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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



.gitignoreH A D25-Jun-2018121 1110

COPYINGH A D25-Jun-20181.5 KiB2923

READMEH A D25-Jun-2018508 139

SConstructH A D25-Jun-20182.1 KiB8462

common.ccH A D25-Jun-20182.6 KiB9970

common.hH A D25-Jun-20181.1 KiB3817

common_test.ccH A D25-Jun-20182.9 KiB9470

config_parser.ccH A D25-Jun-201811 KiB520421

config_parser.hH A D25-Jun-20185 KiB18391

config_parser_test.ccH A D25-Jun-201814.9 KiB455382

data_reader.ccH A D25-Jun-20181.7 KiB8165

data_reader.hH A D25-Jun-2018832 4425

data_writer.ccH A D25-Jun-20181.6 KiB6849

data_writer.hH A D25-Jun-2018815 4023

dump_xsettings.1H A D25-Jun-2018727 2524

dump_xsettings.ccH A D25-Jun-20187.8 KiB277232

setting.ccH A D25-Jun-20182.8 KiB9675

setting.hH A D25-Jun-20183.5 KiB160104

setting_test.ccH A D25-Jun-20184.4 KiB142114

settings_manager.ccH A D25-Jun-201810.8 KiB348281

settings_manager.hH A D25-Jun-20182.4 KiB8534

xsettingsd.1H A D25-Jun-20181.5 KiB5150

xsettingsd.ccH A D25-Jun-20182.6 KiB10482


1xsettingsd is a daemon that implements the XSETTINGS specification.
3It is intended to be small, fast, and minimally dependent on other
4libraries.  It can serve as an alternative to gnome-settings-daemon for
5users who are not using the GNOME desktop environment but who still run
6GTK+ applications and want to configure things such as themes, font
7antialiasing/hinting, and UI sound effects.
9Documentation is available at https://github.com/derat/xsettingsd/wiki.
12Daniel Erat <dan-xsettingsd@erat.org>