1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="commands_time_date_notifications">
2  <info>
3    <link type="next" xref="commands_profiles" />
4    <link type="guide" xref="commands#getting_started" />
5    <link type="seealso" xref="howto_notifications"  />
6    <title type="sort">4. Time, Date, and Notification</title>
7    <title type="link">Time, Date, and Notification</title>
8    <desc>
9      Commands for getting the time, date, and notification messages
10    </desc>
11    <credit type="author">
12      <name>Joanmarie Diggs</name>
13      <email>joanied@gnome.org</email>
14    </credit>
15    <license>
16      <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
17    </license>
18  </info>
19  <title>Time, Date, and Notification Commands</title>
20  <p>
21    The following commands can be used to obtain the current time and date
22    and to review previously-displayed notification messages:
23  </p>
24  <section id="time_and_date">
25    <title>Obtaining the Time and Date</title>
26    <list>
27      <item>
28        <p>
29          Present the time: <keyseq><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>T</key></keyseq>
30        </p>
31      </item>
32      <item>
33        <p>
34          Present the date: <keyseq><key>Orca Modifier</key><key>T</key></keyseq>
35          (double-clicked)
36        </p>
37      </item>
38    </list>
39  </section>
40  <section id="notifications">
41    <title>Reviewing Notification Messages</title>
42    <p>
43      Orca has three unbound commands for accessing previously-displayed
44      <link xref="howto_notifications">notification messages</link>. Please
45      see <link xref="howto_key_bindings">Modifying Keybindings</link> for
46      information on how to bind these commands to keystrokes.
47    </p>
48    <list>
49      <item>
50        <p>Present the last (most recent) notification message: (Unbound)</p>
51      </item>
52      <item>
53        <p>Present the previous notification message: (Unbound)</p>
54      </item>
55      <item>
56        <p>Present list of all notification messages: (Unbound)</p>
57      </item>
58    </list>
59  </section>