xref: /netbsd/share/man/man0/cshcmd (revision c69add82)
1csh(1) alias: shell macros.
2csh(1) bg: place job in background.
3csh(1) break: exit while/foreach loop.
4csh(1) breaksw: exit from switch.
5csh(1) case: selector in switch.
6csh(1) cd: change directory.
7csh(1) chdir: change directory.
8csh(1) continue: cycle in loop.
9csh(1) default: catchall clause in switch.
10csh(1) echo: echo arguments.
11csh(1) else: alternative commands.
12csh(1) end: terminate loop.
13csh(1) endif: terminate conditional.
14csh(1) endsw: terminate switch.
15csh(1) eval: re-evaluate shell data.
16csh(1) exec: overlay shell with specified command.
17csh(1) exit: leave shell.
18csh(1) fg: bring job into foreground.
19csh(1) foreach: loop over list of names.
20csh(1) glob: filename expand argument list.
21csh(1) goto: command transfer.
22csh(1) hashstat: print command hashing statistics.
23csh(1) history: print history event list.
24csh(1) if: conditional statement.
25csh(1) jobs: print current job list.
26csh(1) kill: kill jobs and processes.
27csh(1) limit: alter per-process resource limitations.
28csh(1) login: login new user.
29csh(1) logout: end session.
30csh(1) nice: run low priority process.
31csh(1) nohup: run command immune to hangups.
32csh(1) notify: request immediate notification.
33csh(1) onintr: process interrupts in command scripts.
34csh(1) popd: pop shell directory stack.
35csh(1) pushd: push shell directory stack.
36csh(1) rehash: recompute command hash table.
37csh(1) repeat: execute command repeatedly.
38csh(1) set: change value of shell variable.
39csh(1) setenv: set variable in environment.
40csh(1) shift: manipulate argument list.
41csh(1) source: read commands from file.
42csh(1) stop: halt a job or process.
43csh(1) suspend: suspend a shell, resuming its superior.
44csh(1) switch: multi-way command branch.
45csh(1) time: time command.
46csh(1) umask: change or display file creation mask.
47csh(1) unalias: remove aliases.
48csh(1) unhash: discard command hash table.
49csh(1) unlimit: remove resource limitations.
50csh(1) unsetenv: remove environment variables.
51csh(1) unset: discard shell variables.
52csh(1) wait: wait for background processes to complete.
53csh(1) while: repeat commands conditionally.
54csh(1) @: arithmetic on shell variables.