1# NMake Makefile portion for displaying config info
4	@echo.
5	@echo ----------
6	@echo Build info
7	@echo ---------
8	@echo Build Type: $(CFG)
11	@echo.
12	@echo ============================
13	@echo Building atkmm Using NMake
14	@echo ============================
15	@echo nmake /f Makefile.vc CFG=[release^|debug] ^<PREFIX=PATH^> <option1=xxx option2=xxx>
16	@echo.
17	@echo Where:
18	@echo ------
19	@echo CFG: Required, use CFG=release for an optimized build and CFG=debug
20	@echo for a debug build.  PDB files are generated for all builds.
21	@echo.
22	@echo PREFIX: Optional, the path where dependent libraries and tools may be
23	@echo found, default is ^$(srcrootdir)\..\vs^$(short_vs_ver)\^$(platform),
24	@echo where ^$(short_vs_ver) is 12 for VS 2013, 14 for VS2015 and so on;
25	@echo and ^$(platform) is Win32 for 32-bit builds and x64 for x64 builds.
26	@echo.
27	@echo ======
28	@echo A 'clean' target is supported to remove all generated files, intermediate
29	@echo object files and binaries for the specified configuration.
30	@echo.
31	@echo An 'install' target is supported to copy the build (DLLs, LIBs, along
32	@echo with the header files) to appropriate locations under ^$(PREFIX).
33	@echo ======
34	@echo.