1 //===-- DNB.h ---------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// 2 // 3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. 4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. 5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception 6 // 7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// 8 // 9 // Created by Greg Clayton on 3/23/07. 10 // 11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// 12 13 #ifndef LLDB_TOOLS_DEBUGSERVER_SOURCE_DNB_H 14 #define LLDB_TOOLS_DEBUGSERVER_SOURCE_DNB_H 15 16 #include "DNBDefs.h" 17 #include "JSONGenerator.h" 18 #include "MacOSX/Genealogy.h" 19 #include "MacOSX/ThreadInfo.h" 20 #include "RNBContext.h" 21 #include <Availability.h> 22 #include <mach/machine.h> 23 #include <mach/thread_info.h> 24 #include <optional> 25 #include <string> 26 27 #define DNB_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) 28 29 #ifndef CPU_TYPE_ARM64 30 #define CPU_TYPE_ARM64 ((cpu_type_t)12 | 0x01000000) 31 #endif 32 33 #ifndef CPU_TYPE_ARM64_32 34 #define CPU_TYPE_ARM64_32 ((cpu_type_t)12 | 0x02000000) 35 #endif 36 37 typedef bool (*DNBShouldCancelCallback)(void *); 38 39 void DNBInitialize(); 40 void DNBTerminate(); 41 42 nub_bool_t DNBSetArchitecture(const char *arch); 43 44 // Process control 45 nub_process_t DNBProcessLaunch( 46 RNBContext *ctx, const char *path, char const *argv[], const char *envp[], 47 const char *working_directory, // NULL => don't change, non-NULL => set 48 // working directory for inferior to this 49 const char *stdin_path, const char *stdout_path, const char *stderr_path, 50 bool no_stdio, int disable_aslr, const char *event_data, char *err_str, 51 size_t err_len); 52 53 nub_process_t DNBProcessGetPIDByName(const char *name); 54 nub_process_t DNBProcessAttach(nub_process_t pid, struct timespec *timeout, 55 const RNBContext::IgnoredExceptions 56 &ignored_exceptions, 57 char *err_str, 58 size_t err_len); 59 nub_process_t DNBProcessAttachByName(const char *name, struct timespec *timeout, 60 const RNBContext::IgnoredExceptions 61 &ignored_exceptions, 62 char *err_str, 63 size_t err_len); 64 nub_process_t DNBProcessAttachWait(RNBContext *ctx, const char *wait_name, 65 bool ignore_existing, 66 struct timespec *timeout, 67 useconds_t interval, char *err_str, 68 size_t err_len, 69 DNBShouldCancelCallback should_cancel = NULL, 70 void *callback_data = NULL); 71 // Resume a process with exact instructions on what to do with each thread: 72 // - If no thread actions are supplied (actions is NULL or num_actions is zero), 73 // then all threads are continued. 74 // - If any thread actions are supplied, then each thread will do as it is told 75 // by the action. A default actions for any threads that don't have an 76 // explicit thread action can be made by making a thread action with a tid of 77 // INVALID_NUB_THREAD. If there is no default action, those threads will 78 // remain stopped. 79 nub_bool_t DNBProcessResume(nub_process_t pid, 80 const DNBThreadResumeAction *actions, 81 size_t num_actions) DNB_EXPORT; 82 nub_bool_t DNBProcessHalt(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 83 nub_bool_t DNBProcessDetach(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 84 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSignal(nub_process_t pid, int signal) DNB_EXPORT; 85 nub_bool_t DNBProcessInterrupt(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 86 nub_bool_t DNBProcessKill(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 87 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSendEvent(nub_process_t pid, const char *event) DNB_EXPORT; 88 nub_size_t DNBProcessMemoryRead(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, 89 nub_size_t size, void *buf) DNB_EXPORT; 90 uint64_t DNBProcessMemoryReadInteger(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, 91 nub_size_t integer_size, 92 uint64_t fail_value) DNB_EXPORT; 93 nub_addr_t DNBProcessMemoryReadPointer(nub_process_t pid, 94 nub_addr_t addr) DNB_EXPORT; 95 std::string DNBProcessMemoryReadCString(nub_process_t pid, 96 nub_addr_t addr) DNB_EXPORT; 97 std::string 98 DNBProcessMemoryReadCStringFixed(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, 99 nub_size_t fixed_length) DNB_EXPORT; 100 nub_size_t DNBProcessMemoryWrite(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, 101 nub_size_t size, const void *buf) DNB_EXPORT; 102 nub_addr_t DNBProcessMemoryAllocate(nub_process_t pid, nub_size_t size, 103 uint32_t permissions) DNB_EXPORT; 104 nub_bool_t DNBProcessMemoryDeallocate(nub_process_t pid, 105 nub_addr_t addr) DNB_EXPORT; 106 int DNBProcessMemoryRegionInfo(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, 107 DNBRegionInfo *region_info) DNB_EXPORT; 108 std::string 109 DNBProcessGetProfileData(nub_process_t pid, 110 DNBProfileDataScanType scanType) DNB_EXPORT; 111 nub_bool_t 112 DNBProcessSetEnableAsyncProfiling(nub_process_t pid, nub_bool_t enable, 113 uint64_t interval_usec, 114 DNBProfileDataScanType scan_type) DNB_EXPORT; 115 116 // Process status 117 nub_bool_t DNBProcessIsAlive(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 118 nub_state_t DNBProcessGetState(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 119 nub_bool_t DNBProcessGetExitStatus(nub_process_t pid, int *status) DNB_EXPORT; 120 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetExitStatus(nub_process_t pid, int status) DNB_EXPORT; 121 const char *DNBProcessGetExitInfo(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 122 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetExitInfo(nub_process_t pid, 123 const char *info) DNB_EXPORT; 124 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetNumThreads(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 125 nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetCurrentThread(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 126 nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetCurrentThreadMachPort(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 127 nub_thread_t DNBProcessSetCurrentThread(nub_process_t pid, 128 nub_thread_t tid) DNB_EXPORT; 129 nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetThreadAtIndex(nub_process_t pid, 130 nub_size_t thread_idx) DNB_EXPORT; 131 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSyncThreadState(nub_process_t pid, 132 nub_thread_t tid) DNB_EXPORT; 133 nub_addr_t DNBProcessGetSharedLibraryInfoAddress(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 134 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSharedLibrariesUpdated(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 135 nub_size_t 136 DNBProcessGetSharedLibraryInfo(nub_process_t pid, nub_bool_t only_changed, 137 DNBExecutableImageInfo **image_infos) DNB_EXPORT; 138 std::optional<std::string> 139 DNBGetDeploymentInfo(nub_process_t pid, bool is_executable, 140 const struct load_command &lc, 141 uint64_t load_command_address, uint32_t &major_version, 142 uint32_t &minor_version, uint32_t &patch_version); 143 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetNameToAddressCallback(nub_process_t pid, 144 DNBCallbackNameToAddress callback, 145 void *baton) DNB_EXPORT; 146 nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetSharedLibraryInfoCallback( 147 nub_process_t pid, DNBCallbackCopyExecutableImageInfos callback, 148 void *baton) DNB_EXPORT; 149 nub_addr_t DNBProcessLookupAddress(nub_process_t pid, const char *name, 150 const char *shlib) DNB_EXPORT; 151 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableSTDOUT(nub_process_t pid, char *buf, 152 nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT; 153 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableSTDERR(nub_process_t pid, char *buf, 154 nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT; 155 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableProfileData(nub_process_t pid, char *buf, 156 nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT; 157 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetStopCount(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 158 uint32_t DNBProcessGetCPUType(nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT; 159 size_t DNBGetAllInfos(std::vector<struct kinfo_proc> &proc_infos); 160 JSONGenerator::ObjectSP DNBGetDyldProcessState(nub_process_t pid); 161 162 // Process executable and arguments 163 const char *DNBProcessGetExecutablePath(nub_process_t pid); 164 const char *DNBProcessGetArgumentAtIndex(nub_process_t pid, nub_size_t idx); 165 nub_size_t DNBProcessGetArgumentCount(nub_process_t pid); 166 167 // Process events 168 nub_event_t DNBProcessWaitForEvents(nub_process_t pid, nub_event_t event_mask, 169 bool wait_for_set, 170 struct timespec *timeout); 171 void DNBProcessResetEvents(nub_process_t pid, nub_event_t event_mask); 172 173 // Thread functions 174 const char *DNBThreadGetName(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 175 nub_bool_t 176 DNBThreadGetIdentifierInfo(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 177 thread_identifier_info_data_t *ident_info); 178 nub_state_t DNBThreadGetState(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 179 nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetRegisterValueByID(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 180 uint32_t set, uint32_t reg, 181 DNBRegisterValue *value); 182 nub_bool_t DNBThreadSetRegisterValueByID(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 183 uint32_t set, uint32_t reg, 184 const DNBRegisterValue *value); 185 nub_size_t DNBThreadGetRegisterContext(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 186 void *buf, size_t buf_len); 187 nub_size_t DNBThreadSetRegisterContext(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 188 const void *buf, size_t buf_len); 189 uint32_t DNBThreadSaveRegisterState(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 190 nub_bool_t DNBThreadRestoreRegisterState(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 191 uint32_t save_id); 192 nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetRegisterValueByName(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 193 uint32_t set, const char *name, 194 DNBRegisterValue *value); 195 nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetStopReason(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 196 DNBThreadStopInfo *stop_info); 197 const char *DNBThreadGetInfo(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 198 Genealogy::ThreadActivitySP DNBGetGenealogyInfoForThread(nub_process_t pid, 199 nub_thread_t tid, 200 bool &timed_out); 201 Genealogy::ProcessExecutableInfoSP DNBGetGenealogyImageInfo(nub_process_t pid, 202 size_t idx); 203 ThreadInfo::QoS DNBGetRequestedQoSForThread(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 204 nub_addr_t tsd, 205 uint64_t dti_qos_class_index); 206 nub_addr_t DNBGetPThreadT(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 207 nub_addr_t DNBGetDispatchQueueT(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid); 208 nub_addr_t 209 DNBGetTSDAddressForThread(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, 210 uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_base_address_offset, 211 uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_base_offset, 212 uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_entry_size); 213 JSONGenerator::ObjectSP DNBGetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos( 214 nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image_list_address, nub_addr_t image_count); 215 JSONGenerator::ObjectSP DNBGetAllLoadedLibrariesInfos(nub_process_t pid); 216 JSONGenerator::ObjectSP 217 DNBGetLibrariesInfoForAddresses(nub_process_t pid, 218 std::vector<uint64_t> &macho_addresses); 219 JSONGenerator::ObjectSP DNBGetSharedCacheInfo(nub_process_t pid); 220 221 // 222 // Breakpoint functions 223 nub_bool_t DNBBreakpointSet(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, 224 nub_bool_t hardware); 225 nub_bool_t DNBBreakpointClear(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr); 226 227 // Watchpoint functions 228 nub_bool_t DNBWatchpointSet(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, 229 uint32_t watch_flags, nub_bool_t hardware); 230 nub_bool_t DNBWatchpointClear(nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr); 231 uint32_t DNBWatchpointGetNumSupportedHWP(nub_process_t pid); 232 233 uint32_t DNBGetRegisterCPUType(); 234 const DNBRegisterSetInfo *DNBGetRegisterSetInfo(nub_size_t *num_reg_sets); 235 nub_bool_t DNBGetRegisterInfoByName(const char *reg_name, 236 DNBRegisterInfo *info); 237 238 // Other static nub information calls. 239 const char *DNBStateAsString(nub_state_t state); 240 nub_bool_t DNBResolveExecutablePath(const char *path, char *resolved_path, 241 size_t resolved_path_size); 242 bool DNBGetOSVersionNumbers(uint64_t *major, uint64_t *minor, uint64_t *patch); 243 /// \return the iOSSupportVersion of the host OS. 244 std::string DNBGetMacCatalystVersionString(); 245 246 /// \return true if debugserver is running in translation 247 /// (is an x86_64 process on arm64) 248 bool DNBDebugserverIsTranslated(); 249 250 bool DNBGetAddressingBits(uint32_t &addressing_bits); 251 #endif 252