1# Feature Requests / Improvements
3 * Dragable bar at the bottom to change Tilda's height
4 * Ability to disable keyboard accelerators (close tab, new tab, etc)
5 * Session support, so Tilda will load with the same number of tabs that it had
6   upon closing.
7 * Ability to rename a tab manually
9# Future Plans
11 * DBus-ize Tilda
12   This will make Tilda more of a long-running daemon than a terminal. What I
13   envision is one Tilda process per user, with one config file, managing all of
14   the Tilda windows (individual terminals) that the user wants. Also, expose all
15   of the terminal's properties over DBus, so a completely seperate config
16   program can be written. Also, things like "open a new tab in terminal 3, and
17   launch XYZ in it" should be possible, and easy.
19   Unfortunately, to support this, I am thinking about moving away from
20   libConfuse, and moving to the built-in GLib key-value parser (INI-like). This
21   should allow a config file like:
23   [global]
24   setting1 = value1
25   setting2 = value2
27   [terminal1]
28   setting1 = value3
30   Which means (to me) that all terminals should have the settings from the
31   global section, but terminal1 will have setting1 overridden to a different
32   value. This could be used to give different backgrounds or different fonts
33   in each terminal, for example, but keep all other properties the same.
35   Of course, the DBus stuff should probably be optional, so that you don't have
36   to have it installed, nor running. You should be able to start a Tilda which
37   is configured with DBus, but not have DBus running. It would be nice if Tilda
38   didn't die when DBus dies out from under us.
40# Possible Translation Problems
42Change "Animation Delay" to "Animation Duration"
43"Notebook" should be changed to "Window", probably
44"tab_pos" error msg (in a switch stmt) should be changed.