1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
3 * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5 */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rotate.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 05/15/85";
9 #endif not lint
11 /*
12 * Rotate a Varian/Versatec font.
13 */
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <vfont.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #include <sys/stat.h>
20 char *chp;
21 char *sbrk();
main(argc,argv)23 main(argc,argv)
24 char **argv;
25 {
26 struct header h;
27 struct dispatch d[256], nd;
28 struct stat stb;
29 off_t tell();
30 int i,size;
31 int beg;
32 char scr[2048];
34 argc--, argv++;
35 if (argc > 0) {
36 close(0);
37 if (open(argv[0], 0) < 0)
38 perror(argv[0]), exit(1);
39 }
40 if (read(0, &h, sizeof(h)) != sizeof(h)) {
41 fprintf(stderr, "header read error\n");
42 exit(1);
43 }
44 if (h.magic != 0436) {
45 fprintf(stderr, "bad magic number\n");
46 exit(1);
47 }
48 if (read(0, d, sizeof(d)) != sizeof(d)) {
49 fprintf(stderr, "dispatch read error\n");
50 exit(1);
51 }
52 fstat(0, &stb);
53 size = stb.st_size - tell(0);
54 fprintf(stderr, "%d bytes of characters\n", size);
55 chp = sbrk(size + 1024);
56 read(0, chp, size);
57 write(1, &h, sizeof (h));
58 write(1, d, sizeof (d));
59 beg = tell(1);
60 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
61 if (d[i].nbytes) {
62 if (d[i].addr + d[i].nbytes > size) {
63 fprintf(stderr, "char %d out of range\n", i);
64 continue;
65 }
66 cvt(&d[i], chp+d[i].addr, &nd, scr);
67 d[i] = nd;
68 d[i].addr = tell(1) - beg;
69 write(1, scr, d[i].nbytes);
70 }
71 fprintf(stderr, "done, new size %d\n", tell(1) - beg);
72 h.size = tell(1) - beg;
73 lseek(1, 0, 0);
74 write(1, &h, sizeof (h));
75 write(1, d, sizeof (d));
76 }
78 cvt(odp, ocp, dp, cp)
79 struct dispatch *odp, *dp;
80 register char *ocp, *cp;
81 {
82 int max;
83 int bpl;
84 int row,byte,bit;
85 register char *ep;
86 register int bitoff;
87 register int bits;
88 int extra;
90 max = (odp->up+odp->down+7)/8;
91 extra = max*8 - (odp->down+odp->up);
92 dp->down = odp->down;
93 dp->up = odp->up;
94 dp->left = odp->left;
95 dp->right = odp->right;
96 dp->nbytes = max*(dp->right+dp->left);
97 ep = cp;
98 for (byte = 0; byte < dp->nbytes; byte++)
99 *ep++ = 0;
100 bpl = (dp->right+dp->left+7)/8;
101 for (row = 0; row < odp->up+odp->down; row++) {
102 for (byte = 0; byte < bpl; byte++) {
103 bits = *ocp++;
104 for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
105 if (bits & 0x80) {
106 ep = cp + max*(byte*8+bit);
107 bitoff = max*8 - row - 1 - extra;
108 ep += (bitoff/8);
109 *ep |= 0x80 >> (bitoff%8);
110 }
111 bits <<= 1;
112 }
113 }
114 }
115 }