1 /*
2  # This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
3  # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
4  */
6 /**
7  * Accepts an image or xylist, plus command-line options, and produces
8  * an augmented xylist.
9  */
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <string.h>
14 #include <ctype.h>
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <sys/wait.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #include <sys/stat.h>
19 #include <unistd.h>
20 #include <libgen.h>
21 #include <getopt.h>
22 #include <math.h>
23 #include <assert.h>
25 #include "os-features.h"
26 #include "ioutils.h"
27 #include "fileutils.h"
28 #include "bl.h"
29 #include "an-bool.h"
30 #include "solver.h"
31 #include "fitsioutils.h"
32 #include "solverutils.h"
33 #include "sip_qfits.h"
34 #include "tabsort.h"
35 #include "cut-table.h"
36 #include "errors.h"
37 #include "fits-guess-scale.h"
38 #include "image2xy-files.h"
39 #include "resort-xylist.h"
40 #include "an-opts.h"
41 #include "augment-xylist.h"
42 #include "log.h"
43 #include "anqfits.h"
45 static void delete_existing_an_headers(qfits_header* hdr);
augment_xylist_init(augment_xylist_t * axy)47 void augment_xylist_init(augment_xylist_t* axy) {
48     memset(axy, 0, sizeof(augment_xylist_t));
49     axy->tempdir = NULL;
50     axy->tweak = TRUE;
51     axy->tweakorder = 2;
52     axy->depths = il_new(4);
53     axy->fields = il_new(16);
54     axy->verifywcs = sl_new(4);
55     axy->verifywcs_ext = il_new(4);
56     axy->tagalong = sl_new(4);
57     axy->try_verify = TRUE;
58     axy->resort = TRUE;
59     axy->ra_center = HUGE_VAL;
60     axy->dec_center = HUGE_VAL;
61     axy->parity = PARITY_BOTH;
62     axy->uniformize = 10;
63     axy->verify_uniformize = TRUE;
64 }
augment_xylist_free_contents(augment_xylist_t * axy)66 void augment_xylist_free_contents(augment_xylist_t* axy) {
67     sl_free2(axy->verifywcs);
68     il_free(axy->verifywcs_ext);
69     sl_free2(axy->tagalong);
70     il_free(axy->depths);
71     il_free(axy->fields);
72     if (axy->predistort)
73         sip_free(axy->predistort);
74 }
augment_xylist_print_special_opts(an_option_t * opt,bl * opts,int index,FILE * fid,void * extra)76 void augment_xylist_print_special_opts(an_option_t* opt, bl* opts, int index,
77                                        FILE* fid, void* extra) {
78     if (!strcmp(opt->name, "image")) {
79         fprintf(fid, "%s",
80                 "  (   -i / --image  <image-input-file>\n"
81                 "   OR -x / --xylist <xylist-input-file>  ): input file\n");
82     } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "scale-units")) {
83         fprintf(fid, "%s",
84                 "  -u / --scale-units <units>: in what units are the lower and upper bounds?\n"
85                 "     choices:  \"degwidth\", \"degw\", \"dw\"   : width of the image, in degrees (default)\n"
86                 "               \"arcminwidth\", \"amw\", \"aw\" : width of the image, in arcminutes\n"
87                 "               \"arcsecperpix\", \"app\": arcseconds per pixel\n"
88                 "               \"focalmm\": 35-mm (width-based) equivalent focal length\n"
89                 );
90     } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "depth")) {
91         fprintf(fid, "%s",
92                 "  -d / --depth <number or range>: number of field objects to look at, or range\n"
93                 "          of numbers; 1 is the brightest star, so \"-d 10\" or \"-d 1-10\" mean look\n"
94                 "          at the top ten brightest stars only.\n");
95     } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "xylist-only")) {
96         fprintf(fid, "%s",
97                 "The following options are valid for xylist inputs only:\n");
98     } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "fields")) {
99         fprintf(fid, "%s",
100                 "  -F / --fields <number or range>: the FITS extension(s) to solve, inclusive\n");
101     } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "options")) {
102         fprintf(fid, "Options include:\n");
103     }
104 }
106 static an_option_t options[] = {
107     {'i', "image",                 required_argument, NULL, NULL},
108     {'x', "xylist",                required_argument, NULL, NULL},
109     {'o', "out",                   required_argument, "filename",
110      "output augmented xylist filename"},
111     {'\x01', "options",       no_argument, NULL, NULL},
112     {'h', "help",                  no_argument, NULL,
113      "print this help message" },
114     {'v', "verbose",       no_argument, NULL,
115      "be more chatty" },
116     {'7', "no-delete-temp", no_argument, NULL,
117      "don't delete temp files (for debugging)\n"},
118     {'L', "scale-low",     required_argument, "scale",
119      "lower bound of image scale estimate"},
120     {'H', "scale-high",   required_argument, "scale",
121      "upper bound of image scale estimate"},
122     {'u', "scale-units",    required_argument, "units", NULL},
123     {'8', "parity",         required_argument, "pos/neg",
124      "only check for matches with positive/negative parity (default: try both)"},
125     {'c', "code-tolerance", required_argument, "distance",
126      "matching distance for quads (default: 0.01)"},
127     {'E', "pixel-error",    required_argument, "pixels",
128      "for verification, size of pixel positional error (default: 1)"},
129     {'q', "quad-size-min",  required_argument, "fraction",
130      "minimum size of quads to try, as a fraction of the smaller image dimension, default: 0.1"},
131     {'Q', "quad-size-max",  required_argument, "fraction",
132      "maximum size of quads to try, as a fraction of the image hypotenuse, default 1.0"},
133     {'\x82', "odds-to-tune-up",  required_argument, "odds",
134      "odds ratio at which to try tuning up a match that isn't good enough to solve (default: 1e6)"},
135     {'[', "odds-to-solve",  required_argument, "odds",
136      "odds ratio at which to consider a field solved (default: 1e9)"},
137     {'#', "odds-to-reject",   required_argument, "odds",
138      "odds ratio at which to reject a hypothesis (default: 1e-100)"},
139     {'%', "odds-to-stop-looking", required_argument, "odds",
140      "odds ratio at which to stop adding stars when evaluating a hypothesis (default: HUGE_VAL)"},
141     {'^', "use-source-extractor", no_argument, NULL,
142      "use SourceExtractor rather than built-in image2xy to find sources"},
143     {'&', "source-extractor-config", required_argument, "filename",
144      "use the given SourceExtractor config file.  "
145      "Note that CATALOG_NAME and CATALOG_TYPE values will be over-ridden by command-line values.  "
146      "This option implies --use-source-extractor."},
147     {'*', "source-extractor-path", required_argument, "filename",
148      "use the given path to the SourceExtractor executable.  Default: just 'source-extractor', assumed to be in your PATH."
149      "  Note that you can give command-line args here too (but put them in quotes), eg: --source-extractor-path 'source-extractor -DETECT_TYPE CCD'.  "
150      "This option implies --use-source-extractor."},
151     {'3', "ra",             required_argument, "degrees or hh:mm:ss",
152      "only search in indexes within 'radius' of the field center given by 'ra' and 'dec'"},
153     {'4', "dec",            required_argument, "degrees or [+-]dd:mm:ss",
154      "only search in indexes within 'radius' of the field center given by 'ra' and 'dec'"},
155     {'5', "radius",         required_argument, "degrees",
156      "only search in indexes within 'radius' of the field center given by ('ra', 'dec')"},
157     {'d', "depth",                 required_argument, NULL, NULL},
158     {'|', "objs",           required_argument, "int",
159      "cut the source list to have this many items (after sorting, if applicable)."},
160     {'l', "cpulimit",       required_argument, "seconds",
161      "give up solving after the specified number of seconds of CPU time"},
162     {'r', "resort",         no_argument, NULL,
163      "sort the star brightnesses by background-subtracted flux; the default is to sort using a"
164      "compromise between background-subtracted and non-background-subtracted flux"},
165     {'6', "extension",      required_argument, "int",
166      "FITS extension to read image from."},
167     {';', "invert",         no_argument, NULL,
168      "invert the image (for black-on-white images)"},
169     {'z', "downsample",     required_argument, "int",
170      "downsample the image by factor <int> before running source extraction"},
171     {']', "no-background-subtraction", no_argument, NULL,
172      "don't try to estimate a smoothly-varying sky background during source extraction."},
173     {'{', "sigma", required_argument, "float",
174      "set the noise level in the image"},
175     {'\x93', "nsigma", required_argument, "float",
176      "number of sigma for a source detection; default 8"},
177     {'9', "no-remove-lines", no_argument, NULL,
178      "don't remove horizontal and vertical overdensities of sources."},
179     {':', "uniformize", required_argument, "int",
180      "select sources uniformly using roughly this many boxes (0=disable; default 10)"},
181     {'\x81', "no-verify-uniformize", no_argument, NULL,
182      "don't uniformize the field stars during verification"},
183     {'\x83', "no-verify-dedup", no_argument, NULL,
184      "don't deduplicate the field stars during verification"},
185     {'C', "cancel",                required_argument, "filename",
186      "filename whose creation signals the process to stop"},
187     {'S', "solved",                required_argument, "filename",
188      "output file to mark that the solver succeeded"},
189     {'I', "solved-in",     required_argument, "filename",
190      "input filename for solved file"},
191     {'M', "match",                 required_argument, "filename",
192      "output filename for match file"},
193     {'R', "rdls",                  required_argument, "filename",
194      "output filename for RDLS file"},
195     {'\x80', "sort-rdls",    required_argument, "column",
196      "sort the RDLS file by this column; default is ascending; use "
197      "\"-column\" to sort \"column\" in descending order instead."},
198     {'}',"tag",           required_argument, "column",
199      "grab tag-along column from index into RDLS file"},
200     {'<', "tag-all",       no_argument, NULL,
201      "grab all tag-along columns from index into RDLS file"},
202     {'j', "scamp-ref",     required_argument, "filename",
203      "output filename for SCAMP reference catalog"},
204     {'B', "corr",          required_argument, "filename",
205      "output filename for correspondences"},
206     {'W', "wcs",                   required_argument, "filename",
207      "output filename for WCS file"},
208     {'P', "pnm",                   required_argument, "filename",
209      "save the PNM file as <filename>"},
210     {'f', "force-ppm",     no_argument, NULL,
211      "force the PNM file to be a PPM"},
212     {'k', "keep-xylist",   required_argument, "filename",
213      "save the (unaugmented) xylist to <filename>"},
214     {'A', "dont-augment",   no_argument, NULL,
215      "quit after writing the unaugmented xylist"},
216     {'V', "verify",         required_argument, "filename",
217      "try to verify an existing WCS file"},
218     {'\x92', "verify-ext",     required_argument, "extension",
219      "HDU from which to read WCS to verify; set this BEFORE --verify"},
220     {'y', "no-verify",     no_argument, NULL,
221      "ignore existing WCS headers in FITS input images"},
222     {'g', "guess-scale",   no_argument, NULL,
223      "try to guess the image scale from the FITS headers"},
224     {'>', "crpix-center",  no_argument, NULL,
225      "set the WCS reference point to the image center"},
226     {'/', "crpix-x",  required_argument, "pix",
227      "set the WCS reference point to the given position"},
228     {'\\', "crpix-y",  required_argument, "pix",
229      "set the WCS reference point to the given position"},
230     {'T', "no-tweak",      no_argument, NULL,
231      "don't fine-tune WCS by computing a SIP polynomial"},
232     {'t', "tweak-order",    required_argument, "int",
233      "polynomial order of SIP WCS corrections"},
234     {'\x86', "predistort",  required_argument, "filename",
235      "apply the inverse distortion in this SIP WCS header before solving"},
236     {'\x94', "xscale", required_argument, "factor",
237      "for rectangular pixels: factor to apply to measured X positions to make pixels square"},
238     {'m', "temp-dir",       required_argument, "dir",
239      "where to put temp files, default /tmp"},
240     // placeholder for printing "The following are for xylist inputs only"
241     {'\0', "xylist-only", no_argument, NULL, NULL},
242     {'F', "fields",         required_argument, NULL, NULL},
243     {'w', "width",                 required_argument, "pixels",
244      "specify the field width"},
245     {'e', "height",                required_argument, "pixels",
246      "specify the field height"},
247     {'X', "x-column",       required_argument, "column-name",
248      "the FITS column containing the X coordinate of the sources"},
249     {'Y', "y-column",       required_argument, "column-name",
250      "the FITS column containing the Y coordinate of the sources"},
251     {'s', "sort-column",    required_argument, "column-name",
252      "the FITS column that should be used to sort the sources"},
253     {'a', "sort-ascending", no_argument, NULL,
254      "sort in ascending order (smallest first); default is descending order"},
255 };
augment_xylist_print_help(FILE * fid)257 void augment_xylist_print_help(FILE* fid) {
258     bl* opts;
259     opts = opts_from_array(options, sizeof(options)/sizeof(an_option_t), NULL);
260     opts_print_help(opts, fid, augment_xylist_print_special_opts, NULL);
261     bl_free(opts);
262 }
augment_xylist_add_options(bl * opts)264 void augment_xylist_add_options(bl* opts) {
265     bl* myopts = opts_from_array(options, sizeof(options)/sizeof(an_option_t), NULL);
266     bl_append_list(opts, myopts);
267     bl_free(myopts);
268 }
270 static int parse_fields_string(il* fields, const char* str);
augment_xylist_parse_option(char argchar,char * optarg,augment_xylist_t * axy)272 int augment_xylist_parse_option(char argchar, char* optarg,
273                                 augment_xylist_t* axy) {
274     double d;
275     int verify_extension = -1;
276     //printf("parsing option %c (%i)\n", argchar, (int)argchar);
277     switch (argchar) {
278     case '\x80':
279         axy->sort_rdls = optarg;
280         break;
281     case '\x81':
282         axy->verify_uniformize = FALSE;
283         break;
284     case '\x82':
285         axy->odds_to_tune_up = atof(optarg);
286         break;
287     case '\x83':
288         axy->verify_dedup = FALSE;
289         break;
290     case '\x86':
291         axy->predistort = sip_read_header_file(optarg, NULL);
292         if (!axy->predistort) {
293             ERROR("Failed to read SIP header file \"%s\" for pre-distortion values", optarg);
294             return -1;
295         }
296         break;
297     case '\x94':
298         axy->pixel_xscale = atof(optarg);
299         break;
300     case ';':
301         axy->invert_image = TRUE;
302         break;
303     case '>':
304         axy->set_crpix_center = TRUE;
305         axy->set_crpix = TRUE;
306         break;
307     case '/':
308         axy->crpix[0] = atof(optarg);
309         axy->set_crpix = TRUE;
310         break;
311     case '\\':
312         axy->crpix[1] = atof(optarg);
313         axy->set_crpix = TRUE;
314         break;
315     case '}':
316         sl_append(axy->tagalong, optarg);
317         break;
318     case '<':
319         axy->tagalong_all = TRUE;
320         break;
321     case '{':
322         axy->image_sigma = atof(optarg);
323         break;
324     case '\x93':
325         axy->image_nsigma = atof(optarg);
326         break;
327     case '^':
328         axy->use_source_extractor = TRUE;
329         break;
330     case '&':
331         axy->source_extractor_config = optarg;
332         axy->use_source_extractor = TRUE;
333         break;
334     case '*':
335         axy->source_extractor_path = optarg;
336         axy->use_source_extractor = TRUE;
337         break;
338     case '9':
339         axy->no_removelines = TRUE;
340         break;
341     case ':':
342         axy->uniformize = atoi(optarg);
343         break;
344     case '3':
345         axy->ra_center = atora(optarg);
346         if (axy->ra_center == HUGE_VAL) {
347             ERROR("Couldn't understand your RA center argument \"%s\"", optarg);
348             return -1;
349         }
350         break;
351     case '4':
352         axy->dec_center = atodec(optarg);
353         if (axy->dec_center == HUGE_VAL) {
354             ERROR("Couldn't understand your Dec center argument \"%s\"", optarg);
355             return -1;
356         }
357         break;
358     case '5':
359         axy->search_radius = atof(optarg);
360         break;
361     case '6':
362         axy->extension = atoi(optarg);
363         break;
364     case '[':
365         axy->odds_to_solve = atof(optarg);
366         break;
367     case '#':
368         axy->odds_to_bail = atof(optarg);
369         break;
370     case '%':
371         axy->odds_to_stoplooking = atof(optarg);
372         break;
373     case ']':
374         axy->no_bg_subtraction = TRUE;
375         break;
376     case '8':
377         if (streq(optarg, "pos")) {
378             axy->parity = PARITY_NORMAL;
379         } else if (streq(optarg, "neg")) {
380             axy->parity = PARITY_FLIP;
381         } else {
382             ERROR("Couldn't understand your Parity argument \"%s\": must be \"pos\" or \"neg\"", optarg);
383             return -1;
384         }
385         break;
386     case 'B':
387         axy->corrfn = optarg;
388         break;
389     case 'y':
390         axy->try_verify = FALSE;
391         break;
392     case 'q':
393         d = atof(optarg);
394         if (d < 0.0 || d > 1.0) {
395             ERROR("quad size fraction (-q / --quad-size-min) must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
396             return -1;
397         }
398         axy->quadsize_min = d;
399         break;
400     case 'Q':
401         d = atof(optarg);
402         if (d < 0.0 || d > 1.0) {
403             ERROR("quad size fraction (-Q / --quad-size-max) must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
404             return -1;
405         }
406         axy->quadsize_max = d;
407         break;
408     case 'l':
409         axy->cpulimit = atof(optarg);
410         break;
411     case 'A':
412         axy->dont_augment = TRUE;
413         break;
414     case 'z':
415         axy->downsample = atoi(optarg);
416         break;
417     case 'r':
418         axy->resort = FALSE;
419         break;
420     case 'E':
421         axy->pixelerr = atof(optarg);
422         break;
423     case 'c':
424         axy->codetol = atof(optarg);
425         break;
426     case 'v':
427         axy->verbosity++;
428         break;
429     case '7':
430         axy->no_delete_temp = TRUE;
431         break;
432     case '\x92':
433         verify_extension = atoi(optarg);
434         break;
435     case 'V':
436         sl_append(axy->verifywcs, optarg);
437         il_append(axy->verifywcs_ext,
438                   (verify_extension >= 0 ? verify_extension : axy->extension));
439         break;
440     case 'I':
441         axy->solvedinfn = optarg;
442         break;
443     case 'k':
444         axy->keepxylsfn = optarg;
445         break;
446     case 's':
447         axy->sortcol = optarg;
448         axy->resort = FALSE;
449         break;
450     case 'a':
451         axy->sort_ascending = TRUE;
452         break;
453     case 'X':
454         axy->xcol = optarg;
455         break;
456     case 'Y':
457         axy->ycol = optarg;
458         break;
459     case 'm':
460         axy->tempdir = optarg;
461         break;
462     case 'F':
463         if (parse_fields_string(axy->fields, optarg)) {
464             ERROR("Failed to parse fields specification \"%s\"", optarg);
465             return -1;
466         }
467         break;
468     case 'd':
469         if (parse_depth_string(axy->depths, optarg)) {
470             ERROR("Failed to parse depth specification: \"%s\"", optarg);
471             return -1;
472         }
473         break;
474     case '|':
475         axy->cutobjs = atoi(optarg);
476         break;
477     case 'o':
478         axy->axyfn = optarg;
479         break;
480     case 'i':
481         axy->imagefn = optarg;
482         break;
483     case 'x':
484         axy->xylsfn = optarg;
485         break;
486     case 'L':
487         axy->scalelo = atof(optarg);
488         break;
489     case 'H':
490         axy->scalehi = atof(optarg);
491         break;
492     case 'u':
493         axy->scaleunit = parse_scale_units(optarg);
494         if (axy->scaleunit == -1) {
495             ERROR("Unknown image scale units \"%s\".  See \"solve-field -h\" for allowed values.\n", optarg);
496             return -1;
497         }
498         break;
499     case 'w':
500         axy->W = atoi(optarg);
501         break;
502     case 'e':
503         axy->H = atoi(optarg);
504         break;
505     case 'T':
506         axy->tweak = FALSE;
507         break;
508     case 't':
509         axy->tweakorder = atoi(optarg);
510         break;
511     case 'P':
512         axy->pnmfn = optarg;
513         break;
514     case 'f':
515         axy->force_ppm = TRUE;
516         break;
517     case 'g':
518         axy->guess_scale = TRUE;
519         break;
520     case 'S':
521         axy->solvedfn = optarg;
522         break;
523     case 'C':
524         axy->cancelfn = optarg;
525         break;
526     case 'M':
527         axy->matchfn = optarg;
528         break;
529     case 'R':
530         axy->rdlsfn = optarg;
531         break;
532     case 'j':
533         axy->scampfn = optarg;
534         break;
535     case 'W':
536         axy->wcsfn = optarg;
537         break;
538     default:
539         return 1;
540     }
542     return 0;
543 }
parse_scale_units(const char * units)545 int parse_scale_units(const char* units) {
546     if (strcaseeq(units, "degwidth") ||
547         strcaseeq(units, "degw") ||
548         strcaseeq(units, "dw")) {
549         return SCALE_UNITS_DEG_WIDTH;
550     } else if (strcaseeq(units, "arcminwidth") ||
551                strcaseeq(units, "amw") ||
552                strcaseeq(units, "aw")) {
553         return SCALE_UNITS_ARCMIN_WIDTH;
554     } else if (strcaseeq(units, "arcsecperpix") ||
555                strcaseeq(units, "app")) {
556         return SCALE_UNITS_ARCSEC_PER_PIX;
557     } else if (strcaseeq(units, "focalmm")) {
558         return SCALE_UNITS_FOCAL_MM;
559     }
560     return -1;
561 }
563 // run(): ppmtopgm, pnmtofits, source_extractor
564 // backtick(): pnmfile, image2pnm
append_escape(sl * list,const char * fn)566 static void append_escape(sl* list, const char* fn) {
567     sl_append_nocopy(list, shell_escape(fn));
568 }
append_executable(sl * list,const char * fn,const char * me)569 static void append_executable(sl* list, const char* fn, const char* me) {
570     char* exec = find_executable(fn, me);
571     if (!exec) {
572         char* binfn = NULL;
573         asprintf_safe(&binfn, "../bin/%s", fn);
574         exec = find_executable(binfn, me);
575         free(binfn);
576     }
577     if (!exec) {
578         ERROR("Couldn't find executable \"%s\"", fn);
579         exit(-1);
580     }
581     sl_append_nocopy(list, shell_escape(exec));
582     free(exec);
583 }
backtick(sl * cmd,anbool verbose)585 static sl* backtick(sl* cmd, anbool verbose) {
586     char* cmdstr = sl_implode(cmd, " ");
587     sl* lines;
588     logverb("Running: %s\n", cmdstr);
589     if (run_command_get_outputs(cmdstr, &lines, NULL)) {
590         ERROR("Failed to run command: %s", cmdstr);
591         free(cmdstr);
592         exit(-1);
593     }
594     free(cmdstr);
595     sl_remove_all(cmd);
596     return lines;
597 }
run(sl * cmd,anbool verbose)599 static void run(sl* cmd, anbool verbose) {
600     if (verbose) {
601         char* cmdstr = sl_implode(cmd, " ");
602         logverb("Running: %s\n", cmdstr);
603         if (run_command_get_outputs(cmdstr, NULL, NULL)) {
604             ERROR("Failed to run command: %s", cmdstr);
605             free(cmdstr);
606             exit(-1);
607         }
608         free(cmdstr);
609         sl_remove_all(cmd);
610     } else {
611         sl* lines = backtick(cmd, verbose);
612         if (verbose) {
613             int i;
614             for (i=0; i<sl_size(lines); i++)
615                 logverb("  %s\n", sl_get(lines, i));
616         }
617         sl_free2(lines);
618     }
619 }
add_sip_coeffs(qfits_header * hdr,const char * prefix,const sip_t * sip)621 static void add_sip_coeffs(qfits_header* hdr, const char* prefix, const sip_t* sip) {
622     char key[64];
623     int m, n, order;
625     if (sip->a_order) {
626         sprintf(key, "%sSAO", prefix);
627         order = sip->a_order;
628         fits_header_add_int(hdr, key, order, "SIP forward polynomial order");
629         for (m=0; m<=order; m++) {
630             for (n=0; (m+n)<=order; n++) {
631                 if (m+n < 1)
632                     continue;
633                 sprintf(key, "%sA%i%i", prefix, m, n);
634                 fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, sip->a[m][n], "");
635                 sprintf(key, "%sB%i%i", prefix, m, n);
636                 fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, sip->b[m][n], "");
637             }
638         }
639     }
640     if (sip->ap_order) {
641         order = sip->ap_order;
642         sprintf(key, "%sSAPO", prefix);
643         fits_header_add_int(hdr, key, order, "SIP reverse polynomial order");
644         for (m=0; m<=order; m++) {
645             for (n=0; (m+n)<=order; n++) {
646                 if (m+n < 1)
647                     continue;
648                 sprintf(key, "%sAP%i%i", prefix, m, n);
649                 fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, sip->ap[m][n], "");
650                 sprintf(key, "%sBP%i%i", prefix, m, n);
651                 fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, sip->bp[m][n], "");
652             }
653         }
654     }
655 }
augment_xylist(augment_xylist_t * axy,const char * me)657 int augment_xylist(augment_xylist_t* axy,
658                    const char* me) {
659     // tempfiles to delete when we finish
660     sl* tempfiles;
661     sl* cmd;
662     anbool verbose = axy->verbosity > 0;
663     int i, I;
664     //anbool guessed_scale = FALSE;
665     anbool dosort = FALSE;
666     char* xylsfn;
667     qfits_header* hdr = NULL;
668     anbool addwh = TRUE;
669     FILE* fout = NULL;
670     char *fitsimgfn = NULL;
671     dl* scales;
672     char* nolinesfn = NULL;
673     char* sortedxylsfn = NULL;
674     char* unixylsfn = NULL;
675     char* cutxylsfn = NULL;
676     // as we process the image (uncompress it, eg), keep track of extension
677     // (along with axy->fitsimgfn if keep_fitsimg is set)
678     axy->fitsimgext = axy->extension;
680     cmd = sl_new(16);
681     tempfiles = sl_new(4);
682     scales = dl_new(4);
684     if (axy->imagefn) {
685         // if --image is given:
686         //       -run image2pnm
687         //       -if it's a FITS image, keep the original
688         //       -otherwise, run ppmtopgm (if necessary) and pnmtofits.
689         //       -run image2xy to generate xylist
690         char *uncompressedfn;
691         char *pnmfn = NULL;
692         sl* lines;
693         anbool iscompressed = FALSE;
694         char* line;
695         char pnmtype;
696         char typestr[256];
697         anbool want_pnm = TRUE;
699         uncompressedfn = create_temp_file("uncompressed", axy->tempdir);
700         sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, uncompressedfn);
702         if (axy->assume_fits_image) {
703             axy->isfits = TRUE;
704             if (!axy->pnmfn) {
705                 qfits_header* hdr;
706                 want_pnm = FALSE;
707                 // We need to get image W,H from the FITS header.
708                 logverb("Reading FITS image \"%s\" to find image size\n", axy->imagefn);
709                 hdr = anqfits_get_header2(axy->imagefn, axy->extension);
710                 axy->W = qfits_header_getint(hdr, "NAXIS1", -1);
711                 axy->H = qfits_header_getint(hdr, "NAXIS2", -1);
712                 qfits_header_destroy(hdr);
713                 if (axy->W == -1 || axy->H == -1) {
714                     ERROR("Failed to find size of FITS image \"%s\": got NAXIS1 = %i, NAXIS2 = %i\n",
715                           axy->imagefn, axy->W, axy->H);
716                     return -1;
717                 }
718                 logverb("  got FITS image size %i x %i\n", axy->W, axy->H);
719             }
720         }
722         if (want_pnm) {
723             if (axy->pnmfn)
724                 pnmfn = axy->pnmfn;
725             else {
726                 pnmfn = create_temp_file("pnm", axy->tempdir);
727                 sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, pnmfn);
728             }
730             append_executable(cmd, "image2pnm", me);
731             if (axy->extension) {
732                 sl_append(cmd, "--extension");
733                 sl_appendf(cmd, "%i", axy->extension);
734             }
735             sl_append(cmd, "--infile");
736             append_escape(cmd, axy->imagefn);
737             sl_append(cmd, "--uncompressed-outfile");
738             append_escape(cmd, uncompressedfn);
739             sl_append(cmd, "--outfile");
740             append_escape(cmd, pnmfn);
741             if (axy->force_ppm)
742                 sl_append(cmd, "--ppm");
743             sl_append(cmd, "--mydir");
744             append_escape(cmd, me);
745             lines = backtick(cmd, verbose);
746             axy->isfits = FALSE;
747             for (i=0; i<sl_size(lines); i++) {
748                 logverb("  %s\n", sl_get(lines, i));
749                 if (streq("fits", sl_get(lines, i)))
750                     axy->isfits = TRUE;
751                 if (streq("compressed", sl_get(lines, i)))
752                     iscompressed = TRUE;
753                 if (streq("fz", sl_get(lines, i)))
754                     axy->fitsimgext = 0;
755             }
756             sl_free2(lines);
758             // Get image W, H, depth.
759             sl_append(cmd, "pnmfile");
760             append_escape(cmd, pnmfn);
762             lines = backtick(cmd, verbose);
764             if (sl_size(lines) == 0) {
765                 ERROR("Got no output from the \"pnmfile\" program.");
766                 exit(-1);
767             }
768             line = sl_get(lines, 0);
769             // eg       "/tmp/pnm:       PPM raw, 800 by 510  maxval 255"
770             if (strlen(pnmfn) + 1 >= strlen(line)) {
771                 ERROR("Failed to parse output from pnmfile: \"%s\"", line);
772                 exit(-1);
773             }
774             line += strlen(pnmfn) + 1;
775             // "PBM raw, 750 by 864"
776             if (sscanf(line, " P%cM %255s %d by %d",
777                        &pnmtype, typestr, &axy->W, &axy->H) != 4) {
778                 ERROR("Failed to parse output from pnmfile: \"%s\"\n", line);
779                 exit(-1);
780             }
781             sl_free2(lines);
782         }
784         if (axy->isfits) {
786             if (iscompressed)
787                 fitsimgfn = uncompressedfn;
788             else
789                 fitsimgfn = axy->imagefn;
791             if (axy->try_verify) {
792                 char* errstr;
793                 sip_t sip;
794                 anbool ok;
795                 // Try to read WCS header from FITS image; if successful,
796                 // add it to the list of WCS headers to verify.
797                 logverb("Looking for a WCS header in FITS input image %s ext %i\n", fitsimgfn, axy->fitsimgext);
799                 // FIXME - Right now we just try to read SIP/TAN -
800                 // obviously this should be more flexible and robust.
801                 errors_start_logging_to_string();
802                 memset(&sip, 0, sizeof(sip_t));
803                 ok = (sip_read_header_file_ext(fitsimgfn, axy->fitsimgext, &sip) != NULL);
804                 errstr = errors_stop_logging_to_string(": ");
805                 if (ok) {
806                     logmsg("Found an existing WCS header, will try to verify it.\n");
807                     sl_append(axy->verifywcs, fitsimgfn);
808                     il_append(axy->verifywcs_ext, axy->fitsimgext);
809                 } else {
810                     logverb("Failed to read a SIP or TAN header from FITS image.\n");
811                     logverb("  (reason: %s)\n", errstr);
812                 }
813                 free(errstr);
814             }
816         } else {
817             fitsimgfn = create_temp_file("fits", axy->tempdir);
818             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, fitsimgfn);
820             if (pnmtype == 'P') {
821                 logverb("Converting PPM image to FITS...\n");
823                 sl_append(cmd, "ppmtopgm");
824                 append_escape(cmd, pnmfn);
825                 sl_append(cmd, "|");
826                 append_executable(cmd, "an-pnmtofits", me);
827                 sl_append(cmd, ">");
828                 append_escape(cmd, fitsimgfn);
830                 run(cmd, verbose);
832             } else if (pnmtype == 'G') {
833                 logverb("Converting PGM image to FITS...\n");
835                 append_executable(cmd, "an-pnmtofits", me);
836                 append_escape(cmd, pnmfn);
837                 sl_append(cmd, ">");
838                 append_escape(cmd, fitsimgfn);
840                 run(cmd, verbose);
842             } else if (pnmtype == 'B') {
843                 logverb("Converting PBM image to FITS...\n");
845                 sl_append(cmd, "pbmtopgm 3 3");
846                 append_escape(cmd, pnmfn);
847                 sl_append(cmd, "|");
848                 append_executable(cmd, "an-pnmtofits", me);
849                 sl_append(cmd, ">");
850                 append_escape(cmd, fitsimgfn);
851                 run(cmd, verbose);
852             } else {
853                 assert(0);
854             }
856         }
858         if (axy->keep_fitsimg) {
859             axy->fitsimgfn = strdup(fitsimgfn);
860             sl_remove_string(tempfiles, fitsimgfn);
861         }
863         logmsg("Extracting sources...\n");
864         xylsfn = create_temp_file("xyls", axy->tempdir);
865         sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, xylsfn);
867         if (axy->use_source_extractor) {
868             if (axy->source_extractor_path)
869                 sl_append(cmd, axy->source_extractor_path);
870             else
871                 sl_append(cmd, "source-extractor");
873             if (axy->source_extractor_config)
874                 sl_appendf(cmd, "-c %s", axy->source_extractor_config);
875             else {
876                 char* paramfn;
877                 char* paramstr;
878                 char* filterfn;
879                 char* filterstr;
881                 paramfn = create_temp_file("param", axy->tempdir);
882                 sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, paramfn);
883                 paramstr = "X_IMAGE\nY_IMAGE\nMAG_AUTO\nFLUX_AUTO";
884                 if (write_file(paramfn, paramstr, strlen(paramstr))) {
885                     ERROR("Failed to write Source Extractor parameters to temp file \"%s\"", paramfn);
886                     exit(-1);
887                 }
888                 sl_appendf(cmd, "-PARAMETERS_NAME %s", paramfn);
889                 if (verbose)
890                     sl_append(cmd, "-VERBOSE_TYPE FULL");
892                 axy->xcol = "X_IMAGE";
893                 axy->ycol = "Y_IMAGE";
894                 axy->sortcol = "MAG_AUTO";
895                 axy->sort_ascending = TRUE;
897                 filterfn = create_temp_file("filter", axy->tempdir);
898                 sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, filterfn);
899                 filterstr = "CONV NORM\n"
900                     "# 5x5 convolution mask of a gaussian PSF with FWHM = 2.0 pixels.\n"
901                     "0.006319 0.040599 0.075183 0.040599 0.006319\n"
902                     "0.040599 0.260856 0.483068 0.260856 0.040599\n"
903                     "0.075183 0.483068 0.894573 0.483068 0.075183\n"
904                     "0.040599 0.260856 0.483068 0.260856 0.040599\n"
905                     "0.006319 0.040599 0.075183 0.040599 0.006319\n";
906                 if (write_file(filterfn, filterstr, strlen(filterstr))) {
907                     ERROR("Failed to write Source Extractor convolution filter to temp file \"%s\"", filterfn);
908                     exit(-1);
909                 }
910                 sl_appendf(cmd, "-FILTER_NAME %s", filterfn);
911             }
913             sl_append(cmd, "-CATALOG_TYPE FITS_1.0");
914             sl_appendf(cmd, "-CATALOG_NAME %s", xylsfn);
915             append_escape(cmd, fitsimgfn);
917             logverb("Running Source Extractor: output file is %s\n", xylsfn);
918             run(cmd, verbose);
920         } else {
921             simplexy_t sxyparams;
922             logverb("Running image2xy: input=%s, output=%s, ext=%i\n", fitsimgfn, xylsfn, axy->fitsimgext);
924             // we have to delete the temp file because otherwise image2xy is too timid to overwrite it.
925             if (unlink(xylsfn)) {
926                 SYSERROR("Failed to delete temp file %s", xylsfn);
927                 exit(-1);
928             }
930             memset(&sxyparams, 0, sizeof(simplexy_t));
931             // The other params get set to defaults for float or u8 images.
932             sxyparams.nobgsub = axy->no_bg_subtraction;
933             sxyparams.sigma = axy->image_sigma;
934             sxyparams.invert = axy->invert_image;
935             sxyparams.plim = axy->image_nsigma;
937             // MAGIC 3: downsample by a factor of 2, up to 3 times.
938             if (image2xy_files(fitsimgfn, xylsfn, TRUE, axy->downsample, 3,
939                                axy->fitsimgext, 0, &sxyparams)) {
940                 ERROR("Source extraction failed");
941                 exit(-1);
942             }
943         }
944         dosort = TRUE;
946     } else {
947         // xylist.
948         xylsfn = axy->xylsfn;
949         if (axy->sortcol)
950             dosort = TRUE;
952         if (axy->extension && (axy->extension != 1)) {
953             // Copy just this extension to a temp file.
954             FILE* fout;
955             FILE* fin;
956             off_t offset;
957             off_t nbytes;
958             off_t nprimary;
959             anqfits_t* anq;
960             char* extfn;
962             anq = anqfits_open_hdu(xylsfn, axy->extension);
963             if (!anq) {
964                 ERROR("Failed to open xyls file %s up to extension %i",
965                       xylsfn, axy->extension);
966                 exit(-1);
967             }
969             fin = fopen(xylsfn, "rb");
970             if (!fin) {
971                 SYSERROR("Failed to open xyls file \"%s\"", xylsfn);
972                 exit(-1);
973             }
975             nprimary = anqfits_header_size(anq, 0) + anqfits_data_size(anq, 0);
976             offset = anqfits_header_start(anq, axy->extension);
977             nbytes = anqfits_header_size(anq, axy->extension) +
978                 anqfits_data_size(anq, axy->extension);
979             anqfits_close(anq);
980             extfn = create_temp_file("ext", axy->tempdir);
981             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, extfn);
982             fout = fopen(extfn, "wb");
983             if (!fout) {
984                 SYSERROR("Failed to open temp file \"%s\" to write extension",
985                          extfn);
986                 exit(-1);
987             }
988             logverb("Copying ext %i of %s to temp %s\n", axy->extension,
989                     xylsfn, extfn);
990             if (pipe_file_offset(fin, 0, nprimary, fout)) {
991                 ERROR("Failed to copy the primary HDU of xylist file %s to %s",
992                       xylsfn, extfn);
993                 exit(-1);
994             }
995             if (pipe_file_offset(fin, offset, nbytes, fout)) {
996                 ERROR("Failed to copy HDU %i of xylist file %s to %s",
997                       axy->extension, xylsfn, extfn);
998                 exit(-1);
999             }
1000             fclose(fin);
1001             if (fclose(fout)) {
1002                 SYSERROR("Failed to close %s", extfn);
1003                 exit(-1);
1004             }
1005             xylsfn = extfn;
1006         }
1007     }
1009     if (axy->guess_scale && (fitsimgfn || !axy->imagefn)) {
1010         dl* estscales = NULL;
1011         char* infn = (fitsimgfn ? fitsimgfn : xylsfn);
1012         fits_guess_scale(infn, NULL, &estscales);
1013         for (i=0; i<dl_size(estscales); i++) {
1014             double scale = dl_get(estscales, i);
1015             logverb("Scale estimate: %g\n", scale);
1016             dl_append(scales, scale * 0.99);
1017             dl_append(scales, scale * 1.01);
1018             //guessed_scale = TRUE;
1019         }
1020         dl_free(estscales);
1021     }
1023     // remove lines
1024     // sort
1025     // uniformize
1026     // cut
1027     if (axy->keepxylsfn) {
1028         // Figure out which is the last stage to run, and set its output
1029         // file to "keepxylsfn".
1030         if (axy->cutobjs) {
1031             cutxylsfn = axy->keepxylsfn;
1032         } else if (axy->uniformize) {
1033             unixylsfn = axy->keepxylsfn;
1034         } else if (dosort) {
1035             sortedxylsfn = axy->keepxylsfn;
1036         } else if (!axy->no_removelines) {
1037             nolinesfn = axy->keepxylsfn;
1038         } else {
1039             // copy xylsfn to axy->keepxylsfn.
1040             if (copy_file(xylsfn, axy->keepxylsfn)) {
1041                 ERROR("Failed to copy xyls file \"%s\" to \"%s\"",
1042                       xylsfn, axy->keepxylsfn);
1043                 return -1;
1044             }
1045         }
1046     }
1048     if (!axy->no_removelines) {
1049         if (!nolinesfn) {
1050             nolinesfn = create_temp_file("removelines", axy->tempdir);
1051             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, nolinesfn);
1052         }
1053         logverb("Removing lines of (spurious) sources from xylist \"%s\", writing to \"%s\"\n",
1054                 xylsfn, nolinesfn);
1055         append_executable(cmd, "removelines", me);
1056         if (axy->xcol)
1057             sl_appendf(cmd, "-X %s", axy->xcol);
1058         if (axy->ycol)
1059             sl_appendf(cmd, "-Y %s", axy->ycol);
1060         //if (axy->extension)
1061         //    sl_appendf(cmd, "-e %i", axy->extension);
1062         append_escape(cmd, xylsfn);
1063         append_escape(cmd, nolinesfn);
1064         run(cmd, verbose);
1065         xylsfn = nolinesfn;
1066     }
1068     if (dosort) {
1069         anbool do_tabsort = FALSE;
1071         if (!axy->sortcol)
1072             axy->sortcol = "FLUX";
1073         if (!axy->bgcol)
1074             axy->bgcol = "BACKGROUND";
1076         if (!sortedxylsfn) {
1077             sortedxylsfn = create_temp_file("sorted", axy->tempdir);
1078             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, sortedxylsfn);
1079         }
1081         if (axy->resort) {
1082             char* err;
1083             int rtn;
1084             logverb("Sorting file \"%s\" to \"%s\" using columns flux (%s) and background (%s), %sscending\n",
1085                     xylsfn, sortedxylsfn, axy->sortcol, axy->bgcol, axy->sort_ascending?"a":"de");
1086             errors_start_logging_to_string();
1087             rtn = resort_xylist(xylsfn, sortedxylsfn, axy->sortcol, axy->bgcol, axy->sort_ascending);
1088             err = errors_stop_logging_to_string(": ");
1089             if (rtn) {
1090                 logmsg("Sorting brightness using %s and BACKGROUND columns failed; falling back to %s.\n",
1091                        axy->sortcol, axy->sortcol);
1092                 logverb("Reason: %s\n", err);
1093                 do_tabsort = TRUE;
1094             }
1095             free(err);
1097         } else
1098             do_tabsort = TRUE;
1100         if (do_tabsort) {
1101             logverb("Sorting by brightness: input=%s, output=%s, column=%s.\n",
1102                     xylsfn, sortedxylsfn, axy->sortcol);
1103             tabsort(xylsfn, sortedxylsfn,
1104                     axy->sortcol, !axy->sort_ascending);
1105         }
1106         xylsfn = sortedxylsfn;
1107     }
1109     if (axy->uniformize) {
1110         if (!unixylsfn) {
1111             unixylsfn = create_temp_file("uniform", axy->tempdir);
1112             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, unixylsfn);
1113         }
1114         append_executable(cmd, "uniformize", me);
1115         sl_appendf(cmd, "-n %i", axy->uniformize);
1116         if (axy->xcol)
1117             sl_appendf(cmd, "-X %s", axy->xcol);
1118         if (axy->ycol)
1119             sl_appendf(cmd, "-Y %s", axy->ycol);
1120         //if (axy->extension)
1121         //    sl_appendf(cmd, "-e %i", axy->extension);
1122         append_escape(cmd, xylsfn);
1123         append_escape(cmd, unixylsfn);
1124         run(cmd, verbose);
1125         xylsfn = unixylsfn;
1126     }
1128     if (axy->cutobjs) {
1129         // cut the source lists to at most "cutobjs" objects.
1130         if (!cutxylsfn) {
1131             cutxylsfn = create_temp_file("cut", axy->tempdir);
1132             sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, cutxylsfn);
1133         }
1135         if (cut_table(xylsfn, cutxylsfn, axy->cutobjs)) {
1136             ERROR("Failed to cut table %s to %i entries; output file %s", xylsfn, axy->cutobjs, cutxylsfn);
1137             return -1;
1138         }
1139         xylsfn = cutxylsfn;
1140     }
1142     if (axy->dont_augment)
1143         // done!
1144         goto cleanup;
1146     // start piling FITS headers in there.
1147     hdr = anqfits_get_header2(xylsfn, 0);
1148     if (!hdr) {
1149         ERROR("Failed to read FITS header from file %s", xylsfn);
1150         exit(-1);
1151     }
1153     // delete any existing processing directives
1154     delete_existing_an_headers(hdr);
1156     if (!(axy->W && axy->H)) {
1157         // Look for existing IMAGEW and IMAGEH in primary header.
1158         axy->W = qfits_header_getint(hdr, "IMAGEW", 0);
1159         axy->H = qfits_header_getint(hdr, "IMAGEH", 0);
1160         if (axy->W && axy->H) {
1161             addwh = FALSE;
1162         } else {
1163             // Look for IMAGEW and IMAGEH headers in first extension, else bail.
1164             qfits_header* hdr2 = anqfits_get_header2(xylsfn, 1);
1165             axy->W = qfits_header_getint(hdr2, "IMAGEW", 0);
1166             axy->H = qfits_header_getint(hdr2, "IMAGEH", 0);
1167             qfits_header_destroy(hdr2);
1168         }
1169         if (!(axy->W && axy->H)) {
1170             ERROR("Error: image width and height must be specified for XYLS inputs");
1171             exit(-1);
1172         }
1173     }
1175     // we may write long filenames.
1176     fits_header_add_longstring_boilerplate(hdr);
1178     if (addwh) {
1179         fits_header_add_int(hdr, "IMAGEW", axy->W, "image width");
1180         fits_header_add_int(hdr, "IMAGEH", axy->H, "image height");
1181     }
1182     qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANRUN", "T", "Solve this field!", NULL);
1184     if (axy->cpulimit > 0)
1185         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANCLIM", axy->cpulimit, "CPU time limit (seconds)");
1187     if (axy->xcol)
1188         qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANXCOL", axy->xcol, "Name of column containing X coords", NULL);
1189     if (axy->ycol)
1190         qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANYCOL", axy->ycol, "Name of column containing Y coords", NULL);
1192     if (axy->tagalong_all)
1193         qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANTAGALL", "T", "Tag-along all columns from index to RDLS", NULL);
1194     else
1195         for (i=0; i<sl_size(axy->tagalong); i++) {
1196             char key[64];
1197             sprintf(key, "ANTAG%i", i+1);
1198             qfits_header_add(hdr, key, sl_get(axy->tagalong, i), "Tag-along column from index to RDLS", NULL);
1199         }
1201     if (axy->sort_rdls)
1202         qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANRDSORT", axy->sort_rdls, "Sort RDLS file by this column", NULL);
1204     qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANVERUNI", axy->verify_uniformize ? "T":"F", "Uniformize field during verification", NULL);
1205     qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANVERDUP", axy->verify_dedup ? "T":"F", "Deduplicate field during verification", NULL);
1207     if (axy->odds_to_tune_up)
1208         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANODDSTU", axy->odds_to_tune_up, "Odds ratio to tune up a match");
1209     if (axy->odds_to_solve)
1210         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANODDSSL", axy->odds_to_solve, "Odds ratio to consider a field solved");
1211     if (axy->odds_to_bail)
1212         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANODDSBL", axy->odds_to_bail, "Odds ratio to consider a hypothesis rejected");
1213     if (axy->odds_to_stoplooking)
1214         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANODDSST", axy->odds_to_stoplooking, "Odds ratio to stop trying to improve the odds ratio");
1216     if ((axy->scalelo > 0.0) || (axy->scalehi > 0.0)) {
1217         double appu, appl;
1218         switch (axy->scaleunit) {
1219         case SCALE_UNITS_DEG_WIDTH:
1220             logverb("Scale range: %g to %g degrees wide\n", axy->scalelo, axy->scalehi);
1221             appl = deg2arcsec(axy->scalelo) / (double)axy->W;
1222             appu = deg2arcsec(axy->scalehi) / (double)axy->W;
1223             logverb("Image width %i pixels; arcsec per pixel range %g %g\n", axy->W, appl, appu);
1224             break;
1225         case SCALE_UNITS_ARCMIN_WIDTH:
1226             logverb("Scale range: %g to %g arcmin wide\n", axy->scalelo, axy->scalehi);
1227             appl = arcmin2arcsec(axy->scalelo) / (double)axy->W;
1228             appu = arcmin2arcsec(axy->scalehi) / (double)axy->W;
1229             logverb("Image width %i pixels; arcsec per pixel range %g %g\n", axy->W, appl, appu);
1230             break;
1231         case SCALE_UNITS_ARCSEC_PER_PIX:
1232             logverb("Scale range: %g to %g arcsec/pixel\n", axy->scalelo, axy->scalehi);
1233             appl = axy->scalelo;
1234             appu = axy->scalehi;
1235             break;
1236         case SCALE_UNITS_FOCAL_MM:
1237             logverb("Scale range: %g to %g mm focal length\n", axy->scalelo, axy->scalehi);
1238             // "35 mm" film is 36 mm wide.
1239             appu = rad2arcsec(atan(36. / (2. * axy->scalelo))) / (double)axy->W;
1240             appl = rad2arcsec(atan(36. / (2. * axy->scalehi))) / (double)axy->W;
1241             logverb("Image width %i pixels; arcsec per pixel range %g %g\n", axy->W, appl, appu);
1242             break;
1243         default:
1244             ERROR("Unknown scale unit code %i\n", axy->scaleunit);
1245             return -1;
1246         }
1247         dl_append(scales, appl);
1248         dl_append(scales, appu);
1249     }
1251     /* Hmm, do we want this??
1252      if ((dl_size(axy->scales) > 0) && guessed_scale)
1253      qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANAPPDEF", "T", "try the default scale range too.", NULL);
1254      */
1256     for (i=0; i<dl_size(scales)/2; i++) {
1257         char key[64];
1258         double lo = dl_get(scales, 2*i);
1259         double hi = dl_get(scales, 2*i + 1);
1260         if (lo > 0.0) {
1261             sprintf(key, "ANAPPL%i", i+1);
1262             fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, lo, "scale: arcsec/pixel min");
1263         }
1264         if (hi > 0.0) {
1265             sprintf(key, "ANAPPU%i", i+1);
1266             fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, hi, "scale: arcsec/pixel max");
1267         }
1268     }
1270     if (axy->quadsize_min > 0.0)
1271         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANQSFMIN", axy->quadsize_min, "minimum quad size: fraction");
1272     if (axy->quadsize_max > 0.0)
1273         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANQSFMAX", axy->quadsize_max, "maximum quad size: fraction");
1275     if (axy->set_crpix) {
1276         if (axy->set_crpix_center) {
1277             qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANCRPIXC", "T", "Set CRPIX to the image center.", NULL);
1278         } else {
1279             fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANCRPIX1", axy->crpix[0], "Set CRPIX1 to this val.");
1280             fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANCRPIX2", axy->crpix[1], "Set CRPIX2 to this val.");
1281         }
1282     }
1284     qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANTWEAK", (axy->tweak ? "T" : "F"), (axy->tweak ? "Tweak: yes please!" : "Tweak: no, thanks."), NULL);
1285     if (axy->tweak && axy->tweakorder)
1286         fits_header_add_int(hdr, "ANTWEAKO", axy->tweakorder, "Tweak order");
1288     if (axy->solvedfn)
1289         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANSOLVED", "solved output file", "%s", axy->solvedfn);
1290     if (axy->solvedinfn)
1291         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANSOLVIN", "solved input file", "%s", axy->solvedinfn);
1292     if (axy->cancelfn)
1293         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANCANCEL", "cancel output file", "%s", axy->cancelfn);
1294     if (axy->matchfn)
1295         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANMATCH", "match output file", "%s", axy->matchfn);
1296     if (axy->rdlsfn)
1297         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANRDLS", "ra-dec output file", "%s", axy->rdlsfn);
1298     if (axy->scampfn)
1299         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANSCAMP", "SCAMP reference catalog output file", "%s", axy->scampfn);
1300     if (axy->wcsfn)
1301         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANWCS", "WCS header output filename", "%s", axy->wcsfn);
1302     if (axy->corrfn)
1303         fits_header_addf_longstring(hdr, "ANCORR", "Correspondences output filename", "%s", axy->corrfn);
1304     if (axy->codetol > 0.0)
1305         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANCTOL", axy->codetol, "code tolerance");
1306     if (axy->pixelerr > 0.0)
1307         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANPOSERR", axy->pixelerr, "star pos'n error (pixels)");
1309     if (axy->parity != PARITY_BOTH) {
1310         if (axy->parity == PARITY_NORMAL)
1311             qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANPARITY", "POS", "det(CD) > 0", NULL);
1312         else if (axy->parity == PARITY_FLIP)
1313             qfits_header_add(hdr, "ANPARITY", "NEG", "det(CD) < 0", NULL);
1314     }
1316     if ((axy->ra_center != HUGE_VAL) &&
1317         (axy->dec_center != HUGE_VAL) &&
1318         (axy->search_radius >= 0.0)) {
1319         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANERA", axy->ra_center, "RA center estimate (deg)");
1320         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANEDEC", axy->dec_center, "Dec center estimate (deg)");
1321         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANERAD", axy->search_radius, "Search radius from estimated posn (deg)");
1322     }
1324     for (i=0; i<il_size(axy->depths)/2; i++) {
1325         int depthlo, depthhi;
1326         char key[64];
1327         depthlo = il_get(axy->depths, 2*i);
1328         depthhi = il_get(axy->depths, 2*i + 1);
1329         sprintf(key, "ANDPL%i", (i+1));
1330         fits_header_addf(hdr, key, "", "%i", depthlo);
1331         sprintf(key, "ANDPU%i", (i+1));
1332         fits_header_addf(hdr, key, "", "%i", depthhi);
1333     }
1335     for (i=0; i<il_size(axy->fields)/2; i++) {
1336         int lo = il_get(axy->fields, 2*i);
1337         int hi = il_get(axy->fields, 2*i + 1);
1338         char key[64];
1339         if (lo == hi) {
1340             sprintf(key, "ANFD%i", (i+1));
1341             fits_header_add_int(hdr, key, lo, "field to solve");
1342         } else {
1343             sprintf(key, "ANFDL%i", (i+1));
1344             fits_header_add_int(hdr, key, lo, "field range: low");
1345             sprintf(key, "ANFDU%i", (i+1));
1346             fits_header_add_int(hdr, key, hi, "field range: high");
1347         }
1348     }
1350     I = 0;
1351     for (i=0; i<sl_size(axy->verifywcs); i++) {
1352         sip_t sip;
1353         const char* fn;
1354         int ext;
1356         fn = sl_get(axy->verifywcs, i);
1357         ext = il_get(axy->verifywcs_ext, i);
1358         if (!sip_read_header_file_ext(fn, ext, &sip)) {
1359             ERROR("Failed to parse WCS header from file \"%s\" ext %i", fn, ext);
1360             continue;
1361         }
1363         I++;
1364         {
1365             tan_t* wcs = &(sip.wcstan);
1366             // note, this initialization has to happen *after* you read the WCS header :)
1367             double vals[] = { wcs->crval[0], wcs->crval[1],
1368                               wcs->crpix[0], wcs->crpix[1],
1369                               wcs->cd[0][0], wcs->cd[0][1],
1370                               wcs->cd[1][0], wcs->cd[1][1] };
1371             char key[64];
1372             char* keys[] = { "ANW%iPIX1", "ANW%iPIX2", "ANW%iVAL1", "ANW%iVAL2",
1373                              "ANW%iCD11", "ANW%iCD12", "ANW%iCD21", "ANW%iCD22" };
1374             int j;
1375             for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
1376                 sprintf(key, keys[j], I);
1377                 fits_header_add_double(hdr, key, vals[j], "");
1378             }
1380             sprintf(key, "ANW%i", I);
1381             add_sip_coeffs(hdr, key, &sip);
1382         }
1383     }
1385     if (axy->predistort) {
1386         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANDPIX0", axy->predistort->wcstan.crpix[0], "Pre-distortion ref pix x");
1387         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANDPIX1", axy->predistort->wcstan.crpix[1], "Pre-distortion ref pix y");
1388         add_sip_coeffs(hdr, "AND", axy->predistort);
1389     }
1391     if (axy->pixel_xscale) {
1392         fits_header_add_double(hdr, "ANPXSCAL", axy->pixel_xscale, "x scaling to make square pixels");
1393     }
1395     fout = fopen(axy->axyfn, "wb");
1396     if (!fout) {
1397         SYSERROR("Failed to open output file %s", axy->axyfn);
1398         exit(-1);
1399     }
1401     logverb("Writing headers to file %s\n", axy->axyfn);
1403     if (qfits_header_dump(hdr, fout)) {
1404         ERROR("Failed to write FITS header");
1405         exit(-1);
1406     }
1407     qfits_header_destroy(hdr);
1409     // copy blocks from xyls to output.
1410     {
1411         FILE* fin;
1412         off_t offset;
1413         off_t nbytes;
1414         anqfits_t* anq;
1415         int ext = 1;
1417         anq = anqfits_open_hdu(xylsfn, ext);
1418         if (!anq) {
1419             ERROR("Failed to open xyls file %s up to extension %i", xylsfn, ext);
1420             exit(-1);
1421         }
1422         offset = anqfits_header_start(anq, ext);
1423         nbytes = anqfits_header_size(anq, ext) + anqfits_data_size(anq, ext);
1425         logverb("Copying data block of file %s to output %s.\n",
1426                 xylsfn, axy->axyfn);
1427         anqfits_close(anq);
1429         fin = fopen(xylsfn, "rb");
1430         if (!fin) {
1431             SYSERROR("Failed to open xyls file \"%s\"", xylsfn);
1432             exit(-1);
1433         }
1435         if (pipe_file_offset(fin, offset, nbytes, fout)) {
1436             ERROR("Failed to copy the data segment of xylist file %s to %s",
1437                   xylsfn, axy->axyfn);
1438             exit(-1);
1439         }
1440         fclose(fin);
1441     }
1442     fclose(fout);
1444  cleanup:
1445     if (!axy->no_delete_temp) {
1446         for (i=0; i<sl_size(tempfiles); i++) {
1447             char* fn = sl_get(tempfiles, i);
1448             logverb("Deleting temp file %s\n", fn);
1449             if (unlink(fn)) {
1450                 SYSERROR("Failed to delete temp file \"%s\"", fn);
1451             }
1452         }
1453     }
1455     dl_free(scales);
1456     sl_free2(cmd);
1457     sl_free2(tempfiles);
1458     return 0;
1459 }
delete_existing_an_headers(qfits_header * hdr)1461 static void delete_existing_an_headers(qfits_header* hdr) {
1462     int i,j,k;
1463     char key[64];
1464     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANRUN");
1465     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCLIM");
1466     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANXCOL");
1467     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANYCOL");
1468     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANTAGALL");
1469     for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
1470         sprintf(key, "ANTAG%i", i+1);
1471         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1472         sprintf(key, "ANAPPL%i", i+1);
1473         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1474         sprintf(key, "ANAPPU%i", i+1);
1475         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1476         sprintf(key, "ANDPL%i", i+1);
1477         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1478         sprintf(key, "ANDPU%i", i+1);
1479         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1480         sprintf(key, "ANFD%i", i+1);
1481         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1482         sprintf(key, "ANFDL%i", i+1);
1483         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1484         sprintf(key, "ANFDU%i", i+1);
1485         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1486     }
1487     for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
1488         sprintf(key, "ANW%iPIX1", i+1);
1489         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1490         sprintf(key, "ANW%iPIX2", i+1);
1491         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1492         sprintf(key, "ANW%iVAL1", i+1);
1493         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1494         sprintf(key, "ANW%iVAL2", i+1);
1495         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1496         sprintf(key, "ANW%iCD11", i+1);
1497         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1498         sprintf(key, "ANW%iCD12", i+1);
1499         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1500         sprintf(key, "ANW%iCD21", i+1);
1501         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1502         sprintf(key, "ANW%iCD22", i+1);
1503         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1504         sprintf(key, "ANW%iSAO", i+1);
1505         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1506         sprintf(key, "ANW%iSAPO", i+1);
1507         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1508         sprintf(key, "ANW%iSBO", i+1);
1509         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1510         sprintf(key, "ANW%iSBPO", i+1);
1511         qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1512         for (j=0; j<10; j++) {
1513             for (k=0; k<10; k++) {
1514                 sprintf(key, "ANW%iA%i%i", i+1, j, k);
1515                 qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1516                 sprintf(key, "ANW%iB%i%i", i+1, j, k);
1517                 qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1518                 sprintf(key, "ANW%iAP%i%i", i+1, j, k);
1519                 qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1520                 sprintf(key, "ANW%iBP%i%i", i+1, j, k);
1521                 qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1522             }
1523         }
1524     }
1525     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANRDSORT");
1526     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANVERUNI");
1527     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANVERDUP");
1528     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANODDSTU");
1529     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANODDSSL");
1530     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANODDSBL");
1531     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANODDSST");
1532     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANQSFMIN");
1533     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANQSFMAX");
1534     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCRPIXC");
1535     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCRPIX1");
1536     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCRPIX2");
1537     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANTWEAK");
1538     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANTWEAKO");
1539     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANSOLVED");
1540     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANSOLVIN");
1541     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCANCEL");
1542     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANMATCH");
1543     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANRDLS");
1544     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANSCAMP");
1545     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANWCS");
1546     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCORR");
1547     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANCTOL");
1548     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANPOSERR");
1549     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANPARITY");
1550     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANERA");
1551     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANEDEC");
1552     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANERAD");
1553     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDPIX0");
1554     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDPIX1");
1555     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDSAO");
1556     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDSBO");
1557     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDSAPO");
1558     qfits_header_del(hdr, "ANDSBPO");
1559     for (j=0; j<10; j++) {
1560         for (k=0; k<10; k++) {
1561             sprintf(key, "ANDA%i%i", j, k);
1562             qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1563             sprintf(key, "ANDB%i%i", j, k);
1564             qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1565             sprintf(key, "ANDAP%i%i", j, k);
1566             qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1567             sprintf(key, "ANDBP%i%i", j, k);
1568             qfits_header_del(hdr, key);
1569         }
1570     }
1571 }
parse_fields_string(il * fields,const char * str)1573 static int parse_fields_string(il* fields, const char* str) {
1574     // 10,11,20-25,30,40-50
1575     while (str && *str) {
1576         unsigned int lo, hi;
1577         int nread;
1578         if (sscanf(str, "%u-%u", &lo, &hi) == 2) {
1579             sscanf(str, "%*u-%*u%n", &nread);
1580         } else if (sscanf(str, "%u", &lo) == 1) {
1581             sscanf(str, "%*u%n", &nread);
1582             hi = lo;
1583         } else {
1584             ERROR("Failed to parse fragment: \"%s\"", str);
1585             return -1;
1586         }
1587         if (lo <= 0) {
1588             ERROR("Field number %i is invalid: must be >= 1.", lo);
1589             return -1;
1590         }
1591         if (lo > hi) {
1592             ERROR("Field range %i to %i is invalid: max must be >= min!", lo, hi);
1593             return -1;
1594         }
1595         il_append(fields, lo);
1596         il_append(fields, hi);
1597         str += nread;
1598         while ((*str == ',') || isspace((unsigned)(*str)))
1599             str++;
1600     }
1601     return 0;
1602 }