convenience function.
1103      *
1104      * Returns whether '_url' is likely to be a "relative" URL instead of
1105      * an "absolute" URL.
1106      *
1107      * This is mostly meant for KUrl(url, relativeUrl).
1108      *
1109      * If you are looking for the notion of "relative path" (foo) vs "absolute path" (/foo),
1110      * use QUrl::isRelative() instead.
1111      * Indeed, isRelativeUrl() returns true for the string "/foo" since it doesn't contain a protocol,
1112      * while KUrl("/foo").isRelative() is false since the KUrl constructor turns it into file:///foo.
1113      * The two methods basically test the same thing, but this one takes a string (which is faster)
1114      * while the class method requires a QUrl/KUrl which gives a more expected result, given
1115      * the "magic" in the KUrl constructor.
1116      *
1117      * @param _url URL to examine
1118      * @return true when the URL is likely to be "relative", false otherwise.
1119      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QUrl(_url)::isRelative instead
1120      */
1121     static bool isRelativeUrl(const QString &_url);
1123     /**
1124      * Convenience function
1125      *
1126      * Returns a "relative URL" based on @p base_url that points to @p url.
1127      *
1128      * If no "relative URL" can be created, e.g. because the protocol
1129      * and/or hostname differ between @p base_url and @p url an absolute
1130      * URL is returned.
1131      * Note that if @p base_url represents a directory, it should contain
1132      * a trailing slash.
1133      * @param base_url the URL to derive from
1134      * @param url new URL
1135      * @see adjustPath()
1136      * @deprecated since 5.0, check that the URLs have the same scheme+host+port+user+pass,
1137      * then make the path relative with QDir(base_url.path()).relativeFilePath(url.path())
1138      */
1139     static QString relativeUrl(const KUrl &base_url, const KUrl &url);
1141     /**
1142      * Convenience function
1143      *
1144      * Returns a relative path based on @p base_dir that points to @p path.
1145      * @param base_dir the base directory to derive from
1146      * @param path the new target directory
1147      * @param isParent A pointer to a boolean which, if provided, will be set to reflect
1148      * whether @p path has @p base_dir is a parent dir.
1149      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QDir(base_dir).relativeFilePath(path). isParent can be
1150      * replaced with a call to startsWith("..") on the result value.
1151      */
1152     static QString relativePath(const QString &base_dir, const QString &path, bool *isParent = nullptr);
1154 private:
1155     void _setQuery(const QString &query);
1156     void _setEncodedUrl(const QByteArray &url);
1157     operator QString() const; // forbidden, use url(), prettyUrl(), or pathOrUrl() instead.
1158 };
1160 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KUrl::EncodedPathAndQueryOptions)
1164 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KUrl::DirectoryOptions)
1169 /**
1170  * \relates KUrl
1171  * Compares URLs. They are parsed, split and compared.
1172  * Two malformed URLs with the same string representation
1173  * are nevertheless considered to be unequal.
1174  * That means no malformed URL equals anything else.
1175  * @deprecated since 4.5, use QUrl(_url1) == QUrl(_url2) instead.
1176  */
1178 KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_EXPORT bool urlcmp(const QString &_url1, const QString &_url2);   // KDE5: remove, KUrl::equals is better API
1179 #endif
1181 /**
1182  * \relates KUrl
1183  * Compares URLs. They are parsed, split and compared.
1184  * Two malformed URLs with the same string representation
1185  * are nevertheless considered to be unequal.
1186  * That means no malformed URL equals anything else.
1187  *
1188  * @param _url1 A reference URL
1189  * @param _url2 A URL that will be compared with the reference URL
1190  * @param options a set of KUrl::EqualsOption flags
1191  * @deprecated since 4.5, use QUrl(_url1).adjusted(options) == QUrl(_url2).adjusted(options) instead.
1192  */
1194 KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_EXPORT bool urlcmp(const QString &_url1, const QString &_url2, const KUrl::EqualsOptions &options);   // KDE5: remove, KUrl::equals is better API
1195 #endif
1197 #endif