1 /// Deprecated in [Issue #3087](https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/3087), maybe [`clap::Parser`][crate::Parser] would fit your use case?
2 #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
3 #[deprecated(
4     since = "3.0.0",
5     note = "Deprecated in Issue #3087, maybe clap::Parser would fit your use case?"
6 )]
7 #[macro_export]
8 macro_rules! load_yaml {
9     ($yaml:expr) => {
10         &$crate::YamlLoader::load_from_str(include_str!($yaml)).expect("failed to load YAML file")
11             [0]
12     };
13 }
15 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`ArgMatches::value_of_t`][crate::ArgMatches::value_of_t]
16 #[macro_export]
17 #[deprecated(since = "3.0.0", note = "Replaced with `ArgMatches::value_of_t`")]
18 macro_rules! value_t {
19     ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
20         $crate::value_t!($m.value_of($v), $t)
21     };
22     ($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
23         $m.value_of_t::<$t>($v)
24     };
25 }
27 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`ArgMatches::value_of_t_or_exit`][crate::ArgMatches::value_of_t_or_exit]
28 #[macro_export]
29 #[deprecated(
30     since = "3.0.0",
31     note = "Replaced with `ArgMatches::value_of_t_or_exit`"
32 )]
33 macro_rules! value_t_or_exit {
34     ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
35         value_t_or_exit!($m.value_of($v), $t)
36     };
37     ($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
38         $m.value_of_t_or_exit::<$t>($v)
39     };
40 }
42 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`ArgMatches::values_of_t`][crate::ArgMatches::value_of_t]
43 #[macro_export]
44 #[deprecated(since = "3.0.0", note = "Replaced with `ArgMatches::values_of_t`")]
45 macro_rules! values_t {
46     ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
47         values_t!($m.values_of($v), $t)
48     };
49     ($m:ident.values_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
50         $m.values_of_t::<$t>($v)
51     };
52 }
54 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`ArgMatches::values_of_t_or_exit`][crate::ArgMatches::value_of_t_or_exit]
55 #[macro_export]
56 #[deprecated(
57     since = "3.0.0",
58     note = "Replaced with `ArgMatches::values_of_t_or_exit`"
59 )]
60 macro_rules! values_t_or_exit {
61     ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
62         values_t_or_exit!($m.values_of($v), $t)
63     };
64     ($m:ident.values_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
65         $m.values_of_t_or_exit::<$t>($v)
66     };
67 }
69 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`ArgEnum`][crate::ArgEnum]
70 #[deprecated(since = "3.0.0", note = "Replaced with `ArgEnum`")]
71 #[macro_export]
72 macro_rules! arg_enum {
73     (@as_item $($i:item)*) => ($($i)*);
74     (@impls ( $($tts:tt)* ) -> ($e:ident, $($v:ident),+)) => {
75         $crate::arg_enum!(@as_item
76         $($tts)*
78         impl ::std::str::FromStr for $e {
79             type Err = String;
81             fn from_str(s: &str) -> ::std::result::Result<Self,Self::Err> {
82                 #[allow(deprecated, unused_imports)]
83                 use ::std::ascii::AsciiExt;
84                 match s {
85                     $(stringify!($v) |
86                     _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case(stringify!($v)) => Ok($e::$v)),+,
87                     _ => Err({
88                         let v = vec![
89                             $(stringify!($v),)+
90                         ];
91                         format!("valid values: {}",
92                             v.join(", "))
93                     }),
94                 }
95             }
96         }
97         impl ::std::fmt::Display for $e {
98             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
99                 match *self {
100                     $($e::$v => write!(f, stringify!($v)),)+
101                 }
102             }
103         }
104         impl $e {
105             #[allow(dead_code)]
106             pub fn variants() -> [&'static str; $crate::_clap_count_exprs!($(stringify!($v)),+)] {
107                 [
108                     $(stringify!($v),)+
109                 ]
110             }
111         });
112     };
113     ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
114         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
115             ($(#[$($m),+])+
116             pub enum $e {
117                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
118             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
119         );
120     };
121     ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
122         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
123             ($(#[$($m),+])+
124             pub enum $e {
125                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
126             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
127         );
128     };
129     ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
130         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
131             ($(#[$($m),+])+
132              enum $e {
133                  $($v$(=$val)*),+
134              }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
135         );
136     };
137     ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
138         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
139             ($(#[$($m),+])+
140             enum $e {
141                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
142             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
143         );
144     };
145     (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
146         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
147             (pub enum $e {
148                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
149             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
150         );
151     };
152     (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
153         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
154             (pub enum $e {
155                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
156             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
157         );
158     };
159     (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
160         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
161             (enum $e {
162                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
163             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
164         );
165     };
166     (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
167         $crate::arg_enum!(@impls
168             (enum $e {
169                 $($v$(=$val)*),+
170             }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
171         );
172     };
173 }
175 /// Allows you to pull the version from your Cargo.toml at compile time as
177 ///
178 /// # Examples
179 ///
180 /// ```no_run
181 /// # #[macro_use]
182 /// # extern crate clap;
183 /// # use clap::App;
184 /// # fn main() {
185 /// let m = App::new("app")
186 ///             .version(crate_version!())
187 ///             .get_matches();
188 /// # }
189 /// ```
190 #[cfg(feature = "cargo")]
191 #[macro_export]
192 macro_rules! crate_version {
193     () => {
194         env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
195     };
196 }
198 /// Allows you to pull the authors for the app from your Cargo.toml at
199 /// compile time in the form:
200 /// `"author1 lastname <author1@example.com>:author2 lastname <author2@example.com>"`
201 ///
202 /// You can replace the colons with a custom separator by supplying a
203 /// replacement string, so, for example,
204 /// `crate_authors!(",\n")` would become
205 /// `"author1 lastname <author1@example.com>,\nauthor2 lastname <author2@example.com>,\nauthor3 lastname <author3@example.com>"`
206 ///
207 /// # Examples
208 ///
209 /// ```no_run
210 /// # #[macro_use]
211 /// # extern crate clap;
212 /// # use clap::App;
213 /// # fn main() {
214 /// let m = App::new("app")
215 ///             .author(crate_authors!("\n"))
216 ///             .get_matches();
217 /// # }
218 /// ```
219 #[cfg(feature = "cargo")]
220 #[macro_export]
221 macro_rules! crate_authors {
222     ($sep:expr) => {{
223         clap::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
224             static ref CACHED: String = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS").replace(':', $sep);
225         }
227         let s: &'static str = &*CACHED;
228         s
229     }};
230     () => {
231         env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS")
232     };
233 }
235 /// Allows you to pull the description from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
236 ///
237 /// # Examples
238 ///
239 /// ```no_run
240 /// # #[macro_use]
241 /// # extern crate clap;
242 /// # use clap::App;
243 /// # fn main() {
244 /// let m = App::new("app")
245 ///             .about(crate_description!())
246 ///             .get_matches();
247 /// # }
248 /// ```
249 #[cfg(feature = "cargo")]
250 #[macro_export]
251 macro_rules! crate_description {
252     () => {
253         env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION")
254     };
255 }
257 /// Allows you to pull the name from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
258 ///
259 /// # Examples
260 ///
261 /// ```no_run
262 /// # #[macro_use]
263 /// # extern crate clap;
264 /// # use clap::App;
265 /// # fn main() {
266 /// let m = App::new(crate_name!())
267 ///             .get_matches();
268 /// # }
269 /// ```
270 #[cfg(feature = "cargo")]
271 #[macro_export]
272 macro_rules! crate_name {
273     () => {
274         env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")
275     };
276 }
278 /// Allows you to build the `App` instance from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
279 ///
280 /// Equivalent to using the `crate_*!` macros with their respective fields.
281 ///
282 /// Provided separator is for the [`crate_authors!`] macro,
283 /// refer to the documentation therefor.
284 ///
285 /// **NOTE:** Changing the values in your `Cargo.toml` does not trigger a re-build automatically,
286 /// and therefore won't change the generated output until you recompile.
287 ///
288 /// **Pro Tip:** In some cases you can "trick" the compiler into triggering a rebuild when your
289 /// `Cargo.toml` is changed by including this in your `src/main.rs` file
290 /// `include_str!("../Cargo.toml");`
291 ///
292 /// # Examples
293 ///
294 /// ```no_run
295 /// # #[macro_use]
296 /// # extern crate clap;
297 /// # fn main() {
298 /// let m = app_from_crate!().get_matches();
299 /// # }
300 /// ```
301 #[cfg(feature = "cargo")]
302 #[macro_export]
303 macro_rules! app_from_crate {
304     () => {{
305         let mut app = $crate::App::new($crate::crate_name!()).version($crate::crate_version!());
307         let author = $crate::crate_authors!(", ");
308         if !author.is_empty() {
309             app = app.author(author)
310         }
312         let about = $crate::crate_description!();
313         if !about.is_empty() {
314             app = app.about(about)
315         }
317         app
318     }};
319     ($sep:expr) => {{
320         let mut app = $crate::App::new($crate::crate_name!()).version($crate::crate_version!());
322         let author = $crate::crate_authors!($sep);
323         if !author.is_empty() {
324             app = app.author(author)
325         }
327         let about = $crate::crate_description!();
328         if !about.is_empty() {
329             app = app.about(about)
330         }
332         app
333     }};
334 }
336 #[doc(hidden)]
337 #[macro_export]
338 macro_rules! arg_impl {
339     ( @string $val:ident ) => {
340         stringify!($val)
341     };
342     ( @string $val:literal ) => {{
343         let ident_or_string_literal: &str = $val;
344         ident_or_string_literal
345     }};
346     ( @string $val:tt ) => {
347         ::std::compile_error!("Only identifiers or string literals supported");
348     };
349     ( @string ) => {
350         None
351     };
353     ( @char $val:ident ) => {{
354         let ident_or_char_literal = stringify!($val);
355         debug_assert_eq!(
356             ident_or_char_literal.len(),
357             1,
358             "Single-letter identifier expected, got {}",
359             ident_or_char_literal
360         );
361         ident_or_char_literal.chars().next().unwrap()
362     }};
363     ( @char $val:literal ) => {{
364         let ident_or_char_literal: char = $val;
365         ident_or_char_literal
366     }};
367     ( @char ) => {{
368         None
369     }};
371     (
372         @arg
373         ($arg:expr)
374         --$long:ident
375         $($tail:tt)*
376     ) => {
377         $crate::arg_impl! {
378             @arg
379             ({
380                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Flags should precede values");
381                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Flags should precede `...`");
383                 let mut arg = $arg;
384                 let long = $crate::arg_impl! { @string $long };
385                 if arg.get_name().is_empty() {
386                     arg = arg.name(long);
387                 }
388                 arg.long(long)
389             })
390             $($tail)*
391         }
392     };
393     (
394         @arg
395         ($arg:expr)
396         --$long:literal
397         $($tail:tt)*
398     ) => {
399         $crate::arg_impl! {
400             @arg
401             ({
402                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Flags should precede values");
403                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Flags should precede `...`");
405                 let mut arg = $arg;
406                 let long = $crate::arg_impl! { @string $long };
407                 if arg.get_name().is_empty() {
408                     arg = arg.name(long);
409                 }
410                 arg.long(long)
411             })
412             $($tail)*
413         }
414     };
415     (
416         @arg
417         ($arg:expr)
418         -$short:ident
419         $($tail:tt)*
420     ) => {
421         $crate::arg_impl! {
422             @arg
423             ({
424                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_long(), None, "Short flags should precede long flags");
425                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Flags should precede values");
426                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Flags should precede `...`");
428                 $arg.short($crate::arg_impl! { @char $short })
429             })
430             $($tail)*
431         }
432     };
433     (
434         @arg
435         ($arg:expr)
436         -$short:literal
437         $($tail:tt)*
438     ) => {
439         $crate::arg_impl! {
440             @arg
441             ({
442                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_long(), None, "Short flags should precede long flags");
443                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Flags should precede values");
444                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Flags should precede `...`");
446                 $arg.short($crate::arg_impl! { @char $short })
447             })
448             $($tail)*
449         }
450     };
451     (
452         @arg
453         ($arg:expr)
454         <$value_name:ident>
455         $($tail:tt)*
456     ) => {
457         $crate::arg_impl! {
458             @arg
459             ({
460                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Values should precede `...`");
461                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Multiple values not yet supported");
463                 let mut arg = $arg;
465                 arg = arg.required(true);
466                 arg = arg.takes_value(true);
468                 let value_name = $crate::arg_impl! { @string $value_name };
469                 if arg.get_name().is_empty() {
470                     arg = arg.name(value_name);
471                 }
472                 arg.value_name(value_name)
473             })
474             $($tail)*
475         }
476     };
477     (
478         @arg
479         ($arg:expr)
480         [$value_name:ident]
481         $($tail:tt)*
482     ) => {
483         $crate::arg_impl! {
484             @arg
485             ({
486                 debug_assert!(!$arg.is_set($crate::ArgSettings::MultipleOccurrences), "Values should precede `...`");
487                 debug_assert_eq!($arg.get_value_names(), None, "Multiple values not yet supported");
489                 let mut arg = $arg;
491                 if arg.get_long().is_none() && arg.get_short().is_none() {
492                     arg = arg.required(false);
493                 } else {
494                     arg = arg.min_values(0).max_values(1);
495                 }
496                 arg = arg.takes_value(true);
498                 let value_name = $crate::arg_impl! { @string $value_name };
499                 if arg.get_name().is_empty() {
500                     arg = arg.name(value_name);
501                 }
502                 arg.value_name(value_name)
503             })
504             $($tail)*
505         }
506     };
507     (
508         @arg
509         ($arg:expr)
510         ...
511         $($tail:tt)*
512     ) => {
513         $crate::arg_impl! {
514             @arg
515             ({
516                 $arg.multiple_occurrences(true)
517             })
518             $($tail)*
519         }
520     };
521     (
522         @arg
523         ($arg:expr)
524         $help:literal
525     ) => {
526         $arg.help($help)
527     };
528     (
529         @arg
530         ($arg:expr)
531     ) => {
532         $arg
533     };
534 }
536 /// Create an [`Arg`] from a usage string.
537 ///
538 /// Allows creation of basic settings for the [`Arg`].
539 ///
540 /// **NOTE**: Not all settings may be set using the usage string method. Some properties are
541 /// only available via the builder pattern.
542 ///
543 /// # Syntax
544 ///
545 /// Usage strings typically following the form:
546 ///
547 /// ```notrust
548 /// [explicit name] [short] [long] [value names] [...] [help string]
549 /// ```
550 ///
551 /// ### Explicit Name
552 ///
553 /// The name may be either a bare-word or a string, followed by a `:`, like `name:` or
554 /// `"name":`.
555 ///
556 /// *Note:* This is an optional field, if it's omitted the argument will use one of the additional
557 /// fields as the name using the following priority order:
558 ///
559 ///  1. Explicit Name
560 ///  2. Long
561 ///  3. Value Name
562 ///
563 /// See [`Arg::name`][crate::Arg::name].
564 ///
565 /// ### Short
566 ///
567 /// A short flag is a `-` followed by either a bare-character or quoted character, like `-f` or
568 /// `-'f'`.
569 ///
570 /// See [`Arg::short`][crate::Arg::short].
571 ///
572 /// ### Long
573 ///
574 /// A long flag is a `--` followed by either a bare-word or a string, like `--foo` or
575 /// `--"foo"`.
576 ///
577 /// See [`Arg::long`][crate::Arg::long].
578 ///
579 /// ### Values (Value Notation)
580 ///
581 /// This is set by placing bare-word between:
582 /// - `[]` like `[FOO]`
583 ///   - Positional argument: optional
584 ///   - Named argument: optional value
585 /// - `<>` like `<FOO>`: required
586 ///
587 /// See [`Arg::value_name`][crate::Arg::value_name].
588 ///
589 /// ### `...`
590 ///
591 /// `...` (three consecutive dots/periods) specifies that this argument may occur multiple
592 /// times (not to be confused with multiple values per occurrence).
593 ///
594 /// See [`Arg::multiple_occurrences`][crate::Arg::multiple_occurrences].
595 ///
596 /// ### Help String
597 ///
598 /// The help string is denoted between a pair of single quotes `''` and may contain any
599 /// characters.
600 ///
601 /// # Examples
602 ///
603 /// ```rust
604 /// # use clap::{App, Arg, arg};
605 /// App::new("prog")
606 ///     .args(&[
607 ///         arg!(--config <FILE> "a required file for the configuration and no short"),
608 ///         arg!(-d --debug ... "turns on debugging information and allows multiples"),
609 ///         arg!([input] "an optional input file to use")
610 /// ])
611 /// # ;
612 /// ```
613 /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
614 #[macro_export]
615 macro_rules! arg {
616     ( $name:ident: $($tail:tt)+ ) => {
617         $crate::arg_impl! {
618             @arg ($crate::Arg::new($crate::arg_impl! { @string $name })) $($tail)+
619         }
620     };
621     ( $($tail:tt)+ ) => {{
622         let arg = $crate::arg_impl! {
623             @arg ($crate::Arg::default()) $($tail)+
624         };
625         debug_assert!(!arg.get_name().is_empty(), "Without a value or long flag, the `name:` prefix is required");
626         arg
627     }};
628 }
630 /// Deprecated, replaced with [`clap::Parser`][crate::Parser] and [`clap::arg!`][crate::arg] (Issue clap-rs/clap#2835)
631 #[deprecated(
632     since = "3.0.0",
633     note = "Replaced with `clap::Parser` for a declarative API (Issue clap-rs/clap#2835)"
634 )]
635 #[macro_export]
636 macro_rules! clap_app {
637     (@app ($builder:expr)) => { $builder };
638     (@app ($builder:expr) (@arg ($name:expr): $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
639         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
640             ($builder.arg(
641                 $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($crate::Arg::new($name)) (-) $($tail)* }))
642             $($tt)*
643         }
644     };
645     (@app ($builder:expr) (@arg $name:ident: $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
646         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
647             ($builder.arg(
648                 $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($crate::Arg::new(stringify!($name))) (-) $($tail)* }))
649             $($tt)*
650         }
651     };
652     (@app ($builder:expr) (@setting $setting:ident) $($tt:tt)*) => {
653         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
654             ($builder.setting($crate::AppSettings::$setting))
655             $($tt)*
656         }
657     };
658 // Treat the application builder as an argument to set its attributes
659     (@app ($builder:expr) (@attributes $($attr:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
660         $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($builder) $($attr)* }) $($tt)* }
661     };
662     (@app ($builder:expr) (@group $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
663         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
664             ($crate::clap_app!{ @group ($builder, $crate::ArgGroup::new(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* })
665             $($tt)*
666         }
667     };
668     (@app ($builder:expr) (@group $name:ident !$ident:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
669         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
670             ($crate::clap_app!{ @group ($builder, $crate::ArgGroup::new(stringify!($name)).$ident(false)) $($tail)* })
671             $($tt)*
672         }
673     };
674     (@app ($builder:expr) (@group $name:ident +$ident:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
675         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
676             ($crate::clap_app!{ @group ($builder, $crate::ArgGroup::new(stringify!($name)).$ident(true)) $($tail)* })
677             $($tt)*
678         }
679     };
680 // Handle subcommand creation
681     (@app ($builder:expr) (@subcommand $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
682         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
683             ($builder.subcommand(
684                 $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* }
685             ))
686             $($tt)*
687         }
688     };
689 // Yaml like function calls - used for setting various meta directly against the app
690     (@app ($builder:expr) ($ident:ident: $($v:expr),*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
691 // $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($builder.$ident($($v),*)) $($tt)* }
692         $crate::clap_app!{ @app
693             ($builder.$ident($($v),*))
694             $($tt)*
695         }
696     };
698 // Add members to group and continue argument handling with the parent builder
699     (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr)) => { $builder.group($group) };
700     // Treat the group builder as an argument to set its attributes
701     (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr) (@attributes $($attr:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
702         $crate::clap_app!{ @group ($builder, $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($group) (-) $($attr)* }) $($tt)* }
703     };
704     (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr) (@arg $name:ident: $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
705         $crate::clap_app!{ @group
706             ($crate::clap_app!{ @app ($builder) (@arg $name: $($tail)*) },
707              $group.arg(stringify!($name)))
708             $($tt)*
709         }
710     };
712 // No more tokens to munch
713     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt) => { $arg };
714 // Shorthand tokens influenced by the usage_string
715     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt --($long:expr) $($tail:tt)*) => {
716         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.long($long)) $modes $($tail)* }
717     };
718     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt --$long:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
719         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.long(stringify!($long))) $modes $($tail)* }
720     };
721     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt -$short:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
722         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.short(stringify!($short).chars().next().unwrap())) $modes $($tail)* }
723     };
724     (@arg ($arg:expr) (-) <$var:ident> $($tail:tt)*) => {
725         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) +takes_value +required $($tail)* }
726     };
727     (@arg ($arg:expr) (+) <$var:ident> $($tail:tt)*) => {
728         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) $($tail)* }
729     };
730     (@arg ($arg:expr) (-) [$var:ident] $($tail:tt)*) => {
731         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) +takes_value $($tail)* }
732     };
733     (@arg ($arg:expr) (+) [$var:ident] $($tail:tt)*) => {
734         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) $($tail)* }
735     };
736     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt ... $($tail:tt)*) => {
737         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes +multiple +takes_value $($tail)* }
738     };
739 // Shorthand magic
740     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt #{$n:expr, $m:expr} $($tail:tt)*) => {
741         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes min_values($n) max_values($m) $($tail)* }
742     };
743     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt * $($tail:tt)*) => {
744         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes +required $($tail)* }
745     };
746 // !foo -> .foo(false)
747     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt !$ident:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
748         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident(false)) $modes $($tail)* }
749     };
750 // +foo -> .foo(true)
751     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt +$ident:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
752         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident(true)) $modes $($tail)* }
753     };
754 // Validator
755     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt {$fn_:expr} $($tail:tt)*) => {
756         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.validator($fn_)) $modes $($tail)* }
757     };
758     (@as_expr $expr:expr) => { $expr };
759 // Help
760     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $desc:tt) => { $arg.help($crate::clap_app!{ @as_expr $desc }) };
761 // Handle functions that need to be called multiple times for each argument
762     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $ident:ident[$($target:ident)*] $($tail:tt)*) => {
763         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg $( .$ident(stringify!($target)) )*) $modes $($tail)* }
764     };
765 // Inherit builder's functions, e.g. `index(2)`, `requires_if("val", "arg")`
766     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $ident:ident($($expr:expr),*) $($tail:tt)*) => {
767         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident($($expr),*)) $modes $($tail)* }
768     };
769 // Inherit builder's functions with trailing comma, e.g. `index(2,)`, `requires_if("val", "arg",)`
770     (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $ident:ident($($expr:expr,)*) $($tail:tt)*) => {
771         $crate::clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident($($expr),*)) $modes $($tail)* }
772     };
774 // Build a subcommand outside of an app.
775     (@subcommand $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) => {
776         $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* }
777     };
778 // Start the magic
779     (($name:expr) => $($tail:tt)*) => {{
780         $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new($name)) $($tail)*}
781     }};
783     ($name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) => {{
784         $crate::clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new(stringify!($name))) $($tail)*}
785     }};
786 }
788 macro_rules! impl_settings {
789     ($settings:ident, $flags:ident,
790         $(
791             $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])*
792             $setting:ident => $flag:path
793         ),+
794     ) => {
795         impl $flags {
796             #[allow(dead_code)]
797             pub(crate) fn empty() -> Self {
798                 $flags(Flags::empty())
799             }
801             #[allow(dead_code)]
802             pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
803                 self.0.insert(rhs.0);
804             }
806             #[allow(dead_code)]
807             pub(crate) fn remove(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
808                 self.0.remove(rhs.0);
809             }
811             #[allow(dead_code)]
812             pub(crate) fn set(&mut self, s: $settings) {
813                 #[allow(deprecated)]  // some Settings might be deprecated
814                 match s {
815                     $(
816                         $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
817                         $settings::$setting => self.0.insert($flag),
818                     )*
819                 }
820             }
822             #[allow(dead_code)]
823             pub(crate) fn unset(&mut self, s: $settings) {
824                 #[allow(deprecated)]  // some Settings might be deprecated
825                 match s {
826                     $(
827                         $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
828                         $settings::$setting => self.0.remove($flag),
829                     )*
830                 }
831             }
833             #[allow(dead_code)]
834             pub(crate) fn is_set(&self, s: $settings) -> bool {
835                 #[allow(deprecated)]  // some Settings might be deprecated
836                 match s {
837                     $(
838                         $(#[$inner $($args)*])*
839                         $settings::$setting => self.0.contains($flag),
840                     )*
841                 }
842             }
843         }
845         impl BitOr for $flags {
846             type Output = Self;
848             fn bitor(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
849                 self.0.insert(rhs.0);
850                 self
851             }
852         }
854         impl From<$settings> for $flags {
855             fn from(setting: $settings) -> Self {
856                 let mut flags = $flags::empty();
857                 flags.set(setting);
858                 flags
859             }
860         }
862         impl BitOr<$settings> for $flags {
863             type Output = Self;
865             fn bitor(mut self, rhs: $settings) -> Self::Output {
866                 self.set(rhs);
867                 self
868             }
869         }
871         impl BitOr for $settings {
872             type Output = $flags;
874             fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
875                 let mut flags = $flags::empty();
876                 flags.set(self);
877                 flags.set(rhs);
878                 flags
879             }
880         }
881     }
882 }
884 // Convenience for writing to stderr thanks to https://github.com/BurntSushi
885 macro_rules! wlnerr {
886     ($($arg:tt)*) => ({
887         use std::io::{Write, stderr};
888         writeln!(&mut stderr(), $($arg)*).ok();
889     })
890 }
892 #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
893 macro_rules! debug {
894     ($($arg:tt)*) => ({
895         let prefix = format!("[{:>w$}] \t", module_path!(), w = 28);
896         let body = format!($($arg)*);
897         let mut color = $crate::output::fmt::Colorizer::new(true, $crate::ColorChoice::Auto);
898         color.hint(prefix);
899         color.hint(body);
900         color.none("\n");
901         let _ = color.print();
902     })
903 }
905 #[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
906 macro_rules! debug {
907     ($($arg:tt)*) => {};
908 }