Name Date Size #Lines LOC


=.errH A D08-May-20225 21

MakefileH A D17-Aug-2023500 2720

READMEH A D17-Aug-20231.2 KiB3227

TODOH A D08-May-2022493 1615

a.dH A D08-May-202234 65

a.rH A D08-May-202273 98

a.tH A D08-May-202254 109

a1.errH A D08-May-202219 43

a2.errH A D08-May-202217 43

addr.dH A D08-May-202258 109

addr.rH A D08-May-202213 32

addr.tH A D08-May-202237 65

addr1.errH A D08-May-20224 21

addr2.errH A D08-May-20225 21

ascii.d.uuH A D08-May-2022380

ascii.r.uuH A D08-May-2022380

ascii.tH A D08-May-20220

bang1.dH A D08-May-20220 10

bang1.errH A D08-May-20227 21

bang1.rH A D08-May-20225 21

bang1.tH A D08-May-202232 65

bang2.errH A D08-May-20223

c.dH A D08-May-202234 65

c.rH A D08-May-202258 54

c.tH A D08-May-202280 1312

c1.errH A D08-May-202217 43

c2.errH A D08-May-202217 43

ckscripts.shH A D17-Aug-2023903 3722

d.dH A D08-May-202234 65

d.errH A D08-May-20223

d.rH A D08-May-20227 21

d.tH A D08-May-202212 43

e1.dH A D08-May-202212 21

e1.errH A D08-May-202210 21

e1.rH A D08-May-20227 21

e1.tH A D08-May-20227 21

e2.dH A D08-May-202221 21

e2.errH A D08-May-202210 21

e2.rH A D08-May-202213 21

e2.tH A D08-May-202221 21

e3.dH A D08-May-202221 21

e3.errH A D08-May-20227 21

e3.rH A D08-May-202221 21

e3.tH A D08-May-20222

e4.dH A D08-May-202221 21

e4.rH A D08-May-202221 21

e4.tH A D08-May-20222

f1.errH A D08-May-202210 21

f2.errH A D08-May-20228 21

g1.dH A D08-May-202234 65

g1.errH A D08-May-202211 21

g1.rH A D08-May-2022124 1615

g1.tH A D08-May-202257 76

g2.dH A D08-May-202234 65

g2.errH A D08-May-202210 21

g2.rH A D08-May-202212 21

g2.tH A D08-May-202228 32

g3.dH A D08-May-202234 65

g3.errH A D08-May-20222

g3.rH A D08-May-202234 65

g3.tH A D08-May-202233 54

g4.dH A D08-May-202234 65

g4.rH A D08-May-202246 87

g4.tH A D08-May-202260 1413

g5.dH A D08-May-202221 43

g5.rH A D08-May-202263 109

g5.tH A D08-May-202214 32

h.errH A D08-May-20223

i.dH A D08-May-202234 65

i.rH A D08-May-202273 98

i.tH A D08-May-202254 109

i1.errH A D08-May-202219 43

i2.errH A D08-May-202217 43

i3.errH A D08-May-202217 43

j.dH A D08-May-202234 65

j.rH A D08-May-202233 54

j.tH A D08-May-202210 32

k.dH A D08-May-202234 65

k.rH A D08-May-202239 65

k.tH A D08-May-202244 1110

k1.errH A D08-May-20226 21

k2.errH A D08-May-20223

k3.errH A D08-May-20224 21

k4.errH A D08-May-202222 76

l.dH A D08-May-20220 10

l.rH A D08-May-20220 10

l.tH A D08-May-20220

m.dH A D08-May-202234 65

m.errH A D08-May-202222 54

m.rH A D08-May-202234 65

m.tH A D08-May-202238 87

mkscripts.shH A D17-Aug-20231.3 KiB7539

n.dH A D08-May-20220 10

n.rH A D08-May-20220 10

n.tH A D08-May-20220

nl.errH A D08-May-20223

nl1.dH A D08-May-202234 65

nl1.rH A D08-May-202248 96

nl1.tH A D08-May-202223 94

nl2.dH A D08-May-202234 65

nl2.rH A D08-May-202246 76

nl2.tH A D08-May-202222 54

p.dH A D08-May-20220 10

p.rH A D08-May-20220 10

p.tH A D08-May-20220

q.dH A D08-May-20220 10

q.rH A D08-May-20220 10

q.tH A D08-May-202218 65

q1.errH A D08-May-20223

r1.dH A D08-May-202234 65

r1.errH A D08-May-202212 21

r1.rH A D08-May-202258 87

r1.tH A D08-May-202244 43

r2.dH A D08-May-202234 65

r2.errH A D08-May-202214 21

r2.rH A D08-May-202268 1110

r2.tH A D08-May-20222

r3.dH A D08-May-20227 21

r3.rH A D08-May-202214 32

r3.tH A D08-May-20227 21

s1.dH A D08-May-202234 65

s1.errH A D08-May-20226 21

s1.rH A D08-May-202253 65

s1.tH A D08-May-202261 76

s10.errH A D08-May-202221 54

s2.dH A D08-May-202234 65

s2.errH A D08-May-202215 54

s2.rH A D08-May-202247 65

s2.tH A D08-May-202231 54

s3.dH A D08-May-20220 10

s3.errH A D08-May-202210 21

s3.rH A D08-May-202214 21

s3.tH A D08-May-202254 76

s4.errH A D08-May-202214 21

s5.errH A D08-May-20228 21

s6.errH A D08-May-20222

s7.errH A D08-May-202223 65

s8.errH A D08-May-202221 54

s9.errH A D08-May-202221 54

t.dH A D08-May-202234 65

t.rH A D08-May-2022110 1716

t1.dH A D08-May-202234 65

t1.errH A D08-May-20223

t1.rH A D08-May-2022110 1716

t1.tH A D08-May-202214 43

t2.dH A D08-May-202234 65

t2.errH A D08-May-20226 21

t2.rH A D08-May-202240 76

t2.tH A D08-May-20227 21

u.dH A D08-May-202234 65

u.errH A D08-May-20223

u.rH A D08-May-202274 109

u.tH A D08-May-2022136 3231

v.dH A D08-May-202234 65

v.rH A D08-May-202276 1211

v.tH A D08-May-202261 76

w.dH A D08-May-202234 65

w.rH A D08-May-202268 1110

w.tH A D08-May-202220 32

w1.errH A D08-May-202226 21

w2.errH A D08-May-20225 21

w3.errH A D08-May-20228 21

x.errH A D08-May-20223

z.errH A D08-May-20224 32


2The files in this directory with suffixes `.t', `.d', `.r' and `.err' are
3used for testing ed.  To run the tests, set the ED variable in the Makefile
4for the path name of the program to be tested (e.g., /bin/ed), and type
5`make'.  The tests do not exhaustively verify POSIX compliance nor do
6they verify correct 8-bit or long line support.
8The test file suffixes have the following meanings:
9.t    Template - a list of ed commands from which an ed script is
10      constructed
11.d    Data - read by an ed script
12.r    Result - the expected output after processing data via an ed
13      script.
14.err  Error - invalid ed commands that should generate an error
16The output of the tests is written to the two files err.o and scripts.o.
17At the end of the tests, these files are grep'ed for error messages,
18which look like:
19	*** The script u.ed exited abnormally ***
21	*** Output u.o of script u.ed is incorrect ***
23The POSIX requirement that an address range not be used where at most
24a single address is expected has been relaxed in this version of ed.
25Therefore, the  following scripts  which test for compliance with this
26POSIX rule exit abnormally: