1 /*
2  * configyyrename.h -- renames for config file yy values to avoid conflicts.
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2001-2006, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * See LICENSE for the license.
7  *
8  */
13 /* defines to change symbols so that no yacc/lex symbols clash */
14 #define yymaxdepth ub_c_maxdepth
15 #define yyparse ub_c_parse
16 #define yylex   ub_c_lex
17 #define yyerror ub_c_error
18 #define yylval  ub_c_lval
19 #define yychar  ub_c_char
20 #define yydebug ub_c_debug
21 #define yypact  ub_c_pact
22 #define yyr1    ub_c_r1
23 #define yyr2    ub_c_r2
24 #define yydef   ub_c_def
25 #define yychk   ub_c_chk
26 #define yypgo   ub_c_pgo
27 #define yyact   ub_c_act
28 #define yyexca  ub_c_exca
29 #define yyerrflag ub_c_errflag
30 #define yynerrs ub_c_nerrs
31 #define yyps    ub_c_ps
32 #define yypv    ub_c_pv
33 #define yys     ub_c_s
34 #define yy_yys  ub_c_yys
35 #define yystate ub_c_state
36 #define yytmp   ub_c_tmp
37 #define yyv     ub_c_v
38 #define yy_yyv  ub_c_yyv
39 #define yyval   ub_c_val
40 #define yylloc  ub_c_lloc
41 #define yyreds  ub_c_reds
42 #define yytoks  ub_c_toks
43 #define yylhs   ub_c_yylhs
44 #define yylen   ub_c_yylen
45 #define yydefred ub_c_yydefred
46 #define yydgoto ub_c_yydgoto
47 #define yysindex ub_c_yysindex
48 #define yyrindex ub_c_yyrindex
49 #define yygindex ub_c_yygindex
50 #define yytable  ub_c_yytable
51 #define yycheck  ub_c_yycheck
52 #define yyname   ub_c_yyname
53 #define yyrule   ub_c_yyrule
54 #define yyin    ub_c_in
55 #define yyout   ub_c_out
56 #define yywrap  ub_c_wrap
57 #define yy_load_buffer_state ub_c_load_buffer_state
58 #define yy_switch_to_buffer ub_c_switch_to_buffer
59 #define yy_flush_buffer ub_c_flush_buffer
60 #define yy_init_buffer ub_c_init_buffer
61 #define yy_scan_buffer ub_c_scan_buffer
62 #define yy_scan_bytes ub_c_scan_bytes
63 #define yy_scan_string ub_c_scan_string
64 #define yy_create_buffer ub_c_create_buffer
65 #define yyrestart ub_c_restart
66 #define yy_delete_buffer ub_c_delete_buffer
67 #define yypop_buffer_state ub_c_pop_buffer_state
68 #define yypush_buffer_state ub_c_push_buffer_state
69 #define yyunput ub_c_unput
70 #define yyset_in ub_c_set_in
71 #define yyget_in ub_c_get_in
72 #define yyset_out ub_c_set_out
73 #define yyget_out ub_c_get_out
74 #define yyget_lineno ub_c_get_lineno
75 #define yyset_lineno ub_c_set_lineno
76 #define yyset_debug ub_c_set_debug
77 #define yyget_debug ub_c_get_debug
78 #define yy_flex_debug ub_c_flex_debug
79 #define yylex_destroy ub_c_lex_destroy
80 #define yyfree ub_c_free
81 #define yyrealloc ub_c_realloc
82 #define yyalloc ub_c_alloc
83 #define yymalloc ub_c_malloc
84 #define yyget_leng ub_c_get_leng
85 #define yylineno ub_c_lineno
86 #define yyget_text ub_c_get_text
87 #define yyss    ub_c_ss
88 #define yysslim ub_c_sslim
89 #define yyssp   ub_c_ssp
90 #define yystacksize ub_c_stacksize
91 #define yyvs    ub_c_vs
92 #define yyvsp   ub_c_vsp