1 /*
2 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | PHP Version 5                                                        |
4 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group                                |
6 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,       |
8 | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
9 | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
10 | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
11 | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
12 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
13 | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
14 |                                                                      |
15 |                        **** WARNING ****                             |
16 |                                                                      |
17 | This module makes use of unRAR - free utility for RAR archives.      |
18 | Its license states that you MUST NOT use its code to develop         |
19 | a RAR (WinRAR) compatible archiver.                                  |
20 | Please, read unRAR license for full information.                     |
21 | unRAR & RAR copyrights are owned by Eugene Roshal                    |
22 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
23 | Author: Gustavo Lopes <cataphract@php.net>                           |
24 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
25 */
27 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
28 #   include "config.h"
29 #endif
31 #ifdef __cplusplus
32 extern "C" {
33 #endif
35 #include <php.h>
36 #include <wchar.h>
37 #include "php_rar.h"
39 #if HAVE_RAR
41 /* {{{ Structure definitions */
43 typedef struct _rar_find_state {
44 	rar_find_output			out;
45 	rar_file_t				*rar;
46 	size_t					index; /* next unread in entries_array or entries_array_s */
47 } rar_find_state;
49 struct _rar_unique_entry {
50 	size_t					id;				/* position in the entries_array */
51 	struct RARHeaderDataEx	entry;			/* last entry */
52 	unsigned long			packed_size;
53 	int						depth;			/* number of directory separators */
54 	size_t					name_wlen;		/* excluding L'\0' terminator */
55 };
57 /* last_accessed has the index of the last accessed entry. Its purpose is to make
58  * more efficient the situation wherein the user traverses a directory and
59  * stats each the gotten entry in each iteration. This gives 100% cache hits in
60  * directory traversal tests 064 and 065 for exact name searches */
61 struct _rar_entries {
62 	size_t						num_entries;
63 	struct _rar_unique_entry	**entries_array; /* shoud not be NULL */
64 	struct _rar_unique_entry	**entries_array_s; /* sorted version for bsearch */
65 	struct _rar_unique_entry	*last_accessed;
66 	int							list_result; /* tell whether the archive's broken */
67 };
68 /* }}} */
71 /* {{{ Function prototypes for functions with internal linkage */
72 static void _rar_nav_get_depth_and_length(wchar_t *filenamew, const size_t file_size,
73 										  int *depth_out, size_t *wlen_out TSRMLS_DC);
74 static int _rar_nav_get_depth(const wchar_t *filenamew, const size_t file_size);
75 static int _rar_nav_compare_entries(const void *op1, const void *op2 TSRMLS_DC);
77 static void _rar_nav_swap_entries(void *op1, void *op2);
78 #endif
79 static int _rar_nav_compare_entries_std(const void *op1, const void *op2);
80 static inline int _rar_nav_compare_values(const wchar_t *str1, const int depth1,
81 								   const wchar_t *str2, const int depth2,
82 								   const size_t max_size);
83 static int _rar_nav_directory_match(const wchar_t *dir, const size_t dir_len,
84 									const wchar_t *entry, const size_t entry_len);
85 static size_t _rar_nav_position_on_dir_start(const wchar_t *dir_name,
86 											 int dir_depth,
87 											 size_t dir_size,
88 											 struct _rar_unique_entry **entries,
89 											 size_t low, size_t high);
90 /* }}} */
93 /* {{{ Functions with external linkage */
95 /* {{{ _rar_entry_count */
_rar_entry_count(rar_file_t * rar)96 size_t _rar_entry_count(rar_file_t *rar) {
97 	return rar->entries->num_entries;
98 }
99 /* }}} */
101 /* {{{ _rar_entry_search_start */
_rar_entry_search_start(rar_file_t * rar,unsigned mode,rar_find_output ** state TSRMLS_DC)102 void _rar_entry_search_start(rar_file_t *rar,
103 							 unsigned mode,
104 							 rar_find_output **state TSRMLS_DC)
105 {
106 	rar_find_state **out = (rar_find_state **) state;
107 	assert(out != NULL);
108 	*out = ecalloc(1, sizeof **out);
109 	(*out)->rar = rar;
110 	(*out)->out.position = -1;
111 	assert(rar->entries != NULL);
112 	assert(rar->entries->num_entries == 0 || rar->entries->entries_array != NULL);
113 	if ((mode & 0x02U) && (rar->entries->num_entries > 0) &&
114 			(rar->entries->entries_array_s == NULL)) {
115 		rar->entries->entries_array_s = emalloc(rar->entries->num_entries *
116 			sizeof rar->entries->entries_array_s[0]);
117 		memcpy(rar->entries->entries_array_s, rar->entries->entries_array,
118 			rar->entries->num_entries * sizeof rar->entries->entries_array[0]);
120 		zend_qsort(rar->entries->entries_array_s, rar->entries->num_entries,
121 			sizeof *rar->entries->entries_array_s, _rar_nav_compare_entries
122 			TSRMLS_CC);
123 #else
124 		zend_qsort(rar->entries->entries_array_s, rar->entries->num_entries,
125 			sizeof *rar->entries->entries_array_s, _rar_nav_compare_entries,
126 			_rar_nav_swap_entries);
127 #endif
128 	}
129 }
130 /* }}} */
132 /* {{{ _rar_entry_search_seek */
_rar_entry_search_seek(rar_find_output * state,size_t pos)133 void _rar_entry_search_seek(rar_find_output *state, size_t pos)
134 {
135 	rar_find_state *rstate	= (rar_find_state *) state;
136 	assert(pos >= 0);
137 	rstate->out.eof = 0;
138 	rstate->out.found = 0;
139 	rstate->out.position = -1;
140 	rstate->out.header = NULL;
141 	rstate->out.packed_size = 0;
142 	rstate->index = pos;
143 }
144 /* }}} */
146 /* {{{ _rar_entry_search_end */
_rar_entry_search_end(rar_find_output * state)147 void _rar_entry_search_end(rar_find_output *state)
148 {
149 	if (state) {
150 		/* may not have been initialized due to error conditions
151 		 * in rararch_it_get_iterator that jumped out of the function */
152 		efree(state);
153 	}
154 }
155 /* }}} */
157 /* {{{ _rar_entry_search_rewind */
_rar_entry_search_rewind(rar_find_output * state)158 void _rar_entry_search_rewind(rar_find_output *state)
159 {
160 	rar_find_state *rstate	= (rar_find_state *) state;
161 	rstate->out.eof = 0;
162 	rstate->out.found = 0;
163 	rstate->out.position = -1;
164 	rstate->out.header = NULL;
165 	rstate->out.packed_size = 0;
166 	rstate->index = 0;
167 }
168 /* }}} */
170 /* {{{ _rar_entry_search_advance */
_rar_entry_search_advance(rar_find_output * state,const wchar_t * const file,size_t file_size,int directory_match)171 void _rar_entry_search_advance(rar_find_output *state,
172 							   const wchar_t * const file, /* NULL = give next */
173 							   size_t file_size, /* length + 1; 0 if unknown */
174 							   int directory_match)
175 {
176 	rar_find_state		*rstate = (rar_find_state *) state;
177 	struct _rar_entries *entries;
178 	int					found = FALSE;
179 	int					in_sorted;
180 	size_t				filenamewsize;
182 	assert(state != NULL);
183 	assert(file == NULL || file_size == 0 || file[file_size - 1] == L'\0');
185 	entries = rstate->rar->entries;
186 	assert(entries != NULL);
188 	if ((file != NULL) && (file_size == 0))
189 		file_size = wcslen(file) + 1;
191 	/* reset output */
192 	memset(&rstate->out, 0, sizeof rstate->out);
194 	filenamewsize = sizeof(entries->entries_array[0]->entry.FileNameW) /
195 		sizeof(entries->entries_array[0]->entry.FileNameW[0]); /* = 1024 */
196 	if (rstate->out.eof || (rstate->index >= entries->num_entries) ||
197 			(file_size > filenamewsize)) {
198 		rstate->out.found = 0;
199 		rstate->out.eof = 1;
200 		return;
201 	}
203 	/* three different cases:
204 	 * (1) ask next
205 	 * (2) ask by name
206 	 * (3) ask next directory child */
208 	if (!directory_match && (file == NULL)) {
209 		/* ask next */
210 		in_sorted = FALSE;
211 		found = TRUE;
212 		/* populate cache for exact name access */
213 		entries->last_accessed = entries->entries_array[rstate->index];
214 	}
215 	else if (!directory_match) {
216 		/* ask by exact name */
217 		struct _rar_unique_entry temp_entry,
218 								 *temp_entry_ptr = &temp_entry,
219 								 **found_entry;
220 		/* try to hit cache */
221 		if (entries->last_accessed != NULL) {
222 			if ((entries->last_accessed->name_wlen == file_size - 1) &&
223 					wmemcmp(entries->last_accessed->entry.FileNameW, file,
224 					file_size) == 0) {
225 				/* cache hit */
226 				in_sorted = FALSE;
227 				found = TRUE;
228 				rstate->index = entries->last_accessed->id;
229 				/*php_printf("cache hit\n", entries);*/
230 			}
231 			else {
232 				entries->last_accessed = NULL;
233 				/*php_printf("cache miss\n", entries);*/
234 			}
235 		}
236 		/*else
237 			php_printf("cache miss (empty)\n", entries);*/
239 		if (!found) { /* the cache didn't do; use binary search */
240 			wmemcpy(temp_entry.entry.FileNameW, file, file_size);
241 			temp_entry.depth = _rar_nav_get_depth(file, file_size);
242 			found_entry = bsearch(&temp_entry_ptr,
243 				&entries->entries_array_s[rstate->index],
244 				entries->num_entries - rstate->index,
245 				sizeof entries->entries_array_s[0],
246 				_rar_nav_compare_entries_std);
247 			if (found_entry != NULL) {
248 				in_sorted = TRUE;
249 				found = TRUE;
250 				rstate->index = found_entry - entries->entries_array_s;
251 			}
252 		}
253 	}
254 	else {
255 		/* ask by next directory child */
256 		struct _rar_unique_entry *cur = entries->entries_array_s[rstate->index];
257 		in_sorted = TRUE;
258 		assert(file != NULL);
259 		if (_rar_nav_directory_match(file, file_size - 1,
260 				cur->entry.FileNameW, cur->name_wlen)) {
261 			found = TRUE;
262 			/* populate cache for exact name access */
263 			entries->last_accessed = cur;
264 		}
265 		else {
266 			/* no directory match for current */
267 			int comp, dir_depth;
268 			dir_depth = _rar_nav_get_depth(file, file_size);
269 			comp = _rar_nav_compare_values(cur->entry.FileNameW, cur->depth,
270 				file, dir_depth + 1, file_size); /* guaranteed file_size <= 1024 */
271 			assert(comp != 0); /* because + 1 was summed to the depth */
272 			if (comp > 0) {
273 				/* past the entries of the directory */
274 				/* do nothing */
275 			}
276 			else {
277 				int pos = _rar_nav_position_on_dir_start(file, dir_depth,
278 					file_size, entries->entries_array_s, rstate->index,
279 					entries->num_entries);
280 				if (pos != -1) {
281 					found = TRUE;
282 					rstate->index = pos;
283 					/* populate cache for exact name access */
284 					entries->last_accessed = entries->entries_array_s[pos];
285 				}
286 			}
287 		}
288 	}
290 	if (found == FALSE) {
291 		rstate->out.found = 0;
292 		rstate->out.eof = 1;
293 	}
294 	else {
295 		struct _rar_unique_entry *cur;
296 		if (in_sorted)
297 			cur = entries->entries_array_s[rstate->index];
298 		else
299 			cur = entries->entries_array[rstate->index];
300 		rstate->out.found = 1;
301 		rstate->out.position = cur->id;
302 		rstate->out.header = &cur->entry;
303 		rstate->out.packed_size = cur->packed_size;
304 		rstate->index++;
305 	}
306 }
307 /* }}} */
309 /* {{{ _rar_delete_entries - accepts an allocated entries list */
_rar_delete_entries(rar_file_t * rar TSRMLS_DC)310 void _rar_delete_entries(rar_file_t *rar TSRMLS_DC)
311 {
312 	if (rar->entries != NULL) {
313 		if (rar->entries->entries_array != NULL) {
314 			size_t i;
315 			for (i = 0; i < rar->entries->num_entries; i++) {
316 				if (rar->entries->entries_array[i]->entry.RedirName != NULL) {
317 					efree(rar->entries->entries_array[i]->entry.RedirName);
318 				}
319 				efree(rar->entries->entries_array[i]);
320 			}
321 			efree(rar->entries->entries_array);
323 			if (rar->entries->entries_array_s != NULL)
324 				efree(rar->entries->entries_array_s);
325 		}
326 		efree(rar->entries);
327 	}
328 }
329 /* }}} */
331 /* guarantees correct initialization of rar->entries on failure
332  * If the passed rar_file_t structure has the allow_broken option, it
333  * always returns success (ERAR_END_ARCHIVE) */
_rar_list_files(rar_file_t * rar TSRMLS_DC)334 int _rar_list_files(rar_file_t *rar TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
335 {
336 	int result = 0;
337 	size_t capacity = 0;
338 	int first_file_check = TRUE;
339 	unsigned long packed_size = 0UL;
340 	struct _rar_entries *ents;
342 	if (rar->entries != NULL) {
343 		/* we've already listed this file's entries */
344 		if (rar->allow_broken)
345 			return ERAR_END_ARCHIVE;
346 		else
347 			return rar->entries->list_result;
348 	}
350 	assert(rar->entries == NULL);
351 	rar->entries = emalloc(sizeof *rar->entries);
352 	ents = rar->entries;
353 	ents->num_entries = 0;
354 	ents->entries_array = NULL;
355 	ents->entries_array_s = NULL;
356 	ents->last_accessed = NULL;
358 	while (result == 0) {
359 		struct _rar_unique_entry *ue;
360 		struct RARHeaderDataEx entry = {0};
361 		wchar_t redir_name[1024] = L"";
362 		entry.RedirName = redir_name;
363 		entry.RedirNameSize = sizeof(redir_name) / sizeof(redir_name[0]);
364 		result = RARReadHeaderEx(rar->arch_handle, &entry);
365 		/* value of 2nd argument is irrelevant in RAR_OM_LIST_[SPLIT] mode */
366 		if (result == 0) {
367 			result = RARProcessFile(rar->arch_handle, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL);
368 		}
369 		if (result != 0)
370 			break;
372 		if (first_file_check) {
373 			if (entry.Flags & RHDF_SPLITBEFORE)
374 				continue;
375 			else
376 				first_file_check = FALSE;
377 		}
379 		/* reset packed size if not split before */
380 		if ((entry.Flags & RHDF_SPLITBEFORE) == 0)
381 			packed_size = 0UL;
383 		/* we would exceed size of ulong. cap at ulong_max
384 		 * equivalent to packed_size + entry.PackSize > ULONG_MAX,
385 		 * but without overflowing */
386 		if (ULONG_MAX - packed_size < entry.PackSize)
387 			packed_size = ULONG_MAX;
388 		else {
389 			packed_size += entry.PackSize;
390 			if (entry.PackSizeHigh != 0) {
391 #if ULONG_MAX > 0xffffffffUL
392 				packed_size += ((unsigned long) entry.PackSizeHigh) << 32;
393 #else
394 				packed_size = ULONG_MAX; /* cap */
395 #endif
396 			}
397 		}
399 		if (entry.Flags & RHDF_SPLITAFTER) /* do not commit */
400 			continue;
402 		/* commit the entry */
403 		assert(capacity >= ents->num_entries);
404 		if (capacity == ents->num_entries) { /* 0, 2, 6, 14, 30... */
405 			capacity = (capacity + 1) * 2;
406 			ents->entries_array = safe_erealloc(ents->entries_array, capacity,
407 				sizeof(*ents->entries_array), 0);
408 		}
409 		assert(capacity > ents->num_entries);
411 		ents->entries_array[ents->num_entries] = ue =
412 			emalloc(sizeof *ents->entries_array[0]);
413 		memcpy(&ue->entry, &entry, sizeof ents->entries_array[0]->entry);
414 		ue->id = ents->num_entries;
415 		ue->packed_size = packed_size;
416 		_rar_nav_get_depth_and_length(entry.FileNameW,
417 			sizeof(entry.FileNameW) / sizeof(entry.FileNameW[0]), /* = 1024 */
418 			&ue->depth, &ue->name_wlen TSRMLS_CC);
419 		if (redir_name[0] != L'\0') {
420 			size_t size = (wcslen(redir_name) + 1) * sizeof(redir_name[0]);
421 			ue->entry.RedirName = emalloc(size);
422 			memcpy(ue->entry.RedirName, redir_name, size);
423 		} else {
424 			ue->entry.RedirName = NULL;
425 			ue->entry.RedirNameSize = 0;
426 		}
427 		ents->num_entries++;
428 	}
430 	rar->entries->list_result = result;
432 	return rar->allow_broken ? ERAR_END_ARCHIVE : result;
433 }
434 /* }}} */
436 /* end functions with external linkage }}} */
439 /* {{{ Functions with internal linkage */
_rar_nav_get_depth_and_length(wchar_t * filenamew,const size_t file_size,int * depth_out,size_t * wlen_out TSRMLS_DC)441 static void _rar_nav_get_depth_and_length(wchar_t *filenamew, const size_t file_size,
442 										  int *depth_out, size_t *wlen_out TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
443 {
444 	size_t	i;
445 	int		depth = 0;
447 	assert(file_size >= 1);
449 	for (i = 0; i < file_size; i++) {
450 		if (filenamew[i] == L'\0')
451 			break;
452 		if (filenamew[i] == SPATHDIVIDER[0])
453 			depth++;
454 	}
456 	if (i == file_size) { /* should not happen */
457 		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING,
458 			"The library gave an unterminated file name. "
459 			"This is a bug, please report it.");
460 		i--;
461 		filenamew[i] = L'\0';
462 	}
464 	if ((i >= 1) && (filenamew[i-1] == SPATHDIVIDER[0])) {
465 		/* entry name ended in path divider. shouldn't happen */
466 		i--;
467 		filenamew[i] = L'\0';
468 		depth--;
469 	}
471 	*depth_out = depth;
472 	if (wlen_out != NULL)
473 		*wlen_out = (size_t) i;
474 }
475 /* }}} */
_rar_nav_get_depth(const wchar_t * filenamew,const size_t file_size)477 static int _rar_nav_get_depth(const wchar_t *filenamew, const size_t file_size) /* {{{ */
478 {
479 	size_t	i;
480 	int		depth = 0;
482 	for (i = 0; i < file_size; i++) {
483 		if (filenamew[i] == L'\0')
484 			break;
485 		if (filenamew[i] == SPATHDIVIDER[0])
486 			depth++;
487 	}
488 	assert(i < file_size);
490 	return depth;
491 }
492 /* }}} */
_rar_nav_compare_entries(const void * op1,const void * op2 TSRMLS_DC)494 static int _rar_nav_compare_entries(const void *op1, const void *op2 TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
495 {
496 	const struct _rar_unique_entry *a = *((struct _rar_unique_entry **) op1),
497 								   *b = *((struct _rar_unique_entry **) op2);
499 	return _rar_nav_compare_values(a->entry.FileNameW, a->depth,
500 		b->entry.FileNameW, b->depth,
501 		sizeof(a->entry.FileNameW) / sizeof(a->entry.FileNameW[0]) /*1024*/);
502 }
503 /* }}} */
505 #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7
_rar_nav_swap_entries(void * op1,void * op2)506 static void _rar_nav_swap_entries(void *op1, void *op2) /* {{{ */
507 {
508 	/* just swaps two pointer values */
509 	struct _rar_unique_entry **a = op1,
510 							 **b = op2,
511 							 *tmp;
512 	tmp = *a;
513 	*a = *b;
514 	*b = tmp;
516 }
517 /* }}} */
518 #endif
_rar_nav_compare_entries_std(const void * op1,const void * op2)520 static int _rar_nav_compare_entries_std(const void *op1, const void *op2) /* {{{ */
521 {
522 	const struct _rar_unique_entry *a = *((struct _rar_unique_entry **) op1),
523 								   *b = *((struct _rar_unique_entry **) op2);
525 	return _rar_nav_compare_values(a->entry.FileNameW, a->depth,
526 		b->entry.FileNameW, b->depth,
527 		sizeof(a->entry.FileNameW) / sizeof(a->entry.FileNameW[0]) /*1024*/);
528 }
529 /* }}} */
_rar_nav_compare_values(const wchar_t * str1,const int depth1,const wchar_t * str2,const int depth2,const size_t max_size)531 static inline int _rar_nav_compare_values(const wchar_t *str1, const int depth1,
532 								   const wchar_t *str2, const int depth2,
533 								   const size_t max_size) /* {{{ */
534 {
535 	if (depth1 == depth2) {
536 		return wcsncmp(str1, str2, max_size);
537 	}
538 	else {
539 		return depth1 > depth2 ? 1 : -1;
540 	}
541 }
542 /* }}} */
544 /* does not assume null termination */
_rar_nav_directory_match(const wchar_t * dir,const size_t dir_len,const wchar_t * entry,const size_t entry_len)545 static int _rar_nav_directory_match(const wchar_t *dir, const size_t dir_len,
546 									const wchar_t *entry, const size_t entry_len) /* {{{ */
547 {
548 	const wchar_t *chr,
549 				  *entry_rem;
550 	size_t		  entry_rem_len;
552 	/* dir does not end with the path separator */
554 	if (dir_len > 0) {
555 		if (entry_len <= dir_len) /* don't match the dir itself */
556 			return FALSE;
557 		/* assert(entry_len > dir_len > 0) */
558 		if (wmemcmp(dir, entry, dir_len) != 0)
559 			return FALSE;
560 		/* directory name does not follow path sep or path sep ends the name */
561 		if (entry[dir_len] != SPATHDIVIDER[0] || entry_len == dir_len + 1)
562 			return FALSE;
563 		/* assert(entry_len > dir_len + 1) */
564 		entry_rem = &entry[dir_len + 1];
565 		entry_rem_len = entry_len - (dir_len + 1);
566 	}
567 	else {
568 		entry_rem = entry;
569 		entry_rem_len = entry_len;
570 	}
572 	chr = wmemchr(entry_rem, SPATHDIVIDER[0], entry_rem_len);
573 	/* must have no / after the directory */
574 	return (chr == NULL);
575 }
576 /* }}} */
_rar_nav_position_on_dir_start(const wchar_t * dir_name,int dir_depth,size_t dir_size,struct _rar_unique_entry ** entries,size_t low,size_t high)578 static size_t _rar_nav_position_on_dir_start(const wchar_t *dir_name,
579 											 int dir_depth,
580 											 size_t dir_size,
581 											 struct _rar_unique_entry **entries,
582 											 size_t low, size_t high) /* {{{ */
583 {
584 	size_t	mid;
585 	int		comp;
586 	size_t	orig_high = high;
588 	if (dir_size == 1) { /* root */
589 		if (low >= high)
590 			return -1;
592 		if (entries[low]->depth == 0)
593 			return low;
594 		else
595 			return -1;
596 	}
598 	while (low < high) {
599 		mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
600 		comp = _rar_nav_compare_values(dir_name, dir_depth + 1,
601 			entries[mid]->entry.FileNameW, entries[mid]->depth,
602 			dir_size);
603 		if (comp > 0)
604 			low = mid + 1;
605 		else
606 			high = mid;
607 	}
609 	if (low >= orig_high)
610 		return -1;
612 	if (_rar_nav_directory_match(dir_name, dir_size - 1,
613 			entries[low]->entry.FileNameW, entries[low]->name_wlen))
614 		return low;
615 	else
616 		return -1;
617 }
618 /* }}} */
621 /* end functions with internal linkage */
623 #endif /* HAVE_RAR */
625 #ifdef __cplusplus
626 }
627 #endif
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