2 /*
3  * Modified for R by Nicholas Lewin-Koh also made modifications for
4  * multipart polygons. Sept 29, 2000
5  */
8 #include <R.h>
9 #include <Rinternals.h>
10 #include <Rmath.h>
11 #include "maptools.h"
13 SEXP RshpCentrd_2d (SEXP);
14 SEXP R_RingCentrd_2d (int , SEXP, double *);
17 /* **************************************************************************
18  * RshpCentrd_2d
19  *
20  * Return the single mathematical / geometric centroid of a potentially
21  * complex/compound RShapeObject
22  *
23  * reject non area SHP Types
24  *
25  * **************************************************************************/
RshpCentrd_2d(SEXP call)26 SEXP RshpCentrd_2d (SEXP call) {
27     int		ring, ringPrev, ring_nVertices, rStart, nprts;
28     int         i,j,totvert;
29     double	Area, ringArea;
30     SEXP ringCentrd, Cent, shape, flag, ringVerts;
31     shape = CADR(call);
32     flag = CADDR(call);
34 /*     if ( !(SHPDimension(INTEGER(getAttrib(shape,install("shp.type")))[0])  */
35 /*            & SHPD_AREA) )   */
36 /*         	 error("Not a class of shape with defined 2d area"); */
38    nprts = INTEGER(getAttrib(shape, install("nParts")))[0];
39    Area = 0;
40    if(INTEGER(flag)[0]==0 ||nprts==1){
41      PROTECT(Cent=allocVector(REALSXP, 2));
42      REAL(Cent)[0] = 0.0;
43      REAL(Cent)[1] = 0.0;
44    }
45    else{
46      PROTECT(Cent=allocMatrix(REALSXP, nprts, 2));
47    }
48    /* for each ring in compound / complex object calc the ring cntrd	*/
50    ringPrev = INTEGER(getAttrib(shape, install("nVerts")))[0];
51    totvert = INTEGER(getAttrib(shape, install("nVerts")))[0];
53    if(nprts==0) nprts=1;
54    for ( ring = nprts-1; ring >= 0; ring-- ) {
55      rStart = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(shape,0))[ring];
56      ring_nVertices = ringPrev - rStart;
57 /*  Rprintf("ringPrev= %d, rStart=%d, ring_nVertices=%d \n", */
58 /*          ringPrev, rStart, ring_nVertices); */
60    PROTECT(ringVerts=allocMatrix(REALSXP, ring_nVertices, 2));
61    for(i=rStart,j=0;i<ringPrev ;i++,j++){
62      REAL(ringVerts)[j]=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(shape,1))[i];
63      REAL(ringVerts)[j+ring_nVertices]=REAL(VECTOR_ELT(shape,1))[i+totvert];
64    }
65 /*  Rprintf(" matrix begin %f, matrix end: %f \n", */
66 /*  	     REAL(ringVerts)[0],REAL(ringVerts)[(2*ring_nVertices)-1]); */
67      PROTECT(ringCentrd =
68              R_RingCentrd_2d (ring_nVertices, ringVerts, &ringArea));
69 /*  Rprintf("xcent: %f, ycent: %f, area: %f\n ",  */
70 /*              REAL(ringCentrd)[0],REAL(ringCentrd)[1],ringArea ); */
72      /* use Superposition of these rings to build a composite Centroid	*/
73      /* sum the ring centrds * ringAreas,  at the end divide by total area */
74      if(INTEGER(flag)[0]==0 ||nprts==1){
75        REAL(Cent)[0] +=  REAL(ringCentrd)[0] * ringArea;
76        REAL(Cent)[1] +=  REAL(ringCentrd)[1] * ringArea;
77      }
78      else{
79        REAL(Cent)[ring]= REAL(ringCentrd)[0];
80        REAL(Cent)[ring+nprts]= REAL(ringCentrd)[1];
81      }
82      Area += ringArea;
83      ringPrev = rStart;
84      UNPROTECT(2);
85     }
87      /* hold on the division by AREA until were at the end */
88    if(INTEGER(flag)[0]==0 ||nprts==1){
89      REAL(Cent)[0] = REAL(Cent)[0] / Area;
90      REAL(Cent)[1] = REAL(Cent)[1] / Area;
91      UNPROTECT(1);
92      return ( Cent );
93    }
94    else{
95      UNPROTECT(1);
96      return ( Cent );
97    }
98 }
101 /* **************************************************************************
102  * RingCentroid_2d
103  * Copyright (c) 1999, Carl Anderson
104  *
105  * This code is based in part on the earlier work of Frank Warmerdam
106  *
107  *
108  * Return the mathematical / geometric centroid of a single closed ring
109  *
110  * **************************************************************************/
R_RingCentrd_2d(int nVert,SEXP xy,double * Area)111 SEXP R_RingCentrd_2d (int nVert, SEXP xy, double *Area ) {
112   int		iv /*, jv */;
113 /*  int		sign_x, sign_y; */
114   double	/* dy_Area, */ dx_Area, Cx_accum, Cy_accum, ppx, ppy;
115   double 	x_base, y_base, x, y;
116   SEXP          RingCent;
117 /* the centroid of a closed Ring is defined as
118  *
119  *      Cx = sum (cx * dArea ) / Total Area
120  *  and
121  *      Cy = sum (cy * dArea ) / Total Area
122  */
124   x_base = REAL(xy)[0];
125   y_base = REAL(xy)[nVert];
127   Cy_accum = 0.0;
128   Cx_accum = 0.0;
130   ppx = REAL(xy)[1] - x_base;
131   ppy = REAL(xy)[nVert + 1] - y_base;
132   *Area = 0;
134 /* Skip the closing vector */
135   for ( iv = 2; iv <= nVert - 2; iv++ ) {
136     x = REAL(xy)[iv] - x_base;
137     y = REAL(xy)[nVert + iv] - y_base;
139     /* calc the area and centroid of triangle built out of an arbitrary  */
140     /* base_point on the ring and each successive pair on the ring  */
142     /* Area of a triangle is the cross product of its defining vectors	 */
143     /* Centroid of a triangle is the average of its vertices		 */
145     dx_Area =  ((x * ppy) - (y * ppx)) * 0.5;
146     *Area += dx_Area;
148     Cx_accum += ( ppx + x ) * dx_Area;
149     Cy_accum += ( ppy + y ) * dx_Area;
150 /*  #ifdef DEBUG2 */
151 /*      printf("(ringcentrd_2d)  Pp( %f, %f), P(%f, %f)\n", ppx, ppy, x, y); */
152 /*      printf("(ringcentrd_2d)    dA: %f, sA: %f, Cx: %f, Cy: %f \n",  */
153 /*  		dx_Area, *Area, Cx_accum, Cy_accum); */
154 /*  #endif   */
155     ppx = x;
156     ppy = y;
157   }
159 /*  #ifdef DEBUG2 */
160 /*    printf("(ringcentrd_2d)  Cx: %f, Cy: %f \n",  */
161 /*    	( Cx_accum / ( *Area * 3) ), ( Cy_accum / (*Area * 3) )); */
162 /*  #endif */
164   /* adjust back to world coords
165   */
166   PROTECT(RingCent=allocVector(REALSXP,2));
167   REAL(RingCent)[0] = ( Cx_accum / ( *Area * 3)) + x_base;
168   REAL(RingCent)[1] = ( Cy_accum / ( *Area * 3)) + y_base;
169   UNPROTECT(1);
170   return (RingCent);
171 }
174 /*	Modified 24 May 2005 Roger S. Bivand for maptools
175 	Written by Joseph O'Rourke
176 	orourke@cs.smith.edu
177 	October 27, 1995
179 	Computes the centroid (center of gravity) of an arbitrary
180 	simple polygon via a weighted sum of signed triangle areas,
181 	weighted by the centroid of each triangle.
182 	Reads x,y coordinates from stdin.
183 	NB: Assumes points are entered in ccw order!
184 	E.g., input for square:
185 		0	0
186 		10	0
187 		10	10
188 		0	10
189 	This solves Exercise 12, p.47, of my text,
190 	Computational Geometry in C.  See the book for an explanation
191 	of why this works. Follow links from
192 		http://cs.smith.edu/~orourke/
194 */
196 #define DIM     2               /* Dimension of points */
197 typedef double  tPointd[DIM];   /* type double point */
199 /*#define PMAX    1000     	 Max # of pts in polygon */
200 /* typedef tPointd *tPolygond; */ /* type double polygon */
202 double  Area2( tPointd a, tPointd b, tPointd c );
203 void    FindCG( int n, tPointd *P, tPointd CG, double *Areasum2 );
204 void    Centroid3( tPointd p1, tPointd p2, tPointd p3, tPointd c );
RFindCG(int * n,double * x,double * y,double * xc,double * yc,double * area)206 void	RFindCG( int *n, double *x, double *y, double *xc, double *yc,
207 		double *area ) {
209 	int i, nn;
210 	tPointd *P;
211 	tPointd CG;
212 	double Areasum2;
213 	nn = n[0];
214 	P = (tPointd *) R_alloc((size_t) nn, sizeof(tPointd));
215 	for (i=0; i<nn; i++) {
216 		P[i][0] = x[i];
217 		P[i][1] = y[i];
218 	}
219 	FindCG(nn, P, CG, &Areasum2);
220 	xc[0] = CG[0];
221 	yc[0] = CG[1];
222 	area[0] = Areasum2/2;
223 	return;
224 }
226 /*
227         Returns the cg in CG.  Computes the weighted sum of
228 	each triangle's area times its centroid.  Twice area
229 	and three times centroid is used to avoid division
230 	until the last moment.
231 */
FindCG(int n,tPointd * P,tPointd CG,double * Areasum2)232 void     FindCG( int n, tPointd *P, tPointd CG, double *Areasum2)
233 {
234         int     i;
235         double  A2;        /* Partial area sum */
236 	tPointd Cent3;
238 	CG[0] = 0;
239 	CG[1] = 0;
240         Areasum2[0] = 0;
241 	for (i = 1; i < n-1; i++) {
242 	        Centroid3( P[0], P[i], P[i+1], Cent3 );
243 	        A2 =  Area2( P[0], P[i], P[i+1]);
244 		CG[0] += A2 * Cent3[0];
245 		CG[1] += A2 * Cent3[1];
246 		Areasum2[0] += A2;
247 	      }
248         CG[0] /= 3 * Areasum2[0];
249         CG[1] /= 3 * Areasum2[0];
250 	return;
251 }
252 /*
253 	Returns three times the centroid.  The factor of 3 is
254 	left in to permit division to be avoided until later.
255 */
Centroid3(tPointd p1,tPointd p2,tPointd p3,tPointd c)256 void    Centroid3( tPointd p1, tPointd p2, tPointd p3, tPointd c )
257 {
258         c[0] = p1[0] + p2[0] + p3[0];
259         c[1] = p1[1] + p2[1] + p3[1];
260 	return;
261 }
262 /*
263         Returns twice the signed area of the triangle determined by a,b,c,
264         positive if a,b,c are oriented ccw, and negative if cw.
265 */
Area2(tPointd a,tPointd b,tPointd c)266 double     Area2( tPointd a, tPointd b, tPointd c )
267 {
268 	double area;
269 	area = (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]);
270 	return(area);
271 }