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READMEH A D13-Aug-2008513 1410

darwin.cH A D20-Nov-201137 KiB1,266834

descriptors.cH A D13-Aug-200814.7 KiB521388

error.cH A D13-Aug-2008759 3722

error.hH A D13-Aug-2008716 3225

usb.cH A D13-Aug-20086.3 KiB308185

usb.hH A D13-Aug-20088.2 KiB340225

usbi.hH A D13-Aug-20081.7 KiB7555


1This is libusb-0.1.12  with an updated darwin.c that lets USB Garmins
2work with 10.4.10 and later.  Since we have such problems with people
3getting libusb successfully built - between the Universal Build issues
4and the fact that we have to work hard to go find where it's installed
5and unravel the shared library thing -it's easier to just include it
8This code is covered under GPL.
10This is meant to be a stop-gap until we can get rid of libusb and use
11the IoKit framework natively.
1308-11-08 robertlipe