1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# This file is part of Xpra.
3# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Antoine Martin <antoine@xpra.org>
4# Xpra is released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, or, at your option, any
5# later version. See the file COPYING for details.
7# To create multiple output files which can be used to generate charts (using test_measure_perf_charts.py)
8# build a config class (copy from perf_config_default.py -- make changes as necessary).
10# Then determine the values of the following variables:
11#   prefix: a string to identify the data set
12#   id: a string to identify the variable that the data set is testing
13#    (for example '14' because we're testing xpra v14 in this data set)
14#   repetitions: decide how many times you want to run the tests
16# The data file names you will produce will then be in the format:
17#   prefix_id_rep#.csv
19# With this information in hand you can now create a script that will run the tests, containing commands like:
20#   ./test_measure_perf.py as an example:
22# For example:
24# ./test_measure_perf.py all_tests_40 ./data/all_tests_40_14_1.csv 1 14 > ./data//all_tests_40_14_1.log
25# ./test_measure_perf.py all_tests_40 ./data/all_tests_40_14_2.csv 2 14 > ./data//all_tests_40_14_2.log
27# In this example script, I'm running test_measure_perf 2 times, using a config class named "all_tests_40.py",
28# and outputting the results to data files using the prefix "all_tests_40", for version 14.
30# The additional arguments "1 14", "2 14" are custom paramaters which will be written to the "Custom Params" column
31# in the corresponding data files.
33# Where you see "1", "2" in the file names or params, that's referring to the corresponding repetition of the tests.
35# Once this script has run, you can open up test_measure_perf_charts.py and take a look at the
36# instructions there for generating the charts.
39import re
40import sys
41import time
42import os.path
43from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
45from xpra.exit_codes import EXIT_STR
46from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import get_root_size
47from xpra.log import Logger
49log = Logger("util")
52def getoutput(cmd, env=None):
53    try:
54        process = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, env=env)
55    except Exception as e:
56        print("error running %s: %s" % (cmd, e))
57        raise e
58    out, err = process.communicate()
59    code = process.poll()
60    if code!=0:
61        raise Exception("command '%s' returned error code %i: %s, out=%s, err=%s" %
62                        (cmd, code, EXIT_STR.get(code), out, err))
63    return out
65def get_config(config_name):
66    try:
67        mod = __import__(config_name)
68    except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as e:
69        sys.stderr.write("Error loading module %s (%s)\n" % (config_name, e))
70        return None
71    return mod.Config()
73if len(sys.argv) > 1:
74    config_name = sys.argv[1]
76    config_name = 'perf_config_default'
77config = get_config(config_name)
78if not config:
79    raise Exception("Could not load config file")
81XPRA_BIN = "/usr/bin/xpra"
82XPRA_VERSION_OUTPUT = getoutput([XPRA_BIN, "--version"])
84for x in XPRA_VERSION_OUTPUT.splitlines():
85    if x.startswith("xpra v"):
86        XPRA_VERSION = x[len("xpra v"):].replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
88XPRA_VERSION_NO = [int(x) for x in XPRA_VERSION.split(".")]
90                             "%s stop :%s" % (XPRA_BIN, config.DISPLAY_NO),
91                             "ps -ef | grep -i [X]org-for-Xpra-:%s | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill" % config.DISPLAY_NO
92                             ]
93XPRA_INFO_COMMAND = [XPRA_BIN, "info", "tcp:%s:%s" % (config.IP, config.PORT)]
98    #beware: only enable this flag if the version being tested
99    # also supports the same environment overrides,
100    # or the comparison will not be fair.
101    os.environ["XPRA_ENCODING_STRICT_MODE"] = "1"
102    os.environ["XPRA_MAX_PIXELS_PREFER_RGB"] = "0"
103    os.environ["XPRA_MAX_NONVIDEO_PIXELS"] = "0"
107if config.TEST_SOUND:
108    from xpra.sound.gstreamer_util import CODEC_ORDER, has_codec
109    XPRA_SPEAKER_OPTIONS = [x for x in CODEC_ORDER if has_codec(x)]
111if config.XPRA_USE_PASSWORD:
112    password_filename = "./test-password.txt"
113    import uuid
114    with open(password_filename, 'wb') as f:
115        f.write(uuid.uuid4().hex)
117check = [config.TRICKLE_BIN]
118if config.TEST_XPRA:
119    check.append(XPRA_BIN)
120if config.TEST_VNC:
121    check.append(config.XVNC_BIN)
122    check.append(config.VNCVIEWER_BIN)
123for x in check:
124    if not os.path.exists(x):
125        raise Exception("cannot run tests: %s is missing!" % x)
127HEADERS = ["Test Name", "Remoting Tech", "Server Version", "Client Version", "Custom Params", "SVN Version",
128           "Encoding", "Quality", "Speed","OpenGL", "Test Command", "Sample Duration (s)", "Sample Time (epoch)",
129           "CPU info", "Platform", "Kernel Version", "Xorg version", "OpenGL", "Client Window Manager", "Screen Size",
130           "Compression", "Encryption", "Connect via", "download limit (KB)", "upload limit (KB)", "latency (ms)",
131           "packets in/s", "packets in: bytes/s", "packets out/s", "packets out: bytes/s",
132           "Regions/s", "Pixels/s Sent", "Encoding Pixels/s", "Decoding Pixels/s",
133           "Application packets in/s", "Application bytes in/s",
134           "Application packets out/s", "Application bytes out/s", "mmap bytes/s",
135           "Frame Total Latency", "Client Frame Latency",
136           "Video Encoder", "CSC", "CSC Mode", "Scaling",
137           ]
138for x in ("client", "server"):
139    HEADERS += [x+" user cpu_pct", x+" system cpu pct", x+" number of threads", x+" vsize (MB)", x+" rss (MB)"]
140#all these headers have min/max/avg:
141for h in ("Batch Delay (ms)", "Actual Batch Delay (ms)",
142          "Client Latency (ms)", "Client Ping Latency (ms)", "Server Ping Latency (ms)",
143          "Damage Latency (ms)",
144          "Quality", "Speed"):
145    for x in ("Min", "Avg", "Max"):
146        HEADERS.append(x+" "+h)
148def is_process_alive(process, grace=0):
149    i = 0
150    while i<grace:
151        if not process or process.poll() is not None:
152            return  False
153        time.sleep(1)
154        i += 1
155    return process and process.poll() is None
157def try_to_stop(process, grace=0):
158    if is_process_alive(process, grace):
159        try:
160            process.terminate()
161        except Exception as e:
162            print("could not stop process %s: %s" % (process, e))
163def try_to_kill(process, grace=0):
164    if is_process_alive(process, grace):
165        try:
166            process.kill()
167        except Exception as e:
168            print("could not stop process %s: %s" % (process, e))
170def find_matching_lines(out, pattern):
171    lines = []
172    for line in out.splitlines():
173        if line.find(pattern)>=0:
174            lines.append(line)
175    return  lines
177def getoutput_lines(cmd, pattern):
178    out = getoutput(cmd)
179    return  find_matching_lines(out, pattern)
181def getoutput_line(cmd, pattern):
182    lines = getoutput_lines(cmd, pattern)
183    if len(lines)!=1:
184        print("WARNING: expected 1 line matching '%s' from %s but found %s" % (pattern, cmd, len(lines)))
185        return "not found"
186    return  lines[0]
188def get_cpu_info():
189    lines = getoutput_lines(["cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"], "model name")
190    assert lines, "coult not find 'model name' in '/proc/cpuinfo'"
191    cpu0 = lines[0]
192    n = len(lines)
193    for cpu in lines[1:]:
194        if cpu!=cpu0:
195            return " - ".join(lines), n
196    cpu_name = cpu0.split(":")[1]
197    for o,r in [("Processor", ""), ("(R)", ""), ("(TM)", ""), ("(tm)", ""), ("  ", " ")]:
198        while cpu_name.find(o)>=0:
199            cpu_name = cpu_name.replace(o, r)
200    cpu_info = "%sx %s" % (len(lines), cpu_name.strip())
201    print("CPU_INFO=%s" % cpu_info)
202    return  cpu_info, n
204XORG_VERSION = getoutput_line([config.XORG_BIN, "-version"], "X.Org X Server")
206CPU_INFO, N_CPUS = get_cpu_info()
207KERNEL_VERSION = getoutput(["uname", "-r"]).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
208PAGE_SIZE = int(getoutput(["getconf", "PAGESIZE"]).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", ""))
209PLATFORM = getoutput(["uname", "-p"]).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
210OPENGL_INFO = getoutput_line(["glxinfo"],
211                             "OpenGL renderer string").split("OpenGL renderer string:")[1].strip()
213SCREEN_SIZE = get_root_size()
214print("screen size=%s" % str(SCREEN_SIZE))
216#detect Xvnc version:
219DETECT_XVNC_VERSION_CMD = [config.XVNC_BIN, "--help"]
221def get_stderr(command):
222    try:
223        process = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
224        return process.communicate()[1]
225    except Exception as e:
226        print("error running %s: %s" % (DETECT_XVNC_VERSION_CMD, e))
228err = get_stderr(DETECT_XVNC_VERSION_CMD)
229if err:
230    v_lines = find_matching_lines(err, "Xvnc TigerVNC")
231    if len(v_lines)==1:
232        XVNC_VERSION = " ".join(v_lines[0].split()[:3])
235if err:
236    v_lines = find_matching_lines(err, "TigerVNC Viewer for X version")
237    if len(v_lines)==1:
238        VNCVIEWER_VERSION = "TigerVNC Viewer %s" % (v_lines[0].split()[5])
241#get svnversion, prefer directly from svn:
243    SVN_VERSION = getoutput(["svnversion", "-n"]).split(":")[-1].strip()
245    SVN_VERSION = ""
246if not SVN_VERSION:
247    #fallback to getting it from xpra's src_info:
248    try:
249        from xpra.src_info import REVISION, LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS
250        SVN_VERSION = 'r%s' % REVISION
252            SVN_VERSION += "M"
253    except:
254        pass
255if not SVN_VERSION:
256    #fallback to running python:
257    SVN_VERSION = getoutput(["python", "-c",
258                             "from xpra.src_info import REVISION,LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS;print(('r%s%s' % (REVISION, ' M'[int(bool(LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS))])).strip())"])
259print("Found xpra revision: '%s'" % str(SVN_VERSION))
261WINDOW_MANAGER = os.environ.get("DESKTOP_SESSION", "unknown")
263def clean_sys_state():
264    #clear the caches
265    cmd = ["echo", "3", ">", "/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"]
266    process = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
267    assert process.wait()==0, "failed to run %s" % str(cmd)
269def zero_iptables():
270    if not config.USE_IPTABLES:
271        return
272    cmds = [config.IPTABLES_CMD+['-Z', 'INPUT'], config.IPTABLES_CMD+['-Z', 'OUTPUT']]
273    for cmd in cmds:
274        getoutput(cmd)
275        #out = getoutput(cmd)
276        #print("output(%s)=%s" % (cmd, out))
278def update_proc_stat():
279    with open("/proc/stat", "rU") as proc_stat:
280        time_total = 0
281        for line in proc_stat:
282            values = line.split()
283            if values[0]=="cpu":
284                time_total = sum([int(x) for x in values[1:]])
285                #print("time_total=%s" % time_total)
286                break
287    return time_total
289def update_pidstat(pid):
290    with open("/proc/%s/stat" % pid, "rU") as stat_file:
291        data = stat_file.read()
292    pid_stat = data.split()
293    #print("update_pidstat(%s): %s" % (pid, pid_stat))
294    return pid_stat
296def compute_stat(prefix, time_total_diff, old_pid_stat, new_pid_stat):
297    #found help here:
298    #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420426/calculating-cpu-usage-of-a-process-in-linux
299    old_utime = int(old_pid_stat[13])
300    old_stime = int(old_pid_stat[14])
301    new_utime = int(new_pid_stat[13])
302    new_stime = int(new_pid_stat[14])
303    #normalize to 100% (single process) by multiplying by number of CPUs:
304    user_pct = int(N_CPUS * 1000 * (new_utime - old_utime) / time_total_diff)/10.0
305    sys_pct = int(N_CPUS * 1000 * (new_stime - old_stime) / time_total_diff)/10.0
306    nthreads = int((int(old_pid_stat[19])+int(new_pid_stat[19]))/2)
307    vsize = int(max(int(old_pid_stat[22]), int(new_pid_stat[22]))/1024/1024)
308    rss = int(max(int(old_pid_stat[23]), int(new_pid_stat[23]))*PAGE_SIZE/1024/1024)
309    return {prefix+" user cpu_pct"       : user_pct,
310            prefix+" system cpu pct"     : sys_pct,
311            prefix+" number of threads"  : nthreads,
312            prefix+" vsize (MB)"         : vsize,
313            prefix+" rss (MB)"           : rss,
314            }
316def getiptables_line(chain, pattern, setup_info):
317    cmd = config.IPTABLES_CMD + ["-vnL", chain]
318    line = getoutput_line(cmd, pattern)
319    if not line:
320        raise Exception("no line found matching %s, make sure you have a rule like: %s" % (pattern, setup_info))
321    return line
323def parse_ipt(chain, pattern, setup_info):
324    if not config.USE_IPTABLES:
325        return  0, 0
326    line = getiptables_line(chain, pattern, setup_info)
327    parts = line.split()
328    assert len(parts)>2
329    def parse_num(part):
330        U = 1024
331        m = {"K":U, "M":U**2, "G":U**3}.get(part[-1], 1)
332        num = "".join([x for x in part if x in "0123456789"])
333        return int(num)*m/config.MEASURE_TIME
334    return parse_num(parts[0]), parse_num(parts[1])
336def get_iptables_INPUT_count():
337    setup = "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport %s -j ACCEPT" % config.PORT
338    return  parse_ipt("INPUT", "tcp dpt:%s" % config.PORT, setup)
340def get_iptables_OUTPUT_count():
341    setup = "iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport %s -j ACCEPT" % config.PORT
342    return  parse_ipt("OUTPUT", "tcp spt:%s" % config.PORT, setup)
344def measure_client(server_pid, name, cmd, get_stats_cb):
345    print("starting client: %s" % cmd)
346    client_process = None
347    try:
348        client_process = Popen(cmd)
349        #give it time to settle down:
350        time.sleep(config.SETTLE_TIME)
351        if cmd[0].startswith("python"):
352            code = client_process.poll()
353            assert code is None, "client failed to start, return code is %s" % code
354        #clear counters
355        initial_stats = get_stats_cb()
356        zero_iptables()
357        old_time_total = update_proc_stat()
358        old_pid_stat = update_pidstat(client_process.pid)
359        if server_pid>0:
360            old_server_pid_stat = update_pidstat(server_pid)
361        #we start measuring
362        t = 0
363        all_stats = [initial_stats]
364        while t<config.MEASURE_TIME:
365            time.sleep(config.COLLECT_STATS_TIME)
366            t += config.COLLECT_STATS_TIME
368            if cmd[0].startswith("python"):
369                code = client_process.poll()
370                assert code is None, "client crashed, return code is %s" % code
372            stats = get_stats_cb(initial_stats, all_stats)
374        #stop the counters
375        new_time_total = update_proc_stat()
376        new_pid_stat = update_pidstat(client_process.pid)
377        if server_pid>0:
378            new_server_pid_stat = update_pidstat(server_pid)
379        ni,isize = get_iptables_INPUT_count()
380        no,osize = get_iptables_OUTPUT_count()
381        #[ni, isize, no, osize]
382        iptables_stat = {"packets in/s"         : ni,
383                         "packets in: bytes/s"  : isize,
384                         "packets out/s"        : no,
385                         "packets out: bytes/s" : osize}
386        #now collect the data
387        client_process_data = compute_stat("client", new_time_total-old_time_total, old_pid_stat, new_pid_stat)
388        if server_pid>0:
389            server_process_data = compute_stat("server", new_time_total-old_time_total, old_server_pid_stat, new_server_pid_stat)
390        else:
391            server_process_data = []
392        print("process_data (client/server): %s / %s" % (client_process_data, server_process_data))
393        print("input/output on tcp PORT %s: %s / %s packets, %s / %s KBytes" % (config.PORT, ni, no, isize, osize))
394        data = {}
395        data.update(iptables_stat)
396        data.update(stats)
397        data.update(client_process_data)
398        data.update(server_process_data)
399        return data
400    finally:
401        #stop the process
402        if client_process and client_process.poll() is None:
403            try_to_stop(client_process)
404            try_to_kill(client_process, 5)
405            code = client_process.poll()
406            assert code is not None, "failed to stop client!"
408def with_server(start_server_command, stop_server_commands, in_tests, get_stats_cb):
409    tests = in_tests[config.STARTING_TEST:config.LIMIT_TESTS]
410    print("going to run %s tests:" % len(tests))
411    for test in tests:
412        print(" * %s" % test[0])
413    print("*******************************************")
414    print("ETA: %s minutes" % int((config.SERVER_SETTLE_TIME+config.DEFAULT_TEST_COMMAND_SETTLE_TIME+config.SETTLE_TIME+config.MEASURE_TIME+1)*len(tests)/60))
415    print("*******************************************")
417    server_process = None
418    test_command_process = None
419    env = {}
420    for k,v in os.environ.items():
421    #whitelist what we want to keep:
422        if k.startswith("XPRA") or k in (
423            "LOGNAME", "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "USER", "HOME", "PATH",
424            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "XAUTHORITY", "SHELL", "TERM",
425            "USERNAME", "HOSTNAME", "PWD",
426            ):
427            env[k] = v
428    env["DISPLAY"] = ":%s" % config.DISPLAY_NO
429    errors = 0
430    results = []
431    count = 0
432    for name, tech_name, server_version, client_version, encoding, quality, speed, \
433        opengl, compression, encryption, ssh, (down,up,latency), test_command, client_cmd in tests:
434        try:
435            print("**************************************************************")
436            count += 1
437            test_command_settle_time = config.TEST_COMMAND_SETTLE_TIME.get(test_command[0], config.DEFAULT_TEST_COMMAND_SETTLE_TIME)
438            eta = int((config.SERVER_SETTLE_TIME+test_command_settle_time+config.SETTLE_TIME+config.MEASURE_TIME+1)*(len(tests)-count)/60)
439            print("%s/%s: %s            ETA=%s minutes" % (count, len(tests), name, eta))
440            test_command_process = None
441            try:
442                clean_sys_state()
443                #start the server:
444                if config.START_SERVER:
445                    print("starting server: %s" % str(start_server_command))
446                    server_process = Popen(start_server_command)
447                    #give it time to settle down:
448                    t = config.SERVER_SETTLE_TIME
449                    if count==1:
450                        #first run, give it enough time to cleanup the socket
451                        t += 5
452                    time.sleep(t)
453                    server_pid = server_process.pid
454                    code = server_process.poll()
455                    assert code is None, "server failed to start, return code is %s, please ensure that you can run the server command line above and that a server does not already exist on that port or DISPLAY" % code
456                else:
457                    server_pid = 0
459                try:
460                    #start the test command:
461                    if config.USE_VIRTUALGL:
462                        if isinstance(test_command, str):
463                            cmd = config.VGLRUN_BIN + " -d "+os.environ.get("DISPLAY")+" -- "+ test_command
464                        elif isinstance(test_command, (list, tuple)):
465                            cmd = [config.VGLRUN_BIN, "-d", os.environ.get("DISPLAY"), "--"] + list(test_command)
466                        else:
467                            raise Exception("invalid test command type: %s for %s" % (type(test_command), test_command))
468                    else:
469                        cmd = test_command
471                    print("starting test command: %s with env=%s, settle time=%s" % (cmd, env, test_command_settle_time))
472                    shell = isinstance(cmd, str)
473                    test_command_process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, shell=shell)
475                    if config.PREVENT_SLEEP:
476                        Popen(config.PREVENT_SLEEP_COMMAND)
478                    time.sleep(test_command_settle_time)
479                    code = test_command_process.poll()
480                    assert code is None, "test command %s failed to start: exit code is %s" % (cmd, code)
481                    print("test command %s is running with pid=%s" % (cmd, test_command_process.pid))
483                    #run the client test
484                    data = {"Test Name"      : name,
485                            "Remoting Tech"  : tech_name,
486                            "Server Version" : server_version,
487                            "Client Version" : client_version,
488                            "Custom Params"  : config.CUSTOM_PARAMS,
489                            "SVN Version"    : SVN_VERSION,
490                            "Encoding"       : encoding,
491                            "Quality"        : quality,
492                            "Speed"          : speed,
493                            "OpenGL"         : opengl,
494                            "Test Command"   : get_command_name(test_command),
495                            "Sample Duration (s)"    : config.MEASURE_TIME,
496                            "Sample Time (epoch)"    : time.time(),
497                            "CPU info"       : CPU_INFO,
498                            "Platform"       : PLATFORM,
499                            "Kernel Version" : KERNEL_VERSION,
500                            "Xorg version"   : XORG_VERSION,
501                            "OpenGL"         : OPENGL_INFO,
502                            "Client Window Manager"  : WINDOW_MANAGER,
503                            "Screen Size"    : "%sx%s" % get_root_size(),
504                            "Compression"    : compression,
505                            "Encryption"     : encryption,
506                            "Connect via"    : ssh,
507                            "download limit (KB)"    : down,
508                            "upload limit (KB)"      : up,
509                            "latency (ms)"           : latency,
510                            }
511                    data.update(measure_client(server_pid, name, client_cmd, get_stats_cb))
512                    results.append([data.get(x, "") for x in HEADERS])
513                except Exception as e:
514                    import traceback
515                    traceback.print_exc()
516                    errors += 1
517                    print("error during client command run for %s: %s" % (name, e))
518                    if errors>config.MAX_ERRORS:
519                        print("too many errors, aborting tests")
520                        break
521            finally:
522                if test_command_process:
523                    print("stopping '%s' with pid=%s" % (test_command, test_command_process.pid))
524                    try_to_stop(test_command_process)
525                    try_to_kill(test_command_process, 2)
526                if config.START_SERVER:
527                    try_to_stop(server_process)
528                    time.sleep(2)
529                    for s in stop_server_commands:
530                        print("stopping server with: %s" % (s))
531                        try:
532                            stop_process = Popen(s, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
533                            stop_process.wait()
534                        except Exception as e:
535                            print("error: %s" % e)
536                    try_to_kill(server_process, 5)
537                time.sleep(1)
538        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
539            print("caught %s: stopping this series of tests" % e)
540            break
541    return results
543def trickle_command(down, up, latency):
544    if down<=0 and up<=0 and latency<=0:
545        return  []
546    cmd = [config.TRICKLE_BIN, "-s"]
547    if down>0:
548        cmd += ["-d", str(down)]
549    if up>0:
550        cmd += ["-u", str(up)]
551    if latency>0:
552        cmd += ["-L", str(latency)]
553    return cmd
555def trickle_str(down, up, latency):
556    if down<=0 and up<=0 and latency<=0:
557        return  "unthrottled"
558    s = "/".join(str(x) for x in [down,up,latency])
559    return "throttled:%s" % s
561def get_command_name(command_arg):
562    try:
563        name = config.TEST_NAMES.get(command_arg)
564        if name:
565            return  name
566    except:
567        pass
568    if isinstance(command_arg, list):
569        c = command_arg[0]              #["/usr/bin/xterm", "blah"] -> "/usr/bin/xterm"
570    else:
571        c = command_arg.split(" ")[0]   #"/usr/bin/xterm -e blah" -> "/usr/bin/xterm"
572    assert isinstance(c, str)
573    return c.split("/")[-1]             #/usr/bin/xterm -> xterm
575def get_auth_args(server=True):
576    cmd = []
577    if config.XPRA_USE_PASSWORD:
578        if server:
579            cmd.append("--auth=none")
580            cmd.append("--tcp-auth=file,filename=%s" % password_filename)
581        else:
582            cmd.append("--password-file=%s" % password_filename)
583    return cmd
585def xpra_get_stats(initial_stats=None, all_stats=[]):
586    info_cmd = XPRA_INFO_COMMAND[:] + get_auth_args(False)
587    out = getoutput(info_cmd)
588    if not out:
589        return  {}
590    #parse output:
591    d = {}
592    for line in out.splitlines():
593        parts = line.split("=")
594        if len(parts)==2:
595            d[parts[0]] = parts[1]
596    #functions for accessing the data:
597    def iget(names, default_value=""):
598        """ some of the fields got renamed, try both old and new names """
599        for n in names:
600            v = d.get(n)
601            if v is not None:
602                return int(v)
603        return default_value
604    #values always based on initial data only:
605    #(difference from initial value)
606    lookup = initial_stats or {}
607    initial_input_packetcount  = lookup.get("Application packets in/s", 0)
608    initial_input_bytecount    = lookup.get("Application bytes in/s", 0)
609    initial_output_packetcount = lookup.get("Application packets out/s", 0)
610    initial_output_bytecount   = lookup.get("Application bytes out/s", 0)
611    initial_mmap_bytes         = lookup.get("mmap bytes/s", 0)
612    data = {
613            "Application packets in/s"      : (iget(["client.connection.input.packetcount", "input_packetcount"], 0)-initial_input_packetcount)/config.MEASURE_TIME,
614            "Application bytes in/s"        : (iget(["client.connection.input.bytecount", "input_bytecount"], 0)-initial_input_bytecount)/config.MEASURE_TIME,
615            "Application packets out/s"     : (iget(["client.connection.output.packetcount", "output_packetcount"], 0)-initial_output_packetcount)/config.MEASURE_TIME,
616            "Application bytes out/s"       : (iget(["client.connection.output.bytecount", "output_bytecount"], 0)-initial_output_bytecount)/config.MEASURE_TIME,
617            "mmap bytes/s"                  : (iget(["client.connection.output.mmap_bytecount", "output_mmap_bytecount"], 0)-initial_mmap_bytes)/config.MEASURE_TIME,
618            }
620    #values that are averages or min/max:
621    def add(prefix, op, name, prop_names):
622        values = []
623        #cook the property names using the lowercase prefix if needed
624        #(all xpra info properties are lowercase):
625        actual_prop_names = []
626        full_search = []
627        for prop_name in prop_names:
628            if prop_name.find("%s")>=0:
629                prop_name = prop_name % prefix.lower()
630            actual_prop_names.append(prop_name)
631            if prop_name.find("*")>=0 or prop_name.find("+")>=0:        #ie: "window\[\d+\].encoding.quality.avg"
632                #make it a proper python regex:
633                full_search.append(prop_name)
634        if full_search:
635            for s in full_search:
636                regex = re.compile(s)
637                matches = [d.get(x) for x in d if regex.match(x)]
638                for v in matches:
639                    values.append(int(v))
640            #print("add(%s, %s, %s, %s) values from full_search=%s: %s" %
641            #    (prefix, op, name, prop_names, full_search, values))
642        else:
643            #match just one record:
644            values.append(iget(actual_prop_names))
645            #print("add(%s, %s, %s, %s) values from iget: %s" % (prefix, op, name, prop_names, values))
646        #this is the stat property name:
647        full_name = name                            #ie: "Application packets in/s"
648        if prefix:
649            full_name = prefix+" "+name             #ie: "Min" + " " + "Batch Delay"
650        for s in all_stats:                         #add all previously found values to list
651            values.append(s.get(full_name))
652        #strip missing values:
653        values = [x for x in values if x is not None and x!=""]
654        if values:
655            v = op(values)                          #ie: avg([4,5,4]) or max([4,5,4])
656            #print("%s: %s(%s)=%s" % (full_name, op, values, v))
657            data[full_name] = v
659    def avg(l):
660        return sum(l)/len(l)
662    add("", avg, "Regions/s",                       ["client.encoding.regions_per_second", "encoding.regions_per_second", "regions_per_second"])
663    add("", avg, "Pixels/s Sent",                   ["client.encoding.pixels_per_second", "encoding.pixels_per_second", "pixels_per_second"])
664    add("", avg, "Encoding Pixels/s",               ["client.encoding.pixels_encoded_per_second", "encoding.pixels_encoded_per_second", "pixels_encoded_per_second"])
665    add("", avg, "Decoding Pixels/s",               ["client.encoding.pixels_decoded_per_second", "encoding.pixels_decoded_per_second", "pixels_decoded_per_second"])
667    add("", avg, "Frame Total Latency",             ["client.damage.frame-total-latency"])
668    add("", avg, "Client Frame Latency",            ["client.damage.client-latency"])
670    for prefix, op in (("Min", min), ("Max", max), ("Avg", avg)):
671        add(prefix, op, "Batch Delay (ms)",         ["client.batch.delay.%s", "batch.delay.%s", "batch_delay.%s", "%s_batch_delay"])
672        add(prefix, op, "Actual Batch Delay (ms)",  ["client.window.?[\\d+].batch.actual_delays.%s", "client.batch.actual_delay.%s", "batch.actual_delay.%s"])
673        add(prefix, op, "Client Latency (ms)",      ["client.connection.client.latency.%s", "client.latency.%s", "client_latency.%s", "%s_client_latency"])
674        add(prefix, op, "Client Ping Latency (ms)", ["client.connection.client.ping_latency.%s", "client.ping_latency.%s", "client_ping_latency.%s"])
675        add(prefix, op, "Server Ping Latency (ms)", ["client.connection.server.ping_latency.%s", "server.ping_latency.%s", "server_ping_latency.%s", "server_latency.%s", "%s_server_latency"])
676        add(prefix, op, "Damage Latency (ms)",      ["client.damage.in_latency.%s", "damage.in_latency.%s", "damage_in_latency.%s"])
678        add(prefix, op, "Quality",                  [r"^client.window.?[\d+].encoding.quality.%s$", r"^window[\d+].encoding.quality.%s$"])
679        add(prefix, op, "Speed",                    [r"^client.window.?[\d+].encoding.speed.%s$", r"^window[\d+].encoding.speed.%s$"])
681    def addset(name, prop_name):
682        regex = re.compile(prop_name)
683        def getdictvalues(from_dict):
684            return [from_dict.get(x) for x in from_dict.keys() if regex.match(x)]
685        values = getdictvalues(d)
686        for s in all_stats:                         #add all previously found values to list
687            values += getdictvalues(s)
688        data[name] = list(set(values))
690    #video encoder
691    addset("Video Encoder", r"^window\[\d+\].encoder$")
692    #record CSC:
693    addset("CSC", r"^window\[\d+\].csc$")
694    addset("CSC Mode", r"^window\[\d+\].csc.dst_format$")
695    addset("Scaling", r"^window\[\d+\].scaling$")
696    #packet layer:
697    addset("Compressors", "connection.compression$")
698    addset("Packet Encoders", "connection.encoder$")
699    #add this record to the list:
700    all_stats.append(data)
701    return data
703def get_xpra_start_server_command():
704    cmd = [XPRA_BIN, "--no-daemon", "--bind-tcp=" % config.PORT]
705    if config.XPRA_FORCE_XDUMMY:
706        cmd.append("--xvfb=%s -nolisten tcp" % config.XORG_BIN
707                   +" +extension GLX"
708                   +" +extension RANDR"
709                   +" +extension RENDER"
710                   +" -logfile %s" % config.XORG_LOG
711                   +" -config %s" % config.XORG_CONFIG)
712        cmd.append("--no-notifications")
713    cmd += get_auth_args(True)
714    cmd.append("--no-pulseaudio")
715    cmd += ["start", ":%s" % config.DISPLAY_NO]
716    return cmd
719def test_xpra():
720    print("")
721    print("*********************************************************")
722    print("                Xpra tests")
723    print("")
724    tests = []
725    for connect_option, encryption in config.XPRA_CONNECT_OPTIONS:
726        shaping_options = config.TRICKLE_SHAPING_OPTIONS
727        if connect_option=="unix-domain":
728            shaping_options = [config.NO_SHAPING]
729        for down,up,latency in shaping_options:
730            for x11_test_command in config.X11_TEST_COMMANDS:
731                command_name = get_command_name(x11_test_command)
732                for client_type in config.XPRA_CLIENT_TYPES:
733                    if client_type=="html5":
734                        assert not config.XPRA_USE_PASSWORD
735                        if connect_option=="unix-domain":
736                            continue
737                        for browser_cmd in config.XPRA_HTML5_BROWSERS:
738                            cmd = browser_cmd + ["http://localhost:%i/" % (config.PORT)]
739                            test_name = "%s : %s" % (browser_cmd[0], command_name)
740                            tests.append(
741                                (
742                                    test_name, "xpra", XPRA_VERSION, XPRA_VERSION,
743                                    "all", 0, 0,
744                                    "n/a", "n/a", encryption, connect_option,
745                                    (down,up,latency), x11_test_command, cmd,
746                                    )
747                                )
748                        continue
750                    #python client has more options:
751                    encodings = config.XPRA_TEST_ENCODINGS
752                    for encoding in encodings:
753                        for opengl in config.XPRA_OPENGL_OPTIONS.get(encoding, [True]):
754                            quality_options = config.XPRA_ENCODING_QUALITY_OPTIONS.get(encoding, [-1])
755                            for quality in quality_options:
756                                speed_options = config.XPRA_ENCODING_SPEED_OPTIONS.get(encoding, [-1])
757                                for speed in speed_options:
758                                    for speaker in XPRA_SPEAKER_OPTIONS:
759                                        for mic in XPRA_MICROPHONE_OPTIONS:
760                                            for comp in config.XPRA_COMPRESSORS_OPTIONS:
761                                                for compression in config.XPRA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_OPTIONS:
762                                                    for packet_encoders in config.XPRA_PACKET_ENCODERS_OPTIONS:
763                                                        test_name = "(%s - %s - %s - %s - via %s)" % \
764                                                            (command_name, compression, encryption,
765                                                             trickle_str(down, up, latency), connect_option)
766                                                        cmd = trickle_command(down, up, latency)
767                                                        cmd += [client_type, XPRA_BIN, "attach"]
768                                                        if connect_option=="ssh":
769                                                            cmd.append("ssh:%s:%s" % (config.IP, config.DISPLAY_NO))
770                                                        elif connect_option=="tcp":
771                                                            cmd.append("tcp:%s:%s" % (config.IP, config.PORT))
772                                                        else:
773                                                            cmd.append(":%s" % (config.DISPLAY_NO))
774                                                        cmd.append("--readonly=yes")
775                                                        cmd += get_auth_args(False)
776                                                        if packet_encoders:
777                                                            cmd += ["--packet-encoders=%s" % packet_encoders]
778                                                        if comp:
779                                                            cmd += ["--compressors=%s" % comp]
780                                                        if compression is not None:
781                                                            cmd += ["-z", str(compression)]
782                                                        cmd.append("--enable-pings")
783                                                        cmd.append("--no-clipboard")
784                                                        cmd.append("--no-bell")
785                                                        cmd.append("--no-cursors")
786                                                        cmd.append("--no-notifications")
787                                                        if config.XPRA_MDNS:
788                                                            cmd.append("--mdns")
789                                                        else:
790                                                            cmd.append("--no-mdns")
791                                                        if encryption:
792                                                            cmd.append("--encryption=%s" % encryption)
793                                                        if speed>=0:
794                                                            cmd.append("--speed=%s" % speed)
795                                                        if quality>=0:
796                                                            cmd.append("--quality=%s" % quality)
797                                                            name = "%s-%s" % (encoding, quality)
798                                                        else:
799                                                            name = encoding
800                                                        if speaker is None:
801                                                            cmd.append("--no-speaker")
802                                                        else:
803                                                            cmd.append("--speaker-codec=%s" % speaker)
804                                                        if mic is None:
805                                                            cmd.append("--no-microphone")
806                                                        else:
807                                                            cmd.append("--microphone-codec=%s" % mic)
808                                                        if encoding!="mmap":
809                                                            cmd.append("--no-mmap")
810                                                            cmd.append("--encoding=%s" % encoding)
811                                                        cmd.append("--opengl=%s" % opengl)
813                                                        full_test_name = "%6s %s" % (name, test_name)
814                                                        tests.append(
815                                                            (
816                                                                full_test_name, "xpra", XPRA_VERSION, XPRA_VERSION,
817                                                                encoding, quality, speed,
818                                                                opengl, compression, encryption, connect_option,
819                                                                (down,up,latency), x11_test_command, cmd,
820                                                                )
821                                                            )
822    return with_server(get_xpra_start_server_command(), XPRA_SERVER_STOP_COMMANDS, tests, xpra_get_stats)
824def get_x11_client_window_info(display, *app_name_strings):
825    env = os.environ.copy()
826    if display:
827        env["DISPLAY"] = display
828    wininfo = getoutput(["xwininfo", "-root", "-tree"], env)
829    for line in wininfo.splitlines():
830        if not line:
831            continue
832        found = True
833        for x in app_name_strings:
834            if not line.find(x)>=0:
835                found = False
836                break
837        if not found:
838            continue
839        parts = line.split()
840        if not parts[0].startswith("0x"):
841            continue
842        #found a window which matches the name we are looking for!
843        wid = parts[0]
844        x, y, w, h = 0, 0, 0, 0
845        dims = parts[-2]        #ie: 400x300+20+10
846        dp = dims.split("+")    #["400x300", "20", "10"]
847        if len(dp)==3:
848            d = dp[0]           #"400x300"
849            x = int(dp[1])      #20
850            y = int(dp[2])      #10
851            wh = d.split("x")   #["400", "300"]
852            if len(wh)==2:
853                w = int(wh[0])  #400
854                h = int(wh[1])  #300
855        print("Found window for '%s': %s - %sx%s" % (app_name_strings, wid, w, h))
856        return  wid, x, y, w, h
857    return  None
859def get_vnc_stats(initial_stats=None, all_stats=[]):
860    #print("get_vnc_stats(%s)" % last_record)
861    if initial_stats is None:
862        #this is the initial call,
863        #start the thread to watch the output of tcbench
864        #we first need to figure out the dimensions of the client window
865        #within the Xvnc server, the use those dimensions to tell tcbench
866        #where to look in the vncviewer client window
867        test_window_info = get_x11_client_window_info(":%s" % config.DISPLAY_NO)
868        print("info for client test window: %s" % str(test_window_info))
869        info = get_x11_client_window_info(None, "TigerVNC: x11", "Vncviewer")
870        if not info:
871            return  {}
872        print("info for TigerVNC: %s" % str(info))
873        wid, _, _, w, h = info
874        if not wid:
875            return  {}
876        if test_window_info:
877            _, _, _, w, h = test_window_info
878        command = [config.TCBENCH, "-wh%s" % wid, "-t%s" % (config.MEASURE_TIME-5)]
879        if w>0 and h>0:
880            command.append("-x%s" % int(w/2))
881            command.append("-y%s" % int(h/2))
882        if os.path.exists(config.TCBENCH_LOG):
883            os.unlink(config.TCBENCH_LOG)
884        tcbench_log  = open(config.TCBENCH_LOG, 'w')
885        try:
886            print("tcbench starting: %s, logging to %s" % (command, config.TCBENCH_LOG))
887            proc = Popen(command, stdout=tcbench_log, stderr=tcbench_log)
888            return {"tcbench" : proc}
889        except Exception as e:
890            import traceback
891            traceback.print_exc()
892            print("error running %s: %s" % (command, e))
893        return  {}           #we failed...
894    regions_s = ""
895    if "tcbench" in initial_stats:
896        #found the process watcher,
897        #parse the tcbench output and look for frames/sec:
898        process = initial_stats.get("tcbench")
899        assert isinstance(process, Popen)
900        #print("get_vnc_stats(%s) process.poll()=%s" % (last_record, process.poll()))
901        if process.poll() is None:
902            try_to_stop(process)
903            try_to_kill(process, 2)
904        else:
905            with open(config.TCBENCH_LOG, mode='rb') as f:
906                out = f.read()
907            #print("get_vnc_stats(%s) tcbench output=%s" % (last_record, out))
908            for line in out.splitlines():
909                if not line.find("Frames/sec:")>=0:
910                    continue
911                parts = line.split()
912                regions_s = parts[-1]
913                print("Frames/sec=%s" % regions_s)
914    return {
915            "Regions/s"                     : regions_s,
916           }
918def test_vnc():
919    print("")
920    print("*********************************************************")
921    print("                VNC tests")
922    print("")
923    tests = []
924    for down,up,latency in config.TRICKLE_SHAPING_OPTIONS:
925        for x11_test_command in config.X11_TEST_COMMANDS:
926            for encoding in config.VNC_ENCODINGS:
927                for zlib in config.VNC_ZLIB_OPTIONS:
928                    for compression in config.VNC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS:
929                        jpeg_quality = [8]
930                        if encoding=="Tight":
931                            jpeg_quality = config.VNC_JPEG_OPTIONS
932                        for jpegq in jpeg_quality:
933                            cmd = trickle_command(down, up, latency)
934                            cmd += [config.VNCVIEWER_BIN, "%s::%s" % (config.IP, config.PORT),
935                                   "--ViewOnly",
936                                   "--ZlibLevel=%s" % str(zlib),
937                                   "--CompressLevel=%s" % str(compression),
938                                   ]
939                            if encoding=="auto":
940                                cmd.append("--AutoSelect=1")
941                            else:
942                                cmd.append("--AutoSelect=0")
943                                cmd.append("--PreferredEncoding=%s" % encoding)
944                            if jpegq<0:
945                                cmd.append("--NoJPEG=1")
946                                jpegtxt = "nojpeg"
947                            else:
948                                cmd.append("--NoJPEG=0")
949                                cmd.append("--QualityLevel=%s" % jpegq)
950                                jpegtxt = "jpeg=%s" % jpegq
951                            #make a descriptive title:
952                            if zlib==-1:
953                                zlibtxt = "nozlib"
954                            else:
955                                zlibtxt = "zlib=%s" % zlib
956                            command_name = get_command_name(x11_test_command)
957                            test_name = "vnc (%s - %s - %s - compression=%s - %s - %s)" % \
958                                        (command_name, encoding, zlibtxt,
959                                         compression, jpegtxt, trickle_str(down, up, latency))
960                            tests.append((test_name, "vnc", XVNC_VERSION, VNCVIEWER_VERSION, \
961                                          encoding, False, compression, None, False, \
962                                          (down,up,latency), x11_test_command, cmd))
963    return with_server(config.XVNC_SERVER_START_COMMAND, config.XVNC_SERVER_STOP_COMMANDS, tests, get_vnc_stats)
965def main():
966    #before doing anything, check that the firewall is setup correctly:
967    get_iptables_INPUT_count()
968    get_iptables_OUTPUT_count()
970    #If CUSTOM_PARAMS are supplied on the command line, they override what's in config
971    if len(sys.argv) > 3:
972        config.CUSTOM_PARAMS = " ".join(sys.argv[3:])
973    config.print_options()
975    xpra_results = []
976    if config.TEST_XPRA:
977        xpra_results = test_xpra()
978    vnc_results = []
979    if config.TEST_VNC:
980        vnc_results = test_vnc()
982    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
983        csv_name = sys.argv[2]
984    else:
985        csv_name = None
987    print("*"*80)
988    print("RESULTS:")
989    print("")
991    out_lines = []
992    out_line = ", ".join(HEADERS)
993    print(out_line)
994    out_lines.append(out_line)
996    def s(x):
997        if x is None:
998            return ""
999        if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, set)):
1000            return '"' + (", ".join(list(x))) + '"'
1001        if isinstance(x, str):
1002            if not x:
1003                return ""
1004            return '"%s"' % x
1005        if isinstance(x, (float, int)):
1006            return str(x)
1007        return "unhandled-type: %s" % type(x)
1009    for result in xpra_results+vnc_results:
1010        out_line = ", ".join([s(x) for x in result])
1011        print(out_line)
1012        out_lines.append(out_line)
1014    if csv_name:
1015        with open(csv_name, "w") as csv:
1016            for line in out_lines:
1017                csv.write(line+"\n")
1019if __name__ == "__main__":
1020    main()