1 /***********************************************************************
2   This file is part of HA, a general purpose file archiver.
3   Copyright (C) 1995 Harri Hirvola
5   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8   (at your option) any later version.
10   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   GNU General Public License for more details.
15   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 ************************************************************************
19 	HA HSC method
20 ***********************************************************************/
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include "ha.h"
26 #include "haio.h"
27 #include "acoder.h"
28 #include "hsc.h"
29 #include "error.h"
31 #define IECLIM		32	       /* initial escape counter upper limit */
32 #define NECLIM		5	       /* no escape expected counter limit */
33 #define NECTLIM		4	       /* */
34 #define NECMAX		10	       /* no escape expected counter maximum */
35 #define MAXCLEN		4	       /* assumed to be 4 in several places */
36 #define NUMCON		10000	       /* number of contexts to remember */
37 #define NUMCFB		32760	       /* number of frequencies to remember */
38 #define ESCTH		3	       /* threshold for escape calculation */
39 #define MAXTVAL		8000	       /* maximum frequency value */
40 #define RFMINI		4	       /* initial refresh counter value */
41 #define HTLEN	        16384	       /* length of hash table */
42 #define NIL		0xffff	       /* NIL pointer in lists */
43 #define ESC		256	       /* escape symbol */
45 typedef unsigned char Context[4];
47 /* model data */
48 static Context curcon;		      /* current context */
49 static U16B *ht=NULL;		      /* hash table */
50 static U16B *hp=NULL;		      /* hash list pointer array */
51 static Context *con=NULL;	      /* context array */
52 static unsigned char *cl=NULL;	      /* context length array */
53 static unsigned char *cc=NULL;	      /* character counts */
54 static U16B *ft=NULL;		      /* total frequency of context */
55 static unsigned char *fe=NULL;	      /* frequencys under ESCTH in context */
56 static U16B *elp=NULL;		      /* expire list previous pointer array */
57 static U16B *eln=NULL;		      /* expire list next pointer array */
58 static U16B elf,ell;		      /* first and last of expire list */
59 static unsigned char *rfm=NULL;	      /* refresh counter array */
60 static U16B *fa=NULL;		      /* frequency array */
61 static unsigned char *fc=NULL;	      /* character for frequency array */
62 static U16B *nb=NULL;		      /* next pointer for frequency array */
63 static U16B fcfbl;		      /* pointer to free frequency blocks */
64 static U16B nrel;		      /* context for frequency block release */
66 /* frequency mask system */
67 static unsigned char cmask[256];      /* masked characters */
68 static unsigned char cmstack[256];    /* stack of cmask[] entries to clear */
69 static S16B cmsp;		      /* pointer to cmstack */
71 /* escape propability modifying system variables */
72 static unsigned char nec;	      /* counter for no escape expected */
73 static unsigned char iec[MAXCLEN+1];  /* initial escape counters */
75 /* update stack variables */
76 static U16B usp;		      /* stack pointer */
77 static U16B cps[MAXCLEN+1]; 	      /* context pointers */
78 static U16B as[MAXCLEN+1];	      /* indexes to frequency array */
80 /* miscalneous */
81 static S16B dropcnt;		      /* counter for context len drop */
82 static unsigned char maxclen;	      /* current maximum length for context */
83 static U16B hrt[HTLEN];		      /* semi random data for hashing */
84 static U16B hs[MAXCLEN+1]; 	      /* hash stack for context search */
85 static S16B cslen;		      /* length of context to search */
87 /***********************************************************************
88 	Cleanup routine
89 ***********************************************************************/
hsc_cleanup(void)91 void hsc_cleanup(void) {
93     if (ht!=NULL) free(ht),ht=NULL;
94     if (fc!=NULL) free(fc),fc=NULL;
95     if (fa!=NULL) free(fa),fa=NULL;
96     if (ft!=NULL) free(ft),ft=NULL;
97     if (fe!=NULL) free(fe),fe=NULL;
98     if (nb!=NULL) free(nb),nb=NULL;
99     if (hp!=NULL) free(hp),hp=NULL;
100     if (elp!=NULL) free(elp),elp=NULL;
101     if (eln!=NULL) free(eln),eln=NULL;
102     if (cl!=NULL) free(cl),cl=NULL;
103     if (cc!=NULL) free(cc),cc=NULL;
104     if (rfm!=NULL) free(rfm),rfm=NULL;
105     if (con!=NULL) free(con),con=NULL;
106 }
109 /***********************************************************************
110 	System initialization
111 ***********************************************************************/
113 static  U16B make_context(unsigned char cl, S16B c);
init_model(void)115 static void init_model(void) {
117     register S16B i;
118     S32B z,l,h,t;
120     ht=malloc(HTLEN*sizeof(*ht));
121     hp=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*hp));
122     elp=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*elp));
123     eln=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*eln));
124     cl=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*cl));
125     cc=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*cc));
126     ft=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*ft));
127     fe=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*fe));
128     rfm=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*rfm));
129     con=malloc(NUMCON*sizeof(*con));
130     fc=malloc(NUMCFB*sizeof(*fc));
131     fa=malloc(NUMCFB*sizeof(*fa));
132     nb=malloc(NUMCFB*sizeof(*nb));
133     if (hp==NULL || elp==NULL || eln==NULL ||
134 	cl==NULL || rfm==NULL || con==NULL ||
135 	cc==NULL || ft==NULL || fe==NULL ||
136 	fc==NULL || fa==NULL || nb==NULL || ht==NULL) {
137 	hsc_cleanup();
138 	error(1,ERR_MEM,"init_model()");
139     }
140     maxclen=MAXCLEN;
141     iec[0]=(IECLIM>>1);
142     for (i=1;i<=MAXCLEN;++i) iec[i]=(IECLIM>>1)-1;
143     dropcnt=NUMCON/4;
144     nec=0;
145     nrel=0;
146     hs[0]=0;
147     for (i=0;i<HTLEN;++i) ht[i]=NIL;
148     for (i=0;i<NUMCON;++i) {
149 	eln[i]=i+1;
150 	elp[i]=i-1;
151 	cl[i]=0xff;
152 	nb[i]=NIL;
153     }
154     elf=0;
155     ell=NUMCON-1;
156     for (i=NUMCON;i<NUMCFB-1;++i) nb[i]=i+1;
157     nb[i]=NIL;
158     fcfbl=NUMCON;
159     curcon[3]=curcon[2]=curcon[1]=curcon[0]=0;
160     cmsp=0;
161     for (i=0;i<256;++i) cmask[i]=0;
162     for (z=10,i=0;i<HTLEN;++i) {
163 	h=z/(2147483647L/16807L);
164 	l=z%(2147483647L/16807L);
165 	if ((t=16807L*l-(2147483647L%16807L)*h)>0) z=t;
166 	else z=t+2147483647L;
167 	hrt[i]=(U16B)z&(HTLEN-1);
168     }
169 }
init_pack(void)171 static void init_pack(void) {
173     init_model();
174     ac_init_encode();
175 }
init_unpack(void)177 static void init_unpack(void) {
179     init_model();
180     ac_init_decode();
181 }
184 /***********************************************************************
185 	Finite context model
186 ***********************************************************************/
188 #define HASH(s,l,h)	{				          \
189 			  h=0;                                    \
190 			  if (l) h=hrt[s[0]];                     \
191 			  if (l>1) h=hrt[(s[1]+h)&(HTLEN-1)];     \
192 			  if (l>2) h=hrt[(s[2]+h)&(HTLEN-1)];     \
193 			  if (l>3) h=hrt[(s[3]+h)&(HTLEN-1)];     \
194 			}
196 #define move_context(c) curcon[3]=curcon[2],curcon[2]=curcon[1], \
197 			curcon[1]=curcon[0],curcon[0]=c
release_cfblocks(void)199 static  void release_cfblocks(void) {
201     register U16B i,j,d;
203     do {
204 	do if (++nrel==NUMCON) nrel=0; while (nb[nrel]==NIL);
205 	for (i=0;i<=usp;++i) if ((cps[i]&0x7fff)==nrel) break;
206     } while (i<=usp);
207     for (i=nb[nrel],d=fa[nrel];i!=NIL;i=nb[i]) if (fa[i]<d) d=fa[i];
208     ++d;
209     if (fa[nrel]<d) {
210 	for (i=nb[nrel];fa[i]<d && nb[i]!=NIL;i=nb[i]);
211 	fa[nrel]=fa[i];
212 	fc[nrel]=fc[i];
213 	j=nb[i];
214 	nb[i]=fcfbl;
215 	fcfbl=nb[nrel];
216 	if ((nb[nrel]=j)==NIL) {
217 	    cc[nrel]=0;
218 	    fe[nrel]=(ft[nrel]=fa[nrel])<ESCTH?1:0;
219 	    return;
220 	}
221     }
222     fe[nrel]=(ft[nrel]=fa[nrel]/=d)<ESCTH?1:0;
223     cc[nrel]=0;
224     for (j=nrel,i=nb[j];i!=NIL;) {
225 	if (fa[i]<d) {
226 	    nb[j]=nb[i];
227 	    nb[i]=fcfbl;
228 	    fcfbl=i;
229 	    i=nb[j];
230 	}
231 	else {
232 	    ++cc[nrel];
233 	    ft[nrel]+=fa[i]/=d;
234 	    if (fa[i]<ESCTH) fe[nrel]++;
235 	    j=i;
236 	    i=nb[i];
237 	}
238     }
239 }
make_context(unsigned char conlen,S16B c)241 static  U16B make_context(unsigned char conlen, S16B c) {
243     register S16B i;
244     register U16B nc,fp;
246     nc=ell;
247     ell=elp[nc];
248     elp[elf]=nc;
249     eln[nc]=elf;
250     elf=nc;
251     if (cl[nc]!=0xff) {
252 	if (cl[nc]==MAXCLEN && --dropcnt==0) maxclen=MAXCLEN-1;
253 	HASH(con[nc],cl[nc],i);
254 	if (ht[i]==nc) ht[i]=hp[nc];
255 	else {
256 	    for (i=ht[i];hp[i]!=nc;i=hp[i]);
257 	    hp[i]=hp[nc];
258 	}
259 	if (nb[nc]!=NIL) {
260 	    for (fp=nb[nc];nb[fp]!=NIL;fp=nb[fp]);
261 	    nb[fp]=fcfbl;
262 	    fcfbl=nb[nc];
263 	}
264     }
265     nb[nc]=NIL;
266     fe[nc]=ft[nc]=fa[nc]=1;
267     fc[nc]=c;
268     rfm[nc]=RFMINI;
269     cc[nc]=0;
270     cl[nc]=conlen;
271     con[nc][0]=curcon[0];
272     con[nc][1]=curcon[1];
273     con[nc][2]=curcon[2];
274     con[nc][3]=curcon[3];
275     HASH(curcon,conlen,i);
276     hp[nc]=ht[i];
277     ht[i]=nc;
278     return nc;
279 }
el_movefront(U16B cp)281 static  void el_movefront(U16B cp) {
283     if (cp==elf) return;
284     if (cp==ell) ell=elp[cp];
285     else {
286 	elp[eln[cp]]=elp[cp];
287 	eln[elp[cp]]=eln[cp];
288     }
289     elp[elf]=cp;
290     eln[cp]=elf;
291     elf=cp;
292 }
add_model(S16B c)294 static void  add_model(S16B c) {
296     register U16B i;
297     register S16B cp;
299     while (usp!=0) {
300 	i=as[--usp];
301 	cp=cps[usp];
302 	if (cp&0x8000) {
303 	    cp&=0x7fff;
304 	    if (fcfbl==NIL) release_cfblocks();
305 	    nb[i]=fcfbl;
306 	    i=nb[i];
307 	    fcfbl=nb[fcfbl];
308 	    nb[i]=NIL;
309 	    fa[i]=1;
310 	    fc[i]=c;
311 	    ++cc[cp];
312 	    ++fe[cp];
313 	}
314 	else if (++fa[i]==ESCTH) --fe[cp];
315 	if ((fa[i]<<1)<++ft[cp]/(cc[cp]+1)) --rfm[cp];
316 	else if (rfm[cp]<RFMINI) ++rfm[cp];
317 	if (!rfm[cp] || ft[cp]>=MAXTVAL) {
318 	    ++rfm[cp];
319 	    fe[cp]=ft[cp]=0;
320 	    for (i=cp;i!=NIL;i=nb[i]) {
321 		if (fa[i]>1) {
322 		    ft[cp]+=fa[i]>>=1;
323 		    if (fa[i]<ESCTH) ++fe[cp];
324 		}
325 		else {
326 		    ++ft[cp];
327 		    ++fe[cp];
328 		}
329 	    }
330 	}
331     }
332 }
find_next(void)334 static  U16B find_next(void) {
336     register S16B i,k;
337     register U16B cp;
339     for (i=cslen-1;i>=0;--i) {
340 	k=hs[i];
341 	for (cp=ht[k];cp!=NIL;cp=hp[cp]) {
342 	    if (cl[cp]==i) {
343 		switch (i) {
344 		  case 4:
345 		    if (curcon[3]!=con[cp][3]) break;
346 		  case 3:
347 		    if (curcon[2]!=con[cp][2]) break;
348 		  case 2:
349 		    if (curcon[1]!=con[cp][1]) break;
350 		  case 1:
351 		    if (curcon[0]!=con[cp][0]) break;
352 		  case 0:
353 		    cslen=i;
354 		    return cp;
355 		}
356 	    }
357 	}
358     }
359     return NIL;
360 }
find_longest(void)362 static  U16B find_longest(void) {
364     hs[1]=hrt[curcon[0]];
365     hs[2]=hrt[(curcon[1]+hs[1])&(HTLEN-1)];
366     hs[3]=hrt[(curcon[2]+hs[2])&(HTLEN-1)];
367     hs[4]=hrt[(curcon[3]+hs[3])&(HTLEN-1)];
368     usp=0;
369     while(cmsp) cmask[cmstack[--cmsp]]=0;
370     cslen=MAXCLEN+1;
371     return find_next();
372 }
adj_escape_prob(U16B esc,U16B cp)374 static U16B adj_escape_prob(U16B esc, U16B cp) {
376     if (ft[cp]==1) return iec[cl[cp]]>=(IECLIM>>1)?2:1;
377     if (cc[cp]==255) return 1;
378     if (cc[cp] && ((cc[cp]+1)<<1)>=ft[cp]) {
379 	esc=(S16B)((S32B)esc*((cc[cp]+1)<<1)/ft[cp]);
380 	if (cc[cp]+1==ft[cp]) esc+=(cc[cp]+1)>>1;
381     }
382     return esc?esc:1;
383 }
code_first(U16B cp,S16B c)386 static  S16B code_first(U16B cp, S16B c) {
388     register U16B i;
389     register S16B sum,cf,tot,esc;
391     sum=cf=0;
392     for (i=cp;i!=NIL;i=nb[i]) {
393 	if (fc[i]==c) {
394 	    cf=fa[i];
395 	    as[0]=i;
396 	    break;
397 	}
398 	sum+=fa[i];
399     }
400     tot=ft[cp];
401     esc=adj_escape_prob(fe[cp],cp);
402     if (nec>=NECLIM) {
403 	if (tot<=NECTLIM && nec==NECMAX) {
404 	    tot<<=2;
405 	    sum<<=2;
406 	    cf<<=2;
407 	}
408 	else {
409 	    tot<<=1;
410 	    sum<<=1;
411 	    cf<<=1;
412 	}
413     }
414     usp=1;
415     if (cf==0) {
416 	ac_out(tot,tot+esc,tot+esc);
417 	for (i=cp;i!=NIL;sum=i,i=nb[i]) {
418 	    cmstack[cmsp++]=fc[i];
419 	    cmask[fc[i]]=1;
420 	}
421 	as[0]=sum;  /* sum holds last i ! */
422 	nec=0;
423 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]<IECLIM) ++iec[cl[cp]];
424 	cps[0]=0x8000|cp;
425 	return 0;
426     }
427     ac_out(sum,sum+cf,tot+esc);
428     if (nec<NECMAX) ++nec;
429     if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]) --iec[cl[cp]];
430     cps[0]=cp;
431     return 1;
432 }
code_rest(U16B cp,S16B c)435 static  S16B code_rest(U16B cp, S16B c) {
437     register U16B i;
438     register S16B sum,cf,tot,esc;
440     tot=sum=cf=esc=0;
441     for (i=cp;i!=NIL;i=nb[i]) {
442 	if (!cmask[fc[i]]) {
443 	    if (fa[i]<ESCTH) ++esc;
444 	    if (cf==0 && fc[i]==c) {
445 		sum=tot;
446 		cf=fa[i];
447 		as[usp]=i;
448 	    }
449 	    tot+=fa[i];
450 	}
451     }
452     esc=adj_escape_prob(esc,cp);
453     if (cf==0) {
454 	ac_out(tot,tot+esc,tot+esc);
455 	for (i=cp;i!=NIL;sum=i,i=nb[i]) {
456 	    if (!cmask[fc[i]]) {
457 		cmstack[cmsp++]=fc[i];
458 		cmask[fc[i]]=1;
459 	    }
460 	}
461 	as[usp]=sum;  /* sum holds last i ! */
462 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]<IECLIM) ++iec[cl[cp]];
463 	cps[usp++]=0x8000|cp;
464 	return 0;
465     }
466     ac_out(sum,sum+cf,tot+esc);
467     ++nec;   /* must add test used in code_first() if NECMAX<5 ! */
468     if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]) --iec[cl[cp]];
469     cps[usp++]=cp;
470     return 1;
471 }
code_new(S16B c)473 static  void code_new(S16B c) {
475     register S16B i;
476     register U16B sum,tot;
478     sum=0;
479     tot=257-cmsp;
480     for (i=0;i<c;++i) sum+=1-cmask[i];
481     ac_out(sum,sum+1,tot);
482 }
decode_first(U16B cp)484 static  S16B decode_first(U16B cp) {
486     register U16B c;
487     register U16B tv;
488     register U16B i;
489     register S16B sum,tot,esc,cf;
490     register unsigned char sv;
492     esc=adj_escape_prob(fe[cp],cp);
493     tot=ft[cp];
494     if (nec>=NECLIM) {
495 	if (tot<=NECTLIM && nec==NECMAX) sv=2;
496 	else sv=1;
497 	tot<<=sv;
498 	tv=ac_threshold_val(tot+esc)>>sv;
499 	for (c=cp,sum=0;;c=nb[c]) {
500 	    if (c==NIL) break;
501 	    if (sum+fa[c]<=tv) sum+=fa[c];
502 	    else {
503 		cf=fa[c]<<sv;
504 		break;
505 	    }
506 	}
507 	sum<<=sv;
508     }
509     else {
510 	tv=ac_threshold_val(tot+esc);
511 	for (c=cp,sum=0;;c=nb[c]) {
512 	    if (c==NIL) break;
513 	    if (sum+fa[c]<=tv) sum+=fa[c];
514 	    else {
515 		cf=fa[c];
516 		break;
517 	    }
518 	}
519     }
520     usp=1;
521     if (c!=NIL) {
522 	ac_in(sum,sum+cf,tot+esc);
523 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]) --iec[cl[cp]];
524 	as[0]=c;
525 	cps[0]=cp;
526 	c=fc[c];
527 	if (nec<NECMAX) ++nec;
528     }
529     else {
530 	ac_in(tot,tot+esc,tot+esc);
531 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]<IECLIM) ++iec[cl[cp]];
532 	for (i=cp;i!=NIL;sum=i,i=nb[i]) {
533 	    cmstack[cmsp++]=fc[i];
534 	    cmask[fc[i]]=1;
535 	}
536 	cps[0]=0x8000|cp;
537 	as[0]=sum;
538 	c=ESC;
539 	nec=0;
540     }
541     return c;
542 }
decode_rest(U16B cp)544 static  S16B decode_rest(U16B cp) {
546     register U16B c;
547     register U16B tv;
548     register U16B i;
549     register S16B sum,tot,esc,cf;
551     esc=tot=0;
552     for (i=cp;i!=NIL;i=nb[i]) {
553 	if (!cmask[fc[i]]) {
554 	    tot+=fa[i];
555 	    if (fa[i]<ESCTH) ++esc;
556 	}
557     }
558     esc=adj_escape_prob(esc,cp);
559     tv=ac_threshold_val(tot+esc);
560     for (c=cp,sum=0;;c=nb[c]) {
561 	if (c==NIL) break;
562 	if (!cmask[fc[c]]) {
563 	    if (sum+fa[c]<=tv) sum+=fa[c];
564 	    else {
565 		cf=fa[c];
566 		break;
567 	    }
568 	}
569     }
570     if (c!=NIL) {
571 	ac_in(sum,sum+cf,tot+esc);
572 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]) --iec[cl[cp]];
573 	as[usp]=c;
574 	cps[usp++]=cp;
575 	c=fc[c];
576 	++nec;  /* must add test used in code_first() if NECMAX<5 ! */
577     }
578     else {
579 	ac_in(tot,tot+esc,tot+esc);
580 	if (ft[cp]==1 && iec[cl[cp]]<IECLIM) ++iec[cl[cp]];
581 	for (i=cp;i!=NIL;sum=i,i=nb[i]) {
582 	    if (!cmask[fc[i]]) {
583 		cmstack[cmsp++]=fc[i];
584 		cmask[fc[i]]=1;
585 	    }
586 	}
587 	cps[usp]=0x8000|cp;
588 	as[usp++]=sum;		/* sum holds last i !! */
589 	c=ESC;
590     }
591     return c;
592 }
decode_new(void)594 static  S16B decode_new(void) {
596     register S16B c;
597     register U16B tv,sum,tot;
599     tot=257-cmsp;
600     tv=ac_threshold_val(tot);
601     for (c=sum=0;c<256;++c) {
602 	if (cmask[c]) continue;
603 	if (sum+1<=tv) ++sum;
604 	else break;
605     }
606     ac_in(sum,sum+1,tot);
607     return c;
608 }
610 #define code_byte(cp,c) (cmsp?code_rest(cp,c):code_first(cp,c))
611 #define decode_byte(cp) (cmsp?decode_rest(cp):decode_first(cp))
613 /***********************************************************************
614 	Encoding
615 ***********************************************************************/
hsc_pack(void)617 void hsc_pack(void) {
619     S16B c;
620     U16B cp;
621     unsigned char ncmax,ncmin;
623     init_pack();
624     for (;(c=getbyte())>=0;) {
625 	cp=find_longest();
626 	ncmin=cp==NIL?0:cl[cp]+1;
627 	ncmax=maxclen+1;
628 	for(;;) {
629 	    if (cp==NIL) {
630 		code_new(c);
631 		break;
632 	    }
633 	    if (code_byte(cp,c)) {
634 		el_movefront(cp);
635 		break;
636 	    }
637 	    cp=find_next();
638 	}
639 	add_model(c);
640 	while (ncmax>ncmin) make_context(--ncmax,c);
641 	move_context(c);
642     }
643     cp=find_longest();
644     while (cp!=NIL) {
645 	code_byte(cp,ESC);
646 	cp=find_next();
647     }
648     code_new(ESC);
649     ac_end_encode();
650     hsc_cleanup();
651 }
653 /***********************************************************************
654 	Decoding
655 ***********************************************************************/
hsc_unpack(void)657 void hsc_unpack(void) {
659     S16B c;
660     U16B cp;
661     unsigned char ncmax,ncmin;
663     init_unpack();
664     for (;;) {
665 	cp=find_longest();
666 	ncmin=cp==NIL?0:cl[cp]+1;
667 	ncmax=maxclen+1;
668 	for(;;) {
669 	    if (cp==NIL) {
670 		c=decode_new();
671 		break;
672 	    }
673 	    if ((c=decode_byte(cp))!=ESC) {
674 		el_movefront(cp);
675 		break;
676 	    }
677 	    cp=find_next();
678 	}
679 	if (c==ESC) break;
680 	add_model(c);
681 	while (ncmax>ncmin) make_context(--ncmax,c);
682 	putbyte(c);
683 	move_context(c);
684     }
685     flush();
686     hsc_cleanup();
687 }