1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="preferences_chat">
2  <info>
3    <link type="guide" xref="preferences#application" />
4    <link type="next" xref="preferences_spellcheck" />
5    <title type="sort">3. Chat</title>
6    <title type="link">Chat</title>
7    <desc>
8      Configuring <app>Orca</app>'s support for IM and IRC
9    </desc>
10    <credit type="author">
11      <name>Joanmarie Diggs</name>
12      <email>joanied@gnome.org</email>
13    </credit>
14    <license>
15      <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
16    </license>
17  </info>
18  <title>Chat Preferences</title>
19  <p>
20    The following options allow you to customize how <app>Orca</app>
21    behaves when providing access to instant messaging and internet
22    relay chat clients.
23  </p>
24  <section id="speak_name">
25    <title>Speak Chat Room name</title>
26    <p>
27      If this checkbox is checked, <app>Orca</app> will prefix incoming messages
28      with the name of the room or buddy they came from, unless they came from
29      the currently-focused conversation.
30    </p>
31    <p>
32       Default value: not checked
33    </p>
34  </section>
35  <section id="announce_typing">
36    <title>Announce when your buddies are typing</title>
37    <p>
38      If this checkbox is checked, and if <app>Orca</app> has sufficient
39      information identifying that your buddy is typing, <app>Orca</app> will
40     announce changes in typing status.
41    </p>
42    <p>
43       Default value: not checked
44    </p>
45  </section>
46  <section id="message_histories">
47    <title>Provide chat room specific message histories</title>
48    <p>
49      If this checkbox is checked, <app>Orca</app>'s commands for reviewing
50      recent messages will only apply to the currently-focused conversation.
51      Otherwise, the history will contain the most recent messages regardless
52      of which conversation they came from.
53    </p>
54    <p>
55       Default value: not checked
56    </p>
57  </section>
58  <section id="speak_messages_from">
59    <title>Speak messages from</title>
60    <p>
61      This group of radio buttons allows you to control under what circumstances
62      <app>Orca</app> will present an incoming message to you. Your choices are:
63    </p>
64    <list>
65      <item>
66        <p><gui>All channels</gui></p>
67      </item>
68      <item>
69        <p><gui>A channel only if its window is active</gui></p>
70      </item>
71      <item>
72        <p><gui>All channels when any chat window is active</gui></p>
73      </item>
74    </list>
75    <p>
76       Default value: all channels
77    </p>
78  </section>