1 /*
2 # This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
3 # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
4  */
LANCZOS_INTERP_FUNC(PyObject * py_ixi,PyObject * py_iyi,PyObject * py_dx,PyObject * py_dy,PyObject * loutputs,PyObject * linputs)5 static int LANCZOS_INTERP_FUNC(PyObject* py_ixi, PyObject* py_iyi,
6                                PyObject* py_dx, PyObject* py_dy,
7                                PyObject* loutputs, PyObject* linputs) {
8     npy_intp W,H, N;
9     npy_intp Nimages;
10     npy_intp i, j;
11     PyArray_Descr* dtype = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT);
12     PyArray_Descr* itype = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_INT32);
17     const int32_t *ixi, *iyi;
18     const float *dx, *dy;
20     PyArrayObject *np_ixi, *np_iyi, *np_dx, *np_dy;
22     /*
23      dx,dy are in [-0.5, 0.5].
25      Lanczos-3 kernel is zero outside [-3,3].
27      We build a look-up table where [0] is L(-3.5).
29      And organized so that:
30      lut[0] = L(-3.5)
31      lut[1] = L(-2.5)
32      lut[2] = L(-1.5)
33      lut[3] = L(-0.5)
34      lut[4] = L( 0.5)
35      lut[5] = L( 1.5)
36      lut[6] = L( 2.5)
37      lut[7] is empty for padding
38             actually, = sum(lut[0:7])
40      lut[8]  = L(-3.499)
41      lut[9]  = L(-2.499)
42      lut[10] = L(-1.499)
43      ...
44      ...
45      lut[8184] = L(-2.501)
46      lut[8185] = L(-1.501)
47      lut[8186] = L(-0.501)
48      ...
50      This is annoying because [-3.5,3] and [3,3.5] are zero so we
51      have to sum 7 elements rather than 6.  But the alternatives
52      seem worse.
53      */
55     //static const int L = 5;
56     // Nlutunit is number of bins per unit x
57     //static const int Nlutunit = 1024;
58     static const int Nlutunit = 2048;
59     static const double lut0 = -(L + 0.5); //-5.5; //-(L+0.5);
60     static const int Nunits = 2*(L+1); //12; //2*(L+1);
61     //static const int Nlut = Nunits * Nlutunit;
62     //static float lut[24576];
63     //static float lut[Nunits*Nlutunit];
64     // HACK -- 2048 here == Nlutunit... some versions of gcc don't believe Nunits*Nlutunit is constant
65     static float lut[2*(L+1)*2048];
66     static int initialized = 0;
68     if (!initialized) {
69         // this table has the elements you need to use together
70         // stored together: L(x[0]), L(x[0]+1), L(x[0]+2), ...;
71         // L(x[1]), L(x[1]+1), L(x[2]+2), ...
72         for (i=0; i<Nlutunit; i++) {
73             double x,f;
74             double acc = 0.;
75             x = (lut0 + ((i+0.5) / (double)Nlutunit));
76             for (j=0; j<Nunits; j++, x+=1.0) {
77                 if (x <= -L || x >= L) {
78                     f = 0.0;
79                 } else if (x == 0) {
80                     f = 1.0;
81                 } else {
82                     f = L * sin(M_PI * x) * sin(M_PI / L * x) /
83                         (M_PI * M_PI * x * x);
84                 }
85                 lut[i * Nunits + j] = f;
86                 acc += f;
87             }
88             lut[i*Nunits + Nunits-1] = acc;
89             //printf("acc: %f\n", acc);
90         }
91         /*
92          for (i=0; i<Nlut; i++) {
93          printf("lut[% 4li] = %f\n", i, lut[i]);
94          }
95          */
96         initialized = 1;
97     }
99     // CheckFromAny steals the dtype reference
100     Py_INCREF(itype);
101     np_ixi = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(py_ixi, itype, 1, 1, req, NULL);
102     np_iyi = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(py_iyi, itype, 1, 1, req, NULL);
103     // At this point, itype refcount = 0
104     Py_INCREF(dtype);
105     Py_INCREF(dtype);
106     np_dx  = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(py_dx,  dtype, 1, 1, req, NULL);
107     np_dy  = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(py_dy,  dtype, 1, 1, req, NULL);
108     // dtype refcount = 1 (we use it more below)
109     if (!np_ixi || !np_iyi) {
110         ERR("ixi,iyi arrays are wrong type / shape\n");
111         return -1;
112     }
113     if (!np_dx || !np_dy) {
114         ERR("dx,dy arrays are wrong type / shape\n");
115         return -1;
116     }
117     N = PyArray_DIM(np_ixi, 0);
118     if ((PyArray_DIM(np_iyi, 0) != N) ||
119         (PyArray_DIM(np_dx,  0) != N) ||
120         (PyArray_DIM(np_dy,  0) != N)) {
121         ERR("ixi,iyi,dx,dy arrays must be same size\n");
122         return -1;
123     }
125     if (!PyList_Check(loutputs) ||
126         !PyList_Check(linputs)) {
127         ERR("loutputs and linputs must be lists of np arrays\n");
128         return -1;
129     }
130     Nimages = PyList_Size(loutputs);
131     if (PyList_Size(linputs) != Nimages) {
132         ERR("loutputs and linputs must be same length\n");
133         return -1;
134     }
136     for (i=0; i<Nimages; i++) {
137         PyArrayObject* np_inimg;
138         PyArrayObject* np_outimg;
139         const float *inimg;
140         float *outimg;
142         ixi = PyArray_DATA(np_ixi);
143         iyi = PyArray_DATA(np_iyi);
144         dx  = PyArray_DATA(np_dx);
145         dy  = PyArray_DATA(np_dy);
147         Py_INCREF(dtype);
148         Py_INCREF(dtype);
149         np_inimg  = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(PyList_GetItem(linputs,  i), dtype, 2, 2, req, NULL);
150         np_outimg = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_CheckFromAny(PyList_GetItem(loutputs, i), dtype, 1, 1, reqout, NULL);
151         if (!np_inimg || !np_outimg) {
152             ERR("Failed to convert input and output images to right type/shape\n");
153             return -1;
154         }
155         if (PyArray_DIM(np_outimg, 0) != N) {
156             ERR("Output image must be same shape as ixo\n");
157             return -1;
158         }
159         H = PyArray_DIM(np_inimg, 0);
160         W = PyArray_DIM(np_inimg, 1);
161         inimg  = PyArray_DATA(np_inimg);
162         outimg = PyArray_DATA(np_outimg);
164         for (j=0; j<N; j++, outimg++, ixi++, iyi++) {
165             // resample inimg[ iyi[j] + dy[j], ixi[j] + dx[j] ]
166             // to outimg[ j ]
167             npy_intp u,v;
168             int tx0, ty0;
169             float acc = 0.;
170             float nacc;
171             const float* ly;
172             int ix,iy;
173             tx0 = (int)((-(dx[j]+L) - lut0) * Nlutunit);
174             ty0 = (int)((-(dy[j]+L) - lut0) * Nlutunit);
175             // clip
176             tx0 = MAX(0, MIN(Nlutunit-1, tx0));
177             ty0 = MAX(0, MIN(Nlutunit-1, ty0));
178             tx0 *= Nunits;
179             ty0 *= Nunits;
180             ly = lut + ty0;
181             iy = *iyi;
182             ix = *ixi;
183             // special-case pixels near the image edges.
184             if (ix < L || ix >= (W-L) || iy < L || iy >= (H-L)) {
185                 iy -= L;
186                 // Lanczos kernel in y direction
187                 for (v=0; v<2*L+1; v++, iy++, ly++) {
188                     float accx = 0;
189                     int clipiy = MAX(0, MIN((int)(H-1), iy));
190                     int ix = *ixi - L;
191                     const float* lx = lut + tx0;
192                     const float* inpix = inimg + clipiy * W;
193                     // Lanczos kernel in x direction
194                     for (u=0; u<2*L+1; u++, ix++, lx++) {
195                         int clipix = MAX(0, MIN((int)(W-1), ix));
196                         accx  += (*lx) * (inpix[clipix]);
197                     }
198                     acc  += (*ly) * accx;
199                 }
200             } else {
201                 iy -= L;
202                 // Lanczos kernel in y direction
203                 for (v=0; v<2*L+1; v++,
204                          iy++, ly++) {
205                     float accx = 0;
206                     int ix = *ixi - L;
207                     const float* lx = lut + tx0;
208                     const float* inpix = inimg + iy * W + ix;
209                     // Lanczos kernel in x direction
210                     for (u=0; u<2*L+1; u++,
211                              lx++, inpix++) {
212                         accx  += (*lx) * (*inpix);
213                     }
214                     acc  += (*ly) * accx;
215                 }
216             }
217             nacc = lut[tx0 + Nunits-1] * lut[ty0 + Nunits-1];
218             *outimg = acc / nacc;
219         }
220         Py_DECREF(np_inimg);
221         Py_DECREF(np_outimg);
222     }
223     Py_DECREF(dtype);
224     Py_DECREF(np_ixi);
225     Py_DECREF(np_iyi);
226     Py_DECREF(np_dx);
227     Py_DECREF(np_dy);
228     return 0;
229 }