2;;; form.l -- screen forms handler
6  (specials t)
7  (macros t))
9(eval-when (compile)
10  (load 'utilities)
11  (load 'constants)
12  (load 'zone)
13  (load 'look)
14  (load 'font)
15  (load 'text)
16  (load 'text-edit))
19;;;						generic fields
23  (field		; generic field
24    (:displace t)
25    (:list)
26    (:conc-name))
27  (type 'generic-field)		; type = generic
28  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
29  (properties (list nil))	; empty property list
32(defvar field-properties	; list of expected field properties
33  '("field-properties"
34    fill-ground		(solid pattern)		; should we draw when highlit?
35    fill-colour		(x_colour x_pattern)	; what colour or pattern?
36    empty-ground 	(solid pattern)		; should we draw when unlit?
37    empty-colour	(x_colour x_pattern)	; what colour or pattern?
38    border-colour	(x_colour) ; should we draw border (and what colour?)
39   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
41(defun draw-field (f)		; draw field from scratch
42  (apply (concat 'draw- (field-type f))	; construct draw function name
43	 (ncons f)))				; then call it
45(defun init-field (f)		; initialize a field
46  (apply (concat 'init- (field-type f))	; construct init function name
47	 (ncons f)))				; then call it
49(defun resize-field (f box)		; resize a field
50  (apply				; construct resize function name
51    (concat 'resize- (field-type f))
52    (list f box)))				; then call it
54(defun toggle-field (f)		; toggle a field
55  (apply (concat 'toggle- (field-type f)) ; construct toggle fcn name
56	 (ncons f)))				; then call it
58(defun check-field (f p)	; check if point is inside field excl.border
59  (cond ((point-in-box-interior p (zone-box (field-zone f)))
60	 (apply			; if so, construct check function name
61	   (concat 'check- (field-type f))
62	   (list f p)))		; then call it and return result
63	(t nil)))		; otherwise return nil
65(defun fill-field (f)		; fill the field interior, if defined
66  (let ((b (get (field-properties f) 'fill-ground))	; check if has one
67	(c (get (field-properties f) 'fill-colour)))
68       (cond ((eq b 'solid)	; solid background
69	      (cond (c (clear-zone-interior (field-zone f) c))
70		    (t (clear-zone-interior (field-zone f) W-CONTRAST))))
71	     ((eq b 'pattern)	; patterned background
72	      (cond (c (pattern-zone-interior (field-zone f) c))
73		    (t (pattern-zone-interior (field-zone f) W-PATTERN-1))))
74       )))			; no background at all!
76(defun empty-field (f)		; empty the field interior, if defined
77  (let ((b (get (field-properties f) 'empty-ground)) ; check if has one
78	(c (get (field-properties f) 'empty-colour)))
79       (cond ((eq b 'solid)	; solid background
80	      (cond (c (clear-zone-interior (field-zone f) c))
81		    (t (clear-zone-interior (field-zone f) W-BACKGROUND))))
82	     ((eq b 'pattern)	; patterned background
83	      (cond (c (pattern-zone-interior (field-zone f) c))
84		    (t (pattern-zone-interior (field-zone f) W-PATTERN-1))))
85       )))			; no background at all!
87(defun draw-field-background (f)	; just what it says
88  (let ((b (get (field-properties f) 'empty-ground)) ; check if has one
89	(c (get (field-properties f) 'empty-colour)))
90       (cond ((eq b 'solid)	; solid background
91	      (cond (c (clear-zone (field-zone f) c))
92		    (t (clear-zone (field-zone f) W-BACKGROUND))))
93	     ((eq b 'pattern)	; patterned background
94	      (cond (c (pattern-zone (field-zone f) c))
95		    (t (pattern-zone (field-zone f) W-PATTERN-1))))
96       )))			; no background at all!
98(defun draw-field-border (f)		; draw outline, if any
99  (let ((c (get (field-properties f) 'border-colour)))
100       (cond (c (draw-zone-outline (field-zone f) c)))
101  ))
104;;;						aggregate fields
108  (aggregate-field	; aggregate field = form
109    (:displace t)
110    (:list)
111    (:conc-name))
112  (type 'aggregate-field)		; type
113  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
114  (properties (list nil))	; empty property list
115  subfields			; list of subfields
116  selection			; which subfield was last hit
119(defvar aggregate-field-properties
120  `("aggregate-field-properties"
121    = ,field-properties
122   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
124(defun draw-aggregate-field (f)
125  (draw-field-background f)			; clear background, if any
126  (draw-field-border f)				; draw border, if any
127  (mapc 'draw-field (aggregate-field-subfields f)) ; draw subfields
128  (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (field-zone f)))) t) ; flush it out
130(defun init-aggregate-field (f)
131  (mapc 'init-field (aggregate-field-subfields f))
132  (alter-aggregate-field f selection nil) t)
134(defun resize-aggregate-field (f box)
135  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box))
137(defun check-aggregate-field (f p)
138  (do ((subfields (aggregate-field-subfields f)	; go through subfields
139	 (cdr subfields))
140       (gotcha))
141      ((or (null subfields)				; stop when no more
142	   (setq gotcha (check-field (car subfields) p))) ; or when one is hit
143       (alter-aggregate-field f selection gotcha)	; remember which one
144       gotcha)))					; also return it
147;;;						remote fields
149;;; A remote field is a field which activates another field when hit.
150;;; Usually the remote field has some functional significance!
153  (remote-field		; remote field
154    (:displace t)
155    (:list)
156    (:conc-name))
157  (type 'remote-field)		; type = remote
158  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
159  (properties (list nil))	; empty plist
160  (target)			; the actual target field
161  (point)			; x,y coords to pretend to use
164(defvar remote-field-properties
165  `("remote-field-properties"
166    = ,field-properties
167   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
169(defun draw-remote-field (f) 't)	; nothing to draw
171(defun init-remote-field (f) 't)	; nothing to initialize
173(defun resize-remote-field (f box)
174  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box))
176(defun check-remote-field (f p)
177  (check-field
178    (remote-field-target f)
179    (remote-field-point f)))		; return result of checking target
182;;;						button fields
186  (button-field		; button field
187    (:displace t)
188    (:list)
189    (:conc-name))
190  (type 'button-field)		; type = button
191  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
192  (properties
193    (list nil			; default properties
194	  'fill-ground 'solid
195	  'empty-ground 'solid
196	  'border-colour W-CONTRAST
197    ))
198  (value nil)			; value
201(defvar button-field-properties
202  `("button-field-properties"
203    = ,field-properties
204   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
206(defun draw-button-field (f)
207  (draw-field-border f)
208  (cond ((button-field-value f)
209	 (fill-field f))
210	(t (empty-field f))))
212(defun toggle-button-field (f)
213  (alter-button-field f value (not (button-field-value f)))
214  (clear-zone-interior (field-zone f) W-XOR))
216(defun init-button-field (f)
217  (alter-button-field f value nil))	; turn it off
219(defun resize-button-field (f box)
220  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box))
222(defun check-button-field (f p)
223  (toggle-button-field f) f)	; if we get here it's a hit -> return self
226;;;						radio-button fields
228;;; Named for the buttons on radios in which only one is "in" at a time.
231  (radio-button-field		; radio-button field
232    (:displace t)
233    (:list)
234    (:conc-name))
235  (type 'radio-button-field)		; type = radio-button
236  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
237  (properties (list nil))	; empty plist
238  (subfields nil)		; individual buttons
239  (selection nil)		; which one last hit
242(defvar radio-button-field-properties
243  `("radio-button-field-properties"
244    = ,aggregate-field-properties
245   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
247(defun draw-radio-button-field (f)
248  (draw-aggregate-field f))
250(defun init-radio-button-field (f)
251  (init-aggregate-field f))
253(defun resize-radio-button-field (f box)
254  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box))
256(defun check-radio-button-field (f p)
257  (cond ((and (radio-button-field-selection f)	; if button previously sel'd
258	      (button-field-value
259		(radio-button-field-selection f))) ; and it has a value
260	 (toggle-field				; turn it off
261	   (radio-button-field-selection f))))
262  (check-aggregate-field f p)			; check individual buttons
263)		; this will turn back on if same one sel'd, and return it
266;;;						text fields
270  (text-field		; text field
271    (:displace t)
272    (:list)
273    (:conc-name))
274  (type 'text-field)		; type = text
275  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
276  (properties
277    (list nil
278	  'fill-ground 'solid
279	  'empty-ground 'solid
280	  'border-colour W-CONTRAST
281	  'x-offset 5		; offset from left
282    ))
283  (value nil)
284  (text '||)			; text of text
287(defvar text-field-properties
288  `("text-field-properties"
289    x-offset (x_pixels)		; text offset from box ll, otherwise centred
290    y-offset (x_pixels)		; text offset from box ll, otherwise centred
291    + ,button-field-properties
292   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
294(defun draw-text-field (f)
295  (draw-button-field f)
296  (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (field-zone f)))) ; guarantee text on top
297  (draw-text (text-field-text f)))
299(defun redraw-text-field (f)
300  (empty-field f)
301  (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (field-zone f)))) ; guarantee text on top
302  (draw-text (text-field-text f)))
304(defun init-text-field (f)	; position & position the text in the field
305  (let ((s (text-field-text f))
306	(x-offset (get (field-properties f) 'x-offset))	; x offset from ll
307	(y-offset (get (field-properties f) 'y-offset))); y offset from ll
308       (alter-text s
309	 zone (make-zone			; ensure it has a zone
310		window (zone-window (field-zone f))
311		box (box-interior (zone-box (field-zone f)))))
312       (format-text s)		; ensure text delta calculated
313       (cond ((null x-offset)		; x-offset specified?
314	      (setq x-offset		; nope! centre it left-right
315		    (/ (- (x (box-size (zone-box (field-zone f))))
316			  (x (text-delta s)))
317		       2))))
318       (cond ((null y-offset)		; y-offset specified?
319	      (setq y-offset		; nope! centre it up-down
320		    (/ (- (y (box-size (zone-box (field-zone f))))
321			  (font-x-height (look-font (text-look s))))
322		       2))))
323       (alter-text s			; now position the text
324	 offset (make-point x x-offset y y-offset))
325       ))
327(defun resize-text-field (f box)	; position the text in the field
328  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box)
329  (init-text-field f))
331(defun check-text-field (f p)
332  (input-text-field f) f)	; if we get here it's a hit -> return self
334(defun input-text-field (f)
335  (alter-text (text-field-text f)
336    text '|| nn 0 kr 0 kl 0 delta (make-point x 0 y 0))
337  (draw-text-field f)
338  (edit-text-field f (ll (zone-box (text-zone (text-field-text f))))))
340(defun edit-text-field (f p)		; edit in middle of text field
341  (edit-text (text-field-text f) p)	; edit the text
342  (draw-field f))			; redraw
346;;;						prompt fields
350  (prompt-field		; prompt field
351    (:displace t)
352    (:list)
353    (:conc-name))
354  (type 'prompt-field)		; type = prompt
355  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
356  (properties
357    (list nil 'x-offset 0))	; put it exactly where spec indicates.
358  (value nil)
359  (text '||)			; text of prompt
362(defvar prompt-field-properties
363  `("prompt-field-properties"
364    = ,text-field-properties
365   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
367(defun draw-prompt-field (f)
368  (draw-text-field f))
370(defun init-prompt-field (f)
371  (init-text-field f))
373(defun resize-prompt-field (f box)	; position the text in the field
374  (resize-text-field f box))
376(defun check-prompt-field (f p) f) ; just return self
379;;;						text-button fields
381;;; A text-button is a button tied to a text.
382;;; When the button is pressed, the text is input from the keyboard.
383;;; Zone could same as either the button (activation by button only)
384;;; or include both button & text (should then be adjacent)
387  (text-button-field		; text-button field
388    (:displace t)
389    (:list)
390    (:conc-name))
391  (type 'text-button-field)		; type = text-button
392  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
393  (properties (list nil))	; empty plist
394  (button)			; button subfield
395  (text)			; text subfield
398(defvar text-button-field-properties
399  `("text-button-field-properties"
400    = ,field-properties
401   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
403(defun draw-text-button-field (f)
404  (draw-field (text-button-field-button f))
405  (draw-text-field (text-button-field-text f)))
407(defun init-text-button-field (f)
408  (init-field (text-button-field-button f))
409  (init-text-field (text-button-field-text f)))
411(defun resize-text-button-field (f box)
412  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box))
414(defun toggle-text-button-field (f)	; toggle only the button part
415  (cond ((button-field-value		; and only if non-nil
416	   (text-button-field-button f))
417	 (toggle-button-field (text-button-field-button f)))))
419(defun check-text-button-field (f p)
420  (cond ((check-field (text-button-field-button f) p)
421	 (input-text-field			; input from scratch
422	   (text-button-field-text f)))	; get the data
423	(t (toggle-button-field			; must be pointing at text
424	     (text-button-field-button f))	; toggle only the button part
425	   (edit-text-field
426	     (text-button-field-text f) p))	; edit the data
427  )
428  (toggle-button-field			; toggle button back
429    (text-button-field-button f))
430  (alter-button-field (text-button-field-button f)
431    value nil)			; keep aggregate from toggling again
432  f)					; return self
435;;;						labelled button fields
439  (labelled-button-field ; labelled button field
440    (:displace t)
441    (:list)
442    (:conc-name))
443  (type 'labelled-button-field)	; type = labelled-button
444  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
445  (properties
446    (list nil
447	  'fill-ground 'solid
448	  'empty-ground 'solid
449	  'border-colour W-CONTRAST
450    ))
451  (value nil)			; value
452  (text '||)			; label text
455(defvar labelled-button-field-properties
456  `("labelled-button-field-properties"
457    = ,text-field-properties
458   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
460(defun draw-labelled-button-field (f)
461  (draw-text-field f))
463(defun init-labelled-button-field (f)
464  (init-text-field f))
466(defun resize-labelled-button-field (f box)
467  (resize-text-field f box))
469(defun check-labelled-button-field (f p)
470  (toggle-button-field f) f)	; if we get here it's a hit -> return self
472(defun toggle-labelled-button-field (f)
473  (toggle-button-field f))
476;;;						expanded-bitmap fields
480  (expanded-bitmap-field	; expanded-bitmap field
481    (:displace t)
482    (:list)
483    (:conc-name))
484  (type 'expanded-bitmap-field)	; type = expanded-bitmap
485  (zone (make-zone))		; bounding zone
486  (properties (list nil))	; empty plist
487  (subfields nil)		; individual bits
488  (selection nil)		; which one last hit
489  (nrows 1)
490  (ncols 1)
493(defvar expanded-bitmap-field-properties
494  `("expanded-bitmap-field-properties"
495    = ,aggregate-field-properties
496   ))	; can use this as real plist for online documentation
498(defun draw-expanded-bitmap-field (f)
499  (draw-aggregate-field f))
501(defun init-expanded-bitmap-field (f)
502  (let ((s (divide-points			; calculate x,y dimensions
503	     (box-size (zone-box (field-zone f)))
504	     (make-point
505	       x (expanded-bitmap-field-ncols f)
506	       y (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f)))))
507       (do ((z (field-zone f))
508	    (r nil)
509	    (x (x (ll (zone-box (field-zone f)))))
510	    (y (y (ll (zone-box (field-zone f))))
511	       (+ y dy))
512	    (dx (x s))
513	    (dy (y s))
514	    (nc (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f))
515	    (nr (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f))
516	    (j 0 (1+ j)))
517	   ((= j nr) (alter-aggregate-field f subfields (nreverse r)) 't)
518	   (do ((x x (+ x dx))
519		(p)
520		(i 0 (1+ i)))
521	       ((= i nc))			; create a row of buttons
522	       (setq p (make-point x x y y))
523	       (setq r (xcons r (make-button-field zone (append z nil))))
524	       (alter-zone (field-zone (car r))
525		 box (make-box ll p ur (add-points p s)))
526	   ))))
528(defun resize-expanded-bitmap-field (f box)
529  (alter-zone (field-zone f) box box)
530  (let ((s (divide-points			; calculate x,y dimensions
531	     (box-size box)
532	     (make-point
533	       x (expanded-bitmap-field-ncols f)
534	       y (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f)))))
535       (do ((z (field-zone f))
536	    (r (expanded-bitmap-field-subfields f))
537	    (x (x (ll box)))
538	    (y (y (ll box)) (+ y dy))
539	    (dx (x s))
540	    (dy (y s))
541	    (nc (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f))
542	    (nr (expanded-bitmap-field-nrows f))
543	    (j 0 (1+ j)))
544	   ((= j nr) t)
545	   (do ((x x (+ x dx))
546		(p)
547		(i 0 (1+ i)))
548	       ((= i nc))			; create a row of buttons
549	       (setq p (make-point x x y y))
550	       (resize-button-field (car r)
551		 (make-box ll p ur (add-points p s)))
552	       (setq r (cdr r))
553	   ))))
555(defun check-expanded-bitmap-field (f p)
556  (check-aggregate-field f p))	; if we get here it's a hit -> check subfields
559;;; utilities.l								;
560;;;									;
561;;; These macros and functions are thought to be generally useful.	;
562;;;									;
564;;;							Macros		;
568  (macros t)		; keep macros around after compiling
569  (localf pairify* pairifyq* split2* sublist*)
570  (special compiled-with-help))
572(defmacro copy-all-but-last (ls)	; copy all but last member of list
573  `(let ((ls ,ls))
574	(firstn (1- (length ls))
575	  ls)))
577(defmacro all-but-last (ls)		; destructive all-but-last
578  `(let ((ls ,ls))
579	(cond ((cdr ls)
580	       (rplacd (nthcdr (- (length ls) 2) ls) nil)
581	       ls))))
583(def hex (macro (arglist)		; hex to integer conversion
584		`(car (hex-to-int ',(cdr arglist)))))
586;;; define properties on symbols for use by help routines
588(defmacro def-usage (fun usage returns group)
589  (cond (compiled-with-help	; flag controls help generation
590	  `(progn (putprop ,fun ,usage 'fcn-usage)
591		  (putprop ,fun ,returns 'fcn-returns)
592		  (putprop ,fun (nconc ,group (ncons ,fun)) 'fcn-group)))))
593(defvar compiled-with-help t)	; unless otherwise notified
595;;; (letenv 'l_bind_plist g_expr1 ... g_exprn) -- pair-list form of "let"
596;;; Lambda-binds pairs of "binding-objects" (see description of let,let*),
597;;; at RUN TIME, then evaluates g_expr1 to g_exprn, returning g_exprn. eg:
598;;; (apply 'letenv '(letenv '(a 1 b (+ c d))
599;;;		      (e)(f g)))
600;-> (eval (cons 'let (cons (pairify '(a 1 b (+ c d)))
601;;;			   '((e) (f g)))))
602;-> (let ((a 1) (b (+ c d)))
603;;;	 (e) (f g))
604(def letenv
605  (macro (x)
606    `(eval (cons 'let
607	     (cons
608	       (pairify ,(cadr x))	; plist of binding objects
609	       ',(cddr x))))))		; exprs to be eval'ed
611(def letenvq			; letenv, quoted binding objects
612  (macro (x)
613    `(eval (cons 'let
614	     (cons
615	       (pairifyq ,(cadr x))	; plist of binding objects
616	       ',(cddr x))))))		; exprs to be eval'ed
618(defmacro mergecar (L1 L2 cmpfn)	; merge, comparing by car's
619  `(merge ,L1 ,L2 '(lambda (e1 e2)		; (like sortcar)
620		     (funcall ,cmpfn (car e1) (car e2)))))
623;;;							Functions	;
625;;; (all-but-last l_items)	-- copy all but last list element
627;(defun all-but-last (ls)
628;  (cond ((cdr ls) (cons (car ls) (all-but-last (cdr ls))))))
630;;; (alphap sx_char)
631(defun alphap (char)			; is char alphabetic?
632  (cond ((symbolp char)
633	 (setq char (car (exploden char)))))
634  (and (fixp char)
635       (or (and (>& char #.(1- #/A))
636		(<& char #.(1+ #/Z)))
637	   (and (>& char #.(1- #/a))
638		(<& char #.(1+ #/z))))))
640;;; (alphanumericp sx_char)
641(defun alphanumericp (char)		; is char alphabetic or numeric?
642  (cond ((symbolp char)
643	 (setq char (car (exploden char)))))
644  (and (fixp char)
645       (or (and (>& char #.(1- #/A))
646		(<& char #.(1+ #/Z)))
647	   (and (>& char #.(1- #/a))
648		(<& char #.(1+ #/z)))
649	   (and (>& char #.(1- #/0))
650		(<& char #.(1+ #/9))))))
652;;; (assqonc 'g_key 'g_val 'l_al)
653;;; like   (cond ((assq key alist))
654;;;		 (t (cadr (rplacd (last alist)
655;;;			    (ncons (cons key val))))))
656(defun assqonc (key val al)	; tack (key.val) on end if not found
657  (do ((al al (cdr al)))
658      ((or (eq key (caar al))
659	   (and (null (cdr al))
660		(rplacd al (setq al (ncons (cons key val))))))
661       (car al))))
663;;; (cartesian l_xset l_yset)
664(defun cartesian (xset yset)		; cartesian product of elements
665  (mapcan
666    '(lambda (x)
667       (mapcar
668	 '(lambda (y) (cons x y))
669	 yset))
670    xset))
672(defun concat-pairs (sb-list)	; concat neighbouring symbol pairs
673  (do ((s1 (car sb-list) s2)
674       (s2 (cadr sb-list) (car sbs-left))
675       (sbs-left (cddr sb-list) (cdr sbs-left))
676       (result nil (cons (concat s1 s2) result)))
677      ((null s2) (nreverse result))))
678;;; (detach l)
679;;; Detaches (and throws away) first element of list (converse of attach)
680;;; keeping the same initial list cell.
681(defun detach (l)
682  (cond (l (rplacd l (cddr (rplaca l (cadr l)))))))
684;;; (distribute x_Q x_N)
685;;; returns list of the form: (1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1) or (3 2 2 2 3)
686;;; i.e. a list of length <N> containing quantity <Q> evenly distributed
687;;; with the excess <Q mod N> surrounding a "core" of <Q div N>'s
688;;; Useful (?) for padding spaces in line adjustment.
689;(defun distribute (Q N)	; this one only does 1's and 0's
690;  (cond ((signp le Q) (duplicate N 0))
691;	((eq Q 1) (pad 0 N '(1)))
692;	(t (cons 1 (nconc
693;		     (distribute (- Q 2) (- N 2))
694;		     '(1))))))
696(defun distribute (Q N)		; distribute quantity Q among N elements
697  (let ((tmp (Divide (abs Q) N)))
698       (setq tmp (distribute0 (cadr tmp) N (car tmp) (1+ (car tmp))))
699       (cond ((signp ge Q) tmp)
700	     (t (mapcar 'minus tmp)))))
702(defun distribute0 (Q N X X1)
703  (cond ((signp le Q) (duplicate N X))
704	((eq Q 1) (pad X N (ncons X1)))
705	(t (cons X1 (nconc
706			  (distribute0 (- Q 2) (- N 2) X X1)
707			  (ncons X1))))))
709;;; (duplicate x_n g_object)
710;;; Returns list of n copies of object (nil if n <= 0)
711(defun duplicate (n object)
712  (do ((res nil (cons object res))
713       (i n (1- i)))
714      ((signp le i) res)))
716(defun e0 (in out)		; simulate binary insertion procedure
717  (let ((lin (length in))
718	(lout (length out)))
719       (cond ((> lin lout)
720	      (e0
721		(nthcdr lout in)
722		(mapcan 'list out (firstn lout in))))
723	     (t (nconc (mapcan 'list (firstn lin out) in)
724		       (nthcdr lin out))))))
726(defun e (files)		; determine file permutation for emacs insert
727  (let ((i (e0 (cdr (iota (length files))) '(0)))
728	(f (append files nil)))
729       (mapc '(lambda (f-index f-name)
730		(rplaca (nthcdr f-index f) f-name))
731	     i files)
732       f))
734;;; (firstn x_n l_listarg)
735(defun firstn (n l)		;  copy first <n> elements of list
736  (do ((n n (1- n))
737       (l l (cdr l))
738       (r nil))
739      ((not (plusp n)) (nreverse r))		; <nil> if n=0 or -ve
740      (setq r (cons (car l) r))))
742;;; (iota x_n)
743;;; APL index generator (0,1,2,...,<n>-1)
744(defun iota (n)
745  (do ((i (1- n) (1- i))
746       (res nil))
747      ((minusp i) res)
748      (setq res (cons i res))))
750(defun hex-to-int (numlist)		; eg. (hex-to-int '(12b3 120 8b))
751  (cond
752    (numlist			; terminate recursion on null numlist
753      (cons
754	(apply '+
755	       (maplist
756		 '(lambda (digits)
757		    (lsh
758		      (get '(hex |0| 0 |1| 1 |2| 2 |3| 3
759				 |4| 4 |5| 5 |6| 6 |7| 7
760				 |8| 8 |9| 9  a 10  b 11
761				  c 12  d 13  e 14  f 15)
762			   (car digits))
763		      (lsh (1- (length digits)) 2)))
764		 (explodec (car numlist))))
765	(hex-to-int (cdr numlist))))))
767;;; (lctouc g_expr)
768;;; Returns s-expression formed by translating lower-case alphabetic
769;;; characters in <expr> to their upper-case equivalents.
770;;; Operates by imploding the translated characters, in the case of a
771;;; symbol or string, or by recursively calling on members of a list.
772;;; Other object types are returned unchanged.
773(defun lctouc (expr)
774    (cond
775	((dtpr expr) (mapcar 'uctolc expr))
776	((or (symbolp expr) (stringp expr))
777	 (implode
778	     (mapcar
779		 '(lambda (ch)
780		      (cond ((alphap ch)		; and-out lower-case bit
781			     (boole 1 #.(1- (1- #/a)) ch)) (t ch)))
782		 (exploden expr))))
783	(t expr)))
785;;; (log2 x_n)
786(defun log2 (n)			; log base 2 (truncated)
787  (do ((n (lsh n -1) (lsh n -1))
788       (p 0 (1+ p)))
789      ((zerop n) p)))
791;;; (lowerp sx_char)
792(defun lowerp (char)		; is char lower-case alphabetic?
793  (cond ((symbolp char)
794	 (setq char (car (exploden char)))))
795  (and (fixp char)
796       (or (and (> char #.(1- #/a))
797		(< char #.(1+ #/z))))))
799;;; (numericp sx_char)
800;;; returns t if char is numeric, otherwise nil
801(defun numericp (char)
802  (cond ((symbolp char)(setq char (car (exploden char)))))
803  (and (fixp char)
804       (and (> char #.(1- #/0))
805	    (< char #.(1+ #/9)))))
807;;; (pad g_item x_n l_list)
808;;; Returns <list> padded with copies of <item> to length <n>
809(defun pad (item n list)
810  (append list (duplicate (- n (length list)) item)))
812;;; (pairify l_items)	; make a-list from alternating elements
813(defun pairify (pl)
814  (pairify* nil pl))
815(defun pairify* (rs pl)		; tail-recursive local fun
816  (cond (pl (pairify* (cons (list (car pl) (cadr pl)) rs)
817		       (cddr pl)))
818	(t (nreverse rs))))
820;;; (pairifyq l_items)	; make a-list from alternating elements
821(defun pairifyq (pl)	; with each second element quoted
822  (pairifyq* nil pl))
823(defun pairifyq* (rs pl)		; tail-recursive local fun
824  (cond (pl (pairifyq* (cons (list (car pl) (kwote (cadr pl))) rs)
825		       (cddr pl)))
826	(t (nreverse rs))))
828;;; (penultimate l_items)	; cdr down to next-to-last list element
829(defun penultimate (ls)
830  (cond ((cddr ls) (penultimate (cdr ls)))
831	(t ls)))
833;;; (split2 l_L)
834;;; Splits list <L> into two (new) second-level lists
835(defun split2* (L tc1 tc2)
836  (cond ((null L) (list (nreverse tc1) (nreverse tc2)))
837	(t (split2* (cddr L)
838	     (cons (car L) tc1)
839	     (cons (cadr L) tc2)))))
841(defun split2 (L)
842  (split2* L nil nil))
844;;; (sublist L IL)
845;;; Splits list <L> (destructively) into (length IL) sub-lists.
846;;; IL is a list of starting indices, base zero, should be unique positive
847;;; fixnums in ascending order, and shouldn't exceed the length of L.
848;;; Each resulting sublist <i> begins with (nthcdr (nth <i> IL) L)
849(defun sublist (L IL)
850  (sublist* 0 nil (cons nil L) IL))
851(defun sublist* (I R L IL)		; tail-recursion function
852  (cond ((and L IL)
853	 (cond
854	   ((<& I (car IL))
855	    (sublist* (1+ I) R (cdr L) IL))
856	   (t (sublist* (1+ I)
857			(cons (cdr L) R)
858			(prog1 (cdr L) (rplacd L nil))
859			(cdr IL)))))
860	(t (nreverse R))))
862(defun try-fun (fun l-arg)	; try function on each arg until non-nil
863  (cond ((funcall fun (car l-arg)))
864	(l-arg (try-fun fun (cdr l-arg)))))
866;;; (uctolc g_expr)
867;;; Returns s-expression formed by translating upper-case alphabetic
868;;; characters in <expr> to their lower-case equivalents.
869;;; Operates by imploding the translated characters, in the case of a
870;;; symbol or string, or by recursively calling on members of a list.
871;;; Other object types are returned unchanged.
872(defun uctolc (expr)
873    (cond
874	((dtpr expr) (mapcar 'uctolc expr))
875	((or (symbolp expr) (stringp expr))
876	 (implode
877	     (mapcar
878		 '(lambda (ch)
879		      (cond ((alphap ch)		; or-in lower-case bit
880			     (boole 7 #.(1- #/a) ch)) (t ch)))
881		 (exploden expr))))
882	(t expr)))
884;;; (unique a l) -- Scan <l> for an element <e> "equal" to <a>.
885;;; If found, return <e>. Otherwise nconc <a> onto <l>; return <a>.
886(defun unique (a l)			; ensure unique in list
887  (car
888    (do ((cdr_ul l (cdr ul))
889	 (ul l cdr_ul))
890	((null cdr_ul) (rplacd ul (ncons a)))
891	(cond ((equal a (car cdr_ul)) (return cdr_ul))))))
893;;; (upperp sx_char)
894(defun upperp (char)		; is char upper-case alphabetic?
895  (cond ((symbolp char)
896	 (setq char (car (exploden char)))))
897  (and (fixp char)
898       (or (and (> char #.(1- #/A))
899		(< char #.(1+ #/Z))))))
901;;; zone.l -- data structures and routines for concrete window zones
903;;; a "point" is a pair of integer x,y coordinates
904;;; a "box" is a pair of points defining lower left and upper right corners
905;;; a "position" is a point coupled with a window
906;;; a "zone" is a box coupled with a window
907;;; a "window" is a machine, integer window id and, for compatibility
908;;;	with the toolbox, an integer toolbox window pointer
909;;; a "machine" is a name coupled with the j-process-id's of resident servers
910;;; The basic idea is to define a notion of a concrete position for a
911;;; display object, that can be incorporated into the object data structure.
912;;; Higher levels of software can use the objects without explicit reference
913;;; to server processes, windows and machines.
917  (specials t)			; global vars not local to this file
918  (macros t))			; compile macros as well
920(eval-when (compile)		; trust  to higher level for eval & load
921  (load 'utilities)		; utility functions
922  (load 'constants)		; common constants for window toolbox
923;  (load 'shape)		; arbitrarily shaped screen areas
927  (position		; a concrete display position
928    (:displace t)
929    (:list)
930    (:conc-name))
931  (window (make-window))	; concrete window
932  (point (make-point))		; actual x, y coordinates
936  (zone			; a concrete display zone
937    (:displace t)
938    (:list)
939    (:conc-name))
940  (window (make-window))	; concrete window
941  (box (make-box))		; bounding box of zone
942  (colour W-BACKGROUND)		; colour (for scrolling etc)
943  shape
947  (window		; concrete window
948    (:displace t)
949    (:list)
950    (:conc-name))
951  (id 0)			; integer window id
952  (machine (make-machine))	; machine (workstation)
953  (w 0)				; toolbox window structure pointer
957  (machine		; machine (workstation)
958    (:displace t)
959    (:list)
960    (:conc-name))
961  (name	'unknown-machine)	; machine name
962  (servers nil)			; plist of server processes living there
966;;; manipulation routines
969(defun add-points (p q)		; vector sum (x1+x2) (y1+y2)
970  (make-point
971    x (+ (x p) (x q))
972    y (+ (y p) (y q))))
974(defun subtract-points (p q)	; vector subtract (x1-x2) (y1-y2)
975  (make-point
976    x (- (x p) (x q))
977    y (- (y p) (y q))))
979(defun multiply-points (p q)	; vector multiply (x1*x2) (y1*y2)
980  (make-point
981    x (* (x p) (x q))
982    y (* (y p) (y q))))
984(defun divide-points (p q)	; vector division (x1-x2) (y1-y2)
985  (make-point
986    x (/ (x p) (x q))
987    y (/ (y p) (y q))))
989(defun move-point (p q)		; move point p to point q
990  (alter-point p
991    x (x q)
992    y (y q))
993  t)					; return true
995(defun box-size (b)		; size of box = ur - ll
996  (subtract-points (ur b) (ll b)))
998(defun box-interior (b)		; return box just inside this box dimensions
999  (make-box
1000    ll (add-points (ll b) '(1 1))
1001    ur (subtract-points (ur b) '(1 1))))
1003(defun move-box (b p)		; move box b to point p (lower-left)
1004  (let ((size (box-size b)))
1005       (alter-box b
1006	 ll p
1007	 ur (add-points p size))
1008       t))				; return true
1010(defun point-in-box (p b)	; is point p in box b? (including boundary)
1011  (and (>= (x p) (x (ll b)))
1012       (<= (x p) (x (ur b)))
1013       (>= (y p) (y (ll b)))
1014       (<= (y p) (y (ur b)))
1015  ))
1017(defun point-in-box-interior (p b) ; is point p in box b? (excluding boundary)
1018  (and (> (x p) (x (ll b)))
1019       (< (x p) (x (ur b)))
1020       (> (y p) (y (ll b)))
1021       (< (y p) (y (ur b)))
1022  ))
1024(defun init-window (w)		; fill in  "window" structure
1025  (let				; presuming window-w predefined
1026    ((m (j-machine-name (w-get-manager (window-w w)))))
1027    (alter-window w id (w-get-id (window-w w)))
1028    (cond ((not (window-machine w))
1029	   (alter-window w machine (make-machine name m)))
1030	  (t (alter-machine (window-machine w) name m)))
1031    (init-machine (window-machine w))	; also fill in machine structure
1032    t))				; return true
1034(defun init-machine (m)		; fill in "machine" structure
1035  (cond				; presuming machine-name predefined
1036    ((null (machine-servers m))		; if no plist, make new one
1037     (alter-machine m servers (ncons 'servers:))))
1038  (mapc '(lambda (pname)		; for each expected server name
1039	   (let
1040	     ((pid (j-search-machine-e jipc-error-code
1041		     (machine-name m)
1042		     pname)))		; try to find one on that machine
1043	     (cond ((j-same-process pid J-NO-PROCESS)
1044		    (putprop (machine-servers m) nil pname)) ; failed! use nil
1045		   (t (putprop (machine-servers m) pid pname))))) ; success!
1046	EXPECTED-WORKSTATION-SERVERS)	; global list of process names
1047  t)					; return true
1049(defvar EXPECTED-WORKSTATION-SERVERS	; global list of process names
1050  '(window_manager creator savemem
1051     text-composer))			; usually want at least these
1053(defun window-box (w)		; box fills entire window
1054  (let ((w-size (w-get-window-size (window-w w))))
1055       (make-box
1056	 ll (make-point x 0 y 0)
1057	 ur (make-point x (car w-size) y (cadr w-size)))
1058  ))
1060(defun clear-zone (z colour)	; clear zone (including boundaries)
1061  (let ((b (box-size (zone-box z))))
1062       (w-clear-rectangle (window-w (zone-window z))
1063	 (x (ll (zone-box z))) (y (ll (zone-box z)))
1064	 (1+ (x b)) (1+ (y b))
1065	 colour)))
1067(defun clear-zone-interior (z colour)	; clear zone (excluding boundaries)
1068  (let ((b (box-size (zone-box z))))
1069       (w-clear-rectangle (window-w (zone-window z))
1070	 (1+ (x (ll (zone-box z)))) (1+ (y (ll (zone-box z))))
1071	 (1- (x b)) (1- (y b))
1072	 colour)))
1074(defun pattern-zone (z pattern)	; pattern zone (including boundaries)
1075  (let ((b (zone-box z)))
1076       (w-pattern-rectangle (window-w (zone-window z))
1077	 (x (ll b)) (y (ll b))
1078	 (1+ (x (ur b))) (1+ (y (ur b))) pattern)
1079  ))
1081(defun pattern-zone-interior (z pattern) ; pattern zone (excluding boundaries)
1082  (let ((b (box-size (zone-box z))))
1083       (w-pattern-rectangle (window-w (zone-window z))
1084	 (1+ (x (ll (zone-box z)))) (1+ (y (ll (zone-box z))))
1085	 (1- (x b)) (1- (y b)) pattern)
1086  ))
1088(defun draw-zone-outline (z colour)	; draw zone boundaries
1089  (let* ((w (window-w (zone-window z)))
1090	 (b (zone-box z))
1091	 (ll (ll b))
1092	 (ur (ur b)))
1093	(w-draw-vector w (x ll) (y ll) (x ll) (y ur) colour)
1094	(w-draw-vector w (x ll) (y ur) (x ur) (y ur) colour)
1095	(w-draw-vector w (x ur) (y ur) (x ur) (y ll) colour)
1096	(w-draw-vector w (x ur) (y ll) (x ll) (y ll) colour)
1097  ))
1099;;; font.l -- font manipulation
1102(eval-when (compile)
1103  (load 'utilities)
1104  (load 'constants))
1106(defvar -installed-fonts nil)	; list of installed fonts
1109  (font			; font structure
1110    (:displace t)
1111    (:list)
1112    (:conc-name))
1113  (name 'standard)
1114  (size 8)
1115  (body 8)
1116  (cap-height 7)
1117  (x-height 5)
1118  (fixed-width 5)
1119  (first 0)
1120  (last 127)
1121  glyph			; the actual characters
1125  (glyph			; glyph structure
1126    (:displace t)
1127    (:list)
1128    (:conc-name))
1129  code
1130  width
1131  (bytes (byte-block 32))	; the actual bitmap
1135;;; 				font manipulation routines
1138(defun read-font (family size path)
1139  (let ((p (infile path))		; open file
1140	(x (new-vectori-long 2))
1141	(f nil))
1142       (setq f (make-font
1143		 name family
1144		 size (tyi p)
1145		 body (tyi p)
1146		 cap-height (tyi p)
1147		 x-height (tyi p)
1148		 fixed-width (tyi p)
1149		 first (prog1 (tyi p) (tyi p))
1150		 last (prog1 (tyi p) (tyi p))))
1151       (alter-font f glyph
1152	 (do ((i (font-first f) (1+ i))
1153	      (r (ncons nil))
1154	      (g))
1155	     ((> i (font-last f)) (car r))
1156	     (setq g (make-glyph code i))	; allocate char
1157	     (do ((j 0 (1+ j)))			; read bitmap
1158		 ((> j 31))
1159		 (vseti-byte (glyph-bytes g) j (tyi p)))
1160	     (alter-glyph g width (tyi p))	; read width
1161	     (setq r (tconc r g))
1162	 ))
1163       (close p)			; close file
1165       (rplacd				; install font
1166	 (cond ((assoc (list (font-name f) (font-size f)) -installed-fonts))
1167	       (t (car (setq -installed-fonts
1168			     (cons (ncons (list (font-name f) (font-size f)))
1169				   -installed-fonts)))))
1170	 f)
1171       f))				; return font
1173(def-usage 'read-font '(|'st_family| |'x_size| |'st_path|)
1174  'l_font-descriptor
1175  (setq fcn-group (ncons "Font Manipulation:")))
1177(defun install-font (f)
1178  (cdr
1179    (rplacd				; install font
1180      (cond ((assoc (list (font-name f) (font-size f)) -installed-fonts))
1181	    (t (car (setq -installed-fonts
1182			  (cons (ncons (list (font-name f) (font-size f)))
1183				-installed-fonts)))))
1184      f)))
1186(defun find-font (family size)	; always "finds" one even if dummy
1187  (cond ((cdr (assoc (list family size) -installed-fonts)))
1188	(t (install-font (make-font name family size size)))))
1190(def-usage 'find-font
1191  '(|'st_family| |'x_size|)
1192  'l_font-descriptor
1193  fcn-group)
1195(defun create-font (driver font)
1196  (j-send-se-list driver
1197    (list 'make-font
1198	  (font-name font)
1199	  (font-size font)
1200	  (font-body font)
1201	  (font-cap-height font)
1202	  (font-x-height font)
1203	  (font-fixed-width font)
1204	  (font-first font)
1205	  (font-last font))))
1207(defun download-glyph (driver font glyph)
1208  (j-put-items
1209    `((J-STRING set-glyph)
1210       (J-STRING ,(font-name font))
1211       (J-INT ,(font-size font))
1212       (J-INT ,(glyph-code glyph))
1213       (J-INT ,(glyph-width glyph))
1214       (J-BLOCK ,(glyph-bytes glyph))))
1215  (j-send driver))
1217(defun download-font (driver font)
1218  (do ((g (font-glyph font))
1219       (font-size (font-size font)))
1220      ((null g))
1221      (j-put-items
1222	`((J-STRING set-glyph)
1223	  (J-STRING ,(font-name font))
1224	  (J-INT ,font-size)))
1225      (do ((gg g (cdr gg)))
1226	  ((or (null gg) (j-put-items
1227			   `((J-INT ,(glyph-code (car gg)))
1228			     (J-INT ,(glyph-width (car gg)))
1229			     (J-BLOCK
1230			       ,(glyph-bytes (car gg))
1231			       ,(+ font-size font-size)))))
1232	   (setq g gg)))		; when buffer full, save remainder
1233      (j-send driver)
1234      (cond ((eq J-STRING (j-next-item-type))
1235	     (j-gets j-comm-string 128)		; skip past message string
1236	     (cond ((eq J-INT (j-next-item-type))(patom (j-geti))(terpr)))))
1237  ))
1239(def-usage 'download-font
1240  '(|'x_process-id| |'l_font-descriptor|)
1241  't
1242  fcn-group)
1244(defun read-create-download-font (driver family size path)
1245  (let ((f (read-font family size path)))
1246       (create-font driver f)
1247       (download-font driver f)
1248       f))
1250(def-usage 'read-create-download-font
1251  '(|'x_process-id| |'st_family| |'x_size| |'st_path|)
1252  'l_font-descriptor
1253  fcn-group)
1255(defun font-depth (f)
1256  (- (font-body f) (font-cap-height f)))
1258(defun font-height (f)
1259  (font-cap-height f))
1261(defun get-font-list (sc) ; arg is string-composer or font-server pid
1262  (j-send-se sc 'get-font-list)
1263  (pairify (mapcar
1264	     '(lambda (x)
1265		(cond ((stringp (cadr x)) (concat (cadr x)))
1266		      (t (cadr x))))
1267	     (j-get-items))))
1269(defun get-all-font-info (sc) ; arg is string-composer or font-server pid
1270  (mapc '(lambda (f)
1271	   (rplacd (apply 'find-font f)
1272	     (cdr (progn
1273		    (j-send-se-list sc (cons 'get-font-info f))
1274		    (mapcar 'cadr (j-get-items))))))
1275	(get-font-list sc)))
1277;;; text.l -- fancy text strings
1281  (specials t)
1282  (macros t))
1284(eval-when (compile)
1285  (load 'utilities)
1286  (load 'constants)
1287  (load 'zone)
1288  (load 'font)
1289  (load 'look))
1292  (text		; text structure
1293    (:displace t)
1294    (:list)
1295    (:conc-name))
1296  (text '||)			; the text to draw
1297  (look (make-look))		; what style to draw it in
1298  (kl 0)			; (starting) left kerning mask
1299  (zone (make-zone))		; specific window, clipping box
1300  (offset (make-point))		; offset of start point from zone ll
1301  (kr 0)			; (final) right kerning mask
1302  (delta (make-point))		; change in (x,y) relative to start point
1303  (nn -1)			; char count
1306;;; NOTE: clipping box of ((0 0) (-1 -1)) uses window boundaries
1308(defun text-width (s)		; presumes non-rotated
1309  (x (text-delta s)))
1311(defun text-box (s)		; presumes non-rotated
1312  (make-box
1313    ll (subtract-points
1314	 (text-start-point s)
1315	 (make-point x 0 y (font-depth (look-font (text-look s)))))
1316    ur (add-points
1317	 (text-end-point s)
1318	 (make-point x 0 y (font-height (look-font (text-look s)))))))
1320(defun text-start-point (s)
1321  (add-points
1322    (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))
1323    (text-offset s)))
1325(defun text-end-point (s)
1326  (add-points
1327    (text-start-point s)
1328    (text-delta s)))
1330(defun text-x (s)	; x coord of start of text object
1331  (+ (x (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1332     (x (text-offset s))))
1334(defun text-y (s)	; y coord of start of text object
1335  (+ (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1336     (y (text-offset s))))
1338(defun text-xx (s)	; x coord of end of text object
1339  (+ (x (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1340     (x (text-offset s))
1341     (x (text-delta s))))
1343(defun text-yy (s)	; y coord of end of text object
1344  (+ (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1345     (y (text-offset s))
1346     (y (text-delta s))))
1348(defun move-text (s p)	; move s to new x,y
1349  (alter-text s
1350    offset (subtract-points p (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))))
1352(defun draw-text (s)		; quietly draw text, clipping to zone box
1353  (let (((x y) (text-start-point s))
1354	(l (text-look s)))
1355       (j-put-items
1356	 `((J-STRING compose)
1357	   (J-INT ,(window-id (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1358	   (J-STRING ,(text-text s))
1359	   (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1360	   (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1361	   (J-INT ,(boole 7 (look-mode l) QUIET))
1362	   (J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1363	   (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1364	   (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1365	   (J-INT ,(text-kl s))
1366	   (J-INT ,x)
1367	   (J-INT ,y)
1368	   (J-INT ,(x (cond
1369			((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1370			 (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1371			(t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1372	   (J-INT ,(y (cond
1373			((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1374			 (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1375			(t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1376	   (J-INT ,(text-nn s))
1377	  ))
1378       (j-send (get (machine-servers
1379		      (window-machine
1380			(zone-window
1381			  (text-zone s))))
1382		    'text-composer))
1383  ))
1385(defun undraw-text (s)	; quietly undraw text, clipping to zone box
1386  (let (((x y) (text-start-point s))
1387	(l (text-look s)))
1388       (j-put-items
1389	 `((J-STRING compose)
1390	   (J-INT ,(window-id (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1391	   (J-STRING ,(text-text s))
1392	   (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1393	   (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1394	   (J-INT ,(boole 7 OVERSTRIKE QUIET (look-mode l)))
1395	   (J-INT ,(inverse-colour (look-colour l)))
1396	   (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1397	   (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1398	   (J-INT ,(text-kl s))
1399	   (J-INT ,x)
1400	   (J-INT ,y)
1401	   (J-INT ,(x (cond
1402			((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1403			 (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1404			(t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1405	   (J-INT ,(y (cond
1406			((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1407			 (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1408			(t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1409	   (J-INT ,(text-nn s))
1410	  ))
1411       (j-send (get (machine-servers
1412		      (window-machine
1413			(zone-window
1414			  (text-zone s))))
1415		    'text-composer))
1416  ))
1418(defun format-text (s)	; format text without drawing or clipping
1419  (let ((memop (symbolp (text-text s)))	; can only memoize symbols
1420	(k) (p) (q) (l (text-look s)))
1421       (cond
1422	 (memop					; are we memoizing? yes!
1423	   (setq k (unique-look-id l))	; key based on look
1424	   (setq p (get (text-text s) k))		; alist found on plist
1425	   (setq q (assoc (text-kl s) p))))		; entry based on kl
1426       (cond
1427	 (q (alter-text s			; if info found
1428	      kr (cadr q)			; record result
1429	      delta (caddr q)			; then return
1430	      nn (cadddr q)))
1431	 (t					; otherwise compute data
1432	   (j-put-items
1433	     `((J-STRING compose)
1434	       (J-INT 0)			; no window needed
1435	       (J-STRING ,(text-text s))
1436	       (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1437	       (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1438	       (J-INT ,(boole 7 NO-DRAW (look-mode l)))
1439	       (J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1440	       (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1441	       (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1442	       (J-INT ,(text-kl s))
1443	       (J-INT 0)			; starting point 0 0
1444	       (J-INT 0)
1445	       (J-INT -1)			; no clipping
1446	       (J-INT -1)
1447	       (J-INT -1)
1448	      ))
1449	   (j-send (get (machine-servers
1450			  (window-machine
1451			    (zone-window
1452			      (text-zone s))))
1453			'text-composer))
1454	   (let ((kr (j-geti))			; now record result
1455		 (xx (j-geti))
1456		 (yy (j-geti))
1457		 (nn (j-geti)))
1458		(alter-text s
1459		  kr kr
1460		  delta (make-point x xx y yy)
1461		  nn nn)
1462		(cond (memop				; memoize if req'd
1463			(cond (p (nconc p
1464				   (ncons (list (text-kl s) kr
1465						(text-delta s) nn))))
1466			      (t (putprop (text-text s)
1467				   (ncons (list (text-kl s) kr
1468						(text-delta s) nn))
1469				   k))))
1470		))
1471	 ))
1472       't))					; always return t
1474(defun scan-text (s p) ; scan text s for point p, return (kr delta nn)
1475  (let (((x y) (text-start-point s))		; inside: check text
1476	(l (text-look s)))
1477       (j-put-items
1478	 `((J-STRING compose)
1479	   (J-INT 0)
1480	   (J-STRING ,(text-text s))
1481	   (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1482	   (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1483	   (J-INT ,(boole 7 NO-DRAW (look-mode l)))
1484	   (J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1485	   (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1486	   (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1487	   (J-INT ,(text-kl s))
1488	   (J-INT ,x)
1489	   (J-INT ,y)
1490	   (J-INT ,(x p))
1491	   (J-INT ,(y p))
1492	   (J-INT ,(text-nn s))
1493	  ))
1494       (j-send (get (machine-servers
1495		      (window-machine
1496			(zone-window
1497			  (text-zone s))))
1498		    'text-composer))
1499       (let ((kr (j-geti))			; now record result
1500	     (xx (j-geti))
1501	     (yy (j-geti))
1502	     (nn (j-geti)))
1503	    (list kr (make-point x (- xx x) y (- yy y)) nn))
1504  ))
1506(defun format-draw-text (s)		; draw it while formatting
1507  (let ((memop (symbolp (text-text s)))	; can only memoize symbols
1508	((x y) (text-start-point s))
1509	(k) (p) (q) (l (text-look s)))
1510       (cond
1511	 (memop					; are we memoizing? yes!
1512	   (setq k (unique-look-id l))	; key based on look
1513	   (setq p (get (text-text s) k))		; alist found on plist
1514	   (setq q (assoc (text-kl s) p))))		; entry based on kl
1515       (cond
1516	 (q (alter-text s			; if info found
1517	      kr (cadr q)			; record result
1518	      delta (caddr q)
1519	      nn (cadddr q))
1520	    (draw-text s))			; draw it & return
1521	 (t					; otherwise compute data
1522	   (j-put-items
1523	     `((J-STRING compose)
1524	       (J-INT ,(window-id (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1525	       (J-STRING ,(text-text s))
1526	       (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l )))
1527	       (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1528	       (J-INT ,(boole 4 (look-mode l) QUIET))
1529	       (J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1530	       (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1531	       (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1532	       (J-INT ,(text-kl s))
1533	       (J-INT ,x)
1534	       (J-INT ,y)
1535	       (J-INT ,(x (cond
1536			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1537			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1538			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1539	       (J-INT ,(y (cond
1540			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1541			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1542			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1543	       (J-INT -1)			; format to end of text
1544	      ))
1545	   (j-send (get (machine-servers
1546			  (window-machine
1547			    (zone-window
1548			      (text-zone s))))
1549			'text-composer))
1550	   (let ((kr (j-geti))			; now alter result data
1551		 (xx (j-geti))
1552		 (yy (j-geti))
1553		 (nn (j-geti)))
1554		(cond ((neq nn (length (exploden (text-text s))))
1555		       (format-text s))	; actually clipped! reformat
1556		      (t (alter-text s
1557			   kr kr
1558			   delta (make-point x (- xx x) y (- yy y))
1559			   nn nn)
1560			 (cond
1561			   (memop		; memoize if req'd
1562			     (cond (p (nconc p
1563					(ncons (list (text-kl s) kr
1564						     (text-delta s) nn))))
1565				   (t (putprop (text-text s)
1566					(ncons (list (text-kl s) kr
1567						     (text-delta s) nn))
1568					k))))
1569			 ))
1570		))
1571	 ))
1572       't))					; always return t
1574(defun backspace-text (s n)	; undraw last n characters, remove from text
1575  (cond				; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1576    ((plusp (text-nn s))	; proceed only if length > 0
1577     (setq n (min n (text-nn s)))	; can't delete more than nn chars
1578     (let ((text (text-text s))
1579	   (l (text-look s)))
1580	  (alter-text s		; keep all but last n chars
1581	    text (substring text 1 (- (text-nn s) n))
1582	    nn (- (text-nn s) n))
1583	  (format-text s)		; reformat to find the new end
1584	  (j-put-items
1585	    `((J-STRING compose)	; now undraw last character
1586	      (J-INT ,(window-id (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1587	      (J-STRING ,(substring text (- n))) ; undraw last n chars
1588	      (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1589	      (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1590	      (J-INT ,(boole 7 QUIET OVERSTRIKE (look-mode l)))
1591	      (J-INT ,(inverse-colour (look-colour l)))
1592	      (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1593	      (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1594	      (J-INT ,(text-kr s))
1595	      (J-INT ,(text-xx s))
1596	      (J-INT ,(text-yy s))
1597	      (J-INT ,(x (cond
1598			   ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1599			    (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1600			   (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1601	      (J-INT ,(y (cond
1602			   ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1603			    (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1604			   (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1605	      (J-INT ,n)
1606	     ))
1607	  (j-send (get (machine-servers
1608			 (window-machine
1609			   (zone-window
1610			     (text-zone s))))
1611		       'text-composer))
1612	  't))			; return t if able to do it; nil if nn <= 0
1613  ))
1615(defun append-text (s c)	; draw new char(s) & add to end of text
1616  (cond ((fixp c)		; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1617	 (setq c (ascii c))))
1618  (j-put-items
1619    `((J-STRING compose)	; draw new last character(s)
1620      (J-INT ,(window-id (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1621      (J-STRING ,c)
1622      (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font (text-look s))))
1623      (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font (text-look s))))
1624      (J-INT ,(boole 4 (look-mode (text-look s)) QUIET))	; be noisy!
1625      (J-INT ,(look-colour (text-look s)))
1626      (J-INT ,(look-gap (text-look s)))
1627      (J-INT ,(look-ul (text-look s)))
1628      (J-INT ,(text-kr s))	; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1629      (J-INT ,(text-xx s))
1630      (J-INT ,(text-yy s))
1631	       (J-INT ,(x (cond
1632			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1633			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1634			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1635	       (J-INT ,(y (cond
1636			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1637			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1638			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1639      (J-INT -1)
1640     ))
1641  (j-send (get (machine-servers
1642		 (window-machine
1643		   (zone-window
1644		     (text-zone s))))
1645	       'text-composer))
1646  (let ((kr (j-geti))
1647	(xx (j-geti))
1648	(yy (j-geti))
1649	(nn (j-geti)))
1650       (alter-text s
1651	 text (concat (text-text s) c)
1652	 kr kr
1653	 delta (subtract-points
1654		 (make-point x xx y yy)
1655		 (text-start-point s))
1656	 nn (+ (text-nn s) nn)))
1657  't)
1659(defun append-text-scroll (s c colour) ; draw and add new char(s)
1660  (let ((w (window-id	;  while scrolling zone box b in specified colour
1661	     (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1662	(b (zone-box (text-zone s)))
1663	(l (text-look s)))
1664       (cond ((fixp c)
1665	      (setq c (ascii c)))) ; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1666       (j-put-items
1667	 `((J-STRING compose)	; format new last character
1668	   (J-INT ,w)
1669	   (J-STRING ,c)
1670	   (J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1671	   (J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1672	   (J-INT ,(boole 7 NO-DRAW (look-mode l)))
1673	   (J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1674	   (J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1675	   (J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1676	   (J-INT ,(text-kr s)) ; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1677	   (J-INT 0)
1678	   (J-INT 0)
1679	   (J-INT -1)
1680	   (J-INT -1)
1681	   (J-INT -1)
1682	  ))
1683       (j-send (get (machine-servers
1684		      (window-machine
1685			(zone-window
1686			  (text-zone s))))
1687		    'text-composer))
1688       (let ((kr (j-geti))
1689	     (xx (j-geti))
1690	     (yy (j-geti))
1691	     (nn (j-geti)))
1692	    (apply
1693	      'w-scroll-rectangle
1694	      (nconc
1695		(ncons (window-w (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1696		(let ((direction (boole 1 ROTATION
1697					(look-mode l))))
1698		     (cond
1699		       ((= direction ROTATE-0)
1700			(list (text-xx s)
1701			      (y (ll b))
1702			      (- (x (ur b)) (text-xx s) -1)
1703			      (- (y (ur b)) (y (ll b)) -1)
1704			      WM-RIGHT xx))
1705		       ((= direction ROTATE-90)
1706			(list (x (ll b))
1707			      (text-yy s)
1708			      (- (x (ur b)) (x (ll b)) -1)
1709			      (- (y (ur b)) (text-yy s) -1)
1710			      WM-UP yy))
1711		       ((= direction ROTATE-180)
1712			(list (x (ll b))
1713			      (y (ll b))
1714			      (- (text-xx s) (x (ll b)) -1)
1715			      (- (y (ur b)) (y (ll b)) -1)
1716			      WM-LEFT (- xx)))
1717		       ((= direction ROTATE-270)
1718			(list (x (ll b))
1719			      (y (ll b))
1720			      (- (x (ur b)) (x (ll b)) -1)
1721			      (- (text-yy s) (y (ll b)) -1)
1722			      WM-DOWN (- yy)))
1723		     ))
1724		(ncons colour)))
1725	    (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1726	    (j-put-items
1727	      `((J-STRING compose)	; draw new last character
1728		(J-INT ,w)
1729		(J-STRING ,c)
1730		(J-STRING ,(font-name (look-font l)))
1731		(J-INT ,(font-size (look-font l)))
1732		(J-INT ,(boole 7 (look-mode l) QUIET))
1733		(J-INT ,(look-colour l))
1734		(J-INT ,(look-gap l))
1735		(J-INT ,(look-ul l))
1736		(J-INT ,(text-kr s)) ; this presumes s has valid delta,kr,nn
1737		(J-INT ,(text-xx s))
1738		(J-INT ,(text-yy s))
1739	       (J-INT ,(x (cond
1740			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-180 (look-mode l)))
1741			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1742			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1743	       (J-INT ,(y (cond
1744			    ((zerop (boole 1 ROTATE-90 (look-mode l)))
1745			     (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
1746			    (t (ll (zone-box (text-zone s)))))))
1747		(J-INT -1)
1748	       ))
1749	    (j-send (get (machine-servers
1750			   (window-machine
1751			     (zone-window
1752			       (text-zone s))))
1753			 'text-composer))
1754	    (alter-text s
1755	      text (concat (text-text s) c)
1756	      kr kr
1757	      delta (add-points
1758		      (make-point x xx y yy)
1759		      (text-delta s))
1760	      nn (+ (text-nn s) nn))
1761       )'t))
1763(defun format-text-list (sl)			; chain the text objects
1764  (do ((s (car sl) (car sl))			; so that xx,yy,kr of one
1765       (sl (cdr sl) (cdr sl)))			; used as x,y,kl of next
1766      ((null sl) (format-text s) 't)
1767      (format-text s)
1768      (alter-text (car sl)
1769	kl (text-kr s))
1770      (move-text (car sl) (text-end-point s))
1771  ))
1773(defun move-text-list (sl p)	; move whole list of text objects
1774  (do ((s (car sl) (car sl))
1775       (sl (cdr sl) (cdr sl))
1776       (p p (text-end-point s)))
1777      ((null s) 't)
1778      (move-text s p)
1779  ))
1781(defun compress-text-list (sl)		; combine like-moded text objects
1782  (do ((s (car sl) (car sl))			; to reduce communication
1783       (sl (cdr sl) (cdr sl))
1784       (new-text nil)
1785       (new-end-point (text-start-point s))
1786       (new-s (append (car sl) nil))	; top-level copy
1787       (dx nil)
1788       (gap (look-gap (text-look (car sl))))
1789       (result nil))
1790      ((null s) (alter-text new-s
1791		   text (apply 'concat (nreverse new-text))
1792		   nn -1)
1793       (nreverse (cons new-s result)))		; return new s-list
1794      (setq dx (- (x (text-start-point s))
1795		  (x new-end-point)))
1796      (cond ((and			; check most likely diffs first
1797	       (or (eq dx 0) (>= dx (look-gap (text-look s))))
1798	       (= (y (text-start-point s)) (y new-end-point))
1799	       (eq (text-look s)
1800		   (text-look new-s))
1801	     )				; presume kerning doesn't matter!
1802	     (cond ((plusp dx)		; horizontal movement
1803		    (setq new-text
1804			  (cons
1805			    (implode
1806			      (do ((dx (- dx gap 4) (- dx gap 4))
1807				   (result nil))
1808				  ((minusp dx)
1809				   (do ((dx (+ dx 4 -1) (- dx gap 1)))
1810				       ((minusp dx)
1811					(cond ((eq dx -1)
1812					       (setq result
1813						     (cons 1 result)))))
1814							; 0-pixel space
1815				       (setq result (cons 2 result)))
1816							; 1-pixel space
1817				   result)
1818				  (setq result (cons 3 result))
1819							; 4-pixel space
1820			      ))
1821			    new-text))))
1822	     (setq new-text (cons (text-text s) new-text))
1823	     (setq new-end-point (text-end-point s))
1824	    )
1825	    (t (alter-text new-s
1826		 text (apply 'concat (nreverse new-text))
1827		 nn -1
1828		 delta (subtract-points new-end-point
1829			 (text-start-point new-s)))
1830	       (setq result (cons new-s result))
1831	       (setq new-s (append s nil)
1832		     new-text (ncons (text-text s)))
1833	       (setq
1834		 new-end-point (text-start-point s)
1835		 gap (look-gap (text-look s)))
1836	    )
1837      )))
1839(defun draw-text-list (sl)
1840  (mapc '(lambda (x) (draw-text x)) sl) 't)
1842(defun undraw-text-list (sl)
1843  (mapc '(lambda (x) (undraw-text x)) sl) 't)
1845(defun format-draw-text-list (slist) ; format all on same line
1846  (do ((s (car slist) (car sl))
1847       (sl (cdr slist) (cdr sl)))
1848      ((null sl) (format-draw-text s))	; format the last one
1849      (format-draw-text s)
1850      (move-text (car sl)	; chain xx,yy,kr to next one's x,y,kl
1851	(text-end-point s))
1852  ))
1854;;; text-edit.l -- rudimentary line editor for fancy character texts
1857;;; These routines provide a simple line editor with control keys reminiscent
1858;;; of the default EMACS key bindings.
1860;;; The calling program presumably has obtained a "point" event, at
1861;;; position "p".  The cursor will be placed on the nearest character,
1862;;; and then input is accepted from the keyboard, until such time as a
1863;;; <return> key is accepted, or a point event occurs outside the text
1864;;; zone boundary, or until a non-key, non-point event occurs.  Another
1865;;; point event within the text zone causes the cursor to be re-positioned.
1867;;; Editing operations currently supported are:
1868;;;	CTRL-A (ascii 1)	; control A = beginning of line
1869;;;	CTRL-B (ascii 2)	; control B = backward-character
1870;;;	CTRL-D (ascii 4)	; control D = delete next char
1871;;;	CTRL-E (ascii 5)	; control E = end of line
1872;;;	CTRL-F (ascii 6)	; control F = forward-character
1873;;;	BACKSPACE (ascii 8)	; BACKSPACE = delete previous char
1874;;;	CTRL-K (ascii 11)	; control K = kill to end of line
1875;;;	CTRL-L (ascii 12)	; control L = redraw text
1876;;;	RETURN (ascii 13)	; RETURN = "done"
1877;;;	CTRL-T (ascii 20)	; control T = transpose previous 2 chars
1878;;;	CTRL-Y (ascii 25)	; control Y = "yank" recently killed text
1881  (specials t)
1882  (macros t))
1884(eval-when (compile)
1885  (load 'utilities)
1886  (load 'constants)
1887  (load 'zone)
1888  (load 'font)
1889  (load 'look)
1890  (load 'text))
1893(eval-when (compile eval load)
1894  (defvar BACKSPACE (ascii 8))	; backspace char = delete previous char
1895  (defvar RETURN (ascii 13))	; carriage return = "done"
1896  (defvar CTRL-A (ascii 1))	; control A = beginning of line
1897  (defvar CTRL-B (ascii 2))	; control B = backward-character
1898  (defvar CTRL-D (ascii 4))	; control D = delete next char
1899  (defvar CTRL-E (ascii 5))	; control E = end of line
1900  (defvar CTRL-F (ascii 6))	; control F = forward-character
1901  (defvar CTRL-K (ascii 11))	; control K = kill to end of line
1902  (defvar CTRL-L (ascii 12))	; control L = redraw text
1903  (defvar CTRL-T (ascii 20))	; control T = transpose previous 2 chars
1904  (defvar CTRL-Y (ascii 25))	; control Y = "yank" recently killed text
1905  (defvar TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD 5); can type at most 5 chars -> forced feedback
1908(defun edit-text (s p)	; edit a text at point p
1909  (cond					; p outside zone => nil
1910    ((not (point-in-box p (zone-box (text-zone s)))) nil)
1911    (t					; p inside zone => edit text
1912      (let
1913	((w (window-w (zone-window (text-zone s))))
1914	 (post (append s nil))
1915	 (kill-text ""))
1916	(split-texts s post p)	; split into left and right parts
1917	(draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; highlight first char
1918	(skip-stroke-release-events w)
1919	(do ((e (w-get-next-event w)		; get an event
1920		(w-get-next-event w))		; then keep getting events
1921	     (l) (c))				; character list, character
1922	    ((eq c '#.RETURN)		; stop when <return> is received
1923	     (cond ((neq e WM-KEY)	; if not caused by key, put event back
1924		    (w-put-back-event w)))
1925	     (combine-texts s post)
1926	     t)			; just return 't
1927	    (cond			; main loop
1928	      ((eq e WM-KEY)
1929	       (setq c (concat (car (w-get-key w))))	; get the character
1930	       (cond
1931		 ((eq c '#.BACKSPACE)		; backspace char
1932		  (text-delete-previous-character s post))
1933		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-A)			; control A
1934		  (text-beginning-of-line s post))
1935		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-B)			; control B
1936		  (text-backward-character s post))
1937		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-D)			; control D
1938		  (text-delete-next-character s post))
1939		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-E)			; control E
1940		  (text-end-of-line s post))
1941		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-F)			; control F
1942		  (text-forward-character s post))
1943		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-K)			; control K
1944		  (text-kill-to-end-of-line s post))
1945		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-L)			; control L
1946		  (text-redraw-display s post))
1947		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-T)			; control T
1948		  (text-transpose-characters s post))
1949		 ((eq c '#.CTRL-Y)			; control Y
1950		  (text-yank-from-killbuffer s post))
1951		 ((neq c '#.RETURN)			; not <return>
1952		  (text-insert-character s post))
1953		 (t (w-put-back-event w))	; it's a <return>; put it back
1954	       ))			; so loop control can get it again
1955	      ((eq e WM-POINT-DEPRESSED)
1956	       (setq p (w-get-point w))
1957	       (cond				; check point in zone
1958		 ((point-in-box p (zone-box (text-zone s)))
1959		  (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; un-highlight char
1960		  (combine-texts s post)
1961		  (split-texts s post p)
1962		  (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; highlight new char
1963		  (skip-stroke-release-events w))
1964		 (t (w-put-back-event w)	; outside zone => return
1965		    (setq c '#.RETURN))))
1966	      ((neq e WM-CANCEL)		; an event we can't handle
1967	       (w-put-back-event w)		; so put it back, then return
1968	       (setq c '#.RETURN))
1969	    )))
1970    )))
1972(defun input-typeahead-keys (w n brk-fcn l)	; return keys typed ahead
1973   (cond					; brk-fcn tests text
1974     ((or (zerop n)				; already have max typeahead
1975	  (not (w-any-events w))) (nreverse l))	; or there aren't any events
1976     (t (let ((x (w-get-next-event w)))		; there's an event
1977	     (cond
1978	       ((neq x WM-KEY)
1979		(w-put-back-event w) (nreverse l))	; but not a keystroke
1980	       (t (setq x (car (w-get-key w)))		; it's a keystroke
1981		  (cond
1982		    ((funcall brk-fcn x)		; is it a break char?
1983		     (w-put-back-event w) (nreverse l))	; it's a special char
1984		    (t (input-typeahead-keys		; it's a regular char
1985			 w (1- n) brk-fcn (cons x l)))	; tail recur for rest
1986		  )))))))
1988(defun split-texts (s post p)		; split text s at point p
1989  (let					; yielding texts s and post
1990    (((kr delta nn) (scan-text s p)))	; scan for char pos'n
1991    (alter-text post			; text incl & after char pt'ed
1992      text (cond ((substring (text-text s) (1+ nn)))	; if it exists!
1993		 (""))			; otherwise,nothing
1994      offset (add-points (text-offset s) delta)
1995      kl kr
1996      delta (subtract-points (text-delta s) delta)
1997      nn (- (text-nn s) nn))
1998    (alter-text s kr kr delta delta nn nn	; truncate text
1999      text (cond ((substring (text-text s) 1 nn))
2000		 ("")))
2001  ))
2003(defun skip-stroke-release-events (w)
2004  (do ((e (w-get-next-event w)
2005	  (w-get-next-event w)))
2006      ((neq e WM-POINT-STROKE)		; get events until non-point-stroke
2007       (cond ((neq e WM-POINT-RELEASED)	; should be point-release
2008	      (w-put-back-event w))))	; if not, put it back
2009  ))
2011(defun combine-texts (s post)	; recombine texts
2012  (alter-text s
2013    text (concat (text-text s) (text-text post))
2014    nn (+ (text-nn s) (text-nn post))
2015    delta (add-points (text-delta s) (text-delta post))
2016    kr (text-kr post))
2017  (format-text s))
2019(defun draw-cursor-leading-text (s)	; highlight first char of text
2020  (let ((c (append s nil)))
2021       (alter-text c			; get first char
2022	 text (concat (cond ((substring (text-text c) 1 1))	; if any
2023			    (t 'a))))	; otherwise use a typical character
2024       (format-text c)
2025       (w-clear-rectangle
2026	 (window-w (zone-window (text-zone c)))
2027	 (text-x c)
2028	 (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone c))))
2029	 (min (x (text-delta c))
2030	      (- (x (ur (zone-box (text-zone c))))
2031		 (text-x c) -1))
2032	 (- (y (ur (zone-box (text-zone c))))
2033	    (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone c)))) -1)
2034	 W-XOR)
2035       (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (text-zone c))))
2036       t))
2038(defun text-delete-previous-character (s post)
2039  (let ((l (input-typeahead-keys w TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD
2040	     '(lambda (x)	; break on first non-BS
2041		(not (equal x #.(get_pname BACKSPACE))))
2042	     (ncons '#.BACKSPACE))))
2043       (alter-text s
2044	 nn (max 0 (- (text-nn s) (length l))))
2045       (alter-text s
2046	 text (cond ((substring
2047		       (text-text s)
2048		       1 (text-nn s)))
2049		    ("")))
2050       (format-text s)
2051       (w-scroll-rectangle
2052	 (window-w (zone-window (text-zone s)))
2053	 (text-xx s)
2054	 (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone s))))
2055	 (- (x (ur (zone-box (text-zone s))))
2056	    (text-xx s) 1)
2057	 (1+ (y (box-size (zone-box (text-zone s)))))
2058	 WM-LEFT
2059	 (- (x (text-start-point post))
2060	    (x (text-end-point s)))
2061	 (zone-colour (text-zone s)))
2062       (w-flush
2063	 (window-w (zone-window (text-zone s))))
2064       (move-text post (text-end-point s))
2065       (alter-text post kl (text-kr s))))
2067(defun text-beginning-of-line (s post)
2068  (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; un-highlight first char
2069  (alter-text post
2070    text (concat (text-text s) (text-text post))
2071    nn (+  (text-nn s) (text-nn post))
2072    delta (add-points (text-delta s) (text-delta post))
2073    kl 0
2074    offset (text-offset s))
2075  (alter-text s text "" nn 0 delta '(0 0) kr 0)
2076  (draw-cursor-leading-text post))	; highlight new first char
2078(defun text-backward-character (s post)
2079  (let ((l (input-typeahead-keys w TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD
2080	     '(lambda (x)	; break on first non-BS
2081		(not (equal x #.(get_pname CTRL-B))))
2082	     (ncons '#.CTRL-B))))
2083       (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; un-highlight first char
2084       (alter-text post
2085	 text (get_pname (concat (substring (text-text s) (- (length l)))
2086			   (text-text post)))
2087	 nn (1+ (text-nn post)))
2088       (alter-text s
2089	 text (substring (text-text s) 1 (- (text-nn s) (length l)))
2090	 nn (- (text-nn s) (length l)))
2091       (format-text s)
2092       (alter-text post
2093	 kl (text-kr s)
2094	 offset (add-points (text-offset s) (text-delta s))
2095	 delta (subtract-points
2096		 (text-end-point post)
2097		 (text-end-point s)))
2098       (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; highlight new first char
2099  ))
2101(defun text-forward-character (s post)
2102  (let ((l (input-typeahead-keys w TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD
2103	     '(lambda (x)	; break on first non-BS
2104		(not (equal x #.(get_pname CTRL-F))))
2105	     (ncons '#.CTRL-F))))
2106       (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; un-highlight first char
2107       (alter-text s
2108	 text (get_pname (concat (text-text s)
2109			   (substring (text-text post) 1 (length l))))
2110	 nn (+ (text-nn s) (length l)))
2111       (format-text s)
2112       (alter-text post
2113	 text (substring (text-text post) (1+ (length l)))
2114	 nn (- (text-nn post) (length l))
2115	 kl (text-kr s)
2116	 offset (add-points (text-offset s) (text-delta s))
2117	 delta (subtract-points
2118		 (text-end-point post)
2119		 (text-end-point s)))
2120       (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; highlight new first char
2121  ))
2123(defun text-end-of-line (s post)
2124  (draw-cursor-leading-text post)	; un-highlight first char
2125  (alter-text s
2126    text (concat (text-text s) (text-text post))
2127    nn (+  (text-nn s) (text-nn post))
2128    delta (add-points (text-delta s) (text-delta post))
2129    kr (text-kr post))
2130  (alter-text post
2131    text ""
2132    nn 0
2133    offset (add-points (text-offset post) (text-delta post))
2134    delta '(0 0)
2135    kl (text-kr s))
2136  (draw-cursor-leading-text post))	; highlight new first char
2138(defun text-kill-to-end-of-line (s post)
2139  (w-clear-rectangle
2140    (window-w (zone-window (text-zone post)))
2141    (text-x post)
2142    (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone post))))
2143    (- (x (ur (zone-box (text-zone post)))) (text-x post))
2144    (1+ (y (box-size (zone-box (text-zone post)))))
2145    (zone-colour (text-zone post)))
2146  (setq kill-text (text-text post))
2147  (alter-text post
2148    text ""
2149    nn 0
2150    delta '(0 0)
2151    kl (text-kr s))
2152  (draw-cursor-leading-text post))	; highlight new first char
2154(defun text-yank-from-killbuffer (s post)
2155  (append-text-scroll s kill-text
2156    (zone-colour (text-zone s)))
2157  (move-text post (text-end-point s))
2158  (alter-text post
2159    kl (text-kr s)))
2161(defun text-transpose-characters (s post)
2162  (let ((tmp (append s nil)))
2163       (alter-text tmp
2164	 nn (- (text-nn tmp) 2))
2165       (let (((kr delta nn) (scan-text tmp '(-1 -1)))) ; find 2nd prev char
2166	    (alter-text tmp
2167	      text (substring (text-text tmp) -2)
2168	      offset (add-points (text-offset tmp) delta)
2169	      kl kr)
2170	    (format-text tmp)
2171	    (w-clear-rectangle
2172	      (window-w (zone-window (text-zone tmp)))
2173	      (text-x tmp)
2174	      (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone tmp))))
2175	      (x (text-delta tmp))
2176	      (1+ (y (box-size (zone-box (text-zone tmp)))))
2177	      (zone-colour (text-zone tmp)))
2178	    (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (text-zone tmp))))
2179	    (alter-text tmp
2180	      text (get_pname (concat
2181				(substring (text-text tmp) 2 1)
2182				(substring (text-text tmp) 1 1))))
2183	    (format-draw-text tmp)
2184	    (alter-text s
2185	      text (get_pname
2186		     (concat
2187		       (substring (text-text s) 1 (- (text-nn s) 2))
2188		       (text-text tmp)))
2189	      kr (text-kr tmp))
2190       )))
2192(defun text-delete-next-character (s post)
2193  (let ((l (input-typeahead-keys w TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD
2194	     '(lambda (x)	; break on first non-BS
2195		(not (equal x #.(get_pname CTRL-D))))
2196	     (ncons '#.CTRL-D))))
2197       (alter-text post
2198	 nn (length l))
2199       (let (((kl delta nn)		; scan for nn'th char position
2200	      (scan-text post '(-1 -1))))
2201	    (w-scroll-rectangle
2202	      (window-w (zone-window (text-zone post)))
2203	      (text-x post)
2204	      (y (ll (zone-box (text-zone post))))
2205	      (- (x (ur (zone-box (text-zone post))))
2206		 (text-x post) 1)
2207	      (1+ (y (box-size (zone-box (text-zone post)))))
2208	      WM-LEFT
2209	      (x delta)
2210	      (zone-colour (text-zone post)))
2211	    (alter-text post
2212	      nn (max 0 (- (length (exploden (text-text post)))
2213			   (length l)))
2214	      kl kl)
2215	    (alter-text post
2216	      text (cond ((substring
2217			    (text-text post)
2218			    (- (text-nn post))))
2219			 ("")))
2220	    (format-text post)
2221	    (draw-cursor-leading-text post)
2222	    (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (text-zone post))))
2223       )))
2225(defun text-insert-character (s post)
2226  (let ((l (input-typeahead-keys w TYPEAHEAD-THRESHOLD
2227	     '(lambda (x)	; break on first BS or CR
2228		(memq (concat x) '#.(list BACKSPACE RETURN)))
2229	     (ncons c))))
2230       (append-text-scroll s (concatl l)
2231	 (zone-colour (text-zone s)))
2232       (move-text post (text-end-point s))
2233       (alter-text post
2234	 kl (text-kr s))))
2236(defun text-redraw-display (s post)
2237  (clear-zone (text-zone s) (zone-colour (text-zone s)))
2238  (w-flush (window-w (zone-window (text-zone post))))
2239  (format-draw-text s)
2240  (alter-text post
2241    kl (text-kr s)
2242    offset (add-points (text-offset s) (text-delta s)))
2243  (format-draw-text post)
2244  (draw-cursor-leading-text post))