1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo@kde.org>
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Ménard Alexis <darktears31@gmail.com>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7 */
10 #define PLASMA_APPLET_H
12 #include <QKeySequence>
13 #include <QObject>
14 #include <QUrl>
16 #include <KConfigGroup>
17 #include <KPluginInfo>
19 #include <plasma/framesvg.h>
20 #include <plasma/plasma.h>
22 #include <KPackage/Package>
24 class KActionCollection;
25 class KConfigLoader;
27 namespace Plasma
28 {
29 class AppletPrivate;
30 class Containment;
31 class DataEngine;
32 class Package;
34 /**
35  * @class Applet plasma/applet.h <Plasma/Applet>
36  *
37  * @short The base Applet class
38  *
39  * Applet provides several important roles for add-ons widgets in Plasma.
40  *
41  * First, it is the base class for the plugin system and therefore is the
42  * interface to applets for host applications. It also handles the life time
43  * management of data engines (e.g. all data engines accessed via
44  * Applet::dataEngine(const QString&) are properly deref'd on Applet
45  * destruction), background painting (allowing for consistent and complex
46  * look and feel in just one line of code for applets), loading and starting
47  * of scripting support for each applet, providing access to the associated
48  * plasmoid package (if any) and access to configuration data.
49  *
50  * See techbase.kde.org for tutorials on writing Applets using this class.
51  */
52 class PLASMA_EXPORT Applet : public QObject
53 {
54     Q_OBJECT
55     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::ItemStatus status READ status WRITE setStatus NOTIFY statusChanged)
56     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutability READ immutability WRITE setImmutability NOTIFY immutabilityChanged)
57     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::FormFactor formFactor READ formFactor NOTIFY formFactorChanged)
58     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::Location location READ location NOTIFY locationChanged)
59     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints containmentDisplayHints READ containmentDisplayHints NOTIFY containmentDisplayHintsChanged)
60     Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle NOTIFY titleChanged FINAL)
61     Q_PROPERTY(QString icon READ icon WRITE setIcon NOTIFY iconChanged FINAL)
62     Q_PROPERTY(bool busy READ isBusy WRITE setBusy NOTIFY busyChanged FINAL)
64     /**
65      * How the applet wants its background to be drawn. The containment may chose to ignore this hint.
66      */
67     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints backgroundHints WRITE setBackgroundHints READ backgroundHints NOTIFY backgroundHintsChanged FINAL)
69     /**
70      * The containment (and/or the user) may decide to use another kind of background instead (if supported by the applet)
71      */
72     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints userBackgroundHints WRITE setUserBackgroundHints READ userBackgroundHints NOTIFY userBackgroundHintsChanged FINAL)
74     /**
75      * The effective background hints the applet has, internally decided how to mix with userBackgroundHints
76      */
77     Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints effectiveBackgroundHints READ effectiveBackgroundHints NOTIFY effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged FINAL)
79 public:
82     /**
83      * This constructor can be used with the KCoreAddons plugin loading system.
84      * The argument list is expected to have contain the KPackage of the applet,
85      * the meta data file path (for compatibility) and an applet ID which must be a base 10 number.
86      *
87      * @param parent a QObject parent; you probably want to pass in 0
88      * @param data, KPluginMetaData used to create this plugin
89      * @param args a list of strings containing the applet id
90      * @Since 5.86
91      */
92     Applet(QObject *parentObject, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args);
95     /**
96      * @param parent the QObject this applet is parented to
97      * @param serviceId the name of the .desktop file containing the
98      *      information about the widget
99      * @param appletId a unique id used to differentiate between multiple
100      *      instances of the same Applet type
101      * @deprecated Since 5.86, use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead
102      */
103     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead")
104     explicit Applet(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QString &serviceId = QString(), uint appletId = 0);
105 #endif
108     /**
109      * @param parent the QObject this applet is parented to
110      * @param info the plugin information object for this Applet
111      * @param appletId a unique id used to differentiate between multiple
112      *      instances of the same Applet type
113      * @since 4.6
114      *
115      * @deprecated Since 5.28, prefer using KPluginMetaData
116      */
117     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 28, "Use Applet(const KPluginMetaData &, QObject *, uint")
118     explicit Applet(const KPluginInfo &info, QObject *parent = nullptr, uint appletId = 0);
119 #endif
122     /**
123      * @param parent the QObject this applet is parented to
124      * @param metadata the plugin information object for this Applet
125      * @param appletId a unique id used to differentiate between multiple
126      *      instances of the same Applet type
127      * @since 5.27
128      * @deprecated Since 5.86, use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead
129      */
130     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead")
131     explicit Applet(const KPluginMetaData &metadata, QObject *parent = nullptr, uint appletId = 0);
132 #endif
134     ~Applet() override;
136     // BOOKKEEPING
137     /**
138      * @return the id of this applet
139      */
140     uint id() const;
142     /**
143      * @return The type of immutability of this applet
144      */
145     Types::ImmutabilityType immutability() const;
147     /**
148      * If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the
149      * library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found,
150      * etc..) this method returns the reason why, in an user-readable way.
151      * @since 5.0
152      **/
153     QString launchErrorMessage() const;
155     /**
156      * If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the
157      * library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found,
158      * etc..) this method returns true.
159      **/
160     bool failedToLaunch() const;
162     /**
163      * @return true if destroy() was called; useful for Applets which should avoid
164      * certain tasks if they are about to be deleted permanently
165      */
166     bool destroyed() const;
168     /**
169      * @return the Containment, if any, this applet belongs to
170      **/
171     Containment *containment() const;
173     /**
174      * @return true if this Applet is currently being used as a Containment, false otherwise
175      */
176     bool isContainment() const;
178     /**
179      * @return the status of the applet
180      * @since 4.4
181      */
182     Types::ItemStatus status() const;
184     /**
185      * Returns the current form factor the applet is being displayed in.
186      *
187      * @see Plasma::FormFactor
188      */
189     Types::FormFactor formFactor() const;
191     /**
192      * Returns the location of the scene which is displaying applet.
193      *
194      * @see Plasma::Types::Location
195      */
196     Types::Location location() const;
198     /**
199      * @return Display hints that come from the containment that suggest the applet how to look and behave.
200      * @since 5.77
201      */
202     Types::ContainmentDisplayHints containmentDisplayHints() const;
205     /**
206      * Returns the KConfigGroup to access the applets configuration.
207      *
208      * This config object will write to an instance
209      * specific config file named \<appletname\>\<instanceid\>rc
210      * in the Plasma appdata directory.
211      **/
212     KConfigGroup config() const;
214     /**
215      * Returns a KConfigGroup object to be shared by all applets of this
216      * type.
217      *
218      * This config object will write to an applet-specific config object
219      * named plasma_\<appletname\>rc in the local config directory.
220      */
221     KConfigGroup globalConfig() const;
223     /**
224      * Returns the config skeleton object from this applet's package,
225      * if any.
226      *
227      * @return config skeleton object, or 0 if none
228      **/
229     KConfigLoader *configScheme() const;
231     /**
232      * Saves state information about this applet that will
233      * be accessed when next instantiated in the restore(KConfigGroup&) method.
234      *
235      * This method does not need to be reimplemented by Applet
236      * subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations
237      * (such as Containment) to do so.
238      *
239      * Applet subclasses may instead want to reimplement saveState().
240      **/
241     virtual void save(KConfigGroup &group) const;
243     /**
244      * Restores state information about this applet saved previously
245      * in save(KConfigGroup&).
246      *
247      * This method does not need to be reimplemented by Applet
248      * subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations
249      * (such as Containment) to do so.
250      **/
251     virtual void restore(KConfigGroup &group);
253     /**
254      * @return true if the applet currently needs to be configured,
255      *         otherwise, false
256      */
257     bool configurationRequired() const;
259     /**
260      * @return A translated message for the user explaining that the
261      *           applet needs configuring; this should note what needs
262      *           to be configured
263      *
264      * @see setConfigurationRequired
265      * @since 5.20
266      */
267     QString configurationRequiredReason() const;
269     /**
270      * @return true when the configuration interface is being shown
271      * @since 4.5
272      */
273     bool isUserConfiguring() const;
275     /**
276      * Tells the applet the user is configuring
277      * @param configuring true if the configuration ui is showing
278      */
279     void setUserConfiguring(bool configuring);
281 // UTILS
283     /**
284      * Accessor for the associated Package object if any.
285      * Generally, only Plasmoids come in a Package.
286      *
287      * @return the Package object, or an invalid one if none
288      * @deprecated Since 5.6, use kPackage() instead
289      **/
290     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 6, "Use Applet::kPackage()")
291     Package package() const;
292 #endif
294     /**
295      * Accessor for the associated Package object if any.
296      * Generally, only Plasmoids come in a Package.
297      *
298      * @return the Package object, or an invalid one if none
299      * @since 5.6
300      **/
301     KPackage::Package kPackage() const;
303     /**
304      * Called when any of the geometry constraints have been updated.
305      * This method calls constraintsEvent, which may be reimplemented,
306      * once the Applet has been prepared for updating the constraints.
307      *
308      * @param constraints the type of constraints that were updated
309      */
310     void updateConstraints(Plasma::Types::Constraints constraints = Plasma::Types::AllConstraints);
314     /**
315      * @return metadata information about this plugin
316      * @see KPluginInfo, pluginMetaData
317      * @since 5.0
318      * @deprecated Since 5.28, use pluginMetaData instead
319      */
320     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 28, "Use Applet::pluginMetaData()")
321     KPluginInfo pluginInfo() const;
322 #endif
324     /**
325      * @return metadata information about this plugin
326      *
327      * @since 5.27
328      */
329     KPluginMetaData pluginMetaData() const;
331     /**
332      * Returns the user-visible title for the applet, as specified in the
333      * Name field of the .desktop file. Can be changed with @see setTitle
334      *
335      * @since 5.0
336      * @return the user-visible title for the applet.
337      **/
338     QString title() const;
340     /**
341      * Sets a custom title for this instance of the applet. E.g. a clock might
342      * use the timezone as its name rather than the .desktop file
343      *
344      * @since 5.0
345      * @param title the user-visible title for the applet.
346      */
347     void setTitle(const QString &title);
350     /**
351      * Attempts to load an applet from a package
352      *
353      * Returns a pointer to the applet if successful.
354      * The caller takes responsibility for the applet, including
355      * deleting it when no longer needed.
356      * If you instance a plasmoid with this deprecated API, the
357      * automated default setup scripts won't be executed for that plasmoid
358      *
359      * @param path the path to the package
360      * @param appletId unique ID to assign the applet, or zero to have one
361      *        assigned automatically.
362      * @return a pointer to the loaded applet, or 0 on load failure
363      * @since 4.3
364      *
365      * @deprecated Since 5.19, use Containment::createApplet() instead, you are not
366      * supposed to have applets without containments
367      **/
368     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 19, "Use Containment::createApplet(...)")
369     static Applet *loadPlasmoid(const QString &path, uint appletId = 0);
370 #endif
372     /**
373      * @returns The icon name related to this applet
374      * By default is the one in the plasmoid desktop file
375      **/
376     QString icon() const;
378     /**
379      * Sets an icon name for this applet
380      * @param icon Freedesktop compatible icon name
381      */
382     void setIcon(const QString &icon);
384     /**
385      * @returns true if the applet should show a busy status, for instance doing
386      * some network operation
387      * @since 5.21
388      */
389     bool isBusy() const;
391     /**
392      * Sets the Applet to have a busy status hint, for instance the applet doing
393      * some network operation.
394      * The graphical representation of the busy status depends completely from
395      * the visualization.
396      * @param busy true if the applet is busy
397      * @since 5.21
398      */
399     void setBusy(bool busy);
401     /**
402      * How the applet wants its background to be drawn. The containment may chose to ignore this hint.
403      * @since 5.65
404      */
405     Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints backgroundHints() const;
407     /**
408      * Sets the applet background hints. Only Applet implementations should write this property
409      * @since 5.65
410      */
411     void setBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint);
413     /**
414      * The containment (and/or the user) may decide to use another kind of background instead if supported by the applet.
415      * In order for an applet to support user configuration of the
416      * background, it needs to have the Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground flag set in its backgroundHints
417      * @since 5.65
418      */
419     Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints userBackgroundHints() const;
421     /**
422      * Sets the hints the user wished the background style for the applet to be.
423      * @since 5.65
424      */
425     void setUserBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint);
427     /**
428      * The effective background hints the applet will have: it will follow userBackgroundHints only if backgroundHints has the
429      * Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground flag set
430      * @since 5.65
431      */
432     Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints effectiveBackgroundHints() const;
434     // ACTIONS
435     /**
436      * Returns a list of context-related QAction instances.
437      *
438      * This is used e.g. within the \a DesktopView to display a
439      * contextmenu.
440      *
441      * @return A list of actions. The default implementation returns an
442      *         empty list.
443      **/
444     virtual QList<QAction *> contextualActions();
446     /**
447      * Returns the collection of actions for this Applet
448      */
449     KActionCollection *actions() const;
451     /**
452      * Sets the global shortcut to associate with this widget.
453      */
454     void setGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut);
456     /**
457      * @return the global shortcut associated with this widget, or
458      * an empty shortcut if no global shortcut is associated.
459      */
460     QKeySequence globalShortcut() const;
463     /**
464      * Sets an application associated to this applet, that will be
465      * regarded as a full view of what is represented in the applet
466      *
467      * @param string the name of the application. it can be
468      *      \li a name understood by KService::serviceByDesktopName
469      *        (e.g. "konqueror")
470      *      \li a command in $PATH
471      *      \li or an absolute path to an executable
472      * @since 4.4
473      */
474     void setAssociatedApplication(const QString &string);
476     /**
477      * Sets a list of urls associated to this application,
478      * they will be used as parameters for the associated application
479      * @see setAssociatedApplication()
480      *
481      * @param urls
482      */
483     void setAssociatedApplicationUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
485     /**
486      * @return the application associated to this applet
487      * @since 4.4
488      */
489     QString associatedApplication() const;
491     /**
492      * @return the urls associated to this applet
493      * @since 4.4
494      */
495     QList<QUrl> associatedApplicationUrls() const;
497     /**
498      * @return true if the applet has a valid associated application or urls
499      * @since 4.4
500      */
501     bool hasValidAssociatedApplication() const;
503     // Completely UI-specific, remove or move to scriptengine
504     /**
505      * @return true if this plasmoid provides a GUI configuration
506      **/
507     bool hasConfigurationInterface() const;
510     // BOOKKEEPING
511     /**
512      * Emitted when the immutability changes
513      * @since 4.4
514      */
515     void immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable);
517     /**
518      * Emitted when the applet status changes
519      * @since 4.4
520      */
521     void statusChanged(Plasma::Types::ItemStatus status);
523     /**
524      * Emitted when the applet has been scheduled for destruction
525      * or the destruction has been undone
526      * @since 5.4
527      */
528     void destroyedChanged(bool destroyed);
530     /**
531      * Emitted when the title has changed
532      * @since 5.20
533      */
534     void titleChanged(const QString &title);
536     /**
537      * Emitted when the icon name for the applet has changed
538      * @since 5.20
539      */
540     void iconChanged(const QString &icon);
542     /**
543      * Emitted when the busy status has changed
544      * @since 5.21
545      */
546     void busyChanged(bool busy);
548     /**
549      * Emitted when the background hints have changed
550      * @since 5.65
551      */
552     void backgroundHintsChanged();
554     /**
555      * Emitted when the user background hints have changed
556      * @since 5.65
557      */
558     void userBackgroundHintsChanged();
560     /**
561      * Emitted when the effective background hints have changed
562      * @since 5.65
563      */
564     void effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged();
567     /**
568      * Emitted when an applet has changed values in its configuration
569      * and wishes for them to be saved at the next save point. As this implies
570      * disk activity, this signal should be used with care.
571      *
572      * @note This does not need to be emitted from saveState by individual
573      * applets.
574      */
575     void configNeedsSaving();
577     /**
578      * emitted when the config ui appears or disappears
579      */
580     void userConfiguringChanged(bool configuring);
582     // ACTIONS
583     /**
584      * Emitted just before the contextual actions are about to show
585      * For instance just before the context menu containing the actions
586      * added with setAction() is shown
587      */
588     void contextualActionsAboutToShow();
590     /**
591      * Emitted when activation is requested due to, for example, a global
592      * keyboard shortcut. By default the widget is given focus.
593      */
594     void activated();
596     // TODO: fix usage in containment, port to QObject::destroyed
597     /**
598      * Emitted when the applet is deleted
599      */
600     void appletDeleted(Plasma::Applet *applet);
602     /**
603      * Emitted when the formfactor changes
604      */
605     void formFactorChanged(Plasma::Types::FormFactor formFactor);
607     /**
608      * Emitted when the location changes
609      */
610     void locationChanged(Plasma::Types::Location location);
612     void containmentDisplayHintsChanged(Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints hints);
614     /**
615      * Emitted when setConfigurationRequired was called
616      * @see setConfigurationRequired
617      * @since 5.20
618      */
619     void configurationRequiredChanged(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason);
621 public Q_SLOTS:
622     // BOOKKEEPING
623     /**
624      * Call this method when the applet fails to launch properly. An
625      * optional reason can be provided.
626      *
627      * Not that all children items will be deleted when this method is
628      * called. If you have pointers to these items, you will need to
629      * reset them after calling this method.
630      *
631      * @param failed true when the applet failed, false when it succeeded
632      * @param reason an optional reason to show the user why the applet
633      *               failed to launch
634      * @since 5.0
635      **/
636     void setLaunchErrorMessage(const QString &reason = QString());
638     /**
639      * Sets the immutability type for this applet (not immutable,
640      * user immutable or system immutable)
641      * @param immutable the new immutability type of this applet
642      */
643     void setImmutability(const Types::ImmutabilityType immutable);
645     /**
646      * Destroys the applet; it will be removed nicely and deleted.
647      * Its configuration will also be deleted.
648      * If you want to remove the Applet configuration, use this, don't just delete the Applet *
649      */
650     void destroy();
652     /**
653      * sets the status for this applet
654      * @since 4.4
655      */
656     void setStatus(const Types::ItemStatus stat);
659     /**
660      * Called when applet configuration values have changed.
661      */
662     // TODO KF6: make it not a slot anymore and protected
663     virtual void configChanged();
665     // UTILS
666     /**
667      * Sends all pending constraints updates to the applet. Will usually
668      * be called automatically, but can also be called manually if needed.
669      */
670     void flushPendingConstraintsEvents();
672     /**
673      * This method is called once the applet is loaded and added to a Corona.
674      * If the applet requires a Scene or has an particularly intensive
675      * set of initialization routines to go through, consider implementing it
676      * in this method instead of the constructor.
677      *
678      * Note: paintInterface may get called before init() depending on initialization
679      * order. Painting is managed by the canvas (QGraphisScene), and may schedule a
680      * paint event prior to init() being called.
681      **/
682     virtual void init();
685     /**
686      * Open the application associated to this applet, if it's not set
687      * but some urls are, open those urls with the proper application
688      * for their mimetype
689      * @see setAssociatedApplication()
690      * @see setAssociatedApplicationUrls()
691      * @since 4.4
692      */
693     void runAssociatedApplication();
695 protected:
697     /**
698      * This constructor is to be used with the plugin loading systems
699      * found in KPluginInfo and KService. The argument list is expected
700      * to have two elements: the KService service ID for the desktop entry
701      * and an applet ID which must be a base 10 number.
702      *
703      * @param parent a QObject parent; you probably want to pass in 0
704      * @param args a list of strings containing two entries: the service id
705      *      and the applet id
706      * @deprecated Since 5.86, use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead
707      */
708     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "use Applet(QObject *, KPluginMetaData, QVariantList) instead")
709     Applet(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
710 #endif
713     /**
714      * When called, the Applet should write any information needed as part
715      * of the Applet's running state to the configuration object in config()
716      * and/or globalConfig().
717      *
718      * Applets that always sync their settings/state with the config
719      * objects when these settings/states change do not need to reimplement
720      * this method.
721      **/
722     virtual void saveState(KConfigGroup &config) const;
724     /**
725      * Sets whether or not this applet provides a user interface for
726      * configuring the applet.
727      *
728      * It defaults to false, and if true is passed in you should
729      * also reimplement createConfigurationInterface()
730      *
731      * @param hasInterface whether or not there is a user interface available
732      **/
733     void setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface);
735     /**
736      * When the applet needs to be configured before being usable, this
737      * method can be called to show a standard interface prompting the user
738      * to configure the applet
739      *
740      * @param needsConfiguring true if the applet needs to be configured,
741      *                         or false if it doesn't
742      * @param reason a translated message for the user explaining that the
743      *               applet needs configuring; this should note what needs
744      *               to be configured
745      */
746     void setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfiguring, const QString &reason = QString());
748     // UTILS
749     /**
750      * Called when any of the constraints for the applet have been updated. These constraints
751      * range from notifying when the applet has officially "started up" to when geometry changes
752      * to when the form factor changes.
753      *
754      * Each constraint that has been changed is passed in the constraints flag.
755      * All of the constraints and how they work is documented in the @see Plasma::Constraints
756      * enumeration.
757      *
758      * On applet creation, this is always called prior to painting and can be used as an
759      * opportunity to layout the widget, calculate sizings, etc.
760      *
761      * Do not call update() from this method; an update() will be triggered
762      * at the appropriate time for the applet.
763      *
764      * @param constraints the type of constraints that were updated
765      * @property constraint
766      */
767     virtual void constraintsEvent(Plasma::Types::Constraints constraints);
769     // TODO: timerEvent should go into AppletPrivate
770     /**
771      * Reimplemented from QObject
772      */
773     void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
775 private:
776     /**
777      * @internal This constructor is to be used with the Package loading system.
778      *
779      * @param parent a QObject parent; you probably want to pass in 0
780      * @param args a list of strings containing two entries: the service id
781      *      and the applet id
782      * @since 4.3
783      */
784     Applet(const QString &packagePath, uint appletId);
786     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void cleanUpAndDelete())
787     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void askDestroy())
788     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void updateShortcuts())
789     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void globalShortcutChanged())
790     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void propagateConfigChanged())
791     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void requestConfiguration())
793     AppletPrivate *const d;
795     // Corona needs to access setLaunchErrorMessage and init
796     friend class Corona;
797     friend class CoronaPrivate;
798     friend class Containment;
799     friend class ContainmentPrivate;
800     friend class AppletScript;
801     friend class AppletPrivate;
802     friend class AccessAppletJobPrivate;
803     friend class GraphicsViewAppletPrivate;
804     friend class PluginLoader;
805     friend class AssociatedApplicationManager;
806 };
808 } // Plasma namespace
812 /**
813  * Register an applet when it is contained in a loadable module
814  * @deprecated Since 5.88, use K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON instead
815  */
816 /* clang-format off */
817 #define K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET(libname, classname) \
818     K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(factory, registerPlugin<classname>();)
820 /// @deprecated Since 5.88, use K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON instead
821 #define K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET_WITH_JSON(libname, classname, jsonFile) \
822     K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(factory, jsonFile, registerPlugin<classname>();)
823 /* clang-format on */
824 #endif
826 #endif // multiple inclusion guard