1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Lu, Chao-Ming (Tetralet).  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of LilyTerm.
5  *
6  * LilyTerm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * LilyTerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with LilyTerm.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
21 #ifndef LILYTERM_H
22 #define LILYTERM_H
24 #include "data.h"
26 typedef gchar StrAddr;
27 typedef gchar StrLists;
29 //
30 // **************************** misc.c ****************************
31 //
33 gchar *convert_array_to_string(gchar **array, gchar separator);
34 gchar *convert_str_to_utf8(gchar *string, gchar *encoding_str);
35 gboolean compare_strings(const gchar *string_a, const gchar *string_b, gboolean case_sensitive);
36 void set_VTE_CJK_WIDTH_environ(gint VTE_CJK_WIDTH);
37 gchar *get_VTE_CJK_WIDTH_str(gint VTE_CJK_WIDTH);
38 gint get_default_VTE_CJK_WIDTH();
39 void restore_SYSTEM_VTE_CJK_WIDTH_STR();
40 void set_env(const gchar *variable, const gchar *value, gboolean overwrite);
41 const gchar *get_default_lc_data(gint lc_type);
42 gchar *get_encoding_from_locale(const gchar *locale);
43 gboolean check_string_in_array(gchar *str, gchar **lists);
44 gchar *get_proc_data(pid_t pid, gchar *file, gsize *length);
45 gchar **split_string(const gchar *str, const gchar *split, gint max_tokens);
46 gint count_char_in_string(const gchar *str, const gchar split);
47 gchar **get_pid_stat(pid_t pid, gint max_tokens);
48 gchar *convert_text_to_html(StrAddr **text, gboolean free_text, gchar *color, StrLists *tag, ...);
49 gchar *join_strings_to_string(const gchar separator, const gint total, const StrLists *string, ...);
50 gchar *colorful_max_new_lines(gchar *string, gint max, gint output_line);
51 gboolean dirty_gdk_color_parse(const gchar *spec, GdkColor *color);
52 #if defined(OUT_OF_MEMORY) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
53 gchar *fake_g_strdup(const gchar *gchar);
54 gchar *fake_g_strdup_printf(const StrLists *format, ...);
55 #endif
57 //
58 // **************************** main.c ****************************
59 //
61 gboolean init_socket_data();
62 gboolean query_socket();
63 gboolean send_socket(int argc, char *argv[], gboolean wait);
64 void main_quit(GtkWidget *widget, struct Window *win_data);
65 void quit_gtk();
67 //
68 // **************************** console.c ****************************
69 //
71 void command_option(int argc, char *argv[]);
72 gchar *get_help_message_usage(gchar *profile, gboolean convert_to_html);
73 gchar *get_help_message_key_binding(gboolean convert_to_html);
75 //
76 // **************************** window.c ****************************
77 //
79 GtkNotebook *new_window(int argc,
80 			char *argv[],
81 			gchar *shell,
82 			gchar *environment,
83 			gchar *locale_list,
84 			gchar *PWD,
85 			gchar *HOME,
86 			const gchar *VTE_CJK_WIDTH_STR,
87 			gboolean VTE_CJK_WIDTH_STR_overwrite_profile,
88 			const gchar *wmclass_name,
89 			gchar *wmclass_class,
90 			gchar *user_environ,
91 			gchar *encoding,
92 			gboolean encoding_overwrite_profile,
93 			gchar *lc_messages,
94 			struct Window *win_data_orig,
95 			struct Page *page_data_orig);
96 gchar *get_init_dir(pid_t pid, gchar *pwd, gchar *home);
97 #if defined(USE_GTK2_GEOMETRY_METHOD) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
98 void keep_gtk2_window_size (struct Window *win_data, GtkWidget *vte, guint keep_vte_size);
99 #endif
100 #if defined(USE_GTK3_GEOMETRY_METHOD) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
101 void save_vte_geometry(struct Window *win_data);
102 void save_current_vte_geometry(struct Window *win_data, GtkWidget *vte);
103 void keep_gtk3_window_size(struct Window *win_data, GtkWidget *vte);
104 #endif
105 void dim_window(struct Window *win_data, gint dim_window);
106 void set_window_icon(GtkWidget *window);
107 gboolean window_quit(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event, struct Window *win_data);
108 GString *close_multi_tabs(struct Window *win_data, int window_no);
109 gboolean display_child_process_dialog (GString *child_process_list, struct Window *win_data, gsize style);
110 GString *get_child_process_list(GtkWidget *window, gint window_no, gint page_no, GString *process_list, pid_t pid, struct Window *win_data, gboolean show_foreground);
111 void clean_process_data();
112 gboolean deal_key_press(GtkWidget *window, gint type, struct Window *win_data);
114 void notebook_page_added(GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWidget *child, guint page_num, struct Window *win_data);
115 #endif
116 void show_close_button_on_tab(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
117 void set_fill_tabs_bar(GtkNotebook *notebook, gboolean fill_tabs_bar, struct Page *page_data);
118 void remove_notebook_page (GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWidget *child, guint page_num, struct Window *win_data);
119 void update_window_hint(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
120 gboolean hide_and_show_tabs_bar(struct Window *win_data , Switch_Type show_tabs_bar);
121 void set_widget_can_not_get_focus(GtkWidget *widget);
122 gboolean hide_scrollback_lines(GtkWidget *widget, struct Window *win_data);
123 #if defined(FATAL) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
124 void print_array(gchar *name, gchar **data);
125 #endif
126 void clear_win_data(struct Window *win_data);
127 gboolean confirm_to_paste_form_clipboard(Clipboard_Type type, struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
128 gboolean show_clipboard_dialog(Clipboard_Type type, struct Window *win_data,
129 			       struct Page *page_data, Dialog_Type_Flags dialog_type);
131 void print_color(gint no, gchar *name, GdkColor color);
133 //
134 // **************************** profile.c ****************************
135 //
137 void init_page_parameters(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
138 void init_user_color(struct Window *win_data, gchar *theme_name);
139 void init_locale_restrict_data(gchar *lc_messages);
140 GString *save_user_settings(GtkWidget *widget, struct Window *win_data);
141 gchar *get_user_profile_path(struct Window *win_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
142 void get_user_settings(struct Window *win_data, const gchar *encoding);
143 void init_prime_user_datas(struct Window *win_data);
144 void get_prime_user_settings(GKeyFile *keyfile, struct Window *win_data, gchar *encoding);
145 gboolean check_boolean_value(GKeyFile *keyfile, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *key, const gboolean default_value);
146 void check_profile_version (GKeyFile *keyfile, struct Window *win_data);
147 void profile_is_invalid_dialog(GError *error, struct Window *win_data);
148 void convert_string_to_user_key(gint i, gchar *value, struct Window *win_data);
149 gchar *get_profile();
150 #if defined(ENABLE_RGBA) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
151 void init_rgba(struct Window *win_data);
152 #endif
154 //
155 // **************************** property.c ****************************
156 //
158 void create_theme_color_data(GdkColor color[COLOR], GdkColor color_orig[COLOR], gdouble color_brightness, gboolean invert_color,
159 			     gboolean default_vte_theme, gboolean dim_fg_color);
160 void adjust_ansi_color(GdkColor *color, GdkColor *color_orig, gdouble color_brightness);
161 void generate_all_color_datas(struct Window *win_data);
162 GdkColor *get_current_color_theme(struct Window *win_data);
163 void init_new_page(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data, glong column, glong row);
164 void set_cursor_blink(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
165 void set_hyprelink(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
166 void set_vte_color(GtkWidget *vet, gboolean default_vte_color, GdkColor cursor_color, GdkColor color[COLOR], gboolean update_fg_only);
167 gboolean use_default_vte_theme(struct Window *win_data);
168 void set_page_width(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
169 void pack_vte_and_scroll_bar_to_hbox(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
170 void add_remove_page_timeout_id(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
171 void add_remove_window_title_changed_signal(struct Page *page_data);
172 gboolean set_background_saturation(GtkRange *range, GtkScrollType scroll, gdouble value, GtkWidget *vte);
173 gboolean set_window_opacity (GtkRange *range, GtkScrollType scroll, gdouble value, struct Window *win_data);
174 void window_resizable(GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vte, gint set_hints_inc);
175 #if defined(vte_terminal_get_padding) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
176 void fake_vte_terminal_get_padding(VteTerminal *vte, gint *width, gint *height);
177 #endif
178 void apply_new_win_data_to_page (struct Window *win_data_orig, struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
179 gboolean compare_color(GdkColor *a, GdkColor *b);
180 gboolean check_show_or_hide_scroll_bar(struct Window *win_data);
181 void show_and_hide_scroll_bar(struct Page *page_data, gboolean show_scroll_bar);
182 void set_widget_thickness(GtkWidget *widget, gint thickness);
184 //
185 // **************************** notebook.c ****************************
186 //
188 struct Page *add_page(struct Window *win_data,
189 		      struct Page *page_data_prev,
190 		      GtkWidget *menuitem_encoding,
191 		      gchar *encoding,
192 		      gchar *runtime_locale_encoding,
193 		      gchar *locale,
194 		      gchar *environments,
195 		      gchar *user_environ,
196 		      const gchar *VTE_CJK_WIDTH_STR,
197 		      gboolean add_to_next);
198 void dim_vte_text (struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data, gint dim_text);
199 gboolean close_page(GtkWidget *vte, gint close_type);
200 gboolean open_url_with_external_command (gchar *url, gint tag, struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
201 struct Page *get_page_data_from_nth_page(struct Window *win_data, guint page_no);
203 //
204 // **************************** font.c ****************************
205 //
207 void set_vte_font(GtkWidget *widget, Font_Set_Type type);
208 void apply_font_to_every_vte(GtkWidget *window, gchar *new_font_name, glong column, glong row);
209 gboolean check_if_every_vte_is_using_restore_font_name (struct Window *win_data);
210 //
211 // **************************** pagename.c ****************************
212 //
214 void update_window_title(GtkWidget *window, gchar *name, gboolean window_title_append_package_name);
215 void init_monitor_cmdline_datas(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
216 gboolean monitor_cmdline(struct Page *page_data);
217 void update_page_window_title (VteTerminal *vte, struct Page *page_data);
218 gchar *get_cmdline(const pid_t tpgid);
219 gboolean check_is_root(pid_t tpgid);
220 gint get_tpgid(pid_t pid);
221 void check_and_update_window_title(struct Window *win_data, gboolean custom_window_title, gint page_no,
222 				   gchar *custom_page_name, gchar *page_name);
223 gboolean get_and_update_page_name(struct Page *page_data, gboolean lost_focus);
224 void reorder_page_number (GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWidget *child, guint page_num, GtkWidget *window);
225 gchar *get_tab_name_with_current_dir(pid_t pid);
226 void update_page_name_wintitle(StrAddr **page_name,
227 			       StrAddr **page_color,
228 			       struct Window *win_data,
229 			       struct Page *page_data);
230 void update_page_name_cmdline(StrAddr **page_name,
231 			      StrAddr **page_color,
232 			      struct Window *win_data,
233 			      struct Page *page_data);
234 void update_page_name_pwd(StrAddr **page_name,
235 			  StrAddr **page_color,
236 			  struct Window *win_data,
237 			  struct Page *page_data,
238 			  gboolean lost_focus);
239 gboolean update_page_name(GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vte, gchar *page_name, GtkWidget *label,
240 			  gint page_no, gchar *custom_page_name, const gchar *tab_color, gboolean is_root,
241 			  gboolean is_bold, gboolean show_encoding, gchar *encoding_str,
242 			  gboolean custom_window_title, gboolean lost_focus);
243 void update_page_name_normal(StrAddr **page_name,
244 			     StrAddr **page_color,
245 			     struct Window *win_data,
246 			     struct Page *page_data);
248 //
249 // **************************** dialog.c ****************************
250 //
252 GtkResponseType dialog(GtkWidget *widget, gsize style);
253 gint get_color_index(gboolean invert_color, gint index);
254 gboolean find_str_in_vte(GtkWidget *vte, Dialog_Find_Type type);
255 void set_markup_key_value(gboolean bold, gchar *color, gchar *key_value, GtkWidget *label);
256 gboolean check_and_add_locale_to_warned_locale_list(struct Window *win_data, gchar *new_locale);
257 void create_invalid_locale_error_message(gchar *locale);
258 void error_dialog(GtkWidget *window, gchar *title_translation, gchar *title,
259 		  gchar *icon, gchar *message, gchar *encoding);
260 #if defined(FATAL) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
261 void print_switch_out_of_range_error_dialog(gchar *function, gchar *var, gint value);
262 #endif
263 GdkColor get_inactive_color(GdkColor original_fg_color, gdouble new_brightness, gdouble old_brightness);
264 gboolean upgrade_dialog(gchar *version_str);
265 gchar *get_colorful_profile(struct Window *win_data);
267 //
268 // **************************** menu.c ****************************
269 //
271 void recreate_theme_menu_items(struct Window *win_data);
272 gboolean refresh_locale_and_encoding_list(struct Window *win_data);
273 void set_encoding(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer user_data);
274 gboolean create_menu(struct Window *win_data);
275 void set_urgent_bell(GtkWidget *widget, struct Window *win_data);
276 void set_vte_urgent_bell(struct Window *win_data, struct Page *page_data);
277 gboolean stop_urgency_hint(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent  *event, struct Window *win_data);
278 GtkWidget *add_radio_menuitem_to_sub_menu(GSList *encoding_group,
279 					  GtkWidget *sub_menu,
280 					  const gchar *name,
281 					  GSourceFunc func,
282 					  gpointer func_data);
283 void refresh_profile_list (struct Window *win_data);
284 long get_profile_dir_modtime();
286 #if defined(FATAL) || defined(UNIT_TEST)
287 void print_active_window_is_null_error_dialog(gchar *function);
288 #endif
290 #endif